Not sure what people are doing that makes this ship so under powered. Given its turn rate it is just slightly under my Temporal Destroyer, so I made it out as an escort with the same boffs i had on there. The layout is a bit wacky for me after the destroyer but I have to say this ships is rather damn sturdy (and I'm a tac officer btw). If people are blowing up in normal stfs with it I can not say there is really anything that will help them. If they are that determined that the ship is that bad they should just move to another.
It has two things really going for it (at least for me) its the only ship that the borg set actually looks decent on, and its a 'free' non fed ship. Even klingon side I love this thing.
In elites if its blowing up alot its probably some one getting use to the ship. I can not really comment how bad some one is if I dont know them, so I'm not going to do that. I will however point out that builds take a bit more thought for them, and jumping from a sci ship to this with the same character build will not work out well, as this thing demands a skill build similar to a build for an escort.
I dare say its not a full cruiser, its not a full escort but more a destroyer with one extra weapon slot, plan accordingly.
Umm... I Rip ESTF's and PVP apart in this ship from what I have used it on so far. This Ship outclasses The Armitage and the Steam Runner/Blockade Runner in my Opinion. Looking at what you shown for your BOFF skills and weapon Load outs, you claim to "know how to play the game" I call very much questionable, apparently Everyone else in this thread has as well.
I will not go into how I have mine setup, but I will say, You need to either Respec your Captain or Decide what your Captain is going to be doing in his Career.
Proud Fleet Commander in Garfon's Renegades!
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
I love the ship, it is more of a light cruiser, has smaller crew compliment but has a commander and lieutenant tactical with 4 tactical consoles so it is a lot more offensive than other cruisers in it's division.
It's turn ability is great for a cruiser. It doesn't have the layout to tank like a big slow turning cruiser but has a lot more damage output than a cruiser.
This is great to do pug STFs with terrible players who don't bother to drop any friend and self abilities on anyone else and escorts tend to evaporate as pug tanks usually have no threat whatsoever so if you can do even a modest amount of damage you are likely going to tank stuff.
This thread should be renamed "I am utter garbage with the Breen Chel'gret Warship". I think it's far more appropriate, especially considering I have run the breen ship on a number of different toons with all 3 careers, I have as of yet to find one that it fails with. In fact more often than not, it's doing more damage than most of the other ships I run with, and living more often. Just an hour ago, I ran an ESTF in which there was an Oddy (friend of mine, I know his build, and it's pretty damn good), and he and I were arguing over aggro (he's got 4 points in TC), and he died more than I did, despite his ship being tankier on paper.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Any ship can be excellent. If a ship seems to be sub optimal, don't accept defeat or loss. In this mind-set, I have learned to love some cruisers, and science ships.
If you're familiar with the Advanced Escort, the Breen ship sets up much the same. If you really love to fly escorts, don't be afraid to use two RCS consoles. This ship can be a tanky escort thrill ride! With EIGHT weapon slots, you have a wall of wail!
well lets see... its a lvl 40 not lvl 50 ship so it already sucks as a ship lol...on par with vesta for hull nowhere near a dread par ship lol
you serious or sarcastic? 10 console slots, 36k hull, etc... fleet level ship useable at lvl 40 already and free, yes that completely sucks! (the last part is actually sarcasm)
There should be a new thread, for build that make the Breen ship great, for everyone to learn from. Seeing a lot of good stuff, that deserves to be in a better named thread.
There should be a new thread, for build that make the Breen ship great, for everyone to learn from. Seeing a lot of good stuff, that deserves to be in a better named thread.
Nah, the threadname is perfect. Not that the Ship is garbage, it just looks like it^^
So after collecting the 1000 photos I needed to get this ship I take it out for a spin with the best of the best that I have (antiproton cannons, the Maco MKXII set, tricobalt device (antiborg) MK XII Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedoes MK XI, Neutronium Plating X 3 granting 50% resistance against both kinetic and energy weapon damage, etc etc) I go into a standard STF with my stations set, play like I normally would and I die in the first five seconds without reason. One moment I'm at full health the second I'm down to 3% and I've been hit once. Power distribution dropped. In the same STF I died 8 times with this ship where with the Vesta or even the mirror universe Recon-Science ship I'd maybe die once normally.
This ship is supposed to be on par with the Dreadnaught for the most part according to the website yet it is HORRIBLY underpowered. I thought the Vesta was bad and no where near what they said it was but this ship is utter uter Shista.
I'm not happy right now that they wasted my time and my resources for such a poorly designed "warship". Even the Galor warship lasts longer than this thing and it's hull is 3000 points lower than the Ghet warship.
And now that I've been reading about the kinetic 360 weapon I'm debating quitting this game all over again. The developers are purposefully under powering weapons and ships for supposed game balance which is truly stupid.
Hey dummy , you see there is something called ship skill build...have you heard of it?
Check your skill tree and your type of gameplay , i love breen ship and it is beast for me so i dont understand why you cry about it.
OP has the worst build ever. What were you thinking? You may just as well put all photon mines on it , equip no shields at all and say it sucks.
It seems to be a durable tactical cruiser so far. I use it wit the Reman officer and his transfer shield strenght 3 which really makes it more durable then the average escort.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Hey dummy , you see there is something called ship skill build...have you heard of it?
Check your skill tree and your type of gameplay , i love breen ship and it is beast for me so i dont understand why you cry about it.
This thread kind of reminds me of "My Raven was equipped with the following". EvE players will know what I mean
My Chel Grett was equipped with the following:
01 x MACO MK XII (this is a guess, as you listed your shield twice and omitted the engine)
Seriously, just rip the build apart and start again, prioritising using only 1 damage type. Get 4 turrets of that type for the back, 3 matching DHCs (or non-heavies if you prefer) for the front, and put the rapid reload trans torp up the front as well.
Then get the 4 best tac consoles you can afford that match the energy damage type you picked. Put the two universal consoles in the science slots if you have to use them, but I'd personally drop the Grav Pulse generator and run with two emitter amplifiers.
Oh, and get the Subspace Field Modulator from the Devidian arc to replace the disposable turrets in your device slot.
I bought the oddy set some time ago as I wanted a nice tanky ship as well as my escorts.
My oddy in the STF Elites without the assimilated set and the 2nd part of the set with cutting beam and console couldnt solo a cube. Now it does no problem.
I started doing the races a little late...I got 2 chars and my main char started racing later than my nooby char who hasnt got his omega tier 1 gear yet.
Well my nooby got the breen ship first and kitted it with a nice design I saw on the forum involving dual cannons and tricobolds...and OMG.. the ship is absolutely epic....
DOesnt die so fast when you have a good bridge officer setup. I often today in my test flying getting the aggro from my targets straight away but most of the time with good use of tac team and regen skills you get out of it (a few times you dont like when a tactical tractors you at point blank then launches a torp at you....but what the hell :P)
All in all its a beautiful ship to fly. It handles like an escort and tanks better than my oddy with no set gear attached.
I have to say, as a lifetime member, a player since beta, and a hanger full of 20+ ships, i.e., chimera, oddy, defiant, dread, vesta, etc, etc. The Breen ship is rather fun, and have noticed lately that I've been getting 1st place in various stf space runs, gorn, infected elite, and khitomer elite, etc. With the loadout of the ship and boff station, I can't complain all that much.
Word of advice, go with one flavor of weapons, i.e., disruptor, plasma, antiproton. Ship set, it took me a few days to mix and match ship sets to find my suited style of tankiness and dps for the breen ship. Once you find your formula, you should be fine. This pretty much holds true to all ships.
Nah, the threadname is perfect. Not that the Ship is garbage, it just looks like it^^
Nah back in kind. Garbage is the wrong word. Wicked is the word to use instead. It's like taking a claw to our enemies. Ugly can be beautiful too, yah know.
And I'm working to get a Tetryon cannon/turret set at mk XII on this beast. Did a decent job of Kang protecting in a CSE, a could days ago, with the turrets back end, still only mk XI Tetryons, as thanks to the extra Sci boff power, tractor repulsors make this ship, even more fun. Not sure on how this vessel would do in HSE, but since I have that optional already, not seeing a need to bother and try that lemming cliff.
Breen ship = CANNON ship... putting pwetty bweams on it seems like a complete waste of space. Then they nag the ship sucks... go figure O_O
-> As a note, there ARE a LOT better ships out there, sure... but when it comes to a BATTLE CRUISER this ship does a splendid job at it. And it's FREE!
also consider that your crew are working unfamiliar controls in Long underwear
Maybe the prob. its you and not the ship,i have more or less the same specs and weapons in you and i dont even get destroyed in a elite stf mission lol
This ship sucks. I find myself getting all the aggro in every elite stf I enter!
I know I am a DPS hog but dayum!!!!! ship in the arsenal besides kar'fi.
I use two disruptor DHCs, one polarized disruptor DHC, omega torp front.
Three polarized disruptor turrets and cutting beam.
Takyokinetic, Borg assimilated, romulan zpm
Two field gens, romulan sci console reduces threat, increases particle generation and applies plasma proc to weapons,
Four mkXI disruptor consoles.
On an engineer was parsed at 6k+ DPS for an ISE!
I thought having a LtC Sci rather than second LtC Tac slot seemed weird.
Photonic Shockwave.
Viral Matrix 1, Tractor Beam Repulsors 2, Transfer Shield Strength 3, Energy Siphon 2, Science Team 3, and as an edge case Feedback Pulse 2 should all be able to find homes there in niche builds.
It is an awkward, but hardly awful, ship.
If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
I agree 100% with OP, the ship is utter garbage. I aquired this ship about 2 weeks ago, used it for about 2 hours and changed back to my fleet ship.
This breen ship tries to be something its not. Its not good with the low hull and lack of decent engineering boff to be a full cruiser, it turns to slow and is not agile enough to be an escort.
It has no original bridge whatsoever. Standard federation guess its easier to copy and paste the NPC ship and click the "player controlled" button while editing the database than to actually hand out a complete ship.
The green quality console that it comes with is garbage.
But hey, can not expect much from a free ship i guess, right? I look at it this way, its a place holder for a new ship if they ever release another one..I can simply delete the chet and make some room
ITs basically the same layout as a MVAM or a fleet advanced escort!
I don't get it!
This is an OP'd ship that makes most fleet ships obsolete and certainly most z store ships.
I am surprised that most people just didn't put an escort build on it.
Im sorry, did you just say makes most fleet ships obsolete? Wow, f2p games to bring in the interesting people..
I would pit my fleet tac escort or fleet advanced heavy cruiser against this piece of TRIBBLE breen ship anyday. You can try to make this ship an excellent tactical build all you want..the thing does not maneuver no where close to as well as other "real" escorts in this game....
I know, I know, you spent forever grinding pictures (lol) or spent $300 dollars to obtain this ship and you really want it to be good, but its just not..sorry I found out the hard way too.
Im sorry, did you just say makes most fleet ships obsolete? Wow, f2p games to bring in the interesting people..
I would pit my fleet tac escort or fleet advanced heavy cruiser against this piece of TRIBBLE breen ship anyday. You can try to make this ship an excellent tactical build all you want..the thing does not maneuver no where close to as well as other "real" escorts in this game....
I know, I know, you spent forever grinding pictures (lol) or spent $300 dollars to obtain this ship and you really want it to be good, but its just not..sorry I found out the hard way too.
Yes I can see how some might feel it doesn't have the manuverability to take on another escort head to head in pvp, but you don't need escort manuverability in pve it has more then enough to get DHC on target. So you basically have an escort with slightly less manuverability, more hull, shields, 1 more rear weapon, Lt Cmdr Sci, and ensign universal. I don't see how that can be bad, it works great for me. Try putting your escort build (more or less due to different layout) on it and take it into STF you will find it does the same damage but dies less.
Tbh, I think my only gripe with this ship is that it's tac abilities don't seem to flow as well as most raptors and escorts I've flown. I can't keep constant uptime on my APs, but other than that, this ship is great.
Anyone who says it's trash really needs to rethink either their build of how they're flying it. If you're trying to use it like an escort, you're doing it wrong. If you're trying to use it like a cruiser, you're still doing it wrong. It's a destroyer. A hybrid escort/cruiser. Use it like one. Stop trying to do the escort dance or the zombie cruiser.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
I agree 100% with OP, the ship is utter garbage. I aquired this ship about 2 weeks ago, used it for about 2 hours and changed back to my fleet ship.
This breen ship tries to be something its not. Its not good with the low hull and lack of decent engineering boff to be a full cruiser, it turns to slow and is not agile enough to be an escort.
It has no original bridge whatsoever. Standard federation guess its easier to copy and paste the NPC ship and click the "player controlled" button while editing the database than to actually hand out a complete ship.
The green quality console that it comes with is garbage.
But hey, can not expect much from a free ship i guess, right? I look at it this way, its a place holder for a new ship if they ever release another one..I can simply delete the chet and make some room
love this post, but it's content is utter garbage:D another prime example of "i can't handle it, so it must be useless"
2 month into the game and he figured it all out already, but everybody here is entitled to an opinion.
Im sorry, did you just say makes most fleet ships obsolete? Wow, f2p games to bring in the interesting people..
I would pit my fleet tac escort or fleet advanced heavy cruiser against this piece of TRIBBLE breen ship anyday. You can try to make this ship an excellent tactical build all you want..the thing does not maneuver no where close to as well as other "real" escorts in this game....
I know, I know, you spent forever grinding pictures (lol) or spent $300 dollars to obtain this ship and you really want it to be good, but its just not..sorry I found out the hard way too.
For may be correct. For are mistaken!
Edit: I challenge you to take aggro from me in ISE. PLEASE!
I am having trouble passing it because I am a DPS machine in the Breen.
It has two things really going for it (at least for me) its the only ship that the borg set actually looks decent on, and its a 'free' non fed ship. Even klingon side I love this thing.
In elites if its blowing up alot its probably some one getting use to the ship. I can not really comment how bad some one is if I dont know them, so I'm not going to do that. I will however point out that builds take a bit more thought for them, and jumping from a sci ship to this with the same character build will not work out well, as this thing demands a skill build similar to a build for an escort.
I dare say its not a full cruiser, its not a full escort but more a destroyer with one extra weapon slot, plan accordingly.
I will not go into how I have mine setup, but I will say, You need to either Respec your Captain or Decide what your Captain is going to be doing in his Career.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of The Voice of Star Trek Online.
It's turn ability is great for a cruiser. It doesn't have the layout to tank like a big slow turning cruiser but has a lot more damage output than a cruiser.
This is great to do pug STFs with terrible players who don't bother to drop any friend and self abilities on anyone else and escorts tend to evaporate as pug tanks usually have no threat whatsoever so if you can do even a modest amount of damage you are likely going to tank stuff.
This thread should be renamed "I am utter garbage with the Breen Chel'gret Warship". I think it's far more appropriate, especially considering I have run the breen ship on a number of different toons with all 3 careers, I have as of yet to find one that it fails with. In fact more often than not, it's doing more damage than most of the other ships I run with, and living more often. Just an hour ago, I ran an ESTF in which there was an Oddy (friend of mine, I know his build, and it's pretty damn good), and he and I were arguing over aggro (he's got 4 points in TC), and he died more than I did, despite his ship being tankier on paper.
Not everyone wants to spend 20 bucks so that they can get the next tier of ships.
If you're familiar with the Advanced Escort, the Breen ship sets up much the same. If you really love to fly escorts, don't be afraid to use two RCS consoles. This ship can be a tanky escort thrill ride! With EIGHT weapon slots, you have a wall of wail!
Get out there and win!
Member since December 2009
you serious or sarcastic? 10 console slots, 36k hull, etc... fleet level ship useable at lvl 40 already and free, yes that completely sucks! (the last part is actually sarcasm)
Nah, the threadname is perfect. Not that the Ship is garbage, it just looks like it^^
Hey dummy , you see there is something called ship skill build...have you heard of it?
Check your skill tree and your type of gameplay , i love breen ship and it is beast for me so i dont understand why you cry about it.
It seems to be a durable tactical cruiser so far. I use it wit the Reman officer and his transfer shield strenght 3 which really makes it more durable then the average escort.
No need to hurl names like that Plox.
Seriously, just rip the build apart and start again, prioritising using only 1 damage type. Get 4 turrets of that type for the back, 3 matching DHCs (or non-heavies if you prefer) for the front, and put the rapid reload trans torp up the front as well.
Then get the 4 best tac consoles you can afford that match the energy damage type you picked. Put the two universal consoles in the science slots if you have to use them, but I'd personally drop the Grav Pulse generator and run with two emitter amplifiers.
Oh, and get the Subspace Field Modulator from the Devidian arc to replace the disposable turrets in your device slot.
I bought the oddy set some time ago as I wanted a nice tanky ship as well as my escorts.
My oddy in the STF Elites without the assimilated set and the 2nd part of the set with cutting beam and console couldnt solo a cube. Now it does no problem.
I started doing the races a little late...I got 2 chars and my main char started racing later than my nooby char who hasnt got his omega tier 1 gear yet.
Well my nooby got the breen ship first and kitted it with a nice design I saw on the forum involving dual cannons and tricobolds...and OMG.. the ship is absolutely epic....
DOesnt die so fast when you have a good bridge officer setup. I often today in my test flying getting the aggro from my targets straight away but most of the time with good use of tac team and regen skills you get out of it (a few times you dont like when a tactical tractors you at point blank then launches a torp at you....but what the hell :P)
All in all its a beautiful ship to fly. It handles like an escort and tanks better than my oddy with no set gear attached.
Epic ship in my opinion
Word of advice, go with one flavor of weapons, i.e., disruptor, plasma, antiproton. Ship set, it took me a few days to mix and match ship sets to find my suited style of tankiness and dps for the breen ship. Once you find your formula, you should be fine. This pretty much holds true to all ships.
Nah back in kind. Garbage is the wrong word. Wicked is the word to use instead. It's like taking a claw to our enemies. Ugly can be beautiful too, yah know.
And I'm working to get a Tetryon cannon/turret set at mk XII on this beast. Did a decent job of Kang protecting in a CSE, a could days ago, with the turrets back end, still only mk XI Tetryons, as thanks to the extra Sci boff power, tractor repulsors make this ship, even more fun.
-> As a note, there ARE a LOT better ships out there, sure... but when it comes to a BATTLE CRUISER this ship does a splendid job at it. And it's FREE!
Maybe the prob. its you and not the ship,i have more or less the same specs and weapons in you and i dont even get destroyed in a elite stf mission lol
I know I am a DPS hog but dayum!!!!! ship in the arsenal besides kar'fi.
I use two disruptor DHCs, one polarized disruptor DHC, omega torp front.
Three polarized disruptor turrets and cutting beam.
Takyokinetic, Borg assimilated, romulan zpm
Two field gens, romulan sci console reduces threat, increases particle generation and applies plasma proc to weapons,
Four mkXI disruptor consoles.
On an engineer was parsed at 6k+ DPS for an ISE!
Edit: Adapted Maco Deflector, Romualan Prototype engine, Adapted Maco Shield all MKXII
Photonic Shockwave.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Viral Matrix 1, Tractor Beam Repulsors 2, Transfer Shield Strength 3, Energy Siphon 2, Science Team 3, and as an edge case Feedback Pulse 2 should all be able to find homes there in niche builds.
It is an awkward, but hardly awful, ship.
ITs basically the same layout as a MVAM or a fleet advanced escort!
I don't get it!
This is an OP'd ship that makes most fleet ships obsolete and certainly most z store ships.
I am surprised that most people just didn't put an escort build on it.
This breen ship tries to be something its not. Its not good with the low hull and lack of decent engineering boff to be a full cruiser, it turns to slow and is not agile enough to be an escort.
It has no original bridge whatsoever. Standard federation guess its easier to copy and paste the NPC ship and click the "player controlled" button while editing the database than to actually hand out a complete ship.
The green quality console that it comes with is garbage.
But hey, can not expect much from a free ship i guess, right? I look at it this way, its a place holder for a new ship if they ever release another one..I can simply delete the chet and make some room
Im sorry, did you just say makes most fleet ships obsolete? Wow, f2p games to bring in the interesting people..
I would pit my fleet tac escort or fleet advanced heavy cruiser against this piece of TRIBBLE breen ship anyday. You can try to make this ship an excellent tactical build all you want..the thing does not maneuver no where close to as well as other "real" escorts in this game....
I know, I know, you spent forever grinding pictures (lol) or spent $300 dollars to obtain this ship and you really want it to be good, but its just not..sorry I found out the hard way too.
Yes I can see how some might feel it doesn't have the manuverability to take on another escort head to head in pvp, but you don't need escort manuverability in pve it has more then enough to get DHC on target. So you basically have an escort with slightly less manuverability, more hull, shields, 1 more rear weapon, Lt Cmdr Sci, and ensign universal. I don't see how that can be bad, it works great for me. Try putting your escort build (more or less due to different layout) on it and take it into STF you will find it does the same damage but dies less.
Anyone who says it's trash really needs to rethink either their build of how they're flying it. If you're trying to use it like an escort, you're doing it wrong. If you're trying to use it like a cruiser, you're still doing it wrong. It's a destroyer. A hybrid escort/cruiser. Use it like one. Stop trying to do the escort dance or the zombie cruiser.
love this post, but it's content is utter garbage:D another prime example of "i can't handle it, so it must be useless"
2 month into the game and he figured it all out already, but everybody here is entitled to an opinion.
For may be correct. For are mistaken!
Edit: I challenge you to take aggro from me in ISE. PLEASE!
I am having trouble passing it because I am a DPS machine in the Breen.
Good luck!