This has been an ongoing issue for the last 5 weeks in stfs, the effects for assimilated gear, weapons fire effects, shield effects all vanish. They seem to be turning on and off at their own accord.
I can sit outside esd and watch the assimilated gear effects turn on and off, as if i am removing the gear from the ship and putting it back on. Something wrong with the rendering i am guessing.
Here is the thread where some of us players have been discussing it under support.
This problem needs to fixed, asap preferably. It is wrecking the gaming experience for a lot of us.
Some have tried other things, but to no avail, nothing really works. That brings the issue to the game, not hardware or software or game settings or gpu settings, but the game.
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...

I didn't had this problem before season 9, so yes, seems to be a bug added with season 9
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
Some people have been saying it's a limitation of the graphics engine and that it can only render so many effects at a time. If that's the case, then we need an option to prioritize our own effects over those of our team mates. I still see my team mates beams just not my own, the priority should be on MY weapons. A client side graphics option to limit team mate particle effects would surely fix this issue. As long as I can see fire coming at me, and fire coming from me, feel free to sacrifice friendly beam effects to compensate.
Yeah, the invisible one-hit-kill borg plasma torpedo knocks at your hull....
It's been an issue for a while now. There are a lot of threads about this topic and many came up with the idea of prioritizing your own FX over your teammate's but once again nothing has been done about that.
From my understanding, the initial problem was that the bug used to cause invisible fire from your enemy, hence the whole 'invisible Borg torpedo of doom' thing.' That doesn't seem to happen anymore, but sadly, it seems the 'fix' was to make my weapons invisible instead which honestly isn't much better.
If true though, it means that at least something was done to address it at one point, the solution just isn't the optimal one. Hopefully, the problem can again be addressed but this time in the way that many users, myself included, have suggested.
Time will tell I guess.
I can sit outside ESD and watch the effects for my assimilated gear vanish. So this issue is not just with stfs, but everywhere in game. I am also starting to see the same problem in ground combat.
So, prioritizing is not the answer guys.
It wasnt an issue before S9, surely they can get it to work like it was prior to S9.
Again, they know of problems in tribble but continue to release broken s*** on us every single season because of the deadline. To hell with the deadline, stop releasing broken patches on us!
And fix the effects to how they were working before S9
You cant prioritize anything. My shots are as important as my enemie's. I want to see where im shoting at, and i want to see what weapons are firing at me, so i can respond in consecuence. Both cases are important. Same scenario as if you playing with friends. You need to know if your friend is using beams, projectiles or watever. Because the way your teammate plays, its really important when you need to cover, use heals, skills or watever. Disabling and prioritizing some effects is not the solution, it never was. The only solution is, cryptic worrying about this issue. Until cryptic realizes (they already know, but they are not losing money because of this, so they are not worried...) this is a game-breaker bug and some players will not have patience to eat it for much more, me included, nothing will change. But this is related as well to the low performance of the game engine. Its the same that trying to fight in the undine battlezone, for example. Who will like to fight in a super laggy fps zone, where all the essence of the game is lost and the only thing you can do is to press the fire button?? apparently, a lot of people likes to play in this situation, because they keep asking for new content, new expansions, they keep posting new massive player battles ideas :P, and they complain about almost anything but the important things, like this one, or they keep complaining because they dont have that shiny skill working as they want, but they are ok with the loadout system malcfunctioning since day 1 or the powertry bug still not working as intended. They complain about having things they dont want, or content they wish and they dont get, and people quits the game because of the new crafting system of the new doff ui, but people is completely ok with these total game-breakers.
So, i said a bunch of times, this will never change. Because people dont want to change.. unfortunately.
here... here... here... here...
This issue is a killjoy for many players.
PS. One of the posters in the "Invisible weapons..." thread is running an Intel Core i7-4820k CPU @ 3.70GHz, 8gb ram Win 7 64bit Nvida Geforce GTX 680. Another poster there stated a GTX Titan was having the same problem.
For fun lets look at PassMark video card benchmark G3D Marks for these cards;
HD 6850 - 2,238 (my card)
GTX 680 - 5,715
GTX Titan - 8,000
So don't even think about pulling the "it's your GPU" card....
I know its not my cards. I have 2 pc's and a laptop. Laptop has integrated graphics, 1 pc has a single EVGA GTX 760 @4GB VRam, and 2nd pc has 2 EVGA GTX 760's FTW Edition running in SLi, @4GB VRam each, all 3 have same issue being effects vanish.
I have noticed the issue is starting to spread to ground missions too now. So, its going to get worse if they dont fix it soon
PWE, CRYPTIC whoever.. FIX IT! *please*
Greywolf Taskforce - Officer of the Fleet
Dyson space has always been "slower" for me, but Undine battlezone is nearly unplayable.
Weapons drop outs now happen even occassionally on Borg eSTFs and FAs. I've been taking them pretty light heartedly for a while, but it is getting old that this issue still isn't on the "known issues" list.
I agree with you. This going on for a short while was "somewhat" ok, but after this amount of time is really getting my knickers in a twist.
On top of this, the only direct response from the Devs (Taco) saying that they ramped up the challenge for high end settings. I like the next guy enjoy a challenge, but come on.....
This is a video game.... shouldn't a priority be put on the video aspect....
I posted this in that post as well to let the devs have a visual on the bug we are all refering to
Star Trek Online Graphic Bug <<< Youtube link
you are a lucky one then
Me, i cop it in all stf's, sitting outside ESD i see my assimilated gear turn on and off, and have seen the ground combat weapons fire vanish as well. It is spreading like a virus.
Well said, i agree
I second the congrats on it only occurring in CE.
By the way, are your graphic settings still maxed? What GPU are you using?
If this is the way it's gonna be from here on out, it would be nice if Cryptic would post the recommended PC requirements to play this game at max settings. I have no issues upgrading if it's required (did so once 2 years ago), but would hate to if it is a problem on their end... which I tend to lean towards after reading so many posts on so many threads.
Come on Cryptic.... throw us a bone here!
I regret to say I feel the turning off of these effects actually *was* the fix! Or, rather, what Cryptic considered a 'fix' for ppl complaing about the graphics being too heavy for their cards. Instead of optimizing the render engine, they figured they simply turn off a lot of special effects when the going gets tough! Tada! Solved! /sarcasm
Ask and you shall receive - updated after Season 8 went live!
I chuckle, GeForce 8800 is "recommended". If the game is running like hell well above that threshold, Cryptic/PWE should ensure either:
a)It doesn't run horribly at the recommended requirements (preferred)
b)Update requirements to the true values (but considering people have claimed problems on GeForce TITANS, I'm reluctant to think it's enitrely a requirement issue)
c)A combination of the two (probably more realistic).
To not do so runs the risk of angering old players who had the game run fine before. More importantly, it will confuse new players, who will just think the game runs horribly (as their computers are well above the requirments) most of the time, and quit.
Unforuntately, this issue seems to have fallen into the "ignore it and it will go away" category. So I just avoid areas and queues where I have problems. That is NOT a solution, but it's all I can do for now.
Thanks for posting this Ralph.
Checked out the "recommended" cards' PassMark video card benchmark G3D Mark...
851 .... (GeForce 8800 GTS 512)
Minimum card.... GeForce 7950... G3D Mark = 310
LOL x2
As ive stated, im starting to see the vanishing act spread to ground combat, and i cop it in all space stf's.
Not on.
Keep this at top of forum till they acknowledge it and fix it!
In game handle @darthvrooks
i have gotten replies from devs in the bugs section before......maybe give em a few more days, they coulda been busy doin something else, who knows, but hopefully after weekend we will hear something......if not, well, my wallet wont hear them till it is fixed, for me, im avoiding space combat, but im even seeing this issue in ground, so its killing the game for me. :mad: Coming up 6 weeks of it now, if not,more!
14 weeks and 4 days here, since the April 22, 2014 release of Season 9.
I hope your right with your optimism. I've used the same excuses for them not addressing this issue as well....
well, time does fly
It shoulda been fixed 10 weeks ago then
Thank you for the pop in frost, I know that most will still be mad that you didnt have more news about it, but for me, the fact that a Dev came in here and acknowledged that they are trying to figure out why it happens makes me happy, so again, thank you for taking you time to pop in