Wow, these new fed players are wimps. Crying about BoPs again. Honestly, learn to play better before you ask for an uneeded nerf to massage your weak egoes.
Anyone, and I truelly mean anyone, who has put forth the effort to pvp enough to become experienced is not threatened by the BoP.
Seriuosly, when did the playerbase become such wimps?
I'm thinking it's because the PvE content coddles players by being far too easy and forgiving. I do feel some players underestimate the jump in difficulty when they take on another player.
In regards to the OP and his request well, it's either a troll (and quite the effective one it seems) or they are just a little confused. If I were to suggest nerfing anything I'd have some numbers or something to back up my claims, and I wouldn't post it in the one place that'll attract all the flamers. there any other ship which advantages and disadvantages are that balanced? i don't think so ...
That's because for most Fed ships, their "advantages" either never existed (turn rate and spinal lance (in)accuracy on Gal-X, for example), or are nerfed to oblivion (Science...)
Therefore, the BoP has to be overpowered, in that every ship needs like 3 disadvantages per advantage, while the BoP only has one... :P
On another note, to those who are "legitimately" citing builds in this thread, if I want a cruiser, I shouldn't be "shoehorned" into playing the aux-2-bat mini-game. I should be able to build a competitive build with the powers of my choice...
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
I'm thinking it's because the PvE content coddles players by being far too easy and forgiving. I do feel some players underestimate the jump in difficulty when they take on another player.
In regards to the OP and his request well, it's either a troll (and quite the effective one it seems) or they are just a little confused. If I were to suggest nerfing anything I'd have some numbers or something to back up my claims, and I wouldn't post it in the one place that'll attract all the flamers.
All I know is that it seems all special interest groups are complaining and crying for nerf.
It makes PvP unfun and truelly shows how cocked up it all is at the same time. So many strutting around the walk and crying as if they are the center of the game and thier needs outwiegh everyone elses.
That's because for most Fed ships, their "advantages" either never existed (turn rate and spinal lance (in)accuracy on Gal-X, for example), or are nerfed to oblivion (Science...)
Therefore, the BoP has to be overpowered, in that every ship needs like 3 disadvantages per advantage, while the BoP only has one... :P
On another note, to those who are "legitimately" citing builds in this thread, if I want a cruiser, I shouldn't be "shoehorned" into playing the aux-2-bat mini-game. I should be able to build a competitive build with the powers of my choice...
... fly one and tell me again it's op ... there are many other ships ^^... as for me: i'd call my cruisers competetive, without aux2batt ...
Not trying to Troll, being serious. No one ship or Faction or Console should have the ability to insta-kill another player. these abilites like the Gal -X Lance or the Grumbe Lance, the Vesta Phaser overcharge, the Iso Charge, or the Magnetometric Overload or the Blast from the Andorian wing cannons other abilities/consoles that put out a massive one shot attacks, none of them consistently or with any kind certainty can insta-kill a player ship. Sure they are powerful and are great finishing moves combined with other attacks but none can come close to the damage of a decloaking Alpha. To consistently get 20k or more damage from one volley is a little over the top. Sue you can prevent it if you can time your TT and other heals just right but my point is this. None of the other consoles or abilities or combos can do this much damage in one shot. Its not the "ship" it's the damage and crit bonus and damage resistance reduction to target that needs to be looked at. Or for balance the abilities I listed abouve need to be brought up to match the damage output of the Alpha strike. The Andorian overcharge cant blowup a cruiser at full health even if he can reduce the targets defence to nill. Sure its going to hurt but not even come close to the Alpha.
I like my shuttle and everyone always wants to blow it up!
Nobody blew up shuttles in the movies.
You people are all OP. All I got is my shuttle since I deleted all my ships because my shuttle is much cooler looking. Now I pvp and only get maybe 9 or 10 kills.
But people still kill me and that is all OP
Nerf all the ships so that my shuttle can be good.
I do feel that the escorts could use a serious hull nerf because they have way too much defense for their cannons status. That would be a good start for bringing back the balance.
They also need to make sci space skills that do damage an exotic damage type again so they actually function especially with all of these new kinetic immunity gear pieces coming out soon (saw the image in another thread like everything had +42 kinetic defense on it so much for science skills that all were changed to kinetic damage a while back).
Well, since the Feds have their own carriers they've stopped demading nerfs to carriers...conincidence?
So what's left to demand?;)
Yeah, it's awfully convenient, ain't it? What's more, they really just wanna take every KDF carrier aspect and paste it onto the Federation. That's why you'll see them occasionally 'ask' for frigate pets or other equivalents to what the KDF has, while downplaying their flight deck escorts/science ships (which are superior to whatever KDF equivalents there are). It's the same with our battlecruisers, and the battlecloaks (which they aren't asking for now, because they've got their pet Romulans to use without dirtying their hands with the KDF faction).
I do feel that the escorts could use a serious hull nerf because they have way too much defense for their cannons status. That would be a good start for bringing back the balance.
They also need to make sci space skills that do damage an exotic damage type again so they actually function especially with all of these new kinetic immunity gear pieces coming out soon (saw the image in another thread like everything had +42 kinetic defense on it so much for science skills that all were changed to kinetic damage a while back).
Fine, you can nerf escorts when you nerf the ridiculous defensive skill options that exist in-game. The only way escorts really kick any TRIBBLE is because they can find and exploit gaps in the defenses. Eliminate those gaps and all that vaunted escort OPness bounces off.
Fine, you can nerf escorts when you nerf the ridiculous defensive skill options that exist in-game. The only way escorts really kick any TRIBBLE is because they can find and exploit gaps in the defenses. Eliminate those gaps and all that vaunted escort OPness bounces off.
People who complain about things being OP are just unwilling to learn how to get around supposedly OP things.
People who think this thread is serious, need to be nerfed.
no. no. no. with some extra no sauce on top. BoPs are fine as they are. it's the
players that are good in them not the abilitys. I can't fly a BoP so I fly BC (which are very nice)
If Cryptic Does nerf them I will get REALLY angry. Also can a mod please close this thread?
instead of crying about anything or anyone being tooooo over powered you should be asking for help on how you should do your build to counter the other ship/player. ask for help dont cry like a little baby that someone is beating you because they know how to play better then you. the players in STO are very helpful and will help you set up your builds. but only if your not a cry baby
This is still going on? Just make a PvP mode (activated only during PvP) that makes all weapons (ground and space) deal 1 Dmg with no way to increase and makes all players have 1 HP and shields (ground and space) without any way to increase. How's that for balance?
I'm thinking it's because the PvE content coddles players by being far too easy and forgiving. I do feel some players underestimate the jump in difficulty when they take on another player.
In regards to the OP and his request well, it's either a troll (and quite the effective one it seems) or they are just a little confused. If I were to suggest nerfing anything I'd have some numbers or something to back up my claims, and I wouldn't post it in the one place that'll attract all the flamers.
That's because for most Fed ships, their "advantages" either never existed (turn rate and spinal lance (in)accuracy on Gal-X, for example), or are nerfed to oblivion (Science...)
Therefore, the BoP has to be overpowered, in that every ship needs like 3 disadvantages per advantage, while the BoP only has one... :P
On another note, to those who are "legitimately" citing builds in this thread, if I want a cruiser, I shouldn't be "shoehorned" into playing the aux-2-bat mini-game. I should be able to build a competitive build with the powers of my choice...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
All I know is that it seems all special interest groups are complaining and crying for nerf.
It makes PvP unfun and truelly shows how cocked up it all is at the same time. So many strutting around the walk and crying as if they are the center of the game and thier needs outwiegh everyone elses.
... fly one and tell me again it's op
All player skill abilities, traits, and reputation skills...
All player ship space sets, weapons, devices, consumables...
All player ground sets, weapons, devices, consumables...
All STO pre-order items...
All combat and non-combat pets, fluff / decor pets, epo's...
All lockbox and keys...
All lobi store items and crystals...
All player costume parts...
All fleet player bases and dilithium projects...
All life time, silver. free to play perks...
Tribble test server and Redshirt servers...
All winter event, anniversary gifts, tribble rewards...
Free zen for surveys is def OP...
The Z-store is way over OP...
All PvP / RP / PvE content is OP...
All foundry creations / mods are OP...
All calendar events are OP...
Playing the game is too OP...
L2P is too OP...
This thread has been ALPHA STRIKED by my B'Rel
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Nobody blew up shuttles in the movies.
You people are all OP. All I got is my shuttle since I deleted all my ships because my shuttle is much cooler looking. Now I pvp and only get maybe 9 or 10 kills.
But people still kill me and that is all OP
Nerf all the ships so that my shuttle can be good.
They also need to make sci space skills that do damage an exotic damage type again so they actually function especially with all of these new kinetic immunity gear pieces coming out soon (saw the image in another thread like everything had +42 kinetic defense on it so much for science skills that all were changed to kinetic damage a while back).
Yeah, it's awfully convenient, ain't it? What's more, they really just wanna take every KDF carrier aspect and paste it onto the Federation. That's why you'll see them occasionally 'ask' for frigate pets or other equivalents to what the KDF has, while downplaying their flight deck escorts/science ships (which are superior to whatever KDF equivalents there are). It's the same with our battlecruisers, and the battlecloaks (which they aren't asking for now, because they've got their pet Romulans to use without dirtying their hands with the KDF faction).
Fine, you can nerf escorts when you nerf the ridiculous defensive skill options that exist in-game. The only way escorts really kick any TRIBBLE is because they can find and exploit gaps in the defenses. Eliminate those gaps and all that vaunted escort OPness bounces off.
People who complain about things being OP are just unwilling to learn how to get around supposedly OP things.
People who think this thread is serious, need to be nerfed.
players that are good in them not the abilitys. I can't fly a BoP so I fly BC (which are very nice)
If Cryptic Does nerf them I will get REALLY angry. Also can a mod please close this thread?
Some people might read that as though you're arguing to nerf the players, rather than the ships.
This could lead to some pretty scary situations.
If forum PvP exists, why not forum nerfing... :rolleyes:
i miss the old days