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Ground PVP Concerns Directory 1.0



  • wdocwdoc Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The security doffs are procing at 2-300hp a tick for 10 seconds. I do agree this almost completely will stop ground pvp. I know tacs that don't even want to play with these doffs as they know it will either break the qs or get nerfed.
    Doc of Hammer
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL. Why would pve need so much damage dealt? Meh. This is totally game breaking, but maybe that's the idea, after all "We aren't really a pvp game." -dstahl
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Twice in a row new doffs have "broken" the game.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • johnharrisonloljohnharrisonlol Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I totally effing called it as soon as I saw it. I just got done testing with Kollins on a variety of fully buffed one shot attack's and I am sure the video showing this will be submitted. All 4 of his heals, distortion field, and his hypo couldn't survive my 3 green doffs. And keep in mind I only fired one shot! Good bye ground pvp!
  • johnharrisonloljohnharrisonlol Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Im Starting To Believe That Devs Are Noobs At Pvping

    Umm Ya Think So Lol!

    Meanwhile the server is now coming down to fix gamebreaking problems such as this!


    Players are now able to cancel "Next Up" projects in the Reputation UI.
    This will allow you to cancel the summer event's reputation project if it was accidentally slotted into the "next up" project slot behind your existing, event reputation project (e.g. The Crystalline Entity Event), allowing you to slot it into the additional project slot below the one in progress.
    The Risan Beachcomber Outfit now comes with the same shirt option as the Risan Explorer Outfit.
    Resolved an issue with legs and feet not appearing with certain combinations of costume options.

  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    All right everybody calm down, we can work as a communty for a solution, i'll hate to give up Ground PvP for just an oversight in design because this new Ambush DoT DOFF it's not balanced at all.

    The only thing that keeps me playing STO for the last year is PvP, and I don't want to give up againts new unbalanced items. We must stand as a community or let STO go away.

    I did a test with a kitty friend:


    My Sci is running a full Ground Build (100k), with full Ground Traits (Including Medical Vanguard), full Omega MK XII, full Reputation (Omega, Romulan, Tholian) and 3 Medic DOFFS.

    The tact is running a full Ground Build, with full ground Traits, 2 piece MACO Set and 3 GREEN Ambush DoT DOFFS. (See pic)


    The DoT is brutal, it may look fine for PvE where NPCs have around 3-5k HP, but against enemy Players is completely out of balance. We need a balance pass, either reduce the DoT against Players or disable it.
    Division Hispana
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mrkollins wrote: »
    I did a test with a kitty friend:


    *jaw falls on the floor*
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • edited June 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mrkollins wrote: »
    All right everybody calm down, we can work as a communty for a solution, i'll hate to give up Ground PvP for just an oversight in design because this new Ambush DoT DOFF it's not balanced at all.

    The only thing that keeps me playing STO for the last year is PvP, and I don't want to give up againts new unbalanced items. We must stand as a community or let STO go away.

    I did a test with a kitty friend:


    My Sci is running a full Ground Build (100k), with full Ground Traits (Including Medical Vanguard), full Omega MK XII, full Reputation (Omega, Romulan, Tholian) and 3 Medic DOFFS.

    The tact is running a full Ground Build, with full ground Traits, 2 piece MACO Set and 3 GREEN Ambush DoT DOFFS. (See pic)


    The DoT is brutal, it may look fine for PvE where NPCs have around 3-5k HP, but against enemy Players is completely out of balance. We need a balance pass, either reduce the DoT against Players or disable it.

    Bravo Cryptic! You make it again! Congratulations.
    Do you guys even test your stuff or you test it and not even care about it? Why dont just release an I win button for 10000 zens?

    Division Hispana
  • buccaneerdtbbuccaneerdtb Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    The security doffs are procing at 2-300hp a tick for 10 seconds. I do agree this almost completely will stop ground pvp. I know tacs that don't even want to play with these doffs as they know it will either break the qs or get nerfed.

    I quit playing Tac a long time ago as PvE was way too easy, I can only imagine how boring this Doff would make it. On the plus side, might be able to solo all Elite STFs and get optionals as Tac now, lol.
  • tahlas1tahlas1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ground Pvp? It's dead Jim.

    Just had a round of Shanty with a fleetmate + 2 randoms against one tac and his company... that tac did around 50k damage with his 3 DOT-Doffs...

    It would even be better to take my space-tac with 3 DOT-DOffs for ground-PvP instead of my healer-sci...

    I hope this doff was just a joke, if not, we could rename "ground PvP" into "Ground Tac-V-Tac"
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the video MrKollins.

    That thing is an aberration. Get rid of it, now! Not just to save ground PvP in this game, but for the sake of good game design!
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited June 2013
    Security Officer (Ground): Increases the bonus damage of Ambush by 100%, but all bonus damage from this ability is now dealt as Damage over Time.

    Witnessed that on Shanty Town yesterday. Ridicolous, it tooks off an Medics HP by a half even quite a while after combat! Overpowered.

    Diagnostic Engineer (Ground): Your Weapons Malfunction has a chance to chain to nearby targets.

    More than 30 meters away? That is what you call "nearby"? Overpowered!
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
  • dixiemonroedixiemonroe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was waxed with the tac doff myself and stacking three I cant do as now it says only two can be stacked.

    But the engineer can disable weapons with chroniton mines.. you cant shoot the tac doff is useless.

    The science doff is you can now launch multiple nanite health monitors.

    The tac will be nerfed I am about sure of that. So what about the other doffs? Will they be nerfed?
  • wdocwdoc Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would nerf all of the doffs vs players and leave them be vs npcs. I have seen tacs using this with the omega cloak and you cant see the shot or ambush bubble. If your that good, you really do not need an invisible one shot from across the map. I have just come to the conclusion that certain people can just play alone in the map. I will beam and encourage my team to do as well.
    Doc of Hammer
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    I would nerf all of the doffs vs players and leave them be vs npcs. I have seen tacs using this with the omega cloak and you cant see the shot or ambush bubble. If your that good, you really do not need an invisible one shot from across the map. I have just come to the conclusion that certain people can just play alone in the map. I will beam and encourage my team to do as well.

    I agree with doc, disable all doffs in pvp. I would imagine that as the easiest thing to do from a dev perspective.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    I would nerf all of the doffs vs players and leave them be vs npcs. I have seen tacs using this with the omega cloak and you cant see the shot or ambush bubble. If your that good, you really do not need an invisible one shot from across the map. I have just come to the conclusion that certain people can just play alone in the map. I will beam and encourage my team to do as well.


    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • emp1591emp1591 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    I would nerf all of the doffs vs players and leave them be vs npcs. I have seen tacs using this with the omega cloak and you cant see the shot or ambush bubble. If your that good, you really do not need an invisible one shot from across the map. I have just come to the conclusion that certain people can just play alone in the map. I will beam and encourage my team to do as well.

    I agree, Almost all Doffs should either be disabled to the PvP community or nerfed to the point that we aren't looking at a P2W scenario or a "I have no skill so I will hide behind mechanics that make it so i can't lose" scenario.

    "Working as intended"... 1 year later they "fix" it.
  • johnharrisonloljohnharrisonlol Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just as with many other overpowered doffs and items before this causing enough QQ to the point devs can't ignore it typically gets results. I have been using this tactic all day today so hopefully I helped create enough QQ filled tickets for when borticus comes off vacation :0

    As far as disabling doffs for all pvp I have mixed feelings about it. On ground there is only so much you can do to create a build as opposed to space so doff add another dynamic to that build. Space is where they tend to create more problems. In fact this is only really the 2nd doff for ground that has created much controversy with the first being the melee crit and severity doffs. These doffs however make the melee ones look like fair clean play. I have been going around kicking, sniping, aoe attacking some the tankiest sci's in the game today. Then retreating to hard cover as I watch their health hopelessly tick away while there is nothing they can do about it except embrace the death that is coming.

    Here is the problem you are going to run into nerfing these. You would have to nerf them to such an extent that they will become useless for pvp. No small nerf here is going to work. My suggestion is to completely change what this doff does. DOT attacks are typically supposed to be very low dmg ticks that last for a long time. I am very sure this isn't going to happen though as the snb doffs still exist just in nerfed form now.

    As per the video Kollins made with me these doffs are on par with the snb doff fiasco when those became plentiful. Disabling doffs aren't going to solve the lack of immunities to disables problem or the knockback chaining. Ground pvp still has many non doff issues to solve. Cryptic you guys really effed up here bigger than any other ground issues in the game. This is by far the worst. Know this though I will continue to use these doffs in the hope that QQ filled tickets will flood your inboxes. So fix these fast please before I single handedly destroy ground pvp for good :(
  • shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    I would nerf all of the doffs vs players and leave them be vs npcs. I have seen tacs using this with the omega cloak and you cant see the shot or ambush bubble. If your that good, you really do not need an invisible one shot from across the map. I have just come to the conclusion that certain people can just play alone in the map. I will beam and encourage my team to do as well.

    I agree with doc, disable all doffs in pvp. If a player is truly good at pvp they don't need doffs to help them, I wish the old days was back when we had no doffs what so ever in pvp
  • johnharrisonloljohnharrisonlol Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shailat wrote: »
    I agree with doc, disable all doffs in pvp. If a player is truly good at pvp they don't need doffs to help them, I wish the old days was back when we had no doffs what so ever in pvp

    No the old days weren't so great for non fs players lack of willpower an expose shot one shots you so no that would only favor you guys lol. But yeah the old days where there was no perfect cloak would certainly stop the cloaking again. I remember when target optics allowed you to see a cloaker imagine that! Now you need a 3 piece set that is total **** for being in combat!

    Besides my usual fire team setup is a biochemist hypo cooldown doff. 3 nurses and a grenade cooldown doff. So I would hardly call a medic giving 50 hp every 8 seconds or so game breaking assuming it has time too. And everyone uses that biochemist now. In some cases and kit's engy's really need them to be competitive.
  • shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Besides my usual fire team setup is a biochemist hypo cooldown doff. 3 nurses and a grenade cooldown doff. So I would hardly call a medic giving 50 hp every 8 seconds or so game breaking assuming it has time too. And everyone uses that biochemist now. In some cases and kit's engy's really need them to be competitive.

    i understand what your saying but the matter is that bad doffs are killing pvp, so a quick solution that a Dev could take is to disable all doffs in pvp, and my other statement stands, if your truly skilled player(and i don't mean spend all skill points on ground, heck i even run my all skill points in space toon on ground and do great) you don't need doffs to compete in pvp
  • johnharrisonloljohnharrisonlol Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    shailat wrote: »
    i understand what your saying but the matter is that bad doffs are killing pvp, so a quick solution that a Dev could take is to disable all doffs in pvp, and my other statement stands, if your truly skilled player(and i don't mean spend all skill points on ground, heck i even run my all skill points in space toon on ground and do great) you don't need doffs to compete in pvp

    I do agree most balanced doffs aren't necessary for survival and killing. There are a few exceptions that are pretty much a must for their class. Best example is the doctor giving hp stacks. Sci even after medical vanguard came about still had a hard enough time doing their jobs in a team setting.

    While that solution would be the easiest and practical it's never gonna happen from a simply business standpoint. Doff packs = zen = dilthium = less potential money in the machine. It's the same reason why they won't create 2 universal console slots per ship in space. They won't impose any limitation on anything that can affect buying zen for it's various uses.

    I am fairly sure the majority of your fleet and enough of the ground community would still function as they do without any doffs at all.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I did see the video, but earlier today, I asked someone to try the DOFF on me. I can't remember the person's name, unfortunately.

    anyways, that video doesn't really do it justice. I did everything in my power, everything. Yet I always died, on a self-healing sci, much like that video.

    Heck, the only kill I got, and it was more for the laughs (though I think I annoyed the other person a bit by doing so) was by killing him with a perma-knockback Tholian sword. Even that, was more for the laughs, at least for me.

    Since it does physical damage, that means that a huge portion of it automatically ignores shields, so if you aren't even playing a science, you're basically guaranteed death immediately. At least a self-healing sci might live for while (at least without the Nanite health monitor doff, that might save you), even they will probably die.

    I'm not even all that good at ground PvP, 'meh' at best, and if dedicated groups focused on using these...nothing would ever stop em, it would truly be a game of 'whoever hits first with their Ambush DOFF, wins'
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Doffs were not much of a major issue in ground pvp before this last pack. I don't think disabling doffs in pvp will address any of our existent major issues, therefore I disagree with the general idea.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
    STO Screenshot Archive

  • starakusstarakus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am so glad I found this post before I bought both the Caitian and Ferasan species.
    So how does this work?

    Lunge is on a 12 second cooldown...

    so you lunge as an opener:
    1.) Your lunge now goes on a 12 second cooldown
    2.) Your pounce also goes on a 6 second global cooldown
    3.) In 6 second your pounce recovers from the global cooldown lunge gave it, and your lunge still has 6 seconds on its individual cooldown.
    4.) So now you mash pounce again since it is up...

    Does this now add 6 more seconds to the 6 seconds left on my lunge making it twelve again
    (6 seconds individual + 6 second global cooldown) ?
  • dixiemonroedixiemonroe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tk79 wrote: »
    Doffs were not much of a major issue in ground pvp before this last pack. I don't think disabling doffs in pvp will address any of our existent major issues, therefore I disagree with the general idea.

    In all fairness yes it is. Every single time a new DoFF comes out someone finds the exploit and goes and uses it on other players. Then it goes into name calling in major profane language that is totally classless.

    We all need a balanced playing field and the DoFFs have caused such a ruckus disable them ALL in PvP this way no one can complain about it.
  • wdocwdoc Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not all doffs need to go, the latest pack seem to be the ones that need retuned. I want to see people building skill and tactics on then ground. This cant happen when the tactic is go up to the bridge...omega cloak...ambush...secondary on the spilt beam and hide. Then repeat as needed, while talking in zone chat about how overpowered it is?
    Doc of Hammer
  • dixiemonroedixiemonroe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wdoc wrote: »
    Not all doffs need to go, the latest pack seem to be the ones that need retuned. I want to see people building skill and tactics on then ground. This cant happen when the tactic is go up to the bridge...omega cloak...ambush...secondary on the spilt beam and hide. Then repeat as needed, while talking in zone chat about how overpowered it is?

    Again ..You probably want a certain doff that helps you ... I may not like that doff and say that You are overpowered then the vicious cycle starts again. People are whining and complaing that the doff has ruined PvP,.. best way is do not allow them therefore you cant complain about a doff being to powerful.

    You cant complain about it if you do not have it to play with.
  • dixiemonroedixiemonroe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I do agree most balanced doffs aren't necessary for survival and killing. There are a few exceptions that are pretty much a must for their class. Best example is the doctor giving hp stacks. Sci even after medical vanguard came about still had a hard enough time doing their jobs in a team setting.

    While that solution would be the easiest and practical it's never gonna happen from a simply business standpoint. Doff packs = zen = dilthium = less potential money in the machine. It's the same reason why they won't create 2 universal console slots per ship in space. They won't impose any limitation on anything that can affect buying zen for it's various uses.

    I am fairly sure the majority of your fleet and enough of the ground community would still function as they do without any doffs at all.

    What is it 13% of the STO community PvP? That is a small number which relates to small revenue. The loss would be minimal and probably already surpassed any loss with LoR. All this whining and complaining causes more loss in revenue so they can wipe the little noses of the whiners and complainers when they could be fixing other issues in the game.
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