I named all mine after (comparatively) obscure pieces of music by Gustav Holst.
Light cruiser: USS Hammersmith
Cruiser: USS Beni Mora
Heavy Cruiser: USS Brook Green
Exploration Cruiser: USS Egdon Heath
Assault Cruiser: USS Savitri
MU Star Cruiser: USS Cloud Messenger
MU Assault Cruiser: USS Sita
Still have a few in reserve... after I run out, I'll just switch to a different composer.
U.S.S. Chin'toka - Jham'Hadar Attack Ship (because the battle of Chin'toka was a great one)
U.S.S. Kittymeow Accord - Vor'cha Fleet Ship (because of Khitomer Accord STF and because of Ferasan toon)
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Dictionary + m80. first scrap I find with a whole word wins. O.o naming my ships is more expensive than buying them.
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
Light Cruiser- U.S.S. Richard Pearse - Named for the famed pioneer of aviation.
Science Vessel - U.S.S Michelle Forbes - Named after the actress who played Ro Laren, whom my character is based off.
Research Science Vessel - U.S.S Lord Rutherford - Named after Lord Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics and one of the great scientists of the 19th-20th centuries.
at first I picked Pegasus because I love Pegasus, but as I flew around some I noticed Pegasus was a rather well used name... so my passion for drinking tea made me change it to Cutty Sark.
I'm well versed with Cutty Sark and I've always been in love with Tea Clippers, the registry for Cutty Sark is 63557 but because of the Registry restriction I chose 635570
(Cutty Sark isn't a combat sea faring ship so I had to make it a combat vessel )
I.K.S. Thermopylae = this is my KDF ship, because of the Diplomacy reward of the opposite faction Bridge Officer I got an Orion and made it my KDF toons sister and implemented a Story that Izza Do'it my KDF toon would like to see her sister and the Cutty Sark be destroyed.
"based on the famous races between Thermopylae and Cutty Sark from China to London ladened with Tea".
All of my ship names are weapon skills from ffxi.
Asuran fist
Howling fist
Heavenly strike
Vorpral blade
My shuttle is one inch punch
Oh and one ship was my linkshell from ffxi
"kiss the rings"
It is from a mythological creature from my country. A Dragon that is said to be a both a Moon and Sun Eater.
My Current Ship Reminded me of how this myth creature from my country looks like. Big and overwhelming and as far as my research goes on other myth creatures known on different parts of the world... He maybe the largest of them all not even the bible's description of the leviathan and behemoth can compare to him in size.
Well it's just paying tribute to my country's heritage in the end. It maybe minor but because of that I get to like my country's heritage more.
USS Endeavour - Sovereign Class Starship. Named for one of the space shuttles, and also a ship mentioned by name at the beginning of Star Trek:First Contact.
[Edit to add] USS Equinox - Delta Class Shuttle. Named for Starship of the same name lost in the Delta Quadrant (In manuscript, given to Empress of Pentaxian Dynasty as a coronation present, but shot down and destroyed during demonstration flight...)
Dec '07 Account I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
U.S.S. Knoxville - my adopted second hometown
U.S.S. Maryville - nice little town outside of K-ville.
U.S.S. Raleigh - My Oddy named after a big city I like.
U.S.S. Nashville - Mirror Sovy named after another big city in TN.
Basically, all named after cities in TN/NC.
Gatlinburg, Chattanooga.
Mine is the USS Casey. As in General George Casey from M.A.C.O.
Also in SecondLife, it's the name of a training bootcamp for the 'United Federation Starfleet Marines'. My captain, Sara Llewellyn, is a marine in that group.
I fly the Mirror Temporal Destroyer "I.S.S. Four Lights"
True fans will understand
"For a moment I actually believed there were 5 lights...."
Dec '07 Account I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
USS Illustrious. Started out as a fan ship design in 3ds max (now on its 9th model revision) and the name's kind of stuck. There have been battleships and aircraft carriers with the name.
USS Etesia for my ships and USS Cataegis for my shuttles. Both were named as such because I came up with a species from my alien character, and it involved their language being similar to Latin - hence, Etesia is Latin for Monsoon, and Cataegis is Latin for Gale, IIRC.
U.S.S. Falkirk, NCC-1298
Heavy Escort Carrier
Ship's Dedication : ["I hae brocht ye to the ring, now see gif ye can dance." - William Wallace, Statement before the Battle of Falkirk (21 July 1298)]
I fly a series of ships, similar to the Enterprise series, all named Protolux. Derived from the Greek "proto" meaning first and the Latin "lux" meaning light. It's supposed to be a reference to the saying "It's always darkest before dawn" and my ship is the first light after dawn.
Ive renamed all mine after the nines muses, goddesses of the inspiration of literature, science and the arts. They were considered the source of the knowledge, related orally for centuries in the ancient culture that was contained in poetic lyrics and myths.
although i still have my shuttle as "IKS Soup Dragon"
DISCLAIMER: If any of my opinions or what I say hurt/offend you. TOUGH. Either deal with it or go cry like the whiny keyboard warrior you probably are.
Regent-class Assault Cruiser Refit
Vice Admiral Ezari Pryn commanding
The U.S.S. Astronema is named after Astronema from Power Rangers In Space.
Goes with it's character name quite well.
IKS Praetoriani Roma
Roman influenced mostly through the Romulan threads on this forum. Latin: Praetorian Guard Rome.
Light cruiser: USS Hammersmith
Cruiser: USS Beni Mora
Heavy Cruiser: USS Brook Green
Exploration Cruiser: USS Egdon Heath
Assault Cruiser: USS Savitri
MU Star Cruiser: USS Cloud Messenger
MU Assault Cruiser: USS Sita
Still have a few in reserve... after I run out, I'll just switch to a different composer.
U.S.S. Kittymeow Accord - Vor'cha Fleet Ship (because of Khitomer Accord STF and because of Ferasan toon)
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
Science Vessel - U.S.S Michelle Forbes - Named after the actress who played Ro Laren, whom my character is based off.
Research Science Vessel - U.S.S Lord Rutherford - Named after Lord Ernest Rutherford, the father of nuclear physics and one of the great scientists of the 19th-20th centuries.
at first I picked Pegasus because I love Pegasus, but as I flew around some I noticed Pegasus was a rather well used name... so my passion for drinking tea made me change it to Cutty Sark.
I'm well versed with Cutty Sark and I've always been in love with Tea Clippers, the registry for Cutty Sark is 63557 but because of the Registry restriction I chose 635570
(Cutty Sark isn't a combat sea faring ship so I had to make it a combat vessel
I.K.S. Thermopylae = this is my KDF ship, because of the Diplomacy reward of the opposite faction Bridge Officer I got an Orion and made it my KDF toons sister and implemented a Story that Izza Do'it my KDF toon would like to see her sister and the Cutty Sark be destroyed.
"based on the famous races between Thermopylae and Cutty Sark from China to London ladened with Tea".
All of my ship names are weapon skills from ffxi.
Asuran fist
Howling fist
Heavenly strike
Vorpral blade
My shuttle is one inch punch
Oh and one ship was my linkshell from ffxi
"kiss the rings"
Ship name U.S.S. Monica Lewinsky
You get the picture, just don't tell Hillary...
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
It is from a mythological creature from my country. A Dragon that is said to be a both a Moon and Sun Eater.
My Current Ship Reminded me of how this myth creature from my country looks like. Big and overwhelming and as far as my research goes on other myth creatures known on different parts of the world... He maybe the largest of them all not even the bible's description of the leviathan and behemoth can compare to him in size.
Well it's just paying tribute to my country's heritage in the end. It maybe minor but because of that I get to like my country's heritage more.
[Edit to add]
USS Equinox - Delta Class Shuttle. Named for Starship of the same name lost in the Delta Quadrant (In manuscript, given to Empress of Pentaxian Dynasty as a coronation present, but shot down and destroyed during demonstration flight...)
- 10/10/12
enough said :P
Dec '07 Account
I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
nuff said
U.S.S. Maryville - nice little town outside of K-ville.
U.S.S. Raleigh - My Oddy named after a big city I like.
U.S.S. Nashville - Mirror Sovy named after another big city in TN.
Basically, all named after cities in TN/NC.
Gatlinburg, Chattanooga.
Time shuttle - NCV Delorean. Not a city...
Also in SecondLife, it's the name of a training bootcamp for the 'United Federation Starfleet Marines'. My captain, Sara Llewellyn, is a marine in that group.
True fans will understand
"For a moment I actually believed there were 5 lights...."
Dec '07 Account
I EARNED 1000 days...I didn't BUY it! New LTS=Death to Vet.System: 10/10/12 Never Forget
Something should be done for those who cared enough to have a 1000+ day sub.
Cool sounding word from the Inheritance Series, a series I read
NCC - 81864
Nebula Class Starship
It just sounds cool!
USS Albion
USS Warwick
USS Stonehenge
USS Lancaster
USS Trafalgar
USS Pendragon
USS Ark Royal
USS Smethwick
Heavy Escort Carrier
Ship's Dedication : ["I hae brocht ye to the ring, now see gif ye can dance." - William Wallace, Statement before the Battle of Falkirk (21 July 1298)]
Calliope [Epic poetry]
Clio [History]
Erato [Love poetry]
Euterpe [Song and Elegiac poetry]
Melpomene [Tragedy]
Polyhymnia [Hymns]
Terpsichore [Dance]
Thalia [Comedy]
Urania [Astronomy]
although i still have my shuttle as "IKS Soup Dragon"
DISCLAIMER: If any of my opinions or what I say hurt/offend you. TOUGH. Either deal with it or go cry like the whiny keyboard warrior you probably are.
Named after my Uncle who works at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
He's a cool guy