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STO Gateway: Feedback and Discussion



  • nunodrksnunodrks Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My suggestion would incide in adding "unique-ness" to instances. For example, on infected: The conduit, the final "Boss" is a tactical cube. For now people only group up and target the poor thing with a rain of fire, in my opinion, no strategy whatsoever. You could work on a mechanic that gives the tactical cube abilities for players to watch out. Like for example a chain plasma stream that connects 2 players. These two players should get way from each other or the damage is significantly massive to both. Adding the strategy element to instances would be a good way to morph players into cooperating even more and watch themselves out. I will not get into detail but i think it?s something you should explore.

  • doogie74doogie74 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    nunodrks wrote: »
    My suggestion would incide in adding "unique-ness" to instances. For example, on infected: The conduit, the final "Boss" is a tactical cube. For now people only group up and target the poor thing with a rain of fire, in my opinion, no strategy whatsoever. You could work on a mechanic that gives the tactical cube abilities for players to watch out. Like for example a chain plasma stream that connects 2 players. These two players should get way from each other or the damage is significantly massive to both. Adding the strategy element to instances would be a good way to morph players into cooperating even more and watch themselves out. I will not get into detail but i think it?s something you should explore.


    Wrong Gateway this it talking about this Gateway.

  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would very much like to see the Gateway linked to Arc. I have started using that to launch the game, check forums etc and its a nice feature. If they could link gateway to it then it would turn it into a great feature.

    They mentioned next season could be very doff heavy and that it could tie into gateway so if they plan to really push what gateway can do then it also could do with being as visible and accessible as possible. having it right there on arc would be a great step.
  • enockkenockk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I like the concept of the Gateway but i think it could work a lot better on phones and tablets as an app instead of a browser page
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There's a number of dead icons for Tier 3 embassy and Tier 5 starbase. Also, the KDF fleets are using blue LCARS, whereas the characters and such are (correctly) not.

    Still no resolution to this and since LOR launched I've had more trouble being able to access pages without it timing out.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • gralerongraleron Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A bug when trying to work with the Fleet Roster through the Gateway -- the Member Comments field is missing its data. We get members to put their guild forum handle there to allow officers to associate guild (forum) members with characters / @ handles in game.

    A feature enhancement request for the roster as well -- please allow us to customise how many rows can be displayed at once, or allow us to easily export the full roster in CSV format. I and everyone else who has to do roster reviews on a regular basis will thank you for it!
    Vice Admiral Elaron, USS Hard Light
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Quoting myself from June 3, 2013.
    psiameese wrote: »
    For the past several weeks, my Gateway doesn't work beyond listing my characters. This list, while complete, remains on the screen regardless of which character I select. Of my eleven characters, only a few consistently display the ship type, character class and character race. The rest display randomly some of the details.

    I have a single Fed Tactical and a single KDF Tactical Captain. The KDF Tactical Captain displays the Starfleet logo instead of the KDF logo. My Science and Engineering KDF Captains display the KDF logo correctly.

    Progress report:
    • 11/11 characters listed.
    • The faction and role (Eng-Tac-Sci) icons now display correctly for all my characters.
    • Science characters of only Lieutenant rank - in both factions - display ship type and class below character name. Having never been promoted to Lt. Cmdr seems to be the common denominator. All others display role and race.
    • Clicking any of my eleven characters goes nowhere.
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • emperorwayne1emperorwayne1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My browser on the Galaxy S3 will not allow me to get to Fleet Holdings. As someone who has a fleet that doesn't sleep, this is hard for someone who wants to contribute. Any work on a fix for this?
    If its working in the players favour - "This isn't working as intended. We're going to remove this from the game. You're not playing as we intended."
    If its working in the games favour - "We have too much on our plate to fix this/Working as intended."
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A simple question to the devs: are you going to add the actual doff system to the Gateway or only something minor related to it?

    Because it's a great difference and the players only care about the first.

    What we want is to bid assignments to our doffs, collect rewards etc so that we can do something really useful for the game with the app, just like fleet contributing.

    I ask this because at the announcement you assured your "first priority" was to "add doff to the gateway" and you just needed time to develop the software (which is ofc reasonable).

    But recently you stated in a blog post on the site that you are "wanting to add SOMETHING related to doff, something new and different".

    Which sounds quite different.

    So question simply is: are we going to bid assignements to our doffs or did you found a technical problem that makes this unfeasible?

    Please answer.

    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Frankly ... I hope the entire DOff system is NOT available through the Gateway. Why? There would be almost no reason to actually play the game since almost every DOff assignment awards skill and experience points.

    But if I could review my DOff roster (have you actually read the profiles? Some of that is funny stuff) or assignment progress (so I can plan my next log -in time) via Gateway, that would (should) be enough.
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Frankly... you are the first and only one we heard of with that thought.

    Nearly everyone is awaiting for the doff to be added to the Gateway, it is the first purpose of the whole app, many even think it would be useless without it.

    Have a read on the forum and the site posts.

    Vanity stuff is only useful for the first time, then you have nothing to do to access again.

    But most importantly:

    Don't wanna use doff via gateway? Then don't do it. But why you want to keep people from doing it?

    Also, as a side note, there IS reason to play the game besides doffing. The game is not (only) doff system. That is only a part.

    Au contraire ("Instead", in french, just to be elegant) doffing via gateway will

    (a) increase our doffing activity, number of assignments completed per day (with relative rewards) - since we cannot stay in front of a computer all day, but we do have a lot of spare minutes all daytime -

    thus keeping players connected in some way to the game the whole day which is an excellent business strategy - it encourages players to keep loyal to the game since they already invested a lot of time - and

    (b) it leaves players free to do the actual playing (action, STFs, missions) while connected to the full game client because they already did their daily management (doffing, contributing to fleet) in the spare minutes of, say, a pause thanks to the Gateway.

    This is also why...

    I (and many others, most of) frankly hope the entire UI-controlled systems - Exchange etc - are ALSO (which by no way means "exclusively", how could it do?) available through the Gateway.

    Again, take a look at this topic and see how many times these requests have been made.


    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That is a point of view and I don't share it. I am certainly in the minority and that's ok. I also can't keep Cryptic from doing anything :) But I can express an opinion because this is the Feedback forum. I have added feedback. :D

    Since Gateway has added the Fleet Holding, it's become more useful because people can contribute to Holdings without being in-game. So, the idea that Gateway is useless without a DOff feature is not accurate.

    All I'm saying is that because the current DOff system includes rewards that directly affect the leveling of a character (and BOffs for that matter), then a person would not have to play the game (past level 10 I think) because of the DOff system. Sure, there is more to the game than DOffing, of course there is. But Cryptic's goal is to get people to play the game by inserting incentives a player would want/need in order to log on ... and the current DOff system does that because clearly, DOffing is popular enough to want it outside of the game. Frankly, I wonder why DOffing includes player experience points anyway. But, meh.

    So what incentive would Cryptic have to allow players to play the game without logging in? I'm guessing ... none ... other than giving what players want. Admittedly, that makes sense (give the consumer what they want and they will be happy enough to come back). But just because the players want something doesn't mean they'll get it (T5 Connie - Holy Phasers there are A LOT of requests for that, almost weekly a new thread is made for it).

    Whatever Cryptic decides is fine with me because no matter what, I will play STO and use the Gateway. I was just sharing an opinion and my singular opinion will not make or break the decision :D
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's clear you don't have many knowledge on games and the recent trends, such as that of the companion apps: that is Gateway, STO's companion app.

    Just like I explained above in case you didn't know, it serves the purpose to let people to keep in touch with the game in some way all day.

    This make you more attached to the game, thus even more impatient to log in. It is basically the mechanism of addiction. :D

    Also is useful to manage UI systems in the spare minutes, so you can concentrate on the real game while connecting.

    It's not I don't like doffing - I am a big supporter, it's one of my favourite features - but honestly the game, like any action game, is MUCH more than surfing menus.

    It will be a great enhancement if we can do our doffing also via our smartphones, so that we can finally kick asses while playing the full client. :cool:

    However, point is not majority vs minority (even if this is what market is all about, providing offer to the popular domand).

    Point is coexistence.

    If you simply don't like the idea, OK. You're free not to. You're also free not to use it.

    But why did you "frankly hoped" it would be taked away from those who want (and that are also the vast majority, by case)?

    As I said:
    Don't wanna use doff via gateway? Then don't do it. But why you want to keep people from doing it?

    Most of us frankly hope the entire UI-controlled systems - Exchange etc - are also available through the Gateway.
    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I appreciate the point of view and I'm not disputing those points. As you say Gateway is a compliment to STO. I'm saying it should not replace any part of it. Putting the entire DOff system into Gateway is replacing that part of the online gaming experience.

    Consider the current Fleet Holdings in Gateway: I can contribute to the holdings *if* I have the components to contribute. But I cannot use the replicator. I can't open a lockbox for Duty Officer packs that I'll just meat-grind into projects. I also cannot select projects from Gateway, even though I have the capability in my Fleet in the game itself. The current Fleet Holdings in Gateway is a very good compliment to the game without replacing it.

    So ... frankly ... my initial suggestion (not having the DOff system in Gateway) may have been too extreme. I apologize if that caused anyone any undue stress. Something should be in Gateway about DOffs, that I agree with 100% now. And it should compliment the actual game. But complimenting should not mean substituting or replacing. And that is just my opinion on the matter.
  • alexsanderitaalexsanderita Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You speak about "substitution" and "replacement" but these words are totally out of sense here.

    I can't see how adding an alternative way to do the same could do it. Nothing got removed. Nothing prevents you to do it in the client if you so wish.

    The correct word here would be it to be a "shortcut".

    I could do it both ways depending on situation. In fact this is my intention.

    And at cost of repetition, doffing was supposed to be, in the devs magnificent declarations, THE first scope of the whole thing.

    Removing or reducing it to make room for other, that is the definition of "substitution" and "replacement".

    At the time present, the Fleet functionality (the only really useful one now present) is the substitute and replacement for the functionality it was originally intended to be included.

    I'm more than happy if something else is ADDED, but I won't stay silent if what was promised is to be never seen and replaced with a sop

    and all we got about what it could be the greatest companion app fort the game were broken promises.

    They did enough against the dofff system to let them do this too.

    And I know the devs too know they have to do it. They promised and, more important, they see how we all, to use another one's words, "can't wait" to see it.
    I still dream from time to time about using the Gateway to doff off-game in spare minutes as we were told
  • comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Hello Cryptic,

    As Fleet Admiral of 3 great fleets in STO (1 of which just hit 1 year of service), I have to keep up with everything thats going on both, in-game & out-game - for this I use the Gateway alot, tho I know you guys have mentioned, and I know, that the Gateway its on its early stages, and therefor there is alot of future updates that it will be seening, I would like to suggest one thing to be added.. And This is only to all players in fleets, that are able to "Promote, Demote, Kick" on the fleet...

    I would personaly love and thank everyone of you if this option was somewhat implemented to the gateway...

    Thank you for your time.....

    Ps ~ if you community members have feedback post it in this thread, Im sure Bran will make it and Official Gateway Feedback Thread!! :D

  • bootybootsbootyboots Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dilithium mine needs to be added to the gateway
    House of Sigma (channel KDFdefera for PvE requiring only KDF teams) List of KDF issues [my in-game handle @bootymcboots] (channel KDF Empire for KDF orientated discussion - still in development/growing)
  • drac0s65drac0s65 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would like to know when they are going to be putting the images of our Captain's back on the GATEWAY and is there any way that we can get a 3D look at our ships like in-game instead of just the dorsal views?
    Vice Admiral Ky'Lian Berat - U.S.S. AVALON
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Suggestion: A /stuck feature that can be used out of character.

    Long story short, my friend and I flew out of Beta Ursae and then after we flew out of it for a while, our games crashed. Now they crash whenever we click Play on them, while on the loading screen. The feature could act just like typing /stuck in game, placing the character back to one safe spot on the map. Obviously, you would have to be logged out of the character to use it. For most areas (like NR, ESD, sector space, etc.) it could just be the normal spawn point. For places like mission maps, it would not put you to the spawn point in the mission, but rather to the safe point of the map you were in before the mission. I would greatly appreciate this.

    BTW, my ticket number is 130701-002259, so far I've only gotten auto responses to other help requests.

    Thanks. :)

    EDIT: As someone just suggested in game, perhaps instead/in addition to the /stuck feature there could be a 'reset to faction homeworld' that would place your character at Sol, Qo'nos, or Tau Dewa, depending on faction.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • blackjackwidowblackjackwidow Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I can no longer access the gateway app in Chrome.

    Vista Home Premium 64 bit, SP 2, Build 6002

    Chrome Version 27.0.1453.116 m - accessing Gateway hangs while "loading", with just a background graphic. Didn't do anything but close browser first time. Checking email later said someone was trying to access my account; I finally figured out it was this gateway. Triggers an email w/"New Computer tried to access your account" message. Does not give any message on Gateway. Was not logged in to forum or account.

    After finding this post, logged in to both account and forum first, opened gateway in another tab. Same results - stuck at loading screen, triggers 'accessed by new computer' email.

    When checking Chrome version to report here, it prompted to update Chrome.

    Version 28.0.1500.71 m - accessing Gateway, same issue as above. Hung at loading screen, no pics, just background. Triggered email to input code for new computer again.
    Updating Chrome may have removed Java, downloaded and installed Version: Java SE 7 Update 25 for Operating System: Windows Vista 6.0 Java Architecture: 32-bit. (did not use beta 64-bit)

    Logged into forums and account, then tried Gateway again. Triggered yet another email that a new computer had accessed my account. At this point, I give up. If I have any energy later, I will try IE, but would prefer not to use that browser.

    Cross-posting to technical support site.

    Aliella Hawklight, Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
    "Whenever a time arises where clarity is desired, it is always wise to reflect on the sage within."
    ― Sereda Aleta Dailey

    DaiMon Moogie, U.S.S. Acquisition
    Rule of Acquisition #57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.

    STO LTS since launch; NW player since 2014; ARC user - only when I have to put in codes for free stuff :)
  • admiraljohn1701admiraljohn1701 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I recently logged into the STO Gateway the other day and even though I logged into the site from my main computer and the same browser it sent me a one time code and added the computer to my account like it was a new one. I wanted to ask if this is a known issue and is being looked into? The OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with Internet Explorer 10 if that helps.
    Actual join date: Aug 2010
    1000+ day veteran :)
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I recently logged into the STO Gateway the other day and even though I logged into the site from my main computer and the same browser it sent me a one time code and added the computer to my account like it was a new one. I wanted to ask if this is a known issue and is being looked into? The OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with Internet Explorer 10 if that helps.

    I had that happen a great many times when Gateway was new, but haven't had to put in a new code in a while. There's a place to view all the computers / browsers authorized, and some of them on my list are 4 or 5 times duplicated.
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Feedback incoming!

    If we now have to worry about how much in-game E-mail we have in our inbox, could you somehow integrate in-game E-mail to Gateway and at least the ability to delete (and perhaps mass delete)? I'm thinking of an interface more like what the forums used to have before the mass migration to PWE's forum service.
  • dllmmodllmmo Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's not that I mind the new adding. But I think it really needs a lot of work before it's getting useful.

    -Obvious issues with links. Bad connection and returns to log-in several times.

    -Allow user to sign in automatically with check box.

    -In-game mail should be able to be handled through here. Fleet and personal (in/out)

    -Character list shows only as Klingon or Federation. Would be nice to see the Romulan/Reman and not your allegiance only.

    -Dilithium Mine does not show any content at all in Projects and Provisions.

    -Wrongly allows Federation characters to show in Klingon fleet projects contribution. Doff/Dilithium/Fleet marks and so on. (Not sure with the other way)

    -MoTD and Events management would be appreciated.

    -Really bad coloring. Black text on black background. General dark coloring, loosing visual interest.

    -Race or at least allegiance coloring should follow through. Blueish federation colors are dominating.

    -Navigation are plainly idiotic. I don't know who came up with the idea, returning to main screen every time?! You know.. For crying out loud...

    -Better mobile support.

    -Wrong ship names appears.

    That is what I got so far. I see great potential in this, but there are some work ahead for this to work out.
  • jasonputtjasonputt Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    On ipad, using both safri and chrome, cant contribute to fleet or embasy projects, you can sellect items and hit okay, but doesnt contribute.

    Also need fleet projects on phone.
  • jasonputtjasonputt Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jasonputt wrote: »
    On ipad, using both safri and chrome, cant contribute to fleet or embasy projects, you can sellect items and hit okay, but doesnt contribute.

    Also need fleet projects on phone.

    Tried at home doesnt work on computer either
  • andres6879andres6879 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Gateway seems like a good idea but, they should fix the update situation when you increase in rank and change ship. Every time i log on it shows me as my previous rank and with my previous ship and i've changed ships 2 times already and increased in rank two times but it keeps on showing the first ship i ever had and my second rank. So they should really look into that.
  • nickhurlnickhurl Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I look forward to Gateway being complete. So far, I have tried accessing The Gateway from 4 different browsers, both on desktop & iPad retina(4) IOS 6.TRIBBLE. the only browser I have had any real success with is the Google App on the iPad. That manages to display all my different captain accounts & have them accessible, to the point where I have even been able to 'contibute' to fleet projects via same. However, if I try & change Captain accounts, I get logged out after about a minute, & need to re log in.
    If I use any other browser, particularly IE9, even with all the access rights appropriately set, I get the 'one time access code' screen, which is fine, security being uppermost these days, but in IE9 I get the beta screen but no where to input the 'one time' code.
    Firefox brings up the code input panel, then takes nearly 3 mins to decide that the log in has timed out, every time! Same with the latest version of Safari.
    Google Chrome is only slightly better, in that I get logged in, but bizarrely only in to my Tribble Captain account!!

    So for me its all a bit hit & miss.
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Was just exploring the gateway
    after not logging into it for so long.

    you think you can add a guest feature
    for viewing player profiles and fleet profiles

    just a thought. i would be a nice touch
    for those who want to research fleets
    before joining them.

    but have certain information block for guest
    like fleet roster, player ship/personal equipment.

    and maybe add a profile signature
    almost like xfire.com signature feature.

    thats all..
  • startrek1warsstartrek1wars Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hi, you probably knew this already, but-
    My engineer captain shows up as science
    all weapons are one grade above their actual (blue instead of green, etc.)
    starbase projects are behind
This discussion has been closed.