in five hours the house of beautiful orions will have 250,000 xp in each of mil, eng, and sci, and be putting the final t5 upgrade into cd.
has any other kdf fleet done that yet?
looking forward to seeing this page updated:
For massively its 25 million ec, can you offer a more affordable deal?
Unfortunately the support for the FSF Base dropped to nearly Zero shortly before Season seven and the base is still at *slightly* above T4 for Months now.
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Now go get yourself laid... you deserve it
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I think his universal translator is on the fritz. It's been a while since I spoke Sourgrapian, but I believe his message should read
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
Hahahaha, bulls-eye!
Congrats House Of Beautiful Orions! The Home of many!
Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
Oh no, it reads exactly as its meant. It did have an added thing to it but it was lost in transmission it did read... "You are some arroga*static* tw--- the rest is unreadable."
Also, congrats on reaching T5 though. It's not like tons of federation fleets have done it before you.
My KDF fleet is just about to reach T4 in all fields and I have no idea how long it will take us to hit T5.
Congrats on staying the course!
I read the sales page on your website and think it?s quite acceptable. Maybe I'll think about getting that Fleet Vo'quv I'v always wanted.
what you didnt want to hear: when you have upgraded everything to t4, you are exactly 50% of the way through total progression.
thx to most of you
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Just remember that if you get the mine running properly then your last 50% is going to be 15% cheaper
But more expensive due to having to level the mine up as well. The cost to do the mine negates allot of the benifit.
Gratz HOBOs.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Sheesh, you people are all about the rain clouds.
errab asks a question and tehbubbaloo brings out the storm clouds of "you're only half way there"
I pour a little sunshine on it and you want to rain on the parade.
God, you people are so depressing.
1st -==>
2nd ==>
Yeah but House of the Pre-operative Transgendered Orions just have the same cache as HOBO.
Because HOBO's just smell of class
Whether it be through maxed credit cards or maxed team effort, the bottom line is they've accomplished something worthy of a simple congrats.
Congratulations House of Beautiful Orions! Well done.