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Sugestion because of the beam overload stack



  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So there's a bit of insight into how it's done and why it may go by way of the dodo for stay in the fight escorts.

    Hi fook, I agree with a lot of what you wrote especially about stay in the fight, visible escorts who are at a severe disadvantage in the current cloaking metagame.

    However, I have a concept.

    BO & other powers, mechanically, are designed to have cooldowns and they were, in A.Hawk's judgement, working outside of the boundary of that mechanic.

    Fair enough.

    On the otherhand, what if part of the problem is that a single, base, beam overload in and of itself is an inferior mechanic?

    Does 1 beam overload generate sufficient damage to justify its 1/15th maximum uptime?

    How does that output, spike, compare to the 10s burst tool of CRF that has 66% uptime and can be funneled through up to 7 or even 8 weapons on some ships vs. Beam Overload which forces you into a DBB or Beam Array?

    Does the -weapon power drain mechanic really make sense with the new cooldown lockouts and 5s hardcap on recast?

    Is the -50 weapon power even working correctly? If you fire, and you have 125 weapons power, you are dropped to 50 weapons power.

    That's not -50, that's -75.

    Is it fair that a power on a 1/15th (6.67% uptime) can fail, and literally do 0 damage and then go back on cooldown?

    Vs. Rapid Fire volleys with roughly 10x the uptime? Rapid fire absorbs losses or targets moving out of arc, much better than Beam Overload - which is either pass or fail mechanic, no gradient to reduces the extremes of hits vs. failure to hit.

    It's OK to have a gamble mechanic, high risk vs. high reward, power type - but I believe the question now is the potential reward still worth the risk and cost?

    So maybe part of the problem is that Beam Overload in and of itself needs a full balance pass to be designed better.

    Some food for thought, hopefully A.hawk is still reading. ;)
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    its likely if not guaranteed not a signle person in that game used any torpedoes let alone stack hy. why was high yield included in this nerf, is the real question

    Mini, you are funny. Of all people, you should know the T'Varos like to stack multiple BO along with multiple HY for the lolz exploit.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    As one of the more vocal proponents for the elimination of this long-time exploit, including a dedicated thread for it in the Builds forum, I say kudos to you if you run such build without using this known exploit.

    I'm going to say this, and I'm not going to go into too many details.

    Before you, and anyone else, gets so high and mighty on your moral high ground - here is a tidbit for you. ;)

    I've specifically asked for feedback on this mechanic several months ago to a different member on the development team.

    The response was that the mechanic seemed fine. Specifically that different tiers can stack and be fired consequentially (i.e. BO 1 & 2) vs. same tiers not being able to be stacked at all (i.e. BO 2 x 2).

    Cryptic allows its employees quite a bit of creative freedom.

    A.Hawk seems to have taken an interest in PvP, and I applaud the small snippets of his inner thoughts as a developer as part of the design process.

    I detect a glimmer of hope from that, because the glimpse he's given us is enough for me to speculate that he has a lot of good ideas but he is probably constrained by other time pressures and the realities of balancing the entire game, PvE & PvP, for everyone's enjoyment.

    So there you go. I never actually touched the double tap until a conversation had me feeling that it was a "safe" mechanic, i.e. Working as Intended or within reasonable usage.

    That's changed. Things change. We adapt.

    But this is a mechanic that has been in the game since BETA.

    So yes, it's perfectly reasonable for some players to think the mechanic is working "fine" - until one day it suddenly isn't.

    Trying to claim the moral high ground in this, is a tenuous and silly prospect.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I posted this...
    Is this change also going to affect "stacking" 2x HY, 2x TS, HY/TS...the ability to "doubletap" and even "tripletap" with those as well? I know that it's kind of off-tipic, this being a BO thread...but...you mentioned HY in your post and the same mechanic is possible with HY/TS.

    Torp Ability #1, wait 15s, Torp Ability #2, wait until Torp Ability #1 has almost worn off - leaving yourself time for the Torp activation times...fire the Torps, then use Torp Ability #1 again.

    ...this was the reply...

    ...where the only discussion related to stacked Torp Abilities was...
    Just running one, did not realize 2 were needed. I thought the fuss was being able to with two BO's in quick succession. Thanks for the response and will take a peak at that tonight and see how that works.
    shookyang wrote: »
    The issue that people are complaining about with this combo, is that you can fire 2 BOs with 2 dual beam banks one right after another, and your weapons are only drained by 50 (instead of 100).

    Essentially, you get to fire two BOs at full power. First one rips through shields, second one rips through hull.

    It's a very powerful alpha strike....assuming you don't miss with one of your BOs and you get a critical hit.

    FYI, this is not the same as stacking HYx2 or TS+HY with one torpedo.
    Which has always been possible before with EptW or A weap bat. Nothing new there.

    ...where the only mention of stacked Torp Abilities is there in red and there was no Dev commentary at all in regard to what I asked...

    ...so I replied with:
    Er...color me confused. :confused:

    Which...given your response to that...leave's me colored confused with a second coat.
    iskandus wrote: »
    Have to say you basically asked for it in my Double/Triple Tap thread as feedback for the Devs. In that thread, you "QQ" about if the BO is nerfed, there is still a way around it via double/triple stacking torpedo skills.

    Naturally, the Devs listented, and we have you to thank for yet another nerf on Torpedos. Say bye bye to William the Rat & its T'Varo and the simultaneous drop of multiple beachballs!

    Uh, say what?

    I never "QQ'd" about BO being nerfed. This is my post from that thread:
    While BO is often the headline act for the process, it's not the only such ability that can be stacked in that fashion.

    You can HY#1...wait the 15s, HY#2...wait until the buff from HY#1 is almost gone (leave yourself room for the activations)...fire off the HY#1 and HY#2...following it with HY#1 again. You can do the same with TS. You can mix HY and TS.

    You could mix BO and TS..doing a double stack of BO and TS...and wheeeeee!

    If you want to remove stacking, then remove stacking. Applying a second buff of the same type would overwrite the first buff. Apply the CD from the use of the ability with the use of the ability, not the pre-use of the ability.

    And I stand by that. If they want to remove stacking, they need to remove stacking. Thing is, they didn't just remove stacking. They also added a 5s gap to it. That's above and beyond removing stacking.

    Remove stacking, you remove the following:

    Ability#1, wait 15s, Ability#2, fire

    Remove stacking, you still allow the following:

    Ability#1, wait 28-29s, fire, Ability#1/2

    They didn't just go with that though, they went with:

    Ability#1, wait 10s, fire, wait 5s, Ability#2
    Ability#1, wait 28-29s, fire...wait 5s, Ability#1/2

    As for this part...
    iskandus wrote: »
    Say bye bye to William the Rat & its T'Varo and the simultaneous drop of multiple beachballs!

    ...um, complaining about Willard makes you look bad when most folks think of him as Willard the Gnat.

    Lol...just saying. ;)

    edit: But yep, it's possible to drop a second Beach Ball - if the first one flies around without hitting anything, it's TTL is long enough for the CD on the Plasma Destabilizer for a second one to drop. That first one doesn't last long after that. I think I've dropped a second one perhaps twice? Usually the first one hits something...usually that something is me. :D
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Mini, you are funny. Of all people, you should know the T'Varos like to stack multiple BO along with multiple HY for the lolz exploit.

    you mean u died to my attacks? u must honestly admit u did not die every time, in fact true spikers sacrifice alot. the problem is all u need post snb or vs noobs is double tap. not 3 tap and 3 tap torp spread that doesnt miss.

  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    May be off topic, however i loved it when the rom doff exploit users would still loose in a 1v1 in kerrat :P.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Double-tap is bad gameplay - period, end of story. It's a workaround for a shared cooldown that was always supposed to prevent exactly what's happening. It fixes a lot of things about this small problem - but the point that many are making (and that I agree with) is that this fix is just a drop in the moderately large bucket in the grand scheme of unwinding and overhauling combat math to make things feel fair for both aggressors and defenders, and make combat between evenly matched adversaries take a more reasonable amount of time. The trick to any of these changes is that our PvE combat is in a pretty good place - people can have a lot of fun flying just about any ship, and can contribute meaningfully to queued events and basically have a blast. Therefore, any change to combat math that also affects PvE is extremely high risk - so the TRIBBLE we have to balance and tweak PvP pacing are limited to those that don't have unintended side effects.

    It's not an impossible job - it just requires a lot of care and time investment. If things are broken or things are really bad gameplay, it's easy to justify stepping in and fixing something immediately. If things aren't either of the above but are still less fun or less engaging than they could be, we obviously want to fix them - it just takes more work and more time to get the fix right and minimize any external side effects of that fix.

    That's a bit of a ramble, but I know you guys like insight into why we change things we choose to change and how we make the game, so hopefully it interests you/makes sense to you. Please try to stay positive and constructive in responses - I'm happy to entertain discussions and talk about things openly, but if you start flaming or posting off-topic things, it's really hard to justify responding to something like that.


    I want to take the time to thank you openly for all your hard work and for listening to our collective feedback here and in the Builds forum. The Double Tap is an exploit, period. Some people tried to justify it by the length of time it has existed, it still doesn't change that it's an overly abused bug, thus exploit. Many bugs exist in this game for years, some are simply too inconsequential to demand dedicated resources to be allocated for them. The difference between the Double tap exploit and other long-existing bugs is the extent the former has been exploited frequently to affect a significant portion of the game.

    The fact you shared the reasoning behind the change including how such change interact between PvP and PvE is very helpful. Given how many of the NPCs are super powerful in elite STF, it would seem logical that no nerf of the healing power would make sense at this time. This gives us an idea the direction of where the game is heading, so this is very helpful to know.

    I hope you can continue to participate in various discussions here and there, know that most of us welcome your inputs and insights.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    you mean u died to my attacks? u must honestly admit u did not die every time, in fact true spikers sacrifice alot. the problem is all u need post snb or vs noobs is double tap. not 3 tap and 3 tap torp spread that doesnt miss.


    More like, almost never anymore even though I only started playing STO since January and by all accounts, just a newbie compared to a master like you. That's because you have become so predictable to me, I could evade your attack in my sleep. Can't say the same about others though. I mean, have you sit down and considered reviewing your strategy for a change? You fire a VM1 at a Fed ship who told you in zone chat, he has 170 in subsystem repair and 72 in Inertial Dampeners? What do you expect? Then you started using Jam Sensors. Heck, when someone got hit by JS for no good reason (i.e. out of combat) and knowing Mini is around, geez, what do I think is happening? ;)

    Can you recall the last time you actually survive your own ambush against me? I can't. Since you started using the T'Varo, I don't recall a time you ever managed to escape or lived through your own attacks. Honestly, there are many others who have done far better than you in the Double Tap technique that you started. It's time for you to consider some changes and innovations or you will be left behind, like really behind.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Can you recall the last time you actually survive your own ambush against me? I can't. Since you started using the T'Varo, I don't recall a time you ever managed to escape or lived through your own attacks. Honestly, there are many others who have done far better than you in the Double Tap technique that you started. It's time for you to consider some changes and innovations or you will be left behind, like really behind.

    So what you're saying is that the double tap mechanic was not enough to defeat your own ships healing reserves, and that you often killed the decloaker in a counter strike?

    Well, that sure sounds to me like healing exploits should be next on the nerf-hammer list.

    Seeing as the double tap is getting nerfed, and the Alpha strikes will be even weaker vs. your ship.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    praxi5 wrote: »

    idk, I stay far away from Tac when it comes to actual premade matches. But I guess my point is that concentrated and high Burst is the only way to land a kill - give someone 2 seconds of breathing room and they're already back up to like 50%.

    Part of that is player skill (healers jumping on with TSS/HE/A2SIF/xTeam quickly), part of that is all of the passive healing and mega high resists that are granted.

    This is completely and totally false. The hyperbole here is beyond reasonable.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The trick to any of these changes is that our PvE combat is in a pretty good place - people can have a lot of fun flying just about any ship, and can contribute meaningfully to queued events and basically have a blast.
    I'm going to join the people saying the PVE combat is not actually in a good place.

    The difficulty scaling doesnt work, because (1) the ships dont get more hard-points so even if they hit harder they are sitll limited to fewer weapons, and (2) NPC equipment stays junky even though the player may have obtained all the uber gear from the rep systems. Not coincidentally, the wide diversity in equipment and power is also what keeps open PVP from working here.

    The heart of the problem is that the game is designed around single-player mission campaign with progressive difficulty--low-level ships have fewer hard-points and BOFF stations, players are restricted to low-Mk equipment, high-level players have access to reputation and fleet gear that is markedly better on purpose and are also encouraged to buy c-store items for even more power. You will never have balanced gameplay until everybody and everything is using gear that operates within the same range. STO needs to be rebooted as a game that is focused on multi-player combat, where different ships and gear all operate within the same range, and then the single-player content is mapped to the resulting difficulty band. Since this means taking the game and turning it upside down, shaking out all the pieces and rearranging everything, there is zero chance that this will ever happen, but that is what is actually needed to make PVE and PVP enjoyable and challenging on a long-term basis.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm going to say this, and I'm not going to go into too many details.

    Before you, and anyone else, gets so high and mighty on your moral high ground - here is a tidbit for you. ;)

    I've specifically asked for feedback on this mechanic several months ago to a different member on the development team.

    The response was that the mechanic seemed fine. Specifically that different tiers can stack and be fired consequentially (i.e. BO 1 & 2) vs. same tiers not being able to be stacked at all (i.e. BO 2 x 2).

    Cryptic allows its employees quite a bit of creative freedom.

    Then perhaps you need to post the conversation in its entirety so we can see the whole context as opposed to just relying on your paraphrasing.
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    ES is extend shields in this case.

    The issue here affects PVP mainly and should'nt affect PVE. However I will say this, if you spec into PVP you will ROFLSTOMP any PVE mission... Period.

    In regards to HoT mentioned, well the heals, resists has come to a point that pressure damaging takes alot longer than it used to.

    If you think tanking in STF'S makes you a GOD, think again. I can tank a gate in my Scimitar or fleet Ha feh if I want as a tac.

    But you should try head banging on my Recluse, please do. It will be a few days before I even notice scratch on the paint job.

    see i don't think this ROFLSTOMP thing is accurate. Sure tac builds do, some sci do but certainly not the whole range of pvp builds.

    Bringing my eng healers (or even sci healers)into any stf and i want' to pull my teeth out. I'm still chipping at some stupid target before the friggin optional timer has started, at the same point in time when my tac is usually ready to queue for the next one.

    Sure i have more healing then god and all the borg npc combined, producing numbers higher then most pugs do damage. But whats the point, where is the fun in that? Where are my well timed snb needed? Who do i keep alive when even tac escorts can tank the biggest NPC mobs? why is my fully specced and specialized sci attack subject to special immunities, that no other player of npc has? What good is giving EPS to a teammate that has 3x125 in their subsystems. I don't even get to touch my MW. Not a single cloaking NPC can be decloaked by TDG, and whatever sci snoop build you want to throw on top of it. The only thing that works is large mobs going boom fast with dhc fire, in appropriately agile ships.

    This problem has a long part, remember when sci magic ruled hard in pvp, and still cryptic had to introduce SA because they just took to damn long to finish anything in pve?

  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So what you're saying is that the double tap mechanic was not enough to defeat your own ships healing reserves, and that you often killed the decloaker in a counter strike?

    Well, that sure sounds to me like healing exploits should be next on the nerf-hammer list.

    Seeing as the double tap is getting nerfed, and the Alpha strikes will be even weaker vs. your ship.

    Funny how you read so many "heals" into my post when the word didn't appear even once or for that matter, any synonym to heals.

    The so called "exploit" is in fact <<Evasive Maneuver>>, a skill that all Captains regardless of careers have access to.

    Any form of double tap is used in combination with some form of hold, let it be tractor beam, PSW or your 50 seconds Graviton Pulse exploit that you proudly attached under your signature. EM remains the most effective anti-hold ability out there, and therefore, the primary counter to double tap. Plus, EM can't be subnuked. However, it isn't some kind of fail proof mechanism against the double tap exploit.

    On the contrary, heals tend to be useless in a situation when you get double tapped. The speed at which it is fired was so quick such that even TT didn't have the time to react, Mini confirmed that long time ago. There is really no defense against it once the first BO hits due to the 1 second time of execution. As for any claims of delays between the two BOs, there was literaly none to speak off. The reason why some will survive is due to imperfect execution on the part of the attacker. Other than that, no amount of heals will do any good.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »
    Then perhaps you need to post the conversation in its entirety so we can see the whole context as opposed to just relying on your paraphrasing.

    I don't break trust.

    Perhaps you should post how you so successfully take out those evil, nasty cloakers you hate so much.

    Wouldn't have anything to do with double stacking your torp spreads that have 100% accuracy do it? I hear that's popular.

    Funny, that Torp Spread with 100% acc.

    I wonder if that's working as intended.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Enough is enough. The nasty replies need to stop. Please do not push things to the point where we need to close this thread down.

    Better plan... Somebody's violating the rules, DON'T reply. PM me or another Mod with the link to the post and let us handle it.

    If everyone would cooperate with that, we could settle things down and keep this nice thread going and keep the useful feedback flowing to a Dev who's listening.

    ~ Bluegeek
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I don't break trust.

    In other words, it was a private / off-the-record conversation. Then if so, your faith was based on a casual, private and vague comment, hardly what I would call official seal of approval. Note the word "seems" in your paraphrasing.
    Perhaps you should post how you so successfully take out those evil, nasty cloakers you hate so much.

    Each experience is different, there is not a cookbook for this.
    Wouldn't have anything to do with double stacking your torp spreads that have 100% accuracy do it? I hear that's popular.

    Haven't used TS on my Fed build for quite some time. In fact, I don't use any Tactical Stations at all. Call me crazy but it works really well.
    Funny, that Torp Spread with 100% acc.

    I wonder if that's working as intended.

    What I heard was that the TS mechanism is more inherently entrenched into the game mechanics such that it will not be easy to fix it, similar to how Tact Captain skills buff Sci powers such as Feedback Pulse and Gravity Well. It's recognized as an issue but no easy fix.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    iskandus wrote: »


    Can we please return to discussing what this thread is about?

    These thumb-wrestling exercises about who said what and who's builds suck/rule are not providing useful feedback.

    Again... Dev is listening? Distraction bad?
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    Do we know if there's going to be a corresponding heal nerf to go along with this, or is that still in debate?
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Can we please return to discussing what this thread is about?

    These thumb-wrestling exercises about who said what and who's builds suck/rule are not providing useful feedback.

    Again... Dev is listening? Distraction bad?

    For you Blue, I'll do my best to be on my bestest. ;)

    Just remember, this is PvP. Someone has to die.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    praxi5 wrote: »

    Do we know if there's going to be a corresponding heal nerf to go along with this, or is that still in debate?

    I hope something like that gets through and I hope it comes in the form of new boff powers.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Imma leave this here for you Hawk, perhaps you already read it in the past but it sums up the only good long term solution that would be relatively easy to test and implement.

  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    praxi5 wrote: »

    Do we know if there's going to be a corresponding heal nerf to go along with this, or is that still in debate?

    Based on what hawk said, the "double-tap" change hasn't even hit Tribble yet.

    My guess is that it will be tested, it will likely go live, and then they can start looking at heal/survivability changes.

    No other official statement has been made in regard to this and heals, so bottom line it would seem that there is no related balance change for heals in the pipe at present.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2013
    Woah thread rage.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Based on what hawk said, the "double-tap" change hasn't even hit Tribble yet.

    My guess is that it will be tested, it will likely go live, and then they can start looking at heal/survivability changes.

    No other official statement has been made in regard to this and heals, so bottom line it would seem that there is no related balance change for heals in the pipe at present.


    My concern is that eliminating Double Tap without a corresponding reduction in heals/resists is going to cause matches to become horribly long - tournaments already need to have 45 minute time limits. Heck, I've been in matches with Double Tappers on both sides that ended up in dead stalemates because no one could overcome the healing.
  • jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »

    Can we please return to discussing what this thread is about?

    These thumb-wrestling exercises about who said what and who's builds suck/rule are not providing useful feedback.

    Again... Dev is listening? Distraction bad?

    ur not listening your editing out my posts and anyone who disagrees with this off the mark panacea. people like iskandus, new pve focused players, wont be nearly satisfied with this change. they want more. at a time when we need maps new zones and new pvp options, what has made pvp what it is, is under direct attack. poorly thought out changes always make people mad
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ur not listening your editing out my posts and anyone who disagrees with this off the mark panacea. people like iskandus, new pve focused players, wont be nearly satisfied with this change. they want more. at a time when we need maps new zones and new pvp options, what has made pvp what it is, is under direct attack. poorly thought out changes always make people mad

    In the interests of good relations, I am going to reply but I'm only going to say this once.

    I am shredding posts that violate the forum rules. Period. Has nothing to do with who disagrees with what. Has more to do with how stuff gets said.

    And discussion of moderation is forbidden, so we can end that side discussion right now.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People seem to be under the false assumption you need double tap to kill in a timely manner, which simply is not true. Adapt and overcome stop being narrow minded and explore other options you wouldn't normally pursue.
    P.S. I agree with mini to a degree, take away the double tap per say but only with the 5 sec in between keep torp powers the same.
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