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Official Tholian Invasion Feedback Thread



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    frankbluesfrankblues Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You know, it might be worth considering that things/people being summoned burning up might actually be by design.

    If so, that might require a re-think about how ground combat works (similar to how the blockade missions require a re-think about keeping the freighters alive vs. blowing stuff up).
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    meslamteameslamtea Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I was looking forward to playing. Then I logged on. First problem I had was not knowing where the tholians were. No information was given at all. Hailing starfleet? Nothing. Transwarp to ESD? Nothing. I just happened to remember something about eta eriadni sector so went there and boom! Pop up dialog. Ok, so after 10 minutes of wasted time looking for information I found it. Went there, oh, I need an eva suit? Neat. Don't have one with this toon. None are available on planet. Just the warning that you need one. So another 15 minute search as to where to get an eva suit. The only source i found was at the asteroid mining station two sectors over. I don't have one on my ship? I really have to quit the mission, fly two sectors over and buy a used one from a ferengi. There really is no information presented in game as to what you need, and where to get it if you don't have it. I haven't played in months simply due to the limited missions, not just VA either. I am sure there is stuff to do but if the only option i have is to get on the net and look at say, stowiki in order to find something to do ingame, well, no thank you.

    To sum up: There is little to no information regarding where to go and what you need or where to get it.
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    oompasloompasoompasloompas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    meslamtea wrote: »
    I was looking forward to playing. Then I logged on. First problem I had was not knowing where the tholians were. No information was given at all. Hailing starfleet? Nothing. Transwarp to ESD? Nothing. I just happened to remember something about eta eriadni sector so went there and boom! Pop up dialog. Ok, so after 10 minutes of wasted time looking for information I found it. Went there, oh, I need an eva suit? Neat. Don't have one with this toon. None are available on planet. Just the warning that you need one. So another 15 minute search as to where to get an eva suit. The only source i found was at the asteroid mining station two sectors over. I don't have one on my ship? I really have to quit the mission, fly two sectors over and buy a used one from a ferengi. There really is no information presented in game as to what you need, and where to get it if you don't have it. I haven't played in months simply due to the limited missions, not just VA either. I am sure there is stuff to do but if the only option i have is to get on the net and look at say, stowiki in order to find something to do ingame, well, no thank you.

    To sum up: There is little to no information regarding where to go and what you need or where to get it.

    Very True! i looked back at the event announcement on the site to know where to go, got all the way there and no info about the EVA suit, instead of flying back to ESD to get mine from the bank I was told to check the Dilithium store there in there for 100 Dilithium.... would be nice to have an NPC or a note saying to get one from the Dilithium store
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    gr8captaingr8captain Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Enjoyed humping tribble this weekend. All I can say about the tholians are that they are quick little PF's.
    You Klingon TRIBBLE You Killed My Son.
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    stargazer99999stargazer99999 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I had fun in these missions. I hope they will not be time gated and will be a daily or a bi-hourly something! or have the same timing mechanics as the defari event with the 3 hour cd. just NOT a rotating time of availability! it's NOT fun missing out on doing missions for a week or two because the time has rotated into your sleep/work time. IT'S JUST NOT FUN!

    I really like the update to the EVA Suits but I think they should be an extra gear slot! something that when enabled turns our existing armor into an environmental suit! we spend a lot of time picking armor and a lot of energy credits, or a lot of time for the MACO/Omega sets! only to lose it for sub-par stats.

    The crystal mining is annoying. Tholian re-spawn time is faster then the time it takes for the red alert to go away and it's one of those PICK ONE situations, Have us fight Tholians OR mine crystals.... who ever thought of this needs the Royal treatment as pranks in the workplace goes... as he's hashing away at programing or designing or what ever he does... poke him in the side randomly, push his potted plant over or knock over a filing cabinet, unplug his computer, thump his ear, pop fire crackers in his cubical, thwap him in the back of the head... ect, do things that correlate the idea of working while being attacked/messed with!

    Not to mention I've never really liked the mining interface anyway! I've never seen anyone in star trek have to recalibrate any device every .00000000001 nanoseconds, they usually do it right the first time! The mining drill is either severely trashed or i don't know... it's worse then any white trash trailer park device you can think of.

    I really can't think of anything EVER that was such a pile of TRIBBLE in Star Trek that requires the recalibration needed with the mining drill! In Star Trek things either work out the box or data hacks it or reprograms it, but not every .00000000001 nanoseconds during it entire use! the whole mining drill idea introduces an element that is worse then any white trash contraption imaginable! even if it's Ferengi they would work right! it wouldn't be profitable to have such junk!

    I hope the live version on holodeck lets you re-spawn when doing the Hard missions, having your entire party die from being over run and pulled into the acid pools and not being able to re-spawn and finish is new to me in any mmo, I've always been able to re-spawn and finish or die over and over trying, it's normally a timer that fails hard instances in mmo's not just everyone in the party is dead.

    It's was fun even with my nitpicking and preexisting distaste for things like the white trash mining contraption. just hope It's like STF's where I can do it when I can everyday not every other week or more when that time rotates back into my schedule!

    I really don't see this as the Tholians are Invading as it's more we are continuing our Human need to go to every planet and strip mine and destroy everything! This goes back to my thought the Game needs to be renamed to "Space Mercenaries" because almost ever action in this game goes against what Star Trek Prime Directive is all about!

    As stated before by others and me, I have a job and a family please don't time gate this!

    and while I'm here, you know Fleets have member of every level! let lower level players go in and do easy missions and collect crystals to help the fleet and give them some decent experience!

    dont know if cryptic intended the missions to be end content or to let it slot in on the normal map level since the map it is located in sugests around lvl 15 /21 starting level
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    ltcmdjamescoreltcmdjamescore Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Right now (un)finished both Hard...

    /counting to 10/

    Are you mad or what?! Hard Interior is unplayable right now!!! It was flood of tholians there, everyone's angry, it can't be completed!!! Think, actually think next time...

    Good news: Hard Exterior was in right level of toughness.

    Hard Interior
    Out of the mind.

    Hard Exterior
    Completed in third try. Crappy EV suit as reward. I wonder when I got the Cryo weapon, because I got the suit and shield only from Interior...

    PS More lags than ever...
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    pingaheadpingahead Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Nakura Missions: I did the Exterior and Interior EASY missions. Maps look good. Tholians could be a little more aggressive. My Engineer Toon is the one I have on Tribble, and was surprised to see my Drones and Turrets burn up on Exterior Mission.

    Tried NO WIN Space Mission. That was engaging. Like the Bio-Neural Warhead Launchers. (Take them out quick or else)

    Colony Invasion was fun, if not chaotic. I like having multiple Optionals on that one.

    FLEET STARBASE interface only took a minute or two to figure out. Looking forward to getting this on Holodeck.
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    hylarrhylarr Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ok after the latest patch I can confirm that the shard of possibilities shadows now have EV suits but when doing a quick test of Security Escort and the first time I beamed them in no problem ( I only got the 2 original security officers no proc from my slotted doffs) but the next time I beamed them in (just got the original two again) they started to take fire damage until the beam in animation was finished and then the damage stopped but by that time they were down to half health.
    My main character is T'Les which was also my former forum name and I want it back! Hylarr is one of my alts.
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    drmoxdrmox Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I returned to the Tholian Ground missions to finally get rid of and complete my portal Deactivation Codes to discover the Tholian spawn rate was higher and very noticably so than it was before, not bad, made the medium zone alot more dangerous. :rolleyes:
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    kamikazi2142kamikazi2142 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    what i found best to use against Tholians so far:
    Jem"hadar Sheilds
    Jem'hadar polaron full auto rifle
    --these two items allow for "Jem'hadar Shroud" which confuses the bejezus out of Tholians
    Antiproton Pulsewave Assault Mk ___ [CrtD][CrtH][Borg]
    --i find this weapon to knock them down over 75% of their health on Ensigns
    Science Kit - Borg Medical Analyzer

    since i started i die one or two time while solo in the medium missions, i haven't yet had a team on Nukara and i've taken on 6 Ensigns and 3 Leiutenants at once and massacred them all. Haven't felt much lag too, but thats mainly because i'm west coast.

    as for the shutting down the gates, i haven't had an issue, what i did was just camped one that allowed me to do anything to for the entire duration of the mission, then went on to the rescuing people mission. Seemed to work just fine.
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    archonmorkatharchonmorkath Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cgn1987 wrote: »
    The Mission are boring, because the tholian are very slow and they are to easy to kill.
    the Things you geht from the Missions not really good, please make a special tholian weapon or a tholian set.....

    Greets cgrn1987

    It is because of people like this that the Tholians run around like ping-pong balls on crack. :eek: Seriously dude - if the enemies do not seem to be a challenge for you, up your difficulty level instead of whining.
    I am playing on Moron level. This is because I play this game for fun - not as a job.
    Yesterday, I was holding my own against the Tholians. Today - they are seriously swarming me. :mad: D'oh!
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    fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    This whole Tholian thing needs to be way tougher, it is boring because you can solo most of it in hours, up the difficulty here, it is weird this zone is alot easier than Defera one.
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I don't like this whole EV suit thing. Tried Nukara for a few minutes then decided it wasn't worth the trouble since the rewards are only really good against Tholians anyway.
    Maybe if [Sonic] damaged everything instead of just Tholians I might think its worth the effort.
    Also its insulting to have to spend 100s of STFs getting full MACO Mk XII and not be able to use it on a ground mission. The MACO Mk XII includes a helmet and fully covers everything so should count as an EV suit.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Nukara Prime instancing is crazy. It is a nightmare to try to be more than 5 people at a time, in the same instance. Even those five is hard to accomplish.

    After 2 hours of trying to get 10 of our fleetmates into the same instance, we had simply to give it up. While, it is absolutely possible to have strangers in there in the boss areas.

    I don't know how to say this, but it is absolutley frustrating and disappointing.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
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    caelenriverscaelenrivers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I don't like this whole EV suit thing. Tried Nukara for a few minutes then decided it wasn't worth the trouble since the rewards are only really good against Tholians anyway.
    Maybe if [Sonic] damaged everything instead of just Tholians I might think its worth the effort.
    Also its insulting to have to spend 100s of STFs getting full MACO Mk XII and not be able to use it on a ground mission. The MACO Mk XII includes a helmet and fully covers everything so should count as an EV suit.

    I support this - any full set of end-game ground gear (MACO, OMEGA, etc) should count as EV for the Nukara purposes. People have put int a lot of time and effort on these things, let them use them.
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