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Assistance needed to track down loadout issues



  • rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    There is no real rhyme or reason to why or when this happens, only that it happens very frequently. I can go from one system to the next and suddenly have a near empty tray or a tray full of things I don't want there. I have tried every workaround proposed and nothing has helped. This really is a frustrating experience. I wish I had more definitive information to share with you. The one thing I can say that may be important is that I was never affected by this issue until the release of DR.
  • zero2362zero2362 Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zero2362 wrote: »

    ship Fleet assault cruiser T5U Avenger

    When returning to space or switching to this ship all my power battens are removed and replaced with the buttons my ship had when I first got it into space after buying it.

    Managed to fix it.

    1 Went to ESD

    2 removed everything from my ship

    3 went to space and emptied what was left in my tray

    4 put everything back on my ship and in my tray

    5 created and saved a loadout

    6 moved a random console 1 space to the right

    7 created and saved a separate loadout

    Afterwards the problem vanished.

  • ginobaldelli823ginobaldelli823 Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zero2362 wrote: »
    Managed to fix it.

    1 Went to ESD

    2 removed everything from my ship

    3 went to space and emptied what was left in my tray

    4 put everything back on my ship and in my tray

    5 created and saved a loadout

    6 moved a random console 1 space to the right

    7 created and saved a separate loadout

    Afterwards the problem vanished.

    Go to esd and just switch ships, beam out, reassign bridge officers, go back to esd, select old ship beam back out and reassign.
  • zenjudgementzenjudgement Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's obviously a bunch of you still having issues with loadouts. Powers, Boffs and Doffs get changed or unslotted from the reports I'm seeing. We need your help to track this down.

    We need characters that consistently experience this issue. Not "most of the time" or "sometimes", but "all of the time" or as close thereto as possible.

    If you have such a character, please provide the character's name@handle, and a clear description of what exactly happens with the character, and under what circumstances this is seen.

    For example: Enter the Sol System map, switch to <Ship Name>, set the loadout to <Loadout Name>, note the locations of the following power icons <list powers>, and now <action that causes the bug> and note that the previous power icons are now moved.

    So, if you've got a character that consistently experiences these loadout issues, and are willing and able to take the time to provide a clear description of how to reproduce the bug with your character, please reply.

    I understand this issue is extremely frustrating, and you may want to vent about it, but I'm asking everyone to please limit replies to this thread to the requested information only.

    Thank you.


    Character name Ragnar@zenjudgement

    Ship R.R.W. Raptor (Faeht Intel Warbird)
    Loadout "Default"

    I had this issue before Delta Rising but I was able to get my tray to be stable with one of the various fixes available on the web.

    I can reliable repeat this issue on any ship I am using at the moment. I typically only have one loadout saved and I have tried renaming the loadout.

    Sequence of issue
    1. start in ship tactical view. The issue is reliably repeatable from any planet instance, but for this example use New Romulus System # 2.

    2. Below is my scrambled power tray. This is the way I found it at the start of my current game session.
    a2 Refracting Tetryon Cascade
    a4 Capacitance Transfer
    a7 Brace for Impact III
    a8 Ramming Speed III
    a9 Assign Raiding Party
    a0 Quantum Slipstream Drive
    c1 Rotate Shield Frequency III
    c2 Nadion Inversion III
    c8 Heavy Plasma Lance
    c9 Fleet Support III
    c0 Nimbus Pirate Distress Call
    1 Evasive Maneuvers III
    2 EPS Power Transfer III
    3 Engineering Fleet III
    6 Miracle Worker III
    0 Quantum Singularity Manipulation

    3. Changed my loadout to the below
    a1 Heavy Plasma Lance
    a2 Plasma Hyperflux
    a3 Capacitance Transfer
    a4 Refracting Tetryon Cascade
    c1 Evasive Maneuvers III
    c2 Rock and Roll
    c3 Nadion Inversion III
    c4 Brace for Impact III
    c5 Ramming Speed III
    c7 Singularity Shield Capacitor
    c9 Fleet Support III
    c0 Nimbus Pirate Distress Call
    1 Rotate Shield Frequency III
    2 EPS Power Transfer III
    3 Engineering Fleet III
    7 Miracle Worker III
    9 Quantum Singularity Manipulation
    0 Romulan Enhanced Battle Cloak

    4. Saved the loadout to "Default"
    5. Beam to Command Center and back to ship
    6. Loadout is scrambled back to step 2

    The standard loadout fixes I have tried resolve the issue for awhile but it keeps returning.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Not sure if this has been mentioned, but I think it could be Delta Quadrant Command that's the issue. Normally if i'm doing stuff in the DQ, I pass between DQC and Kobali Prime, and coming or going from DQC almost always resets my loadouts. Today however, I TW from Kobali to Earth instead (not sure why) and when I returned to Orbit, my loadout remained. I transwarped back to Kobali, played on the ground, beamed up, beamed back down, no issues with my loadout.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • wilsonfrontierwilsonfrontier Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I am having some variation of this bug on all three of my characters, consistently.

    Every time I load up Revos@WilsonFrontier, 2 items are missing from my "big tray" - it's always the same 2 items. One of my ship's devices (large shield battery) and one of my Vesta universal consoles - the Fermion field generator. They're both still on the ship themselves; but absent the "big tray" every single time I load up. I have to go in and re-place them into the tray each time.

    I tried switching a few things around, thinking maybe they just didn't like their places in the tray, but again - next time I loaded up, boom, they're gone.

    On Veron@WilsonFrontier, my DOFF's bound to active space duty keep resetting. 5 out of the 6, anyway. It keeps 1 of them, but the other 5 continue to disappear every single time I load in. I've just now modified my big tray for the first time on this character since Delta, so I don't yet know if such is resetting also. EDIT: the few items I switched in my tray on this toon also reset.

    On my klingon, Kaarg@WilsonFrontier, a single big tray item continues to vanish as well. The repair platform universal from my Varanus fleet support vessel. Additionally, my middle aft weapon's autofire becomes deselected in my weapons tray.

    Additionally, on Revos@WilsonFrontier, who is level 60, all the level 60 traits are gone. They had shown up when I ranked up to 60, but now no longer do. Just the same traits I had pre-60.

    I've been able to cope with it on two, but with the BOFFs on Space duty on my Romulan, it's a real significant pain in the TRIBBLE to reset those. :S I've all but stopped playing him as a result.

    None of my ground stuff seems to be affected; only space. Every once and a while, it will save after I leave a PVE and the items will still be in the tray. But once I log out/back in, gone again, every time.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    zero2362 wrote: »
    Managed to fix it.

    1 Went to ESD

    2 removed everything from my ship

    3 went to space and emptied what was left in my tray

    4 put everything back on my ship and in my tray

    5 created and saved a loadout

    6 moved a random console 1 space to the right

    7 created and saved a separate loadout

    Afterwards the problem vanished.

    Would be great if it worked for everybody, but it's not even close. Folks have been trying to do that since the onset of the matter. It works for some - just a waste of time for others as nothing changes.

    Hell, I just went through and tried it again myself - thinking what the Hell, right?

    Dropped to ESD. Removed everything from the ship. Cleared all the stations. Deleted DOFFs so I could unassign the actives. Unselected Active Rep traits. Went to orbit, cleared off the Captain abilities. Blank slate. Nothing there.

    Put it all back. Save as one of the loadouts.

    Move a Tac console. Save as the other loadout.

    Drop down to ESD. Pop back to orbit.

    Absorptive Hull Plating
    Physical and Kinetic Damage Resistance
    +25 Physical Damage Resistance Rating
    +25 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating

    Along with reorganized Captain/Rep abilities.

    Same as before trying it (again).

    It's awesome (serious, not mocking) that it works for some. Folks should try it, see if it works for them. For some of us though...it simply doesn't change anything. And I can't speak for anybody else, but this is getting to the point that I'm just going to uninstall and walk away. My Phantom is jacked up now too...so all the ships in my sig are jacked. The problem just keeps getting worse and worse, rather than better.

    If the data's corrupted, the continued playing/trying to fix it is just serving to corrupt it further...Cryptic needs to fix this, not us.

    edit: Lol, now it's starting to do the unequip thing too...wheeee, this is so much fun!
  • ddplattddplatt Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    When: joining stfs.
  • docsantinodocsantino Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Name: Maiell@docsantino

    When it happens: I notice it whenever I switch from a ground map (usually the fleet dilithium mine) to a sector space map. I also noticed it happen when I switched from another character that had been in a ground map (Do'Hussoud@docsantino) to this character (Maiell@docsantino). Do'Hussoud was at the fleet dilithium mine.

    What it does: Completely reconfigures my power tray. Gets rid of many of my abilities, and adds others such as beam array and torpedo attacks.
  • twiistedreasontwiistedreason Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Hi STO guys, I have been having this issue for a few days now. everytime i change maps i loose my skills tray. just about every skill / ability disappears except about 5, which change location apparently randomly.

    A fix would be appreciated as this makes the game more or less unplayable as i have to set up the tray every time i enter a map.

    this only affects space not ground for me.

    one of my fleet suggested setting up a preset load out, however this didn't work as i had two set up, but both of them appeared to be active , as in both load outs had yellow radio boxes selected. i even tried removing a weapon, then selecting the load out again, but nothing, no tray, both load outs selected.!!

    many thanks
  • shadowjpishadowjpi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    This only started being a problem after Delta Rising, otherwise it worked fine for me.

    Fleet Avenger
    2 loadouts, happens everytime I switch to the alternate.

    If I save two loadouts, it has to be the exact same BOFF and skilltray setup. If I change the BOFF and skilltray setup on one and save it, my 2nd loadout loses all traces of the BOFF setup I have on it.

    Example, setup 1 uses Bio-Molecular Photon torpedoes, so I have set my Tac Boffs and tray set with high yield and spread. Lock tray.

    Setup 2 uses the Vaudwaur Cluster Torp, so I have no need of the Yield and Spread boffs, and trade them in for BOFFs that are set with Cannon Fire, etc. Set up the trays, lock, and save.

    Now for the fun....I decide to switch from setup 2, to setup 1 for tactical reasons....My Tac Boffs are gone, and my tray is messed up. So I reset everything on setup 1...then later I switch to setup 2 for tac reasons....boffs and tray are gone.

    This has happened on ALL my characters, not just this one.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I suspect that the loadout bug is tied to the (ancient) bug that pops up when you add or delete a ship from the roster and then the powertray and BOFF assignments get reset for all the other ships in your roster.

    I bet that if you track down that bug and fix it, you will fix the loadout bug at the same time.
  • sosanl2sosanl2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
  • jarazekjarazek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    sosanl2 wrote: »

    That is what I posted in this thread as well, on page 24, I had not read that fix, but figured it out on my own, nice to see others figured that fix out as well, it works for me on every ship I have.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Changed two abilities in powers tray (alt-1 and alt-9, if it matters) - entered Sol space, beamed to Starfleet Academy - beamed out direct to Sirius sector space - abilities in those two slots changed back to what they were before.

    A whole host of workarounds seem to have been posted for this problem. I've tried several of them... and haven't found any, yet, that work reliably.
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    always happens. whenever i beam to surface on return loadout completely mixes up.
    Whenever i exit game and come back in loadout again completely changes.
    Areas = all areas
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If this thread is still being monitored...

    Character: Rogue@Janetza
    On the ground maps, Emergency Shield Capacitor ability started to change its place in the tray. Did not hapen before.
    There is a default loadout to save all data like binds, tray, ui, bridge officers, doffs, etc. I think whole process of saving data is corrupted.

    Maybe it could be made so that loadouts would be saved client side?
    For example if I use bind_save_file it saves date which is being taken from server to a file on my pc. It is always particularly corrupted.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • wilsonfrontierwilsonfrontier Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    If this thread is still being monitored...

    It damn well better be, considering the bug hasn't been fixed and is affected a TRIBBLE ton of people. :D
  • srgsng25srgsng25 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    anytime i bean out of my ship

    Handle Shrod@srgsng25

    ship is the chimera

    screen shots
  • fatmandavefatmandave Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's obviously a bunch of you still having issues with loadouts. Powers, Boffs and Doffs get changed or unslotted from the reports I'm seeing. We need your help to track this down.

    We need characters that consistently experience this issue. Not "most of the time" or "sometimes", but "all of the time" or as close thereto as possible.

    If you have such a character, please provide the character's name@handle, and a clear description of what exactly happens with the character, and under what circumstances this is seen.

    For example: Enter the Sol System map, switch to <Ship Name>, set the loadout to <Loadout Name>, note the locations of the following power icons <list powers>, and now <action that causes the bug> and note that the previous power icons are now moved.

    So, if you've got a character that consistently experiences these loadout issues, and are willing and able to take the time to provide a clear description of how to reproduce the bug with your character, please reply.

    I understand this issue is extremely frustrating, and you may want to vent about it, but I'm asking everyone to please limit replies to this thread to the requested information only.

    Thank you.


    Didn't see this thread till now. I have two that it does it every time. One even turns off my autofire on one rear arc weapon.

    Voongi and a new toon Laxoneel @fatmandave

    This happens every time I leave the ship and go into any ground based view (ie mission, ESD, New Romulus and so on). It always resets back to the same setup with the same icons missing. Something I have tried though, switched to another ship on these same accounts and set the bar up, and it works fine. Nothing dissapears, so I can't figure out what makes it different on these accounts.

    So I set the bar back. Do a mission, it has a ground based section of that mission, finish ground based section, go back to ship, bar reset back again.

    Go to ESD, leave ship, come back, bar resets.

    It doesn't seem to matter where I go, wether its a mission or not. It resets after every time I leave the ship and come back. So far, out of 3 different ships I have tried it on on Voongi, only the 1 (Fleet Dreadnough Cruiser) does it. On my other toon, he is only level 15 at this time and has only 2 ships, didn't have the issue before going to the T2 Cruiser.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    I have recently had some success after trying everything already suggested by the various players with their homemade 12-step remedies. None of those worked.

    After loosing my loadout when transferring the map from Beta ursae to Deferra space, I transwarped to the dyson sphere, swapped out 1 piece of gear (engineering) and remade the loadouts, 1 with the new piece and a second with the old piece.

    I then poured 2 fingers of Crown Royal. It's a Canadian Nerve Tonic.

    And did a Mirror Incursion. The loadout held. Ok, not bad.

    And then I shifted back to Tau Dewa. The loadout held. Ok, I though, not bad.

    I ran a few daily patrols in Tau Dewa.. a source of much consternation in the past, and it held again.

    It's been 24 hours of Loadout peace and harmony. The solution - Crown Royal.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    This just started TODAY.

    Last night as part of gearing up to run Mirror Event for the next 14 days...I have been re-seating BOFFS to different stations, and re-training a few BOFF skills.

    Today, I found anything I changed yesterday, does NOT stick. Matter of fact, it disappears.

    Anything that wasn't changed (such as the career/Captain powers, devices) stayed put in the same places in the tray. Even if I had moved them to a different spot in the new set up.

    It is as if the program is trying to go back to the old settings, not finding what it needs and it just leaves everything blank in the power tray or reverts it back to where it was before.



    I can "drag" the skills back to the tray using the "P" skills window. So, somewhere the program knows those skills are there.

    But when I beam down to the Fleet SB or DL Mine, to ESD, to DS9, or Qo'nos (I assume any ground map)...and come back up to my ship....the tray is empty of all the newly acquired skills.

    Even the devices. I switched shield batteries out for engine batteries on one of my toons, and that is not staying in the tray, either. Although, Aux batteries, which was already slotted (not changed out) never moves. Hmmm....

    I tried saving a "test" load out to see if it would "remember" it. It does not. See pics.
    You will see that the empty tray IS what got saved as correct.



    Everything was being done, straight forward, at the BOFF trainer on ESD and Qo'nos. And in the status window, "Station" tab. I do not save load outs (except for the test). I did not switch ships.

    I used my KDF/Sci as my baseline...did not change anything on her. She does not have this problem.

    I could not train my KDF/Rom character (because it is not working)....so I could not change anything on her. She does not have this problem, either.

    The other 3 characters (2 KDF and one Fed) that I did make changes to, has to have the tray repopulated every time I get back into the ship from a ground map.


    As a part of setting up, I changed a few personal traits. Also, from the status window, "Traits" tab. Not sure if this has anything to do with anything...just thought I should make mention of it.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • mystic003mystic003 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I was asked by one of the gamemasters to provide you with a detailed report of my problem so let me do so.

    Charachter name: Volar@mystic003
    Ship name: U.S.S. Amsterdam
    Ability: All abilities
    Problem: My space related abilities/powers tray loadout keeps getting mixed up when I move from space to ground and back to space or move from system space to sector space and vice versa.

    For example: I use system 4 so that means I have 3 ability trays, first tray numbered 1-9, second tray numbered c1-c9 and the third tray is numbered alt1-alt9 now I put all my weapon related abilities in the first tray so all my phasers, canons, torpedoes, mines everything. Then in the second tray I put a mixture of tactical and science abilities and in the third tray I put a mixture of engineering, science and tactical abilities. Now I lock my tray, I save my loadout and when I go from say sector space into system space (For example New Romulus) the abilities from tray 1 go to tray 2 and the abilities from tray 2 and 3 are devided over tray 1 and 3 or erased from my trays completely and replaced with an ability I don't want or need for the strategy that I have in mind.

    How many times does this happen?
    2-3 times PER GAME!!!!

    Does this annoy me?
    Beyond words!

    Would I like the bug fixed?
    Very much so, in advance and thank you for fixing it XD



    p.s. Please contact me via e-mail if you have any questions about my bug
  • gorndolfgorndolf Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Keeping my fingers crossed for this is in the newly released patch notes for tomorrow.....
  • brad2240brad2240 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have a second character bugged.

    Heavy Escort Carrier T5-U

    I recently bought the HEC, set it up and everything was fine. All powers stayed on the action bars where they were supposed to. After playing with it for a day or so, trying different weapons and Boff powers, I upgraded it to T5-U. When I reset my bars after upgrading, I was bugged. Beaming to a ground map and then back to space reset all the new powers, and only the new ones I had changed after upgrading.

    For me, at least, the bug seems tied to upgrading my ships to T5-U.

    sosanl2 wrote: »

    This has worked for both of my bugged characters. Thank you very much for posting it.

    Unfortunately it has to be redone every time I want to change something on a bar.
  • wilsonfrontierwilsonfrontier Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    gorndolf wrote: »
    Keeping my fingers crossed for this is in the newly released patch notes for tomorrow.....

    I may have a stroke if it isn't. Three weeks should be more than enough time to sort something like this out. :mad:
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I may have a stroke if it isn't. Three weeks should be more than enough time to sort something like this out. :mad:

    LoL, 3 weeks? One of my toons has been suffering from it for months now, ever since the damned loadout system was launched to "make life easier"... Yeah, that worked out.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • nikki191nikki191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Having this issue constantly at the moment with both my characters.

    my fed toon ezri@wombat191 is in sector or space, has the toolbar set, beams to the ground beams up to the uss hoplite the new fed t6 escort and the toolbar completely resets every single time i transition from ground to space. bridge offier stations and doffs stay the same

    one thing i noticed is that beyond not just failing to save the toolbar its acting as if the ship is something i just purchased and resetting to default every single time.

    my other fed character soro@wombat191 has a similar issue with the toolbar resetting to default upon ground to space transition.

    with this second character ive noticed it seems to be related to universal consoles,in space i remove the cascade resonance console, save as a loadout, transition to ground, beam to space, add the console and its fine after that apart from devices like the odd ship shield removed from the device slot.

    *edit* with testing. the above trick only seems to work on that character, nothing at all works for my main ezri, and the toolbar resets to default every single time making the game unplayable.

    I just tested things out with the 7th of november patch and still the same issue of my toolbar and loadouts reseting to default
  • kurumimorishitakurumimorishita Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Somehow I expected this...

    ..even after todays patch, characters still suffer from the same problem.. see posting # 103 .. it even got worse.. in addition to the problem with the DOFFs mentioned in that post, there are now problems with the tray, too.. row 2 - c2 (Enhanced Battle Cloak) and c8 (Bio-Molecular Shield Generator) + several items of row 7 always get unloaded once I switch from ground to space maps.

    This is no fun anymore.. it's time to take a break from STO.
    "We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
    - Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Resolved an issue where items saved to a loadout would occasionally remove itself from its slot when transferring to another map.

    Nope. Better luck next Patch, because this still happens.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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