Its used for a mix of PVP and PVE, i usually have a few pvp matches later on at night.
Some things to note:
Skill Tree:
Points in Driver Coil, Sensors not needed.
You really like projectiles that much?
Warp Core Efficiency doesn't need to be that high. 6 is fine.
With the points you could save by removing points in the above categories, I would boost your Auxiliary Performance category. Pretty useful for an Aux2Bat build.
Ship Equipment Setup:
Two RCS Consoles are not needed. One is sufficient; if you are still concerned about turn rate, bump up the RCS Console to a purple Mk XI.
I know you didn't select it, but for your warp core, [A->E] and [EPS] would be my recommended modifiers.
Borg XII 2pc set and either the MACO XII shield, Elite Fleet shield, or Borg XII Shield should work well instead of your current equipment. That is, once you reach the upper tiers.
My personal recommendation would be to ditch the Omega Torpedo, place the KCB in the front, and some purple XII Photon Mines in the rear - quick-deploying mines can help keep pesky escorts off of your tail, and serve as distraction to Breen Torpedoes, Plasma Torpedoes, Mines, and fighters.
With one of the Engineering Consoles free because of only one RCS, I suggest moving the Zero Point Conduit (ZPC) up to the Engineering slot, and placing a second Field Generator in the science console slot.
I don't know how you fly your ship, but I suggest squeezing in an EPtA into one of your bridge officer slots. Quite frequently, you need those power levels back up after using the first Aux2Bat, and EPtA can quickly pump up the Aux level just before you hit the second Aux2Bat.
These are just my suggestions; take them with a grain of salt. Hopefully, some/all of it is of use to you.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
for the Defiant build, what skill point allocation should I use??
Does DDIS or anyone else have a skill tree that would compliment this build ???
Send me a link to any of your responses in my inbox just in case I miss a post. Thank you!
I advise that the Hilbert Guide spec template is a good place to start with speccing.
Oh and by the way, hi Nice to see more of our project authors PvPing too
Why is there no listing for the Ha'feh Warbird under your Warbirds section ?
Probably because no one has created a build for it yet.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
So I've been using your patrol escort build linked in the OP of this thread, dontdrunkimshoot, but it doesn't seem as effective anymore for some reason. Is this because of the changes to EPtS or have I just started sucking?
Why is there no listing for the Ha'feh Warbird under your Warbirds section ?
Probably because the boff setup is meh and the inertia is the same as a Nebula. Or he's just busy playing.
Seriously, even the fleet version with its tempting 5 tac consoles isn't going to win me over with 40 inertia. I like the full figured lassies on ice skates as much as the next BC enthusiast but when there's a fleet Dhelan sitting in the next dock over with 5 tac consoles, well... I'll ask for the Dhael skin and call her IRW Dhael Yeah.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
So I've been using your patrol escort build linked in the OP of this thread, dontdrunkimshoot, but it doesn't seem as effective anymore for some reason. Is this because of the changes to EPtS or have I just started sucking?
the one with 4 DHCs? thats become less useful with how resilient everything is, its strong blunt damage but theres no BO or torp closer to exploit a down shield facing
on everything more then ever, id suggest 3 blue or 2 purple damage control doffs so you can run 2 different EPt skills in those few eng stations slots you have. EPtE is great for being speedy and positioning, but with 4 DHCs, i bet you could get a lot out of the EPtW buff. give that a shot
Yes, this sounds weird; AtoB Bop. But this unusual build is really fun and remarkable strong and sturdy. Below my fleet Norgh AtoB build. Im running it with my tac captain, but I guess a science captain would also be great in it. I use the fleet Norgh because it has 2x LTC, which gives lot of possibilities.
Front: 3x DHC, 1x DBB
Back: cutting beam, turret (or omega torp for the 3rd piece bonus)
Deflector: Advanced Positron Deflector Array Mk XII [PartG] [Sen] [Targ] [Threat] or other positron deflector
Engine: Aegis or advanced fleet hyper engine
Shield: Adapted MACO or Advanced Fleet Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x3 [ResA/B]
Warpcore: Overcharged Warp Core with [E->W]
Eng consoles: 2x neutronium, Tachyokinetic convertor or RSC
Sci consoles: Field generator, Borg, Leach
Tac consoles: 3x energy weapon of choice
Power settings: 100/25/60/15
Doffs: 3x purple technicians and 2x system engineers (chance at delayed disable from VM)
A few remarks: This build really needs some practice because it is incredibly fast and has a high turn rate. It can do a reasonable decloak spike kill, but it can also stay and fight. And when things still get too hot, you can escape easily, and cloack and fly around and make another alpha while your opponent thinks you have retreated. One of my favorite ways of maintaining arc on a target is moving backwards (because that also goes with higher speed). Also the build really needs EptS3, without it, resist is too low, and you get killed too easily. The choice of an overcharged warp core seems weird, but it is my experience that I have minimum aux offline time (max 1 sec). The E->W modifier is to compensate for the lack of +15 weapons power, which Bop?s don?t have. This build could work also on other Bop?s, but with the Norgh, the Sci LTC can be used for many interesting tactics. However, because of low aux power, VM is probably best choice, but you could also use tractor beam 3, or TSS3 if you need more defense.
addition 19November2013:
With the introduction of the omni beam array I recently switched to fleet antiproton 4 dual heavy cannons and the omni beam and cutting beam on the back. Also instead of VM, I use tractor beam. The new voth lockbox console is also great for ambush. Great results with this new setup, since the omni beam overload does also do good damage, and you gain a 4th dual heavy rapid fire. I also use 2 beam overload bleed through doffs with the 3 technicians
The boff layout and equipment are therefore now as follows:
I use 2x mine enhanced neutronium alloys with [turn]. The fun/crit consoles are slotten in sci. Tac consoles the new antiproton vulnerability exploiters or locators
What do you all think? Is it viable in pugs? (I don't run premades. My fleet isn't big on PvP. Not to mention my connection can't usually handle voice comms simultaneously. Pugmades at most.)
I'm kinda new to A2B, but I'm having some trouble finding a good station layout. I mean, with (presumeably) 2x copies of A2B on Lieutenant positions, I'm kinda stuck with 3x Ensign engineering stations. Usually, I reserve 2 of those for the obvious 2x EPtS1; but with my new Horatio's, I'm given to understand probably 1x copy of EPtS would suffice, leaving me still 2 eng ensign stations left. See my problem?
Well, the real problem is that I probably don't understand the process right. So, if anyone could give me some idea on how to lay out these stations properly, I'd be most grateful.
I'm kinda new to A2B, but I'm having some trouble finding a good station layout. I mean, with (presumeably) 2x copies of A2B on Lieutenant positions, I'm kinda stuck with 3x Ensign engineering stations. Usually, I reserve 2 of those for the obvious 2x EPtS1; but with my new Horatio's, I'm given to understand probably 1x copy of EPtS would suffice, leaving me still 2 eng ensign stations left. See my problem?
Well, the real problem is that I probably don't understand the process right. So, if anyone could give me some idea on how to lay out these stations properly, I'd be most grateful.
with the tech doffs, you only need 1 copy of every ability, thanks to their effect they get cooled down to their system cooldown. ive got quite a few excelcior builds in this thread actually, some could proboly use some tweeking though at this point. EPtA doesn't really help that much i find, BO3 is usably accurate now, stuff like that
in the 3 ENG ens stations ET1, EPtS1 and EPtW 1 is what i would suggest. you get full up time on both EPt skills and an extra small but helpful hull heal. RSP is a safe bet in the LTC slot, and DEM3 is what will help the most in the COM slot.
i like single cannons up front and turrets in the back, with the 2 part omega set bonus tet glider, and DEM, single cannons can really do an number on a target quickly. you can throw a DBB up front and have BO2 or BO3 for some actual spike too. with the improvments to turn consoles, 1 or 2 of them will make useing those more narrow arc weapons a snap
you can use beams too, but those can provide withering fire on this ship. you wont get near as much out of DEM though because beams have a much slower fire rate and no real equivalent to CRF. consider dropping DEM3 for RSP3, or a team helpful ES3.
with the tech doffs, you only need 1 copy of every ability, thanks to their effect they get cooled down to their system cooldown. ive got quite a few excelcior builds in this thread actually, some could proboly use some tweeking though at this point. EPtA doesn't really help that much i find, BO3 is usably accurate now, stuff like that
in the 3 ENG ens stations ET1, EPtS1 and EPtW 1 is what i would suggest. you get full up time on both EPt skills and an extra small but helpful hull heal. RSP is a safe bet in the LTC slot, and DEM3 is what will help the most in the COM slot.
Thank you very much for your elaborate reply!
Seems I had already laid out my stations the way you described above. Although I'm finding the ET1 to be a bit underwhelming on a ship with so much hull. And, since I run beams on it, I was thinking of maybe switching RSP2 and DEM3 for DEM2 and RSP3.
I currently have FAW3 for main tact (next to TT1 and APB1). For some reason FAW never seems to give the same 'zest' as BO3, but that may just be be an optical illusion.
I have one question left, though. Seems you need to activate A2B *after* you spammed your buffs, or the Haratio's don't seem to have any effect. Which makes cycling your buffs, with a single keybind (the only kind the game provides, it seems) a bit trickier.
Still, I must have done something right, as first time I took my new A2B fleet boat into Starbase 24, I got first place with it. I had to respec a bit to give me a bit more starter aux (61, counting warp core buffs); with 122 weps, and 70 starter shield (and literally minimal engine). I have to say, A2B gives ya an ungodly amount of power (not discounting second set bonus of Borg console + KCB, either).
Anyway, thx again for your advice. I shall look into cannons too.
Hello everyone, my apologies in advance if this has been covered up before, I tried to browse as many pages as I could but here is my request.
I already have my skills set up and everything what Im wondering more is about my current weapon type and shield/deflector/engine.
Im currently flying a retrofit defiant, waiting for the upgrade on my fleet to complete to acquire the fleet variant and although I followed the kind advices of dontdrunkimshoot and I have seen improvement on pvp, I still feel have things I should change to improve.
Im currently using phaser weaponry and a maco shield with borg engine/deflector.
I was wondering if I should invest in acquiring a jem'hadar MK XII set and use polaron weapons instead.
What do you all think? Is it viable in pugs? (I don't run premades. My fleet isn't big on PvP. Not to mention my connection can't usually handle voice comms simultaneously. Pugmades at most.)
those look a bit more stf ready, with the gravity wells. with particle gens, those GW wont hold very well vs using graviton gens. the transphasic weapons are a good way to go on a sci ship though. thats a good place to start from, those builds, tweek as you see fit. that kind of ship i have the least practical knowledge using im afraid, i cant advise as well as i could for a more tactical captain and ship.
Hello everyone, my apologies in advance if this has been covered up before, I tried to browse as many pages as I could but here is my request.
I already have my skills set up and everything what Im wondering more is about my current weapon type and shield/deflector/engine.
Im currently flying a retrofit defiant, waiting for the upgrade on my fleet to complete to acquire the fleet variant and although I followed the kind advices of dontdrunkimshoot and I have seen improvement on pvp, I still feel have things I should change to improve.
Im currently using phaser weaponry and a maco shield with borg engine/deflector.
I was wondering if I should invest in acquiring a jem'hadar MK XII set and use polaron weapons instead.
Thank you kindly for your time.
the jem set and pol weapons wont be any sort of improvement really. the best way to learn is to do! and do on a team of peers. if you haven't already, join the organized PVP channel, and ask lots of questions. between their joking around, there will be people there with the most 'tribal knowledge' about the game that can help you out. and its the best place to form a pugmade, so you know you have got decent backup going into a match.
the best way to get a raw improvement to your ability is to run several key binds that you can use to easily keep some abilities cycling and shields distributing, and others to load up tac buffs, and maybe one to execute all your heals too. ive got a few posts in the table of contents about that too.
dontdrunkimshoot I have the adapted destroyer and cruiser, I wish to use both for the bonuses
please can you give me so pointers
Im not 100 sure n which toon to use them on engineer or science officer which one would you pick ?
Im also looking for a non aux2bat, set up... Some sort of ep2w / ep2s build, As I feel this would be better for a borg ship, can you please help ?
thank you
here are links to my builds using all borg sets and these consoles and 5 Efficient Bridge Officers
Nukara Particle Converter = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Assimilated Module
Zero-Point Energy Console
Plasmonic Leech
Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Shrapnel Torpedo Launcher = grappler as not available on stoacademy
I also have the helsmen trait,
plus I have used the sto power calculator so all power levels hit 125/125/106/130
dontdrunkimshoot I have the adapted destroyer and cruiser, I wish to use both for the bonuses
Could you post specifics on the multi-spectral particle generator bonus? I haven't been able to find anything about the magnitude of the additional damage, if it's modified or buffed by anything, etc. Thanks!
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Could you post specifics on the multi-spectral particle generator bonus? I haven't been able to find anything about the magnitude of the additional damage, if it's modified or buffed by anything, etc. Thanks!
hi redricky
wish i could get to a pc right now, but just been woke up by my baby boy then its back to bed
any how all it states about the bonus is it boost all exotic particle based abilities that use Starship Particle Generators, which to me is almost all of them, ( not much info i know )
take the Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System console, now when used it sends out a shock ware that burns all target it hits and still makes then fight each other up to five i believe ( this is very good agains the borg probes ) not just a charge like the isometric charge
This skill improves the damage from attacks that use exotic particles. Examples of abilities which employ exotic particles include; Charged Particle Burst, Feedback Pulse and Photonic Shockwave, amongst others. This skill only improves the damage from such abilities, and not their other effects/procs.
Starship Particle Generators is a Tier 3 Science skill available to all Starfleet and KDF Commanders. Each increment of this skill costs 2,000 skillpoints.
All exotic particle based abilities, such as (but not limited to):
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dontdrunkimshoot I have the adapted destroyer and cruiser, I wish to use both for the bonuses
please can you give me so pointers
Im not 100 sure n which toon to use them on engineer or science officer which one would you pick ?
Im also looking for a non aux2bat, set up... Some sort of ep2w / ep2s build, As I feel this would be better for a borg ship, can you please help ?
thank you
here are links to my builds using all borg sets and these consoles and 5 Efficient Bridge Officers
Nukara Particle Converter = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Assimilated Module
Zero-Point Energy Console
Plasmonic Leech
Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Shrapnel Torpedo Launcher = grappler as not available on stoacademy
I also have the helsmen trait,
plus I have used the sto power calculator so all power levels hit 125/125/106/130
only different is eng that hits 6 points in Starship Energy Weapon Specialization to get Directed Energy Modulation III.
the 6 points in Starship Particle Generators and Starship Subspace Decompiler are for the Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System console
hmm, those ships i wasn't to interested in, haven't given them to much thought. a bunch of those toys, im not too sure what they do, haven't kept up with the new rep and lock box stuff all that well.
on the cruiser, you can proboly build something viable with the COM for eng, and maybe sci. tac would be pretty pointless, and leave that slow turning ship with out enough tanking ability, something a non quick ship needs a lot of. 7 isn't quite enough turn to fly it like a battle cruiser, the minimum for that is 9.
the destroyer is interesting, i encountered the most potent beam boat i ever faced in one. 11 turn rate is enough turn to build this like an escort though, as long as you use 3, maybe 2, turn consoles.
if you dont want AtB builds, i would suggest getting at least 2 purple damage control doffs, so you can run 2 EPt skills at full up time with just 1 of each. on the destroyer it would give you room for an RSP, and a ET2 or AtS1, DEM1, or even a second RSP i guess. or you could use just 1 of the LTs for eng, and run EPtW1, and EPtS2, and use the other LT for sci or something.
its hard to justify spending my limited time hammering out fully theorized builds at the moment, but i hope to be able to soon.
thank you for your info.
I look forward to your builds
I had 7 in that skill + with them console it hit 125 and over caps are now pointless.
so do you feel a aux2bat build would be better ?
its just with the new borg consoles/warp core + the new Nukara Strikeforce T4 skill needing aux is it worth it still ?
This is a nice build for a fleet Norgh piloted by a sci captain. It maxes out disables and therefore setting up a kill. It does also good DPS, without any tac buffs, so its even more than only a set-up-kill build.
Eng consoles: 2x neutronium, Borg
Sci consoles: 2x or 3x embassy flow cap
Tac consoles: Leach, aceton assimilator, polaron
Purple doffs: 2x damage controll engineers, 3x warp theorists, energy syphon disable version
power settings: 100/20/15/65
This build chains nicely the disables from 2x viral matrix, 2x doffed energy syphon, and not forget the phaser proc. The semi-high aux power ensures a power drain of almost 20 sec. The 3 warp theorists give 3 x 25% chance on a fixed 5 sec disable time when activating energy syphon. The deflectors with subspace decompiler boosts disable time of viral matrix and phaser proc. Also a scramble of 9 a 10 sec is very nice. Imagine all this with a subnuc, and your opponent is ready use the escape pods. Because you have energy syphon, you have a lot of power. Therefore you can run 4 DHC's instead of a full torp build, and be way more effective with better spike. The chroniton stuff equiped on the back is to have some slows. Regarding to heals and resists, the Bop really needs EptS3. The AtoS3 gives a great hull heal which can be used on yourself or be donated to team mates, and not to forget extend shields. The 2 or 3 part KHG is there fore more aux power and more crew resist.
doffs - 2 x cannon special abilities cd (purple) / 3 x A2B cd to skills (purple)
stations - TAC - tt1 / crf 1 / apo 1
ENG - epts 1 / a2b 1 / RSP 2 / DEM3 -or- EWP3
ENG - epte 1 / A2B1
SCI - tss 1 / he 2 (im considering --- tb1 / he2)
TAC consoles - 4xpolaron mk xii rare
SCi consoles - subspace jumper / field gen mk xi rare
ENG consoles - plasmonic lech / 2x fleet rcs (all dmg res) mk xi /neutronum fleet (turn) mk xi
is it good ?
2 copies of Aux2Busey or none. You can dump the cannon doffs with 2 copies. BO1 isn't, well, BO3, but you've got to have a little spike. DEM with Marion or EWP for anti-spam. Aceton Beam is the most neglected ability in the game and just isn't fit to be slotted.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
id agree with ricky here. a cruiser like that does not need APO all that much, id prefer BO3 there, but the regents got to many tac powers, so you got to put something at ENS. this is why i like the excelsior better, that tac ENS isn't helping a fed cruiser much on an AtB build.
on a kdf cruiser, it would be great. APO, with a CRF, TT, and THY1, because the battle cruiser is running DHCs and can drop shields well, unlike 4 shots per cycle single cannons. torps arent even an option if singles are the best you can run. and BO1 is pretty suck for the power it drains. i guess thats why all why i just dont recommenced the regent at all.
id agree with ricky here. a cruiser like that does not need APO all that much, id prefer BO3 there, but the regents got to many tac powers, so you got to put something at ENS. this is why i like the excelsior better, that tac ENS isn't helping a fed cruiser much on an AtB build.
on a kdf cruiser, it would be great. APO, with a CRF, TT, and THY1, because the battle cruiser is running DHCs and can drop shields well, unlike 4 shots per cycle single cannons. torps arent even an option if singles are the best you can run. and BO1 is pretty suck for the power it drains. i guess thats why all why i just dont recommenced the regent at all.
if im going to use dbb i should change to tetryons, using the hyper refraction tetryon comboing with the nukara mines for the 7.6% extra tetryon dmg...
but i think i wont do it because i think its kinda worthless to have a dem build with bo
and i dont agree with redricky, i dont think aceton build is useless, its like a eng subnuc, you just got to send it when the targets he is off... the same goes for the tractor beams...
why should i use 2 atb ? its cd is 40 secs, ive heard the doffs apply to a2b itself too... only if im wrong i would have 2 a2b... but if im right, only one a2b is enough for the skills i want.... APO / RSP / DEM / AB / HE / TSS
also using beam overloads with a2b is very good since a2b energy gain is instant, its very good to replenish weapon power after using bo, i could use as many as i want with 2 a2b, good one redricky, i will think about your build
and about the science stations, wich one is better ? the one with tractor beam or the other ? i think the tb one is better since it can "neutralize" more dmg than tss could heal me... its situational *my english is bad, sry* ... considering i use fleet elite shields... help here
and one more thing... why everyone prefers the excelsior rather than the regent ? *fleet*
ty for the support
"Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
That's me !
I decided to put dual aux2bat back on my fleet excelsior and finally respecced my skills as well (it was a mess before).
Just looking for input on the build but more especially how i have reskilled
Its used for a mix of PVP and PVE, i usually have a few pvp matches later on at night.
Some things to note:
Skill Tree:
Ship Equipment Setup:
These are just my suggestions; take them with a grain of salt. Hopefully, some/all of it is of use to you.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
I have never trusted humans, and I never will
I advise that the Hilbert Guide spec template is a good place to start with speccing.
Oh and by the way, hi
Probably because no one has created a build for it yet.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Probably because the boff setup is meh and the inertia is the same as a Nebula. Or he's just busy playing.
Seriously, even the fleet version with its tempting 5 tac consoles isn't going to win me over with 40 inertia. I like the full figured lassies on ice skates as much as the next BC enthusiast but when there's a fleet Dhelan sitting in the next dock over with 5 tac consoles, well... I'll ask for the Dhael skin and call her IRW Dhael Yeah.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
the one with 4 DHCs? thats become less useful with how resilient everything is, its strong blunt damage but theres no BO or torp closer to exploit a down shield facing
on everything more then ever, id suggest 3 blue or 2 purple damage control doffs so you can run 2 different EPt skills in those few eng stations slots you have. EPtE is great for being speedy and positioning, but with 4 DHCs, i bet you could get a lot out of the EPtW buff. give that a shot
Front: 3x DHC, 1x DBB
Back: cutting beam, turret (or omega torp for the 3rd piece bonus)
Deflector: Advanced Positron Deflector Array Mk XII [PartG] [Sen] [Targ] [Threat] or other positron deflector
Engine: Aegis or advanced fleet hyper engine
Shield: Adapted MACO or Advanced Fleet Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x3 [ResA/B]
Warpcore: Overcharged Warp Core with [E->W]
Cmdr: TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
LTC: EptE1, AtoB1, EptS3
LT: ET1, AtoB1
LTC: PH1, HE2, VM1 (or something else)
Eng consoles: 2x neutronium, Tachyokinetic convertor or RSC
Sci consoles: Field generator, Borg, Leach
Tac consoles: 3x energy weapon of choice
Power settings: 100/25/60/15
Doffs: 3x purple technicians and 2x system engineers (chance at delayed disable from VM)
A few remarks: This build really needs some practice because it is incredibly fast and has a high turn rate. It can do a reasonable decloak spike kill, but it can also stay and fight. And when things still get too hot, you can escape easily, and cloack and fly around and make another alpha while your opponent thinks you have retreated. One of my favorite ways of maintaining arc on a target is moving backwards (because that also goes with higher speed). Also the build really needs EptS3, without it, resist is too low, and you get killed too easily. The choice of an overcharged warp core seems weird, but it is my experience that I have minimum aux offline time (max 1 sec). The E->W modifier is to compensate for the lack of +15 weapons power, which Bop?s don?t have. This build could work also on other Bop?s, but with the Norgh, the Sci LTC can be used for many interesting tactics. However, because of low aux power, VM is probably best choice, but you could also use tractor beam 3, or TSS3 if you need more defense.
addition 19November2013:
With the introduction of the omni beam array I recently switched to fleet antiproton 4 dual heavy cannons and the omni beam and cutting beam on the back. Also instead of VM, I use tractor beam. The new voth lockbox console is also great for ambush. Great results with this new setup, since the omni beam overload does also do good damage, and you gain a 4th dual heavy rapid fire. I also use 2 beam overload bleed through doffs with the 3 technicians
The boff layout and equipment are therefore now as follows:
Front: 4x advanced fleet antiproton DHC
back: 1x omni antiproton beam array, 1x kinetic cutting beam.
Deflector and engine: Borg
Shield: Jem Hadar
Warpcore: Elite Fleet Reinforced Warp Core Mk XII [EPS] [W->S] [ECap] [AMP] [SST]
Boff layout:
TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
ET1, AtoB1, EptS3
EptE1, AtoB1, DEM2
TrB1, HE2
I use 2x mine enhanced neutronium alloys with [turn]. The fun/crit consoles are slotten in sci. Tac consoles the new antiproton vulnerability exploiters or locators
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
In both cases:
Power settings: 15/45/50/90
2xPWO, 1 Deflector Officer, 1 Gravimetric Scientist, 1 new-doff-that-reduces-cooldown-on exotic-damage-on-use-of-GW/TR
What do you all think? Is it viable in pugs? (I don't run premades. My fleet isn't big on PvP. Not to mention my connection can't usually handle voice comms simultaneously. Pugmades at most.)
I'm looking for an aux2bat build for the Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit yet. See also:
I'm kinda new to A2B, but I'm having some trouble finding a good station layout. I mean, with (presumeably) 2x copies of A2B on Lieutenant positions, I'm kinda stuck with 3x Ensign engineering stations. Usually, I reserve 2 of those for the obvious 2x EPtS1; but with my new Horatio's, I'm given to understand probably 1x copy of EPtS would suffice, leaving me still 2 eng ensign stations left. See my problem?
Well, the real problem is that I probably don't understand the process right. So, if anyone could give me some idea on how to lay out these stations properly, I'd be most grateful.
with the tech doffs, you only need 1 copy of every ability, thanks to their effect they get cooled down to their system cooldown. ive got quite a few excelcior builds in this thread actually, some could proboly use some tweeking though at this point. EPtA doesn't really help that much i find, BO3 is usably accurate now, stuff like that
in the 3 ENG ens stations ET1, EPtS1 and EPtW 1 is what i would suggest. you get full up time on both EPt skills and an extra small but helpful hull heal. RSP is a safe bet in the LTC slot, and DEM3 is what will help the most in the COM slot.
i like single cannons up front and turrets in the back, with the 2 part omega set bonus tet glider, and DEM, single cannons can really do an number on a target quickly. you can throw a DBB up front and have BO2 or BO3 for some actual spike too. with the improvments to turn consoles, 1 or 2 of them will make useing those more narrow arc weapons a snap
you can use beams too, but those can provide withering fire on this ship. you wont get near as much out of DEM though because beams have a much slower fire rate and no real equivalent to CRF. consider dropping DEM3 for RSP3, or a team helpful ES3.
Thank you very much for your elaborate reply!
Seems I had already laid out my stations the way you described above.
I currently have FAW3 for main tact (next to TT1 and APB1). For some reason FAW never seems to give the same 'zest' as BO3, but that may just be be an optical illusion.
I have one question left, though. Seems you need to activate A2B *after* you spammed your buffs, or the Haratio's don't seem to have any effect. Which makes cycling your buffs, with a single keybind (the only kind the game provides, it seems) a bit trickier.
Still, I must have done something right, as first time I took my new A2B fleet boat into Starbase 24, I got first place with it.
Anyway, thx again for your advice.
I already have my skills set up and everything what Im wondering more is about my current weapon type and shield/deflector/engine.
Im currently flying a retrofit defiant, waiting for the upgrade on my fleet to complete to acquire the fleet variant and although I followed the kind advices of dontdrunkimshoot and I have seen improvement on pvp, I still feel have things I should change to improve.
Im currently using phaser weaponry and a maco shield with borg engine/deflector.
I was wondering if I should invest in acquiring a jem'hadar MK XII set and use polaron weapons instead.
Thank you kindly for your time.
those look a bit more stf ready, with the gravity wells. with particle gens, those GW wont hold very well vs using graviton gens. the transphasic weapons are a good way to go on a sci ship though. thats a good place to start from, those builds, tweek as you see fit. that kind of ship i have the least practical knowledge using im afraid, i cant advise as well as i could for a more tactical captain and ship.
the jem set and pol weapons wont be any sort of improvement really. the best way to learn is to do! and do on a team of peers. if you haven't already, join the organized PVP channel, and ask lots of questions. between their joking around, there will be people there with the most 'tribal knowledge' about the game that can help you out. and its the best place to form a pugmade, so you know you have got decent backup going into a match.
the best way to get a raw improvement to your ability is to run several key binds that you can use to easily keep some abilities cycling and shields distributing, and others to load up tac buffs, and maybe one to execute all your heals too. ive got a few posts in the table of contents about that too.
please can you give me so pointers
Im not 100 sure n which toon to use them on engineer or science officer which one would you pick ?
Im also looking for a non aux2bat, set up... Some sort of ep2w / ep2s build, As I feel this would be better for a borg ship, can you please help ?
thank you
here are links to my builds using all borg sets and these consoles and 5 Efficient Bridge Officers
Nukara Particle Converter = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Assimilated Module
Zero-Point Energy Console
Plasmonic Leech
Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System = grappler as not available on stoacademy
Shrapnel Torpedo Launcher = grappler as not available on stoacademy
I also have the helsmen trait,
plus I have used the sto power calculator so all power levels hit 125/125/106/130
eng build
science build
only different is eng that hits 6 points in Starship Energy Weapon Specialization to get Directed Energy Modulation III.
the 6 points in Starship Particle Generators and Starship Subspace Decompiler are for the Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System console
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
hi redricky
wish i could get to a pc right now, but just been woke up by my baby boy then its back to bed
any how all it states about the bonus is it boost all exotic particle based abilities that use Starship Particle Generators, which to me is almost all of them, ( not much info i know )
take the Indoctrination Nanite Dispersal System console, now when used it sends out a shock ware that burns all target it hits and still makes then fight each other up to five i believe ( this is very good agains the borg probes ) not just a charge like the isometric charge
Starship Particle Generators
This skill improves the damage from attacks that use exotic particles. Examples of abilities which employ exotic particles include; Charged Particle Burst, Feedback Pulse and Photonic Shockwave, amongst others. This skill only improves the damage from such abilities, and not their other effects/procs.
Starship Particle Generators is a Tier 3 Science skill available to all Starfleet and KDF Commanders. Each increment of this skill costs 2,000 skillpoints.
All exotic particle based abilities, such as (but not limited to):
Aceton Assimilators
Aceton Beam
Charged Particle Burst
Eject Warp Plasma
Feedback Pulse
Gravity Well
Isometric Charge
Photonic Shockwave
Tractor Beam Repulsors
Tyken's Rift
Vent Theta Radiation
Antiproton Sweep
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hmm, those ships i wasn't to interested in, haven't given them to much thought. a bunch of those toys, im not too sure what they do, haven't kept up with the new rep and lock box stuff all that well.
on the cruiser, you can proboly build something viable with the COM for eng, and maybe sci. tac would be pretty pointless, and leave that slow turning ship with out enough tanking ability, something a non quick ship needs a lot of. 7 isn't quite enough turn to fly it like a battle cruiser, the minimum for that is 9.
the destroyer is interesting, i encountered the most potent beam boat i ever faced in one. 11 turn rate is enough turn to build this like an escort though, as long as you use 3, maybe 2, turn consoles.
if you dont want AtB builds, i would suggest getting at least 2 purple damage control doffs, so you can run 2 EPt skills at full up time with just 1 of each. on the destroyer it would give you room for an RSP, and a ET2 or AtS1, DEM1, or even a second RSP i guess. or you could use just 1 of the LTs for eng, and run EPtW1, and EPtS2, and use the other LT for sci or something.
its hard to justify spending my limited time hammering out fully theorized builds at the moment, but i hope to be able to soon.
I look forward to your builds
I had 7 in that skill + with them console it hit 125 and over caps are now pointless.
so do you feel a aux2bat build would be better ?
its just with the new borg consoles/warp core + the new Nukara Strikeforce T4 skill needing aux is it worth it still ?
Ship: Fleet Norgh
front: 4x phased polaron DHC
Back: Chroniton mine, chroniton torp
Deflector: KHG or graviton or other deflector with SubD
Engine: KHG
Shield: KHG
Warpcore: Hyper injection
Cmdr: EptE1, ExtS1, EptS3, AtoS3
LTC: ST1, ES1, VM1
LTC: ST1, ES1, VM1
LT: PH1, SS1
Eng consoles: 2x neutronium, Borg
Sci consoles: 2x or 3x embassy flow cap
Tac consoles: Leach, aceton assimilator, polaron
Purple doffs: 2x damage controll engineers, 3x warp theorists, energy syphon disable version
power settings: 100/20/15/65
This build chains nicely the disables from 2x viral matrix, 2x doffed energy syphon, and not forget the phaser proc. The semi-high aux power ensures a power drain of almost 20 sec. The 3 warp theorists give 3 x 25% chance on a fixed 5 sec disable time when activating energy syphon. The deflectors with subspace decompiler boosts disable time of viral matrix and phaser proc. Also a scramble of 9 a 10 sec is very nice. Imagine all this with a subnuc, and your opponent is ready use the escape pods. Because you have energy syphon, you have a lot of power. Therefore you can run 4 DHC's instead of a full torp build, and be way more effective with better spike. The chroniton stuff equiped on the back is to have some slows. Regarding to heals and resists, the Bop really needs EptS3. The AtoS3 gives a great hull heal which can be used on yourself or be donated to team mates, and not to forget extend shields. The 2 or 3 part KHG is there fore more aux power and more crew resist.
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
fore weapons - 4x polaron cannons mk xi accx3
aft weapons - 2x polaron turrets mk xi accx3 / nukara mines and cloaking tractor mines
deflector - borg mk xii
engine - borg mk xii
shield - elite covariant fleet mk xii
warp core - aux cap ... W->E ... eps and shield capacitor mk xi
devices - shield battery / engine battery / subspace field modulator / deuterium surplus
doffs - 2 x cannon special abilities cd (purple) / 3 x A2B cd to skills (purple)
stations - TAC - tt1 / crf 1 / apo 1
TAC - tt1
ENG - epts 1 / a2b 1 / dem 2 / ab3
ENG - epte 1 / rsp
SCI - tss 1 / he 2 (im considering --- tb1 / he2)
TAC consoles - 4xpolaron mk xii rare
SCi consoles - subspace jumper / field gen mk xi rare
ENG consoles - plasmonic lech / 2x fleet rcs (all dmg res) mk xi /neutronum fleet (turn) mk xi
is it good ?
That's me !
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
on a kdf cruiser, it would be great. APO, with a CRF, TT, and THY1, because the battle cruiser is running DHCs and can drop shields well, unlike 4 shots per cycle single cannons. torps arent even an option if singles are the best you can run. and BO1 is pretty suck for the power it drains. i guess thats why all why i just dont recommenced the regent at all.
if im going to use dbb i should change to tetryons, using the hyper refraction tetryon comboing with the nukara mines for the 7.6% extra tetryon dmg...
but i think i wont do it because i think its kinda worthless to have a dem build with bo
and i dont agree with redricky, i dont think aceton build is useless, its like a eng subnuc, you just got to send it when the targets he is off... the same goes for the tractor beams...
why should i use 2 atb ? its cd is 40 secs, ive heard the doffs apply to a2b itself too... only if im wrong i would have 2 a2b... but if im right, only one a2b is enough for the skills i want.... APO / RSP / DEM / AB / HE / TSS
also using beam overloads with a2b is very good since a2b energy gain is instant, its very good to replenish weapon power after using bo, i could use as many as i want with 2 a2b, good one redricky, i will think about your build
and about the science stations, wich one is better ? the one with tractor beam or the other ? i think the tb one is better since it can "neutralize" more dmg than tss could heal me... its situational *my english is bad, sry* ... considering i use fleet elite shields... help here
and one more thing... why everyone prefers the excelsior rather than the regent ? *fleet*
ty for the support
That's me !