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I understand now why pvp is dead.



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    mozohamozoha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Seems to me that a team face stomping a pug would be inclined to tone down a bit of their spam in an effort to make the game fun. I have won 15-0 plenty and lost 15-0 even more, but when a premade continually spams every available tool in the book so they can stomp the same pug group over and over it just seems like nobody is having fun.

    I know, I know, learn to play... I can live with that, just saying it may be more fun to turn the tractor mines and Danubes off for a while and actually have a match instead of the 15-0 zerg fest 3 arenas in a row.
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    naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Observations from World Of Tanks (where there is only PvP):

    Tanks bought with $ are not more powerful, they are less powerful (but earn more in-game cash.)

    There is no gear power creep.

    Tanks get nerfed/buffed all the time. You bought a tank that got nerfed? Too bad.

    STO needs a 'PvP' mode, where gear and ships are limited and balanced.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There once was a time where gear was not so important. But it still didn't make it easy for newplayers.

    No match-making on skill levels.
    Imbalanced powers and a PvE that's so forgiving event he worst builds work mixed with a PvP that's so unforgiving then not knowing that you need two copies of one particular power constantly rotating will kill you early and often.

    I strongly suspect all the gear aspects just add another layer of problems.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The only time I enjoy PvP now is with a closed group of buddies, or semi-friendly PvP between 2 friendly fleets. It's fun when everyone is equally good or equally bad. If you join a public que, you are likley to get curbstomped by a Subnuke (space) or Kit Switching (ground) premade.

    Wow. Sounds. Like. Fun.
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.
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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.

    its a warzone hey
    you didnt notice the button you click to enter kerrat says 'enter warzone'?
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    its a warzone hey
    you didnt notice the button you click to enter kerrat says 'enter warzone'?

    Ironically, the link in your signature makes for some fascinating reading, highly recommended for anyone who cares for some dark Fleet Drama. No wonder we are seeing similar behaviors reflected in Kerrat, your post actually explains a great deal.
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    milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    +2 I do agree rep is BS and should be account wide this limits player to one character which is just plain stupid

    I feel the rep thing will solve itself soon, at least by the next species release, fewer people will invest deeply into another character at the thought of 5-7 rep systems (assuming a couple more are released prior to next faction).
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Ironically, the link in your signature makes for some fascinating reading, highly recommended for anyone who cares for some dark Fleet Drama. No wonder we are seeing similar behaviors reflected in Kerrat, your post actually explains a great deal.

    the irony is not lost on me, but that doesnt negate the fact that kerrat is a war zone.
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    ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.
    So [Fireworks] did not ease your pain? To bad.
    Premade? Hahaha. Majority of KDF players are said fleet. Well at least 50%. Actually, one of those players I just met/saw yesterday for the 1st time. Maybe the right description would be "Ker'rat regulars". U miss the whole approach. We do have great fights against good pilots. I'm sorry that u don't participate in those games because of paranoid attempts to stay alive at all cost. Its a pvp. Someone has to die, as said in other thread. All the screenshot'ed ships are escorts. All tacs. I'm sorry if this is too much for you. I'm sorry that your are a liar. Fed farmers are rarely attacked. Maybe every 1/10. Usually in a heat of battle in borg ball. I'm sorry that your tactic fails against cloaked ships. Maybe u should ask for advice some more experienced players who have cloak hunter ships. I'm sorry that average kdf is tougher opponent then avg fed. Im sorry that Ker'rat is a war zone. I'm sorry that even feddies are making fun of you. (Well we do that to certian KDF fbp-er ^^ too). And I'm even sorry for myself to even replying to your stuff. End of discussion.
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Farmer ganking has long been a KDF past time in Kerrat. Its an open PvP warzone. Just because it hurts thier feelings does not make it a wrong thing for us to do.
    Its our job in kerrat as it is the feds to do the same. Just as it up to us to defend oir farmers.

    Of course if any KDF players wish to enjoy a farming experience without the inevitable fed farmer whine come over to Nvak and enjoy a PvP experience without drama about it being a pvp zone.
    Grethors gates, we KDF could even help.each other and get the most out of the zone farmwise.

    Still keep up the great work in Kerrat and make those feds earn thier drops in a PVP zone.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Klinks were always harrasing Feds. Part of Ker'rat. Feds were always hitting them with ball to the groin and out of the zone. It's also part of Ker'rat. It is PvPvE after all. It's why Ker'rat is such fun (or was - for me)

    For my part - a second ago I hit the wall. I got my eng to 50, got my free Assault Cruiser, 1.5 mln EC to spend so bought some stuff from exchange (mostly blue/pink Mk X/XI). Got into C&H and...

    Ok, there was a GG from me at the end. Cause Klinks played pretty good and there was no spam (not much, anyway). Sad thing I realised is that my build is SO outclassed without all the stuff that showed up with the LoR as never before. I think I had more chance fighting as cmdr against VA before LoR then now with free stuff against someone with all or most stuff and some C-Stor/Lockbox ships.

    It ended with my eng being deleted after first try. Could not harm them, could not survive them. No reason to be there. Well, I still have a tac/escort at RA and 9 levels before I hit the wall again.
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    skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »

    You always see them in CnH as well. Unfortunately they don't just in and get it over with, they like to drag it out. How they play is their prerogative of course, but man is it annoying. It may be on purpose, however.....

    The idea that one always runs into them because they are the only KDF mega fleet that does PvP instead of them being a premade is intriguing. Is that really the case? I would be the first to admit my own knowledge of the KDF and its current situation is lacking to say the least.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You always see them in CnH as well. Unfortunately they don't just in and get it over with, they like to drag it out. How they play is their prerogative of course, but man is it annoying. It may be on purpose, however.....

    The idea that one always runs into them because they are the only KDF mega fleet that does PvP instead of them being a premade is intriguing. Is that really the case? I would be the first to admit my own knowledge of the KDF and its current situation is lacking to say the least.

    There's fleets on both sides that do it, whether wolf-pack gankings or overkill spawn camps or whatever. They've no interest in completing the mission objective, just finding the weakest people they can and kicking their teeth in. Nothing like joining a new fleet, then listening in on Fleet Chat and seeing such deliberate coordinated harassment going on, and realizing you've found a quality group. I hesitate to use the term 'bullying' because it is so overused, but when its 4-5 veteran players specifically targeting newbies over and over till they leave, and even 1-on-1 they'd beat the newbie, and knowing they're doing this deliberately for their own entertainment, what else would you call it?
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You always see them in CnH as well. Unfortunately they don't just in and get it over with, they like to drag it out. How they play is their prerogative of course, but man is it annoying. It may be on purpose, however.....

    The idea that one always runs into them because they are the only KDF mega fleet that does PvP instead of them being a premade is intriguing. Is that really the case? I would be the first to admit my own knowledge of the KDF and its current situation is lacking to say the least.

    Tell me about it. I love to fly my Fed Wells because it's a beautiful classic from the show. So I was doing some Tyken's Rift testing given the new patch in Kerrat today, peacefully, chatting with friends and watching some organized 1 vs 1 going at Cracked - very quietly, not bothering anyone. Heck, I even specified on zone chat that I am a peaceful observer watching at Crack and auto-fire are disabled. There are civilized Klink regulars there who don't gank you, and play nice. Out of nowhere, I was ambushed by two of the usual suspects from the screenshot posted above. My friends reacted and assisted me, thankfully I wasn't alone. With RSP on, I survived. When I realize there was more than one of them, I knew time of flying my Wells was over. Quickly changed toon into my Romulan Science Captain. You want to play nasty? I can be very naughty. This Warbird was equipped to decloak and disable anything and everything. Sure enough, with the Subterfuge nerf today, spotting cloaked ships was easier than ever. Within a span of 5 minutes, Jonie - one of the usual suspect was blown up twice, prompting RCK to ask sarcastically : "Jonie, you blow up so easily and pretty..." ;) Soon after, this harassing hunting party disappears because they know a shark is lurking in the dark and an organized effort was there to hunt them down. I didn't do it alone, I was thankful that RCK and a fleet mate was there to assist me. I decloak them and they did most of the heavy lifiting because these Klinks are using Brace for Impact like mad knowing I am all Kinetic.

    They are opportunistic, pure and simple. If you organize a resistance, they are very afraid of getting blown up - it hurts their ego badly when that happens, so they will go elsewhere.
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    iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There's fleets on both sides that do it, whether wolf-pack gankings or overkill spawn camps or whatever. They've no interest in completing the mission objective, just finding the weakest people they can and kicking their teeth in. Nothing like joining a new fleet, then listening in on Fleet Chat and seeing such deliberate coordinated harassment going on, and realizing you've found a quality group. I hesitate to use the term 'bullying' because it is so overused, but when its 4-5 veteran players specifically targeting newbies over and over till they leave, and even 1-on-1 they'd beat the newbie, and knowing they're doing this deliberately for their own entertainment, what else would you call it?

    I will be posting a build in the Federation Shipyards to teach people how to counter them. It is becoming a necessity to teach farmers how to fend for themselves.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    I will be posting a build in the Federation Shipyards to teach people how to counter them. It is becoming a necessity to teach farmers how to fend for themselves.

    Good. Farming in a warzone is dangerous. Still being a warzone there is nothing wrong with the enemy attacking you iether.
    It is the nature of the zone when one is outnumbered so completion of the mission is not possible. By all means, fight back and defend oneself to your best ability but do not becry your opponent for attacking you solo or in groups.
    He is your foe and such is the nature of war.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    talore003talore003 Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Good. Farming in a warzone is dangerous. Still being a warzone there is nothing wrong with the enemy attacking you iether.
    It is the nature of the zone when one is outnumbered so completion of the mission is not possible. By all means, fight back and defend oneself to your best ability but do not becry your opponent for attacking you solo or in groups.
    He is your foe and such is the nature of war.

    That is true you go into anything PvP expect to fight 1 2 or 8 of em it's the nature of the beast. Is there rules pretending to farm waiting to squish a decloaking alpha? :D

    As far as my Klingon alter ego I stay cloaked and wait for the first to split from the herd. :D

    The only thing that hurts PvP for me is the sore winners and losers.
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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    I will be posting a build in the Federation Shipyards to teach people how to counter them. It is becoming a necessity to teach farmers how to fend for themselves.

    Is it even really about the farmers though? (Personally I think they should ditch the loot, just fleet/PVP marks, make it a pure dedicated-PVPer zone, but thats a side thing.) For all the talk of wanting new blood and a good fight and the people trying to genuinely help with stuff like Boot Camp or Tyler Durden, there are just as many people who measure their amusement by how much they ruin someone else's play. When they're specifically looking for the weakest people for the most one-sided fights possible, where the pinnacle of success is getting someone to quit and never return. Heck I've quit two fleets after finding out they were populated with such loud-mouthed classless troglodytes, and there's plenty more just like them out there. For all the talk of wanting to expand the PVP base, gonna have a hard time retaining new players when there are others trying to deliberately make them miserable. That kind of attitude is more poisonous than any rep grind or imbalanced console.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Is it even really about the farmers though? (Personally I think they should ditch the loot, just fleet/PVP marks, make it a pure dedicated-PVPer zone, but thats a side thing.)

    For all the talk of wanting new blood and a good fight and the people trying to genuinely help with stuff like Boot Camp or Tyler Durden, there are just as many people who measure their amusement by how much they ruin someone else's play. When they're specifically looking for the weakest people for the most one-sided fights possible, where the pinnacle of success is getting someone to quit and never return.

    Heck I've quit two fleets after finding out they were populated with such loud-mouthed classless troglodytes, and there's plenty more just like them out there.

    For all the talk of wanting to expand the PVP base, gonna have a hard time retaining new players when there are others trying to deliberately make them miserable. That kind of attitude is more poisonous than any rep grind or imbalanced console.

    There are folks out there that are doing that in PvP, PvE, social zones, on the forums, etc, etc, etc.

    Some of it, folks can complain to Cryptic about it and be ignored. The rest? Well, it's player efforts like Boot Camp, Tyler Durden, "Big PvP" in OPvP, various Premades that actively look for other Premades, etc, etc, etc...players that want to expand the base are making the effort to do that.

    They can't control the folks that don't give a TRIBBLE about anything or anybody else...
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Players from both factions bring cheese and gank each other all the time in Kerrat. I think the outrage and naming/shaming of the HOBOs is more about the feds wanting to only farm kerrat rather than it being a PvP zone.
    Too bad for the farmers. It is a PvP zone.
    Cryptic can remove the item drops from it. Give fleet marks instead for enemy kills and make it pure PvP.
    Let the farmers reap thier EC source from the rest of the game instead.
    Otherwise everybody can just accept that Kerrat is a PvP zone where anything xan and does happen.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Players from both factions bring cheese and gank each other all the time in Kerrat. I think the outrage and naming/shaming of the HOBOs is more about the feds wanting to only farm kerrat rather than it being a PvP zone.
    Too bad for the farmers. It is a PvP zone.
    Cryptic can remove the item drops from it. Give fleet marks instead for enemy kills and make it pure PvP.
    Let the farmers reap thier EC source from the rest of the game instead.
    Otherwise everybody can just accept that Kerrat is a PvP zone where anything xan and does happen.

    Nah, if you cant go troll those farmers, Ker'rat would be even more pointless.
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    mcduffie369mcduffie369 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What hurts us the most is the basic game modes. There is little creativity. When compared to the battlegrounds of WoW we come up very short. If we had more game modes besides death match(arena), assault(powerball, but played as an arena with a 50 kill count), and capture and hold(my favorite). Also, our PVP zones are bland and need love. I remember Wintergrasp from LK. I loved that zone so much that I created pvp guild just to keep it secure and make sure allies could not farms its resources(until they allowed them to fly between matches...). At any rate, what we need is a more diverse style of pvp and more of it as well as ranking system to protect the new players from the brutality of the old.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    I don't want to seem defensive, but I can't let go when untrue things are said. Yes the part about cheese might be true, but I disagree that feds ganks as much as the klingons do. That's simply not true. I have played both kdf and fed in kerrat, the ganking is almost always one sided. It makes sense too, klingons are the cloakers, they're the ones usually engaging the non cloaking feds. Nothing wrong with that, just how things are. We are the evul thlingan, the warriors that bring terror to the civilized races. Be proud, it's only canon!!!:D

    Not saying I have not been ganked by feds when I was on my klingon... But this is so rare, it's really not memorable.

    I made no statement of equality, only that everyone ganks those doing the mission in Kerrat.
    I've been ganked, and I have ganked. Its a part of playing in Kerrat is all I'm saying.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    lter wrote: »
    Nah, if you cant go troll those farmers, Ker'rat would be even more pointless.

    Then the farmers need to stop crying about dying while reaping drops in a warzone.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You always see them in CnH as well. Unfortunately they don't just in and get it over with, they like to drag it out. How they play is their prerogative of course, but man is it annoying. It may be on purpose, however.....

    The idea that one always runs into them because they are the only KDF mega fleet that does PvP instead of them being a premade is intriguing. Is that really the case? I would be the first to admit my own knowledge of the KDF and its current situation is lacking to say the least.

    For the most part its the only KDF fleet with lots of active PVPers and fully upgraded starbase holdings. Most other KDF fleets are much smaller and far behind so it does seem like we have over half of the people you normally see in Kerrat or the queues.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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