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Assistance needed to track down loadout issues



  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Now that the bugfix is live, please let me know if anyone is still having issues.

    Of note, I recently identified a minor issue with Duty Officers. If you're having issues with Duty Officers resetting incorrectly, try manually Saving and then Loading a loadout, and then resume normal play. That should fix the Duty Officer problem for anyone that is experiencing it, and will serve as a workaround until we patch the bug.

    I'm having an issue with a ship of mine on a character and swapping between it's two loadouts. The different in the loadouts if one BOFF universal station. One one setup, I'm using an Android ENG BOFF which I picked up much later then the other SCI BOFF (HIven, It's a Fed Romulan Captain) I occasionally use in the station. Here name puts here in at the end of of my Active Boffs.

    When I swap to the loadout with Science BOFF (Hiven) it works and BOFF abilities are placed in the tray w/o any issue. When I swap back to the usual default loadout, the Universal BOFF station is set to NONE and none of the BOFF powers (for the station) are in the Power Tray.

    The interesting thing is that my Android Eng OFF is NOT the selection menu for the Universal BOFF Station. But when I select the BOFF and look at here Status panel and then go back to Stations she's in the Universal Station selection list again. That appears to be why the Universal Station is set to NONE and BOFF powers in trays are disappearing. And it only seems to happen if there is a zone transition between the swapping of the loadouts

    So Science BOFF Loadout -> zone change -> Swap to ENG BOFF loadout, Univeral BOFF station set to NONE.
  • darthvrooksdarthvrooks Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah so I actually tried to do something in this game tonight. Changed out my weapons to something with better modifiers and thought I'd play for the first time in two weeks. I left after running azure nebula, come back and log in to once again find this BS


    Beam up to my ship to find the ship equipped with the previously saved loadout, not the one with my new weapons. Beam down to the mine once again just to see what happens and oh look, just when I thought it couldn't possibly get screwed up anymore


    Not one but TWO shields in the forward weapons slots. This problem had disappeared before the last "fix" was implemented. I had been able to swap loadouts with only losing my boff seating. I actually preferred that problem. Back to just doing the stupid daily race and leaving for Star Wars the Old Republic where everything "works as intended".
    In game handle @darthvrooks
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Well I hadn't had any problems for a while but I changed a weapon around today and now it keeps reverting.


    Every time I replace my aft turret with the kinetic cutting beam from my inventory and then beam to a ground map, the cutting beam is back in my inventory and the turret is back on my ship.

    I've tried the method which worked for me before of saving the loadout then removing an item from the ship and loading the loadout but this time it didn't fix it. :(

    Edit: Some more information. I've found that if I switch out the turret for another item it's fine, but every time I try to put my KCB on the ship it reverts when I beam down...

    Edit 2: Ignore the first edit, when I logged in today the other weapon I'd managed to switch out last night was in my inventory and the original was back on the ship again...

    Edit 3: (I want to keep it all together to make it more useful) I managed to get it to save my loadout and stop reverting *touch wood* by going into sector space (Alpha Centauri sector block) and setting things up then saving the loadout, removing a weapon and then loading the loadout. I'd tried in several system space maps to no avail so it was a last ditch effort and it seems to have worked for now.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • elutheria12elutheria12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    this has come back with a vengeance for me the last two days now. Everytime i swap from ESD to sol system or Sol to a STF for example my loadouts change. Not only in the skill tray but all my active Doffs go off duty and regularly weapons jump into consoles slots as has been reported in many other bug reports I found on these forums. Right now I have to constantly equip layouts everytime i load a new screen and for some reason the loadout saved is not 100% what I change it to and resave it. It is an older version of the load out I have now. This also includes traits. It seems to like my wing commadner trait and always reslot it for me even if deselect it..

    elu@elutheri12 is the affected Char.
  • darkoverlordwolfdarkoverlordwolf Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Active Space Doffs keep resetting, This happens when transitioning between maps, seems to not affect very rares as of now.

    Affected characters are Svaio@darkoverlordWolf, Sanio@darkoverlordwolf, Saviosel@darkoverlordwolf.

    EDIT: forgot to add my fed character
  • ir0ncladbravoir0ncladbravo Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I found that saving load out in space tactical view stopped it instantly i no longer have to change doffs, powers or weapons around i just have to remember to save load out EVERY time i upgrade a weapon/equipment when fitting it.
    Everytime I see complaints about the same thing
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    frtoaster wrote: »
    8. Some characters have non-clickable effects from items appear in their space tray.

    frtoaster wrote: »
    This isn't about abilities that are not clickable, but about effects that are not clickable abilities. Take a look at virusdancer's screenshot. He had shield resistances, engine speed and turn rate, and Power Conduit Link show up as icons in his space tray.

    I've started seeing invalid icons appear in my trays.

    Invalid icons in space and ground trays (Holodeck ticket #3,002,569)
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • xraiderv1xraiderv1 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    twice I've changed ships and had half my tray go poof..ALL of my BOFFs unslotted themselves.

    was actually easier to sort out this time at least, so you're getting closer to fixing it.
    Murphy's laws:
    1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
    2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
    3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
  • psychopyro80psychopyro80 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    Having a huge problem with this. I just made this character a few days ago. Ship items are mysteriously unequipping themselves multiple times per play session. Bridge officer skills will also move on my quickbars as well as ship equipment items (batteries, RMC, etc).

    At first, I noticed this happens for about the first 3 or 4 mission zones after I upgrade an item. Every item I slot gets moved back to my inventory and boff skills get moved around. Now it's happening almost every zone, whether it be sector to mission, mission ground to mission space, sector to sector. It really does not seem to matter. There also appears to be no time constraint in place either. I can log off the character fine, log it back in and it is fine, and as soon as I zone, BAM, stuff is moved. The only time I have been able to stop it is if I equip something about 10 times over and over (equip/unequip). After that, it's fine until I equip something new.
  • quepanquepan Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    beware that if you change the shipyard add a ship /dismiss a ship it messes up every ships loadout .
    while you can kinda fix it by loading each ship up making 2 loadouts and and switching them back and forth to get them to keep , 50% of the time when you select a ship you at the very least have to load a loadout or worse have to reconfigure the loadout like there was none to begin with

    im also noticing the Doff bug more pronounce as well ,when you change ships the doffs dont keep for a loadout

    its to the point that if you change anything on a ship you take that chance of the loadout system messing up .
  • dese1ectdese1ect Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Dismissing ships or BOFFs always triggers load out / tray issues for me.
  • leek1234leek1234 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    I have been having this issue with the new ship I purchased. I switched to the ship created the loadout then realized I had not changed the name yet, and decided to do so. (Not sure if this is relevant, but every bit [might] help!)

    Now EVERY time I change zones my ship tries loses different parts of the loadout. Sometimes it's just a slot or two, sometimes it's everything including boffs. It can be very frustrating especially when my engines decide to remove themselves at the start of an STF.

    I would like to delete the loadout and recreate it, to see if that fixes the issue, but it doesn't seem to be an option anywhere. Are loadouts stored locally on client machines, or are they stored server side? (Sorry if this has been discussed before 50+ pages was a lot to read through and I may have missed it.)
  • rowesdurrowesdur Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hello. I cant post a new thread due to forum permissions, but I think this is related to this thread, so i will post it here:

    Bug Report: Error in retrieving space ship subsystem items: changes lost.


    Some times, when selecting some subsystems, i.e. an aft weapon, the selection made is lost after beam down to a planet when I beam up again to my ship. "Lost" means the status of subsystem is the previous one, before changes was made.

    Possible cause of the bug (fully especulative):

    This kind of bug tipically shous up when programmers use server's user session variables to store data. Server user session variables are temporary variables.
    It has some sense: If session variables stored permanently, server soon become full of trash, so it has a lifetime variable attached and, when lifetime reach zero, goodbye data.

    Solution if it is the case:

    Use server user session variable only for it was designed: Store session-especific user information. Do not use it for store permament-kind data.

    Bug Report: Error in retrieving space ship subsystem items: Misplaced items.

    Last Thusday (Dec. 26, 2014), while playing mission "Romulan Mystery: Ghost Ship", I was somekind of funny situation after beam up from this "ghost ship": My ship subsystem appeared in impossible positions: A beam array as a console, a console as deflector, a deflector as an aft weapon. I tried to fix it, but "you can't make changes while in battle" message shows up. Battle ended in disaster. Only Scotty could shoot a deflector to an enemy successfully destroying it.

    Possible cause of thi bug (Fully especulative):

    Misplaced data bug tipically occurs when storing data in text files format, like .xml files or .ini files, etc. And the text somehow becomes corrupt.
    .xml file readers tipically simply ignore bad statements, and continue reading like if it never happend. Other readers make a report log entry, and continue reading.
    Vulnerability to corruption in text data files depends on how programmers design the store format. i.e.:


    Is vulnerable to, in example, a loosed comma, making all misplaced after it. But

    ShipSubSystem_Deflector := DEF_TRIBBLE_IV
    ShipSubSystem_ForeWeapon := BEAM_ARRAY_TRIBBLE_V
    ShipSubSystem_AftWeapon := LIGHT_CANNON_III

    Is less vulnerable, but requires more programming effort.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    How can something as fundamental to game play in STO be left in this state so long? I know you are sick of hearing about it, Devs, but you can't be as sick of hearing about it as I am of having it happen. For the love of money, please fix this!
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • darkoverlordwolfdarkoverlordwolf Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Would be nice if they fixed this before any other additions. This is seriously getting out of hand as even my loadout options are reloading to the previous saved loadout even if I saved over them.
  • loyalwatcherloyalwatcher Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    Specific issue: Upon any space instance change, the two Breen set powers are removed from my powers tray. Tried every workaround and fix imaginable, the only one that works is reslotting them every mission.

    General issues:

    EVERY character I have has issues with batteries being unslotted/unequipped when changing instance after I replenish them.

    When I equip a new piece of equipment and save the loadout, the old item usually gets reslotted (often taken from my bank) upon changing instance or running a mission.

    On the occasions that a new item is correctly left in place, the old item will occasionally be moved from my bank to my inventory.

    Ships with NO saved loadout often have issues with consumables/powers being unslotted...

    I like to swap BOffs on the fly, but when changing a BOff station, there is often a BOff missing from the drop-down menu the first time I click it, and selecting one from the list will play all sorts of havoc with the equipped BOffs (this is particularly bad on ships with a Universal station. Closing/re-opening the drop-down menu usually restores the missing BOff.

    All of these issues happen most/all of the time in most/any instance.

    Hope this helps!

    Happy 2015 all! :)
  • kolargolmiskolargolmis Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hello, I checked bug issues list, didn't see anything similar. Didn't have time to read all 56 pages here, i've read few threads , several pages, saw tips to save loadout of current ship(i never used any loadouts before) and switched ships with different loadouts. It didn't help, tried with and without Boff on that station(after loading free station i tired to equip it). On other ship that boff had all 4 abilities as he should.

    The problem is that any science BoFF on tier 4 station (Commander?) (have two such, both appear to have the same problem) cannot use their tier 4 space ability, only 3 are active, but what's weird is that i see 5 boxes for skills(should be 4 for 4 abilities) of which 3 are as they should, 2 remaining are blank. On space window, next to Boff faces.

    Never had such problem. Not sure when it appeared.

    All i remember is i was doing Breen/Deferi episodes and accidently found out my Science Boff cannot use Gravity Well 3 (ground skills seem working ok). Maybe it could be caused by dismissing one boffs during one of missions, when i wanted to hire Boff found in the Breen maze, and had to make free room in my Boff list(boff i fired was equipped in shuttle only). I'm not sure aboutt he cause, maybe something else could trigger problem, maybe anniversary patches(event started about the same time), or any equipment changes i could make(did few), i might have also remmoved one ship to make room for anniversay reward(not used yet).

    Captain Siusiaczek / account miskolargol / ship U.S.S. Dysonsiusia

    Edited: now i noticed that main sci station in normal mode is onyl Lieutanant commander, not commander as it was before and as it should be(assuming ship hasn't been nerfed). I never use tactical mode, started to switch it after my boff lost skill, just to check whether i didn't click it. If i was in tactical mode my tactical officer could use tier 4 skill, but he only can use 3.
  • stalagmitestalagmite Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    it happes to all of my characters Laena@myjolnir, Grimhield@myjolnir, Ulmia@myjolnir, Bustybits@myjonlnir, Amaelia@myjolnir.

    from what ive seen it is caused when i change skills, warp to sector space, warp to planet and affects my grounds skills in the way of repeatedly resetting them.
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/25/2015 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • ethericangelethericangel Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Mine are coming off every time at the beginning of a map change. Both quests and stfs.
  • ozymandius1ozymandius1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    It happens to all of my characters. It happens coming from a ground map to a space map, logging out and logging back in, etc. Map changes I suppose is what causes it, or when it happens. My boffs completely come off, leaving my trays empty.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Map changing triggers the loadout clearing on a pretty regular basis. The funny thing is, I never had the loadout bug until that pretty big update after DR was released (The one I called in one of my posts DR SP1)
  • coytcoyt Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Just bugged through "Uneasy Allies". After cutscene to Iconia no BOFFS, and tray changed.:(
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have that Problem every time i am in my Intel Cruiser Eclipse. Each time i beam up my Boffs are gone.

    i never had that problem in my Command cruisers or the Samsar. Maybe my Boffs just get interrogated by the Section 31 officers onboard the Intel ships after each mission
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/27/2015 Loudouts are still bugged.
  • coytcoyt Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Dropped into Fleet Mine, lost BOFF assignments.
    Had just jumped to DS9, exited zone, flew over to fleet mine, dropped in, and slots were clear. :(
  • makefluxmakeflux Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As of 3/30/2015 Loadouts are still bugged.
  • aidy1972ukaidy1972uk Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OK, so... I'm jinxing myself by saying this but... I tried something and... so far, so good. Three or four times I've logged in, played, and all has been as it should be. What did I do?

    I took a single item off of my ship - anything - into my inventory, and then re-checked my loadout (thus re-placing said item into my ship) and... yeah. Thus far, it has held. On all 3 of my toons. I saw someone suggest this in zone chat, thought "easy enough" so I tried it and... so far... so far it's worked.

    I just know now that I've said it it'll stop doing so tho! :P:D

    It seems so stupidly simple that it should not work but... thus far... it has.

    This may be way out of date now (as it all seems fine these days) but another fix that worked for me was going to ship selector and renaming your ship so it shifts position in the list. Launch and make any changes then resave loadout.
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