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Ker'rat...time to shut it down?



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    kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Well I havent been there in years.. I have newly (over those years) improved wessels to test against cloakers.. especially my sci wessels.. cloakers like to move.. I probably need to assemble a team from my larger fleet and go see if we cant flip this place back on the KDF for old times sake....
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    ralphgraphiteralphgraphite Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I love and hate Ker'rat at the same time.

    1 - First bout of confusion I ever had in the game was getting sent to Ker'rat at level 10 or 11, and then getting my butt handed to me in my T2 connie by the Borg in there. It seemed like a level of difficulty increase that was absurd considering I was soloing everything, and I just got a bigger ship than the Miranda. I was wondering if the rest of the missions would be like it.

    2 - The one or two times I've tried to "farm" in there, I have NOT had fun. So now I don't "farm". It's very rare to get a really good drop anyway that you need for YOUR build anyway, if EC is the goal, it can be had elsewhere. Of course, this may be why I'm mostly space poor.

    Now I use Ker'rat for PVP once in a while. If I get a good drop blowing up the Borg, so be it. I don't take it too personally when I blow up in there, and if I DO manage to get a counter-kill victory is so much the sweeter. Yes, BoPs can zoom in, vape my Venture-X, and zoom out. Sometimes I get them, and it feels good to be able to fight back against a force so many complain about being "impossible".

    One of these days, I'm going to build a control/tank build, and try to round up some damage dealers to get in there with me. If you're Fed-side in Ker'rat, teamwork seems to be key. A point that the KDF in there seems to have figured out a long time ago.

    It's just part of the game, and point, of the zone. For now, there are still plenty of other ways to play if you don't mind it. I appreciate that some like it alot, and think that no, there's no reason to change Ker'rat at all.

    If Cryptic wants to gift us with a different area - a Mk XII "farming" zone, I wouldn't be opposed. As long as it was TRUE elite level content - thinking enemies harder than STFs here. I guess that wouldn't be farming though, that would be end game content. :)
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,626 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You know I see why the Ker'rat space war zone was created. A big place for people to attack borg cubes and get loot as well as test builds/new toys. But, it seems anymore that the zone has outlived its purpose.

    First, and most obviously the FED's and KDF's are no longer at war.....why are we pretending that they are? I just find it mind blowing.

    Second, how am I supposed to get drops when someone that choose the KDF side runs up on me and uses Beam Overload 3 to deal an utterly too swift blow (60k+ hit) that instantly destroys my ship.

    Third, and the most annoying thing in the zone is the bop ship...T'varo/B'rel (apparently only the KDF side chooses these ships) and there seems to be a growing number of them. All the people piloting those things do is launch transphasics and destabilized plasma torpedos along with use grav wells, viral matrix, scramble sensors/jam sensors and in the T'varo singulairty jump to decloak you when you try to just get away from there stupidty all the while never staying decloaked for more than 2 seconds. And just when you think you can get them and keep them uncloaked by putting a tractor beam or grav well on them there 25 km away from you in the blink of an eye. Whoever, made this ship seriously has a twisted sense of humor cause none of it I find funny at all. The ship's 'enhanced cloak' that allows for the above mentioned stupidity to happen needs to be taken out of the game.

    And Last but not least.....seems anymore that the zone is a haven for a certain fleet on the KDF side to send in patrols to see how many are in the zone and how easily they can be defeated. Then the rest of the fleet rolls in and forms a huge ball of them and continually blows up all ships except borg till they all FED's leave, switch to another zone and do the same thing. Here's the golden kicker of it....why is this apparently the one map in all of STO that i can not switch zones. I have to find a friend in a diffferent zone, team them then switch....why can't I just switch without all the pomp and circumstance?

    So why I ask you is this zone even relevant anymore? The only relevance I know of is for looting which is why I go. I have options like the new undine zone but frankly the yellow puddles annoy me and the ability they have to slip into undine space and be untargettable. Otherwise all the STF"s are the same thing over and over and the new ones are just awful too. Getting hit by a meteor and instapop?!?!

    shoot the damn plasma it will hut him more if you detonate it right off.. and do I really need to say it.. TRACTOR BEAM???
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    ussboleynussboleyn Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Players getting lost?

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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    freenos85 wrote: »
    That explains it perfectly. I also beleive that the lack of imagination on the playerside might be responsible for the "nerf"- or "gimme"-threads out there (since most players don't/can't even consider an alternative). On the other hand some players might actually be really good at playing the devs, since it's far more likely for them to make a faction specific item available through purchases or nerf it, then actually coming up with something new and unique to compensate for said item.

    I'm glad we agree on that. There is also an unwillingness to try as well. I mean, even putting aside PvP, the KDF, etc for the moment, think about how often people have purely whined about NPCs being too difficult for one reason or another, and getting it nerfed. (Bugs and other issues are different of course, they need to be fixed)

    Maybe some players might be good at playing the devs, but in the end, the reason why it happens doesn't matter, it still happened. Even then, the devs haven't given in all the way. The Federation proper (excluding Roms for the moment) ONLY has the cloak console for cloaking. If you want more, you buy a lockbox ship that has cloak, or play another faction still.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    jaegernljaegernl Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    One of these days, I'm going to build a control/tank build, and try to round up some damage dealers to get in there with me. If you're Fed-side in Ker'rat, teamwork seems to be key. A point that the KDF in there seems to have figured out a long time ago.

    Well, Feds *do* work together. The famous Fedball has been around for ages. Because I almost exclusively play KDF, I've never been part of one, so I don't know if they team up or not.

    What I notice with the KDF Ker'rat regulars, though, is that they often throw a team invite or respond to a team invite. They'll share heals when another KDF is in trouble and sometimes jump into the fray, even when fastly outnumbered. I think part of the reason for this are the lower numbers of KDF a while back, especially pre LoR, and the fact that the zone-in point was at the KDF spawn. Feds would spawncamp the KDF until their hearts-content. This created a sense of forced teamwork among some of the older KDF Ker'rattians.


    On your control/tank: The Nebula makes a very sturdy platform for a snooper-build. Get a wingman - a cloaked defiant or a Rommie? - and annoy the living hell out of us Battle Cloaking B'rel pilots. ;)
    Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
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    oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    War With Feds!!!!!! Nooo Peace!!!!!
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    pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We at hobo would like kerrat to stay just the way it is so we can punish the feds... Pure and simple... In kerrat everyday is a good day for feds to die.
    Punish the feds!!!
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    mindsharpmindsharp Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Best Ker'rat quotes from tonight.

    "Kell has no friends." :D

    OP - "I sincerely hope all of your[hobos] accounts are TRIBBLE and all of your stuff sold."
    Karrock/Karreck/Darth Karrock/Unspoken
    House of Beautiful Orions
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