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The new PVP help and ship build thread



  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    dear dabelgrave,

    my thoughts about your build :

    thats too many energy weapons, the weapons drain issues will make that dps go down a little bit - change a turret or the ccb for cloaking tractor mines or nukara mines - youll do more dmg thanks to lower energy drain, and youll get a tactical advantage some times, thanks to the mines.

    you should only use the jem hadar set in pve if u have enough heals / or if you have a premade pve team or switch for the deflector/engine borg set for pve/pvp use if u mostly grab a team in public elite stf or just que in the pve journal.

    you shouldnt use the sfm, switch that for a weapons battery, and use them always when u can, switching your power to max weapons, to max aux, and vice-versa.

    eng consoles are good, but that much turn rate can be overwhelming to control, but if you like it... you should try switching the rcs for a subspace jumper for extra movement and advantages in some situations, but again, its up to your taste here...

    in the stations, i understand now you are looking for a *speed demon* i dont like them, neither my *speed demon targets* --- but dont going far from what you are looking for :

    tt1 - crf1 - crf2 - apo3
    tt1 - apd1

    epte1 - atod1* - epts3

    tss1 - he2**

    * the difference between atod1 and 2 is almost irrevelant.
    ** youll notice a lot of times that hull heals hots are better than shields hots

    you shouldnt use that high shield power with a covariant type shield. even with 15 on shields, youll be safe from energy draining abilities knocking out your shields, thanks to epts3... about the rest, use max weapons, and max engines, or max aux - if u dont like switching energy presets in-battle.

    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2013
    Ok, this version of the T'Varo is best suited for a reman sci captain. With a full reman bridge crew with preferable superior infiltrators, you can gain maximum stealth, around 6150. This with 5 singularity bips you still have more than 5650 stealth. So this is the perfect build to infiltrate the enemy, spread some mines and torps and subnuc/scan/vm without almost to be noticed....

    Front: 2 transphasic, trans cluster, bio-molecular torp
    back: fill with trannies and mines like nukara, trannie or tachyon.

    Full KHG set (more torp damage, more aux power, more crew heal)
    engine singularity core with Eshad (warp shadows)

    Eng consoles: 3x mine neutronium with Hull/turn
    sci consoles: plasma and singularity stabilizer (T'varo set), aceton assimilator
    tac: 1x transphasic compressors, 3x warhead yield chamber

    TrB1, SS1,VM1

    EptA1/EptE1, AtoS1
    TS1, DPB1,TS3,APO3

    Purple doffs: 2x system engineer, 2x torpedo, 1x scramble / aux power technician

    power settings: 15/15/45/85

    You see there is no EptS. This because you want to stay cloaked. When you get decloaked, the 3piece KHG can be used as pseudo cloak. Also, if you need a shield refill, use quantum absorption. And TT can also buy time. You can either choose to use EptE for more speed, or EptA for better detection. You see them, they don't see you. AtoS and polarize hull for resists/heals. The scramble helps to "cloak" your plasma destabilizer torp, so you don't blow yourself into pieces. The bio-molecular photon torp (from one of the new missions) is there to kills lots of crew.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Could this build replace aux2bat ?

    Will this work in pvp and estf ?

    All thx goes to meimeitoo
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Will this work in pvp and estf?

    I can see it being brilliant in PvE, especially STFs but I don't think it will for PvP, I find Aux2Batt builds give a neat resistance to SNB so for PvP Aux2Batt is here to stay I think
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have a question regarding torpedos/torp boats in general. I fly a Sci torp boat with 3/3 weapon loadout, using Romulan Hyper plasma, chroniton [acc]x3 and breen cluster in front and Harpang, Chroniton mine and a beam array aft.

    I'm having trouble deciding which Lt. Tac BOFF skill to use. Apart from an obvious defensive choice (APD), I would like to have an alternative that improves torps or mines even. So TS2, HYT2 or a dispersal pattern? From what I understand, spread Chronitons don't miss but their chance to proc is only 33 percent. Opposed to that, HYT has a 100 percent proc chance, but is not guaranteed to hit all the time. Spread would perhaps benefit the Hyper plasma torp more as well...
  • rendar1970rendar1970 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Still working on getting the embassy consoles, so just have normal ones. But ive been running this on my Tac Vesta Lately

    3 plasma DHC/3 plasma turrets

    TT1, CRF1
    EPtE1, AtB1, EPtS3
    ET1, AtB1

    HE1, TSS2, VM1, TBR3

    2 turn+ all resist consoles
    4 plasma imbued particle gens
    4 plasma energy damage

    3 purple tech doffs, 2 vm doffs

    But I have some questions.

    1. I seem very very squishy. Im running borg deflector/engine and maco shield. I was considering changing VM to Feedback pulse, just to get people to lay off me a bit.

    2. Would this build work as good with plasma torpedos up front?

    3. Is this really that viable in PvP as 1 button (polarize hull) negates all damage from the TBR?

    4. How much does aux really boost the push of TBR? I have 0 skillpoints in graviton, will there still be low push? just curious incase i wanted to experiment with the aux dual heavy cannons.
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    rendar1970, its a solid build since you are tac and not sci, sci-sci with a2b is xDD

    i would set up a tac vesta for pvp like this :

    tac lt - tt1 / ts2

    tac ltcomm - tt1 / targetS 2 / apo1


    eng lt - epts1 / a2d


    sci comm - tss1 / he2 / es2 / po3

    sci ens - tb1

    weapons :

    fore - phaser beam array mk xi [acc]x3 / 2xfleet advanced quantums torps accx2 /dmg2

    aft - 3xphaser beam array mk xi [acc]x3

    doffs : 2 photonic cd / a2d duration doff / 2 target subsystem cd

    all purple if possible

    borg deflector / engine mk xii -- or -- khg mk xii (if you fell you dont need that life saver too much and you want more dmg)

    fleet adaptive shields (resilient or covariant, your call)

    EDIT : use elite tholian widows as your spam cleaners.... clusters, mines, and all other targetable TRIBBLE will ruin you day since vesta has low hp, at least i fell the need of these to clear the spam to keep me alive longer...

    consoles :

    tac - 4xphaser (higher quality you can get)

    ens - subspace jumper / fleet rcs with resAll or iso charge (since your tac, you can get nasty hits with it)

    sci - quantum field focus phaser / plasm leech / 2xfield gens (higher you can get too)

    the thing about this build is run away from dhcs (stay high or low, always at full speed)
    you dont need rsp, even for alphas, for that, use subspace jumper.

    with plasm leech + es2 + target shields 2 (max flowcaps) - its a certain shield knockout for most targets, and if you stack them, its a shield knockout for most ppl, except if they run 100 in shields xD. go stacking the ts and unleach double ts on a target without shields, u dont need to hold him with that tb, since ts never miss.

    save your tb when your targets gets you in their dhc firing arc, or when you plan to use the focus phaser

    you can spin po3 with these doffs every 2mins, so in 50% of the time you have almost shared cd abilites, and if you chain po with tac initiative, you can stay 3mins with shared on tac ;D
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Any chance of my Fleet Vor'cha being added to the list?


    All the build info is on the notes section :)
    Play my missions on Holodeck!
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    Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
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  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    rendar1970 wrote: »
    Still working on getting the embassy consoles, so just have normal ones. But ive been running this on my Tac Vesta Lately

    3 plasma DHC/3 plasma turrets

    TT1, CRF1
    EPtE1, AtB1, EPtS3
    ET1, AtB1

    HE1, TSS2, VM1, TBR3

    2 turn+ all resist consoles
    4 plasma imbued particle gens
    4 plasma energy damage

    3 purple tech doffs, 2 vm doffs

    But I have some questions.

    1. I seem very very squishy. Im running borg deflector/engine and maco shield. I was considering changing VM to Feedback pulse, just to get people to lay off me a bit.

    2. Would this build work as good with plasma torpedos up front?

    3. Is this really that viable in PvP as 1 button (polarize hull) negates all damage from the TBR?

    4. How much does aux really boost the push of TBR? I have 0 skillpoints in graviton, will there still be low push? just curious incase i wanted to experiment with the aux dual heavy cannons.

    ive sorta wanted to get the vesta just to fly basicly this setup on it. the ship being squishy is a common complaint, the 2 hull heals will help with that as much as they can. i'd stick with all cannons and let TBR be your knetic damage.i think polorize just nagates the push, and its not the most common skill people run. for purely damage, you want low grav and aux, both of those just buff the push, particles and tac buffs buff the damage. since your using an AtB build, aux DHCs are out of the question
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey folks,

    i recently started a new character (tactical) and i just wanted to know your opinion about my current Mirror Assault Cruiser Build:

    Tac. Lt.: Tactical Team; Scatter Volley
    Tac. Ens.: Beam Overload I
    Eng. Cmdr.: EmPtS1; AtB1; DEM1; AtS3
    Eng. Lt.Cmdr.: EmPtW1: AtB1; EWP1
    Sci. Lt.: HE1, TSS2

    Weapons fore: 1x Elachi DBB MK XI [crth]x3; 3x Elachi Crescent cannon MK XII [acc] [crth]x2
    Weapons rear: 1x Elachi Beam Array [crth]x2 [dmg]; 3x Disruptor turret MK XI [acc]

    Deflector, Engines, Shields: Dominion Set MK XI
    (will be substituted with MK XII Borg defelctor and Engine plus MACO shields, when possible)

    Warp reactor: Overcharged Warp core MK X (blue) [EPS] [W->A]

    Engineering: 2x Neutronium MK XI (Blue); 1x Ablative Hull Armor MK XII (green); Console - Universal - Isometric Charge
    Science: Console - Science - Emitter Array MK X [-th] Pla; Console - Science - Emitter Array MK X [+th] Pla
    Tactical: 3x disruptor Induction Coil MK XI (green)

    As soon as i can get my hands on better equipment, like reputation weapons (rom) and OMEGA store engines, deflector and shields i use them of course.

    Concerning the BOFF layout, i can imagine that seeing AtB and AtS in one build must look strange or useless. the point of it is to be able to switch between a attack mode which uses AtB and a more defensive mode using AtS.
    My biggest problem with AtB was the lack of a (almost) constant hull heal and more important a additional hull resistance. Now since i am able to use both (depending on situation) i feel much more versatile and effective also.

    But i have to say that i am not a professional PvP player, i mostly use it for PvE.
    Althrough i would like to hear your opinion about it or some suggestions to improve it.
    Please don't be too skeptical about the junk stuff, it will be replaced ASAP. :o

    Sorry i forgot the DOFFs

    3x technican (AtB); Warp Core engineer; Damage control (AtS)
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • chlamidiotchlamidiot Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    drunk I know this is supposed to be mostly a build thread, but you need a deeper post about the scimitar. I was about to put another vote in that thread requesting a build and include a disclaimer about how even with your build my Scimitard is a pale shadow of yours.

    You actually live up to "She's a predator." So if you would, wax a little philosophic. What are the intangibles? What's the mindset? How do you pick targets and what get's you in trouble?

    I know you mostly stay away from saying that there's only one way to do something and you never go on about how your way is the best cause that was mav's particular idiom. But you really have something going on with this ship that's beyond the loadout.

    So if you would, think about it, and share, and if anybody gives you TRIBBLE tell them I asked you to.
  • renimaltrenimalt Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So I was browsing the index here, and I noticed that there wasn't yet a build for a ship that I have some fond memories of piloting, the one ship that launched my entire career (if you can call it such) of healing in STO: the Deep Space Science Vessel. Clearly, this won't do; I shall take it upon myself to lovingly craft a fine --and cheap!-- build for this absolute gem of a vessel!

    Nostalgia aside, the DSSV is actually a wonderful little ship for healing; I'd call it the best of the free Fed ships for that job. A link for the build is here; I'll go over the important stuff below.

    Captain class: Engineer
    Ship: Deep Space Science Vessel

    Bridge Officer Abilities:
    TT1, TT2
    EPtS1, AtSIF1 (alt. ExS1)
    ST1, TSS2, TSS3, your choice (sug. PO3)
    PH1, HE2, HE3

    Shields: MACO
    Deflector: Borg
    Warp Core: Overcharged Warp Core Mk X [A->S] [Rep]
    Engines: Borg

    Doffs: 2xShield Distribution Officer, 3xDamage Control Engineer (AtSIF variant)
    Alternate: 3xShield Distribution Officer, Warp Core Engineer (EPtS variant), choice

    Engineering: 3xNeutronium Mk XI
    Science: Field Generator Mk XI, 3xEmitter Array Mk XI
    Tactical: Assimilated Module, Photonic Displacer

    If you've looked at my eng/sci oddy heal build, you'll very quickly notice that there are a lot of similarities between that build and this one. In particular, both place a very strong emphasis on good science heals; in fact, having the DSSV as my first healboat is the reason why I chose to put a high-level science officer on the oddy. Since such a large part of the build is shared (such as main healing tactics and escape buttons), I'll just note a few important differences.

    1. Your hull is thin. Your shields are not.
    The DSSV, like other science vessels, has a great shield mod in exchange for a thin hull. This means that effects that grant shield resistance, like RSF, EPtS, and TSS, can be put to great use, but that you also have to be extra-careful about taking hull damage. Any amount of hull damage is cause for concern while you're piloting the DSSV; the three neutronium consoles slotted will be helpful, but they cannot obviate the need for good tactics. This means that you must:
    • Pay close attention to how your shields are distributed. Use TT liberally if you're under fire, and be very, very careful during its 5s downtime -- if a shield facing goes down and they hit hull, you're liable to explode. In addition, the DSSV can turn moderately well; maneuver to present the strongest shield facing to your enemies.
    • Be wary of hull DoTs. Don't wait for too long before you hit the hazard emitters; you have two copies of them (of high ranks, to boot), so use them when you're being slammed by seven or eight plasma torpedoes all at once.
    • Be proactive with polarize hull. If you think that your shields are about to fail, or you're being roasted alive by plasma, use it! It's also great for escaping from tractor beams and thereby evading alphas.

    On the flip side, your shields are able to soak up a lot of damage, especially if you attain high shield resistance. This will be your primary defense in normal combat; your survivability will depend on keeping your shields full and your shield resistance high. This means that you should:
    • Keep EPtS cycling, and integrate TSS into the cycle when you come under fire. This is more important than ever; without good shield resistance, your shields -- no matter how thick they are -- are going to evaporate under any sort of attack. TSS will be your standard shield heal if you come under focus fire, with EPtS providing the core resistance that keeps you going.
    • Use BFI often, possibly at the same time as other shield heals. With your shield distribution officers, BFI becomes a fairly reliable source of strong shield heals. But because your shield capacity is so high, don't expect BFI to completely fill your shields by themselves. Get comfortable using BFI in combination with other shield heals like EPtS and TSS.
    • Use RSF a little earlier. The strong shield resistance provided by RSF combos extremely well with high shield cap and will greatly extend the time that your shields stay up, but it can't save you if your shields are completely gone.

    Thankfully, your Engineer captain abilities can help you make the most out of the strong shields, and help you patch up any holes you do take in the ship's thin hull.

    2. AtSIF + Damage Control Engineers
    The DSSV is a little low on the engineering heals, but the Damage Control Engineers really help fill the gap. Because the additional heal they provide is not tied to the rank of AtSIF used, they can provide a huge boost to the amount of healing that your AtSIF1 does. If they proc, they can easily cause AtSIF1 to heal as much as HE2, over a shorter period of time with a faster cooldown!

    3. What to do with that Cm. Sci slot?
    This is really up to you. Because there are no heals at Cm. Sci level, I don't have a strong recommendation for what should go on a healboat. I'd tentatively suggest PO3, just so you can get back on your feet quicker after you've been SNB'ed (or even chain-SNB'ed). Other useful alternatives include PSW in order to knock off enemy extends, or TBR to clear mine/torpedo spam.

    In terms of cost, this build is on the cheap side for PvP; free ship, no fleet gear, white (or nonexistent!) weapons, cheap/free doffs:
    • Rarities are suggested based on what I use currently. This level of gear can be bought from the exchange for very cheap.
    • VR Shield Distribution Officers can be obtained for free from criticals on the Rolor Nebula colonization repeatable mission.
    • The other doffs, being only rare quality, are likewise fairly cheap on the exchange.
    • The Photonic Displacer console was just given away as part of the Rhode Island Refit, so most people should have it. If not, then any other console of your choice may be substituted (preferably some sort of escape ability).
    • Photonic Officer 3 is rare, but if you ask in OPvP you might find someone willing to train it for you for free, since those that can obtain it have an infinite supply.
    • The biggest investment will be the reputation gear; the good news is that it's all from the Omega tree, and Mk X tends to work just as well for pug PvP as Mk XI or even Mk XII.

    Final thoughts:
    In summary, the DSSV is one of the lesser-known gems for healboating. Neglected and oft-maligned, it actually has a fairly strong bridge officer layout and good console slot distribution. I consider it the best free Fed ship for healing; while it may not be able to measure up directly to the Oddy or the Recluse, it's a great little workhorse that will serve you well until you decide to make the big investment into PvP healing. (Plus, it's fun to come back to even after you've gotten yourself one of those fancy ship!) :)

    (Oh, and DDIS? Remember how you said that eng/sci had no real synergy at all? Well, you're wrong. :P)
    Resist viewer! See shield/hull resists! Read about it here!
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2013
    You could also get a cheaper and better version: the mirror DSSV (aka recon vessel with DSSV setup).
    It has better turn, and is way cheaper. The normal DSSV costs 120K dilithium, whereas the mirror is cheap to get from the exchange.

    With 2 purple damage control engineers (which can be farmed), you can have a reliable 2 EptX systems up above 90% of the time. You could then use EptS1 AND EptA1. More aux power will boost also your sci based heals.

    And I would not go for PO3 to only reduce the time IF you are nucced. All relevant abilities have already 2 copies. Personally I would go for viral matrix, shockwavel or repulsors

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • renimaltrenimalt Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Technically the regular DSSV is even cheaper than the mirror DSSV if you've just reached admiral status. But you're right, the mirror DSSV is a good ship to run with this build as well, since crew doesn't relaly seem to do much at this point.

    I don't usually recommend builds that rely on DCEs to run different EPtX abilities, because there's the chance that they don't work and leave the user hanging at a crucial moment. Especially for this build, which is aimed at people who probably haven't flown healboats before and don't have or want to invest the resources required for a lockbox/c-store ship. Furthermore, with the skill point distribution given, you can easily reach 125/130 power in shields/aux and still have some power left over to splash into engines. At that point, EPtA doesn't boost heals any more; plus, relying on EPtA to power sci heals means that if you're nucced your sci-based heals will be weaker.

    Like I mentioned in the post, PO3 was just a suggestion. It does tend to help against things like SS + doffs, which would otherwise force an additional 5s downtime between TT cycles. I don't think VM would work very well for this build, since you haven't invested in subspace decompilers and so your VM would have very short duration. PSW or TBR are good alternates; I also forgot to mention that FBP is an alternative, if you're just looking for ways to make people shoot you less.
    Resist viewer! See shield/hull resists! Read about it here!
  • lokihellsonlokihellson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    DDIS - When are you going to grace us with some Elachi builds?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    renimalt wrote: »
    (Oh, and DDIS? Remember how you said that eng/sci had no real synergy at all? Well, you're wrong. :P)

    the only synergy they have is giving the ship extra heals, but that can be said about any ship type
    DDIS - When are you going to grace us with some Elachi builds?

  • lokihellsonlokihellson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh maybe you misunderstood....

    I knew you were going to I was just wondering when. ;)
  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Build for the Monbosh Battleship :)


    Ship:- Elachi Monbosh Battleship
    Character Profession:- Tactical

    Boff Slots:-

    Cmdr Eng:- EPTS1, RSP1, EPTS3, AuxSIF3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac:- TT1, CRF1, APO1
    Lt. Uni (Tac):- TT1, CRF1
    Lt. Uni (Sci):- HE1, TSS2

    Ens. Sci:- PH1


    Fore Weapons:- 4x Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc]x3
    Aft Weapons:- Kenetic Cutting Beam Array Mk XII, 3x Disruptor Turrets Mk XI [Acc]x3

    Deflector:- Assimilated Deflector Mk XII
    Engine:- Assimilated Subtranswarp Impulse Engines Mk XII
    Warp Core:- Overcharged Warp Core Mk XII [EPS] [W->A] [WCap] [Trans]
    Shield:- Assimilated Regenerative Shield Array Mk XII

    Devices:- Weapons Battery, Auxiliary Battery, Engine Battery, Subspace Field Modulator

    Engineering Consoles:- RCS Accelerator Mk XI, Neutronium Alloy Mk XI, EPS Flow Regulator Mk XI, Assimilated Module
    Science Consoles:- Plasmonic Leech, Subspace Transceiver
    Tactical Consoles:- 4x Disruptor Induction Coils Mk XII

    With it being a Battle Cruiser and having one of the highest Cruiser Turn Rate of ANY ship (only exceeded by the K't'inga and Kamarag), I wanted to maximise its damage potential, therefore equipping dual heavy cannons is the answer, with a few turrets on the back of course. Beams don't do a lot of damage, so I left them.

    Power Levels

    100 - Weapons
    50 - Shields
    25 - Engines
    25 - Auxilary


    Due to the innate 10 to Engines, this automatically harnesses even more turn rate and will allow me to do more damage, more often because my cannons will be brought to bear all the time. The extra power into shields allows me to have better shield regen, which equalls more survivability.

    After that, I equipped equipping the Borg Deflector, Borg Engine and then eventually the Borg Regenerative Shield Array (the highest I could get my hands on) so I could have an epic ability to regenerate shields quickly enough in an intense battle. In my remaining device slots, I utilised a Weapon and Engine Battery respectively (to help bolster those power levels if they are low or disabled), an Auxiliary Battery for helping to improve that Subsystem as well (for benefit of Nukara T4 Reputation reward) and then the Subspace Field Modulator from "Skirmish" for better overall resistance.

    Tactical Section

    It is of course a BATTLEship (or BATTLE Cruiser). This means the Tactical section should be a standard dual Tactical Team setup, with a dual Cannon Rapid Fire 1 as the Lt. Tac powers. This maximises my damage potential with excellent weapons combined with an epic cruiser turn rate, allowing me to cycle them with my cannons. I then set my weapons to autofire for better effect also, as the computer is a lot faster than the player at firing (and Human firing is messy). I used DHC's on this ship (something I'd recommend on any Battle Cruiser), since they all have a 10 power to weapons for just being a ship. I use my dual Tactical Teams as my primary resistance shield ability, since it redirects all shield facings to ther shields taking fire, a fantastic asset to have. Attack Pattern Omega 1 is also there for not only better damage, but better resitance, turn rate, speed and immunity to several key abilities (such as tractor beams). I then grabbed my hands on [Acc]x3 weapons (see below for [Acc] bonuses and details).

    Engineering Section

    This is of course a Battle CRUISER. This means I have to have some kind of tanking ability, and a Cmdr Engineering slot is exactly what I need. I use the dual Emergency Power to Shields (3 and 1) as my primary shield heals and the Reverse Shield Polarity abilities for "oh dear" moments. I also utilise AuxSIF3 for my primary hull healing ability, since it is your Cmdr Eng. ability and I find it very useful indeed.

    Science Section

    The Science side of things are a little sparse on this ship, but equipping Transfer Shield Strength 2 is suggested because it is a good shield heal whilst my EPTS are working off as well. Hazard Emitters 1, my secondary hull heal, should allow me to better withstand the Borg. Polarize Hull1 on this ship as a good hull resist and tractor immunity power also works wonder as well (just incase APO1 is on cooldown).


    Overall, the survivability to turn rate ratio and ship ability is incredible, so stabbing my tactical in this increases its damage to Escort-level, whilst still maintaining the survivability aspect of the Cruiser.

    Recommended Doffs:-

    2x Energy Weapons Doff - Increase Shield Power
    1x Shield Distribution Officer - Brace for Impact Shield Heal
    1x Damage Control Engineer - Chance to reduce recharge of all Emergency Power to Abilities
    1x Warp Core Engineer - Chance to remove all debuffs with Emergency Power to Abilities

    Why [Acc]x3 weapons?

    Accuracy is literally that, more hits. Each Accuracy modifier grants 10% to Accuracy, and adds it on top of the innate 100% Accurcy everyone starts off with. In PvP, ships move, and they have movement defensive values to directly affect Accuracy (and no, its not a simple subtraction sum - its a lot more complicated). Sufficed to say, if the damage dealer has more than 100% accuracy on a target (moving or not), then any additional accuracy directly bleeds over into BOTH Critical Chance and Severity. This means, you get the Crit bonuses anyway from having [Acc]x3 weapons if your target has a low enough defensive value (a value that applied to NPC's as well as player ships).

    Survivability to Turn Rate and Ship Ability Ratio:-

    Extreme - Highly Recommended Ship

    Special Abilities of this Build:-

    Plasmonic Leech - To increase power significantly whilst draining enemies of theirs
    Borg Tractor Beam - Handy toy for power level increase and stalling ships for me to cut them down with my DHC's
    Borg Bonuses - Incredible Shield and Hull regeneration
    Subspace Transceiver - For a bit of extra annoyance for enemy ships thanks to the Control Craft for disabling them and the Healing Craft for.... healing me
    Passive - Many passive abilities come with this build (2-Peice Borg Console set, Leech, 2 Shield Power Increase Doffs, Borg set bonus) - meaning you won't have to do as much work and you can concentrate on blowing up ships

    Skill Orientation:-


    Ground Stuff:-

    For shotgunning people in the face :D


    Better Criticals and survivability on both space and ground, as well as some nice placates from the Romulan Sensor Target power (passive) and the Auxiliary boost from T4 Nukara
    Play my missions on Holodeck!
    Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
    Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
    Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2013
    Previous Sci stealt T'varo I posted was more about crowd control:


    I made a variant, which is good in making kills. No double tap BO's, but based on disables and trannies. Even as a sci I can make kills alone by sneaking up on the target, disable it and kill. A tac T'Varo would even be more effective I guess. However, as a sci you are probably better of in a team since you stay cloaked. Remember, this build still needs a full reman bridge crew all with (superior) infiltrator trait to make sure you have above 6000 stealth.

    Front: 2 transphasic torp, trans cluster, bio-molecular torp
    back: 2 transphasic torps, nukara web mine

    Full KHG set (more torp damage, more aux power, more crew heal)
    Advanced Fleet Hyper-Stabilizing Singularity Core Mk XII or normal hyper core

    Eng consoles: 3x mine neutronium with Hull/turn
    sci consoles: plasma and singularity stabilizer (T'varo set), Jump console / crit consoles / other fun
    tac: 4x transphasic compressors

    HE1, TrB2,PSW1

    EptE1, AtoS1
    TS1, TS2,APO1,DPB3

    Purple doffs: must have: 2x torpedo. remaining can be filled with conn evasive doffs, scramble doff, aux power technician, aftershock doff, Attack pattern reduce doffs.

    power settings: 15/15/45/85

    Because the Tvaro is not as fast as Bops, more speed is needed with APO1, EptE1 and evasive. When aproaching your enemy, scramble him and fire the sinularity torp. When within 3 km, activate shockwave and tractor beam. Then fly over him, drop your web mine spread and make a turn so you have your front arc on him again. Sensor scan, and only then fire your trannies. If well timed, the stun/hold will keep him in place. Remember, after the shockwave expires, your web mines will also disable him. Since everything you use is kinetic with large bleedthrough, tactical team wont work. Cruisers and sci vessels and slow moving warbirds are the easy targets. Fast moving escorts are the real challenge.

    To escape use singularity jump, 3 piece KHG cloak, evasive and other speed buffs.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ok, i got some time to think elatchi, so here's some builds


    the perfect, within reason, battle cruiser. 10 turn rate, average hitpoints for a kdf style cruiser, one of the strongest shield mods any cruiser has, DHC use, 4 tac consoles, and the all around most useful tac cruiser station setup to date. but is it nice to look at? nope. is it iconic and an old favorite, half the reason to fly battle cruisers in the first place? nope. if all you care about is stats, it cant be beat though

    depending on how much lobi you have, you can trick it out with the 2 elatchi ship consoles, the subspace device, the heavy single crescent, and the torp and get lots of set bonuses and synergy. or you can keep it simple and play it strait and concentrate on it being the best battle cruiser brawler to date.

    3 DHC, 1 DBB, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, BO3
    EPtE1, AtB1, EPtS3, DEM3
    ET1, AtB1

    TSS1, HE2

    borg engine
    borg deflector
    second from the top advanced warp core
    elite shield

    4 dil mine turn +all res consoels
    leach, support craft
    4 energy damage consoles

    3 tech doffs, 2 BO/damage control doffs

    this should have near 40 turn rate, slide around well, move fast, absorb damage like a champ, and hit like a truck. everything a battle cruiser needs to do to be a value to the team. its weaknesses are lack of hold and ah TRIBBLE counter measures, no tractor immunity or RSP to be found. but the ship is fast and resilient enough that i dont miss these things much. if you ran APO, you would be without a BO or cannon skill, derailing your ability to be a threat in most cases. 4 DHCs is just to easy to tank nowadays, even if your using all elatchi DHCs. this is the best balance between being dangerous and surviving you can be with the ship in my opinion, but theres still room to be creative with the universal stations it has

    TT1, CRF1, BO3
    EPtE1, AtB1, EWP1, DEM3
    ET1, AtB1
    EPtS1, RSP1


    warp soup replacing a TB, and you get RSP in exchange for TSS, which would normally run low aux anyway. very tempted to try this out soon, im sure it would do great as well.

    theres also nothing stopping you from running it like a beam boat, and when you do that its better then the galor in every way, save for not coming with spirals and having a bit less of an impulse mod. the excelsior has a bit more hull, but 3 eng ENS stations, not to bad a thing in its case, but an unpopular thing to have.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    one of the most peculiar escorts to date, quickly called overpowered with its 1.3 shield mod, and then quickly dismissed by everyone that thinks they are so smart. the truth here splits the different. its got very average stats movement stats and a hitpoint arrangement not unlike a sci ship. its also the first escort, well other then the vet ship, that can have a LTC and LT sci, sort of the healing holy grail. thats right, you could make it a heal boat that can do a good escort alpha every 30 seconds, instead of every 15 like more classic escorts. hey thats one thing you could do. of you could go the opposite, and give it a 2 AtB build. it responds much better to that then the temporal destroyer does, to run a 2 AtB build there you would have to much tac and no sci. not even close to that problem here. JUST a COM tac is PERFECT for AtB builds.

    3 DHCs, 1 DBB, 3 turets

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3
    EPtE1, AtB1
    EPtS1, AtB1

    TSS1, HE2, VM1

    borg engine
    borg deflector
    second from the top advanced warp core
    elite shield

    2 dil mine turn +all res consoels
    leach, borg, zero point, elatchi +decomp console (basically whatever you want here)
    4 energy damage consoles

    3 tech doffs, 2 BO/damage control/VM doffs

    this reminds me of my favorite kamarang build, only it trades COM stations. VM1, with proper spacing and doffs with AtB keeping it cycling stupidly often is almost as debilitating as fighting someone with the placate proc. almost. you got the exact number of hull and shield heals im most comfortable with, all the essential tac skills are there, this is a great, solid destroyer type. to bad about warbird, showing up everything hilariously that doesn't have a battlecloak.

    here's that support variant i mentioned. it sort of reminds me of a healer sci ship, only its got a COM tac.

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3
    EPtE1, AtS1

    TSS1, HE2, TSS3
    ST1, HE2
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    chlamidiot wrote: »
    drunk I know this is supposed to be mostly a build thread, but you need a deeper post about the scimitar. I was about to put another vote in that thread requesting a build and include a disclaimer about how even with your build my Scimitard is a pale shadow of yours.

    You actually live up to "She's a predator." So if you would, wax a little philosophic. What are the intangibles? What's the mindset? How do you pick targets and what get's you in trouble?

    I know you mostly stay away from saying that there's only one way to do something and you never go on about how your way is the best cause that was mav's particular idiom. But you really have something going on with this ship that's beyond the loadout.

    So if you would, think about it, and share, and if anybody gives you TRIBBLE tell them I asked you to.

    how did i miss this flattering post? i need to pay more attention to my thread lol. the scimitar, yes, i have it down to a science. its the culmination of everything that is best, and if you have an all superior crew, with this ship more then any other war bird, nothing in the game is more deadly.

    theres several posts ive made that arent just builds like keybind advice and stuff. thats why its the build AND help thread. so this would be one of those help posts. im going to take a page from mav here, i must insist that im doing it the right way, and if your doing it different you are doing it incorrectly, your not utilizing the ship to nearly its potential, or your more interested in a troll build then a build that rips your opponent in half a weapons cycle or 2 after decloak

    the basics of the ship's use were touched on in the build post i made, and after using it long enough and adding singularity powers and dattlecloaking into my intuition and reflexes, theres no other conclusion i can reach other then this ship is the god of STO, and everything else exists to merely be brushed aside by it. here's a list of what makes it best, er, unique

    -cloaking without dropping shields. never do you have to worry about being exposed when making your escape. use TT if your under heavy fire. if people are useing nasty sci on you to prevent you from cloaking, apo makes you imune from all of it. just watch out for VM and have ET1 handy

    -a free alpha strike wile your still cloaked. this doesn't appear to have an ambush bonus, so its almost not worth using, considering how often a well crewed ship will cloak. BUT, in addition to attacking wile cloaked, all your boff skills are available as well. waiting for a jussy target and a team mate is in trouble? well pop an aux batt, activate this console, and feed him your TSS, HE, and ether TT or ET. or do this after barely escaping into battlecloak wile under attack your self. cycling EPtS and your other heals wont leave you so hagered for your next attack. this console is a temporary better then EBC console.

    -the secondary shield is a sort of ok oh TRIBBLE button, but i tend not to use it, the valdor console instead is infinitely more helpful.

    -turn rate boost wile cloaked. wile making no sense, this is insanely helpful for positioning. not terribly unique, but combined with this ships firepower and low turn rate, makes all the difference. especially when leading into the next advantage...

    - 2 part console bonus. can you say synergy? you get a boosted turn rate during your ambush duration, easily extended to 15 seconds or longer by reman captains and boffs.

    during your attack you tend to have more then enough turn rate to keep up with your targets attempts to not die, plus a TB can easily be fit on the ship. the base turn rate never really becomes a problem on this ship, if your flying it right, you almost will never have to fly at what it would limit you to.

    get a crew of 4 superior romulans and 1 superior reman, regardless of captain type. this gives my romulan character a cloak recharge time of 12 seconds, and an ambush bonus of 15 seconds. in 90% of situations then you should be cloaking as soon as the cloak cools down, because unless there was some kind of fumble or over slide or counter thrown at you, your target wont be lasting longer then CRF will. if your chasing a guy down who is super near death, go ahead and run him down then cloak. but otherwise get used to cloaking that often.

    it mind bogoling how hard this ship can hit. it can alpha 50% harder, maybe even twice as hard as your typical fed pattern escort, with its 4 tac consoles and no cloak. the scim with boffs and consoles has 5 forward guns, 5 tac consoles, ambush damage bonus, ambush duration, ambush turning, the best AtB ready station setup letting you hit at full ever 15 seconds, cloak every 12, its just amazing. did i mention when you fly it right its the closest thing so far that feels directly lifted from canon? thats a nice intangible bonus to us trek fans.

    good gear is a must, good doffs, good sets, good cores, good shields. you attract a lot of attention. if you cloak often enough though, the enemy team tends to give up on trying to pin you down, and just accepts that you get kills and get away scott free. i dont see a need for RSP, your only supposed to be active for 12 seconds, EPtS3 is thus the right choice for the TLC station. when you cloak that quick, you are also still under the last few seconds of APO immunity to just about anything that would prevent cloaking. the reasons to fly it like this compounds more every time you think of the advantages.

    for targets, go for the guy who is under attack. if he has any hull damage, and most of his stuff on cooldowns, his only option is to explode. that or lone sci ships, they pop easy with their lack of spike soak and lack of zippyness. getting an alpha in before they supercharge their shield and hull res will get you kills pretty easy. and if you cant quite get them, short of a CPB, they cant stop you from cloaking again no mater how many PSW, TBs, or GW they have. or any escort that just had APO end. with your TB, its just over, its like throwing a shoe at a spider.

    and hey, of you dont kill someone, and cloak 12 second later, your less then 5 seconds away from getting another chance. the only weakness this ship has is the user, poor frame rate (my big problem, need to build a new computer) and the inertia ruining an alpha because you slide to damn much. that takes a lot of getting used to, but that frame rate issue can still make it look like you never flew anything with less then 60 inertia before.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    oh, new page. got some elatchi builds at the bottom of the last one
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    stardestroyer001's T5-U Fleet D'Deridex Team-Healer Build
    Updated for Delta Rising

    Before we start. Yeah yeah I know, "D'Deridex isn't a healer!" "The ship is a bigger bullseye than the Galaxy!" "Lieutenant Commander Tactical boff seat? It's not meant for defense!". Before you write this build off as another crazy build from a cruiser maniac, hear me out.

    There are only two fleet level Romulan Republic cruisers: Fleet Ha'apax and Fleet D'Deridex. Fleet Ha'apax, while having a marginally better boff layout, suffers from a terrible console layout and restriction until T5 Military completion of your starbase. Fleet D'Deridex suffers from a bad boff layout, but the console layout is manageable. The T5-U option adds a fifth Engineering console slot, as well as an increase in hit points and four levels of Starship Mastery, which all offer defensive bonuses.

    So I picked D'Deridex. Shoot me (no actually, try it, I can take the hit! :) ).

    There is a large temptation to set the ship up for offense. Don't. You need everything to be oriented around team healing and survivability.

    TT - APD - APO

    EPta - EPtS - ET3 - Aux2SIF
    HE - HE - ST3

    Ship Equipment:
    Set: Assimilated Deflector XII, Assimilated Engine XII, Elite Fleet Covariant Shield Array Mk XII[ResB][Adapt].
    Core: Field Stabilizing, make sure you have [Res] modifier.
    Weapons: Make sure to have the Omega Torp Launcher and KCB. The rest of the weapons are your choice, they don't matter. Keep in mind that the proc is most important to your weapons, so choose ones that would benefit the team (such as Plasma, Disruptor...). With Delta Rising, the [PvP Res] modifier, which adds defense, is a big boon.

    2x Enhanced Neutronium Mk XI [+HullRep], 2x SIF Generator Mk XII , Fluidic Phase Decoupler
    1x Embassy Emitter Array Mk XI [HuH] [+Th], 2x Field Generator Mk XI
    Borg Module, Molecular Phase Inversion Console*, Hydrodynamics Compensator
    *The Molecular Phase Inverter console comes from the D'dridthau C-Store ship. It is highly recommended to get this console - it's a life saver.

    Power: I have mine on max shields and aux (more power in shields, around 90, 95 I think). Note that your singularity core will improve one of your power levels, plan accordingly.

    Doffs (6): *New!!*
    2x Maintenance Engineer with "Reduce cooldown on Engineering Team, and Buff" (Blue or higher)
    2x Development Lab Scientist with "Reduce cooldown on Science Team, and Buff" (Blue or higher)
    1x Conn Officer, "Chance to restore shields when using Brace for Impact"
    (If you have the 6h doff slot: Research Lab Scientist, "chance to reduce BOFF/Captain Shield Heal cooldowns by -15sec on use of Science Team)

    Biotech patch - VERY useful!!
    Any traits that boost hull regen or power levels. Efficient Captain, Techie, etc.

    Visual version: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=rukiasdderidexteamhealerv10_2994
    T5-U version: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=rukiasddteamhealerv12_2994


    This ship is definitely not meant for the inexperienced team healer player. It is a tricky tightrope balancing act, and if not done properly, you may find you aren't healing as much as you could be, or even become a detriment to the team. However, if you pull it off successfully, you will impress both friendly and enemy players, rack up healing points, and most importantly save the lives of your teammates and push your team to victory.

    Team Healing: With the new dual-doff healing system I created for this ship, ET3+doffs and ST3+doffs are your strongest team healing abilities. While they may not be the first ones to be activated on friendlies, they should be used often. ET3+doffs is the largest one-shot hull heal I have ever seen in this game - exceeding Miracle Worker - and it's available every 15 seconds! Same with ST3+doffs, but for shield heals. Extra advantages are the benefits ET3 and ST3 offer to their targets, which are the ability to restore disabled systems, and clear debuffs such as Sci Team, respectively. Always keep an eye out on these two abilities' cooldown timers. In regards to your other healing powers, timing your heals is the key to success.

    Self-Defense: The team-healer D'Deridex has some pretty serious drawbacks when compared to other team healing ships from other factions. You'll find you are typically switching back and forth from throwing heals on teammates to throwing them on yourself - so it's a good idea not to expend all of your heals when you think you may be the enemy team's next target. Don't be afraid to pop the quantum absorption when things get sticky, that ability will rank up pretty fast and once its used, it can hold off your death until crucial boff powers finish their cooldowns.

    Note that typical of Romulan ships, the hull has less native damage resistance than other factions. You have to be vigilant for damage that hits the hull, such as Grav Wells, kinetic damage, quantum torp spreads, Ramming Speed, Nukara mines, etc. Always keep an eye out for any enemies that utilize these attacks and prepare to take some damage. Also, you have to be prepared for movement debuffs which will affect your ability to turn and chase the rest of your team.

    TT and EPtS should be the first abilities you use to defend yourself. These will shrug off the initial assault on your ship, and you should take light damage. Note that the drawback with this build is a weakness to constant pressure damage - Prepare to use an HE and./or a Sci Team on yourself, as well as other abilities.

    When you start to take serious damage, here is the list of abilities that may come in handy.

    TT, APD, HE, TSS, Aux2SIF, captain abilities, EPtS, ST1
    Subspace Field Modulator, Brace for Impact, Evasive
    Quantum Absorption (singularity ability)
    Fluidic Phase Decoupler
    Molecular Phase Inversion Field

    Molecular Phase Inversion Field (MPIF) should be your last resort. USE IT if your health is at or around 20%. MPIF gives you immunity to kinetic damage and drastically increases your defense ratings. While MPIF is on, your weapons won't fire, and you can't regen your shields using any ability. However, you are able to heal your hull and the hulls of teammates. It's a turtle-shell ability that can only be used once every 3 minutes. Note that it doesn't completely protect against energy weapons, despite the +100,000% Defense gained (not kidding!).

    Quantum Absorption is useful for a split second extra layer of protection. Fighting one opponent, this can give you about 2-5 seconds worth of extra hull to burn through. Fighting a couple strong opponents, this will vanish nearly instantaneously, and it may be better to use Warp Shadow or Sing Jump to hide yourself instead of getting temporary hull.

    Here's an example of one combat result. It was a 5v5 arena; my character (Rukia Kuchiki, a FED-ROM Sci) did the most outgoing heals, both in shields and in hull. Mckena, an Engi, was in a Recluse on the other team, and attempted to heal his/her teammates with fair success. I was pretty surprised at the end of the match, somehow I managed to "out-heal" a Recluse.

    Hopefully this can give you a starting point on how to use your D'Deridex for teamhealing purposes. Good luck :)
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    you know, now that i think about it, and now that i have the boffs that enable such short cloaking cooldowns, and now that i know how to use the singularity powers so effectively, the d'deridex losing out on RSP2 by having to run AtB1 and AtB2 is not that big a deal. sure EPtS3 would be nice, and i dont know what id do with that second tac ENS, but the d'deridex might be slightly more usable then i originally anticipated. thats experience for ya.
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2013
    stardestroyer001's Fleet D'Deridex team heal build


    Romulan Republic vessels, there are only two of them that are suitable for anything remotely connected to team healing: Fleet Ha'apax and Fleet D'Deridex. Fleet Ha'apax, while having a marginally better boff layout, suffers from a terrible console layout and restriction until T5 Military completion of your starbase. Fleet D'Deridex suffers from a bad boff layout, but the console layout is manageable....

    Actually, a T'Varo has also a reasonalbe nice setup for healing. The advantage is that it can stay cloaked while doing it, and not have to be worried in saving your heals. Use a basic trannie torp setup, and keep high aux power.

    TS1, APD1, APO1, APO3

    EptS1 (for cloak downtime), ExSh1
    ST1, HE2, TSS3
    ST1, HE2

    Doffs. This is the beauty of it:

    get 2 or 3 research lab scientists. The new shield cooldown reduce versions. The purple ones have a 20% chance to reduce cooldown of all shield heal abilities with 15 seconds when science team is used. Since you are activating ST every 15 seconds, even with 2 of these doffs, you have a very good chance that TSS3, ExSh1, and EptS1 are reduced with 15 seconds. They have all 45 seconds cd, so with -15 seconds hitting global, effectively doubling the abilities.

    The remaining doffs can be filled with torpedo doffs, evasive doffs, or BFI doffs. However, you could also think about 2 attack pattern doffs to replace APO1 with a dispersal patern. You could also use 2 development scientists which reduce ST. Then you could replace 1 ST with polarize hull, making your cloaked vessel more resilient.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    you know, now that i think about it, and now that i have the boffs that enable such short cloaking cooldowns, and now that i know how to use the singularity powers so effectively, the d'deridex losing out on RSP2 by having to run AtB1 and AtB2 is not that big a deal. sure EPtS3 would be nice, and i dont know what id do with that second tac ENS, but the d'deridex might be slightly more usable then i originally anticipated. thats experience for ya.

    It's also possible to run the ship for partigen damage, although it would be nowhere near effective as an Orb Weaver for that task. The "Throw-a-Hole" console in particular would be useful for that.

    EDIT: By the way, I checked the front page of this thread, seems there's still only one build up there for the D'Deridex.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    please can you take a look at this build I found and please tell me what you think.

    which looks very powerful.

    please also take a look at Reputation, Skill Tree, Desc. & Notes


    as your views are all ways helpful.
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Does anyone have any build suggestions for the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser (Khnial Class)?

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    please can you take a look at this build I found and please tell me what you think.

    which looks very powerful.

    please also take a look at Reputation, Skill Tree, Desc. & Notes


    as your views are all ways helpful.

    its ok, but on every part i would change little things here and there, but its basically solid. but without EPtE its ability to position and escape is severely stunted though. also torps are pretty useless unfortunately, better to go with BO
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