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Assistance needed to track down loadout issues



  • perfectcrypticperfectcryptic Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Haven't had problems for awhile. Stayed with the same ship and haven't changed much, too much hassle.

    I have changed ground doffs out previously (not sure whether I was in space or ground) and I didn't get a problem. I was on a Cell and bought a consultant and slotted him. It wasn't until sometime later that I noticed all my space doffs had been removed. Nothing else was altered.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    From my own personal observation, "reverting to an earlier state" is exactly what was happening, at least to me. So hopefully the fix is in.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    frtoaster wrote: »
    From what I can tell, there are several related bugs:

    1. Ship equipment unslots on map changes.

    2. Duty officers unslot on map changes.

    3. Bridge officers unslot on map changes.

    4. Bridge officers remain in their stations, but the space tray forgets the positions of their abilities. It seems to reset to some previous configuration.

    5. Batteries unslot when you add one to a stack on your ship and then change maps. I think it's because the system uses the first or last item in the stack to identify the whole stack, so adding an item to the stack makes the system think it's a different stack.

    6. The ground tray forgets the positions of abilities when you change maps.

    7. Some characters cannot fire their ground weapons. The weapon is equipped, but a different icon appears where the primary and secondary fire icons normally do.


    8. Some characters have non-clickable effects from items appear in their space tray.


    9. Equipment winds up in the wrong slots (e.g., a beam array in a console slot and a shield or warp core in an aft weapon slot).


    I've personally seen 2 through 6 happen on characters who have never created a loadout on any ship. All of this points to the system being poorly written and poorly tested.

    For me, 2 happens once every day or two.
    4 happens on every space/ground transition and sometimes even space/space transitions.
    5 happens constantly and it has been broken since the introduction of loadouts, but devices have had their own tray issues all the way back to the launch of season 7 and it drives me nuts.
    6 has been happening for me every since DR launched, but only with set abilities like Integral Frequency Remodulation, Distortion Field, the CC damage absorb, MACO battery, etc.
    8 happens to me now and then, but the abilities can still be triggered with the keyboard, which usually fixes their un-clickable-ness.

    If this fix works as hoped, I expect that everything except 5 will probably get fixed (aside from the occasional hiccup); 6 might still have its own issues with set abilities still; and I have no idea about 7 as that hasn't happened to me and could be its own thing. :confused:

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    8 happens to me now and then, but the abilities can still be triggered with the keyboard, which usually fixes their un-clickable-ness.

    This isn't about abilities that are not clickable, but about effects that are not clickable abilities. Take a look at virusdancer's screenshot. He had shield resistances, engine speed and turn rate, and Power Conduit Link show up as icons in his space tray.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • lordatrocitieslordatrocities Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My load out issue was resolved for my Odyssey but when I switched to the Galaxy X the load out bug and Large Icon Try bugs returned.

    My configurations are not being saved. Whenever I leave the ship view and return the settings are back to default and must be re-configured. This has caused issues in PvE matches costing me AFK penalties.

    What happened to those unique forum ranks I paid for?
  • psychoplattpsychoplatt Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This damn loadout **** gets worser with anything u do - chars not affected by any issues now have issues. maybe take a look in yellow pages for some help.

    affected chars


    nice u wasted so much time in your sig - i do not see it anyway :)
  • captainpugwash1captainpugwash1 Member Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    My tool bar use to loose my warp core & full impulse until the fixes now it is totally screwed up & i dont have to change maps just sit looking at it & it changes.
    I have never used ships load outs but when ever i change ships i end up with a AP/PLASMA weapon set up & the rest is just a jumbled mess. :(
  • amenephisamenephis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Turns out deleting your ship and repurchasing it clears this bug. However, this obviously won't work for things like the current holiday ship.

    This HAD been fixed on my character's current ship, but now it's deleting two boffs' skills from the tray every single time I change space maps again.

  • slachanceslachance Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    char handle = Steve@slachance

    I am having this issue of loadout tray not saving.... whenever I change maps, ships, or login or out my loadout out tray gets messed up. I have made sure my tray is "locked" but everytime I change map, start a mission, log in or change to another starship AND return to my original starship, my load out tray changes. The changes include remove powers/abilities I have assigned, replace powers/abilities I assign for ones that I don't, add abilities and power I have never assigned and duplicate powers and abilities that are assigned elsewhere in the tray.

    Pretty easy to recreate IMO....

    work around that was offered by Ashynth FAILED

    here is the workaround that DID NOT work for me.

    "As a potential workaround, you can try the following steps:
    1. While in Sector Space, setup your desired powerbar/skillbar setup; BOFF stations; and DOFF active stations.
    2. Save it to your existing/main Loadout.
    3. Open your character window (press ""U"") and select your current ship
    4. On the lower-left corner of the character window, click the button ""Switch Starship""
    5. Go back to your character window (press ""U"" to re-open it) then select your current ship
    6. Wait for the ""Switch Starship"" cooldown to finish, then click it again to switch back to your main ship
    7. Go back to your character window and select your current ship again
    8. Select the ""Loadouts"" tab, and then save your current configuration
  • yamato4745yamato4745 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    happens on my main charatcter musashi@musashinmw. a1 and a2 completely reset anytime i go to space map.
  • slachanceslachance Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I made all changes indicated below in sirius sector block (risa sector) and eta eridani sector block (aldebaran sector) I will indicate when I changed maps and to what map for recreation.

    To confirm exactly which of my tray spots are being affected, (starting in sirius sector block risa sector), I set all slots in row 1 (#1-10) row 2 (a1-a10) and row 3 (c1 - c10) to antiproton turret button... I changed maps to eta eridani sector block (aldebaran sector) .... all where returned to what they were before...

    I then attempted to change row 3 (C1-c10) to row 4 (sh1-sh10) I changed maps back to sirius sector block (risa sector) and row 4 (sh1-sh10) did not change back to row 3... so I changed 1 button in row 4 (button to antiproton turret, I changed was sh1)... I changed maps back to eta eridani sector block (aldebaran sector) and the antiproton button was still assigned to SH1 in row 4... So I changed maps to sirius sector block (risa sector) and row 4 was still present.

    So I looked at all of my rows and only rows 8,9 and 10 did not have anything assigned. So I set the buttons I wanted in the placement I wanted in rows 8,9 and 10.. changed maps to eta eridani sector block (aldebaran sector) and row 10 remained just as I set it but row 8 and 9 changed back to row 1 and row 2 HOWEVER the buttons I assigned in row 8 and 9 remained so all I had to do was reset row 1 to row 8 and row 2 to row 9... I saved the setup to my "cannons" loadout....

    I changed maps to sirius sector block (risa sector) and all rows and buttons were as I set them.... shut game down then reopened and logged back in and all rows and button were as I assigned... then I changed ships from my fleet avenger to my multi vector...

    As soon and I returned back to my fleet avenger all buttons and rows were messed up back to what they where when I began and rows 8,9 and 10 that I had created vanished...

    I loaded my "cannons" loadout and rows 8,9 and 10 reappeared with correct button placement as I assigned... I changed ships and changed maps back to eta eridani sector block (aldebaran sector) returned to my fleet avenger and buttons seem to be fine. I have changed maps, and logged out and switched ships to try and recreate the disappearing buttons act but rows 8, 9 and 10 seem to be stable for me now.

    I am not sure what exactly of the above complicated proceedure actually work or if all of it is needed and I just randomly got lucky and did a bunch of stuff in the right order but It worked for me...

    I do note however the bug definitly seems related to rows 1 (#1-10) row 2 (a1-a10) and row 3 (c1-c10) and is definitly "activated" by switching ships... it also seems assigning buttons to unused rows and saving to a loadout fixes the issue...
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Are these ship layout and skill tray load-outs being saved to your PCs? Or are they being save to account profile on the back end server. There is a serious issue. I switch from my main ship to another ship and find out all the major slots on the space tray have vanished! Just not saving.

    Increase the saving space allowance or reduce the number of slots you give us all to balance everything. I only have 3 toons not like I have 30 toons. I just want to be able to switch the ships I use. Not to go and see what I've configured it gone when I start PVE. Before I start the PVE I make sure it's all there. But SURPRISE it's not! :mad:

    Time will only tell!
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    4. Bridge officers remain in their stations, but the space tray forgets the positions of their abilities. It seems to reset to some previous configuration.

    This is what i'm getting, literally every time i move maps.

    Character handle:

    Prior to problem:
    Basically whilst in system space I set up my power tray how I want it, slot all my equipment and doffs and save it. Seeing you can only save everything when in system space this seems the obvious location to do any work on your ship.
    My trays stay the same when in the same map, no problems at all there.

    Occurs when:
    Whenever I change maps (e.g. beaming ESD>Sol System, entering a system from sector, or entering a space PVE queue) I have my tray reset half my abilities.

    It only seems to affect certain ones as most of them stay in the same place, but there's about 3-4 of the regularly used ones that move or vanish every time (Team Tactical, BFAW, TS). It seems to only be those in columns 5,6 & 7 that are getting messed up.

    Attempted fixes:
    I have honestly been resetting the tray after every map change and tried everything I can think of.
    -Swapping consoles or equipment over and resaving = only lasts until you move maps.
    - Swapping doffs and resaving = as above.
    - Using different rows entirely for abilities. = seems to work some time but not every time.

    About the only way to avoid the issue is never use a loadout or delete and reclaim a ship to start from scratch (but you can hardly do that with fleet or event rewards ships!)
    Also for anyone who is still tinkering with a build and probably moving things like boffs and equipment around fairly often this is a real pain in the TRIBBLE because you can't be mucking about reslotting everything each time to move maps, especially if you warp into a combat zone.
  • babilon023babilon023 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I play the game about month and a half, it was so frustrating set up icons every time I get out of ship,sometimes when changing region,or loging offf and on again. It it ilke 10-15 time a day it is become normal to fast repopulate try with most necesery powers in the midle of the fight. I spend a lot of zens so I was op for storylne but until I'll repopulate perosnal try with 4-5 core powers for enginer, the battle would be ower. It is no funn at all. I filled bug report multiple times.
    I yust accept it and play like that until a snaped. I deleted all characters and conditionig myself to not play ever agains yust so I dont get money to PWE anymore. O did I mantion I bought liftime subscribe. And that I head other bugs like not be abel to log in on main char up to 24h,but that was fixed.
    They head me becouse I am Star trek fanboy like most of you,but in reality situation with this game is bizare how much players are willing to "swallow" for it!
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I dont Think they are still working on it.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I dont Think they are still working on it.

    I think that you are right, as supported by these dev quotes (two of which were just a couple of pages ago in this thread):

    flyingtarg wrote: »
    I apologize for the long wait on this, but we think we've finally tracked down this bug and have made a fix for it. Thanks for everyone that gave us information about this bug.

    As always though, both the Trays and Loadouts are very complex systems, and so while we may have fixed one bug, there may be others we missed. This time though the cause behind this bug that we found explains the symptoms everyone has been expressing, and in our testing it does fix the bug.

    Thank you for your patience. I know you've all been waiting a very long time for this bug to be fixed. Look for the fix in an upcoming release.
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    The bug we fixed is trays, bridge officers and items being changed or removed incorrectly when moving from a space map to a ground map, and then back into a space map. There was a bug with how we were saving the state of the ship when moving from Space to Ground that was causing things like trays and bridge officers to revert to an earlier state.

    As I said, trays and loadouts are complex systems, and there may be other bugs that need fixing, but the most common complaints were about that specific bug.
    Tribble is being brought down for maintenance to update it to build ST.46.20141123a.11
    • Resolved an issue with the loadout system which would occasionally un-slot Power Icons, Bridge Officer and/or Assigned Duty Officers when transitioning to a new map.
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I think the fix is going to be added to holodeck tomorrow. It is not live yet.
  • pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This BUG started the day that Legacy of Romulus released.

    It might be time to fix it before the next Season.....
  • crypticfrostcrypticfrost Member Posts: 1,479 Cryptic Developer
    edited December 2014
    overlapo wrote: »
    I think the fix is going to be added to holodeck tomorrow. It is not live yet.

    This is correct. The build with with flyingtarg's fixes is currently on Tribble and will be on Holodeck tomorow, 12/11/14.
    STO QA Team
  • uraciouseuraciouse Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Character Name: Thorin@uraciouse

    Every-time I transfer from a ground zone to a space zone any ability I have put on my ships action bar since delta rising disappears.

    I beam down to Kobali Prime
    I beam back up to my Support Cruiser Retrofit
    Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, Feedback Pulse II, Torpedo: Spread I, and Refracting Tetryon Cascade are no longer on my action bar.

    This is becoming increasingly annoying as each time I switch out an old ability to a new one the new ability also becomes affected.
  • shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Kane@shinnok918 this happens daily to me. When i add to my battery stack it will either A-remove batteries from the tray slot or B-When i switch maps all batteries will be removed from the device slot but upon placing them back in device slot they will go back in tray. Also my exocomp keeps getting removed from its doff slot but this seems to only happen when i switch ships.

    Device slot issue seems to be account-wide. Batteries, turrets, anything consumable. i can even save them to loadout before beamout and the problem will perk up. really annoying when u go to click a battery that should be there but u didnt notice it until that moment.
  • ronin8212ronin8212 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Still losing tray settings and having DOFF's and BOFF's going AWOL !!!
    Been having this issue for months !!!
    It just seems that the techs that they have on staff are more interested in whacking off to new pictures than doing their jobs at fixing **** !!!


    Hundreds of us have been asking for this to be fixed, but we are ignored !!!

  • flyingtargflyingtarg Member Posts: 105 Cryptic Developer
    edited December 2014
    Now that the bugfix is live, please let me know if anyone is still having issues.

    Of note, I recently identified a minor issue with Duty Officers. If you're having issues with Duty Officers resetting incorrectly, try manually Saving and then Loading a loadout, and then resume normal play. That should fix the Duty Officer problem for anyone that is experiencing it, and will serve as a workaround until we patch the bug.
    Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
    Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
  • jgilljgill Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I did just as directed by Kalos It did not save my tray loadout It loaded with the original basic tray loadouts as for the weapons when I switched ships it changed to the initial morning load-out and when I selected the saved loadout, It changed the weapons to the saved load-out and started to load the saved tray load-out then switched abruptly to the basic load-out as if the chosen (and saved) load-out was incompatible with the ship and changing it was incompatible with the settings
  • xraiderv1xraiderv1 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    still suffering this bug. ran an older mission a couple nights ago with some fleetmates and found my tray and boffs had decided to miss that left turn at Albuquerque if you will ala bugs bunny.
    Murphy's laws:
    1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
    2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
    3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    flyingtarg wrote: »
    Now that the bugfix is live, please let me know if anyone is still having issues.

    Of note, I recently identified a minor issue with Duty Officers. If you're having issues with Duty Officers resetting incorrectly, try manually Saving and then Loading a loadout, and then resume normal play. That should fix the Duty Officer problem for anyone that is experiencing it, and will serve as a workaround until we patch the bug.

    I'm having an issue with a ship of mine on a character and swapping between it's two loadouts. The different in the loadouts if one BOFF universal station. One one setup, I'm using an Android ENG BOFF which I picked up much later then the other SCI BOFF (HIven, It's a Fed Romulan Captain) I occasionally use in the station. Here name puts here in at the end of of my Active Boffs.

    When I swap to the loadout with Science BOFF (Hiven) it works and BOFF abilities are placed in the tray w/o any issue. When I swap back to the usual default loadout, the Universal BOFF station is set to NONE and none of the BOFF powers (for the station) are in the Power Tray.

    The interesting thing is that my Android Eng OFF is NOT the selection menu for the Universal BOFF Station. But when I select the BOFF and look at here Status panel and then go back to Stations she's in the Universal Station selection list again. That appears to be why the Universal Station is set to NONE and BOFF powers in trays are disappearing. And it only seems to happen if there is a zone transition between the swapping of the loadouts

    So Science BOFF Loadout -> zone change -> Swap to ENG BOFF loadout, Univeral BOFF station set to NONE.
  • darthvrooksdarthvrooks Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Yeah so I actually tried to do something in this game tonight. Changed out my weapons to something with better modifiers and thought I'd play for the first time in two weeks. I left after running azure nebula, come back and log in to once again find this BS


    Beam up to my ship to find the ship equipped with the previously saved loadout, not the one with my new weapons. Beam down to the mine once again just to see what happens and oh look, just when I thought it couldn't possibly get screwed up anymore


    Not one but TWO shields in the forward weapons slots. This problem had disappeared before the last "fix" was implemented. I had been able to swap loadouts with only losing my boff seating. I actually preferred that problem. Back to just doing the stupid daily race and leaving for Star Wars the Old Republic where everything "works as intended".
    In game handle @darthvrooks
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Well I hadn't had any problems for a while but I changed a weapon around today and now it keeps reverting.


    Every time I replace my aft turret with the kinetic cutting beam from my inventory and then beam to a ground map, the cutting beam is back in my inventory and the turret is back on my ship.

    I've tried the method which worked for me before of saving the loadout then removing an item from the ship and loading the loadout but this time it didn't fix it. :(

    Edit: Some more information. I've found that if I switch out the turret for another item it's fine, but every time I try to put my KCB on the ship it reverts when I beam down...

    Edit 2: Ignore the first edit, when I logged in today the other weapon I'd managed to switch out last night was in my inventory and the original was back on the ship again...

    Edit 3: (I want to keep it all together to make it more useful) I managed to get it to save my loadout and stop reverting *touch wood* by going into sector space (Alpha Centauri sector block) and setting things up then saving the loadout, removing a weapon and then loading the loadout. I'd tried in several system space maps to no avail so it was a last ditch effort and it seems to have worked for now.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • elutheria12elutheria12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    this has come back with a vengeance for me the last two days now. Everytime i swap from ESD to sol system or Sol to a STF for example my loadouts change. Not only in the skill tray but all my active Doffs go off duty and regularly weapons jump into consoles slots as has been reported in many other bug reports I found on these forums. Right now I have to constantly equip layouts everytime i load a new screen and for some reason the loadout saved is not 100% what I change it to and resave it. It is an older version of the load out I have now. This also includes traits. It seems to like my wing commadner trait and always reslot it for me even if deselect it..

    elu@elutheri12 is the affected Char.
  • darkoverlordwolfdarkoverlordwolf Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Active Space Doffs keep resetting, This happens when transitioning between maps, seems to not affect very rares as of now.

    Affected characters are Svaio@darkoverlordWolf, Sanio@darkoverlordwolf, Saviosel@darkoverlordwolf.

    EDIT: forgot to add my fed character
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