I guess this is the last step to "force" some reasonable players to stop playing STO. xD. Good job cryptic (because this is clearly another stealth strategy to force players to charge more zen).
Your the only person who can feel forced. Since your (hopefully) a beeing of having a own will they cant force you to buy anything in the game. The only thing that changes is that you might need to grind more for the stuff you want.
What a drama when you can play this game completely F2P without having to sind a single / $ into it if you just show some patience. But in a culture of "need to have straight away cause i "deserve" it thats what we get
the ratio goes up & down all the time, mostly before major patches or anthing else that players consider to save up their Zen for. A few weeks after the next patch goes life, it's all gonna settle again and Dil is going to be much more needed than Zen. Just look at the small amounts of Zen beeing sold now, if I would sell mine now and wait until the ratio goes down again, i would make lots of profit, and for some people, the ratio is perfect in that respect at the moment i guess.
I have no problem with the current trend. From my perspective F2P or not if youre willing/capable of investing RL money into a game then you deserve the pay off. And no Im not talking about P2W. But since theres a RL Money to IG Money Exchange. It only makes sense that those infusing the game with the life blood that keeps it alive are better off for it.
I`m new player. Like any gamer i try games as F2P to see if i like it before considering signing up as a money player. After just a few weeks of playing this game i`m already at the stage (lvl 50)of the long grind of swapping 8000 dil into a few zen each day as i work towards getting my first proper ship. If the exchange rate doubles in your favour it will make you happy but how many new free players will stick around after reaching level 50 & hitting this grind stage, then double the grind time from what it is already? You might say that will encourage free players to upgrade just to get zen easier but its still too early to consider upgrading for most new players, frustration & boredom kick in & people go looking elsewhere for their gaming, then you have a site that will die eventually from lack of cash players in the future.
That means F2P members are as much the "life blood" of this site (& all MMO sites) as money players are.
What is happening is that players are concerned. Players will need the dilithium for upgrading purposes; therefore, the exchange prices will reach even higher. Outside of the prices for T6 ships and T5-Upgrades, the MK 13 and MK 14 space and ground items also cost money.
Price of T5-Upgrades and T6 ships, combined, will most likely bleed the exchange.
I hope the exchange prices go hire and dilithium supply gets smaller.
I`m new player. Like any gamer i try games as F2P to see if i like it before considering signing up as a money player. After just a few weeks of playing this game i`m already at the stage (lvl 50)of the long grind of swapping 8000 dil into a few zen each day as i work towards getting my first proper ship. If the exchange rate doubles in your favour it will make you happy but how many new free players will stick around after reaching level 50 & hitting this grind stage, then double the grind time from what it is already? You might say that will encourage free players to upgrade just to get zen easier but its still too early to consider upgrading for most new players, frustration & boredom kick in & people go looking elsewhere for their gaming, then you have a site that will die eventually from lack of cash players in the future.
That means F2P members are as much the "life blood" of this site (& all MMO sites) as money players are.
Your post contradicts itself. You state that you like to try FTP games before spending money. Then you are complaining about the Exchange value going up and messing with your ability to get something for free. Then you talk about how boredom sets in before they can get enough Dilthium to buy what they want. Yet I do not see the part where you talk about you actually spending any money.
How long do you have to play a game before you are willing to spend some of your own money? At what reasonable point should you be willing to pony-up a few bucks of your own to help you get what you want? See, that is the real problem: too many FTP players are counting on the laziness of the whales. At a certain point every FTP player should to be willing to spend a few bucks of their own money rather then only grinding for someone else's, IMO.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
What is happening is that players are concerned. Players will need the dilithium for upgrading purposes; therefore, the exchange prices will reach even higher. Outside of the prices for T6 ships and T5-Upgrades, the MK 13 and MK 14 space and ground items also cost money.
Price of T5-Upgrades and T6 ships, combined, will most likely bleed the exchange.
It's clearly a nerf against the f2p dilithium farmers. it's just another nerf. expect much more nerfs in the very near feature. perhaps they even do it and nerf the game to death.
Your post contradicts itself. You state that you like to try FTP games before spending money. Then you are complaining about the Exchange value going up and messing with your ability to get something for free. Then you talk about how boredom sets in before they can get enough Dilthium to buy what they want. Yet I do not see the part where you talk about you actually spending any money.
How long do you have to play a game before you are willing to spend some of your own money? At what reasonable point should you be willing to pony-up a few bucks of your own to help you get what you want? See, that is the real problem: too many FTP players are counting on the laziness of the whales. At a certain point every FTP player should to be willing to spend a few bucks of their own money rather then only grinding for someone else's, IMO.
You can see from my join date that i have only been here a few weeks. I`ve played/joined dozens of game sites over the years & only on 4 have i upgraded to money player & spent loads (still do) of my hard earned cash because i loved them enough to do so. On none of these did i (or friends i made on them) upgrade to money players within 5 weeks of joining. Are you suggesting i should do so here already? My original post was just pointing out that free players are your future money players so also the life blood of this site.
I don't know about STO specifically, but PWE region-locked Champions Online back when they took over, cutting off former players from that region. They didn't seem to care, so there couldn't be that big a player base there.
Part of the reason for this is that China has a law on their books that state that in-game earnings count as TAXABLE INCOME... No doubt that PWE headquarters in China wants to avoid having Red Army tax collectors knocking on their door...
Maybe I should buy some Zen which would in turn be used to buy dilithium at the increased exchange rate. Then when the exchange rate falls, I exchange the dilithium for Zen. Thus hopefully making a decent margin on Zen.
You can see from my join date that i have only been here a few weeks.
Join Dates have some long standing technical issues. Specifically, old veteran players were forced to create new accounts when the forums were rebooted. Twice now, IIRC. So you could have a join date of a few weeks, but still have had played for like a year or more, and are just now returning to the "new" forums.
I myself never really try to look at join date because of that.
Just some added info for you in case you didn't know that already.
It is your choice on how you choose to play it. If you wish to only log in, do Doff Missions, and log out that is your choice. You can choose to log in, do PvP, do Foundry, etc - or you can choose to not log in at all. It is still your choice.
See heres the thing you don't seem to be able to grasp:
Farmwille has plenty of content, lots of variation and options... But eventually, you've done it all so many times that its boring beyond belief...
And that's excatly what STO is... Plenty of content, nothing new.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
See heres the thing you don't seem to be able to grasp:
Farmwille has plenty of content, lots of variation and options... But eventually, you've done it all so many times that its boring beyond belief...
And that's excatly what STO is... Plenty of content, nothing new.
The problem is it is far easier for players to burn though content and do them repeatedly to the point it becomes boring than it is for the developer of any game to continuously roll out new content to keep up with players' insatiable appetite.
See heres the thing you don't seem to be able to grasp:
Farmwille has plenty of content, lots of variation and options... But eventually, you've done it all so many times that its boring beyond belief...
And that's excatly what STO is... Plenty of content, nothing new.
I grasp that, and I take long breaks because of it, but I also know that new Foundry missions appear daily. So if you are just interested in playing new stories then they are there to be played. If you are just sick of all things STO then just walk away for a bit. That is what I do.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
You can see from my join date that i have only been here a few weeks. I`ve played/joined dozens of game sites over the years & only on 4 have i upgraded to money player & spent loads (still do) of my hard earned cash because i loved them enough to do so. On none of these did i (or friends i made on them) upgrade to money players within 5 weeks of joining. Are you suggesting i should do so here already? My original post was just pointing out that free players are your future money players so also the life blood of this site.
NEGATIVE it is based off of a lot of thing NOT just the f2p player base
if you guys really really want to see dil increase in value, stop posting it at 200+. its that simple. what are you all rushing to cash your dil out for anyway? broken uniform slots? broken loadout slots? ships that are going to fall behind the power curve? uniforms that might be given away for free this weekend?
Maybe I should buy some Zen which would in turn be used to buy dilithium at the increased exchange rate. Then when the exchange rate falls, I exchange the dilithium for Zen. Thus hopefully making a decent margin on Zen.
Yeah, this is what "they" want from you, your real money. "they" hope now, that every body will do the same and buys zen with real money instead of farming the zen. they don't care about dilithium or ec or zen, all what "they" want from us, is our hard earned cash. you'll do a big favor for all f2p players, thanks.
you know what's better for a f2p player now? sell now your farmed zen, you will get 25% more dilithium for your farmed zen. haha
Yeah, this is what "they" want from you, your real money. "they" hope now, that every body will do the same and buys zen with real money instead of farming the zen. they don't care about dilithium or ec or zen, all what "they" want from us, is our hard earned cash. you'll do a big favor for all f2p players, thanks.
I am under the assumption that it is the players that mostly controls the Dilithium Exchange not "they".
Anywaste, I am not opposed to buying Zen as long as I believe STO is fun enough for me to drop a bit of money from time to time to buy things in the C-Store.
if you guys really really want to see dil increase in value, stop posting it at 200+. its that simple. what are you all rushing to cash your dil out for anyway? broken uniform slots? broken loadout slots? ships that are going to fall behind the power curve? uniforms that might be given away for free this weekend?
I cash in a bunch of dil every month. This month I'm a tad early because the price of zen is going up, and I don't think paychecks on the first week of the month will push it significantly lower.
I will probably use a bunch of this zen that I got at 180/each to buy more dil at 220+/each. I also have one character that is ready for his next 100 doff slots. The rest I will hold until after the delta rising release to buy I dont know what yet. Hopefully new costumes, possibly more bank slots. But I'm pretty sure at least one character will get some boff slots.
I am under the assumption that it is the players that mostly controls the Dilithium Exchange not "they".
i think some suspect that cryptic are intentionally flooding us with dil to keep their exchange value so low that people are encouraged to simply buy zen for whatever it is they are wanting to spend the zen on.
it may be true.
Yeah, this is what "they" want from you, your real money. "they" hope now, that every body will do the same and buys zen with real money instead of farming the zen. they don't care about dilithium or ec or zen, all what "they" want from us, is our hard earned cash. you'll do a big favor for all f2p players, thanks.
You make that sound like a bad thing. They *are* a business, y'know... and even charities want people to give them money . Here's the thing, though. Every Zen on that exchange was bought by someone using real money, and as long as someone is buying, Cryptic are making money. All that's changed is the incentive to spend money.
I am under the assumption that it is the players that mostly controls the Dilithium Exchange not "they".
Anywaste, I am not opposed to buying Zen as long as I believe STO is fun enough for me to drop a bit of money from time to time to buy things in the C-Store.
Announce loudly everywhere that T5 ship upgrades will cost alot of Zen and you have your influence on the dilithium exchange.
Let this be the final nail the the coffin of the notion that Cryptic has absolutely no control over the flow of the dil exchange. They absolutely do. Had they wisely made upgrades cost dil instead, the dil rate would be improving now instead of souring like it has for the past year.
I hate grinding dil, so I'm fine with an easy out of dropping my monthly Zen on the exchange. If I need to upgrade a ship, I can spend the 5 bucks or wait a month. The Dil is useful now.
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
Your the only person who can feel forced. Since your (hopefully) a beeing of having a own will they cant force you to buy anything in the game. The only thing that changes is that you might need to grind more for the stuff you want.
What a drama when you can play this game completely F2P without having to sind a single / $ into it if you just show some patience. But in a culture of "need to have straight away cause i "deserve" it thats what we get
That means F2P members are as much the "life blood" of this site (& all MMO sites) as money players are.
Price of T5-Upgrades and T6 ships, combined, will most likely bleed the exchange.
I hope the exchange prices go hire and dilithium supply gets smaller.
How long do you have to play a game before you are willing to spend some of your own money? At what reasonable point should you be willing to pony-up a few bucks of your own to help you get what you want? See, that is the real problem: too many FTP players are counting on the laziness of the whales. At a certain point every FTP player should to be willing to spend a few bucks of their own money rather then only grinding for someone else's, IMO.
Part of the reason for this is that China has a law on their books that state that in-game earnings count as TAXABLE INCOME... No doubt that PWE headquarters in China wants to avoid having Red Army tax collectors knocking on their door...
Maybe I should buy some Zen which would in turn be used to buy dilithium at the increased exchange rate. Then when the exchange rate falls, I exchange the dilithium for Zen. Thus hopefully making a decent margin on Zen.
Join Dates have some long standing technical issues. Specifically, old veteran players were forced to create new accounts when the forums were rebooted. Twice now, IIRC. So you could have a join date of a few weeks, but still have had played for like a year or more, and are just now returning to the "new" forums.
I myself never really try to look at join date because of that.
Just some added info for you in case you didn't know that already.
Welcome to the forums.
See heres the thing you don't seem to be able to grasp:
Farmwille has plenty of content, lots of variation and options... But eventually, you've done it all so many times that its boring beyond belief...
And that's excatly what STO is... Plenty of content, nothing new.
i know right
The problem is it is far easier for players to burn though content and do them repeatedly to the point it becomes boring than it is for the developer of any game to continuously roll out new content to keep up with players' insatiable appetite.
NEGATIVE it is based off of a lot of thing NOT just the f2p player base
Indeed - I only regret not converting my 500k Dil into Zen at 170...
say it aint SO tony!! say it aint so?!
Doom? :eek:
ah nice at 200 already? hm might go higher too probably, i think i just lost my bet
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you know what's better for a f2p player now? sell now your farmed zen, you will get 25% more dilithium for your farmed zen. haha
I am under the assumption that it is the players that mostly controls the Dilithium Exchange not "they".
Anywaste, I am not opposed to buying Zen as long as I believe STO is fun enough for me to drop a bit of money from time to time to buy things in the C-Store.
I cash in a bunch of dil every month. This month I'm a tad early because the price of zen is going up, and I don't think paychecks on the first week of the month will push it significantly lower.
I will probably use a bunch of this zen that I got at 180/each to buy more dil at 220+/each. I also have one character that is ready for his next 100 doff slots. The rest I will hold until after the delta rising release to buy I dont know what yet. Hopefully new costumes, possibly more bank slots. But I'm pretty sure at least one character will get some boff slots.
i think some suspect that cryptic are intentionally flooding us with dil to keep their exchange value so low that people are encouraged to simply buy zen for whatever it is they are wanting to spend the zen on.
it may be true.
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You make that sound like a bad thing. They *are* a business, y'know... and even charities want people to give them money