I swear some people take some things far too seriously. :rolleyes: Either way, my previous statement, it's an opinion (my opinion) thus, from my perspective, I'm not wrong. It's what I happen to believe.
If you basically indirectly call me a pervert for having a female character then yeah i will kind of take it seriously. I agree it's your opinion. Having an opinion does not make it right though. you cant paint everyone with the same brush and call it the truth. It will certainly apply to some people, but you did not say that.
I never said people were going to far, I only said they were perverted.
If you create an Andorian, Klingon or Reptilian Male you're missing a couple of features. One of them tends to be TRIBBLE. It's no secret that in society TRIBBLE have become a big thing (sometimes too big, but that typically depends on the implants). You can jump to a hundred different games and you'll see the same thing. Game developers flaunt these features at us because they know it attracts us.
plenty of people will be attracted to that. No doubt there are plenty of immature or perverted people around in all walks of life. again, it does not apply to everyone though. You see no reason for a player to create a female character yet you yourself play different species to what you are in real life. can you not see they are the same thing? females characters are just another option.
After coming back to STO, Ive noticed there are tons and tons of males playing as females, and even some females playing as males.
I made this post because I'm sick of females thinking its "creepy" or "rude" to ask if someone is male or female. If males played as males for the most part, there would be no need to even wonder if someone ur grouped with is playing their own sex.
Fed - male - Xalon
Rom - male - Xalion
KDF - male - Xaos
And I am a MALE irl.
If any1 else wants to add their character names and their sex, feel free to do so. I want to see how many people really do play as the opposite sex. Plus this post can be used to find out if someone you know is being truthful or not, and then no one would have to ask ingame
(please no rude comments - a ton of players don't agree with males playing females, so we are all still adjusting to the whole opposite sex character dynamic - these forums are read by less than .01% of the population, so no angry comments please)
I have a question to all that useually ask this question, does it really matter what the person on the other end of the pc is? I mean, if that person is male of female does it change the fact that the player is skilled or not skilled? So what is the poiint of asking? are you asking cuz you wanna erp someone? and got mad that you found out that your erp is tords the same sex? To me it doesnt matter, i know the risk when i go and talk to someone in game.
If you basically indirectly call me a pervert for having a female character then yeah i will kind of take it seriously.
I think that anyone who chooses to play a character of the opposite gender is (to some extent) a little bit of a pervert. Maybe pervert isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
The argument of I play with a female character simply because I want to doesn't sit with me. If that were truly the case, then you'd have no difference when playing a male. It's still just another character, yet you've made a choice to choose female over male. Whether I'm right or wrong with that belief is, I suppose irrelevant. I'm not about to change my mind just to keep you happy.
You see no reason for a player to create a female character yet you yourself play different species to what you are in real life. can you not see they are the same thing? females characters are just another option.
The characters I've chosen to play as still come without TRIBBLE or skirts. Species is kind of irrelevant here if the genders of those species would all (hypothetically) have the same form of reproductive organs.
I have a question to all that useually ask this question, does it really matter what the person on the other end of the pc is? I mean, if that person is male of female does it change the fact that the player is skilled or not skilled? So what is the poiint of asking? are you asking cuz you wanna erp someone? and got mad that you found out that your erp is tords the same sex? To me it doesnt matter, i know the risk when i go and talk to someone in game.
To those who ask it, they are usually thinking any multiplayer game is really a dating site and so they are asking to test out their own perverted desires. Usually they ran into a person who wasn't what their avatar was.
I suppose the next line of this type of thought is, Are you fat in real life, if so why do you play supermodels in a game.
This kind of thought seems like it comes form a damaged person who thinks if they think one way everyone thinks same way. Like if they play opposite sex they think they're perverted. So everyone is a pervert.
I am female and I play what I want when I want. And I don't care what kind of labels you stick to such actions. Games are fun not reality. Which is why these MMORPG's appeal to so many people who have fun in them.
I think that anyone who chooses to play a character of the opposite gender is (to some extent) a little bit of a pervert. Maybe pervert isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
The argument of I play with a female character simply because I want to doesn't sit with me. If that were truly the case, then you'd have no difference when playing a male. It's still just another character, yet you've made a choice to choose female over male. Whether I'm right or wrong with that belief is, I suppose irrelevant. I'm not about to change my mind just to keep you happy.
The characters I've chosen to play as still come without TRIBBLE or skirts. Species is kind of irrelevant here if the genders of those species would all (hypothetically) have the same form of reproductive organs.
Psychology 101... ...mirroring...
Dude. You need to grow some hair and get a girlfriend, some experience to open up. The world out there is big. Too big to get blinded by what characters people are playing in a game.
Dude. You need to grow some hair and get a girlfriend, some experience to open up. The world out there is big. Too big to get blinded by what characters people are playing in a game.
My social/private life is perfectly fine thanks for your concern.
I'm merely here stating my mind on a trivial matter. I'm hardly getting worked up about it, that's the other guys that are getting offended. It's all fun and games from this end.
I think that anyone who chooses to play a character of the opposite gender is (to some extent) a little bit of a pervert. Maybe pervert isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
The argument of I play with a female character simply because I want to doesn't sit with me. If that were truly the case, then you'd have no difference when playing a male. It's still just another character, yet you've made a choice to choose female over male. Whether I'm right or wrong with that belief is, I suppose irrelevant. I'm not about to change my mind just to keep you happy.
I dont expect you to change your mind but I'm at a loss as to why you are finding this so hard to grasp.
There is no difference when playing a male or a female to me. I'm an altaholic and at one point had 25 characters (know scaled back to 5) Male and female characters are like hair or clothing options to me. I tend to pick male as my default option, probably because i am one. Maybe I prefer the look, the clothes etc. I don't really know, I just do.
It took me about 10 characters of all different species before i actually realised i did not have a female one, then i created several in a row. i did not have to make any and it would not have changed my gaming experiencing at all if i did not, but then it would not have mattered if i made them all female and then i didn't have to buy or unlock all the different clothing options either, but i wanted too. I chose to create female characters so they looked different. There is no other motive behind it.
Legacy of Amazons ... 7 female toons across 3 factions :eek:
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
For me, Im a male playing as a Federation Alien Male Engineer, and love it.
My KDF will be male and my Romulan will be male.
I dont know what it is. I guess were all different. Cuase im male and want my toons to be male. But others are male and play as females, or females playing as males.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
I think that anyone who chooses to play a character of the opposite gender is (to some extent) a little bit of a pervert. Maybe pervert isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
1. You should develop your vocabulary.
2. Maintaining a premise you know is likely erroneous? That's either insane or trolling.
My IRL sex does not matter. This is a RPG at the end of it, I play my females as females and my males as males. I'm not sure what difference it makes if the person controlling the other character has a pole or a hole.
I have been playing online for 19 years. I now have the first 2 female toons I've ever created and I get complemented on them a lot. I guess I did a good job making them. I have 16 toons all together and 2 are female. 1 on KDF side and 1 on FED. It has been interesting, but I really don't think of them as females so much as kick TRIBBLE toons. It is funny sometimes to see them annhilate the enemy.
And I'm old, not dead.
If your're so smart how come you don't own everything?
Proud Member of Starfleet Elite Task Force & Klingon Elite Task Force for 4 yrs
I usually play male characters in MMOs. They just seem to fit my concepts better.
Currently have 4 males and 1 female characters in STO. The male characters usually get /tells about how cool they are while the females get hit on. I don't know why. The first female character I ever made in STO had a stalker that tried to look up her skirt on ESD. He then asked me if he could reach up for a feel if he bought me cheesy biscuits from Red Lobster. Deleted that character lol.
Only been hit on once with my new Rom girl, but that was right after I made her and reached New Romulus. Haven't had anything since.
My main is a male alien sci though. He's my go to guy for everything. He needs a respec though. Gotta work on him a bit more.
Having just recapped, the reply to you wasn't suppose to be to you. I mistook your quote as that of someone else. A player claimed he liked looking at female butts instead of male ones, I then quoted him with a response, you quoted me, I thought you were him continuing that conversation.
if you wish to address a specific point I made against you, please do so. I'll respond in kind.
2. Maintaining a premise you know is likely erroneous? That's either insane or trolling.
Aren't you an intelligent little monkey. Using big words too? No doubt in a futile attempt to throw me off. What would have been wrong with simply saying incorrect rather than erroneous?
Yeah ... I thought so.
Allow me to ask everyone a question though; if you had a girlfriend and she became aware that you were playing with little female characters, what do you imagine she would think? Likewise, if you've got a girlfriend/wife, same question. No doubt there are some that wouldn't care, but I bet for the most part they'd think it a little ... odd.
In my opinion it's no different from middle aged men from Japan or wherever getting all excited by Anime/Manga/Hentai schoolgirls. It sends a certain message.
I think that anyone who chooses to play a character of the opposite gender is (to some extent) a little bit of a pervert. Maybe pervert isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
The argument of I play with a female character simply because I want to doesn't sit with me. If that were truly the case, then you'd have no difference when playing a male. It's still just another character, yet you've made a choice to choose female over male. Whether I'm right or wrong with that belief is, I suppose irrelevant. I'm not about to change my mind just to keep you happy.
The characters I've chosen to play as still come without TRIBBLE or skirts. Species is kind of irrelevant here if the genders of those species would all (hypothetically) have the same form of reproductive organs.
My personal opinion is that those guys who seem to be baffled by the idea of a guy playing female RPG characters, is that those guys have extremely small penises and are insecure about their own manhood.... but that's just my opinion.
My personal opinion is that those guys who seem to be baffled by the idea of a guy playing female RPG characters, is that those guys have extremely small penises and are insecure about their own manhood.... but that's just my opinion.
Hah, comedian in the room. You should be on stage.
But yeah, that's fine. You're opinion. If you wish to imagine me with a small TRIBBLE, that's your prerogative. Please don't let me stop you.
Aren't you an intelligent little monkey. Using big words too? No doubt in a futile attempt to throw me off. What would have been wrong with simply saying incorrect rather than erroneous?
Maybe incorrect isn't quite the right word to use, but it's the first that comes to mind, so I'm going to go with it.
Many people in this situation consider "So what WOULD be the correct word?" and then use that.
Personally I would have gone with spurious, possibly bankrupt or asinine if I wanted to pass judgement.
I'm a guy, but i guess i tend to do things differently. I always like to build to the characters, rather than just going for the same each character.
How i did it:
1) First Character is always me in some form or another. I find how i would like to fit in the universe to help me better understand it, so the first and main Character is always a guy like me.
2) I built a crew around this guy, which i later pulled from when making other playable characters, so my engineer character is the Chief Engineer from the First guys crew, who happens to be a lady.
3) My Klingon is a direct enemy for my main, so he had to be a large and imposing character, which is difficult to do with the way Cryptic limits customization here (for the ladies, more so)
4) My Two Fed Sci guys are male, just because it makes them more relatable for me being a guy. One is a romulan, and the other is a Generic EMH (with several species to choose from!)
5) The newer one is an Orion Space Pirate. I know it goes against the Rules of Roddenberry, but she's not a maurader, she's a space pirate, it just fits better. Being orion though, female was just the better choice for me as the orion male customizations wasn't my thing, and it made more sense Canonically that the lady would be giving the orders.
6) I was debating making a Reman Sci for my KDF side, but over all, the Remans just don't look right, they don't look Reman at all to me. I was able to get a female looking decent, but over all, the male customization just fell short to me. I still haven't made this character yet, so i can't really say what the sex will be.
I like this thread. I'll play. To start off, I am male.
Human Male, straight
Lib. Borg Female, straight
Trill Female, try-anything-once (but married to job)
Andorian Female, bisexual
Human Male, TRIBBLE
Vulcan Female, straight
Betazoid Male, bisexual
Human Female, straight
Bajoran Male, very straight (but what else would you expect from a guy named Rip Manslab?)
Klingon Male, straight
Orion Female, try-anything-once
Alien Male, straight
Lib. Borg Klingon Male, straight
Lib. Borg Klingon Female, straight
Not sure why I bothered to think out all their orientations since I don't actually RP, aside from the fact it helps me characterize them better in my head.
Also, half these toons barely see play. Most of them haven't been loaded in months. My time is divided primarily between two feds, two klinks, and one rom.
I have to say, it's funny and sad at the same time, how much emphasis and attention people pay to the concept of "gender" (Although to be technical, word 'sex' is more accurate here, given it's the physical sex you are born with... while word 'gender' is a stupid society construct which should be blown out of the sky, from the dictionaries and from humankind mindset too).
Just play and be whatever you want. Sheesh. Some people, seriously. :P
the former is used in two ways and parents try to hide their kids from it's meaning, the latter is more polite and means only one thing. why its up for discussion i have no idea.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I would say the male-female ratio is 40-60% .
Their sexuality is different per character.
One of the females is even asexual, and I'm not sure what the Lethean guy is..... are there female lethans? Do they TRIBBLE spores like orks and are asexual? No idea lol.
I'll agree with Jodarkrider, play what you want to play and enjoy it.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
then i ask why are playing if you know its just a collection of pixels on the screen? surely you should of seen through the ruse. :P
how do you know real life isnt just another simulation and we are actually hooked up and can't feel our real bodies. seriously though, pixels or not people can't help but look, nature intended for us to act on our primal behavior.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Personally, I always try to aim for an even split.. across races, classes, factions, and yes, gender. As an old-school roleplayer, I've long since learned to separate myself from my character and enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of characters within their respective settings.
I have characters ranging from a human science/intelligence officer, to a no-sass 'space-dark elf' whom is honor bound to serve the starfleet military, to a Gorn who has come to terms with their subjugation and seeks to improve/redeem his people's standing through honorable service to the empire, and have eventual plans for a genetically engineered Romulan-Klingon who will be struggling to find their place between the two factions.
I don't force or project those characters on other people, nor do I expect people to think I am any of them(because I most certainly am not).
I play three toons, one fed tac, one rom tac and one fed sci, (all male), i am also male.
dont know why, but i just feel better playing as a male, i like to try and get my toons (where possible) to look like me. Im not sexist at all but i think the only game i ever played a female on purpose was diablo II assassin...
I do get all the reasons why people do or do not play as their own gender ingame, it depends what people want from the game (and thats many different things in this mmo). But it would be nice to know that pretty orion next to you on esd was in fact at least a female (and not a hairy assed dude) but really it doesnt bother me all that much, it is a game afterall i dont care what the gender in or out of game as long s their (insert your choice of weaponry here) work well
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
I'm male and most of my characters are male, but most of my BOs are female. I figure there are 2 major reasons a man choses to play a female character. 1- they're transgendered, 2- eye candy.
Those probably apply to woman playing male characters, but I'll add a third for women, avioding being hit upon.
Fed Tac human female.
Fed Sci human female.
Fed Sci Caitian female.
Romulan Tac female.
Ex-Borg Romulan Tac female.
KDF Klingon Tac male.
If you basically indirectly call me a pervert for having a female character then yeah i will kind of take it seriously. I agree it's your opinion. Having an opinion does not make it right though. you cant paint everyone with the same brush and call it the truth. It will certainly apply to some people, but you did not say that.
plenty of people will be attracted to that. No doubt there are plenty of immature or perverted people around in all walks of life. again, it does not apply to everyone though. You see no reason for a player to create a female character yet you yourself play different species to what you are in real life. can you not see they are the same thing? females characters are just another option.
I have a question to all that useually ask this question, does it really matter what the person on the other end of the pc is? I mean, if that person is male of female does it change the fact that the player is skilled or not skilled? So what is the poiint of asking? are you asking cuz you wanna erp someone? and got mad that you found out that your erp is tords the same sex? To me it doesnt matter, i know the risk when i go and talk to someone in game.
The argument of I play with a female character simply because I want to doesn't sit with me. If that were truly the case, then you'd have no difference when playing a male. It's still just another character, yet you've made a choice to choose female over male. Whether I'm right or wrong with that belief is, I suppose irrelevant. I'm not about to change my mind just to keep you happy.
The characters I've chosen to play as still come without TRIBBLE or skirts. Species is kind of irrelevant here if the genders of those species would all (hypothetically) have the same form of reproductive organs.
To those who ask it, they are usually thinking any multiplayer game is really a dating site and so they are asking to test out their own perverted desires. Usually they ran into a person who wasn't what their avatar was.
I suppose the next line of this type of thought is, Are you fat in real life, if so why do you play supermodels in a game.
This kind of thought seems like it comes form a damaged person who thinks if they think one way everyone thinks same way. Like if they play opposite sex they think they're perverted. So everyone is a pervert.
I am female and I play what I want when I want. And I don't care what kind of labels you stick to such actions. Games are fun not reality. Which is why these MMORPG's appeal to so many people who have fun in them.
Psychology 101... ...mirroring...
Dude. You need to grow some hair and get a girlfriend, some experience to open up. The world out there is big. Too big to get blinded by what characters people are playing in a game.
I'm merely here stating my mind on a trivial matter. I'm hardly getting worked up about it, that's the other guys that are getting offended. It's all fun and games from this end.
I dont expect you to change your mind but I'm at a loss as to why you are finding this so hard to grasp.
There is no difference when playing a male or a female to me. I'm an altaholic and at one point had 25 characters (know scaled back to 5) Male and female characters are like hair or clothing options to me. I tend to pick male as my default option, probably because i am one. Maybe I prefer the look, the clothes etc. I don't really know, I just do.
It took me about 10 characters of all different species before i actually realised i did not have a female one, then i created several in a row. i did not have to make any and it would not have changed my gaming experiencing at all if i did not, but then it would not have mattered if i made them all female and then i didn't have to buy or unlock all the different clothing options either, but i wanted too. I chose to create female characters so they looked different. There is no other motive behind it.
- Judge Aaron Satie
My KDF will be male and my Romulan will be male.
I dont know what it is. I guess were all different. Cuase im male and want my toons to be male. But others are male and play as females, or females playing as males.
"This is Fleet Commander BumBle!..
Vice Admiral of the U.S.S. Prometheus!..
I order you to lower your shields and weapons or ill be forced to fire upon you!!!"
1. You should develop your vocabulary.
2. Maintaining a premise you know is likely erroneous? That's either insane or trolling.
Rom(tac)-Fed Aligned-female-Romulan
My IRL sex does not matter. This is a RPG at the end of it, I play my females as females and my males as males. I'm not sure what difference it makes if the person controlling the other character has a pole or a hole.
Currently have 4 males and 1 female characters in STO. The male characters usually get /tells about how cool they are while the females get hit on. I don't know why. The first female character I ever made in STO had a stalker that tried to look up her skirt on ESD. He then asked me if he could reach up for a feel if he bought me cheesy biscuits from Red Lobster. Deleted that character lol.
Only been hit on once with my new Rom girl, but that was right after I made her and reached New Romulus. Haven't had anything since.
My main is a male alien sci though. He's my go to guy for everything. He needs a respec though. Gotta work on him a bit more.
Mine Trap Supporter
if you wish to address a specific point I made against you, please do so. I'll respond in kind.
Aren't you an intelligent little monkey. Using big words too? No doubt in a futile attempt to throw me off. What would have been wrong with simply saying incorrect rather than erroneous?
Yeah ... I thought so.
Allow me to ask everyone a question though; if you had a girlfriend and she became aware that you were playing with little female characters, what do you imagine she would think? Likewise, if you've got a girlfriend/wife, same question. No doubt there are some that wouldn't care, but I bet for the most part they'd think it a little ... odd.
In my opinion it's no different from middle aged men from Japan or wherever getting all excited by Anime/Manga/Hentai schoolgirls. It sends a certain message.
My personal opinion is that those guys who seem to be baffled by the idea of a guy playing female RPG characters, is that those guys have extremely small penises and are insecure about their own manhood.... but that's just my opinion.
But yeah, that's fine. You're opinion. If you wish to imagine me with a small TRIBBLE, that's your prerogative. Please don't let me stop you.
Many people in this situation consider "So what WOULD be the correct word?" and then use that.
Personally I would have gone with spurious, possibly bankrupt or asinine if I wanted to pass judgement.
How i did it:
1) First Character is always me in some form or another. I find how i would like to fit in the universe to help me better understand it, so the first and main Character is always a guy like me.
2) I built a crew around this guy, which i later pulled from when making other playable characters, so my engineer character is the Chief Engineer from the First guys crew, who happens to be a lady.
3) My Klingon is a direct enemy for my main, so he had to be a large and imposing character, which is difficult to do with the way Cryptic limits customization here (for the ladies, more so)
4) My Two Fed Sci guys are male, just because it makes them more relatable for me being a guy. One is a romulan, and the other is a Generic EMH (with several species to choose from!)
5) The newer one is an Orion Space Pirate. I know it goes against the Rules of Roddenberry, but she's not a maurader, she's a space pirate, it just fits better. Being orion though, female was just the better choice for me as the orion male customizations wasn't my thing, and it made more sense Canonically that the lady would be giving the orders.
6) I was debating making a Reman Sci for my KDF side, but over all, the Remans just don't look right, they don't look Reman at all to me. I was able to get a female looking decent, but over all, the male customization just fell short to me. I still haven't made this character yet, so i can't really say what the sex will be.
Human Male, straight
Lib. Borg Female, straight
Trill Female, try-anything-once (but married to job)
Andorian Female, bisexual
Human Male, TRIBBLE
Vulcan Female, straight
Betazoid Male, bisexual
Human Female, straight
Bajoran Male, very straight (but what else would you expect from a guy named Rip Manslab?)
Klingon Male, straight
Orion Female, try-anything-once
Alien Male, straight
Lib. Borg Klingon Male, straight
Lib. Borg Klingon Female, straight
Lib. Borg Romulan Female, bisexual
Romulan Male, bisexual
Romulan Female, straight
Not sure why I bothered to think out all their orientations since I don't actually RP, aside from the fact it helps me characterize them better in my head.
Also, half these toons barely see play. Most of them haven't been loaded in months. My time is divided primarily between two feds, two klinks, and one rom.
I Support Disco | Disco is Love | Disco is Life
the former is used in two ways and parents try to hide their kids from it's meaning, the latter is more polite and means only one thing. why its up for discussion i have no idea.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I would say the male-female ratio is 40-60% .
Their sexuality is different per character.
One of the females is even asexual, and I'm not sure what the Lethean guy is..... are there female lethans? Do they TRIBBLE spores like orks and are asexual? No idea lol.
I'll agree with Jodarkrider, play what you want to play and enjoy it.
how do you know real life isnt just another simulation and we are actually hooked up and can't feel our real bodies. seriously though, pixels or not people can't help but look, nature intended for us to act on our primal behavior.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Personally, I always try to aim for an even split.. across races, classes, factions, and yes, gender. As an old-school roleplayer, I've long since learned to separate myself from my character and enjoy experimenting with a wide variety of characters within their respective settings.
I have characters ranging from a human science/intelligence officer, to a no-sass 'space-dark elf' whom is honor bound to serve the starfleet military, to a Gorn who has come to terms with their subjugation and seeks to improve/redeem his people's standing through honorable service to the empire, and have eventual plans for a genetically engineered Romulan-Klingon who will be struggling to find their place between the two factions.
I don't force or project those characters on other people, nor do I expect people to think I am any of them(because I most certainly am not).
dont know why, but i just feel better playing as a male, i like to try and get my toons (where possible) to look like me. Im not sexist at all but i think the only game i ever played a female on purpose was diablo II assassin...
I do get all the reasons why people do or do not play as their own gender ingame, it depends what people want from the game (and thats many different things in this mmo). But it would be nice to know that pretty orion next to you on esd was in fact at least a female (and not a hairy assed dude) but really it doesnt bother me all that much, it is a game afterall
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Those probably apply to woman playing male characters, but I'll add a third for women, avioding being hit upon.