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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • zatharus2zatharus2 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short Term :

    Fix Bugs and and improve QA process.

    Several bugs had been identified on Tribble during the public testing phase but the delay between the test and release was so short, there was no way these could be addressed in time.

    F2P does not excuse the kind of issues that occurred with the launch or LOR.

    Mid Term :

    Complete crafting overhaul with new materials (anomalies can still be used for the DOFF System) and maybe add vendors for some of those new materials to areas that are deserted (Risa, Vulcan, Andoria, Bajor, K7, Sierra 39)

    Expansion of the Commendations to Rank 10. With each level above rank 4 giving a bonus (engineering commendation bonus could be a reduction in failure rate for the new crafting system, Military would improve DPS, Medical would help with healing rate).

    But to balance the system, only 2 commenndations could be taken to rank 10, the rest would stop at 7.

    Long Term :

    More variety in missions when ranking up in reputation system (only 1 mission added per reputation level on New Romulus is honestly very sad). This would maybe lessen the appearance of grind for reputation.

    Overhauls of zones like Risa, Vulcan, Andoria, Starfleet Academy (Academy should be for the tutorial only), Add Starfleet Command instead, DS9
  • warddddywarddddy Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Allow cruisers to equip more than 1 wide-angle torp. But only cruisers. Makes sense - of all the ships, which is the one most suited for stand-off broadside bombardment?

    Put medical treatment for self and BOFFs as a DOFF mission for a doctor. 1 hour to heal, requires variable number of regenerators depending on injuries, etc. Saves having to go to starbase. (bit inconvenient for those 5-year missions. eh?)

    Increase torp spread damage against unshielded targets, including those with downed shield facings. Make torpedoes move faster.


    Fix all the units to be more realistic. 10KM weapons range? 100,000KM is more like it. Make planets to scale better.

    Transportable mines. Ie. I can click to where I want a mine to be transported up to 5KM away. 3min recharge. Twist: shields have to be lowered for 2 secs. Mine can be targeted and destroyed.

    Be able to engage 2 enemies at once. Normal right-click designates primary target, ctrl-right-click designates secondary target. All weapons in range and arc will fire on the the primary target. Any remaining weapons that can't fire on the primary, will fire on the secondary if it is within range/arc.


    In-system warp capability. Full systems as a map - star, planets, asteroid fields etc. You can warp to various points. Enemies will warp to escape or pursue. Warping to the edge transits you to sector space. Only torpedoes can be used in warp, and with much less accuracy. Warp has a cooldown and is easily disrupted by weapons fire.

    Better, more realistic AI which will retreat/surrender rather than be destroyed. A reputation system, which affects NPC behaviour towards you. Example: If you consistently destroy opponents rather than disable and accept surrender, they will more likely fight to the death and consequently receive buffs to enable that. Much more rewards come from surrender rather than kills.

    A way to organise fleet actions in PUG PvE games. Eg, a random player is selected to be the fleet leader (FL). His/her active target is highlight for all players and if their current target is destroyed, their next selected target will be the FL's target if it is in range. Additionally, the FL can designate a priority target manually.
  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Fix the 22nd century Romulan pants so that they can be made blue or red (or whatever), as they were in TOS. I see that they're supposed to be able to change to these (and other) colors, but they currently do not.

    Fix the issue where we get kicked out of PvE missions 5 seconds after we get in; if those missions are already full, then we should be put in a queue for a new mission.

    Fix the bug that prevents deletion of mail.


    Make this costme available for Romulan females:

    Make the Formal Wear (which is currently available only to Fed players) available to KDF and Romulan characters.

    Give us a Romulan D7 (as in TOS episode # 59, "The Enterprise Incident"), available to Romulans regardless of faction alliance.

    Make Boffs able to equip kits.

    Give us an emote that is the Romulan salute from TOS. I can do a typical Earth salute (actually somewhat ... specific, since not every military on Earth gives a salute in that way in the present, much less in the past, for example the British salute holds the hand in a different position, and the "Romulan" salute from TOS is actually based on the ancient imperial Roman salute), I can do a Vulcan salute (Live long and prosper), I can even do a Klingon salute (Qapla'), as well as a Klingon funereal (sic; "funeral" is a noun, and "funereal" is an adjective) salute, but I've seen no emote at all that is unique to Romulans, much less the one I'm requesting.

    While we're on emotes ...

    -- the Vulcan "kiss" (two-finger thing, seen repeatedly in TOS between Amanda and Sarek, as well as between Spock and the Romulan Commander on "The Enterprise Incident," and reprised in the movie Star Trek III: The Search for Spock between Saavik and Spock) would be an interesting addition, although it would only work if the second character were given an "accept - (y) (n)" type dialogue box, and ...

    -- Orion females should be able to do the belly dance emote without having to rely on Nerve Tonic or foundry missions, from level 1. Other female toons should be able to unlock that emote without having to use Nerve Tonic or foundry missions (but only after doing the "Night of the Comet" mission), seeing as such a dance is hardly unique to the Kolari. And the puritans who think this emote should never be seen in public need to review all the episodes of the various series in which Kolaric women do the dance, shows which were broadcast during prime time.


    Give us an authentic Romulan faction, instead of the "half-faction" we currently have. Those who have already allied with the UFP or the Klingon Empire should then have the chance to leave those factions and (re-)join their own faction (and no, not a Tal'Shiar-dominated nightmare, but a New Romulan Republic).

    Let the Orions take over the Klingon Empire already. By now, those 1500 "slave girls" will have their "masters" in the palm of their hands (see ENT episode "Bound").

    Increase attire choices for KDF toons, and expand the color palette available to KDF toons.

    Make more Orion ships available (I'm fine with them being ZEN-shop purchases, as long as I can continue to buy PWI cards at my "local" Target).
  • quadraxis666quadraxis666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just one thing. Borg lockbox. Tactical cube for 800 lobi lol
  • virgilpluton999virgilpluton999 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short term

    I keep having to reset my bridge officers as duty officer department heads all the time. That would be super awesome.


    Ferasan ships, don't care what they do. Will pay zen for them.

    Long term

    Cardassian Faction, with a gamma quadrant that can be traveled to. Because, well, just because.
  • buckner3buckner3 Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just one thing. Borg lockbox. Tactical cube for 800 lobi lol

    Seriously, I would be happy with a Sphere as the "Big" ship (or Escort/Cruiser), Probe for small (or Sci maybe) - I can see them not wanting a bunch of Cubes flying around, and while the Sphere's would still be popular at first I think they will die down more than a cube. But either way - here's hopin'!

    Besides that...

    Make Ferengi at least a regular Boff choice for KDF (I can see the validity of not making them a playable character... I guess, but fully unlocked would be grand) - and while we're at it, more Ferengi Doffs too (that are not from the Lockbox and not from Marauding Exp)

    Allow for more costume customization of ALL Boffs - combine UNIFORM and OFF DUTY - if someone wants to take their character and crew "rogue" - let them - I have 5 characters, and my Ferengi is not played as a Goody-Goody Starfleet, I would like to be able to make his Marauder crew Non-Starfleet uniform.

    Put Back "Patrol XXXX Sector Block" like they were, so it was a "Mini Mission" instead of go to one place and do it - maybe have a cool-down per-sector and let them give Dilithium/Marks. That would be kinda awesome actually - I rarely do the Patrols b/c they don't seem super "Star Trek" like b/c there is no Mission giver it seems like I'm just picking a fight.

    On Ferengi again, Give us the Grey TNG Ferengi Alliance Marauder Uniforms - WITH the Optional Fur Tunic - Seriously! That would be awesome, I got close with the Trader Coat from Lobi in grey, but no fur. This would make the most sense for KDF, especially if you make Ferengi Boffs fully available for them as in my first hope (It would seriously encourage me to buy more Ferengi Whips from the Lobi Store)

    Make ALL Non-Unique "Bound to Character" items "Bound to Account" (like Romulan Weapons from "Frozen" that go unused on some chatacters, but now I must run the mission at least 5 times to outfit my Romulan Crew, kinda silly) and many more items not bound at all - I hate that sometimes I want to check out a console that sells on the exchange for big $$, but to do so means I can NEVER re-sell it (no used console store, kinda lame) - ALSO Lobi Crystals, but I know they have addressed this one, but wish the Personal weapons from store came in boxes at least so they were tradable.

    I would like to see EVERY Tier 5 Ship have a "First Officer Station" which is a Universal Commander Station, the rest of them can be class specific. That would be awesome. On ships, a way to "Refit" lower Tiered Ships (Even through C-Store Modules!) even though I guess most of them can be bought at higher T5, but allow us to Upgrade them, maybe make a station Universal vial shipyard/C-store, something. (maybe this should be under LONG - haha)

    A Gamma Quadrant and Delta Quadrant that can be gone to to adventure in. - Maybe find the Transwarp Gate the Hirogen are using to get to Romulan Space for Delta, or off of where you fight Borg/Undine (or BOTH!!!, How cool could that be if the 2 connect via a Delta Quadrant Sector)

    Playable Cardassian/Dominion Faction (Think it would be good to put these 2 together)

    Playable "Unaligned" Faction - For Ferengi, Liberated Borg, Nausicans and the like - but both this and Cardassian/Dominion will likely have to Ally like Romulans to keep PVP a Red vs. Blue fight. But would be OK with that - But add the ability to Move a "Non-Alliigned" charater over to new Faction (Specifically my Ferengi who spent Big $$ to get the D'Kora, Whip and Merchant's jacket) - but this is probably a pipedream - and I play him that way already anyway (but hate that Everyone calls him Admiral)
  • captainkccaptainkc Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My short-term requests
    * Fix the mail system so we can delete messages and can see item attachments.
    * Patch the servers so they stop freezing and disconnecting!
    * Fix player information that shows up in the "i" when you click on them, sometimes no info at all and other times a starship has shuttlecraft info.

    Middle-term requests
    * Allow Klink and Rom characters to show armor and kits.
    * Show the position of BOffs (Tactical, Engineer, Science) while in costume shop so I can tell which is which.
    * Have enemies in Enemy Signal Contact reflect the level I see when I click the red ball in sector space (eg. Psi Velorum sector block, target info window shows 1 level higher than me but the baddie ships are 4 levels higher... that is a big difference!)

    Long-term requests
    * Improve drop rates for Lobi Crystals and dropbox ships.
    * Let us buy tokens to change an item from Bound to character to Bound to account.
    * Let us use Ship Requisition tokens on more ships. In fact, the Enterprise C-type support cruiser my Rom got after doing Temporal Ambassador is better than the Mogai (token) and Valdore (1000 EC)... more hull and aft weapons and device slots!
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
  • nscar1420nscar1420 Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Coming from Star Wars Galaxies I miss being able to display all my weapons and such ........

    I want to display weapons and armor and such in the Ready Room or Capts Quarters

    Thr bridge is a huge waste of space as it is right now
  • cesaraugmentcesaraugment Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Short term requests: Allow people with Macs to play!!!!

    Mid term requests: Add more details to the game, like earth rotations. Also I would like to have a sort of Faceplay: So like I would like to see my face in the game.

    Long term requests:
    Allow me to use things like X-box kinect so that I can move around while doing ground missions. It would be cool to do my own martial arts moves. Also if you had special star trek controls like guns and ship control that would be so cool and highly useful for people that are spending hours own you games siting down and increasing risks towards Deep vein thrombosis.

    Also I would love it if I can start building my own store or have a supply ship where I sell goods to players at prices that I choose. It would be nice to have more interaction with the enviornment If i could also build my own community and profit from that as well.
  • redspiritdragonredspiritdragon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Short: I'd like to see some bug fixed: Have our boffs back on our bridges. As well as when I open up my character UI my boffs don't show up as a "Ship" till I click on them.

    Mid: I'd like to be able to change my Crew's uniform. My thoughts are have a Crew tab much like the boff and main character. You would have a male/female uniform for each of the type class: Science, Engineering and Tactical. The game would still generate races and looks for the crew but put the crew in your uniform you made.

    Long: Stop patching in load screens. I'd also like to see an online armory like World of ******** has for their characters.
  • isemusicisemusic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term: Allow the user to set a UI layout per machine, I'm sick of switching between my multimonitor PC and my laptop and having to rearrange the entire layout everytime.

    Medium Term: Voice control :P. e.g. "Set course for TRIBBLE and engage at maximum warp". (maybe this is more long term).
    Add a Server API that allows external apps to interact with certain elements of the game. For instance, I'd like to be able to assign new Duty Officer assigments from a mobile device.

    Long Term: I'd like to better control how I manage the crew of my ship. I'd rather be able to set a default crew uniform, and delegate tasks to a first officer/tactical officer for example.
  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    short: make Romulan Faction Veteran Reward Uniforms
    Medium:make a Romulan Faction Veteran Rewar starship
    Long: allow Lifetimers the ability to make Liberated Borg of any species (Reman, Orion, Andorian, etc)
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013


    Medium Term: Improve the damage control systems

    Long term: More complicated and better FED missions, and not limited to any faction PvE(s)

    [IE: STFs are easy, and not brain stimulating. Add more that are.]
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fleet stats for vet ships.
    possibility to change the race and racial traits.
    reputation system global for all twinks or way faster and cheaper progress if one of the character already has the reputation on tier 5.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short-term requests


    Mid-term requests


    Long-term requests

    Reformat "The Foundry" into a Downloadable-Installable Software/Program that you can install to your computer and work on creating Foundry missions/episodes, without having to work online, so that the only time you need access to the Internet, is when you want to Publish a Foundry mission you have created or are working on.

    Hi everyone,

    There is a lot of feedback on this forum, but I am sure that the developers have a hard time sorting it all out and getting a sense of what are the small things they can knock out really quick, and what larger things they should focus on first.

    So let's make it easy for them.

    Please list your top three requests for the devs in each of the following categories:

    Short-term requests

    These are small things that seem like they could maybe be done within a patch or two.

    Fixing a graphics glitch on a starship model
    Adding additional NPC vendors to starbases
    Tweaking something in the way the fleet interface works

    Mid-term requests

    These are things which realistically would take a couple of months for the devs to do, given dev time, testing, balancing, and so on.

    Adding more fleet actions past the crystalline entity
    Strengthening the death penalty/difficulty
    Overhauling Memory Alpha

    Long-term requests

    These are "direction of the game" kind of things. Stuff that you want them to do over the next year or two of the game's development.

    More choices in how to complete content - ie, maybe missions with a diplomatic rather than a pure combat solution depending on choices you make during the mission.
    More stuff for fleets - fleet-owned starbases, "raid" interfaces that allow fleets to do fleet actions together, etc.
    More playable factions (romulans, cardassians, etc)

    Disclaimer: All of the examples above are just that, examples. They're not meant for you to agree or disagree with, just to give an idea of what type of requests might fall into each category.

    Please try to keep your posts short and to the point so that it's easy for the devs to make lists out of them and check things off as they go. Please don't respond to other posters, instead just post what your top three in each category are. If you want to discuss someone's suggestion, do it in another thread. This way, the developers will be able to easily identify what the top requests are from players, and have less chance of losing anyone's feedback in the noise.

    Edit: 2-9-10:

    I want to thank everyone who's taken the time to post their top requests so far. This is something that will hopefully be very helpful to the developers, and should make it a lot easier for them to see all of our requests.

    Just to reiterate - when you post, please try to stick to the short/medium/long-term format as much as you can, and try to keep things short and to the point. Feedback like this works best when they can boil it down to a list of bullet points, and then use that in their internal planning discussions.

    Edit: 2-14-10:

    Wow! 600 replies! And most of them really good ones too. This is great feedback, thank you everyone. Hopefully the devs are reviewing periodically and keeping notes :) Like all of you, I'd like to see some communication or a summary from them of what their priorities look like in light of all this feedback.... but keep posting it anyway! I am sure they are reading it!

    Also... I got some pretty funny PMs today. I'm a little flattered, but I don't work for Cryptic! I'm just a player like all of you are. Really! That said, I will do my best to help anyone out who asks me a question or something... but I can't really do anything to make the servers come up faster when they crash or anything like that. So um... anyway I just wanted to make sure everyone realizes that.

    Edit: 2-15-10

    Just so that everyone realizes, Cryptic definitely IS reading this thread :)
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short-term requests

    • The commander Roxy conversation option to check and fix accolade accomplishment errors proposed in this thread.
    • Put the ship selector back in the captains table map, put the veteran dilithium refiner npc there and add transwarp option to the captains table and transwarp to other blocks from it.
    • Add 'repair all' button to the respawn count down box to save those of us who run elite content a few clicks.

    Mid-term requests

    Rebalance space bridge officer abilities and fix tool tips. Specifically repurpose team abilities. Remove healing components from science and engineering team, add shield rebalancing such as tactical team has and give science and engineering team boosts to skills of their category as tactical team has. Repurpose tachyon beam to neutralize shield balancing.

    The goal of this change is to make a 3rd engineering or science ensign more valuable. Free up tactical ability slots for fun abilities on ships that only have two, increase the variety of debuff removing abilities present in a team (allowing debuffing abilities to receive a minor boost) and open up a grater variety of build options for different ships.

    Long-term requests

    • Exploration revamp.
    • Crafting revamp.
    • Ship interior revamp.
  • stevilfirebrandstevilfirebrand Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term:

    1. Fix the annoying bugs that are currently persisting like the bridge officer is a ship bug and the defera city hard mission bug. Oh and the damned Zen bug on the ship customisation screen. Z2500 to change a saucer are you having a laugh??? Lots of others posted about elsewhere.

    2. A balance pass on photon grenades. Engi's can blow stuff up why can't I??? Why doesn't my grenade hurt like those damn mines? I propose a more central blast field that degrades with the radius of the blast. I don't want it to be an instagib, but If I hit a mob bang on it should do more damage than just nick a little bit of health off (I have full Grenade Skill too!!)

    Medium Term:

    1. Better crafting all round.

    2. A proper exchange with refinable searches. So much stuff is not available to buy because the searches are limited and the query only lists the lowest 400 items.

    Long Term:

    1. Cardassians

    2. More depth to everything. this sounds like a big ask but just making the visitable areas more alive and interactable would really add something to this game. I'd love to have more conversations with NPCs with dialogue I can choose.

    3. Keep doing a great job. Recent releases have been excellent and you need to be commended for all your hard work. But don't give up working hard or rest on your laurels. Make this game the best ever because it's heading in the right direction!!
  • novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 802 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term:
    • Hiring a dedicated, quality QA team and putting them to work.
    • More "Fleet of 2409" ships for all factions; Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan. This includes small craft.
    • Romulan hull material 3 made available on more types of ships, such as the Scimitar and T'varo. Whoever made this texture really did a good job making it.
    • Update to Borg space set so that the visuals scale from Mk X-XII versions towards the kind of style the Tal Shiar Adapted Vessels have.
    • All-ship version of Shrapnel Torpedo Launcher available in the Dilithium Store if the player owns a Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, with relatively fair and balanced stats (and ideally can be equipped in a weapon slot).

    Short-Mid Term:
    • New Borg set, which includes an adapted warp core that can be equipped on any ship. (This means it would have to come in interchangeable matter-antimatter and singularity versions.)
    • More hairstyles using the new style introduced with Legacy of Romulus for all species that can have hair, including Caitians/Ferasans.

    Mid Term:
    • Single, separate slot for starship armor.
    • Computer Core slot made available with new items for starships.
    • Starship appearance mods (such as from the various set items) moved over to the starship customizer. (There appears to be groundwork laid for this now, judging by the improvements made to appearance-carryover for ships that can separate.)
    • Ground kit and armor visuals moved over to the tailor.
    • Neverwinter map-building (lego/room-by-room) tech for both Foundry as well as player maps such as starship interiors.
    • Return of the costume import/export feature to the Foundry.
    • Liberated Borg made available to any playable species, not just Humans, Klingons, and Romulans (and partially Remans). This can be balanced if the traits are made different per species. All assets already exist as well, due to the work that was done on the Borg ground NPC assimilation ability.
    • Weapon mechanics switched over for all ground weapons to the new style introduced on some of the new Romulan ground weapons. It is much more enjoyable, and dare I say fun, to use.

    Long Term:
    • Cardassian Faction (Will probably be the new, democratic Cardassians so they can be implemented like the Romulans.)
    • Dominion Faction (I predict they'll use the New Link for this, as they could be made to work like the Romulan Republic.)
    • Borg (Hugh-like. Why waste that? I'd sure love to play characters in that kind of faction.)
    • Steam Workshop like tool for increasing content (of any kind) production via outsourcing to the playerbase and then judging based on player voting and developer decision. Could be used for creating custom assets for Foundry missions, such as mini and full bosses, or entirely new items.
  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term:

    1. With the number of added non-pet that we can get now I would request a Separate Bank for Non-combat Pets and/or Tribbles.

    *I am at max inventory slots and bank slots on all my characters and slowly losing space.

    2. More fleet uniform options

    Medium Term:

    1. Allowing Non-Romulan Bridge Officers in the Romulan Faction to wear Romulan Uniforms.

    *I have both the Liberated Borg and Android Bridge officers with my Romulan Faction Character and it would be nice to allow them to wear the same uniform.

    2. Give Ferengi and other traders better items to sell for EC.

    *I have yet to buy anything from merchants I run into in space. They have nothing unique or of value to sell.

    Long Term:

    1. Additional Bridge Officer and/or Duty Officers Species for FED and KDF.

    *Aaamazzarite, Ankari, Antedean, Antican, Arbazan, Arkenite, Arkonian, Arcturian, Axanar, Betelgeusian, Boslic, Botha, Caldonian, Coridan, Corvallen, Deltan, Dopterian, Edosian, Efrosian, Ellora, Grazerite, Haliian, K'normian, Kobheerian, Kressari, Ktarian, Na'kuhl, Paradan, Talaxian, Rakosan, Rhaandarite, Rigellian, Zakdorn, Zaranite

    2. Mission to Sigma Iotia II. Homeworld of the Iotians who would of imitated Starfleet. In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy left behind his communicator on the planet; as theirs had become a crime culture, two of the Iotians most likely stole it from him. That might have given their people the ability to copy Federation technology.
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    how about a short cut-scene of escape pods being released that triggers when abandon ship is used
  • mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    how about adding foxholes and fixed weapon enplacements on nukara and defera
  • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My requests are as follows:

    Short-term requests

    1. Fixing bugs. See 'Gameplay Bugs' forum section for an extensive list, some of which are years old.

    2. A universal Boff slot on the Fleet Ha'nom. If it's the only Romulan Sci ship, why is it the only one without one?

    3a. Double or increase the amount of marks for all the oddjobs on New Romulus. Getting 4 marks for Red Alerts you can't complete because noone is there because there aren't enough marks to be earned makes me not be there to help others do the Red Alerts that can't be completed because... you get the point.

    3b. Cheaper tier 1 rep sets. Doesn't have to be much, but given that they are essentially used purely to make the grind less troublesome and will be upgraded later, it seems reasonable that they have a slight reduction in either dil, marks or both. In relative terms, you could argue that Tier 1 rep gear is actually more expensive than Tier 5 stuff.

    Mid-term requests

    1. More STF's (not fleet actions) - If an explanation is needed, come back and read this again in 6 months (or a week).

    Romulan: Elachi/Iconians/Both

    Tholian: Tholians/Mirror/Both

    2. Three or four foundry episodes per month(?) being polished off and added to the game as official side story content with completion rewards comparable to other story missions - Gear, XP, etc. That is how to get the foundry to thrive, keep a great many players entertained while they grind rep and save a hell of a lot of time and resources on both new content and the 'what to do about foundry rewards' question which has seen the foundry rewards changed a million times by effectively ending the 'war' between the Storytellers and the Grinder Makers.

    3. Playable RRF Suliban, Acamarians and Yridians with those races replacing Starfleet/KDF race Boffs in the Doff system for Romulans.

    4. 1-2 Space traits varying from Basic to Superior for ALL Boffs of ALL races taking the Romulans and Remans as the model. Make them all as useful as eachother and non stackable beyond two of the same trait.

    Long-term requests

    Since I went for 4 mid-Term, here are my 2 Long-Term desires:

    1. Independent Cardassian faction, no more 'fractions', ever again, and a rethink on the current status of Romulans in that regard. I don't really care how that is done or how the story is worked as long as it's interesting and worth my while, and money, to have a toon in each faction due to a sufficiently different (end)gameplay experience being had in each.

    2. Make space actually big not just seem it. More places to go, more sectors, more adventure zones using existing maps such as Vulcan and Andoria, Add a gorn homeworld, Nausicaa, and others. Add Ferenginar. Make the game world not just feel like, but actually be more than just a handful of rooms of which half are scarcely visited.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
  • apedilbertapedilbert Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term

    1. Make crafting not be completely worthless. There is no reason to choose crafting over the Dilithium store since unreplicatable materials cost about the same amount of dilithium, even with the crafting event active; not to mention the other mats that have to be gathered. A better solution would be to cut 90% of the dilithium costs for the mats.

    Also, remove the Time to Craft event and replace it with more dilithium mining events.

    2. More latinum shop rewards. There is nothing I want from it aside from the new disco balls (which should be available year-round) and the big latinum trophy. Here's a few suggestions: add lobi crystals at 10,000 latinum each, add the old anniversary party poppers, add more party items in general.

    3. Add another alternative way to collect pearls for the summer event for people who came in late, trading in lobi crystals just doesn't seem viable. Maybe sell them in the summer latinum store.

    Mid Term

    1. Do a complete overhaul of crafting or remove it entirely. As I said before, there is no reason to craft instead of using the d-store or, if you manage to gather enough fleet marks, the much superior fleet store.

    2. More short storylines like Nimbus 3. It didn't take too long, had good rewards and has a couple no-hassle daily quests.

    3. Add more to the starship interiors; put in some customization for the rest of the ship and make there be more reasons for captains to visit. A good portion of the shows was spent doing things inside the starship and it's a shame that the in-game ships are just hubs that don't do anything but give duty officer missions.

    Long Term

    1. New major storylines

    2. New endgame factions and more quests for the current factions.

    3. More player hubs. Give players more planets to gather at and put more things to do in existing ones. Vulcan was destroyed in the alternate movie timeline, maybe turn Vulcan into a fully explorable area like New Romulus; have the focus be researching the effects on the original timeline Vulcan.
  • xionresidentxionresident Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term:

    1. Roll the maintenance day rather than always picking what is Thursday afternoon/evening for the UK/Europe. It's annoying especially for me as Thursdays are my 'short work' day meaning I have the afternoon off and since my other half is at work still it's a perfect time for me to play without being nagged.

    2. Fix Installation 18 (if it's not been done by this update (11-Jul-13)

    Long Term:

    Expand the Sol system to include the entire solar system. How great would it be for players to be able to screenshot their ships skating the rings of Saturn, Visit Utopia Plantia (maybe shift ship buying/repairing/upgrading/customisation to UP)
  • wayotwolfwayotwolf Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd just like the ability to play poker and chess with my buddies. Having a tournament structure in place for these mini games would also be nice.
  • aldebaraunaldebaraun Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    - More bank and inventory slots: I know it's been mentioned repeatedly, but honestly, my inventory and bank slots are near maxed. I really don't want to give up stuff that I worked hard to get or paid real money for. I love to collect vanity pets. I like to do assignments and have to carry a ton of commodities and crafting items to be able to do them. You keep putting out great items, most of them bound to character, but I have no place to store them anymore. It's a huge part of the fun for me and a lot of other players to collect the pets. It just seems counter-intuitive to me for you to offer things and not give us space to store them.


    - Character Creator mix and match: Too many restrictions in the costume creator both for captains and bridge officers. Most of us really enjoy making our characters look unique. Bring back the exploit that allows us to mix and match pieces (/costumecreator.setslottype TRIBBLE) or something like it.


    - Character Creator Re-Revamp: Get rid of all the restrictions and let us make some interesting critters and outfits, especially when it comes to off-duty and formal. Open up the color palette for everything. I'd still appreciate a canon color pallete, but also give us the option to open up a color wheel and choose any color we want.

    Give us an option to make off-duty outfits for bridge officers. Many away missions were done out of uniform and in clothes appropriate to the planet being visited.

    Bring back the undo button to the character creator!

    - I'd like to be able to be inside my ship and still have the ability to transwarp or just travel across sectors and sector blocks.

    - Housing.
  • sophus84atsophus84at Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Fix the Odyssey/Aquarius Sizing bug.


    Fix the Launcher


    Make it possible to change race after wards (maybe even a Zen purchase like the changing name thing) But for people just using one or two toons its a pain to make a whole new one just to be a borg.

    More customisable Starships (indoor and outside)

    Make more Fleet stuff we can buy with Fleet Credits, without the need for Dill or Modules there.

    better crafting, like actually creating own consoles, with some buffs and dots but not too OP. level related.


    Open up Sector space, more free riding when flying would be nice.

    add the delta quadrant. now with all this transwarp this shouldnt be an issue anymore.

    way more end-game content lvl cap increase to 70,
    "Mei Borg is net deppat".....

  • jasonbelgradejasonbelgrade Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My Short to Mid would be a Mark Exchange platform exchange one type of Marks for other Marks like the Dilithium Exchange. Or be able to sell them if you don't need them.

    Just an idea.
  • rageycage559rageycage559 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Short Term

    Implement a voting kick system to combat AFKers who do nothing while we grind for marks.
    Remove Crafting entirely. Utterly pointless at this juncture.
    Focus efforts on fixing gameplay bugs.
    Also have some nukara missions that award 50+ Marks. Every other type of mark has at least something to earn that many without the need for the event. I don't see why Nukara should be any different.
    How about making Spheres harder to beat instead of annoying the bejesus out of everyone by buffing them with Emergency Power to Engines 3. That is just lazy programming.

    Mid Term

    Do something to make the grind less grindy for small fleets. I'm in a small fleet and the Dil Mine tab pretty much halted all progress we were making because others (including myself) are overwhelmed with it. Implement a scaling system to how many members there are. Wouldn't you like us to buy those ship Modules? We can't because the cost is too high as is. So in the end, this is costing you money.

    Long Term

    No more grind tabs until there is enough endgame content to make it feel like we aren't doing the same thing over and over and over and over (you get the idea).
  • elbourtelbourt Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Things I would like to see in game.

    1. The ability to replicate or buy from the C-Store the consoles you have access to instead of having to get ship, take console, delete ship.

    2. The ability to move equip and BOff layout from one ship to another.

    3. Fix Rom Alien females so they can be 4' 6" in the tailor.

    4. The ability to see ALL ships and crew in the Gateway.

    5. The ability to set a ship uniform that all new crew would get as default without having to visit the tailor.

    Just my $.02
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