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Constant Server disconnects

I have tried and tried to play this game but after 30 seconds to 5 minutes after logging in i suddenly lose connection to the game and can't log back in until i close and reopen the game.
Here's the kicker, my friend can play on my computer on his account perfectly fine without any lag or disconnect problems only difference between mine and his accounts are that his is a lifetime subscriber who has had the game since beta and i recently made an account to play with him. Kind of suspicious huh...
Post edited by boldandfresh on


  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ditto...i was playing just fine last night right up until i got booted around 4am. now, today, nothing....i log in, go to my character list, press the play button, map loading screen appears, then i get disconnected back to the log in page......sounds like cryptic servers, and PW servers are not getting along at the moment.....it's borked fix it!

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • bannon3bannon3 Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This is how it began for me too before it spiraled out of control I cant even log in anymore, read this:

    In Space, Cryptic cant hear you scream!!!
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    My only hope is that enough players chime in with the particulars of their disconnects that the tech team will be able to narrow it down to the affected bit of programming or server marf and fix it quickly....the only success i've had today was for about 5 minutes but there was intermittent server time outs (generally lasting between 7 and 10 seconds) and the rest of the map wouldn't load....no astrometrics, no warping, it was like they threw me in a room with no lights, very little sound, and all i got was a keychain that reads "eat at joes".......(no, i won't rage quit, but it does put a damper on my plans for buying a lifetime sub anytime soon....at least until they fix this particular problem)....

    Current Update: well.....it's not a formal answer, but somehow i feel it has something to do with glitched patch data, and a virtual server monkey in the data streams accedentally flipped a switch in the accounts dept causing many of us to be put on the proverbial caca list...(in plain english....until they decompile/recompile the accounts server data and hopefully fix the kickout glitch, we're just plain hosed until they let us back into the playground)

    Hi Captains,

    We will be performing scheduled maintenance on the Cryptic Account system tomorrow, Thursday, June 28th, at 7:00am PDT (click here to view in your timezone) and expect it to only last 2 hours. During this time, you will not be able to create or manage Cryptic accounts, create or track your in-game tickets, and players will not be able to log into the game; however, players already in the game should not be affected. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding,

    - The Star Trek Online Team

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    This (the difficulties listed by other posters) it what I've been experiencing. It began with being kicked off the server repeatedly and with increasing frequency. I think I noticed the most pronounced boots from the PVE areas but before I'd was taking kickings from sector space or anywhere else I happened to be.

    I checked the errors via the cryptic error log app and dealt with a phantom port 80 error it documented (the program had the required permissions to make it over the wall). Just the same I added a new rule eliminated the error message in subsequent logs but the boots continued to worsen. I don't have to worry about it now because the login which was becoming dodgy simply won't allow me in. Unable to authenticate.

    Hopefully todays patch will address these issues as the "solutions" (full shutdowns to login) took as long to perform as the playtime "payout". Please fix this.

  • rdm1958rdm1958 Member Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    when i do infected grould elite a lot of people wont' jump becasue of "lag". i never hear lag mentioned anywhere else. :smile:

    i have been playing for maybe 4 to 6 months now and i have never been disconnected. well i take that back, my cat Alice, can walk across the keyboard and turn my internet connection off 1 out of 10 times. i just have no control over her. it is less trouble to let her walk across than to try to keep her from doing it. good news is i can always get back to where i was. i just hope it is not while i'm protecting kang.

    i have a free to play account, but have spent some cash in the c-store, so i would not call it free to play exactly.
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I am finally able to stay connected now, after I did the following:
    1. Uninstall STO from Steam
    2. Re-install STO independently, using the original Atari DVD-ROM and letting the launcher install the current version
    3. On my STO shortcut, check the "run as Administrator" checkbox
    4. Set up Windows Firewall rules to allow both the launcher and GameClient through ports 80, 443, and 7000-7500
  • veraticusveraticus Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    They need to fix this.

    This has been a reoccurring issue for the game since before launch.
    Back then the most obvious was the rubberbanding that was almost a constant in the game.

    Now this. Constant disconnects, server timeouts, game just freezing for several seconds at a time. This results in failed missions, let down team and fleet mates, damaged ship, injured crew, hair loss, sore throats and hands and thighs ;)

    Overall it has made the game unplayable. Something that has really upset me seeing as I just dropped close to a hundred bucks in that infernal C-Store and now I can't even attempt to enjoy the game.

    Every time I come back I still see this issue. And every time it plays a factor in driving me away from this game.
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I think that alot of this is a result of the "pay-to-play" vs. "free-to-play" scenario....payers get top priority over the freebies in terms of server bandwidth and priority placement, so all us freeplayers get booted when the lifers and monthers jump online during peak hours...if i had the money, i would pay for the lifetime sub, and maybe not have these headaches. it's not exactly productive for PWE to gack the free players like this, and a better solution would be to set up a separate server bank for the free-to play peeps, and cryptics dedicated servers for those with lifetime subs and the monthly payers to enjoy, and the option to jump over to a better server when someone fully buys the game through either lifetime subs, or monthly cards...it's not perfect, by any means, but better than leaving half of the player base out in the cold for just a handfull of bucks....come on PWE! you can do better than this!

    on another note...if any PWE techies are reading this, there is something wrong with the login server...got kicked out bout 7 times now trying to log on...everything works fine up until the "loading server maps" icon appears then auto kickout....is this a priority login thing? or is your login server just plain borked?

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    just checked my disconnect log and got this:

    120630 02:23:42 29 Client[0]: GSM_Quit(). Reason: emEditorMain or utilitiesLibShouldQuit()

    What does this mean? any techie in the house....paging doctor techie, paging doctor techie....bueler......beuler......beuler.......

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • drachenhaut#3266 drachenhaut Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    ive been getting a ton of server disconnects the last day or so
  • beaglestanibeaglestani Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I lag out on holodeck all the time but almost never while on tribble.
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ok...in another attempt to be helpful to the server techs i accessed the server logs on my computer for STonline and this is what they read as (though i really have no clue as to what they can even possibly mean, or even if they can be used to diagnose my severely annoying dosconnect problems:

    (all this from just a few attempts to get into the game)

    120701 00:05:05 14 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
    120701 00:06:11 15 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: gclLoginFail(997:Unknown socket error) (socket error 997: Unknown socket error)
    120701 00:07:08 16 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
    120701 00:09:13 17 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: gclLoginFail(997:Unknown socket error) (socket error 997: Unknown socket error)
    120701 00:10:34 18 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
    120701 00:11:42 19 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown(10054:Connection reset by remote host) (socket error 10054: Connection reset by remote host)
    120701 00:11:42 20 Client[0]: ChatRelay link disconnected ( Reason: gclChatConnect_Logout(997:Unknown socket error) (socket error 997: Unknown socket error)
    120701 00:26:08 21 Client[0]: LoginServer link attempting connect:
    120701 00:26:20 22 Client[0]: LoginServer link disconnected ( Reason: socket was shutdown(10054:Connection reset by remote host) (socket error 10054: Connection reset by remote host)
    120701 00:26:20 23 Client[0]: ChatRelay link disconnected ( Reason: gclChatConnect_Logout(997:Unknown socket error) (socket error 997: Unknown socket error)

    so my all burning question of the moment.....what is the unknown socket error?

    update: after looking up online what an error 997, and an error 10054 is, and grabbing a free registry cleaner and optimizer, and purging my system of a lot of errors, and surfing at speeds i have not been able to for a long time, i have concluded that your network is offically borked.....remote peer server disconnects? sounds like some tech monkey flipped the wrong switch ot the office....i'm still disconnected, repeatedly and often, by your servers for some ungodly wholy unknown reason.....are you even going to attempt to fix this, or much less give us some explination as to why your remote host just doesn't like some of us at all? i've fixed all i can on my end and it's running smoothe here.....the problem is somewhere in your servers....

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I think that alot of this is a result of the "pay-to-play" vs. "free-to-play" scenario....payers get top priority over the freebies in terms of server bandwidth and priority placement, so all us freeplayers get booted when the lifers and monthers jump online during peak hours...
    I'm a lifer and I had these problems for over a week before I resolved them as described in a previous post. So subscription status is not necessarily the issue.

    Another thing to check, if this is part of your setup, is your residential gateway. My ISP is AT&T U-verse which uses an RG as a master controller for both my cable TV and Internet services. The other night I searched their support site and found that (1) many other users were encountering server lag issues in online gaming, and (2) one trick that seems to work most of the time to fix it is to hard-reset the RG - that is, unplug it, plug it back in and allow it to reboot.

    So, if your Internet connection goes through a residential gateway, that is one more thing to try.
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    i'm stuck out in the boonies, so the only thing available for my area is Hughes Net....i'm on the midrange plan, with download speeds at 100mps (though in all truthfull reality, it rarely if ever downloads at that speed, more like the 30kps to 50kps range....in essence, i'm paying for a T1....but only able to play in the 56k range.....yeah, hughes net is massively reaming me, but it's the only thing i can get in the wilderness.)

    I do the hard restart thing almost daily when the missus is online, for some reason hughes net likes to drop service at the most inopportune times....and they like to blame it on atmospheric conditions (on a sunny cloudless day mind you...) when in reality, i feel that they purposefully gank service to save strain on their oh so precious bank of 100 micro satellites in a geo sync orbit over our heads....so for anyone contemplating going the satellite internet route......don't......find a land line closest to you and roll with that. Hughes net is an absolute last resort, when nothing else better is available (and i've been with them for over 9 years now, so yeah, i know what i'm talking about)

    but as far as the whole "server disconnects" is concerned.....hughes net reports no problems on their end, so i've ruled out my computer, and my ISP, so that just leaves some server gremlin over at PWI playing havoc with the hardware there....

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • husnock1husnock1 Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've had CONSTANT little red "Server Not Responding" messages every time I try to play, but ONLY starting since last Friday's patch. Anyone got advice?
  • sebastianmalvoliosebastianmalvolio Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    PWI is being tight lipped about these issues.......

    they are either unable to respond, or unwilling to respond at the moment...

    (going on week 2 of disconnects....this is getting old fast....everything loads right up to the character screen, but when i hit the play button and the "retreiving area maps" bar appears....it then switches to "disconnected from login servers" and bumps me back to a spacy log in screen.....sad...)

    update #3: put STonline files on the exceptions list for both the windows firewall, and norton firewall and rebooted....still nothing, getting disconnected after the character select screen and pressing play, getting tired of the "loading area maps" bar and really tired of the "Disconnected from login server" bar.....*epic facepalm*

    "Boy....Don't tell me about how "ubergodleet" you think you are. I was playing games long before you were even a twinkle in your daddy's eye....ever hear of Commodore or Ti99? Yeah....it's like that."
  • m0duspwnensm0duspwnens Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I had played STO for a while without any issues then I moved to a different house with Brighthouse for my ISP and had constant disconnects every few minutes would drop my entire connection from that computer. The only thing that fixed it was connecting through a VPN. There must be some kinds of packets that the ISP doesn't like and that certain packets are getting lost. When the ISP doesn't see what the traffic is and its all encrypted through the VPN then there seem to be no problems. Seems to be a problem with the ISP IMHO.
  • draco0167draco0167 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Since I've been playing, I have had no issues with connection. I have no connection issue at all with the STO servers when downloading and patching. But the game client will not maintain connection when there is much of any server traffic at my character's location. Consistent "SERVER NOT RESPONDING (XXXX Seconds)" messages occur every few seconds and sometimes counting up to over 200 seconds before it acquires a connection again. Even though two seconds after that it'll do it again. Even while I'm seeing the red message and it's counting up, my in-game chat does still work. I can see players talking and I am able to talk as well. So it's not every connection that's being lost.

    I had been updating my attempts and progress in another thread but at this time that's not important information.

    New update is that I have reformatted my computer. (I had been wanting to anyway.)
    I am currently downloading the STO game client from startrekonline.com and I will report back after this has completed if it has resolved the issue for me. If not, I hope someone has some new information.
    I think that alot of this is a result of the "pay-to-play" vs. "free-to-play" scenario....payers get top priority over the freebies in terms of server bandwidth and priority placement, so all us freeplayers get booted when the lifers and monthers jump online during peak hours...

    In as polite a tone as I can muster, I still must tell you that you're an idiot for believing this. Cryptic, as well as anyone else, has absolutely nothing to gain from kicking players offline and causing disconnects unless the account is in Gold status. Quite the opposite, in fact. So many members that don't want to pay would simply quit. This would mean less player base to make the dilithium exchange keep bringing in cash for them for the players that do pay for Zen and sell it on that exchange. It also means less player base that will actually put in $5, $10, $20, or even more when they're able to because they do want something from the C-Store.

    Use your head, bud.

    PS: I have a lifetime account.
  • khurgakhurga Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Same issue here.

    I had a perfect connection, until the September 6, 2012 update with it's "General server stability updates", now I'm getting unplayable lag when I'm not getting the "Server not responding" message instead.

    Perhaps connected to this "Raptr" thing?
  • draco0167draco0167 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I had installed Raptr the night before the patch. It worked fine after installation. From everything I can tell, Raptr is only providing an overlay to the game and keeping track of your computer's running applications/processes to tell if you are running a game that it keeps track of. I don't think that Raptr has anything to do with the connection issues but I removed it from my computer before I reformatted and it didn't seem to help.

    I've just finished installing STO. The only other things I've installed since the reformat have nothing to do with the game and have all been on my computer prior to the reformat. Patching now. Once I'm back in the game I'll report back with any updates.
  • blastedbinaryblastedbinary Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    khurga wrote: »
    Same issue here.

    I had a perfect connection, until the September 6, 2012 update with it's "General server stability updates", now I'm getting unplayable lag when I'm not getting the "Server not responding" message instead.

    Perhaps connected to this "Raptr" thing?

    I am having the exact same problem as yourself. It started last night for me and has gotten worse and worse as time goes on, now I can't even get past the character select screen because it times out and kicks me back to the login screen. When I did get in I was immediately hit with the "Server not responding" message and it just kept going until I closed the game. Game was fine for me until last night when I got into the Omega Leonis Sector and then all hell went loose.
  • kitsmerkitsmer Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Having same issues. After patch. Getting disconnects... Gameplay isn't happening.
  • ortiziortizi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have to chime in myself; this is my first post in the forums.

    I've been experiencing (only since the last patch) all of the same 'stagger-stop', disconnect issues all of you are. I uninstalled the game and am currently waiting for it to reinstall ad patch up. It is brutal and have no clue what is going on. I've run pings, forced patch etc. Last time I experienced this was the last week of the first run of The 2800.

    What disappoints me most is that they usually within the immediate 24-48 hrs after patch, will patch it up again to resolve issues of the newest patch; I haven't seen any indication that they are going to do this. I hope a PWE official will chime in on this.

    Edit P.S. If STO could have an official, immediate *Priority* Known Issue page, I for one would feel better about all of this.
  • michigansheriffmichigansheriff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Count me as one that is unable to play STO anymore. As with the rest, no problems up until the latest patch. Internet connection is the same it's always been, firewall is the same, no other system changes have been made. Removed and reinstalled STO and the problem is worse then it was before. I completed four missions while lagging and rubberbanding and now I can't move at all in the game.

    I guess I will check back in a week or so and, if not resolved, dump STO. Sure am glad I have been able to resist the urge to put any real money into it so far.

    It sure is odd how everyone posting here so far has a join date from the last few months.
  • mjcholdenmjcholden Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    you guys are wrong i have this problem too and i have 781 days of gold
    now its disconnect after 5 mins of play
  • draco0167draco0167 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well I've patched up. The loading screen when I chose my character took about 15 mins and kept freezing up on a 'Patch'. Once loaded, I'm getting the staggered "Server Not Responding" messages and can't do anything.

    I have found that staying at the fleet starbase (Since there is low/no traffic from other players) doesn't have any issues at all after they've loaded. But it's a pain in the TRIBBLE to get there.

    Because I have actually fully reinstalled Windows, along with the game and video drivers, etc. I'm going to say that this is something Cryptic is going to have to resolve and that it's not something that is on our end. I'm just not sure why it's only happening to certain locations/accounts.

    Edit: I'm still on the loading screen showing a "Server Not Responding" for the last 450 seconds. I'm closing down to relaunch. But the issue does seem to be getting worse.
  • shanarrashanarra Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thought I'd post here too along with the ticket I just sent in. I too have been having continued every few seconds of server not responding and disconnects for approximately the last 14 hours. Talking with other people in game, others are having this issue as well. Hopefully PWI will eventually see there is an issue with more people sending in tickets and posting here to look into the problem and get it fixed. I'm a lifetime member, so that's not the issue of lifetimers not having this problem. It's obviously happening to a lot of people and most just not sending in tickets or posting about it.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I occaisonaly get "disconected from server" or the red "server not responding" timer when my internet connection is perfectly fine and with my firewall turned off so I know its nothing on my side since I will still be on teamspeak the whole time with high ping and I'll stream a video or something just to make sure my connection is still fast.

    If this is due to server capacity issues perhaps the devs should consider changing the auto logout time for AFKers to 30 mins or maybe even 15 mins, it should help a little at least.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • venkintovenkinto Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    exact same issue here. Big red SERVER NOT RESPONDING timeouts. Its making me crazy:mad:
  • hederick2011hederick2011 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I can't even get into game long enough to send a ticket about this issue. This is so stupid I mean is this going to be like the early version of ***? I mean is PWI not testing these patches before they throw them up?
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