What I do with Ker'rat to not be ambushed? I keep RSP handy and stay close to the borg. Although I do hate it when I take a tac cube on, kill it and get ambushed. There is no honour in that.
One tried to do that to me, I killed him quickly and hunted him for the next ten minutes, with a squad of federation warships. I don't go in unescorted. I go in with a team or ensure there's several fed ships. If it looks like a good pvp matchh, I'll join in and aggro the cubes to join in as well. It's terrific. It's chaos. It's war!
Pretending to have an escort of allies because you're scary of popping is even less honorable.
What I do with Ker'rat to not be ambushed? I keep RSP handy and stay close to the borg. Although I do hate it when I take a tac cube on, kill it and get ambushed. There is no honour in that.
One tried to do that to me, I killed him quickly and hunted him for the next ten minutes, with a squad of federation warships. I don't go in unescorted. I go in with a team or ensure there's several fed ships. If it looks like a good pvp matchh, I'll join in and aggro the cubes to join in as well. It's terrific. It's chaos. It's war!
So wait...
It's dishonorable for the guy to attack you while you're fighting a NPC...
...but it's honorable for you to hunt the guy with a team?
Player & NPC vs. Player...baaaaaaad!
Player & four other Players vs. Player...good?
That kind of thinking would explain the majority of Fed chat 'n conduct in Ker'rat, lol...
I didn't say I have a team of 4, teams can be a friend with you, or some other random guys who just happens to be there that decided to team up together for protection. The hunted can find friends and turn it around.
No matter how you justify it, it was still five vs. one. You then bragged about hunting him for the next ten minutes.
Are you sure five was enough? After all, he had weapons. And a ship. Which moved. Maybe you should have gotten a few more 'friends'. Say fifty or so. Then you wouldn't have to have been scared at all.:rolleyes:
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
aww you're cute. You sound like one of those klingons that tried to ambush a fed and got owned by a fleet out of nowhere
*chuckles* But they are right. You didn't like being attacked, yet felt it was ok to get a group together to focus ONLY on him? Also, gotta love the old 'KDF boogeyman', I guess that Romulans doing it are ok as well, right?
Side note: I love that the OP disappeared from the thread.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
aww you're cute. You sound like one of those klingons that tried to ambush a fed and got owned by a fleet out of nowhere
Nope. Most of the time when I am in Ker'rat it is usually a SpoonFed who tries to jump me. When my back is turned. After I am fully engaged with one or more Cubes. Because that is the SpoonFed way.
Unlike you, I usually do not require, ahem, 'backup'.
But enough of this. Let us discuss more the more important matter. You really think I'm cute? Wow. I do not know what to say to this. Except I have been very happily married - to a woman - for the last twenty eight years. I doubt she'd understand if I started seeing someone I met over the Internet. So you'll have to break off your pursuit of me. Because it can only end badly. For both of us.
Guess I'll just be one more thing you'll never have, SpoonFed. Just like a battle cloak. Probably just as well at that. I am very high maintenance and really clingy. Both of us being the same way in a relationship would never work, would it?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
Nope. Most of the time when I am in Ker'rat it is usually a SpoonFed who tries to jump me. When my back is turned. After I am fully engaged with one or more Cubes. Because that is the SpoonFed way.
Unlike you, I usually do not require, ahem, 'backup'.
But enough of this. Let us discuss more the more important matter. You really think I'm cute? Wow. I do not know what to say to this. Except I have been very happily married - to a woman - for the last twenty eight years. I doubt she'd understand if I started seeing someone I met over the Internet. So you'll have to break off your pursuit of me. Because it can only end badly. For both of us.
Guess I'll just be one more thing you'll never have, SpoonFed. Just like a battle cloak. Probably just as well at that. I am very high maintenance and really clingy. Both of us being the same way in a relationship would never work, would it?
LMAO!!! thanks for the laugh.
I don't ambush Klingons engaging cubes. Just klingons engaging feds or just wandering about.
You go to Ker'rat looking for a bar fight... That's what it is. Sometimes you win, sometimes you get your *** handed to you. That's what it's all about, stay home if you can't handle it.
As far as fighting Klinks when the war is "over" it is never over.... All throughout Star Trek, little scuffles still occur after piece treaties... nothing new....
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
The 'bar fight' analogy is a pretty good one. Hadn't thought about this way but you are correct.
The OP for this thread, who has long since left it to wither and die, seemed to think it was hard to kill Cubes with a Scimitar. He/She? seemed to think people farming Ker'rat should be left alone. He/She? also seemed to think Ker'rat should be nerfed down to a PvE only zone but that the rewards should remain the same. He/She? was determined he was right. I finally decided to spend all my game time in Ker'rat and do nothing but hunt farmers. So far, I've come out even in the win/lose columns. Which for me is enough. Met some really great people who play mostly Klink and Rom. Met a few SpoonFeds who did nothing but rage in the Chat Window at me. For interrupting their farming.
Those are the sort of people who give Starfleet a bad name and a worse reputation. Thank God there are so very few of them. But why do they have to always be so visible?
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
I like the bar fight analogy. You're just a grumpy person going to a seedy bar full of rival gangs. You might get left alone getting that awesome drink, or you'll get into a bar fight
Second, how am I supposed to get drops when someone that choose the KDF side runs up on me and uses Beam Overload 3 to deal an utterly too swift blow (60k+ hit) that instantly destroys my ship.
This kind of damage is easy to do easy to avoid, use Attack Pattern Omega, Polarize Hull, Antimatter Spread (as feds love to spam every 2 seconds), or even have a ship that can just take a hit... really 60k isn't that much.
Third, and the most annoying thing in the zone is the bop ship...T'varo/B'rel (apparently only the KDF side chooses these ships)
Have you ever looked around you and seen all the cloaked Romulans? Stay current and make a romulan if its such a big deal or stop complaining.
And Last but not least.....seems anymore that the zone is a haven for a certain fleet
Stopped reading and caring here, if you see a HOBO just ignore them they are just idiots. I find ignoring them makes your chances of being put by them much more slim.
Really though, nothing here is worth complaining about. Too much damage for you? Get a better ship or put on some resistance (I know, I know you feds just hate that don't you), don't like the Romulans and Klingons? Make one yourself and stay cloaked, they cant shoot you then. Dont like that fleet, well leave and do something worthwhile. Let them feel big and powerful while being fools not our problem really.
Really though, nothing here is worth complaining about. Too much damage for you? Get a better ship or put on some resistance (I know, I know you feds just hate that don't you), don't like the Romulans and Klingons? Make one yourself and stay cloaked, they cant shoot you then.
He is a rom in a scimmy so that doesnt help him much.
Dont like that fleet, well leave and do something worthwhile. Let them feel big and powerful while being fools not our problem really.
Feds cant run from us anymore, the days of running to FvF to hide from the evul boogeymen are over. All will perish before the mighty onslaught! :P
Of course he could do PvE I suppose. But then again its PvE...
Karrock/Karreck/Darth Karrock/Unspoken House of Beautiful Orions PUNISH THE FEDs
I usually just fly in there and look how many klings are online (oh and mimey: klings also means alligned romulans, so no kdf boogyman ...). Sadly it usually takes some time until a nice fight ensues between groups, so you'll generally just have to wait to be engaged by some vaper. That at least serves as a bit of training.
In general, i just leave farmers and fleetless ships alone, because attacking some hapless player and scare him off pvp for a couple of month doesn't really give me any satisfaction. But if i see another ship being attacked i try to intervene.
So yeah, the workings of Ker'rat are certainly different from your standard queue and a much more player shaped experience then you could get in the arena, but it's more for single players. (That's a least the fealing i get when going there.)
(oh and mimey: klings also means alligned romulans, so no kdf boogyman ...)
Actually there kinda is. I still so often see around the forums and the game sometimes the 'KDF boogeyman' in question. This mentality of 'If a Fed or Fed-Rom does something, it is ok, but if a KDF, and sometimes KDF-Rom does the same or a similar thing, it's bad.'
It's bad that a KDF player pulls a decloak alpha against a Fed ship and vapes it in seconds. BUT it is perfectly ok for a Fed or Fed-Rom to purposefully go after the KDF, including using cloaking ships as well, doubly so if the KDF in question is using a BoP.
BoPs are bad, but Fed-Roms are ok. AAs and such are bad, but TDF is ok. And so on. There seems to almost be this 'punishment' mentality going on sometimes. The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson' sort of deal. Hence...the KDF boogeyman.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Actually there kinda is. I still so often see around the forums and the game sometimes the 'KDF boogeyman' in question. This mentality of 'If a Fed or Fed-Rom does something, it is ok, but if a KDF, and sometimes KDF-Rom does the same or a similar thing, it's bad.'
It's bad that a KDF player pulls a decloak alpha against a Fed ship and vapes it in seconds. BUT it is perfectly ok for a Fed or Fed-Rom to purposefully go after the KDF, including using cloaking ships as well, doubly so if the KDF in question is using a BoP.
BoPs are bad, but Fed-Roms are ok. AAs and such are bad, but TDF is ok. And so on. There seems to almost be this 'punishment' mentality going on sometimes. The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson' sort of deal. Hence...the KDF boogeyman.
No, people just like to generalize a lot. The players that whine on the forums or ingame are nearly never the fed-rom vapers, but the non-cloaking farmers. So from their singular perspective, the passive one, they get attacked by other players usually without provocation.
The problem is, that due to the nature of Ker'rat the KDF is always seen as the aggressor, next to the borg. So hunting the hunter (or as you would call it: "The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson'") is a nice turnaround in the, oh so often, just passive experience for fed players in the warzone. I also nearly never see any cloak-less ships in the zone. It's either rom-vapers, bops, scimitards, or battlecruisers (raptors seem to be extermely rare for some reason). Occasionally there might be the zombie tank, but you can just ignore it. Sci snoopers exist on both sides, since you really don't need TDF to build a snooper, so with a bit more coordination even the KDF could vape the vapers.
TDF only does so much in a non sci vessel or even a non sci captain anyway. If i use it on a ship with the rom deflector, i can barely boost my stealth detection range beyond 5km. So the TDF isn't really OP on it's own, neither is AA for that matter (this thing is just a mere nuissance and can only be "dangerous" if some mindless FAW spammer is close to it).
I guess it all comes down to player numbers in the zone. If they would be more equal, then the amount of vapers would certainly be reduced (pure speculation here), because players wouldn't have to fear a whole fed gank-squad coming after them, after each kill.
No, people just like to generalize a lot. The players that whine on the forums or ingame are nearly never the fed-rom vapers, but the non-cloaking farmers. So from their singular perspective, the passive one, they get attacked by other players usually without provocation.
The problem is, that due to the nature of Ker'rat the KDF is always seen as the aggressor, next to the borg. So hunting the hunter (or as you would call it: "The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson'") is a nice turnaround in the, oh so often, just passive experience for fed players in the warzone. I also nearly never see any cloak-less ships in the zone. It's either rom-vapers, bops, scimitards, or battlecruisers (raptors seem to be extermely rare for some reason). Occasionally there might be the zombie tank, but you can just ignore it. Sci snoopers exist on both sides, since you really don't need TDF to build a snooper, so with a bit more coordination even the KDF could vape the vapers.
TDF only does so much in a non sci vessel or even a non sci captain anyway. If i use it on a ship with the rom deflector, i can barely boost my stealth detection range beyond 5km. So the TDF isn't really OP on it's own, neither is AA for that matter (this thing is just a mere nuissance and can only be "dangerous" if some mindless FAW spammer is close to it).
I guess it all comes down to player numbers in the zone. If they would be more equal, then the amount of vapers would certainly be reduced (pure speculation here), because players wouldn't have to fear a whole fed gank-squad coming after them, after each kill.
Oh I know, there are a lot of generalizations that tend to fly around.
Yes, that is usually true. And hunting the hunter also isn't an issue either IMO. It's more when it tends to be that 'punishment' meantality that it gets rather annoying. That thought of needing to teach a lesson to the KDF players and such.
I know TDF ain't that vital, though it can be useful. It's more that there's so much stuff on the Fed side that they have, that they have no qualms about using any of it, yet what few things the KDF side still has are often seen as 'bad' even if they aren't a big deal in the grand scheme.
The whole 'KDF boogeyman' is a lot smaller and weaker than it once was. Part of that comes from Romulans, and part of it is the pure and simple fact that apparently the whining worked, Feds got access to most of the better KDF ship consoles through the lockboxes.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Wow....what is wrong with some people, you want to eat you cupcakes and have your tea on your bridge, fly around and millions and million of EC without incidents....really??....When i go to Kerrat.....i am on alert....when i hear a Boff activating or i am "Marked", do i sit back relax and sip my tea and get a new pink cupcake.....oh hell no, i get ready for the rain of hell ready to be unleashed on my a$$, if done right, PH, Brace for impact, and other heals/hull improve., i survive the attack, and prepare to unless hell on the attacker a$$....if nothing happens, farm till hell starts...Live and Learn....or die trying.
It's more that there's so much stuff on the Fed side that they have, that they have no qualms about using any of it, yet what few things the KDF side still has are often seen as 'bad' even if they aren't a big deal in the grand scheme.
What exactly is there, that the kdf side doesn't have?
Transwarp Computer
Tachyon Detection Field
Resonance Cascade Modulator
Ionized Gas Sensor
Grappler (*lol*)
Enhanced Plasma Manifold
Those are the only consoles left, that aren't resticted to their specific ship types and are exclusive for the fed side. I only see TDF and the EPM as a point of contention here.
Aceton Assimilator
Barrier Field Generator
Magnetometric Generator
Enhanced Induction Coils
Shield Destabilizer (dunno if this can acutally be equipped on ships other than BoPs)
Here only the AA seems universally good (would really like to have this for NWS farming). The EIC might even get a buff after the sales driving buff of the EPM has brought in enough money, who knows.
There really isn't any major difference between the two factions anymore, at least if you don't count the romulans as their own faction.
People will always search for some kind of culprit for why they might have been blown up. It's usually not their own fault, of course. So please stop morphing the oppinion of a single bad whiny little player into that of a whole playerbase.
P.S.: Whining that cryptic ruined the distinct factions now won't help anybody either as it just sounds like another excuse why this or that op console/mechanic couldn't/shouldn't have been shared ... even though that might not be the case. (and whoever says that plasmonic isn't op, because 12 standart consoles in one clearly can't be, should just be dragged behind the barn and ...)
What exactly is there, that the kdf side doesn't have?
Transwarp Computer
Tachyon Detection Field
Resonance Cascade Modulator
Ionized Gas Sensor
Grappler (*lol*)
Enhanced Plasma Manifold
Those are the only consoles left, that aren't resticted to their specific ship types and are exclusive for the fed side. I only see TDF and the EPM as a point of contention here.
Aceton Assimilator
Barrier Field Generator
Magnetometric Generator
Enhanced Induction Coils
Shield Destabilizer (dunno if this can acutally be equipped on ships other than BoPs)
Here only the AA seems universally good (would really like to have this for NWS farming). The EIC might even get a buff after the sales driving buff of the EPM has brought in enough money, who knows.
There really isn't any major difference between the two factions anymore, at least if you don't count the romulans as their own faction.
People will always search for some kind of culprit for why they might have been blown up. It's usually not their own fault, of course. So please stop morphing the oppinion of a single bad whiny little player into that of a whole playerbase.
P.S.: Whining that cryptic ruined the distinct factions now won't help anybody either as it just sounds like another excuse why this or that op console/mechanic couldn't/shouldn't have been shared ... even though that might not be the case. (and whoever says that plasmonic isn't op, because 12 standart consoles in one clearly can't be, should just be dragged behind the barn and ...)
It isn't really about what side still hasn't traded what consoles. It is that in the past, there was much whining about the 'OPness' of certain things that the Klingon side had. Extensive cloaking, Plasmonic Leech, and other such consoles. Whether or not said whining was a part of it, what IS known is that in the end, the whiners got what they wanted.
I dunno if you were here at the time, but in the weeks leading up to LoR, there were two HUGE whine threads devoted entirely to saying that Feds should get Plasmonic Leech. They were so bad they were outright deleted, and...with the release of LoR, Feds got exactly that.
I am willing to admit that Plasmonic is damn good, won't deny that to be honest. I use it on many toons, including Fed toons since LoR. BUT, all that I am trying to get at, is that there has been whining about the alleged 'OPness' of many things that the Klingon side had, (and usually trying to use PvP to justify it I might add), and the 'KDF boogeyman' developed during that time period.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
It isn't really about what side still hasn't traded what consoles. It is that in the past, there was much whining about the 'OPness' of certain things that the Klingon side had. Extensive cloaking, Plasmonic Leech, and other such consoles. Whether or not said whining was a part of it, what IS known is that in the end, the whiners got what they wanted.
I dunno if you were here at the time, but in the weeks leading up to LoR, there were two HUGE whine threads devoted entirely to saying that Feds should get Plasmonic Leech. They were so bad they were outright deleted, and...with the release of LoR, Feds got exactly that.
I am willing to admit that Plasmonic is damn good, won't deny that to be honest. I use it on many toons, including Fed toons since LoR. BUT, all that I am trying to get at, is that there has been whining about the alleged 'OPness' of many things that the Klingon side had, (and usually trying to use PvP to justify it I might add), and the 'KDF boogeyman' developed during that time period.
First of all, a little disclaimer: I have been here since the game started out. That said, i really don't like to venture into the depth of stupid that are whine threads, cause they usually get me very drepressed.
That said, do you remember how OP siphon drones were? A single Kar'fi could control all of ISE at the time (a time without reps and not that much lockbox ships). Imagine the results in pvp. No, the KDF boogeyman developed from the start, be it in pvp or pve. As virusdanceer once put it, since the kdf was such a skeleton faction and mostly relied on pvp or endless pve grind to level up, players became really good at pvp. And as a result some fed players concluded that it must have something to do with the things they don't have ...
See the problem here? If something is truly OP you can basically just do 4 things with it.
Make it available to everybody
Nerf it
Buff something (everything) else to compensate for it
Delete it
That's it. Now tell me what will generate the least consumer hate and might even drive sales? I can't blame cryptic for most of their decisions regarding OP stuff, other than lacking the foresight and implementing it in the first place.
The only action to get rid of the boogeyman is to stop believing in it. Always mentioning it won't help in any way (except maybe boost your own ego).
First of all, a little disclaimer: I have been here since the game started out. That said, i really don't like to venture into the depth of stupid that are whine threads, cause they usually get me very drepressed.
That said, do you remember how OP siphon drones were? A single Kar'fi could control all of ISE at the time (a time without reps and not that much lockbox ships). Imagine the results in pvp. No, the KDF boogeyman developed from the start, be it in pvp or pve. As virusdanceer once put it, since the kdf was such a skeleton faction and mostly relied on pvp or endless pve grind to level up, players became really good at pvp. And as a result some fed players concluded that it must have something to do with the things they don't have ...
See the problem here? If something is truly OP you can basically just do 4 things with it.
Make it available to everybody
Nerf it
Buff something (everything) else to compensate for it
Delete it
That's it. Now tell me what will generate the least consumer hate and might even drive sales? I can't blame cryptic for most of their decisions regarding OP stuff, other than lacking the foresight and implementing it in the first place.
The only action to get rid of the boogeyman is to stop believing in it. Always mentioning it won't help in any way (except maybe boost your own ego).
Ah, good to know that you have been here so long. I also greatly dislike purely 'whine' threads as well.
I remember the days of truly OP siphon drones back then. I won't deny that, they were insane at the time.
BUT. The KDF boogeyman might have developed in PvP, but it lingered in the game overall. People saw what the KDF had, and ONLY wanted that, or if they couldn't have it, they wanted it nerfed. And it did happen a few times, like Plasmonic got hit at least once or twice I believe.
That's just it though, people whined because the KDF had the 'better toys' so to speak. Instead of...y'know, just enjoying the heaps of attention that the Fed side got (and really still does get to a degree) back then. Along with...I dunno, asking for things that would be unique to the Fed side itself. Instead they just wanted more KDF stuff: unique consoles, much more cloaking, a full universal ship/raider, carriers, etc.
And pretty much they got what they wanted more or less, but even to this day, still want more.
This isn't about me 'believing' in the KDF boogeyman, I only react to what others post first. And what they post is usually about precisely what you and I have been talking about: Something the KDF has.
OP is a good example of that. I mean, in his first post on this thread he outright mentions his dislike of the B'rel and T'varo, along with saying, "Second, how am I supposed to get drops when someone that choose the KDF side runs up on me and uses Beam Overload 3 to deal an utterly too swift blow (60k+ hit) that instantly destroys my ship."
So, he doesn't like BoPs, both the B'rel and T'varo, and he doesn't like a KDF player coming in to vape him either. As we also later found out, the OP also flies a Scimitar a lot in Ker'rat. So it's ok for him to fly a Scimitar as a Fed-Rom, but it isn't ok for a KDF or KDF-Rom to kill him from some kind of decloaking attack?
I suppose in a way, the 'KDF boogeyman' isn't as much about wanting what the KDF has anymore, as just people being hypocrites about what they do, and what the other side does.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
[...] I suppose in a way, the 'KDF boogeyman' isn't as much about wanting what the KDF has anymore, as just people being hypocrites about what they do, and what the other side does.
That explains it perfectly. I also beleive that the lack of imagination on the playerside might be responsible for the "nerf"- or "gimme"-threads out there (since most players don't/can't even consider an alternative). On the other hand some players might actually be really good at playing the devs, since it's far more likely for them to make a faction specific item available through purchases or nerf it, then actually coming up with something new and unique to compensate for said item.
Pretending to have an escort of allies because you're scary of popping is even less honorable.
So wait...
It's dishonorable for the guy to attack you while you're fighting a NPC...
...but it's honorable for you to hunt the guy with a team?
Player & NPC vs. Player...baaaaaaad!
Player & four other Players vs. Player...good?
That kind of thinking would explain the majority of Fed chat 'n conduct in Ker'rat, lol...
Are you sure five was enough? After all, he had weapons. And a ship. Which moved. Maybe you should have gotten a few more 'friends'. Say fifty or so. Then you wouldn't have to have been scared at all.:rolleyes:
*chuckles* But they are right. You didn't like being attacked, yet felt it was ok to get a group together to focus ONLY on him? Also, gotta love the old 'KDF boogeyman', I guess that Romulans doing it are ok as well, right?
Side note: I love that the OP disappeared from the thread.
Nope. Most of the time when I am in Ker'rat it is usually a SpoonFed who tries to jump me. When my back is turned. After I am fully engaged with one or more Cubes. Because that is the SpoonFed way.
Unlike you, I usually do not require, ahem, 'backup'.
But enough of this. Let us discuss more the more important matter. You really think I'm cute? Wow. I do not know what to say to this. Except I have been very happily married - to a woman - for the last twenty eight years. I doubt she'd understand if I started seeing someone I met over the Internet. So you'll have to break off your pursuit of me. Because it can only end badly. For both of us.
Guess I'll just be one more thing you'll never have, SpoonFed. Just like a battle cloak.
LMAO!!! thanks for the laugh.
I don't ambush Klingons engaging cubes. Just klingons engaging feds or just wandering about.
As far as fighting Klinks when the war is "over" it is never over.... All throughout Star Trek, little scuffles still occur after piece treaties... nothing new....
The OP for this thread, who has long since left it to wither and die, seemed to think it was hard to kill Cubes with a Scimitar. He/She? seemed to think people farming Ker'rat should be left alone. He/She? also seemed to think Ker'rat should be nerfed down to a PvE only zone but that the rewards should remain the same. He/She? was determined he was right. I finally decided to spend all my game time in Ker'rat and do nothing but hunt farmers. So far, I've come out even in the win/lose columns. Which for me is enough. Met some really great people who play mostly Klink and Rom. Met a few SpoonFeds who did nothing but rage in the Chat Window at me. For interrupting their farming.
Those are the sort of people who give Starfleet a bad name and a worse reputation. Thank God there are so very few of them. But why do they have to always be so visible?
Really though, nothing here is worth complaining about. Too much damage for you? Get a better ship or put on some resistance (I know, I know you feds just hate that don't you), don't like the Romulans and Klingons? Make one yourself and stay cloaked, they cant shoot you then. Dont like that fleet, well leave and do something worthwhile. Let them feel big and powerful while being fools not our problem really.
He is a rom in a scimmy so that doesnt help him much.
Feds cant run from us anymore, the days of running to FvF to hide from the evul boogeymen are over. All will perish before the mighty onslaught! :P
Of course he could do PvE I suppose. But then again its PvE...
House of Beautiful Orions
I usually just fly in there and look how many klings are online (oh and mimey: klings also means alligned romulans, so no kdf boogyman ...). Sadly it usually takes some time until a nice fight ensues between groups, so you'll generally just have to wait to be engaged by some vaper. That at least serves as a bit of training.
In general, i just leave farmers and fleetless ships alone, because attacking some hapless player and scare him off pvp for a couple of month doesn't really give me any satisfaction. But if i see another ship being attacked i try to intervene.
So yeah, the workings of Ker'rat are certainly different from your standard queue and a much more player shaped experience then you could get in the arena, but it's more for single players. (That's a least the fealing i get when going there.)
Actually there kinda is. I still so often see around the forums and the game sometimes the 'KDF boogeyman' in question. This mentality of 'If a Fed or Fed-Rom does something, it is ok, but if a KDF, and sometimes KDF-Rom does the same or a similar thing, it's bad.'
It's bad that a KDF player pulls a decloak alpha against a Fed ship and vapes it in seconds. BUT it is perfectly ok for a Fed or Fed-Rom to purposefully go after the KDF, including using cloaking ships as well, doubly so if the KDF in question is using a BoP.
BoPs are bad, but Fed-Roms are ok. AAs and such are bad, but TDF is ok. And so on. There seems to almost be this 'punishment' mentality going on sometimes. The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson' sort of deal. Hence...the KDF boogeyman.
No, people just like to generalize a lot. The players that whine on the forums or ingame are nearly never the fed-rom vapers, but the non-cloaking farmers. So from their singular perspective, the passive one, they get attacked by other players usually without provocation.
The problem is, that due to the nature of Ker'rat the KDF is always seen as the aggressor, next to the borg. So hunting the hunter (or as you would call it: "The KDF have to be 'taught a lesson'") is a nice turnaround in the, oh so often, just passive experience for fed players in the warzone. I also nearly never see any cloak-less ships in the zone. It's either rom-vapers, bops, scimitards, or battlecruisers (raptors seem to be extermely rare for some reason). Occasionally there might be the zombie tank, but you can just ignore it. Sci snoopers exist on both sides, since you really don't need TDF to build a snooper, so with a bit more coordination even the KDF could vape the vapers.
TDF only does so much in a non sci vessel or even a non sci captain anyway. If i use it on a ship with the rom deflector, i can barely boost my stealth detection range beyond 5km. So the TDF isn't really OP on it's own, neither is AA for that matter (this thing is just a mere nuissance and can only be "dangerous" if some mindless FAW spammer is close to it).
I guess it all comes down to player numbers in the zone. If they would be more equal, then the amount of vapers would certainly be reduced (pure speculation here), because players wouldn't have to fear a whole fed gank-squad coming after them, after each kill.
Oh I know, there are a lot of generalizations that tend to fly around.
Yes, that is usually true. And hunting the hunter also isn't an issue either IMO. It's more when it tends to be that 'punishment' meantality that it gets rather annoying. That thought of needing to teach a lesson to the KDF players and such.
I know TDF ain't that vital, though it can be useful. It's more that there's so much stuff on the Fed side that they have, that they have no qualms about using any of it, yet what few things the KDF side still has are often seen as 'bad' even if they aren't a big deal in the grand scheme.
The whole 'KDF boogeyman' is a lot smaller and weaker than it once was. Part of that comes from Romulans, and part of it is the pure and simple fact that apparently the whining worked, Feds got access to most of the better KDF ship consoles through the lockboxes.
What exactly is there, that the kdf side doesn't have?
Transwarp Computer
Tachyon Detection Field
Resonance Cascade Modulator
Ionized Gas Sensor
Grappler (*lol*)
Enhanced Plasma Manifold
Those are the only consoles left, that aren't resticted to their specific ship types and are exclusive for the fed side. I only see TDF and the EPM as a point of contention here.
Aceton Assimilator
Barrier Field Generator
Magnetometric Generator
Enhanced Induction Coils
Shield Destabilizer (dunno if this can acutally be equipped on ships other than BoPs)
Here only the AA seems universally good (would really like to have this for NWS farming). The EIC might even get a buff after the sales driving buff of the EPM has brought in enough money, who knows.
There really isn't any major difference between the two factions anymore, at least if you don't count the romulans as their own faction.
People will always search for some kind of culprit for why they might have been blown up. It's usually not their own fault, of course. So please stop morphing the oppinion of a single bad whiny little player into that of a whole playerbase.
P.S.: Whining that cryptic ruined the distinct factions now won't help anybody either as it just sounds like another excuse why this or that op console/mechanic couldn't/shouldn't have been shared ... even though that might not be the case. (and whoever says that plasmonic isn't op, because 12 standart consoles in one clearly can't be, should just be dragged behind the barn and ...)
It isn't really about what side still hasn't traded what consoles. It is that in the past, there was much whining about the 'OPness' of certain things that the Klingon side had. Extensive cloaking, Plasmonic Leech, and other such consoles. Whether or not said whining was a part of it, what IS known is that in the end, the whiners got what they wanted.
I dunno if you were here at the time, but in the weeks leading up to LoR, there were two HUGE whine threads devoted entirely to saying that Feds should get Plasmonic Leech. They were so bad they were outright deleted, and...with the release of LoR, Feds got exactly that.
I am willing to admit that Plasmonic is damn good, won't deny that to be honest. I use it on many toons, including Fed toons since LoR. BUT, all that I am trying to get at, is that there has been whining about the alleged 'OPness' of many things that the Klingon side had, (and usually trying to use PvP to justify it I might add), and the 'KDF boogeyman' developed during that time period.
First of all, a little disclaimer: I have been here since the game started out. That said, i really don't like to venture into the depth of stupid that are whine threads, cause they usually get me very drepressed.
That said, do you remember how OP siphon drones were? A single Kar'fi could control all of ISE at the time (a time without reps and not that much lockbox ships). Imagine the results in pvp. No, the KDF boogeyman developed from the start, be it in pvp or pve. As virusdanceer once put it, since the kdf was such a skeleton faction and mostly relied on pvp or endless pve grind to level up, players became really good at pvp. And as a result some fed players concluded that it must have something to do with the things they don't have ...
See the problem here? If something is truly OP you can basically just do 4 things with it.
That's it. Now tell me what will generate the least consumer hate and might even drive sales? I can't blame cryptic for most of their decisions regarding OP stuff, other than lacking the foresight and implementing it in the first place.
The only action to get rid of the boogeyman is to stop believing in it. Always mentioning it won't help in any way (except maybe boost your own ego).
if not there is no need to wreck it for everyone else.
Just stay away.
or the romulan option:
5. do nothing (milk it).
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Ah, good to know that you have been here so long. I also greatly dislike purely 'whine' threads as well.
I remember the days of truly OP siphon drones back then. I won't deny that, they were insane at the time.
BUT. The KDF boogeyman might have developed in PvP, but it lingered in the game overall. People saw what the KDF had, and ONLY wanted that, or if they couldn't have it, they wanted it nerfed. And it did happen a few times, like Plasmonic got hit at least once or twice I believe.
That's just it though, people whined because the KDF had the 'better toys' so to speak. Instead of...y'know, just enjoying the heaps of attention that the Fed side got (and really still does get to a degree) back then. Along with...I dunno, asking for things that would be unique to the Fed side itself. Instead they just wanted more KDF stuff: unique consoles, much more cloaking, a full universal ship/raider, carriers, etc.
And pretty much they got what they wanted more or less, but even to this day, still want more.
This isn't about me 'believing' in the KDF boogeyman, I only react to what others post first. And what they post is usually about precisely what you and I have been talking about: Something the KDF has.
OP is a good example of that. I mean, in his first post on this thread he outright mentions his dislike of the B'rel and T'varo, along with saying, "Second, how am I supposed to get drops when someone that choose the KDF side runs up on me and uses Beam Overload 3 to deal an utterly too swift blow (60k+ hit) that instantly destroys my ship."
So, he doesn't like BoPs, both the B'rel and T'varo, and he doesn't like a KDF player coming in to vape him either. As we also later found out, the OP also flies a Scimitar a lot in Ker'rat. So it's ok for him to fly a Scimitar as a Fed-Rom, but it isn't ok for a KDF or KDF-Rom to kill him from some kind of decloaking attack?
I suppose in a way, the 'KDF boogeyman' isn't as much about wanting what the KDF has anymore, as just people being hypocrites about what they do, and what the other side does.
Ah yeah, i forgot that. ^^
That explains it perfectly. I also beleive that the lack of imagination on the playerside might be responsible for the "nerf"- or "gimme"-threads out there (since most players don't/can't even consider an alternative). On the other hand some players might actually be really good at playing the devs, since it's far more likely for them to make a faction specific item available through purchases or nerf it, then actually coming up with something new and unique to compensate for said item.