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The new PVP help and ship build thread



  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    hmm i sense a trend away from all cannon builds/beamboats, towards beam/cannon/torp rainbows.

    I was going to try out something along these lines, on the weekend, but didn't set my ships up for it out of habit i guess.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    havam wrote: »
    hmm i sense a trend away from all cannon builds/beamboats, towards beam/cannon/torp rainbows.

    I was going to try out something along these lines, on the weekend, but didn't set my ships up for it out of habit i guess.

    You sound like it is a bad thing :) for the record, I never used full cannon builds, because they were dull gameplay experience to me.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    You sound like it is a bad thing :) for the record, I never used full cannon builds, because they were dull gameplay experience to me.
    Althrough i agree to you when it comes to DHCs, i must say i really like Cannons, even Dual Cannons.
    Combined with Rapid fire, single cannons + turrets unleash a almost steady beam, that looks very cool IMO.
    On the other hand i just can't stand DHCs, i just hate that unsteady stuttering sound they make. Even i would fly a ship that could use them i would refuse to use them.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    You sound like it is a bad thing :) for the record, I never used full cannon builds, because they were dull gameplay experience to me.

    nah, not judging at all. just wondering if it s FotM thing, or what the numbers say. On the other hand, I can't really imagine a torp in front and a torp bo skill to go with it. I ll let you know how it went in the queues :)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    havam wrote: »
    hmm i sense a trend away from all cannon builds/beamboats, towards beam/cannon/torp rainbows.

    I was going to try out something along these lines, on the weekend, but didn't set my ships up for it out of habit i guess.

    its complicated, in premades with insane healing, a BO is to much of a break in hard core presure to be beneficial, and your never going to see a hole in shields last for more then a split second so torps don't work there, the 4 DHC build is all thats reliable there.

    in pugs, that closer spike from a BO or torp salvo works wonders, i constantly get unassisted kills just from a surprise cannon spike and well timed torp launch. you have to get used to lower score board numbers, your not a flying DPS hose anymore, your a sniper
    yreodred wrote: »
    Althrough i agree to you when it comes to DHCs, i must say i really like Cannons, even Dual Cannons.
    Combined with Rapid fire, single cannons + turrets unleash a almost steady beam, that looks very cool IMO.
    On the other hand i just can't stand DHCs, i just hate that unsteady stuttering sound they make. Even i would fly a ship that could use them i would refuse to use them.

    your gonna wanna get over that, DHCs are the only energy weapon that do anything. that gradual even damage you like anyone can just distribute their shields and that gradual damage will never hit hull, wile DHCs every fireing cycle obliterate a shield facing and deal direct hull damage.
  • defbond7defbond7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Defbond's 2 Aux2batt Free Ambassador:

    Tactical Captain: Specced in Energy Weapons, Torpedoes and Shields

    Fore Weapons, 3 Mk XII Beam Arrays [Accx2 or x3], 1 Omega Torpedo Launcher
    Aft Weapons 3 Mk XII Beam Arrays [Accx2 or x3], 1 Breen Transphasic Cluster Torp

    THY1, TS:E1

    EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, DEM3
    ET1, AtB1

    TB1, HE2, VM1


    Elite Fleet Covariant Shields ResA
    Borg Deflector
    Borg Engines


    Subspace Jumper, Neutronium, Borg, RCS

    2x Field Generator

    3 Energy Damage Type


    3 Purple Tech Doffs, 1 VM, 1 BFI


    1 Romulan Tac with Operative passive
    4 Humans


    The Merge: Begin with TT1, THY1 then once the opponent fires the first volley Subspace Jump, DEM, APA, VM1 and TB1, thus avoiding the Alpha and disabling their ship, aww you used Tac Team to avoid my alpha, what are you gonna do about the VM now :confused:

    The Weardown: Once you are behind the ship begin broadsiding, the VM will wear off by now and your opponent will be angry and quite aggressive, tank the remaining Alpha with TT1, BFI, and EPtS1 while wearing down the hull with DEM3, an escort will eventually get your shields down, now is the time for RSP2(At global). VM will be back up as it is at global. It will take some clever maneuvering to get your opponents ship in your 90' arc again but wait for his/her APO to finish then engage tractor beam, which is at global. Continue spamming DEM3(which is also at global:)) and the for mentioned steps, including keeping the Omega Torp on Auto Fire and spamming HY1, until their hull is getting low, 30% or less preferably.

    The Final Blow: With your opponents hull low, and your APA and subspace jump back from cooldown, repeat the merge strategy, the DEM will continue weakening their hull only this time instead of a sustained broadside, pass your opponent and let the cluster torp fire, 75% of the time the cluster torp will finish them off, if you are lucky even chain critting at 3k per torp which is 30k hull damage, the rest of the time just let the DEM snack on their hull and finish off whats left. Relax now, and revel in the fact on how you owned a lockbox ship in the free ambassador, moreover as a tac in a cruiser...

    A Final Note: Hazard Emitters is aux dependent, I chose not to include EPtA in my build because if I need to hull heal myself or an ally with aux2batt running I will switch to a high aux power level preset and the aux power will come back up, if its an emergency pop an aux battery and use HE. The rest of the time, try to time ET with RSP, its the one time when TT is not needed so you can use it without fear of being spiked from one side. This is usually enough combined with the human boffs to keep your hull intact...
  • deano65ehgdeano65ehg Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    this is just a rougth plan on a build i had in mind for the mirror version as a sheilds n power stripper so my pets can do the damage but would appresheate anny surjestions on wat to put in the other 2 eng slots and maybe wat sort off doff's ? anny help would b greatefull
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    your gonna wanna get over that, DHCs are the only energy weapon that do anything. that gradual even damage you like anyone can just distribute their shields and that gradual damage will never hit hull, wile DHCs every fireing cycle obliterate a shield facing and deal direct hull damage.
    Why should i?
    None of the ships i do fly or even want to fly, do have the ability to use DHCs in the first place.
    Since i am not that much into PvP anyway, and i really hate Escorts i don't see a reason to change my mind.

    On the other hand, it is not that i refuse to use DHCs in general, i just can't stand that irritating stuttering sound and the fact that they take too long to shoot finally. I just can't get them to shoot when i want them to shoot, lol.

    Anyway, i would rather stop playing this game entirely, before i am forced to fly an Escort.

    Sorry for being off topic. :o
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • uglydiseaseuglydisease Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    if you get one of these, you might as well get the temperal set too, it works well to make one of these as min/maxed as possible. also the sci ship, so you can get the Tipler Cylinder. hope you like opening boxes for lobi.

    1 chrono DBB, 3 AP DHC, 2 turrets, 1 Temporal Disruption Device

    TT1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3
    TT1, BO2

    EPtA1, RSP1,

    TB1, HE2, TSS3


    borg deflector
    borg engine
    maco/khg shield


    1 nutronium, 1 EPS

    zero point, borg, Tachyokinetic Converter, Tipler Cylinder

    4 AP damage consoles


    2 damage control doffs, 2 attack pattern doffs, 1 BFI doff

    with your 15 turn rate, and your likely inaccurate AP weapons, a tractor beam will be helpful, and your chrono beam and heavy torp will help you slow folks down too, along with the the 3 part bonus from the temporal warfare set. TSS3 with this things 1.05 shield mod should offer absurd escort tanking, along with RSP as well. this isn't a pure escort as much as a ship with escort damage dealing relying on various control tactics to make your enemy easier to hit, without needing to out maneuver them

    I have a couple of concerns with this build. First off Im not sure it makes the best use of the temporal sets chroniton torp proc. Why not put a chroniton torpedo? Second from the way you layed out your build it looks like your putting the disruption device on the rear which could work but without omega pattern, and RCS acc. or some other means to turn around quickly I dont see how this will get used to maximium effect. Third Im not sure I see the benefits of using the borg engines or deflector. I was considering using the omega engines because (and I could be mistaken about this) the hyper-engine quality should allow me to be able to out menuver my opponent. Even if this is incorrect why not use HG or Maco engines/deflector?

    Basicly I was thinking of using the temporal destroy as a movement disabler, purhaps this is a poor tactic?
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Using 2 borg pieces generally increases your tankyness by a lot.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • uglydiseaseuglydisease Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Okay that makes sence because of the Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer, but im still wondering how to leverage the chroniton torp proc and the temp. disruption device effectively if the temp device is placed on the back and there arnt boff abilities to increase turn rate or speed also the lack of chroniton torps doesnt take advantage of the boost that the temporal set gives chroniton.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    defbond7 wrote: »
    Defbond's 2 Aux2batt Free Ambassador:

    Tactical Captain: Specced in Energy Weapons, Torpedoes and Shields

    Fore Weapons, 3 Mk XII Beam Arrays [Accx2 or x3], 1 Omega Torpedo Launcher
    Aft Weapons 3 Mk XII Beam Arrays [Accx2 or x3], 1 Breen Transphasic Cluster Torp

    THY1, TS:E1

    EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, DEM3
    ET1, AtB1

    TB1, HE2, VM1


    Elite Fleet Covariant Shields ResA
    Borg Deflector
    Borg Engines


    Subspace Jumper, Neutronium, Borg, RCS

    2x Field Generator

    3 Energy Damage Type


    3 Purple Tech Doffs, 1 VM, 1 BFI


    1 Romulan Tac with Operative passive
    4 Humans


    The Merge: Begin with TT1, THY1 then once the opponent fires the first volley Subspace Jump, DEM, APA, VM1 and TB1, thus avoiding the Alpha and disabling their ship, aww you used Tac Team to avoid my alpha, what are you gonna do about the VM now :confused:

    The Weardown: Once you are behind the ship begin broadsiding, the VM will wear off by now and your opponent will be angry and quite aggressive, tank the remaining Alpha with TT1, BFI, and EPtS1 while wearing down the hull with DEM3, an escort will eventually get your shields down, now is the time for RSP2(At global). VM will be back up as it is at global. It will take some clever maneuvering to get your opponents ship in your 90' arc again but wait for his/her APO to finish then engage tractor beam, which is at global. Continue spamming DEM3(which is also at global:)) and the for mentioned steps, including keeping the Omega Torp on Auto Fire and spamming HY1, until their hull is getting low, 30% or less preferably.

    The Final Blow: With your opponents hull low, and your APA and subspace jump back from cooldown, repeat the merge strategy, the DEM will continue weakening their hull only this time instead of a sustained broadside, pass your opponent and let the cluster torp fire, 75% of the time the cluster torp will finish them off, if you are lucky even chain critting at 3k per torp which is 30k hull damage, the rest of the time just let the DEM snack on their hull and finish off whats left. Relax now, and revel in the fact on how you owned a lockbox ship in the free ambassador, moreover as a tac in a cruiser...

    A Final Note: Hazard Emitters is aux dependent, I chose not to include EPtA in my build because if I need to hull heal myself or an ally with aux2batt running I will switch to a high aux power level preset and the aux power will come back up, if its an emergency pop an aux battery and use HE. The rest of the time, try to time ET with RSP, its the one time when TT is not needed so you can use it without fear of being spiked from one side. This is usually enough combined with the human boffs to keep your hull intact...

    that should all work well, on a kamarang. ive tried, to get beam arrays to make holes and deal real damage on a hoped up tac cruiser, but it just tends not to happen really. the dem and plasma dots and sheld damage are just to slowly dealt and to easy to mend. if you can get it to work thats good, in a pug i bet it will work fine. run into any organization and you will be hard pressed to have an effect
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    deano65ehg wrote: »
    this is just a rougth plan on a build i had in mind for the mirror version as a sheilds n power stripper so my pets can do the damage but would appresheate anny surjestions on wat to put in the other 2 eng slots and maybe wat sort off doff's ? anny help would b greatefull

    i followed the link and everything was blank im afrade
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    Why should i?
    None of the ships i do fly or even want to fly, do have the ability to use DHCs in the first place.
    Since i am not that much into PvP anyway, and i really hate Escorts i don't see a reason to change my mind.

    On the other hand, it is not that i refuse to use DHCs in general, i just can't stand that irritating stuttering sound and the fact that they take too long to shoot finally. I just can't get them to shoot when i want them to shoot, lol.

    Anyway, i would rather stop playing this game entirely, before i am forced to fly an Escort.

    Sorry for being off topic. :o

    well if your not using an escort never mind. if you do, and you use DCs over DHCs, your not going to do well. you will learn to love the effect they have on shield faceings then. i know what you mean about escorts, i use more off beat escorts like ships like destroyers because i hate that they are the only dangerous ships, and large ships of the line are helpless.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have a couple of concerns with this build. First off Im not sure it makes the best use of the temporal sets chroniton torp proc. Why not put a chroniton torpedo? Second from the way you layed out your build it looks like your putting the disruption device on the rear which could work but without omega pattern, and RCS acc. or some other means to turn around quickly I dont see how this will get used to maximium effect. Third Im not sure I see the benefits of using the borg engines or deflector. I was considering using the omega engines because (and I could be mistaken about this) the hyper-engine quality should allow me to be able to out menuver my opponent. Even if this is incorrect why not use HG or Maco engines/deflector?

    Basicly I was thinking of using the temporal destroy as a movement disabler, purhaps this is a poor tactic?

    the torp is aft because its not part of your primary offense, its mostly there to complete the set bonus. using a slow heavy HY torp with a 2 cannon, beam overload alpha is pretty tricky, and your to low on tac stations to use canons, torps and beams in my opinion. against other fast moving escorts, chronos proc is not that useful, it is cleared by APO. other ships are already slow so its a bit redundant on them, thought it will lower defense score

    the borg set 2 part is good for heals, but honestly a fast engine is a better defense on an escort, i dont even use the borg set at all anymore on anything. i made that build a wile back, it might be due for an overhawl. a TB is the best way to counter your lower turn rate, attack hard and with everything when you see gaps in TT and
    Okay that makes sence because of the Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer, but im still wondering how to leverage the chroniton torp proc and the temp. disruption device effectively if the temp device is placed on the back and there arnt boff abilities to increase turn rate or speed also the lack of chroniton torps doesnt take advantage of the boost that the temporal set gives chroniton.

    if you want chrono procs, mines are best. using a heavy torp like that well is difficult, and with the DBB part of the set theres no room for it up front.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    if you go to the Skill tab, he has his skill point allocation set up....

    pretty hard to judge the skill tree when i have no idea what he wants to use it for, what its station powers are , and what its armed with
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Brakes


    How I Learned to Stop Worrying


    Love Dual Heavy Cannons

    Ship: Science Vesta (Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer)


    Fore Weapons: 2 Phased Polaron Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XI [Acc][CrtH], 1 Phased Polaron Dual Beam Bank Mk XI [Acc]x2

    Aft Weapons: 2 Phased Polaron Turrets Mk XI [Acc][Dmg]*, 1 Phased Polaron Beam Array Mk XII [Acc]x2

    *[Acc]x2 would be preferable


    Deflector: Omega Mk X

    Engine: Omega Mk X

    Shield: M.A.C.O. Mk X**

    **Elite Fleet Shield would be a better choice if available


    Engineering Consoles: Neutronium Mk X / Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver

    Science Consoles: 5 Flow Capacitor Mk XI***

    Tactical Consoles: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI

    Hangar: Runabouts

    ***Romulan Variants from Embassy highly recommended

    -[Bridge Officer Powers]-

    Commander Science: Hazard Emitters 1 / Transfer Shield Strength 2 / Energy Siphon 2 / Energy Siphon 3

    Lieutenant Commander Tactical: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Rapid Fire 1 / Target Sub-System: Engines 3

    Lieutenant Tactical: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Rapid Fire 1

    Lieutenant Engineer: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1

    Ensign Science -or- Engineer:**** Tractor Beam 1(Science Team 1) / Emergency Power to Shields 1

    ****If you're facing an opponent who is stacking placates (particularly the Romulan T4 passive and KHG shields), you'll get more mileage out of Science Team or Emergency Power to Shields than your own Tractor Beam.

    -[Duty Officers]-

    2 Shield Distribution Officers, 1 Warp Theorist (E Siphon gains 25% chance to disable a subsystem), 2 Energy Weapons Officers (20 Sec reduction ins Target: Subsystems Cooldown)

    -[The Concept]-

    This ship is setup to do one thing, and one thing only: Control an opponent's movement through holds and engine power debuffs/disables. Attack Pattern: Omega and/or Evasive Maneuvers does jack-all for an opponent who has their engines offline or drained away.

    That said, PI will blunt the bulk of the effectiveness of your Siphons, though, their main purpose is in allowing you to cap weapon power and top 100 in all other subsystems, allowing you to turn well and haul tail when necessary without always being battery dependent.

    [More formatting changes to come, maybe]
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think the previous post could use some color !
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Do you think you could get by dropping the DBB altogether? You could bring the rear array to bear fairly easily for the target subs and then have 3 DHCs up front. Just a thought.

    Also, if you're focused on engine drain have you tried out the TBR doff? If Omega is up they get hit with multiple pulses, all of which have a pretty high chance at an engine drain.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
  • thegrimcorsairthegrimcorsair Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    redricky wrote: »

    Do you think you could get by dropping the DBB altogether? You could bring the rear array to bear fairly easily for the target subs and then have 3 DHCs up front. Just a thought.

    Also, if you're focused on engine drain have you tried out the TBR doff? If Omega is up they get hit with multiple pulses, all of which have a pretty high chance at an engine drain.

    Being able to drain Engines and Sub-nuc without taking guns off target is more valuable than either being on Target with guns for a Nuc or taking the guns off target to target engines then getting back on target for a Nuc.

    I have not tried the TBR DOff as I do not possess it, nor likely the EC to purchase it. I've no idea how useful it'd be, but I suspect it would be less useful than being able to keep all my power levels capped virtually all the time. I'll see about using it this evening, though I'm skeptical of its effectiveness.
    If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Renim's resistance viewer tool has been updated! a new version of a tool that shows basicly real time what your targets shields and hull resistance is, based on the combat log after you activate it. think of it as an enhanced sensor array
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well if your not using an escort never mind. if you do, and you use DCs over DHCs, your not going to do well. you will learn to love the effect they have on shield faceings then. i know what you mean about escorts, i use more off beat escorts like ships like destroyers because i hate that they are the only dangerous ships, and large ships of the line are helpless.

    I exactly know how you feel.

    I bought myself a Moebius (don't ask what i had to do to get enough money, lol), but i must say it's extremely nimble compared to my Mirror Assault cruiser. Maybe i just have to get accustomed to it. But i reach a turnrate of 43+ sometimes, that's really confusing if the ship overdrives in Battle, lol.
    Maybe this sounds crazy, but i really wish there where a way to make it a bit slower turning. When looking at the ships stats i never would have thought it being so fidgety.

    I tried your Moebius build, especially its BOFF, console and DOFF layout, and did some Fleet actions, missions and stuff i do everyday.

    But even if the ship isn't so nimble ayymore (i'm not certain if its me getting accustomized to it or the different BOFF powers), i can't get get the feeling of it being a improvement over my Mirror Assault Cruiser.
    That's not against your Build, but more just a matter of "feeling".

    Surely the Moebius got more firepower and it's survivability is almost the same, but still, it just doesn't feel like a Star Trek game anymore.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • maakurmaakur Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've been thinking about this for a while now:

    Since escorts are so flavor-of-the-month(s) right now, and especially for people who can't always have an organized PvP team but are occasionally thrown into PUGs - or even choose to play random - what would be the optimal build for taking down escorts?

    1. negate the escort's biggest advantage - its speed and turning (which also provide much of its defense/survivability)
    2. capitalize on the escort's biggest weakness - its squishiness
    3. be able to withstand high alpha strikes

    Regarding #1, the best strategy I've come up with is a variety of power drains; tractor beams, chronitons, and various other debuff-snares can be cleared with APO or PH but as someone pointed out earlier in the thread, all that free movement doesn't matter if you've got low engine power or engines offline. Thus, Polarons seem like the logical weapon choice, along with things like Leach, Tyken's, Energy Siphon, the Breen set, etc.

    Regarding #2, with comparably fewer shields to chew through than other ships, but a moderate amount of hull, it seems Kinetic damage is called for. Obviously you need some energy damage to punch through the shields initially, but once they're gone the aforementioned power drains should prevent them from regenerating too quickly and, since most escorts prefer powering engines & weapons over shields & auxiliary, even shield-healing science abilities won't be as much of a concern.

    Regarding #3, it's gotta have the same basic staples of any ship these days: RSP and TT at least. Other options for reducing spike damage would be things like the Borg 3pc, placate procs, Honor Guard shields, and defense bonuses (Aegis 2pc?). To avoid being pinned and losing all that defense, Polarize Hull or APO are needed too.

    Additionally, carriers are a nice way to harass an escort, as most escorts will have a difficult time killing multiple enemies at once if they are't in a cone for CSV. Recall doffs also provide bonus defense when needed (i.e. during alphas).

    TL;DR - looks like a Vesta with Polarons, some torps/mines & high aux

    All that having been said, so far in my tinkerings there are a few persistent walls I keep running into.

    1. The initial snare: Keeping an escort snared is easy; getting it snared in the first place can be tough, as it needs to be in range and likely in a weapon or ability firing arc of some variety (depending on which snare/drain we're using). There's always tractor beam, but they'll just APO out of it. Timeships are another option, but pricey. Catching an escort is an even bigger problem if not flying something with a high turn rate of its own, so cruisers seem off the table. And of course, even in an escort with a purple Mk XII turn console, I get flown around in circles by JHASs.
    2. Cloak: Problematic for its defensive potential here (obviously the offensive use informs Goal #3 above) - a Klingscort can battle cloak away on the verge of death and return with full health & shields, unsnared and ready to alpha you again. Charged Particle Burst is an option, but it competes with all our power draining abilities for precious boff slots; the Grappler console is another, but it has a very long cooldown. Buffing the daylights out of Sensors skill is a third, but I've never tried this myself and anecdotally I hear it's dicey, although we'd be running plenty of aux power for abilities already anyway. A smart opponent will use temporary stealth buffs like the Honor Guard 3pc to thwart this however.
    3. Offense vs. Defense: Even if I manage to slow an escort, generally this just means I can actually hit it for once but not necessarily do much damage. With chaining TT and all the passive heals in the game currently, even a snared/drained escort can be remarkably durable. It's difficult to have both enough defense to survive alphas while simultaneously being able to do enough damage to kill a smart escort. It seems like the right answer is to have just barely enough defense to survive the game's nastiest alpha and then dump as much else into offense as possible, but I'm still trying to find that point.

    Anybody else have thoughts/suggestions?
  • wuustawuusta Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello everyone! So the other day I was Pvping with my Scourge R. I was on a team with pretty good Klinks (A lot of battle cruisers and cruisers). And the Fed team was just horrible. But they had 2 Mobius Temporal Destroyers. And they were VERY GOOD players. I don't know how they did it, but they were almost impossible to destroy with their Adaptive Shields. When I get my Fleet Scourge R I want to play just like them. I know they probably have really high gear and doff's. But can you guys give me at least what you use in your build? Currently this is what I have in my Scourge R.

    Dual Disruptor Heavy Cannons Mk XII [acc] [dmg] [CrtH] X3
    Dual Distuptor Beam Bank Mk XII [acc]x2 [CrtD]
    Fleet Disruptor Turret [Dmg]x3 [Acc] X3

    Boff Abilities:
    Tac: TT1, CRF1, APO1, APO3
    Tac: TT1, CRF1, BO3
    Eng: EPtS1, RSP1
    Eng: EPtS1
    Sci: PH1, HE2

    Doff that decrease evasive maneuvers X3

    Shield: Fleet Cov. Shield [Cap]x3 [ResX] The one with phaser res
    Engine: Borg
    Deflector: Borg

    Tac: Disruptor weapon dmg increaser X4
    Eng: RCS X3
    Sci: Borg, Shield Regen Increaser

    Power levels:
    Noob PvP: 100/50/25/25
    Normal PvP: 100/25/50/25
    Elite PvP (Against stronger people) 75/25/75/25
    PVE: 100/50/25/25

    As you can see I have a pretty solid build. It works pretty well, not a lot of people can beat me in a 1 vs 1. Now I just need to perfect it. It seems compared to the elite escorts and tac's flying around, my damage is not enough, and I can't speed tank as good as them, or even res. tank. So what is it you guys are doing to become so powerful? Can you guys please give me an idea of your build or what you are really using to tank and do so much damage (Boff, Doff, Equipment, Power). And would of you guys mind explaining how the adaptive fleet shield works?Sometimes I see a disruptor adaptive shield with a number 10, what does that mean? And like I mentioned before, I'm getting a Fleet Scourge R. Any builds on that would be nice too! Thanks everyone!

  • dummynamedummyname Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Any science healbot captains that might be available after 5PM EST? I'd like to talk to someone about this build:


    I especially want to go over the skill tree before I burn my respec.
    24 Hours a day, 365 days a week.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wuusta wrote: »
    Hello everyone! So the other day I was Pvping with my Scourge R. I was on a team with pretty good Klinks (A lot of battle cruisers and cruisers). And the Fed team was just horrible. But they had 2 Mobius Temporal Destroyers. And they were VERY GOOD players. I don't know how they did it, but they were almost impossible to destroy with their Adaptive Shields. When I get my Fleet Scourge R I want to play just like them. I know they probably have really high gear and doff's. But can you guys give me at least what you use in your build? Currently this is what I have in my Scourge R.

    Dual Disruptor Heavy Cannons Mk XII [acc] [dmg] [CrtH] X3
    Dual Distuptor Beam Bank Mk XII [acc]x2 [CrtD]
    Fleet Disruptor Turret [Dmg]x3 [Acc] X3

    Boff Abilities:
    Tac: TT1, CRF1, APO1, APO3
    Tac: TT1, CRF1, BO3
    Eng: EPtS1, RSP1
    Eng: EPtS1
    Sci: PH1, HE2

    Doff that decrease evasive maneuvers X3

    Shield: Fleet Cov. Shield [Cap]x3 [ResX] The one with phaser res
    Engine: Borg
    Deflector: Borg

    Tac: Disruptor weapon dmg increaser X4
    Eng: RCS X3
    Sci: Borg, Shield Regen Increaser

    Power levels:
    Noob PvP: 100/50/25/25
    Normal PvP: 100/25/50/25
    Elite PvP (Against stronger people) 75/25/75/25
    PVE: 100/50/25/25

    As you can see I have a pretty solid build. It works pretty well, not a lot of people can beat me in a 1 vs 1. Now I just need to perfect it. It seems compared to the elite escorts and tac's flying around, my damage is not enough, and I can't speed tank as good as them, or even res. tank. So what is it you guys are doing to become so powerful? Can you guys please give me an idea of your build or what you are really using to tank and do so much damage (Boff, Doff, Equipment, Power). And would of you guys mind explaining how the adaptive fleet shield works?Sometimes I see a disruptor adaptive shield with a number 10, what does that mean? And like I mentioned before, I'm getting a Fleet Scourge R. Any builds on that would be nice too! Thanks everyone!


    looks like a solid build to me, its got all the important details, and the doffs are simple. remember that the fleet scorge has a sci ENS station though, its different from the retrofit for some reason.

    hitting hard effectively i find takes timing and watching active buffs. if your fighting a target and he has his TT perfectly timed with your tac station cooldowns, your going to be there for a wile, beating on someone rotting through defenses can get you no were. i like to pick a target thats receiving no healer and attacker attention, and try to hit him with as strong an alpha as possible, and call him as a target at the same time. if your lucky 3 cannons will drop a shield facing in a single fireing cycle and you can land a BO or torp hit at that exact moment. with defense passives, actives and procs so strong, more then ever its how much damage you can do in the space of a second that gets kills now.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    maakur wrote: »
    I've been thinking about this for a while now:

    Since escorts are so flavor-of-the-month(s) right now, and especially for people who can't always have an organized PvP team but are occasionally thrown into PUGs - or even choose to play random - what would be the optimal build for taking down escorts?

    sorry ive been ignoring the thread for a wile, finally gave this a good read and its actually a good bit of info for dealing with escorts. i'll link this in my advanced strategies and tactics section of the TOC.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dummyname wrote: »
    Any science healbot captains that might be available after 5PM EST? I'd like to talk to someone about this build:


    I especially want to go over the skill tree before I burn my respec.

    have you joined the OrganizedPvP chat channel? everyone looking at this thread should btw. join the channel and ask those that are on for help, you are almost assured to get good information

    How to join: /channel_join organizedpvp (must be typed in your chat box)
  • wuustawuusta Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    looks like a solid build to me, its got all the important details, and the doffs are simple. remember that the fleet scorge has a sci ENS station though, its different from the retrofit for some reason.

    hitting hard effectively i find takes timing and watching active buffs. if your fighting a target and he has his TT perfectly timed with your tac station cooldowns, your going to be there for a wile, beating on someone rotting through defenses can get you no were. i like to pick a target thats receiving no healer and attacker attention, and try to hit him with as strong an alpha as possible, and call him as a target at the same time. if your lucky 3 cannons will drop a shield facing in a single fireing cycle and you can land a BO or torp hit at that exact moment. with defense passives, actives and procs so strong, more then ever its how much damage you can do in the space of a second that gets kills now.
    What would you suggest for me to put in the Eng SCI? And what doffs do you think i should get? thanks
  • inosaskainosaska Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No builds for Mirror Universe Vo'quv says many people have not experimented with it. Any idea's?
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