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- Official Star Trek Delta Rising Announcement



  • jrbrianjrbrian Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Sounds awesome!!! Looking forward to its release :)
    Trek on everyone :)
  • ghobepongghobepong Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well now I am scratching my head here. Is Delta Rising more like Legacy of Romulus just an expansion? Or is this Season 10? Are we also going to have this intertwine well into the whole Iconian story line? Or is this going to be like Dyson 9.5 where we first faced the Voth then when everyone fussed about not getting Antiproton Weapons Perfectworld threw in the Undine as the game changer for the whole Dyson Saga. This just keeps getting more and more interesting as someone trying to play chess with Data and always losing to him. The possibilities are infinite oh my!

    On a side note the level cap love it, and also may I add seeing some familar faces in STO as well. Who knows maybe even Seven of Nine might chicka bow chicka bow bow show up too. The thing I am keeping an eye out about is this whole new ship designs as well. Hopefully this doesn't TRIBBLE over having people to go back and rebuild their ships like they did with the Dyson Saga. That was definately an interesting game changer there. Also to include the issue about Flotilla's that been going around over the past few years going back to Legacy of Romulus. Either this going to be good? Or bad like thousand year egg. :P
  • cannydogcannydog Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I know that some of this is what people want... But most of the whole new "T6" thing I hate! I seriously abhor the idea of having to grind for all new "Mk XIV" gear. And I don't think its right that they should nerf the old content to oblivion.

    I mean what I've heard is that there will be some way to "upgrade" the T5 ships. But what about so many of the special ships: the Elachi, Undine, Hirogen, Xindi, and Adapated Romulan ships? Those are my favorite ships... NOT the garden variety T5 ships.

    And If you're going to allow us to upgrade T5 ships. Why not allow us to update other gear as well? I just hate the fricking GRIND!

    Sadly this whole thing sounds like some of the other poorly thought out adjustments that have been made recently. I guess since they've had some success they now have to see if they can drive some players away from the game.
  • startrek1warsstartrek1wars Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You'll probably be able to upgrade lockbox ships-there's no way cryptic is going to make one of their primary money makers obsolete.

    I really, really, really hope they allow us to upgrade gear. Otherwise my Mk XII Adapted MACO ground set isn't going to count for anything.
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    what tier 6 is, is no mystery. more station powers, 11 or 12 consoles, say 15% more hull, thats tier 6.

    if they chose tier 6 to be something other then that, its not tier 6, its marketing BS or tier 5+. that sounds like what they are going to do, if tier 5 ships are going to so called be competitive still. if they go for real tier 6, then they are going to have to retrofit just about everything.

    i bet they could do that pretty easily by simply upgrading the stats of c store ships, and telling us to dismiss the tier 5 and reclaim the tier 6. lockbox ships we have bought, they could put a tier 6 version in the dil store were we can reclaim consoles currently. maybe put fleet ships you can only get a tier 5 version of from the fleet store there too.

    Well now, that would actually make sense ... what's the chance?
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I've always found it fascinating that enemy Dreadnaughts are vastly superior in durability to player ones. An NPC Vo'quv has 322,358 hp, as compared to the Tier 5 player version with base 42,000 hp.

    There's already a wide and unusual gap between the player vessels and the NPC vessels. I don't think us receiving tier 6 vessels will automatically move them into obsolesence any further than they already are, since even with that much hull they can still be beaten.
    The difference between NPC ships and player ships aren't only the HP amount. It's the fact that player ships have vastly more ways to regain hull and shields than NPCs do. I assume it's an intentional feature though, as it means that the NPCs will eventually be defeated, while combat still seems more genuine and fair.

    And of course, when examining it at that level, you know it's not. I find it very immersion-breaking too. A player vs an NPC battle isn't meant to be fair. We're always meant to eventually be the winners. Realistically, it would be closer to PvP. But of course that would have to also involve better NPC AI as well...
    what tier 6 is, is no mystery. more station powers, 11 or 12 consoles, say 15% more hull, thats tier 6.

    if they chose tier 6 to be something other then that, its not tier 6, its marketing BS or tier 5+. that sounds like what they are going to do, if tier 5 ships are going to so called be competitive still. if they go for real tier 6, then they are going to have to retrofit just about everything.

    i bet they could do that pretty easily by simply upgrading the stats of c store ships, and telling us to dismiss the tier 5 and reclaim the tier 6. lockbox ships we have bought, they could put a tier 6 version in the dil store were we can reclaim consoles currently. maybe put fleet ships you can only get a tier 5 version of from the fleet store there too.
    My prediction: The new "tier 6" ships will be as you say, "more station powers, 11 or 12 consoles, say 15% more hull" and an additional 'storyline-originated' feature. The upgraded tier 5 ships however I think would be pure +station powers/console slots/hull in addition to whatever powers they already have(unique consoles, fused weapons, etc), except we may have to pay in dil or some new 'ship retrofitting' items for the latter.

    I could be wrong, but that seems most likely.
  • theatreguytheatreguy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What if they offer trade ins for those who have bought the fleet ships where when you get the new ship, its base level is better than the maxed out level of the old ship?

    To me that would place a lot of people where I'm at anyway. I have a level 40 free ship with purple everything (our fleet base etc. is still being built), and I can do elites without dying if I don't find myself losing concentration by paying too much attention to one thing, but I can't one shot much of anything. I can't even one shot destroy the small Borg drone ships. But, I watch these ships that are already fleet ships, then decked out with purple and light purple everything one shot a Borg ship, and then some of the 12 year old Captains who bought those ships with Mom and Dad's money cuss out every other player who didn't do things exactly perfectly right in an STF.

    I can see the worry, but I also don't see how raising the cap is a bad thing. There are so many skills left blank. About half of the skills are left blank. I'd hope there would be something in the game that would open the ability to add 5 or so % skills a season, or at least per amount of other accolades gained, time played, missions accomplished etc. So, a cap raise seems quite logical to me. Why create 35 space skills where only half can ever be achieved?

    Also, I don't see how not creating new things to achieve isn't just part of any gaming experience. Otherwise, its just a console game right?

    I don't know, its not perfect I'm sure, but it is after all a game. Playing it is fun. Nothing like it existed 20 years ago… never would have dreamed of games like this when I was a kid pretending my TV was the view screen for me to imagine Kahn was shooting at my house…er um ship. LOL
  • l2cl2c Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Please don't make everything at lvl 60 require a godddamn fleet. I might pay for another max level ship (as I already have several times), but NOT if it's going to be inferior to a fleet version.
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Other than concerns over how T5 ships will work in all this (and it IS a big issue - can we not get it out the way?), I'm still really looking forward to the expansion and am looking forward to plenty of interesting blogs.
  • spike74656spike74656 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ok I know Cryptic don't want to give much away yet but there is 1 thing we should really be told and that is the Schedule for the blogs.

    I think if people knew when they could expect the next bit of information to eek out they whould at least have something to wait for.

    So whens the first Blog? Today? Tomorrow? Next week?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    skonn wrote: »
    My previous post notwithstanding, I would LOVE a Captain Proton costume pack, complete with weapons and a combat Satan's Robot pet (make us level it, but make it happen!)

    Especially if you tie it in to a black-and-white Captain Proton featured episode. You already have Kim to VO.. Paris can't be far behind.

    THAT would be a shut up and take my money item for me.
    Soooo... much... want! :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ghlaghgheeghlaghghee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    At first blush, this all seems like a pretty terribad idea.
  • suranyilaszlosuranyilaszlo Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Finally! New stories! I hope, this will show more about the exploration side of Star Trek. Still, when will we see the Dragons of Berengaria, and a new, all winter fun Andoria? And playable triexian/edosians please! :)
    The STO team is pleased to announce the second full expansion to the game, Star Trek Online: Delta Rising. Captains will be able to explore the Delta Quadrant, fighting alongside familiar allies against new terrifying foes! Read more about it in our official announcement by Executive Producer Stephen D’Angelo.

    Click this link to go to our Official Announcement

    Make sure to check out our official trailer video from the Dev Panel at Star Trek Las Vegas convention!

  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Here's a better idea for an expansion. It's called:

    Star trek Online: Fixing the bugs that we have been complaining about for the last 4 years that are STILL IN THE GAME....
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The STO team is pleased to announce the second full expansion to the game, Star Trek Online: Delta Rising. Captains will be able to explore the Delta Quadrant, fighting alongside familiar allies against new terrifying foes! Read more about it in our official announcement by Executive Producer Stephen D’Angelo.

    Click this link to go to our Official Announcement

    Make sure to check out our official trailer video from the Dev Panel at Star Trek Las Vegas convention!

    After seeing the introductory video, I am willing to give Cryptic a leap of faith. Prior to making any type of judgement, I will wait for more information about the expansion. I see some nice 'Battlezone' and/or 'Socialzone' planets, which shed a little hope for the new season.

    I am also happy abut the new level cap.

    I am going to speculate and say that one of the worlds belongs to the Ocampa/Talaxians. I wonder if a member of the Caretaker species will make a cameo. Some of the stuff I noticed in the socialzone/battelzone include vendors, exchange, and night/day shifting. I just hope its not an exact clone of New Romulous.

    My only concern is about my T5 and fleet ships. While I know they can be upgraded, I am just worried that my ships will be too weak. I spent allot of money on c-store ships. Upgrading is something I have to take into consideration. I hope its not too expensive. If Cryptic can shed some light on the upgrades, (costs specifically), my overall concerns about the expansion will be levitated.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Seriously. Is there a reason this wasn't up Saturday after the panel, or Monday at worst? Just saying. (Congratulations on the expansion and the official announcement release on the actual STO official website.) You could have released the video today if that's what you were waiting for and effectively had another 'blog' on Delta Rising)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    skonn wrote: »
    My previous post notwithstanding, I would LOVE a Captain Proton costume pack, complete with weapons and a combat Satan's Robot pet (make us level it, but make it happen!)

    Especially if you tie it in to a black-and-white Captain Proton featured episode. You already have Kim to VO.. Paris can't be far behind.

    THAT would be a shut up and take my money item for me.

    YES! And put it them FOUNDRY! Don't forget his rocketship!

    ok... what if the next grind ship was the Captain Proton ship?! I could go for that more than a cruise-liner.

    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    sirokk wrote: »
    YES! And put it them FOUNDRY! Don't forget his rocketship!

    ok... what if the next grind ship was the Captain Proton ship?! I could go for that more than a cruise-liner.


    DO WANT! Want me to slog through crafting, Cryptic? Forget about randomly generated procs and meh traits.. let me craft Satan's Robot, Proton's Ray Gun and the Rocket Ship. (I'll still plunk down actual zen for the costumes... and that includes the ones for Chaotica and Arachnia!)

    (While we're at it, I'd REALLY like to be able to craft TOS Tricorders, communicators and beam-out effects, as well as upgrade the weapons from the TOS bundle/Night of the Comet mission rewards using crafting or the upcoming Specialization Trees. Pretty please?)
  • nakedcrooknakedcrook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Greedy cryptic is at it again.

    They nerf the rep system, taking away our ability to use all the powers we earned, in the name of "stopping power creep" only to hit the grand slam of all power creep introduction, and increase the level cap to 60, and intro news ships, which will have, at least, 5/5 foreward and aft weapons (at least).

    All you people who defended the season 9 nerf, you know who you are. I am curious how many of those people support this level cap increase? I am guessing all of you are going to defend the level cap increase...because Cryptic is telling you to do so.

    This is weak.

    Here is an alternative: leave the level cap at 50, and go back to the old rep system. We will have less power creep that way. How about that?

    If you oppose the Reputation nerf, feel free to use my signature
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I just have this funny feeling that we aren't going to hear much about these new ships and old ship upgrades until close to launch. That way the playerbase won't be pissed off for a long time until exspansion comes out.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    trelane87 wrote: »
    I just found an old dev Q&A blog where Geko flat out said... no tier 6 ships.. if you can avoid the redirect I suggest checking it out.


    Simple. I did a search on the Arc site and found it. Here is the dev blog without the redirect http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/1004040-interview-a-dev%3A-captaingeko
    [Q] If the level cap is ever raised, would there be "Tier 6" ships? How would that be handled? Tech enabling upgrading ships in game? And, if so, would such tech not lend itself to separating looks and stats?

    [CaptainGeko] Unlikely. Making all players ship purchases obsolete would be something we would want to avoid. Possible alternatives would be (and I'm just brainstorming now): A level cap increase to characters only; allow players to level up any T5 ship - either with time or Zen; or maybe something completely different.

    Note the text I made yellow. At the time Gecko said it, it wasn't a sure yes or no. As has been said millions of times in the past: "plans are subject to change".

    From what little info has been released and the rumors going around, we are getting T6 ships for sure and probably some way (as Gecko said in the past) to upgrade our existing T5 ships.

    Cryptic has said multiple times not to worry about our T5 ships becoming obsolete and that they would take care of us in that aspect.

    Wait for more official info from Cryptic before jumping to conclusions and screaming at them. FFS.
  • admiralwilliamsadmiralwilliams Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My Federation character is a Level 50 so I am very excited to see an update like this
  • lequtislequtis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I was very excited about the crafting update but now that they are raising the level cap i have to wonder.. last time they raised the level cap they didn't add higher tier gear to the crafting system so will they do the same again? kind of sad seeing how new it is.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Look at poor Harry's track record, it wouldn't take much to make him happy. Janeway used him as her personal whipping boy :( Always felt bad for him on the show.

    That was stupid. Little character development on Harry and after 7 years stuck in the Delta Quadrant he was still an Ensign when they made it home. :( I actually liked him.

    I liked Neelix too. *runs and hides*

    Edit: Icheb really jumped the space shark. I hated that guy. Especially that whole "I know you're in love with me B'ellanna, but it's not gonna work out between us" TRIBBLE.
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nakedcrook wrote: »
    Greedy cryptic is at it again.

    They nerf the rep system, taking away our ability to use all the powers we earned, in the name of "stopping power creep" only to hit the grand slam of all power creep introduction, and increase the level cap to 60, and intro news ships, which will have, at least, 5/5 foreward and aft weapons (at least).

    All you people who defended the season 9 nerf, you know who you are. I am curious how many of those people support this level cap increase? I am guessing all of you are going to defend the level cap increase...because Cryptic is telling you to do so.

    This is weak.

    Here is an alternative: leave the level cap at 50, and go back to the old rep system. We will have less power creep that way. How about that?
    First, regarding the yellow part of you post: So? You think that'll change their ways? Now, regarding the blue part, I supported the Season 9 stuff and I'm extremely excited for the level cap increase.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • theavenger18theavenger18 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    will there be anything expanding involving the iconians, Dewans, Dyson or Solanae cause that would be nice.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    So according to Al Rivera this is the biggest expnsion since Legacy of Romulus, making it the biggest expansion since the last expansion.
    Russian car finishes second, American car finishes next to last.
  • theavenger18theavenger18 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My only problem with level 60 what happens to all of the MK XII rep gear if there will be MK XIV gear do we get to upgraded or did we all just waste tones of time on the rep system gear
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    will there be anything expanding involving the iconians, Dewans, Dyson or Solanae cause that would be nice.

    I want to know what the hell happened to Empress Sela once and for all. It's been driving me mad. The last time we saw here was the cutscene at the end of the episode 'Cutting the Cord'. Her ship was pulled through an Iconian gateway in an asteroid by some alien ship and we never heard from her again.
  • brwjames85brwjames85 Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    Announcement = good.

    Video = good.

    Things in video = good.

    Lack of explanation RE: T6 ships and T5 upgrades = Bad.

    Trying to stay positive here, but I really do want to know the specifics of the upgrade system.

    That being said, does this mean we'll be getting a Delta Rising startup screen to replace the LoR one?

    it's called a teaser...
    Finally, T6 Fleet sovy! My life is complete!
This discussion has been closed.