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Announcement About Upcoming Dilithium Changes - Nov 14, 2012



  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Didn't read the whole thread, I was glad at first that dilitium was reintroduced into stf. Well good play reduce fleet action dilitium to put it into dilitium. And now the game is a dilitium sink and its getting a lot harder to get it so not happy at all.

    I think I'm gonna get that Diablo 3 game now. You're taking the fun out of this game.

    I can understand this, but when you can make 1k+ dilithium just on DOFF assignments (effort required: near zero), it is hard to determine how 'alot harder' it is than before such changes.

    I am still hoping the devs make adjustments for smaller fleets. With the addition of Embassies, the smaller fleets now have twice the demands if they want to keep up with the limited assignments (ours may miss being able to do the latest one because of the need to work on our Embassy).
  • spacebreederspacebreeder Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    not being funnie but they saying most players look at most players

    a new account (dont realy need dill as wast as low lvls)
    b dill items at low lvl become useless in 5-10lvls
    c stf only got use due to the pay of dill and loot ( boring and pointless now)
    d only real time u need dill is when u join a fleet and want to help build
    d.1 u hit lvl 50 and u need zen for reskill
    d.2 u hit lvl 50 and want a good ship from z-store
    d.3 u hit 50 and want a carrier with good hanger bays

    yes the 8k cap dose become a pain even befor the pointless changes due to like my fleet at tier 4 asking for 300k- stupid amounts of dill to get the job done (not counting embassy now)

    most of the content in this game done once at low lvls and not realy done again most

    most of the post here about the cap and dill changes is near to good points it SHOULDNT OF BEEN CHANGED

    if u wanted more people to have dill pay (most players being low lvls) all u had to do is add smal amounts to things like the gorn mine filed normal pay and loot with a extra small pay of say 100 to 200 dill for the newbis (not that there realy use till lvl 50)

    only change to stf's should of been little less loot and added the bnp (everyone happy)(game has not become a 9-5 job)

    as an opion u could of added for fleets or in z-store the opion to incress the cap by 2k for players in fleets on tier3 and higher for the dill refine the even easyer part is befor any says it u add in the game a simple ui that if u join a fleet tier 3 for the extra 2k it stays active soon as u leave it deactive keeping u at the normal 8k it not hard to do this
    this then for high tier fleets can do the stupid amounts of dill for fsb jobs + embassy

    eceryone happy still and game still not 9-5 job + new pve's everyone still playing and happy

    not this TRIBBLE u have now that clearly see less players in the game and boring

    p.s since the change of stf and borg chips ds9 is preity much a ghost town well done for that too

    if ur going to keep the changes as is u need to cut all dill cost on fleet star base by half!!!!!!!!!

    this is just my take on what should of happend others may think different and others may agree and others have different idears
  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The problem is not the 8k cap, that in my opinion is fine (since they are so worry about the imaginary "too much Dilithium in the economy "). The problem here is that they took away any kind of fun while u try to get dill. Yes, before this mess and their "fixes" grinding was not soooooooo boring and flat. Get the SAME amount of dill we were used to make everyday now is just harder... it feels harder. Im sure the one who said few comments ago that get 2k dill is ok never tried to buy a 30k dill hangar bay or fill the insane fleet projects with 1.9 million dill.

    And then, of course, we have this stupid unbalance where u can get VA rank in one week with a hand tied behind ur back just for wait 6325763 days to get the rep to tier 2.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    deokkent wrote: »
    Lol there is now a rumour they will take away dilithium from fleet action dailies to replace it with fleet marks. Bye bye 8k cap, I will never be able to reach you now hehe.

    Aaah, cryptic, I can't wait until you take away all possible ways to get dilithium so the only way to get it is by buying it with IRL money.

    Hehehe.... Oh well, meh.

    It's not a rumor.
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • The Daily fleet action missions now grant 50 Fleet Marks instead of Dilithium.
      • These are the daily missions offered by Yanishev on the Fed side, and B'Mera on the KDF side.
    • The Fleet Starbase ground supplies officer should no longer have a white background.
    • Updated the Federation Gorn Minefield Fleet Action:
      • There is a new 5-man Gorn Minefield Fleet Action that is based on the KDF 5-man Federation Minefield.
      • The old 20-man version has been removed.
    • Removed a double scroll bar for players with long ship lists.
    • Resolved an issue where the ship name would sometimes show the incorrect name in the HUD.
      • Your active ship should no longer be referred to by your default shuttle's name.

    • Omega Reputation Updated:
      • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
      • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.
    • Romulan Reputation Updated:
      • Renamed from "Romulan Star Empire" to "New Romulus"
      • Duration of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced from 40 hours to 20 hours.
      • Energy Credit cost of all T1 and T2 Reputation XP projects has been reduced to 50% of prior cost.
    • The Viral Matrix debuff can now be cleared by Engineering Team.
      • Previously, this only cured the individual systems that were knocked offline.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • murphyslahmurphyslah Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    daxiii23 wrote: »
    well lets stay with the reassignment for a moment, lets say i have all white doffs and i want to change into one purple, costs as follows:
    white to green:
    5 whites + 500 dil = 1 green
    green to blue
    5 greens + 2500 dill = 1 blue
    blue to purple
    5 blues + 5000 dill = 1 purple

    5x5000 + 5x(2500) + 25x(500) = 50k dil

    so one purple BOFF costing now 50k dilithium and 25 white boffs???
    This is actually a case of exponential growth. You have to multiply your greens by 25(5/blue) and the whites by another 5 (5 for each of the 25 greens). There is a small arithmetic error as well. So to correct the numbers:

    1(5000) + 5(2500) + 25(500) = 30k dil

    so one purple BOFF costing now 30k dilithium and 125 white BOffs..
This discussion has been closed.