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The new PVP help and ship build thread



  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ssb64 wrote: »
    im thinking of buying the FACR, but before i would like to post the build ive been thinking for it... to see if the patch is clear for me to buy it

    fore weapons - 3x polaron cannons mk xi accx3, DBB
    aft weapons - 2x polaron turrets mk xi accx3 / nukara mines and cloaking tractor mines

    deflector - borg mk xii
    engine - borg mk xii
    shield - elite covariant fleet mk xii
    warp core - aux cap ... W->E ... eps and shield capacitor mk xi

    devices - shield battery / engine battery / subspace field modulator / deuterium surplus

    doffs - 2 x cannon special abilities cd (purple) / 3 x A2B cd to skills (purple)

    stations - TAC - tt1 / crf 1 / apo 1
    TAC - BO1

    ENG - epts 1 / a2b 1 / RSP 2 / DEM3 -or- EWP3
    ENG - epte 1 / A2B1

    SCI - tss 1 / he 2 (im considering --- tb1 / he2)

    TAC consoles - 4xpolaron mk xii rare
    SCi consoles - subspace jumper / field gen mk xi rare
    ENG consoles - plasmonic lech / 2x fleet rcs (all dmg res) mk xi /neutronum fleet (turn) mk xi

    is it good ?
    2 copies of Aux2Busey or none. You can dump the cannon doffs with 2 copies. BO1 isn't, well, BO3, but you've got to have a little spike. DEM with Marion or EWP for anti-spam. Aceton Beam is the most neglected ability in the game and just isn't fit to be slotted.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    id agree with ricky here. a cruiser like that does not need APO all that much, id prefer BO3 there, but the regents got to many tac powers, so you got to put something at ENS. this is why i like the excelsior better, that tac ENS isn't helping a fed cruiser much on an AtB build.

    on a kdf cruiser, it would be great. APO, with a CRF, TT, and THY1, because the battle cruiser is running DHCs and can drop shields well, unlike 4 shots per cycle single cannons. torps arent even an option if singles are the best you can run. and BO1 is pretty suck for the power it drains. i guess thats why all why i just dont recommenced the regent at all.
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    id agree with ricky here. a cruiser like that does not need APO all that much, id prefer BO3 there, but the regents got to many tac powers, so you got to put something at ENS. this is why i like the excelsior better, that tac ENS isn't helping a fed cruiser much on an AtB build.

    on a kdf cruiser, it would be great. APO, with a CRF, TT, and THY1, because the battle cruiser is running DHCs and can drop shields well, unlike 4 shots per cycle single cannons. torps arent even an option if singles are the best you can run. and BO1 is pretty suck for the power it drains. i guess thats why all why i just dont recommenced the regent at all.

    if im going to use dbb i should change to tetryons, using the hyper refraction tetryon comboing with the nukara mines for the 7.6% extra tetryon dmg...

    but i think i wont do it because i think its kinda worthless to have a dem build with bo

    and i dont agree with redricky, i dont think aceton build is useless, its like a eng subnuc, you just got to send it when the targets he is off... the same goes for the tractor beams...

    why should i use 2 atb ? its cd is 40 secs, ive heard the doffs apply to a2b itself too... only if im wrong i would have 2 a2b... but if im right, only one a2b is enough for the skills i want.... APO / RSP / DEM / AB / HE / TSS

    also using beam overloads with a2b is very good since a2b energy gain is instant, its very good to replenish weapon power after using bo, i could use as many as i want with 2 a2b, good one redricky, i will think about your build

    and about the science stations, wich one is better ? the one with tractor beam or the other ? i think the tb one is better since it can "neutralize" more dmg than tss could heal me... its situational *my english is bad, sry* ... considering i use fleet elite shields... help here

    and one more thing... why everyone prefers the excelsior rather than the regent ? *fleet*

    ty for the support
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • captweaverscaptweavers Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey guys, please give some feedback on my build....be nice ;)

  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey guys, please give some feedback on my build....be nice ;)


    polorize hull and TB2 dont do a bug that much good. the speed and turn rate should cause you not to need that extra tractor defense, and since the bug can out manouver everything you dont need to hold someone all that much. id also drop APD so you could shuffle your tac skills around so you got room for another APO. ET1 is the worst hull heal of them all, and its sorta crazy to pvp without 1 HE.

    the rest looks fine, but id set it up like this

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3
    TT1, CRF1, APO1

    EPtS1, RSP1

    TSS1, HE2

    if you had attack pattern doffs, you could get full possible up time with APO3, but those are very expensive. you could get 2 or 3 doffs that reduces the cooldown of BO and FAW, so you can BO as often as you CRF. there are also the damage control doffs, 2 or 3 of those will let you run 1 copy of 2 different EPt skills with full up time, with a minimal chance of letting you down.
  • borgresearcherborgresearcher Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    the rest looks fine, but id set it up like this

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3
    TT1, CRF1, APO1

    EPtS1, RSP1

    TSS1, HE2

    that is a jem bug ... the tac stations are good but eng and sci could use something better :

    eng - EPTs 1 / RSP 1
    EPTe 1

    sci - tb 1 / he 2

    thats a jem bug, you need that much healings, tb is like a healing too, because the targets main weapons are unable to target you for the duration, also you attack more...

    just use 3 brace for impact doffs, that with rsp and in a bug youll kill anything before you get 50% hull... tb can neutralize a lot more dmg that tss could ever heal
    also using using 2 epts is stupid since the shared cd among them is 30s, use epts and epte and itll be a lot better (shared is 15s) with epte even bops will have problem making their dhc targeting you.
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    also using using 2 epts is stupid since the shared cd among them is 30s

    Excuse me? There is a reason why this is a standard build among most escort pilots. Bear in mind that the shield resistance buff and extra power from EPtS lasts for 30s. In other words, when you have two EPtS, you get constant, 100% uptime of a shield resistance buff. Having 1 EPtS will give you only 2/3 uptime. Using EPtE and EPtS is doable, but it will leave holes in your shielding resist that can be blasted through in an instant if you get caught in CC.

    time - ability
    0 EPtS active, 15s cooldown on EPtE
    15s EPtE active, EPtS has 15s remaining
    30s EPtS goes down, 15s cooldown remaining, EPtE has 15s remaining
    - here you are extremely vulnerable to CC -
    45s cycle restarts

    During that period, anyone with a tractor beam (like you suggest) will slaughter you. With EPtS up, you at least have an opportunity to survive and run.

    If you want to use two Emergency Power abilities, use 3 Damage Control Engineers, and you will get about 90% uptime on both.
  • captweaverscaptweavers Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    polorize hull and TB2 dont do a bug that much good. the speed and turn rate should cause you not to need that extra tractor defense, and since the bug can out manouver everything you dont need to hold someone all that much. id also drop APD so you could shuffle your tac skills around so you got room for another APO. ET1 is the worst hull heal of them all, and its sorta crazy to pvp without 1 HE.

    the rest looks fine, but id set it up like this

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3
    TT1, CRF1, APO1

    EPtS1, RSP1

    TSS1, HE2

    if you had attack pattern doffs, you could get full possible up time with APO3, but those are very expensive. you could get 2 or 3 doffs that reduces the cooldown of BO and FAW, so you can BO as often as you CRF. there are also the damage control doffs, 2 or 3 of those will let you run 1 copy of 2 different EPt skills with full up time, with a minimal chance of letting you down.

    Thanks for the input....should I stay with the fleet antiproton weapons (all accx2/dmgx2) or should I switch to polaron weapons (all accx3) or tetryon weapons (all accx3) - using
    3xdhc, 1xdbb and 3xturrets?? Note: my bug is only used for pvp.
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    scurry5 wrote: »
    30s EPtS goes down, 15s cooldown remaining, EPtE has 15s remaining
    - here you are extremely vulnerable to CC -

    how the hell epts helps in Crowd Control ? you want to compare 15s of epts with 30s of epte ?
    now eptx skills are balanced ... before that you were right, but not now.
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the input....should I stay with the fleet antiproton weapons (all accx2/dmgx2) or should I switch to polaron weapons (all accx3) or tetryon weapons (all accx3) - using
    3xdhc, 1xdbb and 3xturrets?? Note: my bug is only used for pvp.

    use only 5 weapons, 6 if you use plasmonic leech... 2 turrets aft plus tractor beam mines, considering you dont have tractor beam equipped.

    if you plan to change to tetryons switch the tractor mines for the nukara mines, and the normal dbb for the hyper refracting for the 2 set bonus (+7.6% tetryon dmg).

    if you had a tractor in your bo stations and the nukara mines or the cloaking tractor ones, i recommend using the fleet weapons - accx2 dmgx2 ... if not, you should use accx3.

    dont use polarons, they are good and cheap, but tetryons or disruptor (antiprotons are ok if you already have them) do a better job.
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ssb64 wrote: »
    how the hell epts helps in Crowd Control ? you want to compare 15s of epts with 30s of epte ?
    now eptx skills are balanced ... before that you were right, but not now.

    I wouldn't say that it helps directly, but it does mitigate it somewhat in that the additional defense provided by EPtE can be neutralised by a tractor, but the shield resist of EPtS is not. That slim margin might give you the chance to tank despite the lack of defense. Even with my mere 6 point spec into Gravitons, I can still hang on to an escort with EPtE up. Not sure why or how, but that's my observation so far.

    In the absence of a competent Sci, yes, combining the two can work. I reacted a bit strongly to him saying that doubling EPTS was useless. Overreacted somewhat. Combining the two has its strengths (the time when both are up) and weaknesses (time when EPTS is down).
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please help me in my aventine build : i think mine is ok but i could use pvp experts help ...
    here it goes:


    FORE : 3x phaser dual heavy cannons mk xi [acc]x3
    AFT : 3x phaser turrets mk xi [acc]x3

    Note: i use 6 weapons instead of the optimal 5 because i have plasmonic leech on... youll see that later****


    DEFLECTOR : borg mk xii
    ENGINE : borg mk xii
    SHIELD : elite fleet covariant mk xii [resA & resB]
    WARP CORE : aux cap / W->A / eps or batteries / shield capacitor
    mk xi vry rare
    HANGAR : elite SRU's


    TAC : 4x phaser relay mk xii rare
    ENG : 2x neutronium fleet mk xi [turn]
    SCI : plasmonic leech / quantum focus phaser / subspace jumper / field gen mk xi rare


    TAC : tt1 / crf 1

    ENG : epts1 / rsp1 / ab1
    epte1 / a2b

    SCI : tb1 / tss 2 / he 3 / fbp3 (or repulsors3)
    note im tac

    in the other thread someone said " 2 a2b or none" can someone explain me why ? a2b tech doff also reduce a2b own cd, making 28 secs in it (20 shared) ... by 8 seconds i should use another a2b ? i dont think so.

    DOFFS :

    1 x tt recharge
    1 x crf recharge
    3 x tech doffs (a2b all skills recharge)

    all purple

    i think just using 1 tt doff and 1 crf doff is enough to always - or almost always to reach its shared cooldown... with a2b and tac initiative... i think its enough, considering i can make a a2b build with aceton beam.

    why ppl dont like aceton beam ? its so op -_- ok its cleared by he but its the same deal as tractor beam, just activate it in the right time...

    help !!!!!!
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Shared is 10 on A2B. It will free up at least 2 doffs. You might even run just 2 purple techs (taking only 20% off with each activation, but the activations coming more frequently) with 2 piece MACO giving 5% or fleet deflectors that give 10% to sci skills to close the gap.

    Aceton Beam is a weak dot with a long duration that is unlikely to run its course before its cleared, and it competes with high level eng abilities that are all really strong choices. However, IDK if the damage debuff is useful, too weak, or even functional, so if somebody parsed the damage drop from the debuff I sure would be interested. If it were strong enough to blunt an alpha it could compete, but I'm skeptical that it is.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i didnt knew a2b shared was 10... that explains a lot
    one more thing, can i apply the a2b tech doff more than once ?
    like : ability A has 3 mins cooldown, its shared is 1 min... i activate a2b and reduces its cd by 30%, if i activate a2b again its cd will be reduced again ?
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • pixxiedust99pixxiedust99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey, this is my first post (yay). I am new to the game, but a hardcore gamer. I have been reading a lot of stuff on the forums (alot) about pvp and cruisers mainly, but also about everything.

    Basically whenever I play a game I want to be the absolute most useful person on the team (I know its a team game, but that's why I want to be useful). I tend more towards healing (but that is open to change) because that is what I did in other games (WoW, The Secret World). I also like big things.

    From what I am reading it seems like my goals could be accomplished with a Cruiser of some type (tac, eng, or sci). I don't care about getting kills or maxing on any charts, I just want to help my team win (being hard to kill is a big plus, but not at the expense of helping my team win).

    My preference is KDF, but I am new and this isn't a deal breaker. My intuition from all my research is that probably a Sci or Tac (meant Eng) Cruiser (probably with A2B) could accomplish this the best, if there were a cheaper variant as I worked toward more expensive stuff that would be good too, but I do plan on having the best gear that I could have as a final product.

    If this is the wrong thread for this, or this isn't protocol please let me know, I am new and don't want to be using bad etiquette or upsetting anyone.

    Thanx again for any input. Please feel free to tell me that Cruisers aren't really that good and I should go a different direction.

    TLDR:What is the most useful pvp build (I hope its not just escort dps)
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ssb64 wrote: »
    i didnt knew a2b shared was 10... that explains a lot
    one more thing, can i apply the a2b tech doff more than once ?
    like : ability A has 3 mins cooldown, its shared is 1 min... i activate a2b and reduces its cd by 30%, if i activate a2b again its cd will be reduced again ?


    Second post starts in on how tech doffs work.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the input....should I stay with the fleet antiproton weapons (all accx2/dmgx2) or should I switch to polaron weapons (all accx3) or tetryon weapons (all accx3) - using
    3xdhc, 1xdbb and 3xturrets?? Note: my bug is only used for pvp.

    im pretty fond of those advanced acc2 fleet weapons, they just hit really hard in my experience, and acc2 is enough acc. id use the energy type you have the best tac consoles with.

    thats the best pvp escort setup for weapons. some of those guys sounded a bit confused about EPt skills, 2 copies of 1 type gives full up time, you want that. but theres damage control doffs that have a chance to lower thier cooldown, 2 or 3 purple is pretty reliable in my experience. you can run 1 copy of EPtE and 1 copy of EPtS, and thanks to the doff have full up time on both.
  • ssb64ssb64 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    redricky wrote: »

    Second post starts in on how tech doffs work.

    that was all the info i was looking for. great thread, really helped me.

    looks like i have to use 2 a2b, but knowing that a2b can cut more than once into other abilites cd its just great. also i didnt knew that a2b always cut total cd, and not the cd of the abilites right at the moment i activate a2b.
    "Achiever Killers often look to 1v1 duels for proof of their superior play and are frustrated by "rock paper scissor" game mechanics."
    That's me !
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey, this is my first post (yay). I am new to the game, but a hardcore gamer. I have been reading a lot of stuff on the forums (alot) about pvp and cruisers mainly, but also about everything.

    Basically whenever I play a game I want to be the absolute most useful person on the team (I know its a team game, but that's why I want to be useful). I tend more towards healing (but that is open to change) because that is what I did in other games (WoW, The Secret World). I also like big things.

    From what I am reading it seems like my goals could be accomplished with a Cruiser of some type (tac, eng, or sci). I don't care about getting kills or maxing on any charts, I just want to help my team win (being hard to kill is a big plus, but not at the expense of helping my team win).

    My preference is KDF, but I am new and this isn't a deal breaker. My intuition from all my research is that probably a Sci or Tac (meant Eng) Cruiser (probably with A2B) could accomplish this the best, if there were a cheaper variant as I worked toward more expensive stuff that would be good too, but I do plan on having the best gear that I could have as a final product.

    If this is the wrong thread for this, or this isn't protocol please let me know, I am new and don't want to be using bad etiquette or upsetting anyone.

    Thanx again for any input. Please feel free to tell me that Cruisers aren't really that good and I should go a different direction.

    hmm, were to start. dedicated healers are a bit of a dieing breed from what i can see, pewpew is more fun for most. the best dedicated healer is the tholian recluse, a lock box ship you can get from the exchange. the orb weaver, another tholian ship, isnt bad ether, but theres no heal or support skill at commander sci, which it has. a kdf healer is the rarest of all, but theres actually a great ship for that purpose thats not to hard to get, its the Fleet Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser Retrofit. science heals, TSS and HE, do the most healing work and are the best heals. the eng heals on the other hand are more spiky, as apposed to over time and larger. so, this station setup is just about perfect for this role.

    the best loan wolf puger healer is an eng, because he has to count on no one cross healing him, wile he tries to keep himself and the rest of the team alive. eng is really weak in any other situation, they serve pretty much no purpose. in any basic team play a sci is a better choice, for what the sci brings to the team, the all important debuffs critical to get anywhere in mid and high level play. on a team the sci healers can cross heal each other, because they are smart enough to.

    AtB is incorrect for healers. used to its potential, your aux will always be nearly gone, and you cant be a good healer without around 125 aux all the time. AtB builds are to make cruisers, and a few destroyers and escorts, more tactical then they could have been otherwise red ricky posted a link to the best source of AtB information a post or 2 ago, give that a read.

    on a team, cruisers have been less and less utilized, even as healers. the vesta, temperal sci ship, and orb weaver can all fill the role of healer quite well, wile providing good CC for the team as well. on the other end of the spectrum, cruiser damage dealing sucks becase it is so gradual, it is dps. thanks to all the anti pressure power creep, DPS, no mater how strong, tends to have a net effect of 0. spike damage is effective damage, strong cannon fire stacked with BO and or some torps, all hitting someone at once. every new adition to the game seems to hurt cruisers more.

    look for a post in the table of contents made by renim about a odyssey heal build, he sets the ship up the same what that corsar comes, and is the most knowledgeable dedicated healer thats still around.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ssb64 wrote: »
    that was all the info i was looking for. great thread, really helped me.

    looks like i have to use 2 a2b, but knowing that a2b can cut more than once into other abilites cd its just great. also i didnt knew that a2b always cut total cd, and not the cd of the abilites right at the moment i activate a2b.

    it cuts the cooldown of anything cooling down when you activate it. but it wont cooldown faster then the built in system cooldown allows.
  • pixxiedust99pixxiedust99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Look for a post in the table of contents made by renim about a odyssey heal build, he sets the ship up the same what that corsar comes, and is the most knowledgeable dedicated healer thats still around.

    Wow that is soo helpful, ty. I read renim's guide and think I want to go this way on the Klingon side. I noticed however that the Corsair you linked seems worse in every way (cept for the Carrier Abilities) than that Odyssey that Renim is using. I have no problems spending Zen on the best ship for this. Are there any other Klingon ships that would fill this roll better. Also what about the Bortasqu (any of the 3, these do have less science devise slots though ;(

    Or Romulan would be ok too.

    Also if the Carrier abilities make up for the differences than that is cool as well.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wow that is soo helpful, ty. I read renim's guide and think I want to go this way on the Klingon side. I noticed however that the Corsair you linked seems worse in every way (cept for the Carrier Abilities) than that Odyssey that Renim is using. I have no problems spending Zen on the best ship for this. Are there any other Klingon ships that would fill this roll better. Also what about the Bortasqu (any of the 3, these do have less science devise slots though ;(

    Or Romulan would be ok too.

    Also if the Carrier abilities make up for the differences than that is cool as well.

    worse? its got a bit less hitpoints, but that doesn't mater to much. thats like the least important stat after a certain point. it also doesn't have a bunch of mostly distracting universal consoles, starts with a better turn rate, and shield heal drones are awesome for yourself or allies. the bortas can have that station setup too, but with its consoles its not the optimized heal platform the corsair is.

    you can get the fleet modules on the exchange for like 5 mil each, you dont have to spend zen on them. 20 mil ec for a fleet ship is a bargain honestly.
  • pixxiedust99pixxiedust99 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    worse? its got a bit less hitpoints, but that doesn't mater to much. thats like the least important stat after a certain point. it also doesn't have a bunch of mostly distracting universal consoles, starts with a better turn rate, and shield heal drones are awesome for yourself or allies. the bortas can have that station setup too, but with its consoles its not the optimized heal platform the corsair is.

    you can get the fleet modules on the exchange for like 5 mil each, you dont have to spend zen on them. 20 mil ec for a fleet ship is a bargain honestly.

    Thanx alot
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Having done some play testing with this build I thought I might submit it here.

    Fore: 3 Phaser beam arrays, 1 quantum torp
    Aft: As fore

    Full MACO/Borg/Aegis/Fleet (whichever takes your fancy, I used MACO)
    Overcharged warp core with [A->W] or [A->E] (whichever takes your fancy)

    Eng: 2x SIF generator, Borg, Neutronium
    Sci: Emitter array, Field generator
    Tac: 3x Phaser relay

    Lt Tac: TT1, AP: D1
    Ens Tac: TT1
    CMDR Eng: EPtS1, Aux2SIF1, Aux2SIF2, ES3
    LTC Eng: EPtA1, RSP1, ES2
    Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2

    3x Damage control engineer (EPtX cooldown, blue or purple), 2 of your choice I used two conns for TT reduction (reducing downtime to 2 or 3 seconds)

    Skill spec

    This is 100% heal based (though the AP: D allows you to help with the damage output :P) and I find an engineer fits nicely with it thanks to their ability to keep their own resistances high under fire, enjoy :)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    Having done some play testing with this build I thought I might submit it here.

    Fore: 3 Phaser beam arrays, 1 quantum torp
    Aft: As fore

    Full MACO/Borg/Aegis/Fleet (whichever takes your fancy, I used MACO)
    Overcharged warp core with [A->W] or [A->E] (whichever takes your fancy)

    Eng: 2x SIF generator, Borg, Neutronium
    Sci: Emitter array, Field generator
    Tac: 3x Phaser relay

    Lt Tac: TT1, AP: D1
    Ens Tac: TT1
    CMDR Eng: EPtS1, Aux2SIF1, Aux2SIF2, ES3
    LTC Eng: EPtA1, RSP1, ES2
    Lt Sci: HE1, TSS2

    3x Damage control engineer (EPtX cooldown, blue or purple), 2 of your choice I used two conns for TT reduction (reducing downtime to 2 or 3 seconds)

    Skill spec

    This is 100% heal based (though the AP: D allows you to help with the damage output :P) and I find an engineer fits nicely with it thanks to their ability to keep their own resistances high under fire, enjoy :)

    since you have 2 copies of TT, you have the best possible TT uptime. so those doffs dont help. solid classic heal cruiser setup though, from the time before power creep lol
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    since you have 2 copies of TT, you have the best possible TT uptime. so those doffs dont help. solid classic heal cruiser setup though, from the time before power creep lol

    It was very effective for me in the queues, I could keep myself or someone else alive under focus fire and as stated in the post, they are optional but I got my TT cooldown down to 12 or 13 seconds using them and regardless they add to peoples attack pattern skill :P
  • ussboleynussboleyn Member Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Tac teams global cooldown can not go below 15 seconds.

  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ussboleyn wrote: »
    Tac teams global cooldown can not go below 15 seconds.

    I am aware of this however that doesn't stop me getting the end cooldown down to 13 seconds which I have done and can video if need be
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    adamkafei wrote: »
    I am aware of this however that doesn't stop me getting the end cooldown down to 13 seconds which I have done and can video if need be

    how you do it would already be sufficent, so anybody is able to recreate it...or debunk it.
    Go pro or go home
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    how you do it would already be sufficent, so anybody is able to recreate it...or debunk it.

    I use two TT1s with 2 blue conn doffs
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