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Post your worst STF experiance



  • ascaladarascaladar Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Worst experience yet KASE (Khitomer Vortex).

    Sitting in my Odyssey we killed the first cube fast enough. I announced in team chat I would stop the probes on left side. Which is easy duty I can often even stop probes and solo one of the cubes while doing this.

    Everything fine so far, but then I noticed no one responded or even felt responsible for stopping the probes on the right side. I typed it in fleet chat, hoping that some of the fast moving escorts would get the hint and stop the probes. Still no response, I abandoned my post on the left side to stop the probes, but it was too late as the probes had nearly reached the gate and half of the first wave went through.

    Meanwhile the first transformer got down (I think two of the escorts had themselves killed by a cube), a jem'hadar (I think it was an escort carrier) at least decided to relief me from guarding also the right side so I could at least stop the probes coming from the left gate again. The whole team scattered, some of them getting themselves killed repeatedly against various cubes. When the last transformer on left side died 4 people went for the gate and I was rushing to the right side in an attempt at damage control, even more probes came through the gate and 8/10 went through, when the gate on the left side fell. On right side only one cube was down and both transformers were still standing.

    Again the glorious 4 of this STF decided to ignore probes and incoming spheres leaving them all to me, I asked again for help, still no response. 2 Spheres with their damage and plasma fire proved too much to handle so I exploded. I was sure this STF was a failure but then at least the glorious 4 decided to finally stop the probes.

    As a result one of them berated me for not being ready for elite if I cannot stop the wave of probes on my own.

    At that point I flew 40km away and seriously considered going afk for the rest of the STF while the glorious 4 team got themselves killed by Donatra a few times.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,336 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My worst experience happened in an IGE.
    It all started out fine got a great team and really they were like the best you could wish for but for some reason my game messed up and I was unable to fire or change my weapons and even logging out and back in didn't fix it and if I had been able to shoot we would have owned the optional and just owned the mission in general and I think they may have thought I was a griefer but I simply couldn't fix the problem and the worst part is that as soon as we had left I could start shooting again. :(
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • wanderer89wanderer89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So last night I got involved in a debate about religion (yeah I know, hear me out)

    Team Mate Alpha: Go to hell noob

    Team Mate Zalpha: I find that offensive. I am a christian and don't believe you should say that

    S'ree@Tryulis (me): ... Dont we have Borg to kill guys?

    Zalpha: F**k you noob!

    S'ree: Thats not particularly christian of you... honestly, guys, lets leave religion out of this and just play?

    Alpha: Grow up

    It continued from there to the point where I just shut the chat window and carried on, Hive is difficult enough without being distracted by idiots and trolls

    I prey to any deity. God, Buddah or Han Solo. Please give me one STF that I just play through happily, without any stupid arguments or quarrels about whose a noob and who isnt or why they are a noob. Can't we all just get along? Won't somebody please think of the children?
    Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
    Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class

  • edited March 2013
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  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    While not strictly an STF, the following occured earlier today.....

    There is a fleet, a task force if you will, that I've flown with on a number of occasions.

    They namecheck an interesting early 20th century art movement, and I've always found them to be a good ally.

    There are some fleets that, when you see that name over a ship, give you a sense of confidence.

    However, today, in Azure Rescue a certain member of said fleet started in on me for the terrible crime of trying to free a scimitar while the tarantula was otherwise engaged.

    "Keep doing that and I'll go AFK" was their plaintive cry, "the games not meant to be played like that"

    Lo and behold, they did indeed go AFK....leaving the rest of us to try and free as many poor benighted Romulan ships as we could. Which turned out to be a little under the cap for the mission, though not awfully so.

    It seems to me that that particular member probably needs to find a new 20th century art movement to emulate. I'd suggest surrealism or possibly dadaism.

    They can then impose their own win conditions on group activities, secure in the knowledge that they will merely be attempting to subvert the form in the name of art.
  • edited March 2013
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  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    maybe they should have named themselves, "The Baroque Squad" because of how ugly their precious ships are. :D

    Actually that's not a bad idea. Somebody should make a fleet named that way, and just use ugly ships which they consider pcrecious.... you know the non-canon vesta; Exeter; federation dreadnought cruiser from that, now defunct alternate-timeline; Karfi, et cetera. And then have an opposite fleet named the Glam Squad lol (i'm finding this truly hilarious. Don't kind me XD

    I like it.

    Maybe an all-pink fleet, called the Barbie Task Force

    There may be a niche for this kind of thing......and, in PVP, getting pwned by the Barbies could represent a new low.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    I like it.

    Maybe an all-pink fleet, called the Barbie Task Force

    There may be a niche for this kind of thing......and, in PVP, getting pwned by the Barbies could represent a new low.

    Though it subsequently strikes me that getting pulled up by the Baroques may be even worse, and rather painful.

    My 100th post btw, pity me
  • edited March 2013
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  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There'd have to be a Ken team too......far fewer of them and often completely forgotten about.

    Also, very few accessories.

    Come to think of it, haven't i just described the Klingons?
  • mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok, you know, I thought I had a couple of pretty bad ones to post about people not keeping with groups, lagging behind, popping in and out etc but this one takes the cake:

    I figured that I would run Manus on elite, I don't usually do elite but I know where I stand with manus and i know what I'm doing, so I figured, why not? Well we start and the first bad signs appear right out of the gate; one of my team talks to the officer before the rest have even finished spawning in to the map. I figured, well not everyone plays it the same way and I moved on, waiting to see if it really was as bad as i thought, the answer came to me almost immediately as the same guy (I think) charged into the first room alone, I followed and was stuck defending the crew member by myself as the guy responsible had gone back out of the room. So, I'm standing there with a shocked expression whilst blasting away at borg, get KO'd and the optional is blown.

    By the time we get to the doorway of the second room, the whole group (mostly good players) has been wiped out about 5 times, myself included, one guy quit, not helpful. Every time we've gone down in under ten seconds of firing the first shots so we're starting the second room (yet again) and we get curb checked (yet again) in about four seconds (yet again), the respawn timer is already up around 80 seconds and we've only just started, under 5 mins... I'm left with a leaver penalty and no one to choke...

    Tell me people, should I laugh or cry because I'm not sure. :confused:

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
  • edited March 2013
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  • edited March 2013
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  • jake81499jake81499 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    have you tried stress balls? :P Throwing a cathode-ray monitor out the window always helps :D

    I tried punching a CRT once. Only once. It won. :o
  • notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Not "the worst experience", but certainly worth mentioning.

    ISE. After a decent beginning we rush to the left side. Suddenly I notice that only a KDF guy and me are shooting at the cube. Then I notice a BoP shooting one of the generators. Kinda panicked I ask, not very politely, "X, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?". His answer:

    "what do you want from me man, im bringing them to 10%"
    "i cant fight the cube i ahve to much dps it targets me almost instaly"
    "i have almost 5k dps per shot"

    Needless to say, I laughed so hard I lost control of my ship and the cube blasted me to pieces. Fast respawn, I rush to the cube and see that one of the gens has been already killed and the awesome BoP's pilot is dead. Usual thing happens - spheres spawn at the gate, I glance at them and I notice that optional is already blown despite the fact that they are still very close to the gate.
    Turns out that when the amazing BoP, some other guy and me moved to left cube, other 2 guys rushed right and killed a generator there.
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't get the joke?
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  • notorycznynotoryczny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    he laughed because the bop is a small ship, so he wasn't used to hearing that those ships have too much fire-power

    Actually on KDF I use a decently set up Hegh'ta (when I don't use other ships, that is). What almost killed me was "I can't shoot it because I deal too much damage". "5k DPS per shot" was also good.
    May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites
    pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
    moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
  • edited March 2013
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  • chaosnexus#5539 chaosnexus Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think my worst STF experience was using the PublicEliteSTF channel. At first it was good because I was able to get into groups that knew what they were doing but for the past couple of months there has been a bug in the STF queue and apparently everyone in the channel thought it was my privacy settings and was practically calling me a liar. I even tripled checked my privacy settings just to make sure that my settings were where it was suppose to be at but I still was being called a lair. Thankfully I am now in a fleet that actually does weekly runs of STF's and was able to complete the necessary projects for the omega reputation.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    However, today, in Azure Rescue a certain member of said fleet started in on me for the terrible crime of trying to free a scimitar while the tarantula was otherwise engaged.

    "Keep doing that and I'll go AFK" was their plaintive cry, "the games not meant to be played like that"
    Wait, he complained because you were freeing ships instead of wasting time shooting? What da faq?

    Usually when I'm in Azure Rescue somebody will be berating the group for blasting Tholians instead of freeing ships...
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    Wait, he complained because you were freeing ships instead of wasting time shooting? What da faq?

    Usually when I'm in Azure Rescue somebody will be berating the group for blasting Tholians instead of freeing ships...

    Yup, thats exactly what the poor unfortunate wight was complaining about.

    I surmise they'd never shot a tarantula down and were missing the experience.
  • risian5risian5 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've detected some strange new development over the last few days. At least, it's new for me.

    A few times during Infected Space Elite. We take down the transformer on the left side, go to the right side, do the same thing there. Then we start firing at the nanite and normal spheres. The tactical cube gets too close, the spheres are around it, some players go down. When they respawn, they simply fly to a totally different target (the gate, they approach it from the other side) and start shooting there.

    The result: I'm alone, or with only one other player, surrounded by spheres, chased by a tactical cube (while trying to get close enough to the spheres, but not too close to that cube) and eventually I go down as well.

    Whenever I go down, I can't wait to get back and support my team again. But for some reason other people seem to think that after they are destroyed, the can choose whatever target they like and don't have to care about the fact that there are still players who are still firing at the targets that killed you. Suddenly, no one seemed to care about concentrating fire on the same target anymore. (Now that I'm speaking of selecting targets, isn't it a little illogical to target the gate first when there are still moving targets on the map?)

    I don't know what others are thinking about it, but I may get somewhat frustrated whenever I am destroyed because the larger part of my team doesn't come back after they are destroyed but simply leave you there to be destroyed as well.
  • chaosnexus#5539 chaosnexus Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't know if it is just me or something but I have noticed that doing groups in the PublicEliteSTF channel was the worst experience for me. Don't get me wrong when I joined the channel it was very useful considering I was able to complete all the optionals and such by using the channel but afterwards it just didn't feel right. Noticed I was getting put into groups that had no clue on what they were doing and such. Eventually I left the channel because apparently there was some issues with the invite queue's and everyone thought it was me even though I had my settings properly set.
  • edited April 2013
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  • captainbaileycaptainbailey Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    epicninja2 wrote: »
    I don't know if it is just me or something but I have noticed that doing groups in the PublicEliteSTF channel was the worst experience for me. Don't get me wrong when I joined the channel it was very useful considering I was able to complete all the optionals and such by using the channel but afterwards it just didn't feel right. Noticed I was getting put into groups that had no clue on what they were doing and such. Eventually I left the channel because apparently there was some issues with the invite queue's and everyone thought it was me even though I had my settings properly set.

    well it seems some days publicelitestf is full of idiots that have not done elite stfs before and its very fustrating, it feels like ur pugging it lol
  • edited April 2013
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  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think at the very least, players should be penalized for closing their chat window during an stf. That way they'll learn their lesson and listen to instructions instead of blowing the missions to hell.
    I know what I'm doing in Elite STFs and often have my chat window closed, or at least zone and team turned off so I can banter with some friends during downtime (autofire, waiting for events to happen, etc). Why should I be penalized for not wanting to be bothered by some uninformed joe-schmoe telling me how swords are the worst STF weapon and that his minigun is better, or how I should be using emergency power to weapons instead of emergency power to shields? The same joe-schmoe who dies about a dozen times during the STF and then blames others for his stupidity?
    Joined: January 2010

    Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
  • oneandonlyrecceoneandonlyrecce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    [QUOTE=risian5;8950051A few times during Infected Space Elite. We take down the transformer on the left side, go to the right side, do the same thing there. Then we start firing at the nanite and normal spheres. The tactical cube gets too close, the spheres are around it, some players go down. When they respawn, they simply fly to a totally different target (the gate, they approach it from the other side) and start shooting there.

    The result: I'm alone, or with only one other player, surrounded by spheres, chased by a tactical cube (while trying to get close enough to the spheres, but not too close to that cube) and eventually I go down as well.[/QUOTE]
    Not a new trend I'm afraid to say. The weaker players find the gate easier to deal with than something with shields that can chase them :D

    What I've seen recently is when a weak player is killed by the left-side spheres spawn, they trot over to the right to take on the cube or worse one of the generators while the rest of us are still working the spheres. The're either ineffective against the cube's shields and only succeed in dying, or blow a generator while the cube is still up.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,016 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I had a howler earlier on, it cost me my near perfect khitomer record. In this case it was 3 bad pugs. only two of us was actually getting anywhere though we ended up being bogged down in probes, one fool was parked up spamming auto fire at a gate whilst a transformer and the generators were intact, completely ignoring me telling him to hit the generators, the others were in cloud cuckoo land by the looks of it, not surprisingly the whole STF was a dismal failure. 2 bad players is horrible but 3 bad players, well you do the maths, at least have a tutorial STF so this level of stupidity very rarely happens, 1 bad player can be carried,2 at a pinch but 3 forget it.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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