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I understand now why pvp is dead.



  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lter wrote: »
    Again, that would be a nice tweak for arenas. And I'd enjoy it myself too... But woudnt keep me engaged at long therm. If Cryptic does that and states 'that's it', I'll probably move along definetively. Call me romantic, but I'd like an scenario were I could enjoy PVP with everyone, the captain Kerks and Peecards too, with my friends, with new people, throwing us the power TRIBBLE each others (my comparsion with Smash Bros or Mario Kart was genunine in therms of what I'd like) I want new stuff related with PVP, variety, involving different races and scenarios from the saga, not just a clean sport-like arena... Which I'd enjoy myself too, of course.

    I do agree honestly. I want my good clean everyone can jump in an pvp, arena system.

    I don't however want to see that take over kerrat and nvak. I want the open zones to remain as they are. Let the open pvp zones be the wild west where anything you earn in PvE (or future PvP) are fair game.

    I would also like to see a much larger improved open pvp system. In such as system I don't see a need for a balance type setup like I suggest for arena pvp.

    Create a real open pvp zone or better yet sector or two to fight over... but fix the arena side of it in a way ... where the players after a week of fighting over an open pvp world... could decide to run a weak end turny and not have to spend 5 weeks first drafting the tourny contract. (speaking of pvp sectors... doesn't everyone remember that Eta was supposed to be just that when the game launched... we had K7 for the feds and Ganalda for the Klinks... complete with PvP gear in those systems. Every planet hoped you into one of the PvP ques) Would it not be great for a real front line sector to exist again... where the planets had open pvp zones in them... where meaningful things where happening.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well I disagree on the need for rewards to incent people I guess.... we will just have to a agree to disagree on that one.

    you will next disagree that the forum backround is black.

    Humans need rewards and compensations to improve.This started thousands years ago when humans were hunting animals for food....as we all know you hunt to get that animal dead aka reward for your activity.That is how humans work and that is what every human looks at all games ...even real life (work).
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    you will next disagree that the forum backround is black.

    Humans need rewards and compensations to improve.This started thousands years ago when humans were hunting animals for food....as we all know you hunt to get that animal dead aka reward for your activity.That is how humans work and that is what every human looks at all games ...even real life (work).

    This is a video game not real life... I think you need to get outside a little more often.

    Last I checked you didn't need Steven Spielberg to throw you 10 bucks to go see his latest movie. People DO NOT need to be rewarded to do what they find enjoyable. lol

    However you choose to spend your money out side of the game to have a good time is up to you... but I don't pay for my fun. ;)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This is a video game not real life... I think you need to get outside a little more often.

    Last I checked you didn't need Steven Spielberg to throw you 10 bucks to go see his latest movie. People DO NOT need to be rewarded to do what they find enjoyable. lol

    However you choose to spend your money out side of the game to have a good time is up to you... but I don't pay for my fun. ;)

    keep telling that to yourself .Repeat many many times maybe one day you will believe it.:rolleyes:

    btw I see you know where I spent money in this game.Thats some really awesome non human skills right there..no wonder you don't feel the needs other 7 billions people on earth have when compete in games or real life.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    keep telling that to yourself .Repeat many many times maybe one day you will believe it.:rolleyes:

    btw I see you know where I spent money in this game.Thats some really awesome non human skills right there..no wonder you don't feel the needs other 7 billions people on earth have when compete in games or real life.

    /ok then
    Msg me in game if you like I'll give you the info you need to hook up with the PvP channels where folks loose fast to gain reward. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think the most clear thing that's apparent in this thread is the following:
    This is a video game not real life...
    keep telling that to yourself .Repeat many many times maybe one day you will believe it.:rolleyes:

    Frightening, no? I mean...seriously...frightening.
    Humans need rewards and compensations to improve.This started thousands years ago when humans were hunting animals for food....as we all know you hunt to get that animal dead aka reward for your activity.That is how humans work and that is what every human looks at all games ...even real life (work).

    Reward...fun? Folks play games for fun? Fun is the reward? Games. Fun. Might want to look into it.
    btw everyone should have the same paycheck in real life.

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."
    what? that's not possible...you are against the uniform you are against the state...

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."
    I say everyone should have the same paycheck in real life because that's how things works.

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."
    I see people are fine with the idea that someone comes to game with real money and has everything a person who grinded few months.Next time I see some idiot QQing about p2w here I'll make sure to remind him how low is his IQ.

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."
    That's complete BS ...so much BS that I need to open a window.

    Next step is to give everyone the same ping,same frame rate and same hardware.

    I hope you are trolling .

    In the real world where game with pvp actually give you pvp gear let people have that gear by playing pvp .You play and you rank up ...with ranks you unlock better gear.Somewhere after many pvp matches (which you already play with people at your rank) you and some few people will have the best gear in game ...that makes the difference between a rank 1 and a max rank.

    I have no idea where you people get this communistic idea that everyone should have the same shets .I see that buying TIF set is fine but getting that from a pvp store with pvp currency is bad.

    Im sure you people bleed when you see someone in real life having a better car or better stuffs than you .Everyone should have the same paycheck .

    Stalin mentality in STO.

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."
    lemme guess ...everyone should have the same sheets even if one works more than the other.

    other great ideas mr Stalin?

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    And as I said, "Frightening, no? I mean...seriously...frightening."
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    /ok then
    Msg me in game if you like I'll give you the info you need to hook up with the PvP channels where folks loose fast to gain reward. :)

    which happens to have more people than real pvp.As I said ,repeat that "no rewards is fine" thing and keep repeating it over and over again ...it will make sense ,especially when its quiet and you wait for 30 minutes to pug because you cant find enough people for a 5v5.

    I think the most clear thing that's apparent in this thread is the following:

    Frightening, no? I mean...seriously...frightening.

    Reward...fun? Folks play games for fun? Fun is the reward? Games. Fun. Might want to look into it.

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    As hus said, "This is a video game not real life..."

    And as I said, "Frightening, no? I mean...seriously...frightening."

    I see you play the game as a non human in your fake life.You no longer function as a human when you play a game.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    which happens to have more people than real pvp.As I said ,repeat that "no rewards is fine" thing and keep repeating it over and over again ...it will make sense ,especially when its quiet and you wait for 30 minutes to pug because you cant find enough people for a 5v5.

    Follow my posts... I don't pug ever.

    I compete in arranged matches in Tyler Durden... in which no reward is rewarded other then the enjoyment of some good PvP.

    Guess all the people in that channel that keep setting up matches are missing something. Quick explain to them how they are wasting there time... I mean they are wasting time they could be shooting at space crystals. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I see you play the game as a non human in your fake life.You no longer function as a human when you play a game.

    A person is a person, whether talking about real life or playing a game. However, that doesn't change that a game is a game. There's a distinct difference between a person bringing who they are to a game and the game being real life. There's also the obvious fact that as a RPG game, that a person may be seeking to bring something other than who they are to the game as well...a form of escapism as you will.

    A person could be an extreme conservative in their real life and yet play an extreme liberal in a game...

    ...cause it's funny like that, cause it's a game.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    There is a reason why its not a legal move to slip the person playing bank in a game of Monpoly a 20 so you can have a few extra fake bills.

    Or why you can't pay 10 bucks in a chess game to take a move back.

    Or start with 3 kings in a game of checkers if you drop a 5 spot.

    Or get double armies for 10 min if you drop 10 bucks in a game of risk.

    I know the other day I moved forward 1 spot extra in a game of snakes and ladders so I could climb a ladder... my daughter complained but I explained that I purchased the board so she just needed to suck it up cause life isn't fair.

    If you don't understand that STO is a GAME... and as such needs to have rules based on balance that make the game fun to play for everyone playing... then you don't get it.

    I am very much against Paying for anything in a game that gives an advantage... for the same reason I wouldn't play board games with people playing by P2W rules. lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    PVP shouldn't have rewards. Winner team should...
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I blame cryptic for:

    their lack of perception in what power creep will do when they are only interested in making a buck with it.

    lack of proper planning in the realm of scope of what they are trying to achieve in PvP (i.e. no planning at all and no foresight into the problems that occur when they give the newest gadget to a PvE'er.)

    lack of in depth testing despite the fact that we beta testers tell them when there are problems and they choose to ignore it until the changes are live (i.e. nukara mines, subspace rupture, etc..)

    never nurturing PvP to allow it to receive the attention it deserves (i.e. no new PvP maps in 3.5+ years)

    In conclusion.. it is Cryptic's fault and I blame them. Nothing in this game is more challenging than playing against another human brain(s) with varying diversity of tactics, abilities, etc..

    Why on Earth would I want to grind an STF a few thousand times?

  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There is a reason why its not a legal move to slip the person playing bank in a game of Monpoly a 20 so you can have a few extra fake bills.

    Or why you can't pay 10 bucks in a chess game to take a move back.

    Or start with 3 kings in a game of checkers if you drop a 5 spot.

    Or get double armies for 10 min if you drop 10 bucks in a game of risk.

    I know the other day I moved forward 1 spot extra in a game of snakes and ladders so I could climb a ladder... my daughter complained but I explained that I purchased the board so she just needed to suck it up cause life isn't fair.

    If you don't understand that STO is a GAME... and as such needs to have rules based on balance that make the game fun to play for everyone playing... then you don't get it.

    I am very much against Paying for anything in a game that gives an advantage... for the same reason I wouldn't play board games with people playing by P2W rules. lol

    Just let us know when your daughter starts to hit the queues or kerrat. After that kind of training it should be a sight to be seen :)
  • mcduffie369mcduffie369 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is precisely why we must have a ranking/ladder system in pvp. As StarCraft 2 has the option to play ranked or unranked games for players who choose so should we. But, the cure to this ailment is ranking. New players must be placed in matches with other new players or else no one will learn and continue to be target dummies for the skilled. PVP will grow if players know they will not face off against a single player who can steam roll their entire team for the entire kill count. I have PVP'd since launch. I have great hope and love for the game. Let's get some serious positive support here and let the Devs know what we need with a minimum of nerd rage.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Wait what?!? this isn't real???? but...bu... I JUST BOUGHT A TIMESHARE!!!
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • drunkadmiraldrunkadmiral Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    after 2 years of pvp (2-3hours per day), now i stopped, didnt entered in pvp for more then 10 days, there is no hope for pvp improvement...:(
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is precisely why we must have a ranking/ladder system in pvp. As StarCraft 2 has the option to play ranked or unranked games for players who choose so should we. But, the cure to this ailment is ranking. New players must be placed in matches with other new players or else no one will learn and continue to be target dummies for the skilled. PVP will grow if players know they will not face off against a single player who can steam roll their entire team for the entire kill count. I have PVP'd since launch. I have great hope and love for the game. Let's get some serious positive support here and let the Devs know what we need with a minimum of nerd rage.

    You keep mentioning SC2 and I love that game and all... however for the most part those games are more of a 1v1 affair. (yes I understand you can play more then that and with teams, still different game).

    Ladders work in some games... they would completely NOT work in STO, imo.

    Most MMOs I have played that have leader boards or ladders or tiered pvp systems fail hard. They don't achieve what they set out to do.

    I don't claim to have all the answers... I am just pretty darn sure ladder style pvp would just be a mess in this one.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    after 2 years of pvp (2-3hours per day), now i stopped, didnt entered in pvp for more then 10 days, there is no hope for pvp improvement...:(

    Join Tyler Durden chat... best pvp in the game. When you see people running matches jump in and have some fun.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I know the other day I moved forward 1 spot extra in a game of snakes and ladders so I could climb a ladder... my daughter complained but I explained that I purchased the board so she just needed to suck it up cause life isn't fair.

    Sounds like good training for when she graduates University.
  • mozohamozoha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Seems to me that a team face stomping a pug would be inclined to tone down a bit of their spam in an effort to make the game fun. I have won 15-0 plenty and lost 15-0 even more, but when a premade continually spams every available tool in the book so they can stomp the same pug group over and over it just seems like nobody is having fun.

    I know, I know, learn to play... I can live with that, just saying it may be more fun to turn the tractor mines and Danubes off for a while and actually have a match instead of the 15-0 zerg fest 3 arenas in a row.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Observations from World Of Tanks (where there is only PvP):

    Tanks bought with $ are not more powerful, they are less powerful (but earn more in-game cash.)

    There is no gear power creep.

    Tanks get nerfed/buffed all the time. You bought a tank that got nerfed? Too bad.

    STO needs a 'PvP' mode, where gear and ships are limited and balanced.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There once was a time where gear was not so important. But it still didn't make it easy for newplayers.

    No match-making on skill levels.
    Imbalanced powers and a PvE that's so forgiving event he worst builds work mixed with a PvP that's so unforgiving then not knowing that you need two copies of one particular power constantly rotating will kill you early and often.

    I strongly suspect all the gear aspects just add another layer of problems.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The only time I enjoy PvP now is with a closed group of buddies, or semi-friendly PvP between 2 friendly fleets. It's fun when everyone is equally good or equally bad. If you join a public que, you are likley to get curbstomped by a Subnuke (space) or Kit Switching (ground) premade.

    Wow. Sounds. Like. Fun.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.

    its a warzone hey
    you didnt notice the button you click to enter kerrat says 'enter warzone'?
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    its a warzone hey
    you didnt notice the button you click to enter kerrat says 'enter warzone'?

    Ironically, the link in your signature makes for some fascinating reading, highly recommended for anyone who cares for some dark Fleet Drama. No wonder we are seeing similar behaviors reflected in Kerrat, your post actually explains a great deal.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    +2 I do agree rep is BS and should be account wide this limits player to one character which is just plain stupid

    I feel the rep thing will solve itself soon, at least by the next species release, fewer people will invest deeply into another character at the thought of 5-7 rep systems (assuming a couple more are released prior to next faction).
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Ironically, the link in your signature makes for some fascinating reading, highly recommended for anyone who cares for some dark Fleet Drama. No wonder we are seeing similar behaviors reflected in Kerrat, your post actually explains a great deal.

    the irony is not lost on me, but that doesnt negate the fact that kerrat is a war zone.
  • ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    A picture is worth a thousand words : Klingon Premade harassing Kerrat in group everyday, picking on Fed farmers who are alone

    Take notice - they are all from the same Fleet, not a coincidence. They pounce on a single victim in Kerrat using all kinds of exploits and cheese - Subspace Integration Circuit, Double Tap, and etc. you name it.

    Occasionally, there will be enough Feds realizing what they are doing and would then informally bind together to fight them off such as last night. Otherwise, these people derived their joy from gangking a single target, usually just a casual gamer you and I have never heard of, then launch fireworks in celebration.

    If any Fed PvP fleet is reading this, we need you in Kerrat to patrol and protect Fed farmers. I can't do it alone - I try my best to harass them and decloak them and to get them to come after me but that's not enough. Even with just 1 or 2 helpers, I can repel them by blowing a few up. With equal or close to equal number, we can beat them running - they are really not that good to be honest, that's why they hunt in group because on their own, they really suck at PvP.

    Until Cryptic does something concrete to correct this, all we can do is teach these people who are killing PvP a lesson in game. Hope to see you there in number.
    So [Fireworks] did not ease your pain? To bad.
    Premade? Hahaha. Majority of KDF players are said fleet. Well at least 50%. Actually, one of those players I just met/saw yesterday for the 1st time. Maybe the right description would be "Ker'rat regulars". U miss the whole approach. We do have great fights against good pilots. I'm sorry that u don't participate in those games because of paranoid attempts to stay alive at all cost. Its a pvp. Someone has to die, as said in other thread. All the screenshot'ed ships are escorts. All tacs. I'm sorry if this is too much for you. I'm sorry that your are a liar. Fed farmers are rarely attacked. Maybe every 1/10. Usually in a heat of battle in borg ball. I'm sorry that your tactic fails against cloaked ships. Maybe u should ask for advice some more experienced players who have cloak hunter ships. I'm sorry that average kdf is tougher opponent then avg fed. Im sorry that Ker'rat is a war zone. I'm sorry that even feddies are making fun of you. (Well we do that to certian KDF fbp-er ^^ too). And I'm even sorry for myself to even replying to your stuff. End of discussion.
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Farmer ganking has long been a KDF past time in Kerrat. Its an open PvP warzone. Just because it hurts thier feelings does not make it a wrong thing for us to do.
    Its our job in kerrat as it is the feds to do the same. Just as it up to us to defend oir farmers.

    Of course if any KDF players wish to enjoy a farming experience without the inevitable fed farmer whine come over to Nvak and enjoy a PvP experience without drama about it being a pvp zone.
    Grethors gates, we KDF could even help.each other and get the most out of the zone farmwise.

    Still keep up the great work in Kerrat and make those feds earn thier drops in a PVP zone.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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