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  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Even if i followed every gimping condition you have set i would still do too much DPS and end up "ruining" your fun.

    If you find uninstalling a third party application a "gimping condition" you've already ruined your own fun.

    Still, I didn't set the standards of that channel so ...

    I wish you all the best comparing your data to others' data in the same very old STF run that people mastered years ago.

    ISE is super duper awesome, amirite?
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2014
    Even if i followed every gimping condition you have set i would still do too much DPS and end up "ruining" your fun.

    The prime condition is you cannot exceed 5000 dps

    so you see you could not ruin anything....the stfs were designed for 5k dps ships max from tc escorts

    I have done a few STFs with these guys....they were very fun as was building the ship itself
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Admiral, we've detected yet another non-functional sarcasm detector. They're everywhere, sir! The sensors can barely separate the signals!

    The thing is, even seeing past the sarcasm this post is a butthurt rant from the OP. He made a thread a few days ago talking about how normal STFs should be removed, and that a new super elite mode should be added, which would be gated by a DPS test. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't well received, and now he is mocking everyone that didn't agree with him.

    The OP and the other dps channel trash have a false notion that they are some sort of "elite" in this game just because they game the system and blow through STFs with 5 DPS FAW builds in a minute when the content was clearly designed with balanced teams of all classes and ship types in mind.

    Even without running with the dps channel groups the pve content is still easy enough, but I don't complain and don't want it made harder by removing normal STFS because that would make the game less friendly to newer players, and I don't want a gate behind elite either. My tacs can do ridiculous dps when in pve builds and would qualify, but some of my friends might not, and my non tacs might not also, and my tacs wouldn't when in vaper builds. This game isn't dps FAW scimitars online, and thats what the dps channel trash want to turn it into, they want the game balanced for that and if you aren't in a tac faw build, you are screwed.

    If the dps channel trash need more challenge, they should try pvp, oh wait they do try that and fail, a lot. guess thats where they should go for a challenge and stop trying to ruin pve for everyone else.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I wish all your points would come to pass:eek:;) - But fear not - I have no doubt that the Devs will continue to make this game more and more:

    "Spacebar Online"

    As I said in the last thread I posted -

    Coming season 9.5 - Dinosaur Mounts - only 500 lobi

    Coming X2 - Flying Dragons!

    and a 10 tactical console - 5 Univeral Boff - Tactical Warbird with +100 bonus power to weapons, a 100k base hull - a 25 turn and 30 impulse mod!!

    And can fire indefinitely while cloaked!

    Plus an expansion to 15 active space and 15 active ground doffs!!


    I am sorry but I think you are very wrong.

    500 lobi for a Dinosaur mount is too low. 800-1000 seems the right range.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    The thing is, even seeing past the sarcasm this post is a butthurt rant from the OP. He made a thread a few days ago talking about how normal STFs should be removed, and that a new super elite mode should be added, which would be gated by a DPS test. Unsurprisingly, it wasn't well received, and now he is mocking everyone that didn't agree with him.

    Just to clarify the misinformation being presented here. I suggested removing the normal STFs such as ISN, KSN, CSN that no one really plays and redesignating the current Elite STFs as the new normal.

    I also suggested that new more difficult STF be added and that they be gated behind some fairly easy to unlock requirements. Not just DPS, but healing and tanking also to encourage more teamwork and communication.

    Some people didn't like the suggestions obviously because for them the only way to balance the game would be to nerf anyone who performs better than them. However there where quite a few people who liked the suggestions.
    The OP and the other dps channel trash have a false notion that they are some sort of "elite" in this game just because they game the system and blow through STFs with 5 DPS FAW builds in a minute when the content was clearly designed with balanced teams of all classes and ship types in mind.

    The guys in the DPS channel no more game the system than the HOBOs do when they run 3 or more science ships in PvP, every single one of them running TIF, cross healing, ganking, and all the cheese.
    Even without running with the dps channel groups the pve content is still easy enough, but I don't complain and don't want it made harder by removing normal STFS because that would make the game less friendly to newer players, and I don't want a gate behind elite either. My tacs can do ridiculous dps when in pve builds and would qualify, but some of my friends might not, and my non tacs might not also, and my tacs wouldn't when in vaper builds. This game isn't dps FAW scimitars online, and thats what the dps channel trash want to turn it into, they want the game balanced for that and if you aren't in a tac faw build, you are screwed.

    i sense a lot of anger in your post here. No one is forcing anyone to play differently except maybe the casuals and PvPiers who cry for nerfs every day.

    There is nothing wrong with asking for content for all the different levels of play. There is something seriously wrong with saying that the game is designed for this kind of play and everyone must comply to it.

    I'm for the first and against the second.

    Also there is no Elitism in the DPS channels, anyone and everyone who wants to improve their game play is welcome. Information is shared freely.

    Just because someone can get high DPS does not automatically make them an Elitist.
    If the dps channel trash need more challenge, they should try pvp, oh wait they do try that and fail, a lot. guess thats where they should go for a challenge and stop trying to ruin pve for everyone else.

    That's certainly odd, when i fly with the Disorderly guy in PvP we tend to win most of the time. Sure we do lose against good, well organized teams but most of the time we win.

    But hey, if it makes you feel better to call others trash and put them down because you don't like their playstyle... well, that's up to you. but between you and me, we know the truth, you are guilty of the same elitism as you claim we have.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Just to clarify the misinformation being presented here. I suggested removing the normal STFs such as ISN, KSN, CSN that no one really plays and redesignating the current Elite STFs as the new normal.
    funny i leveled a new character recently and did a normal to get daily bonus and didn't wait long for a pop. You thinking elite stf can be new normal shows how elititst and far removed from the playerbase dps channel people are. new players that just made 50 and are playing a sci ship cant do that but should not be restricted from stf

    I also suggested that new more difficult STF be added and that they be gated behind some fairly easy to unlock requirements. Not just DPS, but healing and tanking also to encourage more teamwork and communication.
    yes fairly easy only with certain builds. tacs forced into pve dps builds when right now i can queue up for elite on my vaper build after a match and still get the job done reasonbly enough
    Some people didn't like the suggestions obviously because for them the only way to balance the game would be to nerf anyone who performs better than them. However there where quite a few people who liked the suggestions.

    The guys in the DPS channel no more game the system than the HOBOs do when they run 3 or more science ships in PvP, every single one of them running TIF, cross healing, ganking, and all the cheese.
    Yes and that was adressed by making a team queue and solo/duo queue, now people in the team queue know what to expect

    i sense a lot of anger in your post here. No one is forcing anyone to play differently except maybe the casuals and PvPiers who cry for nerfs every day. you people forced me to play differently the day you came up with DPS channels and drained public elite stf of players, you are right I am angry at that. I played along for a few weeks and joined on a tac scimitar and tac bortasqu, but I soon realized how boring and lame it was and left. I also hated having to now change from pvp to pve builds just to get in good groups for STF, when my pvp builds would always get the job done fast enough but not parsing high enough. You people ruined that and forced us into pve builds or not get good groups. DPS parser is highly biased against pvp builds, as you don't only need to spam dps on everything if you are bursting individual targets down fast it still helps the team a lot, but that doesnt parse high so not acceptable to you people :rolleyes:
    There is nothing wrong with asking for content for all the different levels of play. There is something seriously wrong with saying that the game is designed for this kind of play and everyone must comply to it.
    I'm for the first and against the second.
    Also there is no Elitism in the DPS channels, anyone and everyone who wants to improve their game play is welcome. Information is shared freely.
    Just because someone can get high DPS does not automatically make them an Elitist.

    it does when you make a channel gated on dps and segregate yourselves from the player base. I am not elitist so after leaving those channels I put together builds that can do 20k-30k in slow pugs without gaming the system and just pug and do public elite stf and have no problem carrying low dps people or newer players.
    That's certainly odd, when i fly with the Disorderly guy in PvP we tend to win most of the time. Sure we do lose against good, well organized teams but most of the time we win.
    But hey, if it makes you feel better to call others trash and put them down because you don't like their playstyle... well, that's up to you. but between you and me, we know the truth, you are guilty of the same elitism as you claim we have.
    you win against pugs, and while spawn camping cap and hold with 5 faw sims and possibly other fleets, but always get stomped by HoBO though. yIn fact it was so bad that my friend got put on ignore by you and another was banned from dps channel recently lol

    response above.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    funny i leveled a new character recently and did a normal to get daily bonus and didn't wait long for a pop. You thinking elite stf can be new normal shows how elititst and far removed from the playerbase dps channel people are. new players that just made 50 and are playing a sci ship cant do that but should not be restricted from stf

    Well that's fine. It was only a rough suggestion. instead of raging at it you could have provided something constructive instead?

    Perhaps keep normals as normal, downgrade elites to advanced, and create new elites with a higher difficulty. is completely reasonable. in fact i believe several people in that thread did suggest this.
    yes fairly easy only with certain builds. tacs forced into pve dps builds when right now i can queue up for elite on my vaper build after a match and still get the job done reasonbly enough

    are you intentionally ignoring the part where i said there are multiple ways to unlock the content? not just DPS. MORE WAYS TO UNLOCK IT OTHER THAN DPS.
    Yes and that was adressed by making a team queue and solo/duo queue, now people in the team queue know what to expect

    so you're saying the solution was to segregate? lets get back to that.
    you people forced me to play differently the day you came up with DPS channels and drained public elite stf of players, you are right I am angry at that.

    I hate to tell you this but you have no right be angry at that. people will play like they want to play, and if they want to play with other people who are at the same level with them, then it's their prerogative. they are free to go to whatever channel they prefer to find groups.

    In any event, no one forced you to change your playstyle. you did that all by yourself. it was your choice. you didn't have to make that choice.

    In any event there are still a lot more people in PESTF then there are in all the DPS channels combined. it's not the DPS channels fault that most of them are on the level with the average pug.
    I played along for a few weeks and joined on a tac scimitar and tac bortasqu, but I soon realized how boring and lame it was and left. I also hated having to now change from pvp to pve builds just to get in good groups for STF, when my pvp builds would always get the job done fast enough but not parsing high enough. You people ruined that and forced us into pve builds or not get good groups. DPS parser is highly biased against pvp builds, as you don't only need to spam dps on everything if you are bursting individual targets down fast it still helps the team a lot, but that doesnt parse high so not acceptable to you people

    I run two loadouts on most of my ships, one for PvP and one for PvE. swapping between them is easy as clicking a button.

    Anyway, you are correct, you can still run with 10k groups in a PvP builds, sometimes you can run in a 20k group with a PvP build. no one is forcing you to do anything. bring whatever ship you want to fly as long as it is within ~10% of the channel name.

    ex: you can fly an 8k or 9k PvP ship with a 10k group. no one will care.

    I don't get this martyrs complex you have over the DPS channels. no one cares what you fly or what you parse. do whatever you want. if you want help or advice on anything then we'll gladly provide it.
    it does when you make a channel gated on dps and segregate yourselves from the player base. I am not elitist so after leaving those channels I put together builds that can do 20k-30k in slow pugs without gaming the system and just pug and do public elite stf and have no problem carrying low dps people or newer players.

    so let me get this straight. segregating the PvP comunity is a good thing, as it lets the good players play with good players, and all the pugs play with each other. but doing the exact same thing for the PvE community is bad?

    Frankly it's non of you business where people choose to play or where they want to form their groups. if it's not the thing for you then get over it and move on.

    I also have 20-30k builds designed just for pugging. I have no problems with flying with groups from the DPS channels, from reddit, from my fleet or other fleets, or with pugs. if i want to fly with a high DPS group i can, if i want to fly with an average group i can also, and if i want to fly with a pug i can do so as well.

    there is absolutly no reason to hold a grudge.
    you win against pugs, and while spawn camping cap and hold with 5 faw sims and possibly other fleets, but always get stomped by HoBO though. yIn fact it was so bad that my friend got put on ignore by you and another was banned from dps channel recently lol

    I've only placed 1 HOBO on ignore and that was because he was trash talking me during a solo/duo queue. i didn't know who he was and i've never interacted or spoken to him before and yet he thought it was ok to harass me because i was on my Disorderly Conduct toon.

    I really don't care but if someone wants to pre judge me based on the fleet i'm in, and use that as an excuse to be abusive, guess what? i'm not going to sweat it, i'm just going to place them on ignore and continue playing.

    As for whomever was banned, that's quite an accomplishment. to date I can count on one hand the number of people kicked from the DPS channels.

    was this last week or so? was your friend perhaps asked to warn people in the 10k channel that he was cross posting his LFMs in different channels? Did he have a hissy fit and refuse?

    It's a very simple rule: if you are going to be posting a LFxM in multiple channels including the 10k channel, please advise the guys in 10k that you are doing so. That's it.

    you are allowed to cross post groups as long as there is disclosure.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    10 pages in ~8hrs? you guys are bored, aren't ya? :D
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    In fact it was so bad that my friend got put on ignore by you and another was banned from dps channel recently lol

    Let me attempt a guess at what your friends told you:

    "Hey man, i just pwned a Disorderly guy in the solo/duo queue and he got so mad he put me on ignore."


    "Hey dude, the guys from the DPS channels banned me because i was inviting people from PESTF into the team."

    I'm right aren't I? LOL

    This is called cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    10 pages in ~8hrs? you guys are bored, aren't ya? :D

    Probably posting on their phones while macros are converting their crafting materials...
  • officerbatman81officerbatman81 Member Posts: 2,761 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    you have 33 years old but don't demonstrate them.
    You didn't get the point of the thread, make irony about a large chunk of players who do nothing but complain. Glad you identified yourself with this idiotic, rage post that makes no sense. For me, you're a kid as far as I read. If not, you have the mentality of a kid. Hurry growing up.

    If thats is what you chose to take away from what i said then you misunderstood. Im sure plenty knew what i meant, even though it was irrelevant to what your friends msg was.
    I just heard dogging on "casual" players as elitist sterotyping from some spoiled kid.
    Instead of using the term "casual" probably would be more accurate to say something like n00b beginners that blame there sort comings/inexperience/ignorance on the leveled up/investors/skilled veterans blah blah blah.
  • cavaleriuscavalerius Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    To the OP:

    Punishing players for having experience in the game is not the right way to go about things. If Bluegeek didn't hint this thread was being monitored, all experienced players would be flaming you to a crisp. In my view, this suggestion is extreme and would break the games back.

    Considering your point regarding unfairness, no game can be perfect. But STO could be a heck of a lot better.
    The first problem is the games target audience was for casual players. An MMO doesn't cater well to casuals, and MMO's were first made by hardcore players wanting more from casuals. Those that want to play casual games should instead be redirected to flash games like this fantastic Star Trek one if you want to burn half an hour.

    An MMO should cater to both casuals and hard core players, but more to the latter. Casual games lack immersion, as STO does. But despite STO's target audience being for casuals, it is an MMO and therefore caters to both casual and hardcore players, but at a cost which seems to have peeved you off.

    Second problem is Star Trek has a massive fan base. Three quarters of those fans may be over the age of 30 and dont play games, but there's still a good many who do. Cryptic is a small games company compared to others, and were never fully equipped to provide a good Star Trek gaming experience to all of them, as the more fans you have, the more hardcores you have.
    Beta Antares Shipyards advanced Starship development project.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    cavalerius wrote: »
    To the OP:

    Punishing players for having experience in the game is not the right way to go about things. If Bluegeek didn't hint this thread was being monitored, all experienced players would be flaming you to a crisp. In my view, this suggestion is extreme and would break the games back.

    Considering your point regarding unfairness, no game can be perfect. But STO could be a heck of a lot better.
    The first problem is the games target audience was for casual players. An MMO doesn't cater well to casuals, and MMO's were first made by hardcore players wanting more from casuals. Those that want to play casual games should instead be redirected to flash games like this fantastic Star Trek one if you want to burn half an hour.

    An MMO should cater to both casuals and hard core players, but more to the latter. Casual games lack immersion, as STO does. But despite STO's target audience being for casuals, it is an MMO and therefore caters to both casual and hardcore players, but at a cost which seems to have peeved you off.

    Second problem is Star Trek has a massive fan base. Three quarters of those fans may be over the age of 30 and dont play games, but there's still a good many who do. Cryptic is a small games company compared to others, and were never fully equipped to provide a good Star Trek gaming experience to all of them, as the more fans you have, the more hardcores you have.

    @bluegeek: see! even with the edit to the OP people are still unable to comprehend it's sarcasm.

    The problem is not everyone clicks on every link. And some people might just think it's part of your signature, given your user name. A bit too subtle, methinks. ~Bluegeek

    @cavalerius: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/deadly_zone/21360438/10978/10978_640.jpg

    @officerbatman81: see the above link.
  • bethshepardbethshepard Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    The OP and the other dps channel trash have a false notion that they are some sort of "elite" in this game just because they game the system and blow through STFs with 5 DPS FAW builds in a minute when the content was clearly designed with balanced teams of all classes and ship types
    So... My DHC scimitar is almost within touching distance of 40k DPS, so it's not all faw. I came from casual pve into pvp. PvPers tought me to bind many things to my space bar and focus on a good uptime, sure if I had asked the right people the right questions... But yeah it was the DPS channels that tought me to spike and buff up properly.
  • cavaleriuscavalerius Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    @bluegeek: see! even with the edit to the OP people are still unable to comprehend it's sarcasm.

    @cavalerius: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/deadly_zone/21360438/10978/10978_640.jpg

    @officerbatman81: see the above link.

    Yea, I only just noticed the TLDR link haha.
    Sarcasmdetector has provided the ultimate troll post in the history of troll posts. I am LOLing...

    Still the flash game mentioned is a good one if you havent tried it
    Beta Antares Shipyards advanced Starship development project.
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    see! even with the edit to the OP people are still unable to comprehend it's sarcasm..

    Rule 144, I lay this thread to rest...

    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is really no different from the "X is OP, please nerf" thread/meme.

    lets call this an experiment to see how seriously the community takes itself. :D

    im sure theres been lots of great ideas in the past on how to give everyone what they wanted, ive even had a few myself. but im still puzzled (and please share with me if u would) why being overpowered can be a bad thing? ok ill give u, the advantage over other players in pvp, but they do leave it open for anyone to buy the same things so, pay to win is the theme in many games...u should see swtor. It just seems silly to yell that your getting too good of product after shelling out your hard earned cash for it....

    "Oh noooo, look at this...i finished my dailys in half the time with this new ship! I am outraged at the quality and performance of this thing, what where they thinking selling me something this awesome, i want generic darn it....nerf!" ..and so thats where the first nerf request was born...i think :P

    i wonder, once the devs finish something and put alot of time and effort into it thinking, i cant wait to add this, they will love it, it give u all kinds of cool features....only to be yelled at for being too good.. what my reaction would be as a dev --> :eek: "..but..but.."
  • cavaleriuscavalerius Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    catstarsto wrote: »
    im sure theres been lots of great ideas in the past on how to give everyone what they wanted, ive even had a few myself. but im still puzzled (and please share with me if u would) why being overpowered can be a bad thing? ok ill give u, the advantage over other players in pvp, but they do leave it open for anyone to buy the same things so, pay to win is the theme in many games...u should see swtor. It just seems silly to yell that your getting too good of product after shelling out your hard earned cash for it....

    "Oh noooo, look at this...i finished my dailys in half the time with this new ship! I am outraged at the quality and performance of this thing, what where they thinking selling me something this awesome, i want generic darn it....nerf!" ..and so thats where the first nerf request was born...i think :P

    i wonder, once the devs finish something and put alot of time and effort into it thinking, i cant wait to add this, they will love it, it give u all kinds of cool features....only to be yelled at for being too good.. what my reaction would be as a dev --> :eek: "..but..but.."

    The OP's troll post has soo much effort put into it, everyone such as catstarsto and others are going to keep falling for it.

    sarcasmdetector, you have outdone yourself. I am still LOLing...
    Beta Antares Shipyards advanced Starship development project.
  • paperclipriderpapercliprider Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *ouch* My sarcasmdetector doesn't stop hitting into my face! ;) Great post even for a non-native-speaker like me. But there _is_ a problem behind all this: For new Lvl 50's it's extremly frustrating to realize that it will take a year or two or three to get a small chance to compare with the pro's. An in let's say two years, what level will the pro's play?
    So you're a native speaker and I'm not. So what?:P
  • catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    cavalerius wrote: »
    The OP's troll post has soo much effort put into it, everyone such as catstarsto and others are going to keep falling for it.

    sarcasmdetector, you have outdone yourself. I am still LOLing...

    wow, named personally in a slam...i didnt even know people read my posts anymore :O
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    That was some pro trolling. 10/10
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think all these tweaks should be added.

    Just for a week, I want to see what happens.
  • bethshepardbethshepard Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *ouch* My sarcasmdetector doesn't stop hitting into my face! ;) Great post even for a non-native-speaker like me. But there _is_ a problem behind all this: For new Lvl 50's it's extremly frustrating to realize that it will take a year or two or three to get a small chance to compare with the pro's. An in let's say two years, what level will the pro's play?

    A year.. Or... Two....
    Ok so I have a 70 hour a week job (context: amount of spare time able to put into this project). It took me less than a weekend to hit L50 doing story line missions and keeping my doff missions on as often as they came of. Now blitzed it ASAP because to be honest I don't really enjoy the storyline missions but this can take as long as you like. I loaned this toon my mains pollaron cannons picked the best deflector ect. I had found on my travels, bought some uncommon tactical consoles I will admit that I spent 10 or so on some blue doffs. Sure in the beginning I was a little bit handicapped but ship held its own in pvp, punched out 14k DPS on its first outing of ISE. Since then I have improved both my play and my build, But I was never irrelevant to my team. we all have account banks now so I feel it should be a walk in the park for players with a bit of experience to knock out toons that don't flop in pvp and do 10k DPS. And if your only just starting out yes it should take 3-4 monthes to establish yourself In the game, would it still be fun of things were handed to you on a silver platter?
  • bethshepardbethshepard Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *ouch* My sarcasmdetector doesn't stop hitting into my face! ;) Great post even for a non-native-speaker like me. But there _is_ a problem behind all this: For new Lvl 50's it's extremly frustrating to realize that it will take a year or two or three to get a small chance to compare with the pro's. An in let's say two years, what level will the pro's play?

    In fact you have inspired me, this weekend I will get my fed and kit it out with green kit,doffs,boffs and turn of all my reps and see how I get on in elite stfs then I will pug some solo pvp. Let's see how jaded I have became in the past half year.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    bluegeek wrote: »
    to figure out it's nothing but a very long, very sarcastic joke/rant about the sense of entitlement of casual players.

    Hmm. Whereas I saw it as a very long, very sarcastic joke/rant of yet more "lolcasual" bashing. The other most-common thread type on MMO forums. Just surprised to see a mod supporting that view. /shrug

    I never said I agreed with it. I'm a 'casual' player, too. ~Bluegeek
  • ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Tbh it's a boring O P, would gave it a 4 out of 10. Tried to hard to be sarcastic with a veiled attack on casual players. And using a name like sarcasmdetector so you can be sarcastic in your posts is just sad. Sarcasm is always best used in small doses.

    I do like the all the sycophants you have though.:D
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Okay, this has gone on long enough. As predicted.

    Sarcasmdetector, please don't post anything like that again. We all see where it went.

    [Wide Angle Forum Phaser Mk XIV [+Mod][-Flames]].


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