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PvP is not playable anymore ecxept if u use all borken stuff



  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rock3tman wrote: »
    Good God your spelling man!! Minus 500 000 points from Griffindore!!!

    he is a french canadian. really does spelling really matter? this is not school.
  • seansamurai1seansamurai1 Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Legible English helps somewhat though.
  • solarstreaksolarstreak Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    For have success in pvp, u need run all that cause it will be not playable and u will not enjoy the game if u make a 5 man team and go to the queu !

    -- talken rift is very efficient, blow all ur power even if u have full skill into power insulator ! plus it stack omg !

    -- vaper : ppl who kill veteran pvp player under a sec without give to the target the time to react cause of the big crits that have no sens lol and the only way to counter that is all your teamate SCI captain need have that console (Console - Universal - Tachyon Detection Field) and the sad thing is : THE KDF CANT GET THAT CONSOLE so good luck to the kdf premade !

    -- yellowstone pets .. never been fixed , they plocate ! wow

    -- Fire at will , when it will be fixed, u will see ppl using scimitar with 80k DPS (escort do only around 20 k dps with a cannon build)

    i hope one day pvp in sto will come back like how it was in season 5 , it was alote much better then it is now , and many more player was playing the game ,I DONT KNOW WHY but alote of veteran pvper have left the game !!!

    so i think im gonna stay AWAY from pvp except if all my teamate run all the thing ppl call cheese !

    PS: for the cusual pvper enjoy ur rage quit :D

    I agree vapers are an issue!! hehe :D

    Really though a romulan vaper who is puggin ain't so bad. It's only op with teamwork, stacking multiple sensor scans just before the vape, makes it almost a sure thing.

    Was surprised to see Tyken's Rift mentioned. Countered by hazards, or just engine battery+evasive. But I haven't run into a team stacking it yet like you mentioned.
    Selun'x Alien Sci - Zarza Reman Tac
  • nebulgamnezarnebulgamnezar Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I agree vapers are an issue!! hehe :D

    Really though a romulan vaper who is puggin ain't so bad. It's only op with teamwork, stacking multiple sensor scans just before the vape, makes it almost a sure thing.

    Was surprised to see Tyken's Rift mentioned. Countered by hazards, or just engine battery+evasive. But I haven't run into a team stacking it yet like you mentioned.

    tyken stay when u use haxard, i mean it debuff and reapply debuff and reaply during 5 sec, so ur power nevver go up , in premade match, u get hold into that and u got NUKE, the real probleme is tyken stack so when 2 guy do it in same time u lose all ur power under a second(free kill) and it cant be friendly fire with ams or SS exemple
    [System] Link has been on active duty for 415 days, 23 hours, 9 minutes, 16 seconds.
    [System] Zelda has been on active duty for 126 days, 11 hours, 51 minutes, 48 seconds.

    French Canadian
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    so you know all broken stuffs .I see you listed them .

    every power /debuff needs to have a counter.When you list them like a true captain kirk people expect you know the counters for them.

    A2B is countered by power drain/target subsystem: aux.
    tykens, gw is countered just by moving. EPTE/A2D/PH help in that regard.
    FAW, DEM, either move out of range or feedback pulse or RSP+HE.
    They do have counters..... screaming 'broken' because you don't use them is all I'm hearing.
  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited January 2014
    tyken stay when u use haxard, i mean it debuff and reapply debuff and reaply during 5 sec, so ur power nevver go up , in premade match, u get hold into that and u got NUKE, the real probleme is tyken stack so when 2 guy do it in same time u lose all ur power under a second(free kill) and it cant be friendly fire with ams or SS exemple

    I take it in this over blown fantasy of how the enemy perform your team is spamming full aux hazard emitters, TSS, 5 extend shields, miracle worker popped up somehow and you have each career fleet ability up instead of your team being the other side of the map catching butterflies...

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Was this thread in response to the match you had against my pugmade Zelda the other night?
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2014
    -- talken rift is very efficient, blow all ur power even if u have full skill into power insulator ! plus it stack omg

    Tyken's Rift wouldn't possibly be able to drain all your power by itself with max power insulators. I think the drain build targeting you used other things also.
    tyken stay when u use haxard, i mean it debuff and reapply debuff and reaply during 5 sec, so ur power nevver go up , in premade match, u get hold into that and u got NUKE, the real probleme is tyken stack so when 2 guy do it in same time u lose all ur power under a second(free kill) and it cant be friendly fire with ams or SS exemple

    If two drain builds throw Tyken's Rift on you, bad luck. Your teammates should have helped you. Anyway, a single ship could do the same thing to you using multiple powers at once, but they sacrifice DPS and armor.
  • v1ctor1stv1ctor1st Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    The infamous Zelda.

    The bloke who, when he tried to kill me in Kerrat some months ago while i was still piloting my Excelsior with the single cannons... couldn't. Then called on all the HOBO's who was in Kerrat at the time to...and i quote...

    "target blind guy he easy kill"

    Blind guy is me by the way... partially blind at least.

    Butt hurt he couldn't kill me alone. Since then a select group of the HOBO's (admittedly not all.. some of them still have morals) have made a point in attacking me, en masse, everytime they see me. Even attacking me en masse when i sit above cracked waiting for a 1v1 just because little Zelda is talentless.

    Here Zelda, let this average partially blind PVP'er hold the "Exit PVP" door open for you, don't let the door hit yer rear end on the way out.
    • "You know when that shark bites, with its teeth dear... scarlet billows start to spread..."
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Whether one considers some stuff broken or just a nice piece of equipment, one thing is true: The power creep from gear has led to a situation where the quality of the hardware in your ship has a greater impact on your success in PvP than the skill of the captain, as long as the captain has at least good understanding of (not necessarily great skill in) STO space combat.

    That is kind of a turn-off. What is the point of a PvP match if the only thing you can find out is that spending a few hundred thousand dilithium on a ship makes it clearly superior?
    So... do you go PVP in WoW, or any other persistent gear MMO PVP content with standard issue gear?
    This is not LoL, or GW2. There is persistent advancement to be had, reward to one spending time on a build, and knowing how and when to put it to use. Why exactly is that bad? It adds more depth than a game like LoL will ever have.
    By very design of most games, this included, high-end gear will provide more effectiveness than lower-end gear. Should a skilled player in subpar gear be able to compete against unskilled players with the best gear in the game? Yes, and they can.
    Should it be easy to do so? Ummmm, no. Kind of moots the effort put in earning that gear.

    Can someone please help me understand why everyone seems so keen on PVPing with their (opponents?) hands tied behind their backs?

    Even to the point our 'Fight Club' has rules detailing how one can fight, what one can use?
    (No offense to the TD channel, such has not been enforced on my builds, nor would I even bother to bring less than my A-game to any PVP if you tried to enforce it, I'd rather not even bother to x up.)
    It's PVP, ALL is fair in Love and War. WTH?

    I have tasted defeat. But unlike many posting in this topic, instead of raging for a nerf or sicing a fleet on the individual, I did the logical thing - asked what the player was doing and congratulated him for a good game.
    WTH is wrong with this playerbase? Seriously? How much entitlement disease did your parents feed you? Far too much by the look of it.
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    PVP in STO is not war. It is sports.

    It is a battle of wits, skill, and equipment over a long-term series of engagements. Barring the lack of a true loss of life, that defines a war.
    Like sports, it has rules however - rules defined by the developers, the rules that shape the game. Not rules made up by players screaming 'OP!!!!1111'. I would encourage you to go try to play basketball with no legs, or baseball with no arms. Same difference as build restrictions.
    And very honestly, what is the saddest part is that the screams of 'OP, Nerf it!' are heard over the quiet explanations of players who know how to counter all of these 'OP' abilities/consoles.
    None of it is OP, all of it is counterable and I have myself survived through.

    However..... now you grind a gear. Video Gaming is not sports. It is entertainment. Only the entitlement disease of the current generation has a non-physical activity labeled as 'sports', and people earning money playing a video game. Please go actually get some exercise now, thanks.
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    That was my point: Wits and skill are currently overshadowed by equipment, to the point that

    wits+skill < equipment+passives

    It used to be different, but all the little goodies they have introduced add up. I have beaten people who are clearly better than me, just because I had all the rep passives and the elite fleet equipment on that toon. I could not learn anything from such encounters, and could not find them entertaining either.
    It's an MMORPG?
    Please, go find me one, single, gear-persistent PVP MMORPG, where
    wits+skill > equipment+passives
    I have yet to see one, and I have played many. I severely doubt one exists, if you know of one, it may prove quite entertaining for some time.
    As it stands, the instant a game has persistent gear one can keep in PVP, the players with better gear will have the edge. And I'm not really certain they don't deserve that edge - they worked for that very gear.
    More to the point, how is that different than every actual war in history? As a general rule, the side with better equipment/technology wins, with strategy and guile making the difference between entities of similar firepower.
    There are exceptions to the rule in both cases - I have seen a veteran player in common mk X gear with no passives soundly pound a newer player with elite fleet gear+all reps maxed, it is possible. Easy? nope, every second counts. Possible? yep. :P
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    STO, a year or two ago.

    so... halt all content production to keep that?
    .......... there would be no players left. All MMO's see the addition of new equipment better than the old over time. All MMO's see this 'power creep' that casual players complain of due to unwillingness to go into PVP prepared and veteran players know how to and are prepared to counter. You want a game with no depth and all skill, go play a FPS or RTS.
    The only things keeping me playing this game is fleet and challenge from competent players in PVP queues. I expect them to have gear worth spitting at, sorry. Only a fool enters PVP in any MMORPG with subpar gear.

    For reference, I don't use any of the items or consoles complained of in this topic.
    Do you see me complaining about them? Absolutely not, I view them as a challenge to learn to adapt and succeed against.
    I do use t4 rom rep placate, but am fully capable of taking out a ship using it without it. People act like placate for 1 second on crit is the end of times.
    Seriously, it's non-issue for BFAW, and any cannon escort worth their ship had better know how to manually pick targets. It's only an 'issue' for players who do nothing but mash space.... which actually explains the volume of complaints. -.- sighs. talking to a brick wall, a minority in a "Must WI1111!!!N with no effort or investment" majority, nvm.
  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bobiwan wrote: »
    WTH is wrong with this playerbase? Seriously? How much entitlement disease did your parents feed you? Far too much by the look of it.

    well to be fair the stuff they put out is op. people just want a fair match with out all the lame stuff that does not take skill to use. remember when we had sub nuke doffs? would you call putting them on is bring your "A" game? i would not. i would say gg nub for your lack of skills. take it how you want. i dont complain about legit skills. we have a skill tree. but if my skill tree cant resist some of your skills then it is trash. at one time gp was bs, as was ams. now omega gets me out of gp. my sencors is speced to 6 so i get a nice reist to ams. but rom t4 cant be speced for or against. glad you cant spec for it. but to not have a skill tree resist against it?? well only trash players use it.

    and most people that complain dont really understand the mechanics that goes on in the back round. its why we have so many nerf faw topics. for one its power creep. second is a reserve of power that dont really drain. so it just adds up and people are taking notice.

    as far as tykens, i know when a player has eps skill up to 6 points or 9. insulators helps you but eps works against you. its the same mechanics of using rsp with a tt. you get the push pull effect. so when hit by tykens eps is trying to get your systems back up and tykens is just draining it out just as fast. ive tested this many many times. tykens 1 with flow to 6 verse a ship with 0 in eps up to 9 in eps. while those ships had 6 in insulators. and a ship that had 6 in insulators 9 in eps had sheilds taken off while a ship with 6 in insulators and 0 in eps, the sheilds never droped.

    then we have energy sphion, should that get cleared by sci team and he???? no it should not. the fact every ship has he makes that skill pointless. cause even if your watching my buffs and see i just used my he, if its a nasty drain another team mate can send me he and clear it. in the old days we used energy sphion to force you into clearing it with sci team to leave you open to a nuke. really the system has been so messed up that our clears and counters are all over the place.
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited January 2014
    PvP should be Skill sightly over gear. in a match between two equally skilled individuals then gear should be the deciding factor. Think nascar/f1 racing all the cars are more or less the saem mechanically ultimately it comes down to luck and how the race team sets their car up.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    well to be fair the stuff they put out is op. people just want a fair match with out all the lame stuff that does not take skill to use. remember when we had sub nuke doffs? would you call putting them on is bring your "A" game? i would not. i would say gg nub for your lack of skills. take it how you want. i dont complain about legit skills. we have a skill tree. but if my skill tree cant resist some of your skills then it is trash. at one time gp was bs, as was ams. now omega gets me out of gp. my sencors is speced to 6 so i get a nice reist to ams. but rom t4 cant be speced for or against. glad you cant spec for it. but to not have a skill tree resist against it?? well only trash players use it.
    Holy bloody balls. Confuse is 'trash'? Really now? Simply because you BFAW Zombie and it matters at ALL as a result?
    This goes right into the whining about t4 rom rep pile. Any skilled player would not have an issue. It doesn't even break target, jeez.
    Just because one cannot 'directly' specialize in countering it does not mean it is even worth using.
    and most people that complain dont really understand the mechanics that goes on in the back round. its why we have so many nerf faw topics. for one its power creep. second is a reserve of power that dont really drain. so it just adds up and people are taking notice.

    as far as tykens, i know when a player has eps skill up to 6 points or 9. insulators helps you but eps works against you. its the same mechanics of using rsp with a tt. you get the push pull effect. so when hit by tykens eps is trying to get your systems back up and tykens is just draining it out just as fast. ive tested this many many times. tykens 1 with flow to 6 verse a ship with 0 in eps up to 9 in eps. while those ships had 6 in insulators. and a ship that had 6 in insulators 9 in eps had sheilds taken off while a ship with 6 in insulators and 0 in eps, the sheilds never droped.
    Min-max justice served. Seriously, running around with 0 insulators and 9 EPS, the player deserves that effect if they cannot react to move quickly enough.
    then we have energy sphion, should that get cleared by sci team and he???? no it should not. the fact every ship has he makes that skill pointless. cause even if your watching my buffs and see i just used my he, if its a nasty drain another team mate can send me he and clear it. in the old days we used energy sphion to force you into clearing it with sci team to leave you open to a nuke. really the system has been so messed up that our clears and counters are all over the place.
    Do you actually read yourself? 'Anything with no direct counter that I have to actually counter with intelligent piloting is OP. But if I use it, there MUST be no counters.' Hypocritical much?
    'In the old days', the target spoken of, in a good team, would just get another science team. outcome changed 0.
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited January 2014
    EPS affecting the rate at which your target is drained, or the rate you can be drained, seems like a bug to me. Is EPS listed as a skill that improves drain abilities? No it's not. Does the tooltip for Tyken's say that EPS affects its drain? Nope. Shouldn't it be straight Flow Caps vs Power Insulators? That's my understanding.
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    EPS affecting the rate at which your target is drained, or the rate you can be drained, seems like a bug to me. Is EPS listed as a skill that improves drain abilities? No it's not. Does the tooltip for Tyken's say that EPS affects its drain? Nope. Shouldn't it be straight Flow Caps vs Power Insulators? That's my understanding.

    Read the description of EPS again. That is how it was before they patched tyken's, labeling that behavior a bug. If your skill set excels at transferring power, well I'm sorry, but it makes sense that you give it to the enemy quicker.
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited January 2014
    bobiwan wrote: »
    Read the description of EPS again. That is how it was before they patched tyken's, labeling that behavior a bug. If your skill set excels at transferring power, well I'm sorry, but it makes sense that you give it to the enemy quicker.

    I suggest you read the description again, actually, which says it only affects the rate of power transfer between subsystems, and that it improves abilities which transfer power from one system to another such as EPtS and so on. Nowhere does it say anything about drain mechanics being involved or that it has any affect on any ship other than yours.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Is it borken, or is it SUPPER BOSTED?

    Enquiring minds want to know!

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  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    My pleasure...you evuls vaporized me countless times!:D

    [Breen Transphasic Cluster Torpedo] *hugs Sal* :)
  • bobiwanbobiwan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    I suggest you read the description again, actually, which says it only affects the rate of power transfer between subsystems, and that it improves abilities which transfer power from one system to another such as EPtS and so on. Nowhere does it say anything about drain mechanics being involved or that it has any affect on any ship other than yours.

    That's the only change they made to tyken's when patching it due to it being underwhelming.
    Regardless of tooltip/skill description, why would they apply this change with it directly mentioned in the patch notes if that's not intentional?
    (As an aside, I very honestly have given up in expecting accurate skill descriptions and tooltips with Cryptic, as they seem to like being cryptic.)
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    EPS rate has always effected how fast your power drains. I know we can debate if it should or not... just pointing out its been that way since season 1.

    Not sure if its intended, likely just lazy programmers that didn't want to do a ton of work to allow for pretty much 2 mehcanics... which would have to work with each other being drained at the same time your eps would be offsetting... I would guess it would be a lot of work with multiple programming hooks for multiple skills.

    When it comes down to it... perhaps not intended at first, however like many things with Cryptic after a quick look at the work involved to change it... they just stamp it with the working as intended rubber.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bobiwan wrote: »
    Holy bloody balls. Confuse is 'trash'? Really now? Simply because you BFAW Zombie and it matters at ALL as a result?
    This goes right into the whining about t4 rom rep pile. Any skilled player would not have an issue. It doesn't even break target, jeez.
    Just because one cannot 'directly' specialize in countering it does not mean it is even worth using.

    Min-max justice served. Seriously, running around with 0 insulators and 9 EPS, the player deserves that effect if they cannot react to move quickly enough.

    Do you actually read yourself? 'Anything with no direct counter that I have to actually counter with intelligent piloting is OP. But if I use it, there MUST be no counters.' Hypocritical much?
    'In the old days', the target spoken of, in a good team, would just get another science team. outcome changed 0.

    wow.......you did not read my post right at all. first off t4 rom does break target. t4 rom is not a confuse. its placate. and what right should every player get a sci type power???????? do you play this game????? second i said 6 in insulators. and i talked about eps.

    btw i dont faw zombie. and no where is my post did i say faw was op or tykens was. i said t4 rom placate is trash. my talk about tykens and faw was just going on mechanics. also dont comment on my post please. let the skilled players talk if you dont mind

    also as a side note. energy sphion was used to fource a team into using a sci team. you say the out come has 0 change? your a pugger i bet. so i doubt you would understand how using that sci team would leave your team open. when i was in lore we would force a tagret to use a sci team which ment only 2 sci teams are left. that means 3 nukes and the last nuke would not get cleared. not everyone had double sci teams back then likewe do now due to doffs. so it makes it that much more problematic.
  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    EPS affecting the rate at which your target is drained, or the rate you can be drained, seems like a bug to me. Is EPS listed as a skill that improves drain abilities? No it's not. Does the tooltip for Tyken's say that EPS affects its drain? Nope. Shouldn't it be straight Flow Caps vs Power Insulators? That's my understanding.

    no. let me clear this up. say player a has 6 in insulators and 9 in eps. he will get drained worse by tykens then player b with 6 in insulators and 0 eps. even tho insulators is helping to resist drain, the drain is still there. eps is trying to keep up and this is where the drain becomes a problem. this is why i said push pull mechainc and tryed to give the example of tt with rsp. tt with rsp means pulling the sheilds so you lose out on healing.
  • wolverine595959wolverine595959 Member Posts: 726
    edited January 2014
    no. let me clear this up. say player a has 6 in insulators and 9 in eps. he will get drained worse by tykens then player b with 6 in insulators and 0 eps. even tho insulators is helping to resist drain, the drain is still there. eps is trying to keep up and this is where the drain becomes a problem. this is why i said push pull mechainc and tryed to give the example of tt with rsp. tt with rsp means pulling the sheilds so you lose out on healing.

    THis makes sense, think about when you had nothing in EPS or did not have eps when leveling up, you could do a boost full impulse and then back to normal speed and your energy would not trnasfer from the other subsystems as much. Whereas when you have points or other EPS boosters you do the same thing your energy flows into engines faster so from your other systems faster even though the system itself is supposedly more efficient. EPS allows you to get to full engine power faster and back to normal presets faster or whatever you are doing that requires energy transfer, ie from full attack to full defense. the only other time EPS is a plus is with beam overload builds, it allows you to "regenerate" the energy lost in that one overload. with the proliferation of cloaking this skill is pretty much useless because now you can full impulse to target wait 3 seconds for all power levels to normalize decloak and pew pew.
    Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    T the only other time EPS is a plus is with beam overload builds, it allows you to "regenerate" the energy lost in that one overload.

    this is not true at all. devs said it as well. we can debate this all you want. many people have and its gotten no where. but eps skill and consoles will never help with bo.

    this was changed around the crusier online days when crusiers would go all beams and eps consoles. i dont miss thoes days at all.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2014
    this is not true at all. devs said it as well. we can debate this all you want. many people have and its gotten no where. but eps skill and consoles will never help with bo.

    this was changed around the crusier online days when crusiers would go all beams and eps consoles. i dont miss thoes days at all.

    Nobody misses them because they're back with a2b builds with faw spam and the marion doff.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    EPS skill is the grease in the gears of all power movement. in, out, system to system, and how quickly your subsystems normalize, and drain, when you go in and out of full impulse. this is a double edged sword when you get hit with drains over time. all this happens in tics, EPS skill determines how much time there is between tics.

    insulators determines how much drain you will suffer per tic. thats what it does.

    since firing a BO is exactly like any other drain, suddenly 50 power is removed from your weapons subsystem, and you recover that power at the frequency your EPS specking allows tics to happen. this makes a difference in how quickly that -50 weapons power is recovered, just like if it was taken away from beam target weapons or any other drain.

    the EPS skill does more then just grease in the gears of power movement, it also effects the magnitude of bonus power you get from EPt skills, and maybe a few other things. thats the difference between the EPS skill and EPS consoles, those only increase the frequency of power movement tics.

    and since these increase how often power movement tics occur, yes they do recover the lost energy from BO faster.
  • one4theagesone4theages Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    and since these increase how often power movement tics occur, yes they do recover the lost energy from BO faster.

    nope!!!!! wrong drunk and always will be. bo is not a drain. its more of a penalty. like i said we can debate this all day. but ill go with what the devs said along time ago. and devs said eps skill or console will not help to get back power any faster after using bo.
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