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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    I use two TT1s with 2 blue conn doffs

    and as said above, the global cooldown is not going below 15 seconds, period.

    with 2 rare conn doffs you get the cooldown of one TT1 from 30 to 18 seconds upon activation.
    30 seconds - (2x6 seconds=12 seconds)=18 seconds

    i personally use 1x TT1 and a very rare and a rare conn doff to get it to 16 seconds...sufficent for me, since 4.5 millions more for 1 second is not worth it imho.

    if you still insist on this some more proof would be in order.

    also if it is in any way possible, the effect is probably caused by the maco 2 piece bonus (5% cooldown bonus or so), but that is a bug since it is not supposed to lower global cooldowns.

    *edit: tried to recreate this and found out what gives the impression that this is going to 13 sec cooldown...or i think that may be it.
    It takes the the doffs 1-2 seconds to be affective, meaning that the cooldown on the second TT is already running for atleast a second before the doffs kick in...all in all it is still 15 seconds it's just the count starts at 30...29...15...14...13
    the second copy of tac team is therefore a second faster than the one activated.
    the effective cooldown is still the same though...15 seconds
    Go pro or go home
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    if you still insist on this some more proof would be in order.

    also if it is in any way possible, the effect is probably caused by the maco 2 piece bonus (5% cooldown bonus or so), but that is a bug since it is not supposed to lower global cooldowns.

    I know I'm not an expert but you have precluded the possibility of the doff proc-ing on the second version of TT affecting the 15 second cooldown on that.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    I know I'm not an expert but you have precluded the possibility of the doff proc-ing on the second version of TT affecting the 15 second cooldown on that.

    it's not a proc...nr.1
    its a fixed 6 seconds with rare and 8 seconds with very rare, stackable!

    the "global cooldown" prohibits ANY proc/or effect to go below the shared cooldown when 2 copies of an ability are used.

    15 seconds is the absolute minimum of cooldown even if all possible procs/effects acure, period.

    your claim is not recreatable, you say you have video footage to proove it...plz go ahead and show it.

    another explanation could be that you have such extensive rubberbanding and laggs that the numbers you see are results of this package loss.
    Go pro or go home
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    15 seconds is the absolute minimum of cooldown even if all possible procs/effects acure, period.

    your claim is not recreatable, you say you have video footage to proove it...plz go ahead and show it.

    Ok, on further investigation myself I stand corrected and was misinterpreting what I was seeing, my mistake
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    now i really need your help - ive bought 4 fleet modules and, well, i cant decide with romulan ship to choose... the ships im looking for are mainly the fleet dhelan or the fleet ha'feh, but i cant decide !

    when i think in a build for the ha'feh, it looks better.... and when i think in a build for the dhelan, it looks better >.>

    both ships are a2b capable... but if i put a2b in the dhelan itll be without rsp, thats the problem... and the problem in the hafeh is the useless 3rd eng ensign and "cant properly use bo"

    the build ive been planning for both ships are quite similar to the ones ddis show in the 1rd page... switching vm for tbr thats all xD and for the hafeh is without bo and with et 1

    going without rsp is suicide or not ? will the bo and the tbr do better job than the rsp and et ?

    i really need help here !
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ssb64 wrote: »
    now i really need your help - ive bought 4 fleet modules and, well, i cant decide with romulan ship to choose... the ships im looking for are mainly the fleet dhelan or the fleet ha'feh, but i cant decide !

    when i think in a build for the ha'feh, it looks better.... and when i think in a build for the dhelan, it looks better >.>

    both ships are a2b capable... but if i put a2b in the dhelan itll be without rsp, thats the problem... and the problem in the hafeh is the useless 3rd eng ensign and "cant properly use bo"

    the build ive been planning for both ships are quite similar to the ones ddis show in the 1rd page... switching vm for tbr thats all xD and for the hafeh is without bo and with et 1

    going without rsp is suicide or not ? will the bo and the tbr do better job than the rsp and et ?

    i really need help here !

    it sounds like the tvaro is the middle ground your looking for
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    it sounds like the tvaro is the middle ground your looking for

    the stations are perfect for what i want, but with low hull, i should use et, making the hafeh better, again.... ive spoken with some guys in opvp chat and everyone said that i should only use the tvaro if i care about its ebc, since i dont... drawbacks for something i dont want .... ive tried most ltcomm sci skills and most of them doesnt compensate for the lack of a rsp... also the et can have its use in a battle cloaker...

    looks like ill pick the fleet hafeh... yet it looks ugly,and comes from the hapax*cough*cough* ...:rolleyes:
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Could someone more experienced please share feedback on this Fleet Intrepid build?


    Desc/notes section is also filled out with DOFF choices and such.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Could someone more experienced please share feedback on this Fleet Intrepid build?

    I think it would benefit from a beam array up front also as that will give 100% target subsystem availability but that is just me
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hey drunk I need your wisdom here.

    I'm building a plasma escort and I need some info:

    The skill Particle Gens boost plasma DoTs? What about the sci console?

    Wich plasma infuser console should I choose?
    Division Hispana
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Could someone more experienced please share feedback on this Fleet Intrepid build?


    Desc/notes section is also filled out with DOFF choices and such.

    looks like a solid team ship, a ton of healing and all the painful kinetic weapon procs with some stuns too. these types of ships arent my specialty, but it looks good to me.
    mrkollins wrote: »
    Hey drunk I need your wisdom here.

    I'm building a plasma escort and I need some info:

    The skill Particle Gens boost plasma DoTs? What about the sci console?

    Wich plasma infuser console should I choose?

    partial consoles only buff EWP dot. the embassy consoles, the plasma infused ones buff EWP too, and torpedo procs as well. plasma infusers got nerfed, they used to buff all plasma damage and procs, but now they just buff the energy weapons, no longer do they buff the torpedo and EWP dot. the + to plasma damage on the embassy consoles still buffs everything though
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any news on a scimitar build or any romulan dreadnought builds.
    As Im having trouble on what trouble consoles to use.
    I know particle gens embassy consoles boost the Thalaron Pluse, and New fleet armour are good to for turning,
    its just if i about Borg/ romulan rep consoles and the 3 rom dread consoles. I also here the photonic leech is good to, but thats 7 consoles not adding weapons consoles
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    this is the first 3 pack ive get actually, the odyssey was a good heal boat but not much else, the bortas was basically an odyssey more then a real battle cruiser that could turn, dispute its high amount of tac consoles it could not be played as a real battle cruiser, and is of little interest as a result. the vesta and andorian ship id like to have, if they didnt have the cost associated with them. im sure eventually i'll have enough dil for them

    but this scimitar, i got it on day 1. starting with a 7 turn rate, it can actually be made to work. its got cloaked alphas, enhanced turn rate 15 seconds out of cloak if you got a superior reman, and theirs not even a down side to cloaking because your shields dont fall. between those periods of cloak, you can make it turn alright with EPtE and a turn console or 2. the LoR change to those 2 things did a massive amount of good for large and lumbering ships to maneuver about easier. with EPtE, you can just exploit thier bad turn rate as much. you should have about a 20 turn rate between cloaks, and if you use the falchion and load up on more turn consoles you could conceivably get about 30 turn out of it

    the scimitar is obviously going to deal the most damage, the falchion you can ether tank or turn best with, and the tulwar, i dont see much use for it outside stacking particle gens to make the tholian weapon deal the most damage. or well, i guess stacking 4 or 5 field gens if your really into shield capacity. i can get the scimitar to turn well enough, so im going to be using it. might dable in a max turn rate falchion a bit later.

    4 DHC, 1 DBB, 3 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3

    ET1, AtB1, EPtS3
    EPtE1, AtB1

    HE1, TSS2

    aegis/borg engine
    aegis/borg deflector
    jem hadar/maco/fleet elite shield

    RCS, RCS OR 3rd scim console

    valdor console, 2 scim consoles

    5 energy damage

    doffs- 3 tech, 2 BO penetration doffs

    this ship has the vet ship station setup, the best setup in the game. with it, you can set up every classic pure escort station setup, or have an abundance of sci or eng to go with top level tac skills. best feature of all, you can run a cruiser like 2 AtB build on it, giving you basically 2 COM tactical, 2 LTC eng stations, 4 ENS eng stations, and 2 sci LTs, with 2 more grab bag universal ENS skill. the down side is the very low average aux score. on this ship, that not only means weak sci heals without an aux batt, but decloaking yourself, or preventing you from cloaking for 10 second periods. this is were the very powerful tech doffs balance themselves well.

    for your new rom characters, what veteran characters consider basic gear will be unavailable until you get through rep grinding. the aegis deflector, engine, and jem shield are the best basic stuff you can get untill you have enough fleet marks or rep ground out. in pvp, the thaloron weapon can be fun to set off sometimes, as long as you dont AtB yourself before using it, its damage is aux based. but in pvp i tend to strip off the secondary shield console and stick another turn console on. though i have thaloron'ed in pvp a few times to hilarious effect, and hilarious failure. people, please, if you see a scim using thaloron, be kind enough to issue him a TT, would you? that person cant use any skills, or even manually distribute wile charging up the attack.

    anyone who uses battlecruisers, so like only me as far as i can tell, will be used to the slide that comes with the 20 inertia, and can use it to your advantage. EPtE will cause about 4 times the amount of sliding though, it can be a real handful, but its not going to be able to turn or position without it. you can alpha wile cloaked, use it! once AtB has cooled down your skills, and possibly decloaked you, alpha them again if they still live. you can keep a 30+ turn rate for 15 seconds with a good reman, at least long enough for your cloak to cooldown. some time during this a tractor beam can be helpful for keeping someone from moving on you to much. assuming you have aux at this point you might as well cloak again, and decloak alpha all over again. ive got to hand it to them, the ship really is just like it was in nemisis.

    you should have enough to tank well, i prefer strong shield resistance over RSP and thus use EPtS3. if you get to the point were you need RSP, maybe you should have cloaked by now. the valdor console is literally always feeding you hitpoints, and TSS and quantum absorption with ET1 and HE1 at their global offer quite a lot of healing. the universal ENS could be used for TSS, and something more offensive used in the LT sci clot. like CPB for decloaking other scimitars, TBR to clear you some space, and well thats proboly all that could be useful.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TBR norgh BOP

    i got my self a new toy, and got a little creative. its a 2 AtB build, with a COM sci with most of its damage coming from TBR3. its been quite a lot of fun, and is a bit different from your typical BOP build going in for the 1 shot with BO and torps. its best used on something that already is missing a 1/4 of its hitpoints, but ive killed quite a few things from full health with this

    3 DHC, omega torp, 2 turrets

    PH1, HE2, TSS3, TBR3
    TT1, CRF1, APO1
    ET1, AtB1, EPtS3
    EPtE1, AtB

    borg deflector
    borg engine
    maco shield

    borg, rom, temporal
    3 particle gen
    3 energy weapon damage

    the AtB kills your push, so your your just dealing pure damage and your target takes every pulse. with APO and EPtE you should be able to keep up with any push you have. the omega torp can stack a good amount of plasma fire, and plasma energy weapons could benifit from embassy plasma infused particle consoles, and have a small DOT of thier own. the cannons are mainly for moping up your very hagered target, EPtS3 can keep you in the game for quite a wile. some may prefer RSP though. throwing on a breen torp and cutting beam aft are viable as well, the cannons can proboly breach a shield at least at first on thier own, and after the push doing a little spin and hitting them with lots of trans mines may be a nice extra. havent seen TBR used for offense since they broke and fixed how particle gens interact with them, thought it was about time to bring this tactic back
  • chlamidiotchlamidiot Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TBR norgh BOP
    This could be a nice build for a sci captian as well with the particle generator trait we got with LoR. IDK what the final numbers would shake down as v. APA but the uptime is constant as long as you are taking fire. Also I haven't checked if the trait goes so far as to buff plasma dots. More tinkering is required.

    -rr ;)
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2013
    Im a huge fan of the Norgh.

    1 tac of me uses an AtoB build. My sci uses a disable build, with all cannons. However, this fragile ship really needs AtoS3 if it wants to stay in battle.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • pixxiedust99pixxiedust99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am using http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8998411&postcount=672

    But I'm wondering which Embassy Console - Science - Emitter Array to use with it.

    I am sorta thinking of going with the Plasma infusers, the vessel has 4 consoles and I might actually be able to pull a little bit of damage off with this set up. Also I could use them in pve to potientially pull off acceptable damage with this very heal and tanky build set up, (maybe even be able to heal tank with the right set up).

    My questions are: is this build so much on the non damage end that, these wouldn't help enough to make it viable? Also maybe the shield or hull variant are soo good that I should take them instead? Or maybe its all negligible and I should just take whatever fits my playstyle?
  • petaluma1petaluma1 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What little time I've spent reading all of theses messages and your advice I've come away learning allot.

    I'm a Fed Tac Officer and have flown most of all the Tac ships up to Fleet level 4 and can't wait on level 5. I'm currently flying a Dominion Dreadnought beam boat build and was wondering how you would advise in building and flying this ship.

    I have a great build but I'm always willing to hear what others are doing with this ship.

    Thanks for your time and advice in advance.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    petaluma1 wrote: »
    What little time I've spent reading all of theses messages and your advice I've come away learning allot.

    I'm a Fed Tac Officer and have flown most of all the Tac ships up to Fleet level 4 and can't wait on level 5. I'm currently flying a Dominion Dreadnought beam boat build and was wondering how you would advise in building and flying this ship.

    I have a great build but I'm always willing to hear what others are doing with this ship.

    Thanks for your time and advice in advance.

    if i were to fly one, id proboly set it up like this

    TT1, FAW2, APO1, APO3
    TT1, FAW2

    EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3
    ET1, RSP1


    3 damage control, 2 shield distribution doffs

    id first be inclined to use a 2 AtB build, but its got too much redundant tac, and not enough of anything else for basic survivability. it still might have trouble surviving, but thats a chronic problem for this ship really. its got more tac then it needs, especially when you use only beams. on a ship like this id actually want RSP doubled up, since you would be using EPtW3 to boost damage as much as possible, and to over cap til your weapons drain is nil. beam boats are able to lay down more dps then ever, no question. but its just so easy to deal with pressure now, its hard to kill anyone with it.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am using http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8998411&postcount=672

    But I'm wondering which Embassy Console - Science - Emitter Array to use with it.

    I am sorta thinking of going with the Plasma infusers, the vessel has 4 consoles and I might actually be able to pull a little bit of damage off with this set up. Also I could use them in pve to potientially pull off acceptable damage with this very heal and tanky build set up, (maybe even be able to heal tank with the right set up).

    My questions are: is this build so much on the non damage end that, these wouldn't help enough to make it viable? Also maybe the shield or hull variant are soo good that I should take them instead? Or maybe its all negligible and I should just take whatever fits my playstyle?

    the plasma proc from energy weapons does almost nothing, you wont notice anything from energy weapon plasma procs. the hull heal is the same strength as a borg 2 part set heal, but just 1 tic of it, so around 1000. i think the shield heal will be more helpful
  • clintsatclintsat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm looking for a decent sci/sci vesta build that can CC and heal (pvp) focused. I've tried all sorts of builds and I'm wondering if sticking with DHC up front is not the way to go.

    Has anyone found a build with beams and EPTW3 useful for a sci? Trying to think out of the box...
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2013
    This is a nice build for a fleet Norgh piloted by a sci captain. It maxes out disables and therefore setting up a kill. It does also reasonable DPS, this without any tac buffs.

    Ship: Fleet Norgh

    front: 4x phased polaron DHC
    Back: Chroniton mine, chroniton torp (or mix it with temporal disruption device or nukara / concentrated tachyon mines if you have it)

    Deflector: KHG or graviton or other deflector with SubD (romulan/reman)
    Engine: KHG
    Shield: KHG
    Warpcore: Hyper injection with W-> choice you wanna boost more

    Cmdr: EptE1, ExtS1, EptS3, AtoS3
    LTC: ST1, ES1, VM1
    LTC: ST1, ES1, VM1
    LT: PH1, SS1

    Eng consoles: 2x neutronium, Borg
    Sci consoles: 2x or 3x embassy flow cap
    Tac consoles: Leach, aceton assimilator, polaron (leach/aceton can also be equiped on sci)

    Purple doffs: 2x damage controll engineers, 3x warp theorists, energy syphon disable version

    power settings: 100/20/15/65

    This build chains nicely the disables from 2x viral matrix, 2x doffed energy syphon, and the phaser proc. The semi-high aux power ensures a power drain of almost 20 sec. The 3 warp theorists give 3 x 25% chance on a fixed 5 sec disable time when activating energy syphon. The deflectors with subspace decompiler boosts disable time of viral matrix and phaser proc. Also a scramble of 9 a 10 sec is very nice. Imagine all this with a subnuc, and your opponent is ready use the escape pods. Because you have energy syphon, you have a lot of power. Therefore you can run 4 DHC's instead of a full torp build, and be way more effective with better dps. The chroniton stuff equiped on the back is to have some slows. Regarding to heals and resists, the Bop really needs EptS3. The AtoS3 gives a great hull heal which can be used on yourself or be donated to team mates every 15 seconds. And not to forget extend shields. The 2 or 3 part KHG is there fore more aux power and more crew resist.

    It's not a cheap build because of the phased polarons and the expensive warp core doffs. But still a very nice build for a sci, and therefore something different in tac-bop land.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Any good RA BoP builds yet?

    I'm currently planning to do a 3DHC, 1DBB/Chronnie torp with 2/3 turrets with a boff layout of:

    TT1, CRF1, HYT/BO3, AP: O3
    EPtS1, DEM1
    EPtS1 (In case of prolonged engagements, PvE for example)
    HE/PH1, TSS2
    LTC up for grabs

    Also, does stealth skill boost anything other than the -visibility stat?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am using http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8998411&postcount=672

    But I'm wondering which Embassy Console - Science - Emitter Array to use with it.

    I am sorta thinking of going with the Plasma infusers, the vessel has 4 consoles and I might actually be able to pull a little bit of damage off with this set up. Also I could use them in pve to potientially pull off acceptable damage with this very heal and tanky build set up, (maybe even be able to heal tank with the right set up).

    My questions are: is this build so much on the non damage end that, these wouldn't help enough to make it viable? Also maybe the shield or hull variant are soo good that I should take them instead? Or maybe its all negligible and I should just take whatever fits my playstyle?

    eng healer builds dont deal damage. there like no reason to fire, you just set off proc heals if you do
  • clintsatclintsat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Is the Fleet Negvar or K't'inga viable for a KDF engineer? If so, should the focus be healing, beam spam, or a quasi-escort DHC setup?
  • akalexiorakalexior Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    clintsat wrote: »
    Is the Fleet Negvar or K't'inga viable for a KDF engineer? If so, should the focus be healing, beam spam, or a quasi-escort DHC setup?

    Probably a DHC setup. The Negh'var and K'tinga are both good ships and with the right abilities they should be quite dangerous - APO, Evasives, EPtE can help you keep DHCs on the target at all times. If you think it's too slow for a DHC setup you should probably use single cannons + turrets, that would still pump out respectable damage while hitting more often.

    You won't have tac spike, but you'll have engineering powers that can help you keep power levels up. As an engineer you won't really be dealing damage through abilities but rather power levels. If you use your abilities right and max your power levels, you will do more sustained powerful DPS than any tac, but that takes practice.

    So, yeah, that would work. You just need to be good with your captain and ship abilities and you'll do fine.

    Pick either ship you like.
  • captweaverscaptweavers Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This is what I was thinking of setting up my Fleet Dhelan (using the AtB and doffs):

    Cmdr Tac: TT1 / APD1 / CRF2 / APO3
    Ens Tac: TT1
    Lt Uni / Eng: EPtEng1 / AtB1
    Lt Eng: EPtS1 / DEM1
    Lt Cmdr Sci: ST1 / TSS2 / HE3

    2xpurple Tech doffs / 2xpurple Attack Pattern doffs / 1xpurple Shiled Distribution doff

    Eng Cons: Enhanced RCS MK XII Ultra rare + all resist / Plamonic Leech
    Sci Cons: Assimilated Module / Tachyokinetic Converter / ZPEC
    Tac Cons: 5x purple MK XII Disruptor Induction Coil

    Weapons: 3x purple MK XII DHC Nanite Disruptors (accx3) / purple MK XII DBB (accx3)
    2x purple MK XII Turrets (accx3) / KCB

    Def: Borg MK XII
    Eng: Borg MK XII
    Sh: Elite Fleet Res - Adapt / ResB / Cap
    Dev: Red Matter / Subspace Field Modulator

    What do you guys think??
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just wanted to share my Fleet Nova build here. It's OK for fun in the queues, but not really a competitive one.

    Cmdr Sci: TB1/TSS2/ES2/ES3
    Lt Cmdr Tac: TT1/CRF1/CRF2
    Lt Sci: ST1/HE2
    Lt Eng: EPtS1/AtS1
    Ens Sci: PH1

    Fore: 3xPhased Polaron Single Cannon
    Aft: Polaron Beam Array, Polaron Turret, Kinetic Cutting Beam (Can be swapped out for an additional turret)

    Def: Borg
    Eng: Borg
    Warp Core: Any Overcharged W->A
    Shield: Borg

    Eng: Plasmonic Leech, Neutronium, RCS Accelerator
    Sci: 3xHuH Embassy Flow Cap, Tachyokinetic
    Tac: 3x Polaron Phase Modulator

    Subspace Field Modulator, Deuterium, Eng Battery

    1xTractor Beam Officer (Shield Drain), 3xWarp Theorist (Shutdown enemy subsystem), 1 more of your choice

    Chain the Energy Siphons to weaken the target and boost your own power (125/125/107/130 and 125/125/120/130 once leech stacks). Use of cannons is recommended due to leech stacking potential. Cannon Rapid Fire is chained in order to wear down the target due to reduced passive healing. Combine the innate target energy subsystems with the Energy Siphons for best results.

    Make use of EM, Deuterium and Eng Batteries to maximise defense when under fire. Due to being unable to chain EPtS without giving up AtS, the Fleet Nova can be a bit squishy. This is helped by the use of the full Borg Set to maximise healing, along with Hull-healing Embassy Consoles to provide additional help once in a while. Between the proc heals, high subsystem power, regenerative shields and high speed, you will be very difficult to pressure down, if combined with good maneuvering. The Borg tractor beam and cutting beam will also allow you to get in a moment of spike here and there.

    The Fleet Nova is a fun little ship. Given its size and maneuverability, it is the true escort among the science vessels. Given a good pilot, it can be very rewarding. In fact, I find it more fun than the Wells atm - along with being less cheesy.
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2013
    Finally I got my corvette on for my tac on KDF side.

    I was originally planning to design an obvious AtoB DHC setup for this speedy ship. However, a few days ago I fought a duel against a fleetie which used a FAW bug with the cardassian disruptors. I was in my AtoB DHC Norgh. And I lost? mainly because he kept moving and I couldn?t keep arc on him to do the necessary damage. With his accurate beams, he kept really good pressure on me, and destroyed me. So this made me think a bit, and I made following build.

    Weapons: [Acc]x2 elite fleet disruptors. Front: 2x DBB, 2x BA. Back: 2x BA, 1x torp (trans/quant)
    Deflector: Aegis (or borg if you need hull proc)
    Engine: Aegis (or borg if you need hull proc)
    Shield: Aegis / aKHG / KHG (placate proc)
    Core: overcharged with efficient mod and E->W

    Power settings: 100/50/35/15

    Eng consoles: 3x neutronium alloy (or mine version with additional turn)
    Sci consoles: borg, leach, nukara (+10 acc)
    Tac consoles: disruptor coils

    HY1, APB1, FAW3, APO3
    TT1, BO2

    EptE1, AtoB1, DEM1
    EptS1, AtoB1


    Purple Doffs: 3x technician, 2x evasive (or 1x Marion if you have the EC)

    Since I don?t have a Galor, I used the elite fleet disruptors. There are Accx2 versions of it. They have the disruptor proc, and shield bypass proc. Together with DEM1 and APB1, there is good hull debuff/damage synergy. When binding to spacebar, a reasonable stable cycle can be made with FAW3+APB1 and BO2+APO3. With the high accuracy, you do several nice things with the buffed FAW: clear spam, debuffing everyone, forcing tactical teams and self heals, leaching power. Next to it, you also have some spike damage with BO and HY torp to make a kill.

    This works of course better on KDF side, with those nice elite disruptors. And it can work on any captain, but probably best with a tac, enhancing that hull damage. Its great with pugging and dog fights.

    Regarding defenses, it?s a little squishy using only EptS1. However, you have a lot of defense and escape possibilities with EptE, APO and EM. If you still die too much, you can make a variation replacing DEM for EptS3. It also makes room for another hull heal: ET1. However, you would lose an important part of the synergy of this build.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I started playing with the Risian Corvette a couple nights ago, and find it works quite well. My setup is designed for dogfighting other escorts or hit-n-run-n-repeat tactics.

    4x Advanced Fleet Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2
    2x Advanced Fleet Polaron Turret Mk XII [Dmg]x2 [Acc]x2
    1x Kinetic Cutting Beam Mk XII [Dmg]x3

    Deflector: Jem'Hadar Deflector Dish Mk XII
    Engine: Jem'Hadar Combat Impulse Engines Mk XII
    Shield: Elite Fleet Adaptive Covariant Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResA] [Adapt]
    Core: Hyper Injection Warp Core Mk XI [Rep] [W->A] [ECap] [SST]

    Subspace Field Modulator
    Auxiliary Battery

    Eng Consoles:
    2x Console - Engineering - Enhanced RCS Accelerator Mk X [+AllRes]
    1x Console - Engineering - Neutronium Alloy Mk XI

    Sci Consoles:
    1x Console - Universal - Subspace Wake Generator
    1x Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech
    1x Console - Science - Field Generator Mk XI

    Tac Consoles:
    4x Console - Tactical - Polaron Phase Modulator Mk XI

    TT1, CSV1, CRF2, APO3
    EPtE1, EPtS2, AtoD2
    TT1, APD
    HE1, TSS2

    2x Conn Officer (Attack Patterns)
    2x Damage Control Engineer
    1x Hazard System Officer

    Power Levels: 100/30/35/35 (actual before plasmonic is closer to 110/54/77/55)

    • I was using this ship with my Science Officer. I haven't fully decided yet, but I might like the RC even better than my JHAS!
    • I never had a chance to get a good test of the Subspace Wake Generator. It's an AoE that works against anyone within 2km behind you. With the insane speed and turn on this ship, I never had anyone back there.
    • Although the ship has less hull and shield than a JHAS, I think it might make up for that with the additional 15% defense bonus. It is supposed to increase with speed, but it seems bugged and never decreases with speed, maintaining that additional 15% defense if I ever come back to a complete stop.
    • I thought about only using 1 Fleet RCS and 2 Neutronium, but the damage resistance difference was only about 4%. I also declined to use the Tachyokinetic Converter.
    • This ship is fast! By the time I find my target and get my cannons lined up, I'm usually halfway past him already.
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