We're dealing 66000 every 30 seconds? So that means each of you or all of you together?
Thanks for making me laugh so hard. I've seen way more "defense specs pvprs" deal twice that amount in half the time.
I call bulls***. No pvper specced for defence does 8800 dps for 15 seconds straight. Maybe, just maybe, a tactical captain in a bug ship against a non moving target at <2km but even then I doubt it. Besides not everyone is tactical and not everyone flies escorts.
Granted 66k damage every 30 seconds isnt great for a set of tricobalt mines, i usually get about 100k non-crits. Remember the rest of your weapons are firing during this time so what you are really comparing is 2 tricobalt mine launchers doing 100k every 30 seconds to 2 turrets doing LOLDPS.
Oh, they're not OP? How do you explain being able to destroy an entire ship when one of them hits?
These weapons must be terrible, evidence being that everyone now uses them because they clearly agree with this statement...
If they're not OP, why don't you all use Quantum mines? Plasma mines? Photon mines?
Oh yeah, because those kinetic damage types AREN'T OP
1. Yes, they should be able to destroy ships. That't their purpose.
2. There is barely a single ability in game that can't be used to avoid getting sploded by a tric mine.
3. Everyone is not using them. Anyone who knows what they're doing, and want to do well, don't use them.
4. So it's OP if anyone finds it useful? You want to nerf them down to a level where noone will use them? Other mine types are not used because they're too weak.
The definition of OP is NOT "someone finds it worth using", and the definition of balanced is NOT "noone uses it". If 20% of the ships out there find Trics useful, that's perfectly balanced. It matches pretty well up with other popular weapon types, like Beam Arrays and DHCs. However, maybe 5% of the players I meet in PvP use trics, and they're usually the laughing stock of the match.
1. Yes, they should be able to destroy ships. That't their purpose.
2. There is barely a single ability in game that can't be used to avoid getting sploded by a tric mine.
3. Everyone is not using them. Anyone who knows what they're doing, and want to do well, don't use them.
4. So it's OP if anyone finds it useful? You want to nerf them down to a level where noone will use them? Other mine types are not used because they're too weak.
The definition of OP is NOT "someone finds it worth using", and the definition of balanced is NOT "noone uses it". If 20% of the ships out there find Trics useful, that's perfectly balanced. It matches pretty well up with other popular weapon types, like Beam Arrays and DHCs. However, maybe 5% of the players I meet in PvP use trics, and they're usually the laughing stock of the match.
I call bulls***. No pvper specced for defence does 8800 dps for 15 seconds straight. Maybe, just maybe, a tactical captain in a bug ship against a non moving target at <2km but even then I doubt it. Besides not everyone is tactical and not everyone flies escorts.
Granted 66k damage every 30 seconds isnt great for a set of tricobalt mines, i usually get about 100k non-crits. Remember the rest of your weapons are firing during this time so what you are really comparing is 2 tricobalt mine launchers doing 100k every 30 seconds to 2 turrets doing LOLDPS.
Think about your claims before you post.
it might be possible my fed does over 7k average for entire stf in Fleet Defiant, that means there must be stretches of 15 seconds here and there where the damage must be over 8k when CRF3 and APA are up. This is just with mk XI rare consoles so someone with mk XII very rare could do it no problem. Spec for defense doesn't mean they didn't max offense also.
It's funny how nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that they are broken when buffed by Dispersal Patterns - a large reason why these Tric mines are instapopping players.
If 20% of the ships out there find Trics useful, that's perfectly balanced. It matches pretty well up with other popular weapon types, like Beam Arrays and DHCs.
Don't know where you pulled 20% from cause it is definitely much more than that :rolleyes:
That being said, I'd be interested in reading these statistics. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please send the link to the page you got them from?
It's funny how nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that they are broken when buffed by Dispersal Patterns - a large reason why these Tric mines are instapopping players.
Borticus has confirmed this.
This is at best a twisting of words, at worst a plain lie. Borticus says they know about the crit-one-crit-all situation. He also said they considered removing the crit-ability, but decided not to. Finally, he indicated they will investigate this and determine IF it needs fixing. He never said they were broken or out of line, just that the will be looked at.
Don't know where you pulled 20% from cause it is definitely much more than that :rolleyes:
Well, over my last 10 pvp matches I haven't seen a single tric mine... this may be because noone used them, or that they were instatntly destroyed by some AoE, but I thought I'd be nice and give it 20%. Really, over t he last two weeks, I've been in only one match where i noticed the trics having any influence on gameplay at all.
As for the instapop, it's just soo easy to avoid it. After the mine is dropped, it takes 4 seconds to activate. The it starts floating slowly towards you. And this happens maximum twice a minute, at great cost of whoever is dropping them. And to get a insta pop, it'll have to crit, wich doesn't happen very often when APA is not used. The opportunity cost is just mind-numbing compared to the practical application....
The only thing it's really OP against, is borg gateways and other big targets. And that's perfectly cool in my book, as putting 2mill HP objects on the map is just silly anyway.
This is at best a twisting of words, at worst a plain lie. Borticus says they know about the crit-one-crit-all situation. He also said they considered removing the crit-ability, but decided not to. Finally, he indicated they will investigate this and determine IF it needs fixing. He never said they were broken or out of line, just that the will be looked at.
Well, over my last 10 pvp matches I haven't seen a single tric mine... this may be because noone used them, or that they were instatntly destroyed by some AoE, but I thought I'd be nice and give it 20%.
Ohhhh, lol, sorry, I thought you were making an informed argument based on facts from a link or something
As for the instapop, it's just soo easy to avoid it. After the mine is dropped, it takes 4 seconds to activate. The it starts floating slowly towards you. And this happens maximum twice a minute, at great cost of whoever is dropping them.
I have been instatntly destroyed by them many times and cannot stress how frustrating it is to be AMS'd or SS'd, tractored and be left helpless to the tric mines. And with AMS being able to be buffed to almost 20 seconds, I think the 4 seconds to activate and the time it takes for them to float slowly towards me is kinda inconsequential.
A pve players doesn't use skills I'n defensive areas
A pvper has to , thus limiting a pvpers Dps or survivalability
I'n pvp, that's why most who pvp do not pve
If anything your statement is a joke
LOL, realy you say a PVE ship have a better DPS then a PVP ship.
WOW, your funny.
To "fix" something implies that something is broken. Borticus says "true". I'm not a liar, I'm just reading what's right in front of me.
True, what was true?
i think borticus mentioned they knew about this but couldn't easily fix it.
wich leads us to what is "it"?
If any of the effect Crits, the entire effect is an automatic Crit.
That's "it". To sum it up:
"Borticus says it's true that when one crit all crit, and that there is no easy way to fix this"
He said nothing about the need to fix it, nor did he say that any of the effects attached to this were out of line. All he said was that when one crit, all crit, and that how it has to be for now.
Notice, i said "at best a twisting of words". Reading it again, your post says something like "...broken beacuse when one crits all crits, and Borticus confirmed this." I guess what I'm trying to say is he confirmed half of that sentence. The part about critting, not the part about being broken.
LOL, realy you say a PVE ship have a better DPS then a PVP ship.
WOW, your funny.
Well it is often true a top end PvE fit normally out damages a top end PvP fit from a raw damage point of view. In PvE you fit more DPS and less tank then PvP.
For example in PvE I run without any sci healing skills like TSS or Haz Emitters. But in PvP I have to lose tactical skills to fit in a science TSS and Haz Emitters.
Also for PvP you often take ACC while for PvE defense is so low ACC is a waste and crit does more DPS. On the the whole a good PvP setup do less DPS then a good PvE setup.
"Borticus says it's true that when one crit all crit, and that there is no easy way to fix this"
He said nothing about the need to fix it, nor did he say that any of the effects attached to this were out of line. All he said was that when one crit, all crit, and that how it has to be for now.
Notice, i said "at best a twisting of words". Reading it again, your post says something like "...broken beacuse when one crits all crits, and Borticus confirmed this." I guess what I'm trying to say is he confirmed half of that sentence. The part about critting, not the part about being broken.
This is turning into Forum PvP and I've had enough arguing for a lifetime. I've been over-vocalising my opinion on this and I'm going to stop now. Think I'll just keep my opinions to myself from now on (which I'd been doing so well for two years ).
I call bulls***. No pvper specced for defence does 8800 dps for 15 seconds straight. Maybe, just maybe, a tactical captain in a bug ship against a non moving target at <2km but even then I doubt it. Besides not everyone is tactical and not everyone flies escorts.
Granted 66k damage every 30 seconds isnt great for a set of tricobalt mines, i usually get about 100k non-crits. Remember the rest of your weapons are firing during this time so what you are really comparing is 2 tricobalt mine launchers doing 100k every 30 seconds to 2 turrets doing LOLDPS.
Think about your claims before you post.
i did the "" for a reason. no pvp player in their right mind will only put points into defense. every dps minded pvp player ive talked to min-maxes. they put all the points NEEDED to do great dps and keep themselves alive. yes, it is possible to both of those things with only one skill tree spec.
except he didnt say 66k every 30 seconds from tric mines. he was claiming that 66k from everyone one every 30 seconds. if he only ment tric mines then he didnt speak clearly enough
It's funny how nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that they are broken when buffed by Dispersal Patterns - a large reason why these Tric mines are instapopping players.
Borticus has confirmed this.
the only thing borticus confirmed was that multiple damages from a single power (warp plasma, high yield/torp spread, the mine patterns) if one of them crits, they all crit.
this is not specfic to tricobalt mines. so claiming that tric mines are broken when its not the mine, its the spread pattern that is a little screwy is flat out wrong, and saying otherwise is spreading misinformation.
this is why tricobalt mines are not broken from what he said.
This is turning into Forum PvP and I've had enough arguing for a lifetime. I've been over-vocalising my opinion on this and I'm going to stop now. Think I'll just keep my opinions to myself from now on (which I'd been doing so well for two years ).
if thats what you choose to do, then thats what you choose to do. i had quite a few battles myself recently about how i feel tactical powers shouldnt increase science damage.
if thats what you choose to do, then thats what you choose to do. i had quite a few battles myself recently about how i feel tactical powers shouldnt increase science damage.
now that was some forum pvp right there.
Oh, yes, I remember that. Well, we all have our opinions. Too often do we get hot-headed.
Well it is often true a top end PvE fit normally out damages a top end PvP fit from a raw damage point of view. In PvE you fit more DPS and less tank then PvP.
For example in PvE I run without any sci healing skills like TSS or Haz Emitters. But in PvP I have to lose tactical skills to fit in a science TSS and Haz Emitters.
Also for PvP you often take ACC while for PvE defense is so low ACC is a waste and crit does more DPS. On the the whole a good PvP setup do less DPS then a good PvE setup.
this is so far from the truth. would you like to 1v1 my pvp tact ship? ill even jump out of my bug ship and hop into my defiant. ill pwn you so badly you will look at your fail pve ship and hang your self in your quaters.
so even tho i did spec resist i still got sci skills and hard dps. and to be honest i can free up alot of points in that build and spec more in resist for hull or go ground. so really what can you do tahts so different? spec torps? lmao
this is so far from the truth. would you like to 1v1 my pvp tact ship? ill even jump out of my bug ship and hop into my defiant. ill pwn you so badly you will look at your fail pve ship and hang your self in your quaters.
so even tho i did spec resist i still got sci skills and hard dps. and to be honest i can free up alot of points in that build and spec more in resist for hull or go ground. so really what can you do tahts so different? spec torps? lmao
ohbut you see, they dont spec for defense so they go insta-pop. it wouldnt be a "fair" fight
Oh, they're not OP? How do you explain being able to destroy an entire ship when one of them hits?
These weapons must be terrible, evidence being that everyone now uses them because they clearly agree with this statement...
If they're not OP, why don't you all use Quantum mines? Plasma mines? Photon mines?
Oh yeah, because those kinetic damage types AREN'T OP
Tricobalt mines are not OP.
They have always been this powerful in damage output and until they where able to be spawned with a Dispersal Pattern nobody used them becuase they where not slot effective on a ship as a single shot, non-moving, unbuffed, easily killed pet that may or may not even work.
Players are using them now becuase you can spawn groups of four and if one CRITS they all crit. Its become a combat Tactic to use a power to stun,hold or otherwise incapacitate a target, spew mines on them and wait for the boom.
Remove thier ability to be effected by Dispersal Patterns and the Tric mine goes back to being the semi-useless weapon it was before. To be used only by the occassional crazy PvP'er and lunatic plinker.
Otherwise they are fine and do as much damage unbuffed as my BO2 (about 20k) and ona crit they still do as much as BO3 (about 40k). I see no issue with the weapon that cant be aimed and has a 60 second CD.
i still dont get how you dont go into pve with out he? wtf i will never do stf elites and not bring he. gl on borg plasma eating hull and go boom. i just did stf elites in pug with full aegis. infected elite i got the borg tact cube at the end to just 60 hp and got poped. left alone with 3 pt borg i can bring it to around 40 till im worn out and die. and thats with he 1 tss 2. this guy will be lucky if he can get it to 95%.
Otherwise they are fine and do as much damage unbuffed as my BO2 (about 20k) and ona crit they still do as much as BO3 (about 40k). I see no issue with the weapon that cant be aimed and has a 60 second CD.
uhm... no... As much as I agree they're not OP, they can crit for more than 260k (one mine) against an unshielded and properly debuffed target....
and they can be rendered useless by almost any ability in game. slot an aft photon mine launcer, and you outweigh almost all advantages a tric miner has.
Tricobalt mines are not OP.
They have always been this powerful in damage output and until they where able to be spawned with a Dispersal Pattern nobody used them becuase they where not slot effective on a ship as a single shot, non-moving, unbuffed, easily killed pet that may or may not even work.
Players are using them now becuase you can spawn groups of four and if one CRITS they all crit. Its become a combat Tactic to use a power to stun,hold or otherwise incapacitate a target, spew mines on them and wait for the boom.
Remove thier ability to be effected by Dispersal Patterns and the Tric mine goes back to being the semi-useless weapon it was before. To be used only by the occassional crazy PvP'er and lunatic plinker.
Otherwise they are fine and do as much damage unbuffed as my BO2 (about 20k) and ona crit they still do as much as BO3 (about 40k). I see no issue with the weapon that cant be aimed and has a 60 second CD.
really roach? put 6 points into mines and see what a tric will do. know why you could not spwn more then 1 tric with dispersal Pattern? because of this TRIBBLE atm. my fleet mate is a sci and just poops out 1 tric mine that can do over 80k. wtf? now picture 2-4 mines.
I think tricobalt mines have a counter in PvP, and further I think they're balanced.
Look noob, I don't know how long you've been playing but I've been playing a whole day longer than you and I think you're a complete dumba$$. If you had any idea what's really going on you would know that tric mines have a counter unless they're paired with AMS or Temporal Backsderp.
AMS you literally can't skill against, can't evasive away, and using the AoE counters to tric mines are exactly what you shouldn't be spamming because you're eating SSusage. Plus, you can't see anything, so how would you even know the mines are there?
Temporal Backsderp, don't even get me started. What was supposed to be a "timeout" instead of a hard stun has become the first click in a 2 click kill. *this effect cannot be resisted*
So yeah, tric mines might be balanced if everything else had a counter, but everything else doesn't. Maybe when you've been playing as long as I have you'll understand that. Good thing you're so handsome because you're not going to get by on brains.
_______________ CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that? Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
really roach? put 6 points into mines and see what a tric will do. know why you could not spwn more then 1 tric with dispersal Pattern? because of this TRIBBLE atm. my fleet mate is a sci and just poops out 1 tric mine that can do over 80k. wtf? now picture 2-4 mines.
Hence why I said, dis-associate Trics with Dispersal patterns so the BOff ability does not work on them.
One mine, even a 80k mine, can be countered by fore thought if you are prepared or even lucky circumstance if AoEs happened to be in use in combat.
AMS you literally can't skill against, can't evasive away, and using the AoE counters to tric mines are exactly what you shouldn't be spamming because you're eating SSusage. Plus, you can't see anything, so how would you even know the mines are there?
How is this scenario any different from AMSing a target, applying TB and then shooting them with a fully buffed Tac Alpha or a wave of Tac buffed Tric torpedos?
Temporal Backsderp, don't even get me started. What was supposed to be a "timeout" instead of a hard stun has become the first click in a 2 click kill. *this effect cannot be resisted*
This ability is just stupid and never should have been allowed.*
* My angst against it stems from the fact I hate time travel in Star Trek as a general rule.
uhm... no... As much as I agree they're not OP, they can crit for more than 260k (one mine) against an unshielded and properly debuffed target....
and they can be rendered useless by almost any ability in game. slot an aft photon mine launcer, and you outweigh almost all advantages a tric miner has.
260k?!? Thats one hell of speciality build and a lucky crit on an already set-up and softened target to get that much damage.
Emo Joe does it well (he is the only one I know who has come even close to 260k) but is very much specially built to do so and that is its own weakness.
I find it no worse than the Defiant-R/ BoP player who has specialized in the BO3/Tric torp alpha combo to maximize damage.
I still say remove them from being buffed by DP and leave them the single slow shot heavy hitting mine.
this is so far from the truth. would you like to 1v1 my pvp tact ship? ill even jump out of my bug ship and hop into my defiant. ill pwn you so badly you will look at your fail pve ship and hang your self in your quaters.
so even tho i did spec resist i still got sci skills and hard dps. and to be honest i can free up alot of points in that build and spec more in resist for hull or go ground. so really what can you do tahts so different? spec torps? lmao
Wow really! Please reread my post as it looks like you don?t understand what I posted if you think beating me in PvP proves PvP does more DPS. LoL as much as you want but for PvE your PvP setup is low DPS compared to a high end PvE setup.
Torps are great for PvE as you come across lots of unshielded targets with high hit points and in that case torps out damage energy weapons.
But if you want sure I can take my PvE setup against your PvP setup in 1v1, not that it will prove much but might be fun. Logging into game now if you are around.
“i still dont get how you dont go into pve with out he? wtf i will never do stf elites and not bring he. gl on borg plasma eating hull and go boom. i just did stf elites in pug with full aegis. infected elite i got the borg tact cube at the end to just 60 hp and got poped”
Well you can use Multi-Regenerative to clear the Plasma Dot or as I prefer take Plasma energy resistance as it cuts the Dot damage in half. Never had a problem with Borg Plasma on Elite and found it is only PvP were I have to scale back DPS to take science skills. In PvE I can run without any sci skills but thats death in PvP.
uhm... no... As much as I agree they're not OP, they can crit for more than 260k (one mine) against an unshielded and properly debuffed target....
and they can be rendered useless by almost any ability in game. slot an aft photon mine launcer, and you outweigh almost all advantages a tric miner has.
Oh that sounds like tactics again to me. "Properly debuffed target" yup. Tactics
Seems like tactics are the biggest problem to the game.
Also I love watching someone back step then putting my mines where they'll end up. Soon as the rewind is over- boom!
Also, did anyone else catch that redricky yelled at himself?
Wow really! Please reread my post as it looks like you don?t understand what I posted if you think beating me in PvP proves PvP does more DPS. LoL as much as you want but for PvE your PvP setup is low DPS compared to a high end PvE setup.
ok so again 1v1 me on my tact please. if you get a higher dps at the end of the 5 i will take your word from it. also if you have ever gotten a max of 98635 crit let me know. i think thats the max ive reached on a all dhc turrent set up. tho i never look. seen it the other day. so i know on an alpha im doing way more. and to let you know im always in pvp with a pure critdx3 set up. my team mates use tractors. also i doubt you can do half of what i do in elite stf and pvp.
I call bulls***. No pvper specced for defence does 8800 dps for 15 seconds straight. Maybe, just maybe, a tactical captain in a bug ship against a non moving target at <2km but even then I doubt it. Besides not everyone is tactical and not everyone flies escorts.
Granted 66k damage every 30 seconds isnt great for a set of tricobalt mines, i usually get about 100k non-crits. Remember the rest of your weapons are firing during this time so what you are really comparing is 2 tricobalt mine launchers doing 100k every 30 seconds to 2 turrets doing LOLDPS.
Think about your claims before you post.
1. Yes, they should be able to destroy ships. That't their purpose.
2. There is barely a single ability in game that can't be used to avoid getting sploded by a tric mine.
3. Everyone is not using them. Anyone who knows what they're doing, and want to do well, don't use them.
4. So it's OP if anyone finds it useful? You want to nerf them down to a level where noone will use them? Other mine types are not used because they're too weak.
The definition of OP is NOT "someone finds it worth using", and the definition of balanced is NOT "noone uses it". If 20% of the ships out there find Trics useful, that's perfectly balanced. It matches pretty well up with other popular weapon types, like Beam Arrays and DHCs. However, maybe 5% of the players I meet in PvP use trics, and they're usually the laughing stock of the match.
Thank you !!
it might be possible my fed does over 7k average for entire stf in Fleet Defiant, that means there must be stretches of 15 seconds here and there where the damage must be over 8k when CRF3 and APA are up. This is just with mk XI rare consoles so someone with mk XII very rare could do it no problem. Spec for defense doesn't mean they didn't max offense also.
Borticus has confirmed this.
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
That't may be the purpose of a mine...but when it is instapop, that't just getting a little ridiculous...
Don't know where you pulled 20% from cause it is definitely much more than that :rolleyes:
That being said, I'd be interested in reading these statistics. If it isn't too much trouble, could you please send the link to the page you got them from?
This is at best a twisting of words, at worst a plain lie. Borticus says they know about the crit-one-crit-all situation. He also said they considered removing the crit-ability, but decided not to. Finally, he indicated they will investigate this and determine IF it needs fixing. He never said they were broken or out of line, just that the will be looked at.
Well, over my last 10 pvp matches I haven't seen a single tric mine... this may be because noone used them, or that they were instatntly destroyed by some AoE, but I thought I'd be nice and give it 20%. Really, over t he last two weeks, I've been in only one match where i noticed the trics having any influence on gameplay at all.
As for the instapop, it's just soo easy to avoid it. After the mine is dropped, it takes 4 seconds to activate. The it starts floating slowly towards you. And this happens maximum twice a minute, at great cost of whoever is dropping them. And to get a insta pop, it'll have to crit, wich doesn't happen very often when APA is not used. The opportunity cost is just mind-numbing compared to the practical application....
The only thing it's really OP against, is borg gateways and other big targets. And that's perfectly cool in my book, as putting 2mill HP objects on the map is just silly anyway.
To "fix" something implies that something is broken. Borticus says "true". I'm not a liar, I'm just reading what's right in front of me.
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
Ohhhh, lol, sorry, I thought you were making an informed argument based on facts from a link or something
I have been instatntly destroyed by them many times and cannot stress how frustrating it is to be AMS'd or SS'd, tractored and be left helpless to the tric mines. And with AMS being able to be buffed to almost 20 seconds, I think the 4 seconds to activate and the time it takes for them to float slowly towards me is kinda inconsequential.
LOL, realy you say a PVE ship have a better DPS then a PVP ship.
WOW, your funny.
True, what was true?
wich leads us to what is "it"?
That's "it". To sum it up:
"Borticus says it's true that when one crit all crit, and that there is no easy way to fix this"
He said nothing about the need to fix it, nor did he say that any of the effects attached to this were out of line. All he said was that when one crit, all crit, and that how it has to be for now.
Notice, i said "at best a twisting of words". Reading it again, your post says something like "...broken beacuse when one crits all crits, and Borticus confirmed this." I guess what I'm trying to say is he confirmed half of that sentence. The part about critting, not the part about being broken.
For example in PvE I run without any sci healing skills like TSS or Haz Emitters. But in PvP I have to lose tactical skills to fit in a science TSS and Haz Emitters.
Also for PvP you often take ACC while for PvE defense is so low ACC is a waste and crit does more DPS. On the the whole a good PvP setup do less DPS then a good PvE setup.
This is turning into Forum PvP and I've had enough arguing for a lifetime. I've been over-vocalising my opinion on this and I'm going to stop now. Think I'll just keep my opinions to myself from now on (which I'd been doing so well for two years
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
i did the "" for a reason. no pvp player in their right mind will only put points into defense. every dps minded pvp player ive talked to min-maxes. they put all the points NEEDED to do great dps and keep themselves alive. yes, it is possible to both of those things with only one skill tree spec.
except he didnt say 66k every 30 seconds from tric mines. he was claiming that 66k from everyone one every 30 seconds. if he only ment tric mines then he didnt speak clearly enough
the only thing borticus confirmed was that multiple damages from a single power (warp plasma, high yield/torp spread, the mine patterns) if one of them crits, they all crit.
this is not specfic to tricobalt mines. so claiming that tric mines are broken when its not the mine, its the spread pattern that is a little screwy is flat out wrong, and saying otherwise is spreading misinformation.
this is why tricobalt mines are not broken from what he said.
if thats what you choose to do, then thats what you choose to do. i had quite a few battles myself recently about how i feel tactical powers shouldnt increase science damage.
now that was some forum pvp right there.
Report me...
Oh, yes, I remember that. Well, we all have our opinions. Too often do we get hot-headed.
@f4tamy | Sad Pandas
this is so far from the truth. would you like to 1v1 my pvp tact ship? ill even jump out of my bug ship and hop into my defiant. ill pwn you so badly you will look at your fail pve ship and hang your self in your quaters.
btw check this link
so even tho i did spec resist i still got sci skills and hard dps. and to be honest i can free up alot of points in that build and spec more in resist for hull or go ground. so really what can you do tahts so different? spec torps? lmao
ohbut you see, they dont spec for defense so they go insta-pop. it wouldnt be a "fair" fight
Tricobalt mines are not OP.
They have always been this powerful in damage output and until they where able to be spawned with a Dispersal Pattern nobody used them becuase they where not slot effective on a ship as a single shot, non-moving, unbuffed, easily killed pet that may or may not even work.
Players are using them now becuase you can spawn groups of four and if one CRITS they all crit. Its become a combat Tactic to use a power to stun,hold or otherwise incapacitate a target, spew mines on them and wait for the boom.
Remove thier ability to be effected by Dispersal Patterns and the Tric mine goes back to being the semi-useless weapon it was before. To be used only by the occassional crazy PvP'er and lunatic plinker.
Otherwise they are fine and do as much damage unbuffed as my BO2 (about 20k) and ona crit they still do as much as BO3 (about 40k). I see no issue with the weapon that cant be aimed and has a 60 second CD.
uhm... no... As much as I agree they're not OP, they can crit for more than 260k (one mine) against an unshielded and properly debuffed target....
and they can be rendered useless by almost any ability in game. slot an aft photon mine launcer, and you outweigh almost all advantages a tric miner has.
really roach? put 6 points into mines and see what a tric will do. know why you could not spwn more then 1 tric with dispersal Pattern? because of this TRIBBLE atm. my fleet mate is a sci and just poops out 1 tric mine that can do over 80k. wtf? now picture 2-4 mines.
AMS you literally can't skill against, can't evasive away, and using the AoE counters to tric mines are exactly what you shouldn't be spamming because you're eating SSusage. Plus, you can't see anything, so how would you even know the mines are there?
Temporal Backsderp, don't even get me started. What was supposed to be a "timeout" instead of a hard stun has become the first click in a 2 click kill. *this effect cannot be resisted*
So yeah, tric mines might be balanced if everything else had a counter, but everything else doesn't. Maybe when you've been playing as long as I have you'll understand that. Good thing you're so handsome because you're not going to get by on brains.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Hence why I said, dis-associate Trics with Dispersal patterns so the BOff ability does not work on them.
One mine, even a 80k mine, can be countered by fore thought if you are prepared or even lucky circumstance if AoEs happened to be in use in combat.
4+ mines are overkill.
260k?!? Thats one hell of speciality build and a lucky crit on an already set-up and softened target to get that much damage.
Emo Joe does it well (he is the only one I know who has come even close to 260k) but is very much specially built to do so and that is its own weakness.
I find it no worse than the Defiant-R/ BoP player who has specialized in the BO3/Tric torp alpha combo to maximize damage.
I still say remove them from being buffed by DP and leave them the single slow shot heavy hitting mine.
Torps are great for PvE as you come across lots of unshielded targets with high hit points and in that case torps out damage energy weapons.
But if you want sure I can take my PvE setup against your PvP setup in 1v1, not that it will prove much but might be fun. Logging into game now if you are around.
“i still dont get how you dont go into pve with out he? wtf i will never do stf elites and not bring he. gl on borg plasma eating hull and go boom. i just did stf elites in pug with full aegis. infected elite i got the borg tact cube at the end to just 60 hp and got poped”
Well you can use Multi-Regenerative to clear the Plasma Dot or as I prefer take Plasma energy resistance as it cuts the Dot damage in half. Never had a problem with Borg Plasma on Elite and found it is only PvP were I have to scale back DPS to take science skills. In PvE I can run without any sci skills but thats death in PvP.
I wonder if thats part of the reason why the Borg one shot players so easily? The whole not speccing for defense, that is.
Oh that sounds like tactics again to me. "Properly debuffed target" yup. Tactics
Seems like tactics are the biggest problem to the game.
Also I love watching someone back step then putting my mines where they'll end up. Soon as the rewind is over- boom!
Also, did anyone else catch that redricky yelled at himself?
ok so again 1v1 me on my tact please. if you get a higher dps at the end of the 5 i will take your word from it. also if you have ever gotten a max of 98635 crit let me know. i think thats the max ive reached on a all dhc turrent set up. tho i never look. seen it the other day. so i know on an alpha im doing way more. and to let you know im always in pvp with a pure critdx3 set up. my team mates use tractors. also i doubt you can do half of what i do in elite stf and pvp.
im on right now in opvp chat