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Fix those Tricobalt mines



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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A PSA:

    1. If I more or less know who you are and I see you tossing out tric mines on an escort when you never once bothered with them before they were FOTM, I will purposefully seek you out like a cruise missile on her period and to within the best of my ability make your life a living hell.

    2. Tric mines are a very strong indirect Tac buff. If you can only get me to within ten percent from death while my shields are full and you have nothing to follow it up with, you should field mines at your own risk.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    kronosathkronosath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tricobalt weapons are just fine the way they are.

    Whenever someone does not like something, he requests a nerf.

    So with my Sci toon I want a nerf for escorts. They do a ridiculous amount of damage.

    Oh wait I have a Tac toon as well. Hmmmm...

    And yes good builds of Engi captains should be banned. They are too difficult to kill.

    Seriously, tricobalt weapons are so easy to counter and they require a lot of practice in order to use them.

    1. Long cooldowns.
    2. Fragile.
    3. Very slow.

    1. Damage if used properly.
    2. After effects.

    Personally I use them for the after effects because my build in Sci is CROWD CONTROL. REPEL AND IMMOBILIZE.
    Fed Sci: Tethys U.S.S. Chronos Aionios, U.S.S. Denomon Gnosis {Fleet: HSF}
    KDF Eng: Boreas I.K.S. Demonon Nemesis {Fleet: HoS}
    Rom Sci: Crius I.R.W. Noctem Aeternus {Fleet: LoS}
    Fed Tac: Kronos U.S.S. Xibalba, I.S.S. Theogonia{Fleet: HSF}
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I run a single Tric mine/rear on my build and have found it helpful in situations.

    They are not OP.

    Unhook them from DP and it solves it all.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Unhook them from DP and it solves it all.

    This is a good idea. It would also completely remove the bug with chain critz from tric mines.
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Not arguing in any direction, but something seems not right with them. Could it be the base yield itself?

    I noticed every mine has about the same if not slightly less yield than the torpedo equivalent, except tricobalt mines have more than double... how come?
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    I am a little surprised at the difference in opinion between OPVP and this thread an the subject. Ppl were up in arms yesterday ******** about tric one hitting them. There weren't any voices to be heard saying tric's are fine the way they are.
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I am a little surprised at the difference in opinion between OPVP and this thread an the subject. Ppl were up in arms yesterday ******** about tric one hitting them. There weren't any voices to be heard saying tric's are fine the way they are.

    That's because the few that are defending them happen to be regular forum posters. Keep in mind that the people who actually post on the forums, let alone the PvP section, is very low in comparison to the people who play STO.
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Not arguing in any direction, but something seems not right with them. Could it be the base yield itself?

    I noticed every mine has about the same if not slightly less yield than the torpedo equivalent, except tricobalt mines have more than double... how come?
    I fine my tric torps yo hit for roughly the same damage. If the mine is a little higher its only slightly.
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I am a little surprised at the difference in opinion between OPVP and this thread an the subject. Ppl were up in arms yesterday ******** about tric one hitting them. There weren't any voices to be heard saying tric's are fine the way they are.

    Surprise maybe?

    Mines where a joke once.....
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Would a good compromise not be to make tric mines much larger and more visible (and get rid of the stealth), with maybe an increase in the knockback and a slight decrease in the silliest damage numbers to compensate?
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    tick0 wrote: »
    That's because the few that are defending them happen to be regular forum posters. Keep in mind that the people who actually post on the forums, let alone the PvP section, is very low in comparison to the people who play STO.

    Yeah but the number of ppl that are in opvp is pretty low in comparison also. And the ppl complaining were ppl that have been around awhile.
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    Yeah but the number of ppl that are in opvp is pretty low in comparison also. And the ppl complaining were ppl that have been around awhile.

    Indeed. There are certainly some mixed opinions flying around.

    Trics are very obviously the 'flavour of the month' at the moment. I saw this as an obvious indicator of their imbalanced nature since huge amounts of both less experienced players and PvP veterans have started using them.

    First it was Chroniton Mines (which at least are not as bad since resists are working properly), then it was Transphasic Mines (which are definitely viable if you're trying to deal damage without relying on a high turn rate or high weapon power level) and now it's Trics that have topped the board.

    Who needs Chroniton's turn rate debuff when you can obliterate both your enemy's hull and shields? Who needs Transphasic hull killers when Trics do it better?

    I guess one positive thing is at least noobs have a chance at killing people now. :P
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited October 2012
    I use tricobolt mines on most of my bop builds for 1 simple fact I enjoy a good stf pug match and when someone inadvertently pops a gen early in infected elite they are the best weapon with dispersal pattern beta-3 to take down a transformer quickly which is kinda there best use have I used them in kerrat? U bet especially against spawn camping feds once and the gaming gods loved me that day everything was buffed and my mk xii crtdx3 with a dpb-3 spread supercritied and killed the 8 clustered ships from someones gravity well it was the perfect moment never been able to repeat that 1 event. But that is what tricos can do, against players 85% of the time lucky to get 1 mine to hit and that is usually from my brel retro in cloak. Situational awareness and the correct response to a situation is an aquired skill. ;)
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    matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    Not arguing in any direction, but something seems not right with them. Could it be the base yield itself?

    I noticed every mine has about the same if not slightly less yield than the torpedo equivalent, except tricobalt mines have more than double... how come?

    or it could be a timing thing. the forums are open 24/7 and can be replied from device. sto the game itself sadly needs a pc to play and to argue with.

    its a matter of ease thing. i guess i wasnt on when the ingame argument happened or else id say tric mines are fine except when boosted by tacticals.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    sto the game itself sadly needs a pc to play and to argue with.

    I've never had much luck arguing with STO. It refuses to see reason. :)
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    doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I don't understand why people can't see the mines. I see enemy mines, Trics or otherwise all the time. It's a simple matter of opening your Option Tab and selecting Hightlight Enemy Player Pets/NPC's to [Always On].
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    sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    People here are arguing that tric mines ruin their STFs yet they complain about it in the PVP forums.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I fine my tric torps yo hit for roughly the same damage. If the mine is a little higher its only slightly.

    Surprise maybe?

    Mines where a joke once.....

    Well, it was very late when I took a look at them in the STF store.
    The torpedo has 9000 damage, the mine has 19000. I call that more than a little.

    Ill check again, when less tired, though.
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I am a little surprised at the difference in opinion between OPVP and this thread an the subject. Ppl were up in arms yesterday ******** about tric one hitting them. There weren't any voices to be heard saying tric's are fine the way they are.

    hmm... I've started using my OPVP tab less and less frequently during the last months because of:

    - more ignorant people insisting they know it all
    - more people there thinking a-hole behaviour makes them look cool
    - Insane amounts of "OMG I'M THE BEST PVP'ER EVER (BECAUSE I RULE KER'RAT!)" people there.
    - Too many people who try to raise themselves by talking s hit about others.
    - Too many brownnoses who chime in when someone talks s hit about others.

    It's becoming more and more a "we're better than them" channel... and the general level of knowledge and experience has fallen a lot. :(

    Now, if you come into OPVP trying to learn something, most likely you'll be:
    - made fun of because you don't know it already
    - misinformed by someone who think they know, but don't
    - misinformed by someone who thinks it's fun to misinform people
    - plain trolled

    didn't use to be like this... :(
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    erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1st i have to say that wasnt reading all reply 2 this thread, but lets stick with the subject.

    2nd Tricobalt mines are not OP at all, i don`t know if any of u guys mentioned number of ships that are included in PvP`s, and i mean ships like pets and photonic fleet. Having at least 1 carrier on each side number of ships increases up to more than 20 ships flying around, and tricobalt mines will activate any ship that flies nerby them and destroy them. So in lot of cases u will have tricobalt mines blowing up a pet or photonic sleet ship. Also tricobalt mines are effected by lot of skills, i mean they can be easily destroyed by TBR, GW, EW, TR, Torp spread, CSV.

    And finnaly, u will laugh to this but its possible, player who carries trico mines can kill his own teammates too. How?
    This what happend to me, i was playing with trico mines in pvp match, i have buffed my skills APA, APO, TT1, DBB1, deployed mines under enemy`s ship that was hold, and he used AMS, what happend? - Big boom i killed 2 teammates. Since then i play with tran. mines in PvP, and trico in PvE.

    GL & HF with that "OP" mines ;)
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    erkyss2 wrote: »
    And finnaly, u will laugh to this but its possible, player who carries trico mines can kill his own teammates too. How?
    This what happend to me, i was playing with trico mines in pvp match, i have buffed my skills APA, APO, TT1, DBB1, deployed mines under enemy`s ship that was hold, and he used AMS, what happend? - Big boom i killed 2 teammates. Since then i play with tran. mines in PvP, and trico in PvE.

    Thanks for this perfect example of OP Tric mines. :)
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tric mines are not really overpowered, I was in my B'rel exploding cruisers all the time earlier today, but tried a few times on another person who always did aoe in time and never died. You just have to change builds to adapt to new weapons.

    Nothing wrong with using them in pve either, its the logical counter to large immobile enemies with massive hp.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    tick0 wrote: »
    Thanks for this perfect example of OP Tric mines. :)

    hows that an OP example? it sounds like counter tacitcs were used to solve the tric problem.

    scramble the mine layer and he'll either not use them or use them sparingly.

    AMS/ss another counter to tric mines.

    unless you were meaning the stacking of TACTICAL powers. which as i said and was told, is what TACTICAL powers are supposed to do.
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    erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    hows that an OP example? it sounds like counter tacitcs were used to solve the tric problem.

    scramble the mine layer and he'll either not use them or use them sparingly.

    AMS/ss another counter to tric mines.

    unless you were meaning the stacking of TACTICAL powers. which as i said and was told, is what TACTICAL powers are supposed to do.

    We were pounding on a cruiser, he used AMS bcs he wanted to get rid of us, i`m 100% that he din`t even saw that i`m deploying trico mines.
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    tick0tick0 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Tric mines are not really overpowered, I was in my B'rel exploding cruisers all the time earlier today, but tried a few times on another person who always did aoe in time and never died. You just have to change builds to adapt to new weapons.

    Nothing wrong with using them in pve either, its the logical counter to large immobile enemies with massive hp.

    The thing is, they're not "new weapons". We're just seeing a massive increase in the use of them because so many people recognise their huge damage potential.

    As Roach said previously, unhook them from being buffed by Dispersal Pattern. Not only does this deal insane amounts of damage, it's also bugged - if one crits, it all crits.
    @f4tamy | Sad Pandas
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    matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    erkyss2 wrote: »
    We were pounding on a cruiser, he used AMS bcs he wanted to get rid of us, i`m 100% that he din`t even saw that i`m deploying trico mines.

    acidentel tactics! even better!
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    tick0 wrote: »
    The thing is, they're not "new weapons". We're just seeing a massive increase in the use of them because so many people recognise their huge damage potential.

    As Roach said previously, unhook them from being buffed by Dispersal Pattern. Not only does this deal insane amounts of damage, it's also bugged - if one crits, it all crits.

    They are really new of course, but have seen new found use recently.

    Unhooking them from dispersal pattern isn't fair, DPB3 takes up the only cmdr slot so you give up a lot for this like CRF3, CSV3, APO3, APB3, for something that can be countered even by an ensign ability like TS1 or FAW1. cruisers and sci ships with not many tac stations can use warp plasma or photonic shockwave or repulsors.

    I do agree that the crit hit rolls for each mine should be separate though.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I like tricobalt as they are. They saved me many times in Kerat warzone.
    It is your fault if you decided to come after me (and didn't see it because it is not enabled in your game option) and then complain about it being OP :D

    By the way, you can always use them as well just to feel better. They are not limited to fraction or chose path for your game career.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

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    erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    acidentel tactics! even better!

    Thtat`s true, i wont argue with that at all. I`m just hoping that ppl will understand how trico mines ar not "OP" or "hax", like marc said, they just require few minors mods on the built and players will defend from those attacks. Also i hope i did made a good point with carriers and number of ships...
    well, who ever likes mines i recommend trans. or chroniton, u can get really nice bonuses from those mines in both PvE or PvP.
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    rjam0rjam0 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    notapwefan wrote: »
    I like tricobalt as they are. They saved me many times in Kerat warzone.

    Oh, they saved you? I wonder why that is? Is it cause they're majorly bugged?

    >> http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=349631 <<
    erkyss2 wrote: »
    I`m just hoping that ppl will understand how trico mines ar not "OP" or "hax"

    Oh, they're not OP? How do you explain being able to destroy an entire ship when one of them hits?

    These weapons must be terrible, evidence being that everyone now uses them because they clearly agree with this statement...

    If they're not OP, why don't you all use Quantum mines? Plasma mines? Photon mines?

    Oh yeah, because those kinetic damage types AREN'T OP :D
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    erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    rjam0 wrote: »
    Oh, they saved you? I wonder why that is? Is it cause they're majorly bugged?

    >> http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=5244871&postcount=4 <<

    Oh, they're not OP? How do you explain being able to destroy an entire ship when one of them hits?

    These weapons must be terrible, evidence being that everyone now uses them because they clearly agree with this statement...

    If they're not OP, why don't you all use Quantum mines? Plasma mines? Photon mines?

    Oh yeah, because those kinetic damage types AREN'T OP :D

    Where did i even mentioned that trico mines saved me??:rolleyes:
    Why are they able 2 destroy entire ship? - ask devs pls, i havent implemented them into the game..

    And like i said i dont use tricobalt mines anymore, i have found trans. and chroniton way better, quantum are also nice, but more fore PvE. And i dont see the reason why would a tac officer waste an cmdr slot only he could deploy 4 mines and maybe hit one of wanted ships and destroy him, when he rather can go CRF3 and do tons of DPS.
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