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The new PVP help and ship build thread



  • wuustawuusta Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just today, I was 1v1ing a bug in my scourge (same setup). I got absolutely owned... he was just going at a speed a little slower then me, and tanked my shots like crazy...after the fight was done, he still had 100%hull and about 25% of shields taken off on each side...im like wtf (normally at my speed, i tank ALOT more). people like you out there, please explain to me what you are doing? i know he prob had like 60 mil cred purple doff and XII accx3 weapons, but still...i kinda feel ashamed of my self on how easily he beat me. please give me some tips on making me a better pvper. thanks

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sign up for PvP boot camp
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dontdrunkimshoot can you please post a new defiant builds using the new gear / sets ?

    thank you
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dontdrunkimshoot can you please post a new defiant builds using the new gear / sets ?

    thank you

    defiant? well i can wip up something fast and real quick. might make a beter post for this later if i have time

    fast and dirty would look something like this. substitute the torp and torp skills with a DBB and BO if you desire

    3 DHC, 1 quant, 3 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3
    TT1, THY2, APO1

    EPtE1, EPtS2
    TSS1, HE2

    damage control and BFI doffs

    any combination of turn, armor, and universal consoles your comfortable with, and 5 energy damage consoles.

    i like fleet elite shield or maco, with omega deflector and engine for high speed and a boost to acc. new sets as in rep stuff? not really a good fit, cant beat brute force spike, thats what the defiant does best

    this is the part were i would write paragraphs about tactics, but its as simple as decloak and try to take them out in a single pass, speed tank and then try again when you get your second cannon and torp/beams skill cooled down. if you arent CRFing someone, just fly defensibly, dont stop moving. anyone else with cannons shooting at you, try to get directly above or below them.

    nice and simple, ive been meaning to go back and write detailed posts on old favorites like this, but just haven't had the time.
  • hroothvitnirhroothvitnir Member Posts: 322
    edited April 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I currently fly a build that has DEM3, cannons and beam w/BOff and is fairly fun for shooting in PvP but in light of the current Tribble EPTx changes I'm curiuos about how to choose some traits and would appreciate seome input or ideas.

    Should I support the DEM combo part of the build and choose?

    RSE T4 20% placate

    Borg T4 2.5%/ 5% passive proc for kinetic damage

    or support the shield health and choose?

    RSE T4 20% crit based self shield heal

    Borg T4 Passive constant buffed shield regen rate.

    WHich is more important for the changes possibly comming? Support damage or shield health? The build is average lets say on both in combat.


    ATM on my sciship I mitigate damage by not letting them shoot at me. The rom passive placate is still appling far to much. Crit rate turrets plus rom boff and crit consoles plus APA and I dont fear going head to head vs a sci captain with every single buff going as I have watched a fleetmate smash his subnuke button to pieces and it just wont target.

    Really needs fixing as that definitely not to design. But not being shot at makes you hella tankly.
  • milo07milo07 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Newbie here who has spent a long time studying sto mechanics and whatnot.

    The below is my "end-game" *cough*dream*cough* ship, that basically is supposed to serve as a hybrid healer (both hull and shield), a somewhat capable debuff cleanser, and a tank (on occaision).

    (Note: This was heavily inspired/influenced by Renimalt's healer oddy, so that's why some aspects will look similar. Thanks ren for posting that build!)


    Captain Class: Engineer
    Rank: Vice Admiral
    Ship: Star Cruiser

    BOff Abilities:

    Cmdr: EPtS 1, EPtS 2, AtSIF 2, ExtS 3
    Lt. Cmdr: ET1, AtSIF 1, ExtS 2

    Lt: TT 1, TT 2
    Lt: HE 1, TranSS 2
    Ens: ST 1

    Shields: MACO
    Engine: MACO

    x2 Damage Control Engineers (AtSIF form)
    x3 Shield Distribution Officers

    Fore: x3 Phaser BAs, x1 Omega Plasma Torpedo
    Aft: x3 Phaser BAs, x1 KCB

    Items: Deuterium Surplus, Shield Batt, Aux Batt, Subspace Field Mod

    x2 Neutronium Alloy
    x1 SIF Generator
    x1 Field Generator
    x2 Emitter Array
    x1 Phaser Relay
    x1 Assimilated Module

    I know that the MACO set (excluding shields) isn't very good, but the Omega set seems more escort-oriented and I have......issues with the Borg set (mainly because of its appearance). Additonally, the weapons I intend to upgrade to fleet elite-spec (the BAs, at least), the ship itself to the fleet variant, and -once I actually have money - swap the plasma torp for a wide-angle quantum and the SFM for a Photonic Displacer. Finally, is it possible to get more "bang for my buck" with a different doff setup?

    Sorry for the wall o' text and my adruptness - as I was typing this my semi-decent pc was downloading the f2p game client.... (now patching the game)
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2013
    Hi Milo.

    A star cruiser is a reasonable ship for healing. however, your setup has 2 major concerns.

    You run TT1, TT2, ST1 and ET1. They have all a shared cooldown of 15 seconds. This means you can only use 2 of them. I would go for only ET3 (and maybe TT1 for certain moments). With 2 maintenance engineer doffs, you can reduce the ET3 to the global cooldown, having a massive hull heal every 15 seconds, and moreover, it removes disables from viral matrix. Very usefull. For tactical abilities you can think of fire at will and attack pattern delta. Delta is also good defensive ability which you can use on team mates.

    Also, you use 2 damage control engineers. With 2 purple you can reduce a EptX ability to 30 seconds cooldown. Now you use 2x EptS, so your damage control engineers are obsolete. You should change EptS1 to EptW1 (more damage) or EptA1 (more healing). Or ditch the damage control engineers for other doffs, and keep EptS1 and 2.

    One final tip: you can try my F-button key bind (see key bind topic) for easy and quick distribution of heals.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    defiant? well i can wip up something fast and real quick. might make a beter post for this later if i have time

    fast and dirty would look something like this. substitute the torp and torp skills with a DBB and BO if you desire

    3 DHC, 1 quant, 3 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3
    TT1, THY2, APO1

    EPtE1, EPtS2
    TSS1, HE2

    damage control and BFI doffs

    any combination of turn, armor, and universal consoles your comfortable with, and 5 energy damage consoles.

    i like fleet elite shield or maco, with omega deflector and engine for high speed and a boost to acc. new sets as in rep stuff? not really a good fit, cant beat brute force spike, thats what the defiant does best

    this is the part were i would write paragraphs about tactics, but its as simple as decloak and try to take them out in a single pass, speed tank and then try again when you get your second cannon and torp/beams skill cooled down. if you arent CRFing someone, just fly defensibly, dont stop moving. anyone else with cannons shooting at you, try to get directly above or below them.

    nice and simple, ive been meaning to go back and write detailed posts on old favorites like this, but just haven't had the time.

    Sorry yeah i was asking about rep sets and amaco set, you see im hoping to make my defiant dog fight in pve and pvp,
    With high defence and dps and will deuterium surplus help ?
  • unheard1978unheard1978 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    1. what do you think will be the best warp core.
    2 traits for a tatical defiant dog fight captian like me ?
    3 should I use evasive maneuvers doffs
  • captweaverscaptweavers Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey guys, does anyone use the Chroniton Beam Array on their Jem Bug for PVP??
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry yeah i was asking about rep sets and amaco set, you see im hoping to make my defiant dog fight in pve and pvp,
    With high defence and dps and will deuterium surplus help ?

    id stick with the 2 part omega or borg, with ether maco or elite shields if you have access. deuterium surplus is good for an extra mini evasive, but not all that needed on a ship that already has EPtE and 2 copies of APO. you will be plenty zipy.

    1. what do you think will be the best warp core.
    2 traits for a tatical defiant dog fight captian like me ?
    3 should I use evasive maneuvers doffs

    warp cores im still completely clueless about. get all the space traits you can, accurate and elusive first and foremost, then any other space traits. i find BFI doffs, for the extra shield heal more useful then the evasive boffs. like i said, your already very zipy
    Hey guys, does anyone use the Chroniton Beam Array on their Jem Bug for PVP??

    its a good AP DBB, and good to use if you already use AP weapon. the chrono proc is nice, just dont rainbow your build, using it means you need all AP weapons and AP tac consoles
  • generator88generator88 Member Posts: 698 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Milo, if your main objection to the Borg set is appearance, you should know, you can disable visuals on ship pieces that have them, a fact for which I am grateful every time I look at my Patrol Escort and do not see the MACO shield's awful grey-washing of the paint job.


    I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
  • babyfacezbabyfacez Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Lol I made the transition from blue side to red side :D

    And I realized, I really need a good mentor on BoPs :/

    Most the time I queue I meet DDIS in the unrelenting steamy. That is one epic build you got on it. Is it 2x A2B with techies? Lol all I can do is dump skills and bail, if lucky I survive.
  • captweaverscaptweavers Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Fore Weapons: 3x Fleet Antiproton DHC accx2 dmgx2
    Chroniton Beam Array

    Aft Weapons: Fleet Antiproton Turret accx2 dmgx2
    Kinetic Cutting Beam
    Temporal Distruption Device

    Deflector: Borg mk xii

    Engine: Borg mk xii

    Shield: Elite Fleet Res Type A

    Devices: Red Matter / Subspace Field Modulator

    Eng: Borg console / ZPEC / Tachyokenetic Converter / Neutronium alloy mk xii (very rare)

    Sci: Field generator mk xii (very rare)

    Tac: 5x Mag Regulators mk xii (very rare)

    Bridge layout: Lt sci - ST 1 / HE 2
    Lt eng - EPS 1 / EPS 2
    Cmdr Tac - TT 1 / BO 2 / APO 1 / APO 3
    Lt Cmdr Tac - BO 1 / CRF 1 / CRF 2
    Ens Eng - ET 1

    DOFFS: TT recharge (very rare)
    2x Shield Distribution Officer (very rare)
    Attack pattern recharge (very rare)
    CRF recharge (very rare)

    What do you guys think???
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Bridge layout: Lt sci - ST 1 / HE 2
    Lt eng - EPS 1 / EPS 2
    Cmdr Tac - TT 1 / BO 2 / APO 1 / APO 3
    Lt Cmdr Tac - BO 1 / CRF 1 / CRF 2
    Ens Eng - ET 1

    DOFFS: TT recharge (very rare)
    2x Shield Distribution Officer (very rare)
    Attack pattern recharge (very rare)
    CRF recharge (very rare)

    What do you guys think???

    your doffs seem pretty inefficient. you have 2 APO, so the AP doff isnt helping. if you could get one more, and use APD1, you could drop APO1 and have full AP uptime. you also got 2 CRF, but a CRF doff. i'd use this station setup with these doffs

    TT1, APD1, BO3, APO3
    TT1, BO2, CRF2

    2 AP, 2/3 CRF, 1/0 BFI
  • chemist6lpchemist6lp Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello. Newbie here. While I've been an ardent reader of PvP forums over the last year, I've never found the courage to post. But I've been trying a new hybrid build concentrated around Particle Generators and I would appreciate you feedback. Especially concerning weapons, since these seem like the biggest concern for me (In a sense that they don't do much dmg). Energy is 100 Aux bias with about 40 into weapons, 30 into shields and 30 into engines. And I realize there are quite many shield heal powers in this build, but I tend to rely on BFI doffs and Reverse and cast TSS mostly on others.

    Ship: Science Vesta Variant

    Fore Weapons: 1x Fleet Advanced Dual Phaser Beam Bank [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2
    2x Aux Phaser DHC [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2

    Aft Weapons: 1x Fleet Advanced Phaser Beam Array [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2
    2x Fleet Advanced Phaser Turret [Acc]x2 [Dmg]x2

    Deflector: Adapted MACO Mk XII

    Engine: Adapted MACO XII

    Shield: Elite Fleet Covariant [ResA]

    Devices: Subspace Field Modulator

    Eng: Neutronium Alloy Mk XII (Purple) / RCS Accelerator Mk XII (Purple)
    Sci: 3x Particle Generators Mk XII (Purple) / 1x Emitter Array Mk XII (Purple) / 1x Field Generator Mk XI (Blue)
    Tac: 3x Phaser Relay Mk XI (Blue)

    Bridge Stations:
    Lt. Tac. - Tactical Team I / Cannon Rapid Fire I
    Lt. Eng. - EPtS 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity I
    Ens. Eng. - EPtS 1
    Cmdr. Sci. - Tractor Beam I / Transfer Shield Strength II / Gravity Well I / Feedback Pulse III
    LtCmdr. Sci. - Science Team I / Hazard Emitters II / Transfer Shield Strength III

    2x Shield Distribution Officer (Purple)
    1x Sensors Officer (Purple)
    1x Gravimetric Scientist (Purple)
    1x Warp Core Engineer (Blue)

    Should I ditch DBB for beam array, since I don't use BO and have beams mainly for subsystem targetting? Or switch to APD and remove that Sensors Officer? Or add another RCS? Any advice is appreciated.
    Science for the win. / Czechoslovak Fleet 1st Division
  • sadja4sadja4 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    maakur wrote: »
    I've been thinking about this for a while now:

    Since escorts are so flavor-of-the-month(s) right now, and especially for people who can't always have an organized PvP team but are occasionally thrown into PUGs - or even choose to play random - what would be the optimal build for taking down escorts?

    1. negate the escort's biggest advantage - its speed and turning (which also provide much of its defense/survivability)
    2. capitalize on the escort's biggest weakness - its squishiness
    3. be able to withstand high alpha strikes

    Regarding #1, the best strategy I've come up with is a variety of power drains; tractor beams, chronitons, and various other debuff-snares can be cleared with APO or PH but as someone pointed out earlier in the thread, all that free movement doesn't matter if you've got low engine power or engines offline. Thus, Polarons seem like the logical weapon choice, along with things like Leach, Tyken's, Energy Siphon, the Breen set, etc.

    Regarding #2, with comparably fewer shields to chew through than other ships, but a moderate amount of hull, it seems Kinetic damage is called for. Obviously you need some energy damage to punch through the shields initially, but once they're gone the aforementioned power drains should prevent them from regenerating too quickly and, since most escorts prefer powering engines & weapons over shields & auxiliary, even shield-healing science abilities won't be as much of a concern.

    Regarding #3, it's gotta have the same basic staples of any ship these days: RSP and TT at least. Other options for reducing spike damage would be things like the Borg 3pc, placate procs, Honor Guard shields, and defense bonuses (Aegis 2pc?). To avoid being pinned and losing all that defense, Polarize Hull or APO are needed too.

    Additionally, carriers are a nice way to harass an escort, as most escorts will have a difficult time killing multiple enemies at once if they are't in a cone for CSV. Recall doffs also provide bonus defense when needed (i.e. during alphas).

    TL;DR - looks like a Vesta with Polarons, some torps/mines & high aux

    All that having been said, so far in my tinkerings there are a few persistent walls I keep running into.

    1. The initial snare: Keeping an escort snared is easy; getting it snared in the first place can be tough, as it needs to be in range and likely in a weapon or ability firing arc of some variety (depending on which snare/drain we're using). There's always tractor beam, but they'll just APO out of it. Timeships are another option, but pricey. Catching an escort is an even bigger problem if not flying something with a high turn rate of its own, so cruisers seem off the table. And of course, even in an escort with a purple Mk XII turn console, I get flown around in circles by JHASs.
    2. Cloak: Problematic for its defensive potential here (obviously the offensive use informs Goal #3 above) - a Klingscort can battle cloak away on the verge of death and return with full health & shields, unsnared and ready to alpha you again. Charged Particle Burst is an option, but it competes with all our power draining abilities for precious boff slots; the Grappler console is another, but it has a very long cooldown. Buffing the daylights out of Sensors skill is a third, but I've never tried this myself and anecdotally I hear it's dicey, although we'd be running plenty of aux power for abilities already anyway. A smart opponent will use temporary stealth buffs like the Honor Guard 3pc to thwart this however.
    3. Offense vs. Defense: Even if I manage to slow an escort, generally this just means I can actually hit it for once but not necessarily do much damage. With chaining TT and all the passive heals in the game currently, even a snared/drained escort can be remarkably durable. It's difficult to have both enough defense to survive alphas while simultaneously being able to do enough damage to kill a smart escort. It seems like the right answer is to have just barely enough defense to survive the game's nastiest alpha and then dump as much else into offense as possible, but I'm still trying to find that point.

    Anybody else have thoughts/suggestions?
    I've have very good results, especially in one on one pvp battles with using FBP. I fly a cruiser. I try to be balanced in my approach - so I don't double up on any type of weapon or torp - I try to get the procs. So I have a Polaron cannon, polarized dual beam disruptor, (fore); Phaser turret, Tetryon beam (aft); Wide angle quantum, Omega Reward Plasma torp (fore); Borg Cutting beam, Breen Transphasic (aft). I run with two FBP - lvl 1 and lvl 2, and 2 RSP - lvl 1 and lvl 2; I have lvl 3 Aux to Struc (15 sec cooldown is great), polarize hull lvl 1, HE lvl 2, Jam Sensors lvl 1, TT (with doffs - cooldown is 15 secs so I only need one) and Attack pattern Delta, and two lvl 1 Emergency power to shields. My dps is fine for PVE, in pvp which do 99% of the time, my dps is directly related to how much dps is being done to me. With Aux at 125, by the way I use 2 piece borg and MACO shields, my FBP lvl 2 deals 87% feedback damage, and lvl 1 deals 71% - at it's lowest around 30 aux power - lvl 2 fbp deals 67% and lvl 1 deal 51%.

    I'm not an easy kill so most people don't like fighting me. I guess it's annoying for them when they can't just pop someone on their alpha. If an escort's not careful and I'm ready for them - my lvl 2 FBP (using Polarize hull to reduce bleedthrough damage) can cause enough feedback for them to blow themselves up if they hit with a critical. I'm a sci captain, but I've heard that a tac captain can really do serious damage with fbp becuase of their captain skills like Go Down Fighting. There's a secret on how to get you FBP maxed out - the highest the game allows at lvl 3 is .98% - my Intrepid had that - it's nasty. I've gotten many compliments too on my build. More compliments than complaints - the complaints are usually - you can't kill me cause you do no real damage. I say "whatever".

    Here's what so amussing to me - I'm in a battle against and escort and their ship is lite up like a christmas tree from all the boff skills and captain skills their using. I'm using one or two and I'm thinking to myself - you're doing all that for lil ole me - ah, how sweet.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sadja4 wrote: »
    I've have very good results, especially in one on one pvp battles with using FBP. I fly a cruiser. I try to be balanced in my approach - so I don't double up on any type of weapon or torp - I try to get the procs. So I have a Polaron cannon, polarized dual beam disruptor, (fore); Phaser turret, Tetryon beam (aft); Wide angle quantum, Omega Reward Plasma torp (fore); Borg Cutting beam, Breen Transphasic (aft). I run with two FBP - lvl 1 and lvl 2, and 2 RSP - lvl 1 and lvl 2; I have lvl 3 Aux to Struc (15 sec cooldown is great), polarize hull lvl 1, HE lvl 2, Jam Sensors lvl 1, TT (with doffs - cooldown is 15 secs so I only need one) and Attack pattern Delta, and two lvl 1 Emergency power to shields. My dps is fine for PVE, in pvp which do 99% of the time, my dps is directly related to how much dps is being done to me. With Aux at 125, by the way I use 2 piece borg and MACO shields, my FBP lvl 2 deals 87% feedback damage, and lvl 1 deals 71% - at it's lowest around 30 aux power - lvl 2 fbp deals 67% and lvl 1 deal 51%.

    I'm not an easy kill so most people don't like fighting me. I guess it's annoying for them when they can't just pop someone on their alpha. If an escort's not careful and I'm ready for them - my lvl 2 FBP (using Polarize hull to reduce bleedthrough damage) can cause enough feedback for them to blow themselves up if they hit with a critical. I'm a sci captain, but I've heard that a tac captain can really do serious damage with fbp becuase of their captain skills like Go Down Fighting. There's a secret on how to get you FBP maxed out - the highest the game allows at lvl 3 is .98% - my Intrepid had that - it's nasty. I've gotten many compliments too on my build. More compliments than complaints - the complaints are usually - you can't kill me cause you do no real damage. I say "whatever".

    Here's what so amussing to me - I'm in a battle against and escort and their ship is lite up like a christmas tree from all the boff skills and captain skills their using. I'm using one or two and I'm thinking to myself - you're doing all that for lil ole me - ah, how sweet.
    This build is an abomination and has no place in this thread. This almost has to be a sock puppet account created for trolling.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A quick question, how many points of Insulators, Sensors and Dampeners, Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements are worth taking for an escort ship nowadays for the best effect?
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    DeDe you are boy
    make a big noise heavy torpin in the queues
    gonna fly a big bird one day
    you got mud on your face
    you big disgrace, kickin the devs all over the place

    |: we want wE waNT WARBIRDS :|

    DeDe you're a man
    hard hitting alpha cloakers win
    gonna take on the feds one day
    you got blood on your face,
    you big disgrace, kicking the devs all over the place

    |: we want wE waNT WARBIRDS :|

    DeDe, you're an old man,
    poor man trannies smashin' hull
    gonna make you some plates someday
    You got mud on your face
    you big disgrace, somebody better put you back into your place

    |: we want wE waNT WARBIRDS :|

  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A quick question, how many points of Insulators, Sensors and Dampeners, Hull Plating/Armor Reinforcements are worth taking for an escort ship nowadays for the best effect?

    my personal recommendations on EVERYTHING would be

    9 to insulators
    6 to threat control
    6 to energy armor
    and not bothering with sensors, dampners, subsystem repair, or kinetic armor (threat control buffs energy and kinetic armor, that will give you enough)

    i just dont see a rate of return with any of those skills even close to being worth any points in them. dampeners doesn't seem to effect TB hold, just lets you not get pushed by tbr. if tbr is tac buffed, or from a crazy npc, you want to get away from it anyway. stuns dont tend to last long enough even at 0 ID to be all that deadly. if your crews dead every point in subsystem repair seems to do nothing, and everything kills crew. sensors can buff a few skills, and stealth detection, but as a counter to sensor disrupting attacks, well they arent dangerous enough to you to warent points in them over something else.
    havam wrote: »

    DeDe you are boy
    make a big noise heavy torpin in the queues
    gonna fly a big bird one day
    you got mud on your face
    you big disgrace, kickin the devs all over the place

    |: we want wE waNT WARBIRDS :|

    ya, i got a feeling the ships have received their final pass. chater about changing them has died down, except people that want the mogai to be another breen ship.

    i can give good reasons to buff the d'deridex turn rate and say them 100 times, but they are to stubborn to break from their head canon about that ship and other cruisers to improve cruiser turn rates. even if it would get them more sales, and be harmless to balance. because those slow turners are so underpowered right now they are near hopeless, vast upgrades would be required for them to break even at this point.

    well, got a little side tracked there. my plans for romulan ship builds coming soon

    *spoiler* hope you like tech doffs, cause every one of those warbirds can use them...
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks! I've been wondering about the usefulness of Sensors and Dampeners myself.
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    havam wrote: »

    |: we want wE waNT WARBIRDS :|
    I second this musical interlude.
    my personal recommendations on EVERYTHING would be

    9 to insulators
    6 to threat control
    6 to energy armor
    and not bothering with sensors, dampners, subsystem repair, or kinetic armor (threat control buffs energy and kinetic armor, that will give you enough)

    i just dont see a rate of return with any of those skills even close to being worth any points in them. dampeners doesn't seem to effect TB hold, just lets you not get pushed by tbr. if tbr is tac buffed, or from a crazy npc, you want to get away from it anyway. stuns dont tend to last long enough even at 0 ID to be all that deadly. if your crews dead every point in subsystem repair seems to do nothing, and everything kills crew. sensors can buff a few skills, and stealth detection, but as a counter to sensor disrupting attacks, well they arent dangerous enough to you to warent points in them over something else.
    Doesn't Sensors affect the Sci captain ability Sensor Scan? Cause that would be a pretty big caveat for that skill, IMO.
    *spoiler* hope you like tech doffs, cause every one of those warbirds can use them...
    *squee!* I won't have to break my addiction!
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    redricky wrote: »
    I second this musical interlude.

    Doesn't Sensors affect the Sci captain ability Sensor Scan? Cause that would be a pretty big caveat for that skill, IMO.

    i did mention it buffs certain things. BUT for just putting points in it for resistance i think its a waste. i did carefully qualify that. :P
    redricky wrote: »
    *squee!* I won't have to break my addiction!

    i know! i can quit anytime of course, but i dont have too!:D
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think Sensors only affect the Stealth debuff part of Sensor Scan, nothing else.
  • tarsudotarsudo Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    if theres a topic you have a question on, and you don't see anything addressing it, feel free to ask about it.

    Hi dontdrink

    I try to make build to my ferengi eng, i began this thread then what can you recommend for me in my D?kora?

    Thanks in advanced for your pvp help
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think Sensors only affect the Stealth debuff part of Sensor Scan, nothing else.

    On the nose, drake.

    It also means things like Jam Sensors, Scramble Sensors, and placates in general will have reduced a duration when applied to you.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    actually meant to set up a build for this, now that its going to be more usable and desirable then ever. the change to RCS consoles will mean you can get this ship turrning beter then ever. this ship is basicly a kdf cruiser, with more of a fed cruiser turn rate. but it should turn well enough after LoR to be used like a kdf cruiser

    3 DHC, 1 torp, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, APO1

    EPtE1, AtB1, EPtS3, DEM3
    ET1, AtB1

    HE1, TSS2

    omega deflector
    omega engine
    maco/fleet elite shield


    4 turn consoles
    3 universals of field gens
    3 energy damage tac consoles

    doffs- 3 purple tech, 2 BFI

    i expect a turn rate close to 30 with that, and more most of the time. the battle mode will help a bit too. it should be plenty durable and hit hard, with all its abilities at their global thanks the the tech doffs. might have to pick one up myself, due to the LoR turn console buff
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    this thing has the great big torp of doom console, and a synergy bonus toward using torpedoes that cant be ignored. (+10% Projectiles Damage, 25% Cooldown Reduction for Projectiles)

    3 DHC, 1 torp, 3 turrets

    TT1, APD1, CRF2, APO3

    TT1, THY2, CRF2, APO3

    EPtE1, AtB1, EPtS3
    ET1, AtB1

    HE1, TSS2

    omega deflector
    omega engine
    maco/fleet elite shield


    1 turn, zero point, 1 armor
    Plasma Destabilizer, Singularity Stabilizer, borg
    3 or 4 energy damage tac consoles

    doffs- 3 purple tech, 2 BFI

    APO3 at its global is one of the best parts about tech doffs, that and every other skill. a bargain compared to AP doffs, and so much better if you got 2 LT eng slots to use them with. the bonus of extra power to work with will be all the more beneficial for warbirds too. just dont shoot yourself in the foot, draining your aux down to 5 and then battle cloaking. once maco shield or leach stacks run out you will quickly become viable. make a habit in swapping to a preset with aux set to at least 50 every time you cloak. wouldn't want to shoot yourself in the foot wile battle cloaking.

    this basically looks like a kdf vet ship thats more compact, has 4 more base turn, an unideal ENS station, and better shield hitpoints in exchange for 2 seconds less of life during bare hull exposure. what an incredible bargain.

    a brel style setup would be so totally different. dont expect something like that from me, thats something that takes a lot of trial and error to dial in, and i have never tried it. i have no information or experience to give. i invite anyone who does to take a crack at such a build though.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    this ship has plenty of nefarious potentual with the LTC sci. i dont think you can go wrong with VM1 here. since this will also be a 2 AtB build, i wouldn't recommend a heal in the LTC slot. with its 2 console set bonus, it can make up for itself not having the escort defense score bonus (Increases Defense by up to 10 based on flight speed, +5 to Shield Power)

    3 DHC, 1 DBB, 3 turrets/2 turrets+1 cutting beam

    TT1, APD1, CRF2, APO3

    TT1, CRF1, BO3, APO3

    EPtE1, AtB1,
    EPtS1, AtB1

    TSS1, HE2, VM1

    omega deflector
    omega engine
    maco/fleet elite shield


    1 turn, 1 EPS
    borg,Singularity Inverter, Sabotage Probe
    4 or 5 energy damage tac consoles

    doffs- 3 purple tech, 2 vm system doffs

    more tech doffs, a bit more hitpoints, more damage dealing, with more disabling. i think this is the first 2 AtB escort with 5 tac consoles, that doesn't also give you a fail build. just another solid escort like ship. should prove very dangerous and powerful.
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