First of all, no more DS9. Good series, sure, but we've got enough of it.
As for who the Voyager baddie is, why are so many people thinking Kazon? If you recall, the Kazon are a bunch of backwater monkeys who can barely operate the ships and weapons they STOLE from their slavemasters. They're not a galactic terror. They're not a superpower. They're not even a power. They barely qualify as a third-world country.
As much as I dislike Voyager the Krenim Imperium might be a nice choice we see multiple ship types in the year of hell episode and they even have a temporal ship.
Doesn't sound good. More grind. I hate adventure zones. No PvP (like nw), no exploration. I dont't believe those exploration promisses anymore. This game dies.
/rage on
i dont care at all bout new reps or factions. i'm just tired of reps. actually i'm "working"(!) on my 3rd char to complete all reps.
also i can imagine any new faction will probably more op than roms. the "how can we get players to play it" argument.... answer: OP ("playable borg-faction"... lmao... )
i do care about pvp AND THE LAST POLL U TOOK. i don't want to see peanuts drop (new background in c&h, eh? surely took a lot of ressources^^),
i want REAL PVP IMPROVEMENT. and i know i'm not the only one on this.
just check the pvp-forum threads posted within the last year. MANY good ideas in there and MUCH feedback on broken stuff.
u seemed much more active in that subforums when bootcamp started. a PLAYER-INITIATIVE FOR TEACHING NEWBS STUFF U SHOULD TEACH EM while leveling f.e.. indeed i can't remeber learning anything regarding teamplay and gamemechanics when i levelled my first char by playing campaigns.
so... get yaself together and just plz DO IT as u promised so many times. best would be if for ANYTHING IN THE GAME U COULD CHOOSE BETWEEN GRINDING PVE OR DOIN PVP... I DONT WANT PVE, PLZZZZ LET US PVP!
damn... finally i'm finding myself in an attitude i thought i could not reach one year ago ...
/rage off
sry, guess i have to get something in my stomache ^^
You guys (Cryptic) want to make real money? Do a multi-part, and I'm talking 8-10 missions, on the Nexxis and James Kirk. Have it include time-travel, wearing the uniform and flying the ships of the 23rd century, rescuing, and being rescued, by the greatest captain in Starfleet history. Get Shatner and Nimoy on board to do a voice-over, while they are still alive.
I kind of like this idea.
A mission series about being lost in time an trying to get back.
Sounds cool some may say oh its another grind but for those of us who were here before f2p can agree that grinds are better than nothing to do at all. I picked voyager on the poll because most likely all they can do right now for alpha/beta quadrants is push out more social zones and lockbox ships so to further expand the game it would be better to deal wout a delta quadrant expansion/content.
Edit: Another thing that was mentioned that holds true... For the longest time when I get on my KDF toons for que missions for kdf only and I don't know any of them on my team... I call that progress LOL
Used to be I knew every KDF player out there and now I don't lol.
I can see why people would pick Voyager or ENterprise and their reasons are good reasons, but I picked TNG myself for the very selfish reason that I finally want to see the star of the show in the spotlight: The Galaxy Class (Enterprise).
If they dedicated a whole season to TNG they would almost have to update her to a definitive appearance and update her capabilities to what it should be.
I can see why people would pick Voyager or ENterprise and their reasons are good reasons, but I picked TNG myself for the very selfish reason that I finally want to see the star of the show in the spotlight: The Galaxy Class (Enterprise).
If they dedicated a whole season to TNG they would almost have to update her to a definitive appearance and update her capabilities to what it should be.
One aspect of TNG that I liked was the Alliance between Starfleet and the KDF but in this game that immersion does not exist. Although I did vote for voyager but I think the new frontier of bajor/cardassian space from the TNG/DS9 aspect needs some love in this game too. It makes me feel as a player that the cardassians are just a neutered puppy trying to get some love in this game lol.
I would love to see some kind of mod that allows you to use a skin on top of the ship you use. My favorite ship by far, is the original Enterprise, I would love to have it as my ship all the time with stats for whatever I am flying, I know this is probably never going to happen, but still, yeah, that's what I would love.
("Which Trek series' ships, characters, species, and stories, would you most like to see more of in a future STO Expansion?")
I really don't mind which series it comes from. A Romulan Science Ship. Having 3 of the same one and calling it variety is cheating. Fleet Ha'nom needs a universal boff station somewhere.
More ships? OK. A large section of the player base has a passionate hatred of lock boxes. Others love them. Then there's the ships that come out f them. My only real beef with them is that the ships turn the various hubs into a parking lot for what are supposed to be enemy ships. They could all have just as easily maintained their current usefulness (stats, stations, consoles, etc) and been skinned as new fed and kdf ships. Take the temporal ships as an example of that in action. People have been asking for the Typhoon, for example, and others for quite literally years, how hard would it have been for the Recluse to be skinned like that, for example? If we're gonna get more boxes and more box ships, can they stop being ships that belong to our enemies?
I'll leave characters to cryptic's good judgement. All has bee good in that dept so far.
Suliban, Yrididian and Acamarian playables for Romulan fraction.
Stories I would most like to see? Well, I am fully aware that it will never happen for a bajillion reasaons - first and foremost because it seems like it's kinda 'too late' for that now - but I have to be honest and say I would like to see a story that 'liberates' Romulans from their respective Red and Blue masters. If that could somehow be intertwined over the next 12-18 months with a story that brings a standalone Cardassian faction (Please dear lord no more fractions. They Suck. Period.) into the game, then yea that would be great.
Glad to see a mention of endgame content, adventure zone, new enemy, etc, the game desperately needs it. Not happy, however, to see that we're still pretending that Romulans are a faction - "Endgame content for all factions" - there are only two, the Red one and the Blue one. There is no 'green' and Romulans are a cross faction playable with extras. Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but well, I'd have rolled a Rom at launch if they'd been put in as would many others. Take note of that because it's a fact.
Still, gotta say, LoR was awesome, thank you for the work and I'm sure Season 8 and its build up will be of a similar quality.
"So my fun is wrong?"
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
My answer to this poll is very simple and always was and will be the same: Dominium and changelings.
I understand that bring changelings as playable species could be extremly hard and challenging in many terms. But - for me - just "more Dominium is better". I understand that it could be even not possible to introduce changelings playable species to this game but - even without them - just bring more Dominium to this game. "Normal Dominium faction" or some "New Dominium faction" - even without changelings - could be great.
I feel like crying, no seriously, STO hinted at reducing the Resource costs way back in May IIRC, instead what we got was another Tier of Projects, the Dilithium Mine, yeah sure maybe in the long run it will reduce the costs on the other holdings, however in the mean time both the Star Base & Embassy Projects are on hold & we as a small fleet are struggling to even fill the Dil projects.
1 year, 1 entire Frakking YEAR we have been hacking away at these projects with virtually nothing to show for it except yet another resource hungry Black hole.
I feel like slashing my wrists.
& no I won't even bother returning to this thread & reading any possible responses, that is how dejected & hopeless I feel,
Although I'm a DS9 fan, I would like to see Voyager expansion, or at least something that is tied to Voyager series.
OK maybe not a full expansion like LoR but a full season that deals with Voyager and the Delta quadrant.
As what are the enemies from Voyager, it could be again the Undine (species 8472).
To me the biggest problem with the Blog was "spending more time on Gateway" so mobile is taking more resources from the game? I've never used it and it doesn't interest me in the slightest. Spend more time bug fixing the game before you put TRIBBLE like an "Online armory" that can be accessed via my mobile phone from 3 towns over.
Secondly, fixing current bugs should be a priority still. Putting limits on mail, stability patches for the stability patches and half-arsed store ships which people have been waiting years for that are not only sub-standard in variety but also Overpowered in terms of ability are things that should also be addressed.
As for moving forwards, the delta quadrant would be nice to explore. Maybe, since voyager has returned the "Pathfinder project" has evolved into getting better transwarp / slipstream tech ( I personally prefer slipstream tech ) but lets not de-evolve into "Yay another bad guy threatening us, oh look they'll be gone soon" like other MMO's do.
To be fairly honest, the biggest problem I have with the gameplay is the lack of any clear, definitive time-frame. So ... the Borg attack the vega system ( Fed intro ) then we pop off to help a freighter, then the klingon "war" (Which is laughable at best) then the romulans.. all the while we're still acting like we're at war the Klingons but it doesn't go anywhere
However, in relation to the direction of the game, STOP RIPPING OFF OTHER GAMES. Wasteland Episode > Borderlands. Telling me in 150 years practically inside the Romulan boarder and this planet is still like it is? Nice for nostalgia, rubbish storytelling IMHO. Next up would be the MMO-esque setting you seem to have slipped into. As much as I like the interaction between players, I don't want to be running around competing with them for everything. That is why I've left most MMO's and enjoy ST:O because of it's more "Laid back" nature. I don't want to see 5 man teams of mini-gun wielding, short-skirted, big-titted women running around.
Then we have the romulan Quests Mass effect much? I find it hard to believe that I have to protect a colony in my lil shuttlecraft against massive walkers when I can call down orbital bombardments against a small team of soldiers. There isn't any continuity at all, there is a reason walkers didn't really exist in the Star trek universe. Abducting people was a nice idea but after the wasteland ep's in the Romulan storyline I just wasn't bothered, I couldn't care less what happened. The Tal Shiar is an all-knowing intelligence service and yet this lil republic of rice farmers broke away easily?
Not to mention the Sunglass' wearing people, with melee weapons, in the federation using Thalaron generated ships...
.. As much as I want the game to grow, I feel Cryptic is just selling out the Soul of Star trek to the lowest bidder for a little more money. Not giving a damn about any of the ideals set about by Gene Roddenberry, he must be turning in his grave =(
Basically, what it boils down to, is that Cryptic has been effectively sabotaging their own game with the introduction of LoR. They did this by making everything Rom so ridiculously OP (for marketing reasons, no doubt), that everything else became obsolete overnight. Most poignantly:
They gave Rom 'superior' Operatives 2.0% extra CrtH. These are Embassy boffs, of course (so you would surely grind: aka, pay Cryptic a lot of money to get your Embassy fully up and running). What's the big deal, you ask? Well, to put things into perspective, 2.0% CrtH is the same as having 9/9 in Energy Weapons Specialization! See for yourself:
So, you can have 0/9 in Energy Weapons Specialization, and with just 1 single Rom boff boost yourself to 9/9! Oh no, wait! These boffs are stackable too! So, with like 3 tact stations, you can get to 27/9!
So, again, why is this so bad, you ask? Because it's ridiculous, and mocks (and obsoletes) every other boff you ever bought. Again, why is this so bad, you ask? For one, because all sense of balance seems to have gone overboard. That's never good for a game. More importantly, though, you are now de facto forced to use Rom-boffs only (and no, choosing to be inferior is not a real choice). That's an immersion breaker, as I loathe seeing Rom 'Elfs' on my Fed bridges. Hate it with a passion. And they're the fugliest boffs you can imagine even: bald ret*rds in a Robin Hood outfit. And, to add insult to injury, you can't even change their looks!
And then there's the fact that these Rom boffs are broken too:
Upon having these boffs retrained (by another Captain), they start losing vital parts of their anatomy! I have brought this up several times -- and, quite naturally, it's all been ignored so far. Many of my fleet members are experiencing the same issue, btw.
So, in light of the above, I can no longer visit my bridge. I am being strong-armed into using boffs that are, immersion-wise, entirely unsuitable for my Federation faction. I call that 'sabotating the game on a Bibblical scale.' And it needs to end. Here is what I suggest, in order of priority:
1) Reduce Rom-boff CrtH chance to a far more reasonable 0.2%.
2) Give 'superior' boffs of other factions the same 2.0% CrtH chance.
3) Stop making these CrtH boffs stackable.
And, for the love of Kahless, make these dorky boffs changeable!!
Oh, and before you'll start in on that, I have those 'superior' boffs too. So, yes, even though I'd be nerfing myself, I still want things normalized again. I want to play a game where I can choose boffs based on worthwhile stats (and not just from 1 faction); and maybe even based on looks. My point being: I want the game back to where I have real choices regarding my boffs. Where I can have 5 human boffs, and not be penalized by -10% CrtH for not having slotted Roms.
Hi all, i hope that someone see my suggestion here since we dont have an exact place to send a suggestion. I would like to say i'm sorry for my english, since its not my native language.
So, my suggestion its simple to understand. You guys always talk about STO being a MMORPG that constantly changes itself, that is so nice. But we players would like to see some great news on the PVP development too, since most MMORPG games has a great PVP system. By "PVP system" i mean some kind of large scale war system, not the classic 5 vs 5 players that its old a long time. So, i will write the sugestion in this way:
->>> Some kind of large scale war system, like faction vs faction or fleet vs fleet or some great idea of large scale war that you developers bring to us (since you guys know better then us what you can do with the game);
->>> Maybe some free PVP sectors, bringing the nice idea of the "Neutral Zone" from the series/movies or sectors that can be subdued by factions or fleets. Of course without bring any harm or penalization to PVE players that dont like PVP.
Yeah, i know that this brings alot of new problems, since people will abuse this new systems to harm other players (killing people without reason, harassing players, exploiting the pvp system and etc...). But since you guys give a lot of time thinking about new seasons, i know that you developers will bring some nice ideas to prevent all of this problems too.
Like you guys, i dont like to see people exploiting and abusing the game in anyway, but i think that if we all work together, we can solve this problems and bring some new PVP content to the game. Since the actual PVP content almost doesnt exist or its too old that people dont use it or only use it for some time and leave it.
My first concern now its how we can improve and bring new PVP content without letting people abuse the system to harm in anyway other players (and not letting people exploit the system to become rich in anyway).
I hope that someday some developer see this suggestion, thanks for your time and good work for you all.
I voted for Voyager since i think is the most unexplored part of Star Trek in STO, altho i could say the same thing about the Enterprise.
I would love to see a Voyager bundle, much like the current DS9 bundle, to include original bridge and interiors, shuttle (able to equip ablative generator from current intrepid retrofit :P), a Delta Flyer 2.0 version maybe (with retractable warp nacels :P) etc.
There also alot of ships in the show that i like to see in-game as playable ships like the Voyager dreadnaught/battle version (even if it wasnt "real"), Voth science ship, the think tank etc. Thats the only ones i can remember of the top of my head but there are many more ships (and races) left unused that can be brought into the game.
Another thing from Voyager i would like to see is one of the borg transwarp hub on orbit of a neutron star. In the show Seven of Nine said borg had 6 of them, wich only 4 where known to her. Also in one of the novels, i think, it was stated that the hub had a link towards outside our galaxy, thus giving a good start for an interesting story/episodes.
Hope the new enemy replaces the current crystal ent pve mission. Like the care taker or them androids. Bet its the kazon though. Cant wait to smash them kazon back to there own sector space. Been holding back all the anger since the caretaker episode. Please bring them into sto. Borg cube in the c store for the win!.
Hope the new enemy replaces the current crystal ent pve mission. Like the care taker or them androids. Bet its the kazon though. Cant wait to smash them kazon back to there own sector space. Been holding back all the anger since the caretaker episode. Please bring them into sto. Borg cube in the c store for the win!.
Hi all, i hope that someone see my suggestion here since we dont have an exact place to send a suggestion. I would like to say i'm sorry for my english, since its not my native language.
So, my suggestion its simple to understand. You guys always talk about STO being a MMORPG that constantly changes itself, that is so nice. But we players would like to see some great news on the PVP development too, since most MMORPG games has a great PVP system. By "PVP system" i mean some kind of large scale war system, not the classic 5 vs 5 players that its old a long time. So, i will write the sugestion in this way:
->>> Some kind of large scale war system, like faction vs faction or fleet vs fleet or some great idea of large scale war that you developers bring to us (since you guys know better then us what you can do with the game);
->>> Maybe some free PVP sectors, bringing the nice idea of the "Neutral Zone" from the series/movies or sectors that can be subdued by factions or fleets. Of course without bring any harm or penalization to PVE players that dont like PVP.
Yeah, i know that this brings alot of new problems, since people will abuse this new systems to harm other players (killing people without reason, harassing players, exploiting the pvp system and etc...). But since you guys give a lot of time thinking about new seasons, i know that you developers will bring some nice ideas to prevent all of this problems too.
Like you guys, i dont like to see people exploiting and abusing the game in anyway, but i think that if we all work together, we can solve this problems and bring some new PVP content to the game. Since the actual PVP content almost doesnt exist or its too old that people dont use it or only use it for some time and leave it.
My first concern now its how we can improve and bring new PVP content without letting people abuse the system to harm in anyway other players (and not letting people exploit the system to become rich in anyway).
I hope that someday some developer see this suggestion, thanks for your time and good work for you all.
They must of got there hands on a borg ship by now! Ive destroyed thousands of the things. Id pay the life time sub for a cube!!! As long as it came with 5 weapon slots front and rear and the ability to launch a sphere. ARE YOU READING THIS BRANFLAKES!! life time sub!!
As for who the Voyager baddie is, why are so many people thinking Kazon? If you recall, the Kazon are a bunch of backwater monkeys who can barely operate the ships and weapons they STOLE from their slavemasters. They're not a galactic terror. They're not a superpower. They're not even a power. They barely qualify as a third-world country.
Great news by the way...
i dont care at all bout new reps or factions. i'm just tired of reps. actually i'm "working"(!) on my 3rd char to complete all reps.
also i can imagine any new faction will probably more op than roms. the "how can we get players to play it" argument.... answer: OP ("playable borg-faction"... lmao...
i do care about pvp AND THE LAST POLL U TOOK. i don't want to see peanuts drop (new background in c&h, eh? surely took a lot of ressources^^),
i want REAL PVP IMPROVEMENT. and i know i'm not the only one on this.
just check the pvp-forum threads posted within the last year. MANY good ideas in there and MUCH feedback on broken stuff.
u seemed much more active in that subforums when bootcamp started. a PLAYER-INITIATIVE FOR TEACHING NEWBS STUFF U SHOULD TEACH EM while leveling f.e.. indeed i can't remeber learning anything regarding teamplay and gamemechanics when i levelled my first char by playing campaigns.
so... get yaself together and just plz DO IT as u promised so many times. best would be if for ANYTHING IN THE GAME U COULD CHOOSE BETWEEN GRINDING PVE OR DOIN PVP... I DONT WANT PVE, PLZZZZ LET US PVP!
damn... finally i'm finding myself in an attitude i thought i could not reach one year ago
/rage off
sry, guess i have to get something in my stomache ^^
I kind of like this idea.
A mission series about being lost in time an trying to get back.
Edit: Another thing that was mentioned that holds true... For the longest time when I get on my KDF toons for que missions for kdf only and I don't know any of them on my team... I call that progress LOL
Used to be I knew every KDF player out there and now I don't lol.
If they dedicated a whole season to TNG they would almost have to update her to a definitive appearance and update her capabilities to what it should be.
I think some of the new Star Trek canon would be good, like having the Klingon D4-Class from ST: Into Darkness as a shuttle or Cruiser class.
One aspect of TNG that I liked was the Alliance between Starfleet and the KDF but in this game that immersion does not exist. Although I did vote for voyager but I think the new frontier of bajor/cardassian space from the TNG/DS9 aspect needs some love in this game too. It makes me feel as a player that the cardassians are just a neutered puppy trying to get some love in this game lol.
Yeah that was the highlight of the whole movie seeing the D4's
I really don't mind which series it comes from. A Romulan Science Ship. Having 3 of the same one and calling it variety is cheating. Fleet Ha'nom needs a universal boff station somewhere.
More ships? OK. A large section of the player base has a passionate hatred of lock boxes. Others love them. Then there's the ships that come out f them. My only real beef with them is that the ships turn the various hubs into a parking lot for what are supposed to be enemy ships. They could all have just as easily maintained their current usefulness (stats, stations, consoles, etc) and been skinned as new fed and kdf ships. Take the temporal ships as an example of that in action. People have been asking for the Typhoon, for example, and others for quite literally years, how hard would it have been for the Recluse to be skinned like that, for example? If we're gonna get more boxes and more box ships, can they stop being ships that belong to our enemies?
I'll leave characters to cryptic's good judgement. All has bee good in that dept so far.
Suliban, Yrididian and Acamarian playables for Romulan fraction.
Stories I would most like to see? Well, I am fully aware that it will never happen for a bajillion reasaons - first and foremost because it seems like it's kinda 'too late' for that now - but I have to be honest and say I would like to see a story that 'liberates' Romulans from their respective Red and Blue masters. If that could somehow be intertwined over the next 12-18 months with a story that brings a standalone Cardassian faction (Please dear lord no more fractions. They Suck. Period.) into the game, then yea that would be great.
Glad to see a mention of endgame content, adventure zone, new enemy, etc, the game desperately needs it. Not happy, however, to see that we're still pretending that Romulans are a faction - "Endgame content for all factions" - there are only two, the Red one and the Blue one. There is no 'green' and Romulans are a cross faction playable with extras. Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but well, I'd have rolled a Rom at launch if they'd been put in as would many others. Take note of that because it's a fact.
Still, gotta say, LoR was awesome, thank you for the work and I'm sure Season 8 and its build up will be of a similar quality.
No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
- Dominion/Cardassian Faction
- Yeager Class ( most important ) ( and no its not ugly devs )
- Maquis Fighter
- Keldon Class ( Cardassian )
- Swarm Species/Ships
- Tak Tak Species/Ships
- PvP Improvement
- Item/Console/Faction Balance
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
I understand that bring changelings as playable species could be extremly hard and challenging in many terms. But - for me - just "more Dominium is better". I understand that it could be even not possible to introduce changelings playable species to this game but - even without them - just bring more Dominium to this game. "Normal Dominium faction" or some "New Dominium faction" - even without changelings - could be great.
I feel like crying, no seriously, STO hinted at reducing the Resource costs way back in May IIRC, instead what we got was another Tier of Projects, the Dilithium Mine, yeah sure maybe in the long run it will reduce the costs on the other holdings, however in the mean time both the Star Base & Embassy Projects are on hold & we as a small fleet are struggling to even fill the Dil projects.
1 year, 1 entire Frakking YEAR we have been hacking away at these projects with virtually nothing to show for it except yet another resource hungry Black hole.
I feel like slashing my wrists.
& no I won't even bother returning to this thread & reading any possible responses, that is how dejected & hopeless I feel,
OK maybe not a full expansion like LoR but a full season that deals with Voyager and the Delta quadrant.
As what are the enemies from Voyager, it could be again the Undine (species 8472).
Secondly, fixing current bugs should be a priority still. Putting limits on mail, stability patches for the stability patches and half-arsed store ships which people have been waiting years for that are not only sub-standard in variety but also Overpowered in terms of ability are things that should also be addressed.
As for moving forwards, the delta quadrant would be nice to explore. Maybe, since voyager has returned the "Pathfinder project" has evolved into getting better transwarp / slipstream tech ( I personally prefer slipstream tech ) but lets not de-evolve into "Yay another bad guy threatening us, oh look they'll be gone soon" like other MMO's do.
To be fairly honest, the biggest problem I have with the gameplay is the lack of any clear, definitive time-frame. So ... the Borg attack the vega system ( Fed intro ) then we pop off to help a freighter, then the klingon "war" (Which is laughable at best) then the romulans.. all the while we're still acting like we're at war the Klingons but it doesn't go anywhere
However, in relation to the direction of the game, STOP RIPPING OFF OTHER GAMES. Wasteland Episode > Borderlands. Telling me in 150 years practically inside the Romulan boarder and this planet is still like it is? Nice for nostalgia, rubbish storytelling IMHO. Next up would be the MMO-esque setting you seem to have slipped into. As much as I like the interaction between players, I don't want to be running around competing with them for everything. That is why I've left most MMO's and enjoy ST:O because of it's more "Laid back" nature. I don't want to see 5 man teams of mini-gun wielding, short-skirted, big-titted women running around.
Then we have the romulan Quests Mass effect much? I find it hard to believe that I have to protect a colony in my lil shuttlecraft against massive walkers when I can call down orbital bombardments against a small team of soldiers. There isn't any continuity at all, there is a reason walkers didn't really exist in the Star trek universe. Abducting people was a nice idea but after the wasteland ep's in the Romulan storyline I just wasn't bothered, I couldn't care less what happened. The Tal Shiar is an all-knowing intelligence service and yet this lil republic of rice farmers broke away easily?
Not to mention the Sunglass' wearing people, with melee weapons, in the federation using Thalaron generated ships...
.. As much as I want the game to grow, I feel Cryptic is just selling out the Soul of Star trek to the lowest bidder for a little more money. Not giving a damn about any of the ideals set about by Gene Roddenberry, he must be turning in his grave =(
I started a thread about that earlier:
Creepy power-creep!?
Basically, what it boils down to, is that Cryptic has been effectively sabotaging their own game with the introduction of LoR. They did this by making everything Rom so ridiculously OP (for marketing reasons, no doubt), that everything else became obsolete overnight. Most poignantly:
They gave Rom 'superior' Operatives 2.0% extra CrtH. These are Embassy boffs, of course (so you would surely grind: aka, pay Cryptic a lot of money to get your Embassy fully up and running). What's the big deal, you ask? Well, to put things into perspective, 2.0% CrtH is the same as having 9/9 in Energy Weapons Specialization! See for yourself:
Starship Skill Point Effects Table
So, you can have 0/9 in Energy Weapons Specialization, and with just 1 single Rom boff boost yourself to 9/9! Oh no, wait! These boffs are stackable too! So, with like 3 tact stations, you can get to 27/9!
So, again, why is this so bad, you ask? Because it's ridiculous, and mocks (and obsoletes) every other boff you ever bought. Again, why is this so bad, you ask? For one, because all sense of balance seems to have gone overboard. That's never good for a game. More importantly, though, you are now de facto forced to use Rom-boffs only (and no, choosing to be inferior is not a real choice). That's an immersion breaker, as I loathe seeing Rom 'Elfs' on my Fed bridges. Hate it with a passion. And they're the fugliest boffs you can imagine even: bald ret*rds in a Robin Hood outfit. And, to add insult to injury, you can't even change their looks!
And then there's the fact that these Rom boffs are broken too:
Boff heads gone invisible!
Upon having these boffs retrained (by another Captain), they start losing vital parts of their anatomy! I have brought this up several times -- and, quite naturally, it's all been ignored so far. Many of my fleet members are experiencing the same issue, btw.
So, in light of the above, I can no longer visit my bridge. I am being strong-armed into using boffs that are, immersion-wise, entirely unsuitable for my Federation faction. I call that 'sabotating the game on a Bibblical scale.' And it needs to end. Here is what I suggest, in order of priority:
1) Reduce Rom-boff CrtH chance to a far more reasonable 0.2%.
2) Give 'superior' boffs of other factions the same 2.0% CrtH chance.
3) Stop making these CrtH boffs stackable.
And, for the love of Kahless, make these dorky boffs changeable!!
Oh, and before you'll start in on that, I have those 'superior' boffs too. So, yes, even though I'd be nerfing myself, I still want things normalized again. I want to play a game where I can choose boffs based on worthwhile stats (and not just from 1 faction); and maybe even based on looks. My point being: I want the game back to where I have real choices regarding my boffs. Where I can have 5 human boffs, and not be penalized by -10% CrtH for not having slotted Roms.
So, my suggestion its simple to understand. You guys always talk about STO being a MMORPG that constantly changes itself, that is so nice. But we players would like to see some great news on the PVP development too, since most MMORPG games has a great PVP system. By "PVP system" i mean some kind of large scale war system, not the classic 5 vs 5 players that its old a long time. So, i will write the sugestion in this way:
->>> Some kind of large scale war system, like faction vs faction or fleet vs fleet or some great idea of large scale war that you developers bring to us (since you guys know better then us what you can do with the game);
->>> Maybe some free PVP sectors, bringing the nice idea of the "Neutral Zone" from the series/movies or sectors that can be subdued by factions or fleets. Of course without bring any harm or penalization to PVE players that dont like PVP.
Yeah, i know that this brings alot of new problems, since people will abuse this new systems to harm other players (killing people without reason, harassing players, exploiting the pvp system and etc...). But since you guys give a lot of time thinking about new seasons, i know that you developers will bring some nice ideas to prevent all of this problems too.
Like you guys, i dont like to see people exploiting and abusing the game in anyway, but i think that if we all work together, we can solve this problems and bring some new PVP content to the game. Since the actual PVP content almost doesnt exist or its too old that people dont use it or only use it for some time and leave it.
My first concern now its how we can improve and bring new PVP content without letting people abuse the system to harm in anyway other players (and not letting people exploit the system to become rich in anyway).
I hope that someday some developer see this suggestion, thanks for your time and good work for you all.
I would love to see a Voyager bundle, much like the current DS9 bundle, to include original bridge and interiors, shuttle (able to equip ablative generator from current intrepid retrofit :P), a Delta Flyer 2.0 version maybe (with retractable warp nacels :P) etc.
There also alot of ships in the show that i like to see in-game as playable ships like the Voyager dreadnaught/battle version (even if it wasnt "real"), Voth science ship, the think tank etc. Thats the only ones i can remember of the top of my head but there are many more ships (and races) left unused that can be brought into the game.
Another thing from Voyager i would like to see is one of the borg transwarp hub on orbit of a neutron star. In the show Seven of Nine said borg had 6 of them, wich only 4 where known to her. Also in one of the novels, i think, it was stated that the hub had a link towards outside our galaxy, thus giving a good start for an interesting story/episodes.
Kobayashi Crew.
I'd vote for DS9 if they'd add an opportunity to punch Q in the face. Or unique Cardassian doff (killer, tailor, soldier, spy).
Kobayashi Crew.
plz read, that guy got a point
Kobayashi Crew.