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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short Term

    Requesting some items for the GPL store (or if appropriate Lobi Store or Z-Store):

    -Latinum Horta! Both non-combat permanent and combat consumable.
    -Tribble of Latinum. Buff: Every hour or day you recieve 10 or 100 GPL, respectively.
    -Latinum rings.
    -A matching pants for the Ferengi Entrepreneur's Jacket. Why is there a matching skirt but no pants? For this item I would suggest using "Off Duty - Pants - Loose Long", under Lower select "Basic 4" as the template and line the side with GPL. Simple easy copy/paste-ish work imo. Quick $ for you. Make it happen
    -Weapons made/lined with GPL: Sword, Falchion, Lirpa, or maybe a new weapon model.
    -Earrings. You've done this already however, allow males to wear earrings too. Bajoran males aren't the only ones who have free reign on earrings you know
    -Latinum EVA suit.

    Mid Term

    -Allow the D'Kora to change its designation to SS
    -This pertains to the D'Kora. Lower the Ferengi Marauder 3 piece set bonus:
    "Friends in High Places" to 1 hour instead of 2
    -Within the D'Kora bridge, replace each of the 6 hexagons on the walls with trophy shelves. And directly behind the Dabo table create an alcove for a floor trophy

    Long Term

    -While I'm on the subject of bridges... create a unique bridge for the Ferengi Na'Far or more shuttle bridge selections as well.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    - Fewer lockbox ships; more C-store ships (self-explanatory)
    - Year change to 2410, onward (come on, all this stuff can't be happening inside one year)
    - "Gangnam style" emote (just kidding!)
    - More of those "generic" ships for the random alien races

    - Full KDF faction (levels 1-50, more episode missions, unique tutorial and opening cinematic)
    - More FEs (New Romulus, as awesome as it is, is kind of grindy)
    - More Foundry love (assets, mechanics, etc)

    - Romulan playable faction (preferably one of the "enemy" factions)
    - Better exploration (possibly involving Foundry)
    - Develop those minor alien races from exploration clusters (Phaonian, Vito'D, Zantil, etc)
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • lolimpicardlolimpicard Member Posts: 309
    edited January 2013
    Short term:
    Have Cryptic watch some Star Trek, since clearly they forgot what it was like.

    Mid term:
    Fix the black polygons and server performance issues.

    Long term:
    Add KDF clothing and ships.
    He's dead, Jim.
  • drunkenjawadrunkenjawa Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013
    I don't know if this is a short term or long term project but I would like to see the Type 2 Phaser to be able to be upgraded to a higher end weapon. This could be done as a lobi item (turn in your phaser with lobi for the next version like the enivormental set), a vetern reward, or even a zen store item. I still see a lot of these being used in game and I feel that many people love the sound and visual effects of the weapon.:)
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short term:
    1 Fix the pidgin/jabber/XMPP client so i can chat to my fleets I am gold in CO and STO.
    2 add an option to not gain leveling XP when sending out duty officers.
    I Absolutly love the Doff system id love to see something like it in CO and NWO its so unique and awsome however. Im almost level 40 and ive left earth dock maybe 3 times
    3 Id like to be able to summon my first officer as a non combat pet in spacedock.

    Cosmetic/medium term:
    1 uniform diversity,
    having 2 differnt catigories for off duty makes me less likly to want to buy paid content I dont buy outfits to have the same dress as everyone else. Optimally just get rid of the catagories all together its not like they make up wear a uniform in combat.

    2 hair variety
    medium length hair, more long hair, we got 1000 short hair and a bunch of buns/pigtails ponytails but very few just above the sholder length hairs. more long hair is also nice maybe a long sleek. braids are also nice.

    3 Ship officer customization:
    be nice to have a "uniform" for random ppl on my ship and generic security officers be really nice to be able to "place" a duty officer or bridge officer in a certian spot on my ship.

    Long term(dreams):
    1-Finish KDF
    before you even think of adding a third faction, give them more outfit options at least give them some of the off duty options. see my comment on hairs, it will also be nice if the colour options for kdf offered colours other than red,white,black, and shades of mud some decent greens would be nice maybe some golds that didnt look like vomit. i know your going for grit and dirt here but seriously you can have PINK wepons thanks to winter.

    2 add special race features to "alien"
    weather it be a perk for buying a lot of ferisian or borg player/bridgeofficer content
    or a costume pack for 550zen, or maybe even part of a large 2000 zen bundle including playability of both types of catfolk a special catfolk off duty outfit. Id like to put cattails/heads ect on my aliens

    3 Ship upgrade/reskin option
    instead of getting a new strange ship ever 10 levels, (or 2 days of Doff missions) id prefer having the option to...upgrade my old ship to be as good as next level of ships. or reskin the new ship to look like it even if this takes Zen or dilitium.

    at level 20 i found my perfect ship it was awsome it was perfect... it was outleveled before i left spacedock. every ship since has been ...meh. id perfer this to having the same ship that everyone buys cause it has cool stats or cause they won it doing 25 days of races.

    id also be more likly to buy ship slots if i knew id keep ships for more than a week at best.
    also have similar issues about ship colours all looking like mud.
  • spock1003spock1003 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A few significant things come to mind:

    Short Term

    Make the Aegis set travel faster than warp 10! It costs 10 Million EC!!!

    The popup box at the beginning of the challenge player is built for Federation play (in space at least), rather than Klingon

    At battle group Omega, the Borg woman talks about marks of valour and exploration

    Mid Term

    Fix the Crew losses on the Vo'quv Carrier. Very few battles leave me with more than a quarter of my crew left, which hurts my hull repair rates.

    Fix the Bird-Of-Prey AI. They have to be told to attack and re-launched continuously or they fly around either attacking with their turret or doing absolutely nothing.

    For more information, see my Signature.

    Fix the crew losses on a Vo'quv Carrier! Also the BOP AI!

  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Create a feature under the Skills tab to be able to save different skill configurations. Ofcoarse, a player would have to pay to unlock a saved configuration slot. You can allow a limit to the amount of saved configurations per character but in all honesty if people are willing/wanting to make 10+ different configurations per character let them, more $ for you :D
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Permanently added

    Ok this is for a Star Base add on

    I would like to see a Silder Bar added to the Commission Duty officers.When you go to buy a Personnel Officer pack it will only allow 1 at a time.After clicking 50 or so times your finger will start to hert.Can a UI Silder Bar please be added to this maxed to 50 packs be cause that is the max amount per stack.

    I would like to see this added i dont ask for much.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • mercurythefirstmercurythefirst Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi, I just got this game, loving it so far. (In fact it has blown me away)

    I only have one short, mid and long-term request (the current implementation makes my heart bleed) :

    Make ship models physically at least 60% smaller in sector space but keep the speeds where they are.

    It really hurts immersion to see ships stacked on top of eachother, bumping into eachother, and generally a very cluttered feeling in Sector Space.

    Less important requests:

    -A new top-end NX Escort ship based on the Norway -> Oslo -> that is LESS carrier and MORE direct Damage-oriented. Make it look like the Norway class but updated. I know the CG model for the Norway was lost, but you should be capable of making a look-alike and getting it approved by CBS.

    -A hybrid type alternative for the Cruisers and Science vessels too. At max level all you really want is ways to experiment, differentiate yourself, and play around with this game's innate flexibility. More ships should be added in the late game, and no sooner.

    -Make a server algorithm to really spread people across instances in very popular zones. Like Earth Space dock. This clutter really makes me angry!

    "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

  • onyxheart1onyxheart1 Member Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    well i have a list i've been mulling over for a while, not sure where some lie but most are probably long term:

    Photonic/Android playable race - have the ability of a player to play as an Emancipated Hologram (Voyager's emergency medical hologram for example) or an Android (as TNG's own Cmdr Data) with specific perks for either race

    The Black MACO armor - make available the black MACO armor 'worn' by the photonic guards of Facility 4028, it could be just a reskin or a whole new set with slightly different stats

    More Costume Options for the KDF - it cannot be stated enough that people who play KDF (like myself) feel left out when it comes to clothing options, there just aren't enough, while there are a few in the lobi store, they require MUCH more zen to accumulate the necessary lobi for than it does for Starfleet players to acquire their clothing (which can be bought for zen straight from a tailor). Perhaps allow KDF players to do the same as Federation, buy extra clothing straight from a tailor for zen.

    Ferengi Shield/Space set - just an idle thought of adding a Ferengi Space set, especially with a shield that would alter the ship's hull skin to look like it were Latinum plated

    Lobi Daily missions - Lobi crystals are VERY expensive when you take into account the cost in zen of lockbox keys, maybe make a daily mission or two that would net you around the same amount of lobi crystals as a single lockbox, and perhaps STF's as well with long (say 10 hour?) timers that would pay out more, you could even add a Lobi crystal 'event' much like the fleet marks and reputation events.

    Nanopulse Edge Sword - yes i know we already get the Lirpa and Bat'Leth from the Winter event, but can you blame a girl for wanting to accessorize? ^^ Also i have been told it would 'infringe' on the Star Wars copyright on lightsabers (ponders the energy absorption ability of the tholian crystal sword and it's subsequent energy blade graphic), well i say that it's hogwash, add a simple metal backing piece for the blade to emit from along with the hilt and it looks nothing like a lightsaber

    Summer Event companion to Winter Event - i've been pondering this the entirety of the recent winter event, why not a summer event also? Q could still run it of course, have it on some beach/island (on Risa perhaps) with plenty of collectibles to acquire to spend on new summer themed clothing (swimsuits, shorts, wraps, etc), could even have a battle like in the winter event, though i'm thinking crab monsters...maybe centaur like crab monsters...sounds very like Q. Naturally water guns would be the weapons to use (water balloons would be a default weapon until a gun could be obtained): dual water pistols, a rifle that fires a stream, a launcher that flings water balloons? Mmm and definitely need summer themed consumables (Bloodwine Slushie anyone?) and a Summer Tribble by extension.

    Argo (or other ground vehicle) racing/driving/combat - the Summer event above could also be a test bed for this, have a dune race in Argo's or other similar ground vehicles. but moving on, while ground combat is fun and so is space combat, i would love to see a customisable ground vehicle in STO, similar to the Argo in Generations, it would open up a whole new game mechanic for players to explore (and you can always offer special vehicles for zen) and new missions based around the vehicles

    Thats all for now, perhaps more later (i'm always coming up with new things or remembering others i may have forgotten ^^ stay tuned!)

    New Hair for Caitian/Ferasan - i, and many friends, have Caitian and Ferasan captains, and we have bemoaned the woeful state of the number of hairstyles available to the felinoids. Increasing this number by a mere 5 hairstyles would more than quell any grumblings we have about this issue

    Dilithium/GPL/Marks trading using Account Bank - now i know this may seem a bit elitist, but i'm a gold player. i pay to have extras in STO. And this here is a big extra to offer Gold Subscribers, or even all players if you feel it should. The ability to use the Account Bank to deposit and share Refined Dilithium(i say refined so that people can only still refine as much as they can acquire normally per day per character), Gold Pressed Latinum and perhaps even Fleet/Romulan/Omega Marks and Lobi Crystals among all your characters on an account. I know with my KDF i have an excess of GPL and refined Dil sitting around doing nothing, whereas my Fed i barely scrape by getting Dil and am always short of GPL after a couple trade assignments
    KDF for Life! <3 Romulan at Heart <3 Fed cause they made me ~ :P
  • gallothrixgallothrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My suggestions are:
    1. make space bigger, I feel cluttered.
    2. Remove the zone borders and make them seamless.
    3. I want more ship interior, and to be able to do more in my ship, maybe even fly it.
    4. More factions, personally I want a Romulan faction, the more the merrier.
    5. A civilian faction
    6. A first officer post that is not related to duty officers.

    I really want to see this game become more roleplaying, and the universe become a more living universe.
  • haravikkharavikk Member Posts: 278
    edited January 2013
    Short Term
    Add the ability to respec Reputation System tier abilities into the Reputation system itself by trading in marks and experience.

    More ways to get Lobi crystals; these things are insanely difficult to get for the rewards on offer! I'd much rather be able to buy a chunk of them for Dilitihium or even ZEN so that I can some of the more interesting Lobi crystal items. I mean 20 free Lobi crystals from replaying story missions (and that's once a month I think?) is pathetic; it won't buy you anything worth having for what is a huge amount of time to invest. And the cost to get 100 Lobi crystals from lock-boxes is staggering.
    Now I don't mind lock-boxes so much as some people do, but unless you're interested in the other potential contents of the boxes then they are not a good way to gain Lobi crystals at all. Give me 200 Lobi krystals for 500 ZEN, maybe with bulk bargains and I think you'd see a lot more people clamouring to get the various goodies they want.
    At the very least though some decent daily mission is an absolute must, even if it only earns 10-20 Lobi crystals each time it would be easy enough to farm over time, while still encouraging people to buy them instead to speed up the process or round out the number that they need.

    Mid Term
    Major refinements to the Reputation System:
    • Significantly alter how the Reputation System store works, specifically, remove the need to unlock items in favour of simply having items appear in the store whenever you tier up. Once items are listed in the store they should cost half as much Dilithium by being subsidised by a suitable amount of marks. For example, Romulan Mk XI ship weapons might cost 10,000 Dilithium and 250 Romulan Marks.
    • Increase the marks earned from space combat so that it can actually compete against Epohh breeding; as a Starfleet Vice Admiral I would expect rescuing allied ships to be worth more than chasing little furry animals around a field!
    • Create dynamic projects such that requisitioning a Mk XI item will cost less if you have the Mk X item to trade-in.

    Long Term
    Big improvements to ground combat; I'd like to see new environments being less exaggerated in scale in favour of having more detail, with a cover mechanic for shooting. This would be a big change but could apply to new missions initially, with older missioned retroactively changed later on. More missions involving ship and space-station interiors, ideally under siege.

    More missions that involve less grinding (I hate running up to and scanning/using X items, and I hate killing mob after dreary, annoying mob). More alternative paths for engineers and scientists.

    I'd like to see more differentiation between classes in ground combat, with engineers laying more effective traps and obstructions, and science officers almost being a kind of stealth class that can use dirty tricks like environmental systems to gain an advantage.
  • anotherkenanotherken Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short Term
    Address the issue where the server stops responding for up to a minute and sometimes repeatedly.

    Medium Term
    Make it so that when scanners detect anomalies they appear on the map so that the player can locate them more easily.

    Long Term
    Upgrade the interface so that it scales to different resolutions, or alternatively make it easier for the user to move the elements around manually.

    To be fair, this game is quite fun at least in the early parts that I have played so far. If the server issue is resolved fairly soon then it will not drive me away. The other things I can live with never seeing a resolution to.
  • davedonnodavedonno Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can only think of one that they send me the right dam code so i can get on it or do away with this whole Cryptic Code BS
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2013
    Short term:

    -make available a c-store variant or fleet variant of raptor having 10 consoles from which 5 tactical
    It should have a turn rate equal to fleet tactical escort retrofit which has cloak and 5 tac consoles.
    It would give some balance in fvk pvp

    Middle Term:

    new maps for pvp and c&h .Maybe a new type of pvp map ?
    a new queue-ing system in which you can join as team or as random player
    finding a way to eliminate afk-ers from maps( both PVE and PVP)
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    dova25 wrote: »
    Short term:

    -make available a c-store variant or fleet variant of raptor having 10 consoles from which 5 tactical
    It should have a turn rate equal to fleet tactical escort retrofit which has cloak and 5 tac consoles.
    It would give some balance in fvk pvp
    The fleet Defiant does not have a cloak. It's capable of using a cloak console from a separately-bought c-store ship. That's not in any way the same as a ship with built-in cloak.
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2013
    warpangel wrote: »
    The fleet Defiant does not have a cloak. It's capable of using a cloak console from a separately-bought c-store ship. That's not in any way the same as a ship with built-in cloak.

    You are right.Forgot that.
    Then it should be a 10 consoles smaller raptor/bigger b'rel from which 5 tactical and the cloak in this case should be a universal console as it is at fleet defiant.
    (There is the k'vort in cannon wich is supposed to be a bigger b'rel)
    It should not have the axis-turning point problem that actual raptors have.

    A similar configuration equal with fed version would be :

    4 fore
    3 aft
    33 k hull
    50 crew
    17 turn rate
    2 device
    0.9 shield mod
    2 eng console,5 tactical consoles,3 science consoles
    3 eng console,5 tactical consoles,2 science consoles

    The cloak should be a universal console too.

    The price just to be fair would be ~ 2500 zen+20k fleet credits if it is a fleet version.
    To be fair with Cryptic as c-store version it could go up to 5000 zen

    Tactical consoles are the only one's which percent increase is constant against base damage that is why i think they are important to be available for both sides.
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • mobiusoneofgalmmobiusoneofgalm Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1. Short Term: Release Ambassador-Class ASAP

    2. Short Term: Lower possible registry numbers. Talk to CBS if necessary and close away those registry numbers taken by canon vessels. It's annoying that everbody starts with NCC-9XXXX, except he have a NCC-XXXXXX with 6 numbers. Maybe you want that if we use lower numbers, everything lower then NCC-80000 ist automatically with an -A or whatever. But I'd love to have a NCC-74XXX or something like that.

    3. Short Term: Release the Typhoon Class as playable ship. Waiting for it since Beta testing now.

    4. Mid Term: Bring Romulans as own faction playable.

    5. Mid Term: Change that blue LCARS to orange like the Belfast bridge or login screen. Its Star Trek, and not in the 23rd century. Blue is odd, orange is <3.
  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short-Term to Mid-Term:

    A. Improve the Aquarius' AI so that it will avoid 3km from the point of target's destruction. Aswell as allow it to engage but once it reaches a min distance of 3km it turns around to flee to 9km before turning around again to re-engage. Also let it flee should its shields get reduced to zero. Or...
    B. Implement carrier commands for it or...
    C. Improve the Odyssey set bonus to 50% up from 25% or...
  • ncc42662ncc42662 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Good day;
    I have but one request and at least in part it has already been mentioned, but the more the better right?

    My request is access to all character pieces no matter what faction you are playing. For example if i wish to create a reptilian race in the Federation i cannot without Gorn body parts. The imaginative possibilities would be far more possible if we had acess to all pieces including clthing on both sides.


    "The Prime Directive is merely a guideline to help make the right choice" -Vn'dor Phail, Capt
    :: sneezes :: Why is it no-one dusts the bridge on Starfleet vessels?" -Emsil Marat, Glinn
    "We can not interfere in the progression of one's life" -Richard Lynch, LtCdr
  • captainstorm1captainstorm1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have no short term or medium term requests but i have 2 long term requests. 1. Make it so ALL Omega Force Armour is a costume to the character because i spent a long time in and out of Elite Lobby's trying to get this kit and to find out that i had wasted my time was unbelievably annoying. Please add this to ALL Omega, Honour or MACO Armours from Lv X to XII And 2. Please make the ground combat more exiting like moving fire and reaching for cover.
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    SHORT TERM: None


    Long term: Can you break down Patch updates Cryptic as I got a new PC for Xmas and its taking forever to download them, I nearly quit the game althgether!

    Captain James A. Highland
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • orikleinoriklein Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    There is a lot of lore, culture, available franchise content, et cetera.
    It is a much better sandbox to play in and design for than the rigid and mundane Federation/Starfleet is.

    Populate the Klingon world(s). Increase interactivity. Shape their environments.
    Introduce more culture oriented playable and some repetitive content to consume.
    Breathe life onto it. Make it feel and play more organic.

    That is all.
    Joined April 2008. Lifetime Subscriber. Original member of the original 2nd Fleet.
    Expended $1,961 USD on this game - regretting it all. This game and some of its staff disappointed me, time and again, per every single cent spent!!!
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1a. A PvP personal reputation faction.

    1b. A personal reputation system where you can put your extra BOFFs in command of vessels in some sort of single player fleet combat. There are clearly way more BOFF being spawned in the game now than is needed and there should be a good outlet for all those spares.

    I suspect that both of those are likely in the works anyway from all that has leaked out. Both make sense, and only expand the range of options for what players want to do. Since it seems those are likely forthcoming, we can call those medium term.

    2. Short term: More non-uniform costume options across the board. And more KDF uniforms as well. Generally seems like a ton of options here are being left on the table that people would happily pay Zen for.

    3. Long term/short term/medium term/any term: It also goes without saying KDF should be selectable from the start, and from level 1. Part of the reason so many people stick with FED is because you HAVE to start as one and you end up getting "attached" to that character. If KDF was better developed, things would rebalance themselves over time naturally. 100%.

    I have zero desire to see another faction until those things are all taken care of personally. Rather have two fully developed factions than 1 sort-of-complete and 2 obviously-not-complete ones.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • xarycxaryc Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't remember, but I thought you could split a stack of items when depositing and withdrawing from banks. Please bring this back, or incorporate it into the game. It makes fleet bank transactions more manageable when a limit on withdrawing is in place.
  • gantoris007gantoris007 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi there,

    I've been playing STO for about a year, and I'm a huge star trek fan. I have to reduce my point of view to just this one statement:

    "Constantly grinding and replaying levels to aquire dilithium is, quite simply, not fun."

    It limits the players power, and constantly makes them feel poor and frustrated. We have enough of this in our real lives thanks very much...

    Mentally, players are demotivated whenever they encounter new material, items, or tools in game. ...as they know it will inevitably involve wasted time and conversions of currencies and whatnot.

    Please, it is simply solved. Double or triple the daily refining limit, and provide more dilithium rewards for higher player performance and skilled play, rather than dil rewards for time spent.
  • cipheriumcipherium Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short Term-
    Esc to skip videos.
    More color palate options in some cases.
    I saw there's more hair options coming.

    Mid Term-

    Open PvP systems/sectors.
    Keep up the good work with ship options.

    Long Term-

    Playable Romulans. I'm hoping someday they'll just "uncloak"
    Fleet projects for different systems. Integrate system developments/reputation.
    Oh! The ah, physics of space. Y axis fixable?
  • kuronyra76kuronyra76 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Short Term:
    -Correct bugs on mission.

    Medium Term:
    -Add new "class" of ship, (new skin of Cruiser for example.)

    Long term:
    -Add the Romulans faction playable.
    -Make special missions like this:
    One player use a special vessel and is for the occasion a "Boss" (like a Tactical Borg cube) and must survive to the attack from the other's.

    Some missions like this where some player take command of Bos vs the other's could be fun. Like the Versus mod of Left 4 Dead 2. (just an example.)
  • orikleinoriklein Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xaryc wrote: »
    I can't remember, but I thought you could split a stack of items when depositing and withdrawing from banks. Please bring this back, or incorporate it into the game. It makes fleet bank transactions more manageable when a limit on withdrawing is in place.

    You hold the control key before releasing the item you're moving onto another slot.
    The same mechanism used by most any other modern MMO.
    Joined April 2008. Lifetime Subscriber. Original member of the original 2nd Fleet.
    Expended $1,961 USD on this game - regretting it all. This game and some of its staff disappointed me, time and again, per every single cent spent!!!
  • gantoris007gantoris007 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi there,

    1 - I would request the removal of lockboxes from the game.

    2 - After going from reputation 1-5 omega/romulan on my main character... I have to say that I don't like this reputation system. It's just not fun. It was interesting at the beginning, but getting equipment and items this way is not fun. I feel like I spend more time feeling poor and collecting resources, than actually playing star trek.

    Both of these things are 'immersion breakers' from the game.

This discussion has been closed.