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Ask Cryptic: September 2012



  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    pwespock wrote: »
    Can somebody explain to me, why so many people vote for a new Faction, while we still have nearly no content for the two existing factions?

    If the team decides to implement a new faction, it would have to invest a huge ammount of resources for this project, which means, that this would extremely slow the other projects, which should be implementing some kind of Endgame content, especially team content.
    This game exists for 2,5 years now and we still have only 3 stf's that grant "useful" rewards and terradome. Besides these 4 stf's, we only have some fleet actions, that include only extremely primitive "kill all" orders.
    The only challenging (i didn't say interesting) team content, we already have, is the no win scenario. But we have nothing, that forces a team to use specific ship abilities to conter boss attacks or other barriers, that could motivate players to use their brains.

    In the films and series Star Trek was much more about thinking, solvinf problems, finding sollutions and so on. Yet, in STO we still have "kill everything, that's targetable" missions in nearly every form, you can imagine. I can't understand, why this doesn't get boring to so many people so that they wish another faction instead of content.

    Can someone please explain that to me?

    well the question is asking about 2013 .... but also ask cryptic and raptr and several post over the last month or so have indicated season 7 and 8 look great for new content.... lets just hope they deliver :)
  • iceman0423iceman0423 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    While we're on a rant here, I guess I'll give my two cents. My main issue is lack of story line and neglect. I mean, Throughout all 6 series and 10 movies, you would think there would be plenty of things to pull stories from. I mean, Voyager encountered a ton of new species that are perfectly usable, the Hirogen are a prime example. There was also rumor to the Voth appearing eventually. I mean, wheres that? Wheres the story of the Hirogen abuse of artifical lifeforms (mainly holograms)? Whats going on with the Xindi? Could you explore the relationship between Q and the El-Aurians (Guinan)? Theres a whole bunch of stories to do and explore. As for neglect, you have so many factions to play with! Hirogen, Breen, Dominion, Reman, Romulans, Nausicans... why is everything fighting the Borg? I mean, all we're seeing is what killed the tv series in the first place. Voyager's big let down was the oversimplification and general nerf of the Borg. Now I hear the possibility of Time Ships coming into play(though I can't find anything to validate that rumor)! I mean, Enterprise died because of all the stupid temporal story lines they did! Seriously, you have a whole galaxy to explore and plenty of factions to play with. Lets see some more use of these poor neglected people! Also, you should have a little more Q, he did show up more than twice in the series...
  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hmmm.... so much anger.
    I'll start by saying I play Fed and KDF about equally; same number of toons on both sides. I enjoy both sides for different reasons and I genuinely feel that the KDF needs levels 1-20 in order to create parity between the two factions. Please note, I said levels 1-20. When I played Fed, levels 1-20 were done in about 10 episodes with doffing. So my two pence is that the ability to play as a Klingon from the beginning, a good tutorial and two 5 episode chapters would do wonders for gameplay and the players in general (see almost any thread I've posted in for tutorial idea). This is not a huge request and could be done in about the same time as a FE series (as it only needs to be one-sided).
    IF the Romulans were introduced as a playable faction, and not as a toon on KDF or Fed side, then one lesson I hope Cryptic learn is not to do it backwards, like they have with the KDF.
    Start Romulans from level 1, with tutorial, and allow someone to level up from there with a couple of chapters of episodes, some PvP, doffing and STF's. You can more easily add more content in episode form later.
    An argument many Romulan supporters make is valid, adding beginning content to KDF doesn't make a lot of sense for a bunch of lvl 50 players (myself included)... BUT we still want it and will, no doubt, play it (every General should get his hands dirty).
    Please, Cryptic, if the Romulans must appear this early and delay KDF completion, make the Romulans playable from level 1 and add content accordingly. I for one would PAY to have more toon slots and play RSE if this were done as I would rather have my dessert later than fill up on it and waste a good starter and main.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    piwright42 wrote: »
    Were you not there for the original beta?

    I was.

    I saw it.

    Sad days those were.

    There were more instances of Qo'noS open back then, there were more people running amok. There were more Klingons then than there are in game right now.

    Sorry, but after the KDF went up to level 20, there have been more Klingons then ever before, back in the old days KDF side was a ghost town, and only the most hardcore players were on the KDF side, and those that maxed out their KDF in those days, they were truly the best PVPers in the game being s only way to level was PVP. The First city chat is not as bad as ESD yet, but it's no longer as dead as it once was.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Don't matter what level KDF, or RSE will start at... we're all gonna power level with mirror events. :cool:

    Plus having the KDF stay at level 20 lowers the risk of low level players joining Fleet events, just sayin :P
  • hawks3052hawks3052 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Sad to read that KDF will get something new in 2013 the soonest.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Wouldn't it be funny if they came out with a full Romulan faction that you could start from the beginning - I don't believe 1 word about the KDF getting new content - Dan has said exactly what he has said about the KDF this time many many times before and nothing

    Fool me once shame on you! Fool me twice(or three/four/five), shame on ME!
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Actually I think the order of the poll as of now is good.

    Romulans first, then more klingon stuff, then more Series episodes.

    As for the Klingons, the factioN's style may not be for some people. They may find the Romulans a more entertaining alternative to the KDF.

    I do agree on the thing that Borg should not be playable though. They are just not cut out for it as a species.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • eristhevortaeristhevorta Member Posts: 1,049 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2012
    Well, I seem to belong to a meownority who wants to see the fundry improved. Butt there is nuffin better to finally create missions that actually have space bosses (Dreadnought level), customizable group sizes, scaling or not depending on the basics the author can set up individually. More maps, more character custom options etc. etc. that's how I'd like to see the fundry.
    "Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
    Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    portgazd wrote: »
    Also gota add that if a romulan faction is going to be added they have to redo the featured episodes just for the roumlan faction e.g. the roumlans weren't present at ds9 during the 2800 series, and they were the main enemies of obisek's faction. It'll be a lot more work for them to do just to keep the featured series for the romulans
    some of the FEs would be problematic.

    Devidian, several of the eps could be directly converted from the Fed version. Either they already have a masking effect to disguise you(Night of the comet), or they don't need one(What lies beneath). But there is at least one where you'd need some sort of holographic disguise added to your chars.

    Breen, no conversion needed AFAIK. The Breen already want to kill Romulans, they don't need even a flimsy pretext for it.

    2800: some conversion would definately be needed on some of them. Oddly, the first would need little. The story works fine even without a Romulan ambassador.

    The FEs with B'Vat and his cronies... No self respecting Romulan needs a reason to make the lives of Klingons miserable. :D

    The hard one would be the Reman FE series...... Yeah... that one is problematic as the Romulans are the bad guys.

    I definately want to see Foundry improvements, that would be my number 2 choice. #1 is still Romulans though.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shadowjwcshadowjwc Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would be fine with just the first 10 levels of a Romulan faction to start with but I voted for and fully expect a FULL Romulan faction. Not some fringe element that is subservient to the KDF or Federation

    Full faction or not at all Cryptic
  • walkincrowwalkincrow Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Uh, What's the point in having another faction when both the FED and the KDF have the exact same end game content? A new faction is only interesting if it comes with NEW things to do with it.
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The point is some of us are Romulan fans. We would rather do the same boring things over and over as Romulans.
    walkincrow wrote: »
    Uh, What's the point in having another faction when both the FED and the KDF have the exact same end game content? A new faction is only interesting if it comes with NEW things to do with it.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    some of the FEs would be problematic.

    Devidian, several of the eps could be directly converted from the Fed version. Either they already have a masking effect to disguise you(Night of the comet), or they don't need one(What lies beneath). But there is at least one where you'd need some sort of holographic disguise added to your chars.

    Breen, no conversion needed AFAIK. The Breen already want to kill Romulans, they don't need even a flimsy pretext for it.

    2800: some conversion would definately be needed on some of them. Oddly, the first would need little. The story works fine even without a Romulan ambassador.

    The FEs with B'Vat and his cronies... No self respecting Romulan needs a reason to make the lives of Klingons miserable. :D

    The hard one would be the Reman FE series...... Yeah... that one is problematic as the Romulans are the bad guys.

    I definately want to see Foundry improvements, that would be my number 2 choice. #1 is still Romulans though.

    I think the Reman feature would be particularly interesting from a Romulan perspective if you assume there is a faction with the faction that is not influenced by the Iconians and actually opposes them and Sela. From that perspective you don't really need to change all that much.

    B'vat's story is not a FE, it is just a serialized Fed story and should remain as such.Except for his cameo in The Devidians.

    The 2800 will work for Romulans the same as for Klingons., although adding a Romulan Ambassador would be needed for the Doff integration.

    Romulans on 23rd Century Drozana Station? Hell yeah, have them try to pose as Vulcans ;)
  • barimanforumsbarimanforums Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    As the title suggests, knowing that many of the devs are watching this forum means this post is going to get swamped. Anyway, a lot of the survey choices can compliment each other. I'm expecting Cryptic to do exactly that. I'll put my 2 cents in as far as priorities:

    1. KDF faction (been asked for since day 1)

    2. PvP (yeah, I know. Not many people who are playing this game are PvP players. That's because a lot the PvPer's left. It's also why the Klingon side is feels abandoned sometimes.)

    3. Crafting (General principals. People were warning Cryptic that adding dilithium requirements to the crafting system would kill it back when season 4 was in Beta. Sure enough, they were right. A crafting system that incorporates a mini-game and specialized skill requirements would be nice.)

    4. Exploration (basis of Star Trek, enough said)

    5. More Fleet Missions / STFs (Right now, I think this, Star Trek's fan base, and FTP is what's fueling STO. Also, I think these missions and PvP could be incorporated)

    6. Playable Romulans (The popular vote. However, I don't blame Cryptic for not including them. I blame J.J. Abrams for making the race almost extinct.)

    7. More Foundry Improvements (Catch 22 at finding good one that is working properly. I usually just do the "quickies".)

    8. More Featured Episodes (some factioned based ones please)

    9. Improve Duty Officer System (no complaints)

    10. More Rare Ships (sure, give people their Vesta. Frankly, I'm starting to look forward to when we run out of iconic Federation ships to add to the game. I think that when we do, balancing out the ships between factions and in PvP will become possible.)

    Last, but not least: I still don't know why the leveling requirements were lessened. Upgrading my ship was half the fun when I started this game. Now, unless you're lvl 50, you're leveling too fast to bother.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TBH all the talk of how they would have to redo FE's for romulans... Its all wishful thinking if you look at how they thought about the KDF and just copy and pasted it without any type of difference other than a tone of anti-kdf bias aka the fed contact you talks to you. They will just copy and paste and just tell you to pretend that those are tal shiar and that you are just regular military and you are just fighting a different part of the romulan heirarchy.

    When they talk about how they are going to do all these factions its just going to be a few missions for only those certain races or what not and then they will just join fed or kdf and be copy and paste the rest of the way. Even some podcasters have called them out on it but it doesn't change the fact that the easiest and laziest way to deliver something is the way it will be done and rushed at that.

    Oh yeah when they run out of ships to make they will make new ones that are like 1% better than the ones you have so you keep buying the brand new vanilla ships when they come out.

    Also PvP is going to take some major work its kind of funny and sad at same time when I tested ground pvp it was like whoever shot the other first won that round and pretty much all science skills are broken in ground pvp.
  • tovalmorgantovalmorgan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Q: (tovalmorgan) Are you ever going to fix the decloaking bug? Whenever your bridge officers talk to you or any kind of interaction window pops up on the screen while you are cloaked, the pop up window forces your ship to decloak.

    Dstahl: To clear up some confusion about this issue, let me shed some light on how cloak is intended to relate to interactions within the game. It is our intention that any interaction within the game will remove stealth. Anytime you are expected to take a game action of clicking on a button to respond, whether it is to scan something, or acknowledge a bridge officer, or make a command decision via a contact option, it should pull you out of stealth. With that said, there are undoubtedly missions out there that were made prior to the inception of the mini-contacts (the ones that fly across your screen) which are just providing information and shouldn?t need to be acknowledged. One reason we created mini-contacts was to allow information to be given by your bridge crew without you needing to acknowledge it for game design purposes. If you feel that a specific mission contact could be switched to a mini-contact that doesn?t need acknowledgement, then that is the type of suggestion that should be made. We can then look at the mission specifically and determine whether it warrants a mini-contact or not.

    how can you possibly explain that my bridge officer talking to me ON MY OWN SHIP causing me to decloak is WORKING AS INTENDED?

    show me one example in Star Trek where a bridge officer turned to speak to his captain and caused the ship to decloak.

    that is total TRIBBLE. and just one more example how you dont give a damn about the KDF players.
    "We are the Perfect World. Life as you know it is over. We will add your monetary distinctiveness to our own. Your player base will adapt to service us. Resistance is Futile."
  • xavierprotocolsxavierprotocols Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I want to play Romulans just as much as the rest of you guys, but with that said we NEED more Klingon content/ships 1st to have that faction fully functional before just making another half complete faction added to the game. To add another faction to the game before finishing one that was supposed to be fully complete at the games launch would just be another epic fail. Please..Please flesh out the Klingon faction before introducing a 3rd faction.
  • opawaamiwopawaamiw Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I love how the two things Cryptic has done least (KDF content and making a playable RSE) are leading in this poll
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    No kidding, the perfect time to have released the RSE was with the Reman FE, the next best time? The release of our colony world.
    opawaamiw wrote: »
    I love how the two things Cryptic has done least (KDF content and making a playable RSE) are leading in this poll
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited September 2012
    kadieras wrote: »
    No kidding, the perfect time to have released the RSE was with the Reman FE, the next best time? The release of our colony world.

    you may want to think of a third best then :rolleyes: the colony world is planned for season 7 if i remember and no way will the RSE be done ready for november lol
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kadieras wrote: »
    No kidding, the perfect time to have released the RSE was with the Reman FE, the next best time? The release of our colony world.
    Very funny. :P You'd expect them releasing a new Romulan faction with a colony planned for release before the end of this year? :D:D

    EDIT: Okay, I'm slow. You win, rrincy. :)
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I didn't say it would happen, I said they were the best time to have done so.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited September 2012
    Romulans will come , but its really going to be next year at the very earliest
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    timelord79 wrote: »
    I think the Reman feature would be particularly interesting from a Romulan perspective if you assume there is a faction with the faction that is not influenced by the Iconians and actually opposes them and Sela. From that perspective you don't really need to change all that much.

    B'vat's story is not a FE, it is just a serialized Fed story and should remain as such.Except for his cameo in The Devidians.

    The 2800 will work for Romulans the same as for Klingons., although adding a Romulan Ambassador would be needed for the Doff integration.

    Romulans on 23rd Century Drozana Station? Hell yeah, have them try to pose as Vulcans ;)
    Oh yes... doing the Vault in a Romulan aligned ship would be VERY interesting! the Romulan civil war spin does sound like a good idea for this.

    B'vat wasn't an FE? Oh, oops. He needs to be shot repeatedly with a Romulan issue disruptor pistol anyways. Even so Romulans need a way to get Hargh'Peng torpedos. It's Pitifully Easy to get them as KDF( a doff mission in OL sectorblock).

    Well, see.... actual romulans would have little trouble. But with some of the members of a Romulan faction it might be problematic. Then again.... considering how many different and somewhat bizzarre alien races you can use while playing the mission as a Fed, a Hirogen would barely be noticed. But only if in a Federation Uniform. It'd be amusing to play the ep as your char but in the uniform of 23rd century Starfleet. :D Maybe give the Romulan version a permanent polymorph effect kinda like the Q transformation.

    As for rare ships:
    Jem'hadar ship? Boring!
    Galor? Ooh! shiny guns! BORING!
    D'Kora? Hmm... kinda cool-ish.
    Tuffli? I'd like to have one.
    Tholian ships? Cool.

    New ships need to be interesting to make them worth it. A lot of lock-box ships bore me.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    shadowjwc wrote: »
    I would be fine with just the first 10 levels of a Romulan faction to start with but I voted for and fully expect a FULL Romulan faction. Not some fringe element that is subservient to the KDF or Federation

    Full faction or not at all Cryptic

    I suppose you'll be settling for no faction at all. Remember, you voted for Playable Romulans not Romulan Faction. Playable Romulans means a C-Store racial unlock for both KDF and Fed.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • piwright42piwright42 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Sorry, but after the KDF went up to level 20, there have been more Klingons then ever before, back in the old days KDF side was a ghost town, and only the most hardcore players were on the KDF side, and those that maxed out their KDF in those days, they were truly the best PVPers in the game being s only way to level was PVP. The First city chat is not as bad as ESD yet, but it's no longer as dead as it once was.
    wazzagiow wrote: »
    lol so your telling every one in closed beta there was more klingons than there was after launch ? lol don't think i'd agree.... even if you said open beta i still wouldn't agree....

    the only thing you might have to kling-on to is after luanch you had to unlock klingon and it didn't take long to do that. so there was a klingon shortage for a day or 2, maybe even hours depending on how much time you had to play.

    there was alot of unhappy klingons.... that i'd agree with.

    You can repaint the history as you please I was there, in open beta and right after lunch. Heck I've been here ever since.

    Back when Perpetual held the license they did polls too. In those polls the KDF won out over the Romulans. That is why Cryptic ran with the KDF.

    There were many who were interested in the KDF, till they found out that it would be PvP only play, they left without ever playing. There were others who hung on, and produced the high instance numbers I recall in Open Beta and original launch. They saw how the faction really was back then and they left very shortly thereafter marking a significant mass exodus and the anemic population were are more familiar with.

    Thank all that be F2P brought in some new blood who were open minded enough to roll KDF when they got bored playing STFs as Feds and yes we have had a good swell to the population but still I have yet to see anywhere near the instance numbers for Qo'noS like there were right around initial launch.

    Edited to add: Then again they did increase the population per instance since then but I have a hard time imagining that the new per instance population being so high that eleven instances today are more than 50+ just around launch.

    Entire fleets left for cripes sake.
    If you are a pickle in a pickle jar you know every pickle's different, sort of, but really they're all just pickles...
    They taste the same.
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Same thing has happened among Romulan fans. Entire fleets of Romulans existed when the game launched. I think there MIGHT be one left.
    piwright42 wrote: »

    Entire fleets left for cripes sake.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    kadieras wrote: »
    Same thing has happened among Romulan fans. Entire fleets of Romulans existed when the game launched. I think there MIGHT be one left.
    I think a lot of peeps got tired of pretending to play as Romulans. But I know several who still do. Heck I'm one of them.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    must not be putting much money in the KDF, being Cryptic says KDF stuff don't sell as much as FED stuff

    Since the start of the game the KDF have gotten some stuff, it has come a long way since the start of STO if i got a Romulan faction, that is just like the KDF is right now, with the FE i would be a happy camper.

    The KDF is going to get content no matter what, it's only a matter of time, but it WILL happen. The Romulan Faction we have no clue if they are going to do it, since the start of the game all they say is yeah we might, sure down the road we might, if we do a faction it will be Romulan Blah Blah Blah. If they put the faction in then i would know cryptic is serious about this game growing beyond what it was when it started. I rather have them put the Romulan's before they "finish" the KDF, then i know they mean business. From my point of view as of right now all i know are, maybe's what if, and we might do it this way, nothing showing me they are going to do it, they are just trying to keep me and some others like me hoping so we don't leave.

    Don't get me wrong i want KDF content, but i want Romulans a lot more. (unless it's fingerless gloves, that i want more than anything)

    The Romulans will come mate, the Dev's wouldn't be asking in this poll or stating in Raptr's Q&A if they weren't entertaining the idea and seriously considering it. But as others have said in this thread if they did make it now, it would be a disaster worse than the KDF. They only need one season to polish off and bring the KDF up to what it needs to be, a 3 decent campaigns, some more species, costumes and ships and bang it's done. Then they can focus on the Romulans. The Rommie fans (myself included) need to be pacient. Give Cryptic 12 months, they are a small studio and they aren't the size of Blizzard for example, and they have had issues in the past with ownership and such. I am not excusing them for being lazy and doing everything in half measures. I like you and many others gave them my money and they have yet to deliever on what they promised.

    But bringing in a Romulan faction now would damage STO more than anything else. A good portion of KDF fans are ready to leave this game, sick of promised made for 2 years and yet whenever something new comes out it's either Federation or copy and paste Federation content that is as Klingon as a snail. Cryptic has lost a lot of Klingon players in the past and present and the future, unless something is done will be the same.

    Once the KDF is up the specs, you can be assured many KDF fans will jump on board and help you and other Romulan fans. I play both factions and I am all for equality between the factions and I too would love a Romulan faction (Hirogen ftw). Just let Cryptic finish what they started before making another mistake that could damage the game and put even more demand on Cryptic. If they can't develop two factions equally how on Earth, Qo'Nos, Romulus could they handle 3?
    warbird001 wrote: »
    Unfortunatly, this game is wrong in design. It should have been more developed and more variety added to factions, like this.

    Khitomer Accord
    - Federation
    - Klingon
    - Ferengi
    - Cardassian


    Typhon Pact
    - Romulan
    - Gorn
    - Breen
    - Tzenkethi

    I too are of that opinion. If they had followed the Typhoon Pact books (which came after the start of this game mind you) it would be a whole lot better. More organised too I think.
    I want to play Romulans just as much as the rest of you guys, but with that said we NEED more Klingon content/ships 1st to have that faction fully functional before just making another half complete faction added to the game. To add another faction to the game before finishing one that was supposed to be fully complete at the games launch would just be another epic fail. Please..Please flesh out the Klingon faction before introducing a 3rd faction.

    That is what the majority of us KDF fans are trying to get across. We too are for a Romulan faction after the KDF is completed to levels similar to the Federation, we understand we won't have as much as the Federation and we don't need to. We don't need 6 c-store ships that do the same and have almost the same specs. Quantity is a Fed thing, quality is a KDF thing. 1 ship to do the same as 6 is fine with us. But finish the KDF before starting the Romulans please Cryptic.

    I have over 7,000 Zen waiting for Klingon stuff to be released, please do something about that, give us some quality content.
    bloctoad wrote: »
    I suppose you'll be settling for no faction at all. Remember, you voted for Playable Romulans not Romulan Faction. Playable Romulans means a C-Store racial unlock for both KDF and Fed.

    Yes I also pointed that one out, but people have jumped the gun and believe it means faction. *shrugs shoulders* .
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
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