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origin of your ship name



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I do a little research when I name a ship, just because...

    U.S.S. Paramore - A Band I like.

    U.S.S. Andor - My char is Andorian, its her homeworld.

    U.S.S. Annapolis - My home town and the actual USS Annapolis (SSN-760), is the tenth "improved" Los Angeles-class submarine. USS Annapolis is the fourth ship of the United States Navy to be named for Annapolis, Maryland, site of the United States Naval Academy. So I thought it was kind like "There has always been a ship named Enterprise".

    * USS Annapolis (PG-10), a gunboat commissioned in 1897 and in periodic service until 1919, then used as a training ship until 1940

    * USS Annapolis (PF-15), a Tacoma-class patrol frigate in service from 1944 to 1946, and sold to Mexico in 1947

    * USS Annapolis (AGMR-1), the USS Gilbert Islands (CVE-107) escort carrier renamed Annapolis (AGMR-1) in 1963

    * USS Annapolis (SSN-760), a Los Angeles-class submarine commissioned in 1992

    * USS Annapolis (NCC-93539) Cheyenne Class Heavy Cruiser assigned to Exploration Foundation Fleet Command. :D

    U.S.S. Chesapeake - Chesapeake Bay in my home state, the original U.S.S. Chesapeake was under the command of Captain James Lawrence and was defeated by the HMS Shannon in 1813. (War of 1812) I took Capt. Lawrence's dying order to his First Officer as my ship's motto; "Don't give up the ship", kind of fitting.

    * USS Chesapeake (1799), a 38-gun frigate in commission from 1800 to 1813

    * USS Chesapeake, a sloop which was renamed USS Patapsco (1799) in 1799 while still under construction, launched in 1799, and sold in 1801

    * USS Chesapeake, a bark which served as a training ship from 1900 to 1910, was renamed USS Severn (1898) in 1905, and served as a submarine tender from 1910 until decommissioned in 1916

    * USS Chesapeake (ID-3395), a salvage ship in commission from March to October 1919

    * SS Chesapeake (AOT-5084), a transport tanker placed in non-commissioned Military Sealift Command service in 2000

    *USS Chesapeake (NCC-93369) Defiant Class Tactical Escort assigned to Exploration Foundation Fleet Command. :D

    U.S.S. Potomac - Potomac River near Washington DC, sight of the Battle of the Potomac during the Civil War. The actual USS Potomac served as Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Presidential Yacht until his death in 1945.

    * USS Potomac (1822), a frigate in commission from 1831 to 1877

    * USS Potomac (1861), a whaler purchased in 1861 and sunk as part of the "Stone Fleet" in 1862

    * USS Potomac (AT-50), a tug in commission from 1898 to 1922

    * USS Potomac (AG-25), a presidential yacht in service from 1936 to 1945

    * USNS Potomac (T-AO-150), an oiler in service from 1957 until destroyed in a fire in 1961

    * USNS Potomac (T-AO-181), an oiler in service from 1976 to 1983

    *USS Potomac (NCC-93093) Fleet Escort assigned to Exploration Foundation Fleet Command, currently under the command of Captain Z'Hai D'Snett. :D

    ...though not always glorious the history of my ships is honorable.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    USS White Base: Named after the titular ship in Mobile Suit Gundam

    USS Tomalak: Reason for its name is described in Venat's Bio.

    IKS BiHunch

    IKS Tiger's Claw
    IKS Path'doth
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    More ships with names to go through, now by character!

    Berryshine Punch, Tac
    USS Harmony - Odyssey class, science variant. Flagship of my main, with her T4 diplomacy and habit for trying to find a peaceful resolution before kicking someone in the face.

    USS Lyra - Luna class RSV. Named mostly for the constellation

    USS Ussuri - Caitain Atrox carrier. Named for an especially rare breed of cat from Russia, supposedly a natural hybrid of various small wildcats in the area.

    Rafa Berrianus, Bajoran Eng
    USS Jerrado - Defiant class. This character's a Bajoran, and I thought the name of one of their moons fitted.

    Sh'Ress ch'Thiran, Andorian Eng
    USS Resolute. - TOS Constitution class. I couldn't find a definitive list of the original Connie names (I have since, and Resolute isn't on there, but meh). There were three HMS Resolutes in the past, but the one with the most influence on the name was the second one, the flagship of the ships sent to find Sir John Franklin's, who had been looking for the North-West Passage. (The other ships in that fleet included both the Enterprise and Intrepid, at least during the first expedition.) During its second search for Franklin, the Resolute ended up getting stuck in the ice.
    The reason any of that matters was A: The link with the Enterprise and Intrepid, both canon Constitution class ships, which, to me, made the Resolute fit in with them, and the whole ice thing. As the captain of the ship is an Andorian. (biography wise, my Resolute was an original 23rd century Constitution, contemporary to the Enterprise and, especially, the Intrepid. The Vulcans got their own ship, and, I reasoned, the Andorians would insist on one of their own. The Tellarites too, but in their case it'd probably be more because they wanted to join in the argument than wanted to keep up with the Vulcans)

    USS Resolute NCC (numbers)-A -Odyssey Class Operations Cruiser. My Andorian spent levels 1 - 50 entirely on her TOS Connie, and I leveled her up doing missions and patrols - not sitting back and doffing my way up. It was painful, but ultimately satisfying. Once she hit 50, I decided to retire the old Constitution and ... well, she deserved to have her name kept alive.

    Arrhae ir'Menae, Reman (well, alien) Tac
    USS Nei'rrh - Defiant class. Names stolen unashamedly from the Rihannsu series of books which, btw, I recommend wholeheartedly. They predate TNG and were made definitely uncanon by it, but they're enjoyable. Plus, there's a horta ensign in them. I want a horta ensign.
    The name itself is, of course, Romulan. Quoting from the little glossary in the back of the book, "nei'rrh - small birds, similar in size and flight characteristics to the Terran humming birds ... with a poison-secreting spur on the upper mandible of the beak. Also an insult, referring to a person annoying or dangerous out of all proportion to their size, status or (usually) worth."
    "Dangerous out of all proportion to their size." - this sums up the Defiant class perfectly.

    M'Tirr, Caitian Eng
    USS Stalwart - Caitian Atrox Carrier. No cat related name or pun here. I looked into what we actually know about Caitians, and one thing that came up is that they are really, really big on loyalty. Stalwart seems to fit pretty well.

    Meliss OEH-417719 Alien (in this case, sentient Orion Entertainment Hologram) (No, really) Sci
    USS Zimmerman - Oracle class Deep Space Science Vessel. Named for, naturally, Lewis Zimmerman, inventor of the Emergency Medical Holograms and father of modern holography.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    USS Deviant (NX-94205) - Tactical Escort Retrofit using Defiant variant and Belfast bridge.

    Following a DS9 theme: the ship/registration, character (main), and his command crew (boffs) are all one letter/number deviations from the show's. Named it as such as a tribute to the awesome USS Defiant. Plus I didn't want to be silly with trying to fool the censor with 'Def1ant' or other silly variations that wouldn't cut it as an actual vessel name in the star trek universe.

    Just incase you were wondering :D...
    Venjamin Sisco
    Kera Merys
    Jadsia Dex
    Esri Dex
    Julien Tashir
    Niles O'Brian
    Mikhael Edington
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My Sci VAdm recently activated three ships:

    USS Lexington (NX-91016)
    USS Saratoga (NX-91060)
    USS Ranger (NX-91061)

    All three are Odyssey-class ships (Tactical, Science, and Operations, respectively). They all take their names after US aircraft carriers (and their registry numbers are based off their namesakes as well)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    One of my characters is a Science Officer, who I started out in an NX Replica, which I named the USS Calnus. Calnus actually comes from the Star Ocean Franchise, with the ships bearing that name being Star Ocean's equivalent to the Enterprise.

    Anyway, my Science Officer is now in a Rhode Island Nova, which is named the USS Calnus-A.

    She'll be in that one until she hits Captain, where she'll get the Long-Range Science Vessel USS Calnus-B. And she'll stay in that until she hits Vice Admiral, where it'll be upgraded to a Long-Range Science Vessel Retrofit. :D:cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My vo'quv is the IKS EmostarQQlactica because Emostar Crylactica wouldn't fit. :p and the vo'quv looks way more like a battlestar than the catfish or the covenant corvette.

    My b'rel is named after the princess in disney's atlantis.

    On my eng, I named my negh'var IKS Prince Serg, from the wonderful Vorkosigan stories (nontrek scifi). I liked that the character, prince serg, was a horrible monster in private, but remembered as a hero in public. I think I was trying to suggest something about the duality of man, the jungian thing.

    My vor'cha is named after the mad god in the old bard's tale games.

    My starfleet klingon's ship is the USS Guy d'Haute Rive, named after the famous guillaume fontaine de la tour d'haute rive.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Newest ship in my fleet, the Caitian Atrox Class carrier I named after one of my cats, it's not my fault (well it is actually) that he's named after Admiral Bull Halsey :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I have two identical Tac officers - one Fed, the other Klink. The Fed toons ships are all called Claw, and the Klink ships are all called Pach (which I believe is Klingon for Claw).

    Where relevant, I name the ships after arachnids or flying insects, because that's the way I roll. My favourite ship name I have is probably for a Tac Escort Refit with a red line vertically dividing the hull/saucer called U.S.S. Redback.

    (In Australia, our version of the Black Widow has a red stripe on her back, instead of an hourglass on her underside. Hence the nickname 'Redback' for the spider - and mine for the ship.)

    I will never forget the day I bought the KDF Siege Ship, equipped the Reman Prototype Shields, and called it "Warspider". I nearly fanboied in my pants, and was a gibbering wreck for weeks. Some things are just so cool (to me at least) that they fry my brain. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    USS Swingway-F NX-93937-F

    Odyssey Class, No special reasoning for the name, but its 6th in the line.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Check my signiture. Excelsior named for George Takei and his b'day which is 4/20/1937. The other two are Joe Satriani's last album with a slight change from black swan to black hole swan.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    my Ship is the USS Leostar (NX 91939-A). I didn't pick the name till i played the game since my OC worked on every Enterprise since NX-01 in my fan fics. i was clicking random & Leo poped up in chip name & I thought ok & added star to it. The regstery number is what i use for horror story aera code with the 6s turn to 9s.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    my Bellerophon class "Britannia II".
    yes, it's E.E. Smith's Lensman series.
    and, my Sovereign class " Bacchus III"
    yeah! Edmond Moore Hamilton's Starwolf.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Randomly selected admirals on an alt Fed. So far I keep getting Britsh ones, but the next selections will be elsewehre.

    My KDF uses batttles and my main Fed has no scheme.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I have all terran empire TOS uniforms for my fed character and boffs. so for my ships i try and think of warship battleship or war like names.

    USS Yamato my miranda class named after the battleship yamato from wwII that was the biggest at the time i

    USS Imperial Terran my constitution class ship again because i am huge fan of Terran Empire

    USS Imperator latin for warlord and name of terran empire ship in a novel

    USS Potemkin famous russian ship during the communist revolution my excelsior class ship

    USS Havoc my cheyenne class named after chaos and mayhem or cry havoc! let loose dogs of war phrase

    USS Hyperion named after the Titan who was powerful my galaxy class ship also a comic book character

    USS Banshee my defiant refit from the c store named after the irish legend in some counties of ireland if you hear her scream or sweet song it means you are about to die

    USS Omerta my Soverign class ship omerta is an italian blood oath

    IKS Gortong was my first bird of prey ship random name not sure what it means sounds klingon :)

    IKS Klothos II my Kor't'tinga battle cruiser from the c-store i love it ! named after Kor's ship from the animated series and was referenced in DS9 by Dax
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    My ships are called:
    IKS Charghwi' (Bortasqu' klingon for conqueror)
    IKS HIvneS (B'rel Retrofit, literally means honour-attack)
    USS Royal Sovereign (Odyssey, named after a RN Dreadnought
    USS Warrior (Defiant Retrofit, named after the HMS Warrior, a 1860's Ironclad preserved at Portsmouth)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I named my Ki'Tang BOP "Targh ropHey"- Closest translation from Klingon is "Apparently diseased Targ", on Earth it would be "Rabid Dog".
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I don't really think I should be explaining the names of my ships :p

    Miranda Class = USS Saratoga

    named after the USS Saratoga of Wolf 359

    Constitution Class = USS Constellation

    named after the USS Constellation of the Doomsday episode

    Cheyenne Class = USS Ahwahnee

    named after the USS Ahwahnee of Wolf 359.

    Galaxy Class = USS Magellan

    named after the USS Magellan of the Dominion Wars (galaxy class)

    My other ships of the feds, don't remember them..

    Klingon vessels:

    Bird of prey: IKV Rotarron

    named after Martok's bird of prey

    K'tinga: euh don't remember actually, lemme see later

    Vor'cha attack cruiser: IKV Bor'tas

    named after Gowron's flagship the Bortas in TNG.

    and finally my Negh'Var, IKV Negh'Var, named after Martok's flagship ..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Red October...even after the fall of communism it is still a kickass name for a ship in my opinion.

    MobyDick...for my Oddy, she is white and bloated, like a whale. and i like the book and the the refeerences in Star trek movies

    Oppenheimer...famous scientist, good name for a sci vessel (suggests firepower)

    Galileo...famous astronomer, shuttle of the enterprise

    Voidray...for my Guramba...obvious when you see my toon "Tassadar" flying it! and when he is not using the voidray he is on his carrier, Gantrithor!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Manuel Belgrano for my main (always rename the new main to this, using the pennant of the first ship i had plus the A/B/C and so), for both the Argentinian patriot and the cruiser that was sunk in the Malvinas war, also it goes with the naming rules of the Armada Argentina.
    Zarate for my main shuttle because it is the name of my city and because it also goes with the naming rules of the ARA (small combat capable ships are named after cities with big river ports).
    The other ships have names according the the naming rules of the ARA, fitting for their tier, and my Oddie is called "Odisea" because i can not decide on a name for it, but probably should be called "25 de Mayo", as the ARA carrier that was decomissioned in 2000.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Fleet Escort - USS Trouble - always getting into it
    Tac Escort Refit - USS Soyokaze - reference to a ship in an anime, means "gentle breeze"
    7MVA Escort - USS Tricephaly - 3 headed, multi vector, should get the idea
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I name my ships after cars I like:

    Pagini Zonda
    Saleen S7
    Bugatti Veyron
  • aile41aile41 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    just resubscribing----ignore comment
    will eventually fill out this foum
    I am Omega, resistance is stupidy workable.
  • markibmarkib Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    USS Clandestine

    Tactical Escort Retrofit - Covert Ops :smile:
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Cerberus, first of my version of the Cerberus class, named for the mythical beast and also for the old roleplaying ship I used to run which I swear was why STO made a Cerberus class :p
  • thehiddenthehidden Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Trinity, represents God the Father, son Jesus the Christ, and His Holy Spirit.
    Joined STO 20091001. Started playing STO 20120303. Yup, waited 2.5 years for them to go free-to-play. ; Christian, Borg, Time Lord, ninja! I am that hero!
  • takeshi6takeshi6 Member Posts: 752 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Subscribing to the Thread again, and I guess I can throw in some names. :smile:

    USS Raging Tempest: Apt Description of my STO Main's Fighting Style.

    USS Wolfram: Named after a ship from Magical Chronicle Lyrical Nanoha Force.

    USS Elsa: Named after a ship from Xenosaga.

    IKS Vol'Tare: Based on "Voltaire", the name of a warship from Gundam SEED Destiny.

    And that's my list so far. :cool:
  • thehiddenthehidden Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Why, what happened to KiraYamato?
    Joined STO 20091001. Started playing STO 20120303. Yup, waited 2.5 years for them to go free-to-play. ; Christian, Borg, Time Lord, ninja! I am that hero!
  • costello5672costello5672 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    U.S.S. New London - the city where I was born

    U.S.S. Bristol - the city I currently live in.
  • aesicaaesica Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    IKS WeTurnForNobody

    It's a carrier, enough said. ;)

    Edit: Oh neat, I can post on the forums now. <Zoidberg voice> HURRAY!
    Rubberband Dance has been unlocked!
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