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Official New Crafting System "Research and Development" Feedback Thread



  • bbushwookiebbushwookie Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mattachine wrote: »
    Yet Cryptic doesn't seem to care what we think

    Perhaps the small amount of people (usually the same ones on every thread), that complain about everything new, are a small amount compared to the actual player base. So maybe "we", being the forum complainers, do not represent the majority of feedback they are getting?

    That being said...I like how they have the components right on the same page as the gear you are making....However...After you make them, and have to come back and re-select the MK and type you are making is a bit annoying. Not a huge issue, just is a hassle when making a bunch of the same thing, like beams or cannons, ect.
    Space chatter is soothing~
  • chrisolliecchrisolliec Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I just seen the last Tribble notes. It seems to me to filter and to find specific Doff is more clickie and scrolling.

    *cut for focus on topic*

    Am I wrong? About the filtering being more clickie and scrollie.

    I feel similar.

    Though I like the idea that the doff profession required for the assignment appears on top of the list, I think it is no good idea to have all professions selected when opening the doff selection window while using the department heads suggestions option.

    That said, I have the feeling that this doff system is partially gone wrong, from the logic view.
    Sometimes, you have doffs required to even be able to start an assignment. And then, on other assignments, there is a profession mentioned that grants success, but if you use a different doff, no matter what profession it's of, that doesn't matter in any way, as long as it has a better "quality" than the one that should do the job.

    It feels quite odd to me that a purple doctor should be able to perform a turbolift maintenance better than a blue maintenance engineer - even a white one should be able to get that job done better than the doc. As well as any other member of the engineering corps.
    I'd rather have a technician doing the maintenance than a doctor, if the maintenance engineer is missing. Or would you send your maintenance engineer to the sick bay to cure someone else's anaprolean fever? I don't think so, seeing that the medical assingments need at last someone from the medical staff, be it a nurse or a biochemist, to be able to start any of these missions.

    This had occurred before the revamping*, but got worse afterwards.
    I would appreciate if you could do something about it.

    *: The best example for this are the assignments on Risa and in Q's Winter Wonderland.
    If you choose your biologists to do the job, you get actually a penalty. Usually, a green doff of an other profession gets a higher crit chance than a blue biologist.
    "I came from a time long gone, saw many other times...
    But I'm still a mere human."
    Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
  • deonshackerdeonshacker Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm WERRY ANGRY about that!
    Now I tried to do new, but understand what this IMPOSSIBLE without dilitium...
    I agree buying starships for real money, okay, fleet modules also acceptable, but skills NO!
    Owners, are u mad?
    I like this game, I want support it, and already spent much money on it, but after that I will not buy ZEN any more...
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited August 2014
    The new crafting system is another example as of what the point of STO is: money/time sink.
    If you ask me, I have gotten tired of sinking my time into the rep system, and I'll simply will not log into STO just to renew the rep cycle anymore. What does this have to do about crafting? The crafting system follows the same hurdle as the rep system, but at a larger scale. If I tend to rep when pigs fly, then I'll tend to STO crafting when cows land on the moon.
  • radiantdarkness0radiantdarkness0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    For the love of all things get rid of the Dilithium requirements!!!!! It killed the old system and its going to kill the new system.

    Issues so far.

    1: Get rid of Dilithium Requirements!!!!!!! I can't stress this enough

    2: Need to add modular system for modifiers to craftable items. I.E. [Arc] [Acc] things like that


    6: What happened to the Aegis Engine and Deflector? What about adding in an Aegis Warp Core/Singularity Core

    7: Need to add a way of breaking down loot drop items into crafting mats. This is the corner stone of all crafting systems in mmo's.

    8: Need to add a way of getting schematics for making modular modifiers through research. This is R&D after all!

    9: We need some creativity here Dev. If I want to craft an Omni-Directional Antiproton Dual Beam Bank Mk XII Very Rare. Or maybe I want to Craft an Omni-Directional Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher Then let me make one.

    10: All these craftable items at max level need to be on par with Fleet and Reputation Equipment otherwise its just a waist of time and materials.


    I agree with the above parts of comkiller007's post. The new crafting system is a massive disappointment, and the way the transition was handled from the old system to the new one was a grave injustice. Not just for those of us who spent so much time getting Memory Alpha crafting to max level, but for anyone with any degree of investment in the previous system.

    #2 and #7 above are of central importance: Crafting should be a way of creating the specific items you want (ie: targeted loot). I've watched this game evolve since launch in 2010.

    I've watched and waited and hoped. And been met with disappointment time and time again. To be fair, the game has come a LONG way. But unfortunately, in most ways, it feels like a long way in the wrong direction.

    :: Lockboxes and the Lobi Consortium are a collective abomination. They give the impression that "Greed is Good", and encourage gambling, which are both anathema to what the real foundation of Star Trek is about.

    :: PVP lacks balance, both in terms of the power slant, and in terms of match-making.

    :: The STF system is a cheap immitation of the better system it should have been.

    :: Rigid Bridge Officer layouts are the devil. (lol)

    :: And more. I could go on a serious rant about this game

    STO feels like a decrepit, dried up old christmas tree (the core system) with a lot of very pretty ornaments hanging on it (all the awesome little pieces like story missions with full voice acting, and other cool stuff).

    This revamped crafting system was almost a new ray of hope. But its current iteration is pretty horrible: It's boring, way too random, and way too expensive. And the lower levels offer absolutely NOTHING -- ZERO -- to long-term players with max level characters. Just like the reputation systems. You grind it, you max it, you get the prize at the end, and then you forget about it.

    This game is so frustrating because of all the ways in which it was almost good. Like many others, i pre-ordered the Collector's Edition, along with a LTS to this game, was in the beta as well, and then subsequently spent tons of cash in the C-Store. I believed this game had designers and developers behind it who had a real passion and vision toward making STO not just good, or great, but something legendary: The next Star Trek. Period.

    Now 4 years on, and the end-game is nothing but a grind. :mad:

    Hopefully the upcoming Delta Rising expansion will start to turn things around. I don't expect Cryptic to deliver a masterpiece overnight. But i do expect you guys to show us players that you actually care about the IP, about our time investment, and about creating a true game world.

    .... STO crafting?! Bah! Humbug!
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,238 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Massive disappointment as well. Crafting projectiles is over 100fold more expensive then what the items are worth. It takes 100million to craft 1 million worth of items. Total waste of time.
  • chrisolliecchrisolliec Member Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Massive disappointment as well. Crafting projectiles is over 100fold more expensive then what the items are worth. It takes 100million to craft 1 million worth of items. Total waste of time.
    Where do get these numbers from?
    Did you buy the materials on the exchange?
    "I came from a time long gone, saw many other times...
    But I'm still a mere human."
    Vice Admiral Chris Curtiss, Temporal Ambassador
  • proton618proton618 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i have crafted some weapons to list on the exchange but when i search the exchange i cannot find my listed items. is this a bug?
  • vonestelvonestel Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My biggest complaint so far, regarding the new crafting system, is that I still can't use it. I'm a casual player, but I've been fairly diligent about doing my research on crafting each day and I'm still only up to level 10. I won't be able to even try to craft anything till I'm lvl 15 in Crafting. By that time, the new update will be out and who knows if there will be any point to crafting stuff? Glancing through the forum it doesn't sound like it's easy to make the items you want even when you somehow level up to T15 crafting. At this point I am really feeling the complete lack of any serious bonus for my old max level crafter. :( Maybe in January I'll finally be able to craft a lvl XIV omnidirectional phaser so my phaser ships will be competitive with my antiproton ships again.
  • ibreakbonesibreakbones Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    the Hargh-peng torpedo is a great weapon but it only goes up to Mk XI. Why not let us upgrade it through crafting?

    In fact it would be nice if we would take any existing weapon and upgrade it. With the new season coming I would like the ability to upgrade existing weapons past Mk XII
  • colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Didn't the original crafting system fail because it was too expensive, too tedious and you could only craft a couple of useful items?

    Its everything I hate about so called "crafting" in games rolled into one.

    Mostly by biggest complaint is that even if I wanted to "craft" I would be forced to replay content that I was done with ages ago and never want to do again. Just seems every few months they create some new reason to force me to do the Borg STFs again
  • jagdhippiesjagdhippies Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Didn't the original crafting system fail because it was too expensive, too tedious and you could only craft a couple of useful items?

    Its everything I hate about so called "crafting" in games rolled into one.

    Mostly by biggest complaint is that even if I wanted to "craft" I would be forced to replay content that I was done with ages ago and never want to do again. Just seems every few months they create some new reason to force me to do the Borg STFs again

    It failed because the items were junk. There was no customization for the mods on the weapons and there was no way to break stuff down into mats for making new items. It was the dilithium store with a discount. Just like this R&D system only replace the discount with massive inflation caused by the gambling mechanism.
    My carrier is more powerful than your gal-dread
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not sure where to post this.

    From what I've read so far players will not be able to further round out and add skill points to their Captains skill trees after 50. I wanted to continue to round out my Sci toon without having to respec. it.

    However, I'm just learning that R&D schools are are bestowing a traits of once you hit lvl 15. Please consider adding additional traits to boost or enhance Science skills to the Science school. Particle Manipulator sounds interesting, but I'd also like to see traits that increase benefits to flow caps, counter systems, decompiler, and sensors.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • captainjstormcaptainjstorm Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm pretty new and I'm wondering if there is a guide or map that shows where the best sectors to get material
    specifically Beta-Tachyon and Tritanium.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm pretty new and I'm wondering if there is a guide or map that shows where the best sectors to get material
    specifically Beta-Tachyon and Tritanium.

    Just don't bother going for the crafting system. It isn't worth it since everything will be outdated and useless a few days after you get them.
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    dragnridr wrote: »
    Just don't bother going for the crafting system. It isn't worth it since everything will be outdated and useless a few days after you get them.

    Nah - some of the things are cool.

    but really, either let EVERYTHING be upgradeable, or not at all.
  • keithustus0keithustus0 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've been away from the game for a couple years and logged in recently what with the 5-year anniversary and now that we live in a Spockless world. So I logged into my low-level alt whose large inventory I used solely for crafting to save space on my lvl 50....and it says he's too low to craft. Odd, since my fleet had donated me hundreds or thousands of items so that I was able to completely max out all the crafting skills at Memory Alpha on him before. So what happens, when I get him up to level 15, am I maxed out on this new system as well, or just some of the categories?
  • schntgaispock1schntgaispock1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I do not know what is the higher rarity officer, or adding one to my crew :(
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've been away from the game for a couple years and logged in recently what with the 5-year anniversary and now that we live in a Spockless world. So I logged into my low-level alt whose large inventory I used solely for crafting to save space on my lvl 50....and it says he's too low to craft. Odd, since my fleet had donated me hundreds or thousands of items so that I was able to completely max out all the crafting skills at Memory Alpha on him before. So what happens, when I get him up to level 15, am I maxed out on this new system as well, or just some of the categories?

    You won't be maxed out in anything. You'll start at level 1 like everyone else.
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