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Fix those Tricobalt mines



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    snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    xantris wrote: »
    Don't insult the Tor'Kaht Battle Cruiser. That ship is a beast and one of the meanest looking bruisers in the game.

    Agh. Don't remind me. :(

    I still have 4 chars that are stuck at 40-45 that I need to cap to try that ship.
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    matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    A Tricobalt mine is a Tactical weapon is it not? I can understand the grievance with Tac Captain powers buffing science power damage but a Tricobalt is a weapon and the Tac powers where designed to buff it just like energy weapons or torpedos.

    right, im not arguing that tacticals shouldnt be able to boost it, im saying that they should!
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    I think the point is that one tac power alone is working as intended, but stacking them gives more than it probably should.

    And the same goes for resistances and healing.

    thats not the point i was trying to make. although that sounds like cryptic when they stated they didnt anticpate players stacking powers -rolls eyes-
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    right, im not arguing that tacticals shouldnt be able to boost it, im saying that they should!

    My apoligies for misdirected angst.

    I started reading the thread again and the whole "but I was SNB'ed and I died" (no TRIBBLE, its called tactics) or " What if I'm AMSed" (its still called tactics) "or even TB and VM'ed" (still tactics) really peeved me off into a blind reaction.

    Its one thing if a power or ability is really OP and needs a change, its pathetic though when some players claim its the smart use of tactics that make a power OP.

    What happens next if we nerf everything becuase of tactics? I'm not allowed to actually aim my attacks and have to hope on luck to strike my target? Are we to announce our attack in advance to help the target prepared? We are to put beeping speakers on all mines so players can know they are in the combat them without having to try to look for them?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Well doesn't it look like jabbas sail barge ?
    No it was not a insult it was a funny.....the
    Ship itself looks funny it may not have even been him
    But the player name looked the same

    Your right pvpers specs into defense
    So a pver who doesn't need all that defense
    Can spec into offense with the skill points the
    Pver had to spend simply to survive

    The pvper must also use hi accuracy weapons
    That do less damage than a pver who can buy
    Hi damage hi crit weapons because he doesn't
    Need the extra accuracy

    Both have the same skill points to spend

    I have no idea what is so hard to grasp here

    It's simple logic

    You have no clue who I am, if you think this forum name is my in game handle.
    Secondly: kid I -know- this game's mechanics better than you. It's all the more evident when you talk about "pvpers have to spec in defense they sacrifice offense!" Here's a hint Chump, we dont'. We spec to the 9s in both. Infact 9/10 times we pick some form of defense to sacrifice (particularly useless skills like, say, Starship Sensors, Subsystem repair, anything more than 3 ranks in threat control) to get our raw offense through the roof.

    Your spec is not some magical beast that some how violates the skill point allocation tree. Point is, if you have more than the minimum required skill points specced into ground. You Fail At Life, as far as Space is concerned, in a major way. Which is the only way you could possibly be coming up short on points to not have Defenses specced.

    Also our "speced defenses" mean we get one shot a whole lot less than chumps like you do that just warp in and drive up the respawn timer.

    Also, you clearly don't know the game mechanics if you think every pvp needs high acc weaponry. If you have ways to negate Defense score, CrtH becomes much more appealing (and is almost always more powerful than CrtD which is in turn far beyond mere DMG, or worse, Borg)

    Also chump, there's this other mechanic you're clearly unaware of called Accuracy Overflow which adds to your crit chance and severity by a fairly significant amount.

    What, you don't know how to tell time? Five minute runs. Take five minutes off the top of the clock and there you go.

    Also I don't think you've ever even seen Jabbas sail barge. I suggest you find a better insult for the Chubby Scort than that.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oh, and whats this complaint the Tricobalt mine is ruining the PvE and STFs?

    I thought the PvE'ers hated the one-shot Borg attacks in the STFs. Now that the player can bring some payback its wrong?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    OP, I'd like to respond to your first post and ignore some of the other stuff that's been said.

    I've made impassioned well written walls of texts as well as squealing misspelled butthurt posts on things having counters. I think everything should have a counter.

    I think tricobalt mines have a counter in PvP, and further I think they're balanced. AoE abilities destroy them, but you could say the same thing about, say, Aceton Assimilators. AA's are tough, however, and highly resistant to many forms of damage. Tric mines most certainly are not. So not only are they vulnerable to AoE, they're extremely fragile. Then there's the arming time and deployment range. Many AoE attacks have a short range, but trics must be deployed inside of that range, then sit there while they arm. So not only are they fragile, they have a large window in which to be destroyed.

    This is to say nothing of the cost of slotting the mine and the dispersal pattern, which affects the balance overall.

    I don't think tricobalt mines have a counter in PvE. I wish they did. Occasionally you need to watch for FAW to end, but that's it. I wish the PvE counter came in the form of improved AI. Until then, PvE and STF's in particular will remain a dps race against giant gas-bags of HP. If you are upset that the ability to cut into the bloated NPC HP takes away from the challenge or the skill requirements of PvE, I'd say you're kind of right. But doing it slower doesn't mean it takes more skill. It just means you're not optimized. Don't think that PvPers don't want PvE to improve. I know I want it to improve, but not by simply taking away the most efficient tools with a change to the magnitude of the damage. I want a smarter AI that will actually counter what's being done. And I want missions involving some kind of objective that cannot be solved every time simply by killing things faster.

    So, honestly, tric mines are fine. PvE is not, but it hasn't been. PvP requires adapting to what's being thrown at you.

    Also, I flew through a tric mine cloaked in my Tor'kaht. I was over 10k from the nearest enemy and died instantly. Excrement occurs, space is a hazardous place. So I've felt the pain of a "no-skill" kill. But if you think about it, I gave them that kill because I thought I was safe, so maybe in that moment I was the one with no skill in that equation. Maybe when it comes to tric mines, the "no-skill" part doesn't refer to the person launching them.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    redricky wrote: »
    Also, I flew through a tric mine cloaked in my Tor'kaht. I was over 10k from the nearest enemy and died instantly. Excrement occurs, space is a hazardous place. So I've felt the pain of a "no-skill" kill. But if you think about it, I gave them that kill because I thought I was safe, so maybe in that moment I was the one with no skill in that equation. Maybe when it comes to tric mines, the "no-skill" part doesn't refer to the person launching them.

    How is flying cloaked 10k from any enemies and dying to an invisible mine at some random point in space a reflection of a lack of skill on your part?
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    ghostyandfrostyghostyandfrosty Member Posts: 864
    edited October 2012
    He didn't figure that the combat zone is really a 20km sphere (where the battle was in addition to where it is now) when he came in. Probably at full impulse. That's partly why I come in either diagonal above or below when I come into the combat zone again. Not just for trick mines, but even mundane stuff like chron mines, or CTMs which can and will spot me cloaked and pop me out of it if I run into them. Especially in AOE light teams you have to think about pets/trash being around somewhere.
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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    How is flying cloaked 10k from any enemies and dying to an invisible mine at some random point in space a reflection of a lack of skill on your part?
    I flew through the scene of the crime, not some random point in space, while they were respawning. I knew trics were in play.
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    redricky wrote: »
    I flew through the scene of the crime, not some random point in space, while they were respawning. I knew trics were in play.

    Ah, knowing they were in play - okay - different then...
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    brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited October 2012
    My personal opinion is that, with the change in mine rules, they should have reinstated the friendly fire mechanics to tric mines. Other than that, yeah getting hit is a result of lack of AoE powers. Not a big deal in premades or pugmades, but in PUGs 1 B'Rel can decide the whole match.
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    husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,601 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think the dmg can stay as it is... yes its high and they can be one shot weapons... and I think for a 1 min cool down on something easily destroyed thats ok.

    However... I think they did get a bit of a MES value like the rest of the mines... I think that should go. They should be the easiest of all the mines to kill.

    They also should not be able to proc Rifts at all.

    I would also love to see there AOE radius reduced... or perhaps even removed. Right now they can be more annoying then dangerous causing disables when they run into spam. I have also seen people blow up when they hit a photo fleet 3k away or another mine which is always funny... Dropping them in the other teams mine field is always funny. It would also tone down the WTF nature of seeing 2 or 3 people die at once, which is just crazy... and again considering all the spam that can still be created, even if the other team is using aoe I have still seen tric mines take out 2 people at once.
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    One shot kill weapons doesn't seem right in a game like this. Feels like I'm playing a shooter now. Since when is there headshots in space?
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    starcommando101starcommando101 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Headshots no, Tricobalt GLORY yes!
    Dude... Activate CSV or FAW to get em. So easy. Hell even if you run with fighters they should be no problem.
    The Average PvP player
    1) Teamwork and timing is #1
    2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
    3) You are going to die, just get back up
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    Headshots no, Tricobalt GLORY yes!
    Dude... Activate CSV or FAW to get em. So easy. Hell even if you run with fighters they should be no problem.

    I hit headshots aren't much different. I'm not saying its hard to kill tric's. I'm saying a one hit kill doesn't feel right for this game.
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    houseofcritzhouseofcritz Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    husanakx wrote: »
    I think the dmg can stay as it is... yes its high and they can be one shot weapons... and I think for a 1 min cool down on something easily destroyed thats ok.

    However... I think they did get a bit of a MES value like the rest of the mines... I think that should go. They should be the easiest of all the mines to kill.

    They also should not be able to proc Rifts at all.

    I would also love to see there AOE radius reduced... or perhaps even removed. Right now they can be more annoying then dangerous causing disables when they run into spam. I have also seen people blow up when they hit a photo fleet 3k away or another mine which is always funny... Dropping them in the other teams mine field is always funny. It would also tone down the WTF nature of seeing 2 or 3 people die at once, which is just crazy... and again considering all the spam that can still be created, even if the other team is using aoe I have still seen tric mines take out 2 people at once.

    I dont think i like the DMG you should not be able to take out 3 people on a team and almost a 4th with 4 mines like we saw last night....:(
    Quote of the week:
    sollvax wrote: »
    a pure cannon build is always less effective than original starfleet specs

    correct build is as it comes out of the factory
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Add bells and whistles and little glowing streamers out thier rears so all can see them when they are used. Add in a voice over that cries aloud " Mines have been used" and little black and yellow drones that warn all players that come too close to be careful.

    I'll start replacing the energy sources of thegames torpedos with cole slaw and someone else modify all the enegry weapons to give an annoucement when they are fired so no one is caught offguard in combat.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Add bells and whistles and little glowing streamers out thier rears so all can see them when they are used. Add in a voice over that cries aloud " Mines have been used" and little black and yellow drones that warn all players that come too close to be careful.

    I'll start replacing the energy sources of thegames torpedos with cole slaw and someone else modify all the enegry weapons to give an annoucement when they are fired so no one is caught offguard in combat.

    Methinks you doth protest the protest too much...

    While it's entirely possible that you're just raging against an overall issue (and this is the most likely case) - it's still kind of coming off as something else...
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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Add bells and whistles and little glowing streamers out thier rears so all can see them when they are used. Add in a voice over that cries aloud " Mines have been used" and little black and yellow drones that warn all players that come too close to be careful.

    I'll start replacing the energy sources of thegames torpedos with cole slaw and someone else modify all the enegry weapons to give an annoucement when they are fired so no one is caught offguard in combat.

    I hope this is sarcasm because I don't care for coleslaw.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Methinks you doth protest the protest too much...

    While it's entirely possible that you're just raging against an overall issue (and this is the most likely case) - it's still kind of coming off as something else...
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I hope this is sarcasm because I don't care for coleslaw.

    A lot of sarcasm, considering that one of the points of dislike with the Tric mine it seems is that you can easily overlook it in combat and die for that mistake if unprepared.

    But mainly its frustration from real life issues bleeding through into my postings as someplayers complain about a weapon that until it was used smartly in combat was considered a joke by many.

    Now that someone has found an effective use for it, suddenly its out of balance?

    If its that much an issue, remove its ability to be buffed by dispersal patterns and let the Tric mine be the only solo mine in the game.

    Frankly I only used one as a means to irritate escorts who like to stay in my 6 in combat. Most time it dies in the CSV onslaught and only occassionally (twice actually) has it worked well a killed a foe.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    falloutx23falloutx23 Member Posts: 456
    edited October 2012
    Well, I hope whatever is troubling you gets resolved. (<<being serious)

    I was running un patterned tric's on the back of my ody/healer long ago. Its not like I just jumped on the wagon of usokg them. Back then, which was apparently before they got a pretty nice buff, I only used them to try to cause some stuns here and there if they happened to land. It was extrememly rare they killed anyone

    Now I've been supporting a balance to healing in this game for a long while now. The one hour matches are too much. Having said that and knowing that I think things need to die faster, I still argue that a one hit kill that gives you no chance to recover is still too much. To me, it falls under the same feeling I have of having to rely on lucky shield procs to determine a match against two good teams. Even though it usually spells death, at least with a shield proc, you still have a chance to get a engy team sent to restore the subsystem.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    falloutx23 wrote: »
    I still argue that a one hit kill that gives you no chance to recover is still too much.
    On this I will agree, but not in the case of a single Tric mine.
    They are too easy to avoid and even outrun and mitigate. They are the Player version of the Borg super plasma torpedo and like that one-shot NPC weapon the Trics tend to only get your if you do not see them, you happen on them by accident unprepared or for some reason the AoE attack you just used missed them.
    Heck if you skill spec for more defense than DPS, they sometimes do not even ruffle ones feathers for more than a second.

    SO I do not understand the huge uproar completely.
    If 4 or more in a single attack is too much then make the Tric mine unbuffed by dispersal patterns and leave them as a single shot weapon with a 60 second cool down.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    ocp001ocp001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Let's be simple about this

    How many character skill points did you spend
    To get defenses against pvp style attacks ?

    How many boff skills did you use to make another
    Helpless , slowed ect

    I'n pve all of those points and skills can be devoted
    To damage or strait up defense

    Console slots are not used on things like sub space jump

    Difficult concept to grasp but try

    Were doing 66000 damage every 30 secs to a gate
    Without crits plus damage from overloaded torps and
    Energy weapons I've saw a few crits over 110k just
    Today I know were noobs and I'm sure your +30 Acc
    Weapons do more damage than my x3 damage 40% crit
    Weapons right ?

    You lower the IQ of the majority of pvpers
    If you team up
    But you were going to switch weapons out right ?
    Then it's no longer a pvp build is it

    Anyone can see who doesn't know what there talking
    About here

    God you are one stupid PvEr.
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    houseofcritzhouseofcritz Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    On this I will agree, but not in the case of a single Tric mine.
    They are too easy to avoid and even outrun and mitigate. They are the Player version of the Borg super plasma torpedo and like that one-shot NPC weapon the Trics tend to only get your if you do not see them, you happen on them by accident unprepared or for some reason the AoE attack you just used missed them.
    Heck if you skill spec for more defense than DPS, they sometimes do not even ruffle ones feathers for more than a second.

    SO I do not understand the huge uproar completely.
    If 4 or more in a single attack is too much then make the Tric mine unbuffed by dispersal patterns and leave them as a single shot weapon with a 60 second cool down.

    If this was the case i would agree with you that they are not a problem.. But its not 1 mine every 60 secs if it was people wouldnt use them as much.. most people i know that use them run 2.. so its 8 mines every 60 sec. and 4 Mines every 30sec with MES put together with all the other spam on the battlefield(other mines,pets) are not easy to avoid.
    Quote of the week:
    sollvax wrote: »
    a pure cannon build is always less effective than original starfleet specs

    correct build is as it comes out of the factory
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    omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    freaking redic I have to run a faw escort again to combat mine spam... csv only works if the mine is in the direction you are shooting and dhc don't shoot but directly forward I guess i can sit there and spin my camera arround hoping my turrets can catch them. Even faw misses them and because of the nerf it got hit with!
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    shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    When it comes to spam mines really don't come even near to top of my list on what bugs me.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
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    dassemstodassemsto Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    OMG... I take a weekend off, and THIS is what I come back to? tsk..tsk...

    I just skimmed this load of TRIBBLE but...
    jellico1 wrote: »
    IE that's Infected Elite
    9:34 left on the clock, let's see you do better

    Not having timed Infected, I can show 7:30 on CSE. Without Tric mines. I think that trumphs 9:34 on ISE.
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Your right pvpers specs into defense
    So a pver who doesn't need all that defense
    Can spec into offense with the skill points the
    Pver had to spend simply to survive

    The pvper must also use hi accuracy weapons
    That do less damage than a pver who can buy
    Hi damage hi crit weapons because he doesn't
    Need the extra accuracy

    First: My PvP tac has ALL the points available in damage, AND all the defece i could wish for. This allows me to deal top damage, and I can't remember the last time I died in a STF. (barring Negh ISO-chain)

    And about that "wasted" accuracy, you know what happens to it? If you have more than you need it spills over into CrtH and CrtD.

    Tric mines are ok. In PvP they are TRIBBLE, because anyone half-skilled will know to avoid them or take them out, but in PvE they can be fun.

    Those crits you speak even put a lie to your claimed ability to deal good damage. THISTHISTHIS is how a proper tric blast should look like!

    And even with this ability, I say I'm MORE efficient in STFs with CSV/TS loadout. Yes, trics are good for single big targets, but useless if you need to kill two things in rapid succession.

    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Is this whole game filled with whinning children?

    That much should be obvious to someone spending as much time here as you... :D
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    webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Tric mines are bad by themselves. But I think what some have yet to mention is a bug that has not, and can't yet be fixed and is known.

    One Crits, they all Crit

    This applies to Deployment pattern Beta + Mines in general. After testing, it does not affect Deployment Pattern Alpha.
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
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    skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    webdeath wrote: »
    Tric mines are bad by themselves. But I think what some have yet to mention is a bug that has not, and can't yet be fixed and is known.

    One Crits, they all Crit

    This applies to Deployment pattern Beta + Mines in general. After testing, it does not affect Deployment Pattern Alpha.

    This is the only post in this thread that needs addressing. I was not actually aware of this, but it appears to not only be a problem with tricobalts, although it is probably most pronounced with them due to their high crit damage. If this was fixed, I'd imagine it would get rid of the 1-shots thru shields.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    If this was the case i would agree with you that they are not a problem.. But its not 1 mine every 60 secs if it was people wouldnt use them as much.. most people i know that use them run 2.. so its 8 mines every 60 sec. and 4 Mines every 30sec with MES put together with all the other spam on the battlefield(other mines,pets) are not easy to avoid.

    Hence, do not let Tric mines be affected by Dispersal Pattern abilities.

    All other mine types should be able to work just fine under it.

    If twin DPs and mines spray a cloud behind them it would most certainly be crappy to fly into, but thats combat.


    Give the mines the same splash damage the torps have.

    Then spraying a cloud of Tric mines could really be dangerous
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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