For have success in pvp, u need run all that cause it will be not playable and u will not enjoy the game if u make a 5 man team and go to the queu !
-- talken rift is very efficient, blow all ur power even if u have full skill into power insulator ! plus it stack omg !
-- vaper : ppl who kill veteran pvp player under a sec without give to the target the time to react cause of the big crits that have no sens lol and the only way to counter that is all your teamate SCI captain need have that console (Console - Universal - Tachyon Detection Field) and the sad thing is : THE KDF CANT GET THAT CONSOLE so good luck to the kdf premade !
-- yellowstone pets .. never been fixed , they plocate ! wow
-- Fire at will , when it will be fixed, u will see ppl using scimitar with 80k DPS (escort do only around 20 k dps with a cannon build)
i hope one day pvp in sto will come back like how it was in season 5 , it was alote much better then it is now , and many more player was playing the game ,I DONT KNOW WHY but alote of veteran pvper have left the game !!!
so i think im gonna stay AWAY from pvp except if all my teamate run all the thing ppl call cheese !
PS: for the cusual pvper enjoy ur rage quit
[System] Link has been on active duty for 415 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
sry man !
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
Sorry to hear you are leaving the PvP. I am a member of the ausmonauts and hope you still hang around in Kerrat; the Ausmonaut v HOBO engagements in Kerrat are always fun
Your free to join the people PvPing in Tyler Durden any day you wish... come prepared to respawn 4-5 times every single match and enjoy a bunch of hopefuly 15 14 games.
1 min cool down... 125-130 aux power to be effective... Completely as in 100% cleared by hazzards and ability everyone has one of and plenty have 2 of.
Tachyon grid will likely end up in the next lock box so you to can snoop romulans. As far as cloak being negated... after a ton of testing with Fleet mates running snooper builds. I am safe always at 12k+.... Sneezing in closer then 8 I have to be paying attention to there skill cycles... woopdy do... there is a counter to cloak which you can beat with situational awareness.... Frankly it was to be expected that people would optimize there snooping builsd when cryptic dumps 20 new cloaking ships into the game.
Yes these are bunk... as are romulan shim pets... and E orions as well... plenty of junk carrier pets. Still go to places like TD and either create your own matches with rules against them or get into the games already going on there that forbid them.
Well its still bugged right now and it doesn't crit... but your right in general and I understand bort is due to overhaul this skill shortly.
Every game bleeds players... and I have lost tons of friends over the years... some come back for spurts here and there... and I have left myself for short periods here and there. Honestly what always amazes me is seeing just how many vets ARE still around.
Do what most of us have done...change your personal expectiations of the game. Join Tyler Durden... and fight there when your in the mood for some PvP. You'll be happier for it.
I agree with you in general zelda that the Klink faction gets dumped on... however at least we have E disruptors which are perhaps more game breaking then even faw.
Goody, scratch one off the list...
It's all about the money in this game. Newer is always better. Why do Romulans get these crazy Superior Operative + Subterfuge Combination Crit Boffs (Tac+Sci+Eng+Captain)? Are you going to say its to make up for their lower power levels? Why then are Romulans allowed to use plasmonic leech when other factions can't use Warbird consoles?
With all the Aux2Crap going around its amazing they gave cruisers those aura commands. Combine that with this joke DEM-FAW that people can just circle around and spam without aiming and it becomes easy to see that the game is moving more and more towards making bad players feel strong and thus spend more money on whatever scimitar or avenger recently came out.
Enough of the FAW. Every patch has some problem with it. Get rid of it all together. Why do you have no problem nerfing tricobalt and tachyon mines into oblivion but some sort of canon nostalgia prevents you from doing the same with FAW?
I just wish any developer would go into PvP and experience all this TRIBBLE first hand. People buy right into their system. "Having trouble being competitive with your fleet star cruiser? Try the all new Avenger!"
Not to mention you should try using Tyken's yourself - it's quite a bit tougher to get use out of it than you think.
not in premade team , maybe in kerrat or cnh yes ! so ya i like the competition (premade vs premade) thats why i made my thread like this !
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
Am I missing something?
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
well ya but we have to adapt now , all i have seen in the queu today was ppl using tyken rift , and some premade are staking that to get a kill , i even tested my eng recluse in pug match vs premade, with the power drain resist and power insulator skill got no power at all even lost my shield ! its a bit too strong ,
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
a 2 vs 2 tournament escort , should be fun ya
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
I have not been pvping in at least a month - but I would always attack Zelda/link/candy on sight - just because he's a good player. Candy in the KDF temporal destroyer is an incredibly tough target to take out - I attacked him mercilessly for several minutes one time to take him out - and that was the only time:P
This has been the game for 3 years... what are you new to Premade PvP ?
The meta changes every month.
As far as Tykens... I will say it again... Hazards 100% removes it. So all you guys have to do is the standard cross healing that klink premades used to be the best at unless you guys have forgotten the basics.
tyken was broekn during year and they fixed it a couple month ago and ppl realise it effective, but im saying its too strong, so why the skill POWER INSULATOR exist then ?
AND if ur a hold into the TYKEN rift , HE IS NOT CLEARING IT , its spike drain you like clear and reapply , clear and re apply clear and reapply !, so even if ur power go down with he u will not get ur power back !
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
So you pop an engine battary. (which I know all you guys have loaded up) and you fly out of it. Or you wait what 15s until your next EPTE is up and you do the same.
I don't see the problem... sounds to me like your team got beaten simple as that.
Yes tykens when comboed with other drains does drain pretty quickly now... which I am fine with it still lats a very short time... is still countered by hazazrds. Even if it isn't 100% counter (which it is it clears and it is reapplied because your in the tykens still) good... hazards is obnoxious and clears stuff for 15s... wouldn't it be nice if hazards only cleared for the first 5s like every other clear.
I guess I am saying... yes its usable again... is it Over powered... I wold say no its not. The counter is still out there on every ship... and has half or less of the cool down if you count a2b setups and healers that run 2 copies.
It isn't a hard tactic to adjust to... have you guys really never had to change your builds to adapt to another team before ?
i think u dont see how i see the premade team, , u have 3 sci in your team, one is using GW , TBR with the pull doff and eject warp plasma, the 2 other sci run tyken 3 what u thing will happend, are you going to be out of the tyken with ur escort if the premade is coordinating it NO i tested it with my escort !
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
You forgot the web mines. You also forgot the Elachi console. Oh, and... you get the idea. Too many things have been nerfed/changed that don't make sense. Oh wells.
I run aux to damp on all my escorts these days... and yes chances are I would not have been stuck in anything. I haven't honestly flow in many preamdes lately... I more enjoy the TD matches I have had when I have been in the mode to PvP.
I understand completely where you are coming from zelda the last time a large group of my friends left the game I decided I wasn't going to be all that hard into super team mode pvp for awhile... and not long after I started the TD channel... which others have latched onto and it would not exist if they hadn't.
However I still know the dynamics... and I can see plenty of ways to counter the team you mentioned. Part of it is build... and part if it is a different tactic.
I won't claim to have never lost a premade of course I have... when I do its is ALWAYS my own fault... and not because the other team is using something broken. The last team I played against that was HONESTLY running something that was a pure exploit was a team with broken perfect shelds... I can't remmber the bug but it was the one that stacked 50-60 buffs on you... I can't remember which doff it was now. lol It was likely a year ago.
The cheese... yes it can be annoying... and like I have said if you find it frustrating right now... step back... breath... and come and join everyone in the Tyler Durden channel. Frankly its more fun then any of the premade stuff I have been in. Because everyone comes at it with out the fleet tag stuff, to have a good time and enjoy the game again.
I have no doubt you will have or had issues with people you fight in TD... and that is good. Getting together and having one big community wide fight with no set teams is good for the community. It is a good way to see everyone else as People first... Players enjoying the same game. We all got into trek for the same reasons... we would be playing Eve or something if we where not lovers of Trek. So ya join TD if you havn't and come and punch and get punched. lol You'll have a good time, and perhaps make a few friends or sqush a few rivalries.
Also most people making matches will restrict some of the most BS stuff like the Yellowstones ect.... and just by the nature of splitting teams up no one team is going to have 3 science ships ect.
[System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.
French Canadian
Why not just have all 3 Sci use Tyken's 3 + Doff + Energy Siphon 2 + Disable Doff + Phased Polaron weapons? Or Tyken's 3 + Doff + VM 1 + doff?
Have everyone with a tractor Beam, and if they are using the Voth Sci ship they can still run EWP. Add in the new Voth Rep Torp + Torp Spread 2 + Omega 1
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
The more experienced good pvp players we have the better. I hope every one is welcoming all levels of players. The best way for people to improve is to get them into good matches... no one gets good at anything just reading about it... you learn fastest and more fully by doing. Also I think we all learn more when we listen to those new players. Its cool how often I hear a new player mention an idea or talk about how they are doing something... and after thinking about it the best answer is... hmm perhaps let me try that myself. lol New perspectives are good for all of us.
The more great players we mix into the teams though the more great matches everyone has.
Trust me Zelda... when you are in an awsome TD match and you know there are a few newer players in the game... and you KNOW they just had one of the best games they have had in STO. It feels pretty freaking great to be a part of that.
Added replies in red, your English is improving a lot Zelda, keep at it
P.S. Did anyone else miss the part where he said he makes teams of Vet players to jump in the public queues? Zelly, man up and do TD matches or OPvP, going into the queues with vet players is like shooting fish in a barrel.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
Honestly tho Zelda, sometimes being a good player (pvper) means you realize that you simply can no longer be left out from using certain things. I know of enough Vet players who refused to use a specific ability, console, etc. By time everyone changes his attitude on this, some will accept it with slow progression, others will adapt quicker.
Thats why there is so much differences of opinions on stuff.
Back to the original message, you can simply not refuse to refuse the usage of certain aspects of the game, or keep ignoring it. At some point you will be at such a disadvantage that it is simply UNNACEPTTABLE (as you would put it
If everyone at this point decided to use EVERY AND ANY thing that would make them as good as they possible can be (for whatever their primary goal on their ship is), everyone would be equally balanced.
Ok minus the pay2win some people have trouble with, you cant play a game for free and be the best without all the goodies.
Another exeption is ofcourse the stuff like FaW, its a great example, you can say lets just all use Faw. But the whole problem with FaW is the combination of it being OP (as soon as it is back in the Crit mode)and the fact that its also boring to alot of good PvPers. Its not just the OP factor itself that makes it a big issue. See what I mean? Remember the old Double tap? It was horrible for a whole bunch of players, because such builds dont even require timing anymore. By having it nerfed, the need for actual timing on such builds is greatly increased again.
If you want to play a game and fight without having to do much for it, coordinate, timed attacks, etc, you should probably go back to PVE where faw belongs.
I dont know though, you complain alot but the Hobos have been known to use broken Doffs back in the days, not even so long ago, that reduces APA cooldown and stuff unintentionally. **** happens mate, but really you complain just a tad too hard at the moment.
I hope Ive explained myself well enough
Ummm.....Aux2Damp resists Tyken's?
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
I believe agresial has a large list as well which he has uncovered. He's been testing too and asks in 20/10k for people to help test as well and is usually met with great gusto. Though I have a feeling you both have been testing together or helping each other
Perhaps the PvP and PvE communities can come together to create a thread for listing all the bugs there currently are similar to Naz's PvP concerns but for bugs in all aspects of the game. At least there can be a reference source for if someone needs to check if something is broken and not fixed.
But then I guess it does get tiring reporting them and seeing nothing get fixed. I know attack pattern beta being applied from pets is certainly OP. I mean letting any carrier stack 7 copies of beta on a target is not cricket even if it makes stuff go boom faster.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.