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Re: Fleet Ships and Fleet Ship Modules



  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If they ever have a PVP revamp, you will hear more complaints (pay to win arguments).
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
  • cptwilliam2cptwilliam2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've never understood the defense concept "Its just a game, you don't have to..."

    By that logic, nothing in game can be criticized. :confused:
    Join Legends Memorial, a chat channel to share stories about the legends of Trek who are no longer with us.
  • cousteau1701ecousteau1701e Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think we the community/Fleets/Fleet Leaders have a responsibility to show Cryptic/PWE that we aren't going to Pay for something we have earned in game. The issue isn't that some item was put in game that in some way offends us. The issue is that they put an item in that they want us to BOTH earn in game and also spend money on in order to get. It should be one or the other. NOT BOTH! That is greedy. They are making us invest time, effort and in game resources to work towards a piece of equipment(in this case a ship) and then in order to actually get it, we have to pay cash on top of that investment. They want us to double pay for something. That is wrong! Sell it in two ways; a high price C-Store purchase or for in game Fleet Credits in the Fleet store. They can do both options separately or choose one. We have to tell them with our actions that this is wrong and that we won't participate until it is made right. We have to get the word out to all the different Podcast, Websites, Online Magazines and most importantly to the in game community that doesn't look at the forums. We actually can make a difference on this one. They wont earn a dime until the first Fleet reaches the tier V shipyard. Let's make our voices heard!
  • danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think it is a good game og.
    I'm so happy :D
  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    as an accountant i would love to review Cryptic's / PWE's financial statements, primarily because I would be interested in knowing what kind of money a game like this generates.

    i certainly see the point above, but i also realize a company must make a profit. An old saying comes to mind also, "you get what you pay for".

    just me, but i would be willing to pay for really good game content. i have been playing for maybe 4 to 6 months now and i really enjoy the game.

    one aspect of the game i liked was "free to play". well for me, it has not been free to play at all. i have spent money for items i just had to have, like the oddy set, inventory space, etc. i hate to admit it, but i did buy 10 keys for lockboxes at the beginning, but no value there, so i don't buy keys or mess with lockboxes at all.

    just food for thought.
  • cousteau1701ecousteau1701e Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    rdm1958 wrote: »
    as an accountant i would love to review Cryptic's / PWE's financial statements, primarily because I would be interested in knowing what kind of money a game like this generates.

    i certainly see the point above, but i also realize a company must make a profit. An old saying comes to mind also, "you get what you pay for".

    just me, but i would be willing to pay for really good game content. i have been playing for maybe 4 to 6 months now and i really enjoy the game.

    one aspect of the game i liked was "free to play". well for me, it has not been free to play at all. i have spent money for items i just had to have, like the oddy set, inventory space, etc. i hate to admit it, but i did buy 10 keys for lockboxes at the beginning, but no value there, so i don't buy keys or mess with lockboxes at all.

    just food for thought.

    I understand the business aspect of it all. I have put more then a little cash into the game my self. I bought a lifesub while in beta and have bought many a ship, costume, ship costume, bridge pack and bundle ever since then. And yes I too have bought lockbox keys in the past. I am more then willing to pay for something that I want however, I am not willing to pay twice. If I work hard with my fleet mates to get a tier V shipyard and put my Fleet Credits into it, I should get the ship without paying a penny... If I decide I want to purchase a ship from the C-Store with cash, I should get the ship without investing any additional time/effort/in game resources. The two ways you acquire items in the game should be clearly separated. I am not saying that an item or ship should not be sold for real world currency and/or sold for in game investments. I am saying that one item should not require both things simultaneously to be acquired. That's all.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I might, but probably not, get a Fleet ship if I have to pay that much for the Modules to get it.

    I would probably get a few ships if it was a tenth of that price per module.

    So what is best 1000 sells for 2000 or 10000 for 200? It's the same. But you will have happier customers with the lower cost.
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    In my opinion Fleet Ship Modules should be in Dilithium Store rather in Z-Store.
  • plb1982plb1982 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dkratasco wrote: »
    In my opinion Fleet Ship Modules should be in Dilithium Store rather in Z-Store.

    What's the difference? The two currencies are interchangeable.
  • burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    plb1982 wrote: »
    What's the difference? The two currencies are interchangeable.

    Except that Cryptic made the Dil Exch too widespread on value, so the prices skyrocket all the time. It will hit 500 by the end of next month.
  • burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I also note the lack of Dev response on this thread on a workday.
  • palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    dkratasco wrote: »
    In my opinion Fleet Ship Modules should be in Dilithium Store rather in Z-Store.

    English may not be your primary language but your point is right on the money, but it was a feature update and those are not supposed to cost real money, so I think tney should have just cost energy credits.
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Show of hands. Who's actually surprised devs still haven't touched this one? Anyone? Anyone?
  • cousteau1701ecousteau1701e Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    English may not be your primary language but your point is right on the money, but it was a feature update and those are not supposed to cost real money, so I think tney should have just cost energy credits.

    Or maybe, just maybe the Fleet Credits you are going to have to pay for the ships anyway. Wait here's an idea maybe they should only charge Fleet Credits for the Fleet Ships in the Fleet Store.
  • robinphoenixxrobinphoenixx Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hravik wrote: »
    Show of hands. Who's actually surprised devs still haven't touched this one? Anyone? Anyone?

    Perhaps the main reason for that is the Devs can't really do anything about all of this. It's PWE forcing this upon them and the players. What could the Devs comment here to make all of us feel better? "Sorry, we understand and will take your concerns to the powers that be?" would that make any difference, except for them perhaps being punished by PWE for "undermining business plans"?

    I hate this as much as all of you do, but this is NOT the fault by Devs and I think perhaps not even Cryptic's, not this one.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Perhaps the main reason for that is the Devs can't really do anything about all of this. It's PWE forcing this upon them and the players. What could the Devs comment here to make all of us feel better? "Sorry, we understand and will take your concerns to the powers that be?" would that make any difference, except for them perhaps being punished by PWE for "undermining business plans"?

    I hate this as much as all of you do, but this is NOT the fault by Devs and I think perhaps not even Cryptic's, not this one.

    I actually understand fully...I just wish they would talk to us like I understand they used to.

    Who's idea was it to sell to Perfect World anyway :confused:
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • arcanis161arcanis161 Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Perhaps the main reason for that is the Devs can't really do anything about all of this. It's PWE forcing this upon them and the players. What could the Devs comment here to make all of us feel better? "Sorry, we understand and will take your concerns to the powers that be?" would that make any difference, except for them perhaps being punished by PWE for "undermining business plans"?

    I hate this as much as all of you do, but this is NOT the fault by Devs and I think perhaps not even Cryptic's, not this one.

    This occurred to me the other day. It would explain the dev's lack of response on the issue.

    As always, I'm still not happy with the end result, and if there's a way we players can do something about this to bring the costs of the fleet ships down, we should.

    Formerly Traven158
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    arcanis161 wrote: »
    This occurred to me the other day. It would explain the dev's lack of response on the issue.

    As always, I'm still not happy with the end result, and if there's a way we players can do something about this to bring the costs of the fleet ships down, we should.

    There is, don't buy them. The only way they will consider changing the system is if it isn't making money.

    If they discover that they make twice as much money by halving the cost, they will halve the cost.

    As it stands, just buy retrofit ships instead of fleet ships. Problem solved!
    Kirk's Protege.
  • dan512dan512 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Im waiting to see what happens if the us bans the selling of virtual goods like other countries are starting to do :)
  • cousteau1701ecousteau1701e Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    topset wrote: »
    There is, don't buy them. The only way they will consider changing the system is if it isn't making money.

    If they discover that they make twice as much money by halving the cost, they will halve the cost.

    As it stands, just buy retrofit ships instead of fleet ships. Problem solved!

    I suggested a Boycott of the Fleet Ships in an earlier post. If we get the word out to the in game players who don't read the forums, the Podcasters who talk about STO and Online Magazines, then we can at least make a stand before any fleet reaches a Tier V shipyard.
    dan512 wrote: »
    Im waiting to see what happens if the us bans the selling of virtual goods like other countries are starting to do :)

    I wouldn't want this really. I am all for Cryptic/PWE making money in order to continue this beloved game of ours. I just want the to be fair. Requiring us to pay cash in order to acquire a ship we earned through in game means is greedy. I have bought and would continue to by from the C-Store. That is not the problem here at all. We need to tell PWE that we will not stand for them making us pay twice for anything! We either buy it through in game means or through the C-Store. Everyone, PLEASE GET THE MESSAGE OUT! Boycott Fleet Ship Modules!

    I have spoken with Brandon once upon a time and he is a good person and I have heard Al Rivera in many interviews say he "wants to do no evil". I believe them both to be good people. They must see what is wrong with this as clear as day. If I earn a ship in game, then I should get it. If I pay for a ship in the C-Store, then I should get it. I should not have to pay for a ship I have earned in game already. BOTTOM LINE! I just hope that the good people that work in Cryptic and PWE are standing up and saying something and not letting others soil the good names of these companies and the IP we love so much... :(
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    arcanis161 wrote: »
    This occurred to me the other day. It would explain the dev's lack of response on the issue.

    As always, I'm still not happy with the end result, and if there's a way we players can do something about this to bring the costs of the fleet ships down, we should.

    it would also explain why all but a few fleet ships that people have been wanting desperately are somewhat lacking compared to both Z-store and lockbox ships, and then those particular ships are very good.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yeah, you get to work your TRIBBLE off, then pay $20 for an OLD ship model. Come on Cryptic, it's GRIND or PAY, not both.

    F2P gets more crappy every month. My worst nightmares of F2P can't hold a candle to what's happened in STO.
  • cptwilliam2cptwilliam2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Perhaps the main reason for that is the Devs can't really do anything about all of this. It's PWE forcing this upon them and the players. What could the Devs comment here to make all of us feel better? "Sorry, we understand and will take your concerns to the powers that be?" would that make any difference, except for them perhaps being punished by PWE for "undermining business plans"?

    I hate this as much as all of you do, but this is NOT the fault by Devs and I think perhaps not even Cryptic's, not this one.

    While thats possible, yes, before PWE showed up Cryptic kept pushing the boundaries on what they could sell to the community.

    First it was "only cosmetics", but that changed pretty quickly. Then all the pre-order stuff, and the bundles. All before PWE showed up.

    Its Cryptic, the devs are responsible for the quality of the game. In this particular area, they did a poor job imo.
    Join Legends Memorial, a chat channel to share stories about the legends of Trek who are no longer with us.
  • zodiemishzodiemish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    While thats possible, yes, before PWE showed up Cryptic kept pushing the boundaries on what they could sell to the community.

    First it was "only cosmetics", but that changed pretty quickly. Then all the pre-order stuff, and the bundles. All before PWE showed up.

    Its Cryptic, the devs are responsible for the quality of the game. In this particular area, they did a poor job imo.

    ^ I have to agree with this. This problem was here before the PWE puppet masters.. then again it could have been the Atari Puppet masters before that. no way to tell.

    one thing is for sure. the ships in the fleet are not high quality. I am sorry cryptic. I like your new skin, but for 20 dollars. you could have at least redid the ships.. maybe finally remove those ugly red dots on the ships. But your old models are not worth 20 dollars right now. 10 dollars maybe, but 20. no way. More so if it is a SINGLE CHARACTER unlock.
  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Is incredible how Cryptic manage to disappoint players season after season. Is always the same.
    Before they blame Atari, now PWE... they never have any fault.

    Division Hispana
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I?m just stunned at the way this whole Fleet Star Base and Fleet Vessel system is being handled by PWE\Cryptic.

    It takes some pretty large spheres to outright double shaft the player base like they are doing.

    Ok so if I don?t already own the T5 C-Store version of the Fleet vessel that I want I?ll need to buy 4 Fleet Modules @ $5.00 a piece for a total of $20.00 + grind out countless amounts of in-game mats for at least 4 months to level up the bases Dry Dock just for the privilege to fly a per character Fleet Version of a ship!


    I own the C-Store version of the T5 Fleet Ship that I want that most likely already cost me $25.00 and I?ll need to buy 1 $5.00 Fleet Module + grind out countless amounts of in-game mats for at least 4 months to level up the bases Dry Dock just for the privilege to fly a per character Fleet Version of a ship!

    All the members of the Brain Trust that came up with this system must have suffered some form of head trauma beforehand to remotely believe that this system was acceptable!

    If it was an account wide unlock for players that did not already own the C-Store version of the Fleet Vessel then it would not sting has much.

    This system shafts players that already shelled out for the C-Store versions of Fleet ships!

    This system shafts gold and lifetime members that earned C-Store ships via vet tokens!

    This system shafts anyone that wants to earn any of the Fleet ships by forcing us to grind for months and still expecting us to fork over some cash to just to use a per character Fleet ship! (It?s Grind + Time Sink or buy Outright, Never Both!)

    Thanks for kicking us all up the Mivonks :mad:
  • boorman73boorman73 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you already own the T5 version, why would you want to own the Fleet version? Just for 5% more hull? A different paint job?

    It's not like they're forcing you to do anything.
  • raj011raj011 Member Posts: 987 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Any news on the sovereign refit? Also the new design for the fleet ships, look like a lazy job. They just changed the colour and added neon lights around the edge. What happened to the 2409/25th century design? The reason people would want to go for the fleet ship because its more powerful than the standard version. Also if people want both they can buy the z-store version and add the console to the fleet version.

    i think also u get a add console slot to.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    boorman73 wrote: »
    If you already own the T5 version, why would you want to own the Fleet version? Just for 5% more hull? A different paint job?

    It's not like they're forcing you to do anything.

    More Hull more shields and and 1 extra console slot.

    Your call
  • trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Fleet Tactical Escort:
    33k hull
    +1 Tac console

    Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier:
    35.2k hull
    +1 Sci console

    Nasty ships in the right hands. Some of the others are just silly, like the destroyer. Fleet Patrol Escort also seems rather nasty with a lot of hull. Some of these ships were already rather hard to take down in PVP unless you trapped them in something.
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

    LTS, here since...when did this game launch again? :D
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