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Official Tholian Invasion Feedback Thread



  • v851v851 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I liked the tholian missions, I really like the new starbase. I can't wait for them to go into play.
  • higherfivehigherfive Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Went around shooting Tholians & destroying their machinery which was fine. Don't forget to turn suit on before venturing out... I did :P (a better indicator that suit is on would be nice - hard to see helmet light in broad daylight...). For some reason came into Tribble server with rumble enabled but would still shake when anyone warped even with turned off?! When I came back to Tribble server it was turned on again (very annoying - who would enable in first place - felt like using 'brace for impact' skill every time - lol..!). Good luck working out the kinks.. tc!
  • zeroknightdxzeroknightdx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i like it , i did have fun playing some of the mission but some of the starbase missions did get stuck or wont let contribute even if u have what it is asking for
  • titusoldrichtitusoldrich Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    loved it few bugs but you'll get it
  • clannmacclannmac Member Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    lordfuzun wrote: »
    The more expensive EV suits at the store in Beta Ursae are just Bling. They aren't any better then the used on.

    Like I said...

    Guess my point was that if a player is a fashionista or just wants to move from dull to, well, not as dull, during game play, the costs are prohibitive.

    At least they're actually dropping suits as loot. Of course, you already have to have a suit to actually get to the maps, so...

    Fleet Commander
    Caprica's Revenge
    (...actually active since November 2010, which may one day be important to archaeologists, but not to anyone else...)
  • pauzotoh65pauzotoh65 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Tholian Invasion is not too bad, for as far as ground missions on this game go. But as others have already stated, I sure hope there are some good Tholian space action to come out with this season.
  • fireblazerswordfireblazersword Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I just love the easy missions. I just did both of them, and going to do medium and hard because I don't want to spoil everything.
    I like how we can turn the missions in, at the consoles and just love the artwork for the tholians. You guys should keep up the good work.
  • mindwipecjgmindwipecjg Member Posts: 0
    edited July 2012
    Ok i have completed at least the Alpha ground missions but did notice something that was a little worry some but had an idea about it.

    i play as an engineer and alas on ground im reduced to just running around with a gun or mele weapon as all deployable items turrets, mortars sheilds , medical generators etc, all spawn and are instantly destroyed rendering most of my traits as an engineer totally useless in the capacity of my trait.

    additionally shard of possibility duplicates spawn in without enviromental suits and are instanly incinerated as a result rendering that item also useless.

    orbital strike does work but the tholians seem to anticipate it and scuttle out of the blast readius before the strike timer launches the blast (again rendering that useless unless you are realllllllly lucky and you may get possibly one of them in the tail end of the blast.

    i was wondering though say for the equipment spawns that the devs could intrduce a replicatable item you will need to equip that will insulate spawnable equipment from the enviroment. (similar in prinicple to the frequency remodulator) that will passively protect your equipment , turrets, and support drones when equiped.

    so far a very fun mission to play if you enjoy just running around with a gun or mele weapon but as an engineer i cant really use at present any of my equipment as i stated above. hope to see a few fixes based on what i've mentioned.
  • ricardoreevesricardoreeves Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Most of the Redshirts you have to rescue fly in the Air and can?t be helped;)
    GERMAN - speaking
  • verda9938verda9938 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    So we finished upgrading out Transwarp gate to T1 and I Transwarped there and in the little seen my federation ship had red warp trails. On another note I liked the idea that the mirror prisoners were burning in the cages. It could be a form of torture, give them little face masks so that they can breathe.
  • verda9938verda9938 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And I was in Federation space.
  • max1002max1002 Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How do I get the First Contact style suit that the NPCs are wearing?

    I was wondering about the same thing
  • basilisk1979basilisk1979 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    - Security escort: The third officer beaming down has no suit and instantly burns to dead

    - Nurse Doff skill providing a medic when using a hypo: The Officer beaming down carrys no EV Suite and burns instantly to dead.

    - similar effects when beaming down additional turrets and other stuff. All stuff provided by Doff skills is incinerated.

    - On the difficulty. Hard missions are realy realy nice. Medium and easy could be a bit more challenging. Maybe more Game mechanics/Tholian skills and less respawn rate ?

    ceap up the good work
    The Basilisk
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ok missions ive done a not seen any bugs so far
    Industrial espionage Scieitific sabotage indentured dismissal and Scorced science :) lots ov fun doing them.
    Bugs that ive found closeing doors got 26 shut down codes but could not use any on sunday, logged back on monday it let me use 14 ov them, Then would not let me use them. So started other mission and and close doors completed with out me doing any more for the mission. :mad: I cant delete the 12 shut down codes i have left im not happy about this. All so i tryed to equip my xii borg mini gun half way though mission 1st it would fire but do no damage then it would not fire at all. Well thats it for now hope you fix bugs.
    When is this coming out on holodeck?
  • dadovgdadovg Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ok. The Tholian invasion game is ok. But some mission like mining is poor. I mean 500?
    Its just like you have to play all day long and still not be able to mine..:( Hard mission is good but a bit complicated.
    General improvements is good, but some more work need to be done.
    Is there going to be a missions with Tholians?
    And I was hoping for some Iconians mission to!
    But all in all its good! ;)
  • caliban149caliban149 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Bit more feedback

    - Closing Doors: Couldn't work out how to close the rifts at all. . . . seems bugged to me.

    - On the Medium level of the indoor section, I found a room that had a whole heap of interactable icons that seemed to be locked away behind little hatches so I couldn't interact with them. Unfinished mission?

    - Indoor mission to collect tholian engineering reports . . . despite lots of hunting and killing I found a grand total of one.

    - Indoors the Tholian respawn time seems a much too low, you've barely killed the last lot when more appear. If you die and have to respawn, trying to rejoin your group is almost impossible due to every single Tholian on route having respawned within seconds.

    Edit: Oh yeah and whilst all my turrets / shields / health generators die in seconds due to the heat my sehlat cub is fine without a suit . . . . Oooo I wonder what happens if I try and pet a tribble. . . .
  • dadovgdadovg Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I noticed some bugs with firing weapons. It want fire always, and when it fire it don't do any damage, although i did not miss.:mad:
    But i hope to see it soon on holodeck! :P
  • echodarksidedechodarksided Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The charge active skill from the three piece EV suit does not work.

    It was never available for me to use. I do have the set.
  • opiewan100opiewan100 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Overall looks very nice. Did have some issues with buggy missions, that?s typical for pre-roll out though. Like the addition of the visible weapons that is something, I have missed, always nice to see weapons as part of uniform.

    The Tholians looked good. They seemed a little out of it on Easy settings though.

    I also liked the upgrades to the Environ-Armor. I do think that they look a little steam punk though, I would love to see some standard issue environ gear also.

    I liked the addition of a hostile environment. It adds a little complexity to the missions, the damage beamed in security crews take was a surprise at first. I saw three beam in which caught me off at first and then noticed that only two had environ gear. I then watched one ash out. Very cool, well played.

    Since this is my first time on Tribble I would like to say server swapping is a bit of a pain in the aft end. It would be a lot of code but having an in system swap "Exit to Server" would be great, as it was closing the game completely to change server was a bit much.

    Didn?t get to play much on the Fleet base due to rank boxes not being checked but the fleet interface for the base looked good.
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 2,899 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Once I eventually got past the crash to desktop while trying to zone in what struck me was that the missions and zone come across as a slightly redressed copy of the deferra invasion which means this will probably be another timegated event that I'll never get to do thanks to the idiocy of the timegating.

    But as I've never really liked the defera invasion I'll probably be just as happy to avoid this one.

    Report collecting went fine until the last half dozen were needed then the drop rate went down to 1 in 5 kills or more.

    Mining must be vying for the title of the worst grind in STO history, half the time you clear an area only to have the node become unusable and the rest of the time the mobs respawn after you've done 15-20 secs worth of the minigame. 375 gathers at 5 crystals each broken attempt is horrendous.

    All in all it's not something I'll be doing once it goes live. Grinding isn't fun and mechanics that make the grinding worse just make it even less so.
  • capcushcapcush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    chengirpwe wrote: »
    I was very much of a fan of Seasons 4 and 5 ... 6 not so much. I enjoyed the Tholians, they added some additional flavor. The missions were mostly do able. The hard missions and the fleet operations (and the push in these directions) frustrates me. I'm not much of a fleet/team player ... not that I don't enjoy playing with others. I do; very much. However, arriving for a scheduled event is problematic.

    1. I have a job.
    2. I have a family ... sorry gents but if the family needs somethng, they come first. I feel really bad about having to leave my team in a learch when this happens so I tend to be reluctant to start such long adventures whwer outs are depending on me. When I can clear my schedule, I generally find there are no events in my fleet.
    3. In one of the fleets I'm in I seem to be the only actve member. I am not top rank, so I'm very limited to what I can do. I can't become 'officer of th day' ... or even highest ranking officer, yet I'm reluctant to leave. Why loose all my fleet rank just to start at the bottom again of another fleet. What about al the stuff I've contributed over the years ... I just loose all that? Doesn't seem right.

    That seems to give an unfair advantage to the children who have oddles of time, can text their non-working buddies to come join them and they can go to town ... leaving players like me far behind. I aways like the that some effort was made not to make solo play second-class citizens. That effort seems greatly deminished.

    Hey i know how you feel i have a family and college so when im not working on homework its hard to find time to get on a lot. but still to say there is an unfair advantage is kinda silly. sure you may not get any thing from the star base but its designed for people who want to put in a lot of time and get good rewards out of it. sure they could change it up but so far even for tribble standards its working out alright.
  • rbaathomerbaathome Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Edit: also appears that tholians have no animation when they are affected by the Ophidian Cane[/QUOTE]

    Also, I didn't not see any animation for the Borg Nanite attack from my Liberated Borg Captain. wouldn't the borg be able to penetrate the crystal skin too?
  • stargazer99999stargazer99999 Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    respawn outside is not bad just to anouying near the mining spots best tactic would indeed be start event then cancal asap to collect the 5 ore and move on because trying to compleet the game wil end up geting u shot for just 5 ore more.
    same bug as reported before with turrets and other kitt items / powers being un usable do to environment destroying it within 3 seconds.
    inside the base the respanw is a bit high if a bit crowded .
    and one side note to the test server reward item for us simple players that live outside us time zones it seemed that we could not benefit from it realy only a small window on saturday and then the sunday where some folks have rl obligations i know that cryptic is a us based firm same as pw but never thought them to be so biased as to prevent non us based players of geting achievements simply for being abroad.
  • tomman1230tomman1230 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    First my main gripe: while fighting the Tholians we lose our armor that we rely on.:mad: Forcing us to wear an environment suit is all well and good but unless the EV suits have armor equal or better than the armor we have..... it well stinks, I recieved an armored EV suit in one of my Tholian boxes so I am guessing there is better EV suits out there but they should be more readily available.

    On to a little constructive bug noticing: the Tholians seem to ocasionally get stuck on stairs, Maybe a lag issue, maybe a clipping issue....

    Finally overall impressions....
    I only spent 2 hours on Tribble last night (my first time ever on Tribble) so was only able to test out the interior missions. Ran through both "Easy" missions solo with an Engineer, and found the respawn rates while in the pits questioning the ISS captives very high. I also did the "Thinning the Hive" missions (there is a 50 and a 250 version) for multiple bonuses (did the 50 one 4 times) and got the first "kill x Tholians" accolade. All in all the Tholian missions were better than the Undine invasion missions which they seem to be based upon. So while not two thumbs up... I'll give it one and a half.:D
  • drmoxdrmox Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Tholian Invasion? What Invasion? Ohh that little planet they are on? They really do have no imagination....

    So we have newbies on the block and they are in a giant theme park grind circus for stuff really you dont really need for anything else other than Fleet Merits possibly and a mark xii good at shooting up Tholians. I look forward to more variety in the loot.

    It feels like one massive cut and paste job to remotely appear like a FE thats not an FE, maybe we get decent ship battles out of them at some point?

    The Tholians as a creature skin are cool but could do with more variety in appearance, colours etc. The names could be more thematic too given some further creative research.

    The planet you grind on could have alot more sfx, the heat should be distorting our view of the surface with the light rippling our vision even behind a mask. Infact we should be smouldering more in our suits too.

    The Tholian LT Web spinner power looks cheesy I thought they could have a more sophisticated energy web/net and crystal tech appearance to any specials. They may use hand to hand tech alot more too given their robust silicon forms. I would rethink that and try to avoid copy cat spiderman esque stuff.

    The grind missions do have a degree of flair too them and given the shoe string budget it feels like when you play on all the stuff the Devs have borrowed from elsewhere in the game to patch it together its understandable that S6 is shaping up for the Tholians to have some "expensive" innovative stuff developed for them with a whole lot of "cut n paste" not so innovative stuff. I guess it makes sense with all the previous cool sets that have been made by Cryptic folks.

    So for an afternoon's gaming its worth a grind for a change but not really something worth returning too unless there is something fresh with it now and then and ofc some really useful tech items to pick up that move players forward in other areas of the game like the STF Grind of repeatable Doom and the Doffer Trading Card Game of rinse n repeat etc.

    If this is "S6 The PWE Assimilation" then its really shaping up well then. :cool:
  • ltcmdjamescoreltcmdjamescore Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What is the point to have Tholian set, when it didn't work for our benefit. The set has a chance to apply some ability to reverse dmg (sorry if I'm not exactly correct) when you receive All Energy Damage - but Tholians apparently don't use energy damage, because not set ability wasn't activated ever!

    Can someone confirm that Tholian set works on Nukara, because I know it didn't work here, but works everywhere else.

    Can someone explain it, or even better, say that I'm wrong and have a bad luck?
  • imnakimnak Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    tomman1230 wrote: »
    First my main gripe: while fighting the Tholians we lose our armor that we rely on.:mad: Forcing us to wear an environment suit is all well and good but unless the EV suits have armor equal or better than the armor we have..... it well stinks, I recieved an armored EV suit in one of my Tholian boxes so I am guessing there is better EV suits out there but they should be more readily available.

    On to a little constructive bug noticing: the Tholians seem to ocasionally get stuck on stairs, Maybe a lag issue, maybe a clipping issue....

    Finally overall impressions....
    I only spent 2 hours on Tribble last night (my first time ever on Tribble) so was only able to test out the interior missions. Ran through both "Easy" missions solo with an Engineer, and found the respawn rates while in the pits questioning the ISS captives very high. I also did the "Thinning the Hive" missions (there is a 50 and a 250 version) for multiple bonuses (did the 50 one 4 times) and got the first "kill x Tholians" accolade. All in all the Tholian missions were better than the Undine invasion missions which they seem to be based upon. So while not two thumbs up... I'll give it one and a half.:D

    While it was my first time on Tribble also, I thought the two easy ground missions i did were fun, especially when something respawned behind you. I also got a better EV suit from a drop, but heard many folks complain about having to take off armor. Its a beta test for goodness sakes...lol...lets give it a chance.
  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Overall, it was fun. Very similar to the Defera Event, which is fine, but I would of loved to have more interaction with the Tholians other than just going around killing them? The graphic were great as usual. I also like the fact that I can farm for dilithium during this gameplay.

    Starbase, okay I joined a fleet during the test and as a solo player it has sparked an interest in my in finding the right fleet in holodeck to join just to be apart of the grow of a starbase and take advantage of all the benefits of really being apart of a fleet.

    I was originally a month-to-month subscriber, eventually, as I witness STO evolve and grow I trusted that STO will be around for a long time, so I decided to become a lifetime member. Granted content has been slow to release and I would spend weeks not playing once the Foundry and Duty Roster was released I log on at least 3 times a week to manage my DOF and see what new Foundry missions have been created, but of course, I always look forward to new content and episodes from STO developers.

    This past week, when the Odyssey class starship went on sale I gamed more than I had in a long time to farm as much dilithium, so I can trade for c-points in order to purchase the ships I always wanted but could not afford. Thumbs up on creating the dilithium exchange. I like having to put in the time to earn some of the unique starships and other items sold in the c-store, however, farming on the asteroid and having to wait between time farming kinda sucks, but is understandable, but now if I can farm during certain missions, well, I like having that option.

    Now for some gripe...okay I like having the ability to have weapons strap to my back, but only during combat missions. For some reason it doesn't look right for my toon to be wearing a weapon on Earth Starbase or in Stafleet Academy. I suggest, if possible, to simply have the option to disable the visual just like how we're able to disable the armor and kits or have weapons hidden when in non-combat areas like the Stafleet Academy, Earth Starbase, and when aboard my own starship.

    I also noticed little glitches, like Starfleet and KDF I freed would get stuck too high for me to reach and interact with. Also, the Tholians seemed to get stuck in certain areas of the map.

    It would also been nice to have armor oppose to just the spacesuit, which I understand having to wear, but if we were given an ability to craft or upgrade a spacesuit for combat, that would be great. I like to suggest a combat spacesuit something similar to what the M.A.C.O. wore in Star Trek Enterprise or since both the M.A.C.O. and Omega armor has the option to wear helmets, why can't the function of having a helmet make it that we can wear that armor in space too?

    All-in-all, I would say I'm 75 to 90% satisfied with the Tholian Invasion, just would like more backstory to the Tholian and Federation conflict and why there's a conflict between the Tholians and Kilingons? Good job DEVs I look forward to playing Season 6 in Holodeck.
  • oompasloompasoompasloompas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I had fun in these missions. I hope they will not be time gated and will be a daily or a bi-hourly something! or have the same timing mechanics as the defari event with the 3 hour cd. just NOT a rotating time of availability! it's NOT fun missing out on doing missions for a week or two because the time has rotated into your sleep/work time. IT'S JUST NOT FUN!

    I really like the update to the EVA Suits but I think they should be an extra gear slot! something that when enabled turns our existing armor into an environmental suit! we spend a lot of time picking armor and a lot of energy credits, or a lot of time for the MACO/Omega sets! only to lose it for sub-par stats.

    The crystal mining is annoying. Tholian re-spawn time is faster then the time it takes for the red alert to go away and it's one of those PICK ONE situations, Have us fight Tholians OR mine crystals.... who ever thought of this needs the Royal treatment as pranks in the workplace goes... as he's hashing away at programing or designing or what ever he does... poke him in the side randomly, push his potted plant over or knock over a filing cabinet, unplug his computer, thump his ear, pop fire crackers in his cubical, thwap him in the back of the head... ect, do things that correlate the idea of working while being attacked/messed with!

    Not to mention I've never really liked the mining interface anyway! I've never seen anyone in star trek have to recalibrate any device every .00000000001 nanoseconds, they usually do it right the first time! The mining drill is either severely trashed or i don't know... it's worse then any white trash trailer park device you can think of.

    I really can't think of anything EVER that was such a pile of TRIBBLE in Star Trek that requires the recalibration needed with the mining drill! In Star Trek things either work out the box or data hacks it or reprograms it, but not every .00000000001 nanoseconds during it entire use! the whole mining drill idea introduces an element that is worse then any white trash contraption imaginable! even if it's Ferengi they would work right! it wouldn't be profitable to have such junk!

    I hope the live version on holodeck lets you re-spawn when doing the Hard missions, having your entire party die from being over run and pulled into the acid pools and not being able to re-spawn and finish is new to me in any mmo, I've always been able to re-spawn and finish or die over and over trying, it's normally a timer that fails hard instances in mmo's not just everyone in the party is dead.

    It's was fun even with my nitpicking and preexisting distaste for things like the white trash mining contraption. just hope It's like STF's where I can do it when I can everyday not every other week or more when that time rotates back into my schedule!

    I really don't see this as the Tholians are Invading as it's more we are continuing our Human need to go to every planet and strip mine and destroy everything! This goes back to my thought the Game needs to be renamed to "Space Mercenaries" because almost ever action in this game goes against what Star Trek Prime Directive is all about!

    As stated before by others and me, I have a job and a family please don't time gate this!

    and while I'm here, you know Fleets have member of every level! let lower level players go in and do easy missions and collect crystals to help the fleet and give them some decent experience!
  • joenatljoenatl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Grenades need to be fixed as well. You throw a grenade and the tholian has skittered away before it even comes out of your hand. I know NPC tend to cringe a bit early when a grenade is thrown on holodeck, but there has to be a medium between the 2. And if you are lucky enough to hit them (I mostly did after stunning them) then the damage dealt is on delay, and does not appear for a couple seconds after it was dealt.
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