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Breen Ghet Warship utter Garbage



  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    woodwhity wrote: »
    Nope, 2xTT1, and therefor HY2 is ok. Because with that you only have a 5sec window to redistribute shields manually. The DOFFs are better used for other things.
    Each to his own. :)
    Tt2 is comple garbage it's not even a noticeable boost from TT1 but HY2 is a huge difference from HY1 so I'm sorry your wrong
    I've found TT2 helps me, but then I'd imagine I play differently to you. There is no right or wrong play-style, I just thought yours left a skill redundant. As stated.
  • wolfpack12cwolfpack12c Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    Each to his own. :)

    I've found TT2 helps me, but then I'd imagine I play differently to you. There is no right or wrong play-style, I just thought yours left a skill redundant. As stated.

    I guess I can understand your point I build my ship directly for pvp so I try to maximize my slots accordingly but I guess from a pve stand point it makes sense
    -"There is no such thing as an I win button!" "Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    There is little point in having two Tactical Teams in your first slot. You're making one redundant.

    There is little point in having TT2. But having THY2 is quite nice, though I prefer THY3 over APO1 ... for PvE.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No, I'm pretty sure this is a PEBCAK error. Your Boff powers and weapon loadout are rather messy.

    It's PEBKAC, FYI.

    Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair.

  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2012
    I got this earlier today, and I find it's a very solid ship running either dual cannons or beam arrays (specced differently for either), a solid STF contributor.

    That being said, it does have some issues- most notable of which is the lack of ability to have both hull and shield heals.

    While an HEC, or another classical escort, like the patrol escort typically has an LTC engineering slot and an LT engineering slot which allow it to run both shield and hull heals, the Ghett only ha one LT engineering slot, and thus really falls behind on those options.

    For mine, I've been running EPTS1 and 2, and polarize hull in the universal slot- and I'm finding that even with a regularly proccing romulan hull heal console (which procs for 1k whenever it goes off), my hull still feels much to squishy- especially in STFs wherein I take a lot of plasma damage.

    As a result, I've swapped over to a more hardy BOFF layout, sticking a second EPTS1 in the universal slot and retraining my LT engineering slot to Aux2SIF to give me a more accessible hull heal (I'd use eng team, but I'm running 2xTT1 in my tac slots).

    With gravwell in my LTC science slot, I've actually dropped the Energy Siphon from my LT science slot and replaced it with Hazard Emitters 2- and for my Ensign sci, of course, Polarize Hull.

    This results in a build that heals its hull far more regularly- due to having two hull heals (HE2+Aux2SIF1), rather than just one, but also being able to maintain 100% shield hardness uptime.

    While my main character running this build is an engineer, and as a result does have access to the emergency hull heal 'Miracle Worker'- speaking from experience, you can't rely on having that available. You need a regularly activatable hull heal to stay alive, both in STFs and especially into PVP.
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flash525 wrote: »
    Each to his own. :)

    I've found TT2 helps me, but then I'd imagine I play differently to you. There is no right or wrong play-style, I just thought yours left a skill redundant. As stated.

    There is efficient and inefficient though. And TT2 is just the letter ;)
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I can run it in hive space and only blew up like 4 times and none on the other stfs, Thats running it with the Breen set. It is a great ship. Very tough and durable. I think there must have been some other factors with your build or your Skill tree or something.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My complaint isn't necessarily with the fact that it's under powered, it is with the fact that it was misrepresented by the developers as being on par with the other warships in the game, it's not. The developers of the game have consistently overhyped the ships claiming that they can do various things and then undermining those claims by giving less than what they promised. This is the case with the Vesta Pack and is the case with the Dreadnaught, and even the Dreadnaught is better than the Ghet warship but in their online comparison they should be on par with each other.

    Further; it is not user error; I've encountered hundreds of glitches and issues with this game, if it was my error I'd not be complaining. So to all of you who keep insisting it's my error, stop. You're wasting my time in solving the issues I'm experiencing.

    I know quite a few players using the Chel'Gret and the love the thing to death and do a great job in the stfs. Stick with one energy type and buff the energy weapons not torps. The ships purpose is not to tank, its to punish its enemies and be forgiving enough to evade from a mistake.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    andyslash wrote: »
    lol. just lol.

    What is so funny, it sounds like a pretty reasonable things to say as long as we are talking about Elite. The only way I can see never going below 98% hull is if someone is sitting outside threat range or has super low threat from low damage.

    I often get killed or put down to 3% hull in my tanked crusier with 60k hull hit point at 75% shield resistance and 60% ish hull resistance from the normal torpedoes. My mines take care of HY torps. How can someone never go below 98% hull?

    Surly any Escort or Breen ship would be instent killed in the same situation. As long as we are talking Elite and not normail.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So after collecting the 1000 photos I needed to get this ship I take it out for a spin with the best of the best that I have (antiproton cannons, the Maco MKXII set, tricobalt device (antiborg) MK XII Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedoes MK XI, Neutronium Plating X 3 granting 50% resistance against both kinetic and energy weapon damage, etc etc) I go into a standard STF with my stations set, play like I normally would and I die in the first five seconds without reason. One moment I'm at full health the second I'm down to 3% and I've been hit once. Power distribution dropped. In the same STF I died 8 times with this ship where with the Vesta or even the mirror universe Recon-Science ship I'd maybe die once normally.

    This ship is supposed to be on par with the Dreadnaught for the most part according to the website yet it is HORRIBLY underpowered. I thought the Vesta was bad and no where near what they said it was but this ship is utter uter Shista.

    I'm not happy right now that they wasted my time and my resources for such a poorly designed "warship". Even the Galor warship lasts longer than this thing and it's hull is 3000 points lower than the Ghet warship.

    And now that I've been reading about the kinetic 360 weapon I'm debating quitting this game all over again. The developers are purposefully under powering weapons and ships for supposed game balance which is truly stupid.

    I'm going to be blunt. You are bad at this game.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nope, sorry, I know how to play the game, it's not user error. It's issue with the ship or game balance. I've survived heavy plasma bolts in other ships and heavy plasma torpedoes; this ship is a failure.

    Clearly, you don't.
  • andyslashandyslash Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    What is so funny, it sounds like a pretty reasonable things to say as long as we are talking about Elite. The only way I can see never going below 98% hull is if someone is sitting outside threat range or has super low threat from low damage.

    I often get killed or put down to 3% hull in my tanked crusier with 60k hull hit point at 75% shield resistance and 60% ish hull resistance from the normal torpedoes. My mines take care of HY torps. How can someone never go below 98% hull?

    Surly any Escort or Breen ship would be instent killed in the same situation. As long as we are talking Elite and not normail.

    invest in point defense console, it targets HY3 plasma torps regardless if they bug out(invisible), dont run rainbow weapons stick to one energy type. Use the console that gives resistance to plasma(i use 3 for elites) constant hazard emitters are on or alot of brace for impacts, buy the brace doff. as a sci i know better to stay away and let the heavy hitters wail on targets but i do fight close with this ship, i go to finish them off or help teammates. also i use antimatter spread if things get too hot so i can get away while someone pulls aggro. my two cents.
    ps. Also having a tac captain main, i know escorts inside and out. this is a glorified escort.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nope, sorry, I know how to play the game, it's not user error. It's issue with the ship or game balance. I've survived heavy plasma bolts in other ships and heavy plasma torpedoes; this ship is a failure.

    Then I'm sure you'll be happy to provide the layout you were using.

    My guess is you drew aggro and got clobbered by a HY torp before you could throw any hull resist buffs up.

    EDIT: Also, I wouldn't complain too much. This ship cost you nothing to obtain other than a few minutes of your time every day for 25 days. That's less than paying dilithium for a 'free' ship.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    xantris wrote: »
    I'm going to be blunt. You are bad at this game.

    I agree is guy just needs to quit. The Vesta is also great ship if you know what you are doing, The Breen ship is a Very, Very good ship as well if you know what you are doing, I cant stand these players that come on the forums and cry beacuse they get killed to fast in PVP or buy a ship and dont know how to set it up come on the Forums and throw a fit beacuse it "must be something wrong with the game" or "the Dev's are trying to TRIBBLE us" Or this is too powerful nerf it beacuse I cant figure out how to counter it so it needs to be taken away. Just spare us and quit while i enjoy the great new ships from season 7.
  • trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Everything has been said....your build needs work. The Breen ship(and the Vesta) are fine. Listen to the feedback here and you can improve your gameplay. Not just in this ship, but in any ship. Good luck!
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Explain your goal: To be affective in game; I've used every type of ship in this game and I've utilized and experimented with each setup I can find and some of my own when it comes to Bridge Officer stations and skills. This particular ship offers very little for the time it took to get.
    Fore weapons: Two Dual Beam Antiproton Advanced Fleet, one Anti-borg Antiproton DHC, One Tricobolt Anti-borg Acc X 3 device all MK XII
    Aft weapons Two Spiral Disrupters (MK Ini) One Rapid Reload Transphasic Torpedo MK XI, One Breen Transphasic Torpedo Mine launcher (Mk Ini).
    Shd M.A.C.O. MK XII
    Deflector M.A.C.O. MK XII
    Shields M.A.C.O. MK XII
    All cons: Three Neutronium MK XII Purple Plating (engineering) 50% reduction to all damage. The Breen Energy Dissipation unit (universal), MK XII Shield Regeneration Setting unit +17% shield regen rate purple (science), two MK XII Emitter Array both +15% to shields. Universal Graviton Emitter (tactical slot), MK XII Transphasic Compressor Blue +29% damage by all transphasic devices. TCB Subspace Infuser MK X (Blue).
    Devices: Shield Battery X 20, Polaron Dirupter Sat X 10, Engine Battery X 10
    BoFF Ability: Ensing Universal: Engineer; Fire At Will 1, Cmndr Tactical: Tactical Team 1, Beam Fire At will III, Target Engines I, Dispersal Pattern Beta III. Lieutenant Tactical: Beam Overload I, Torpedo Spread II. L. Engineering: Engineering Team 1, Reverse Shield Polarity. Lt Cmndr Science: Polarize Hull I, Siphon Energy I, Feedback Pulse II
    And equipped doFFs: Purple Engineer: reduce energy subsystem drain when using directed energy modulation, Blue Damage Control Engineer chance to reduce recharge time for emergency power to subsystem abilities, Blue Tractor Beam Officer (used when I swap to the Borg set), Purple Photonic Studies, Purple Astrometrics Scientist.

    Complaint: As in OP; the ship fails miserably when in battle. I was destroyed several times in the last STF I was in (non-elite) something that rarely if ever happens in my escort or the Vesta. (Infected non-elite). It pulls agro like no other and I'm often the one attacked and destroyed.

    I will get to this in a second.
    Nope, sorry, I know how to play the game, it's not user error. It's issue with the ship or game balance. I've survived heavy plasma bolts in other ships and heavy plasma torpedoes; this ship is a failure.

    I will also get to this in a second, but I can tell you right now, I have taken a HY plasma torp in my freebie Qin raptor and lived to tell the tale. Not much HP left, but I lived nonetheless. And before you call "well it's a KDF ship, they survive better", I took the same hit in a FRSV and lived to tell the tale. Again, not much of me left, but I lived.
    I'd have to call you a liar here or a cheat then.

    I just debunked your statement here with my previous post.

    Alright now to respond to that first quote.

    Dafuq? DBBs on a ship that can run DHCs? And your rear weapons? Seriously? Run turrets and a tric mine, or just full turrets. Why you are running transphasic torps on your rear with a transphasic mine launcher I will never know. If you absolutely MUST use transphasics, the use the cluster torp on your nose.

    And like previous posters said, your build is all over the place. The only thing focused is your Engineering consoles. And that's overkill. With a ship like that, you only need 2. I would recommend 2 neutronium, and one monotanium. You will find your survivability increases exponentially (this is of course assuming you are a competent player, which I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now and say you are).

    Your science consoles and tac consoles though, are complete fail (and they alone remove my previous assumption of your competence). And I mean FAIL. I am surprised you were able to draw aggro at all considering your TERRIBLE weapons layout and just astonishingly bad console layout. You are running what was that, 4 weapon types? I think the cube killed you out of disgust more than as a threat. Hell if this was PvP I would kill you just so I didn't have to see your horrible build, since you certainly wouldn't be a threat.

    Anyways, all disgust aside, your tac consoles alone made me wonder what you were smoking. You have NO offensive energy weapon consoles. Your tac console layout should have been either 3x AP mag regulators and 1x TCD subspace infuser, or 4x AP mag regulators. Your science consoles should have been the energy dissipator device, Borg Assimilated Module/Zero Point Energy Conduit, and an Emitter Array/field generator. Emitter array is probably better in this case though.

    Then we get to your BOff layout. Your Tactical layout is a mess. Your Engineering Layout made me cringe. And your Science layout is incredibly ineffective. And you wonder why you died so easily? You have NOTHING that makes you anything other than squishy.

    A better layout would have been:
    Cmdr Tac: TT1, CRF1, APB2, APO3
    Lt Tac: TT1, CRF1
    Lt Engi: EPtS1/ET1, EPtW2/Aux2SIF1
    LtCmdr Sci: HE1/TSS1/TB1, HE2/TSS2, HE3/TSS3/ES2
    Ens Uni: EPtS1

    You get offensive power, survivability, and utility, without sacrificing much in any area. And if you MUST use beams, use BO, not BFAW. Your ship isn't tanky enough to survive the added attention. Also, I noted NO attack patterns. You're flying a ship that can use APO3 and you aren't using it. The DPB3 is useful, but not with the mines you're currently using. Major disappointment here.

    And your DOffs? Seriously? Lose the Astro Scientist, lose the Photonic Studies Scientist, and upgrade your DCE to purple. If you can't afford the ones on the exchange, replicate the purple hologram (only 1 mil ECs). I would also recommend a WCE (for those EPtX abilities), and if you're using the cluster torp, proj weapons officers (plural). Also SDOs (plural) would be useful. And since you aren't using DEM, lose that officer too. So your end build if you're using full cannons would be DCE (maybe 2 if you're feeling cruel), WCE, SDO, and one users choice. If you're using a trans cluster, DCEx1, WCEx1, SDOx1, PWOx2.

    After reading your build, and what you were saying, I have to say it's 100% user error. Your build alone screams terrible, your BOff setup just makes me cringe, and your DOffs aren't even useful for your build (except the DCE). So again, it's user error. I suggest you look at that before posting a hate thread about a ship.

    The Breen Warship is a GREAT ship. EVERYONE I have played with has fallen in love with that ship. I personally greatly look forward to getting it, and I fully intend to prove this ENTIRE post wrong when using it.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • lordrelentlesslordrelentless Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    First off I'm not using any mines and I don't have anything Boosting mines; so whoever stated this go away I'm not in the mood. Secondly my setup works just fine with my other ships. You telling me that "I'm just bad and I should quit" is utter BS. Now I'm going to be blunt, your points are moot. You'd rather antagonize than actually help. Get off my thread before I report your posts.

    As for the other people; thank you for your advice I'll consider it. I don't use Hazard emitters because it doesn't seem to help and is rather gimped as far as I can tell. I originally has a full set array of dual beam antiprotons equipped on the Breen warship but swapped off to my DHC.

    As for my ability to play this game; just because I'm not minmaxing doesn't mean I don't know how to play. Your arrogance and ignorance is astounding. And while you might like the Vesta I stand by my points as to how it is flawed.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    andyslash wrote: »
    invest in point defense console, it targets HY3 plasma torps regardless if they bug out(invisible), dont run rainbow weapons stick to one energy type. Use the console that gives resistance to plasma(i use 3 for elites) constant hazard emitters are on or alot of brace for impacts, buy the brace doff. as a sci i know better to stay away and let the heavy hitters wail on targets but i do fight close with this ship, i go to finish them off or help teammates. also i use antimatter spread if things get too hot so i can get away while someone pulls aggro. my two cents.
    ps. Also having a tac captain main, i know escorts inside and out. this is a glorified escort.
    None of that helps. I still get hit by those stupid torpedoes that take out shields and large parts of hull and you cannot shoot those normal torpedoes down. What might help is if I remove the threat skill I have at max.

    Point defense does nothing at least in my case. My mines stop 100% of HY3 torps even if invisible and mines are far more reliable then point defense at that role. Also if the torp is invisible how can you know to turn on Point defense? I am already at 60% plasma resistance I do not see how that can get much higher. Well I could but I do not see it making much difference as a few more % still means large chunk of hull damage. Haz emitter I use all the time but it doesn?t stop me losing 50%+ hull from normal torpedoes in 1 volley with shields up or plasma DoT during the 15 second Hazed emitter down time.

    I did not realize you are sci which goes towards explaining the lack of hull damage. Your threat level would most likely be low so the hard hitting weapons do not get directed at you. But surly 1 normal torpedo volley towards a Sci ship during haz emitter cool down would mean more than 2% hull damage on Elite just from the DoT.

    (Edit from tac cubes, I can see how you do not take hull damage from the probes or spheres I just do not see how you never take more then 2% hull damage)
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    First off I'm not using any mines and I don't have anything Boosting mines; so whoever stated this go away I'm not in the mood. Secondly my setup works just fine with my other ships. You telling me that "I'm just bad and I should quit" is utter BS. Now I'm going to be blunt, your points are moot. You'd rather antagonize than actually help. Get off my thread before I report your posts.

    As for the other people; thank you for your advice I'll consider it. I don't use Hazard emitters because it doesn't seem to help and is rather gimped as far as I can tell. I originally has a full set array of dual beam antiprotons equipped on the Breen warship but swapped off to my DHC.

    It?s late here and I might have misread your post but didn?t you say in post 15 you use mines with mine disposal patterns with mine boosting consoles. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=7292071&postcount=15

    As for saying Hazard emitters do nto seem to help how do you clear the Plasma Dot? I find at least on Elite it is the Plasma DoT that does large amounts of hull damage and it must be cleared or you die even with shields up. In the past I used to fly without Hazed Emitters without a problem but I have been unable to do that since the Borg got boosted. Now I find the Dot takes out massive hull damage if not cleared fast.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    First off I'm not using any mines and I don't have anything Boosting mines; so whoever stated this go away I'm not in the mood.

    You're running (so you claim) Dispersal Pattern Beta 3. That's a commander level mine ability.
    As for my ability to play this game; just because I'm not minmaxing doesn't mean I don't know how to play. Your arrogance and ignorance is astounding. And while you might like the Vesta I stand by my points as to how it is flawed.

    Let's get one thing perfectly clear here: your build as advertised is in no way a min/maxer's build.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ...One Breen Transphasic Torpedo Mine launcher (Mk Ini)... (It's Transphasic Cluster Torpedo)

    ...Dispersal Pattern Beta III... (why is this in here?)
    First off I'm not using any mines and I don't have anything Boosting mines;...

    Uh huh...

    And you call us ignorant. ROFL. You dug your own grave here, we're just doing you the courtesy of burying you in it. The Breen ship is a great ship. However because your perfect build doesn't work on it doesn't mean the ship itself is a bad ship. It just means your build is bad for that ship. Nothing more, nothing less.

    The Vesta is flawed yes, but you are expecting too much. I know dozens of players who use the Vesta VERY effectively. And they do things with that ship that should be made illegal. Just because you can't play a ship doesn't make it bad.

    Get off your high horse and your head out of your rear. The only one who suffers because of that is you, so stop taking it out on us and actually listen.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ...then don't use the breen ship or the vesta! nobody forces you to do it, and nobody actually cares if you can't handle it, everybody else seems to have a blast with it.

    also, the setup you mentioned is highly questionable to say the least. All in all, user error at it's finest.
    Go pro or go home
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    this has been an interesting thread, albeit unfortunately heated at times. I can't help but but add to it in saying I have found the Breen ship wonderful. I rarely get tanked in PVE and even defeated that TRIBBLE ship in Terradome (level 48) by myself with this ship! In elite I find the ship very versatile and though the cubes plasma torps do kill me, I nevertheless chalk that up to my getting to close for comfort in the first place. In most elite PVe's, especially Romulan space battles, I find my hull barely affected, even if shields are nearly gone.

    That being said, in PVP the klingons tank me quickly regardless but I blame that on my inability to build a set up that could protect me from their well organized attacks. The novelty of the breen ship alone means I am the first thing they want to hit unfortunately most of the time... Lol. Pm me and I willgive you specs on my build whihc includes all four Borg sets (brings my hull to 49, 250), the Borg beam cutter and a quantum torp wide angle taken from my Regent ship (a ship I honestly think could use some of the Breen's movability). I am running all polaron weapons otherwise but against klingons (pvp) and some elite missions it does feel like shooting blanks at times. I use two dual heavy cannons on front and four beams around the ship. In normal PVE forget about it, I am untouchable and find myself healing other players.

    As for the Vesta, The ONLY thing I have ever found disappointing on it is the primary beam weapon. Its rather underwhelming. However, as a support ship I find it does an amazing job and have managed to do wonders with it even as a tact captain for both ships. The bubble shield has always made me invincible as well, so maybe its a patch issue?! There are days when the bugs in the game just work against us. Anyways, hope you have rectified the problem by now. It can be frustrating but having run the breen set on the breen ship, ironically, the borg set does it wonders and make it an excellent support, and with the right set of weapons, tank of a ship.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • anahadaranahadar Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hi everyone,

    after I have tested the Breen ship I have to say, it's horrible. Sorry.
    My Galor is way better.
    Can now PLEASE get ship appropriate to S7? Maybe a D'Deridex? Ok, Ok I am just frustrated and wanna have my ship!
    come on Mr.Stahl, we have all this fancy new Romulan Weaponary now its time to get a Warbird =)

    1 cmdr.Science
    1.lt.cmdr. eng
    2.lt tac.
    1.esn universial

    Shiel mod. 1,15-1,25
    base turn rate 5
    hull 52,000
    forw and aft. 4 slots for weaponary

    3 eng. consoles
    3 sci. consoles
    4 tac. consoles

    Or something like that and dont forget the cloacking device!!!!!!
  • zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Organized KDF pvpers are... death on wheels. It's very hard for ANYONE to stand up to them, regardless of ship, build, or experience.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think you posted this in the wrong section. This one is for discussing the Foundry. ;)

    EDIT: Merged. Never mind.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ID 10 T error possibly?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Uh huh...

    And you call us ignorant. ROFL. You dug your own grave here, we're just doing you the courtesy of burying you in it. The Breen ship is a great ship. However because your perfect build doesn't work on it doesn't mean the ship itself is a bad ship. It just means your build is bad for that ship. Nothing more, nothing less.

    The Vesta is flawed yes, but you are expecting too much. I know dozens of players who use the Vesta VERY effectively. And they do things with that ship that should be made illegal. Just because you can't play a ship doesn't make it bad.

    Get off your high horse and your head out of your rear. The only one who suffers because of that is you, so stop taking it out on us and actually listen.

    Heretic, maybe we should get the gentleman (name withheld) that is complaining in the other thread that the Breen ship is OP and unbeatable. Do you think we can average them out to it being a good ship?:)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Heretic, maybe we should get the gentleman (name withheld) that is complaining in the other thread that the Breen ship is OP and unbeatable. Do you think we can average them out to it being a good ship?:)

    I dunno... I think we'll end up with an immoveable object meets the unstoppable force scenario. But it certainly would be entertaining if nothing else XD.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    So, you tried to fly a "cruiser-ish" escort like a science ship.
    I can see how that might take some getting used to, so take it from an escort-flying tac: Yes, we get blown up a lot more than other ship archetypes.

    Me, I like the Breen ship. Tested it out today and was quite satisfied with killspeed and survivability. Then, after the fifth or so mission, I noticed I had been flying without a powersetting the whole time.
    So yeah, definitely packs a punch.

    Yeah, I'm not getting the complaint.

    I flew it like a tactical vessel and, surprise surprise, I made it through an entire STF with only one death (Caught just a little too much aggro from a gate and I wasn't 100% with my new ability layout).

    The Chel Grett is a nice ship, more than worth the effort to get it.
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