I don't recall seeing these in the original list of commands, but I tried them last night /SpectatorNext
It jumps your camera to the next/previous Player on the current map. In sector space (I'm a nub at PvP so I don't know about ground maps) it's cross faction and I got to really look at some of the Tier 5 Klingon ships for the first time, I'd never noticed their Aegis set was red...
I didn't want to bind them to keys, but didn't want to type them out while playing, so I added sn and sp to my Star Trek Online\Live\LocalData\CommandAliases.txt File (if you don't use aliases they're really easy. Create a txt Document like the path above with that name. Then Edit it. the first 4 lines of mine are: Alias camp "logout"
Alias exit "quit"
Alias sn "SpectatorNext"
Alias sp "SpectatorPrevious"
That way when my brain reverts to WoW mode from a few years back, It still does the logout when I type /camp.
Can someone just explain to me how to connect all my tac abilities into one button and not go through the Computer Programming 101 lesson. If I have a tray and I put 10 tac abilities in that tray say tray ten, can someone for gods sakes just give me the code to tie all of them to the C button. Just write the code I don;t want to learn how to keybind just tell me how to do it
Can someone just explain to me how to connect all my tac abilities into one button and not go through the Computer Programming 101 lesson. If I have a tray and I put 10 tac abilities in that tray say tray ten, can someone for gods sakes just give me the code to tie all of them to the C button. Just write the code I don;t want to learn how to keybind just tell me how to do it
/bind alt+f4 AllCommands_SetTo_1 *.tac $$ group "I win button!"
Can someone just explain to me how to connect all my tac abilities into one button and not go through the Computer Programming 101 lesson. If I have a tray and I put 10 tac abilities in that tray say tray ten, can someone for gods sakes just give me the code to tie all of them to the C button. Just write the code I don;t want to learn how to keybind just tell me how to do it
While your request is doable. I can't seem to find a previous request by you, which makes me wonder why your choice of words in your request seem so rude and demanding. Remember we can't see you and we don't know if you're being sarcastic or funny without emoticons. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you were trying to be funny.
if you bind all 10 commands into a single bind, you'll wear out your 'c' key as it will not string together commands that initiate the global cool-down, about a half second. (e.g. any Boff or captain ability); however, it will work as a single bind. You'd just have to hit your 'c' key over and over and over and over...
what i have is 3 phasors in tray 10 spots 1-3 and a torp in tray 10 spot 4 (the 4 spots on the leftmost side of the tray)
after saving the file and loading it in STO
if i press the space key i get the msg
unknown command "?"
trayexecbytray requires 3 variables
syntax trayexecbytray <int><int><int>
hopefully someone can shed some light on what im doing wrong
Ok I've been reading through the other posts I think the flaw might be with wordpad or w/e the basic word editor is in win7 when I get home I'll open it in notepad an rewrite it
Btw will using the enter key to put binds on different lines cause any problems
The default keybind of Space is to fire all Phasers, so you didn't need to change the default:
Space GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers
The default keybind for Ctrl+Space is to fire all torpedoes, so you can use that instead of Alt+Space for firing your torps, as the default for Alt+Space is to fire all weapons.
Looking at your commands, I don't see anything with your syntax, as I just used it in my config without an issue.
Lastly, I always use Notepad to edit the keybinds, and I have a few dozen, so the Enter key never gives me a problem in that program.
what im trying to set up is so that it rotates fire through my phasors each time i press rather than firing all each time i press
in the event i want to target something that only needs one shot im not firing everything to take it out when a single shot will do
also i use ctrl for teamspeak push to talk so id rather not use that if i can avoid it
im still getting both errors i mentioned before even when using notepad
ok ive finally figured it out it was the space between $$ and + that was the problem
so now everythings working right? nope well kind of
i was hoping to have it set so that each press of the button would do 1 action so three phasors three presses however with this setup it will do the first two it can and then the third on the next press is there a way i can set it to do only one at a time?
also is there a way to reset the keybind?
for example if i have emergency power to weapons followed by my three weapons and i press the button several times and stoped so that the next press would be phasors could it reset so the next press would be emergency power to weapons?
i have also noticed that no matter which order i bind my high yield torp and fire torp the torp will always fire first is there a way i can delay firing for .5 of a second to allow high yield torp to become active first?
The keybinds don't actually reset, but they will always try to accomplish what has been bound to the key each time. Sometimes this means that some powers will not fire off each time and the key will need to be pressed multiple times.
Unfortunately for you, I don't think you can get the granularity you want with the keybinds. Since they are designed to map one or more powers to a key stroke, but without giving the "I win" button, there is no way to allow delays.
I would suggest a number of hardware/software solutions out there that can provide what you want. Logitech provides numerous options as does Razor. I am sure there are many more.
In regards to your anti-spam phaser power, I would suggest you put one fore and one aft phaser power in a single keybind. This way you can press it once and it will take care of your small target.
Your only real option for consistent reliable delays right now is getting a keyboard that has programmable macro keys or something like a nostromo pad and building them in that way.
Can ANyone give me a healing bind? Say for instance if i wanna do Shift+1 for player one in tray 5= 4 heals in tray 5
shift+2 for player 2 etc..
Thank you
Can ANyone give me a healing bind? Say for instance if i wanna do Shift+1 for player one in tray 5= 4 heals in tray 5
shift+2 for player 2 etc..
Thank you
Maybe it is because I am tired, but I am not following exactly what you are asking. So, that being said, you will get the answer to my interpretation of your question. Have Shift+1 launch heals for teammate 1 from tray 5 slot 4. Shift+2 for heals to player 2 in tray 5 slot 5.
If you want to add other heals/powers to each keybind, enter a "$$" following the last command, but prior to the quote symbol, followed by another +trayexecbytray command with the appropriate tray/slot combination. Remember that you need to subtract one from both the tray and slot numbers as STO starts numbering by zerio rather than one. So, tray 5 slot 4 is actually tray 4 slot 3.
Sorry if someone else has asked these questions, there is allot of posts here...
When I change my in game key binds, I lose the ability to set rally points to my BOffs, when trying to use the mouse to click the icon near their name/pic and even if I give a key to be assigned to the actual key bind "Set Rally Point" in the menus.
I saved my key bind file using your guide here, which is awesome btw, and reset to default and then load the file back to see if it was just bugged.
Short of me copying all the keys I got assigned to Key Binds now; hitting reset to default; then changing each one back to how I have them set up now till I lose the ability to set a rally point, is there a way to get my set rally point ability back OR IF I have to copy all the key binds down and reset them, is there something or a certain key bind I should not touch or change to keep from loosing the ability to set way points?
Hope my question makes sense...
One more for you, is there a way I can assign "Beam to ship" action to a key bind so I can hit a button instead of clicking the little icon in the upper corner of the map?
Thanks in advance and you have very helpful thread here and very useful.
I could be wrong, but changing your keybinds should have no effect on using the mouse to do anything, let alone setting a rally point. Did I misunderstand your question?
However, the second part is quite easy:
"genbuttonclick Minimap_Ripcord_Button"
Bind this to a key and you will easifly be able to leave ground or system areas.
But yeah it is not centered around the mouse, just the ability to set a way point using the mouse and clicking the icon to set a way point or making a key bind in the options menu to set a rally point.
Maybe if you want to you can do some trial and error and see for your self, and add it to the list of things, because if one person is having problems with it I am sure others will to or already have issues with them now.
ok ive finally figured it out it was the space between $$ and + that was the problem
so now everythings working right? nope well kind of
i was hoping to have it set so that each press of the button would do 1 action so three phasors three presses however with this setup it will do the first two it can and then the third on the next press is there a way i can set it to do only one at a time?
also is there a way to reset the keybind?
for example if i have emergency power to weapons followed by my three weapons and i press the button several times and stoped so that the next press would be phasors could it reset so the next press would be emergency power to weapons?
i have also noticed that no matter which order i bind my high yield torp and fire torp the torp will always fire first is there a way i can delay firing for .5 of a second to allow high yield torp to become active first?
Androshaforc, part 1, short answer: no. The delay you are experiencing has to do with activation time. However, in combat, that delay and the second press to activate #3 are negligible. You will notice the delay only when verifying the actions; they will not have any discernible negative affect.
part 2, to reset the keybinds you can do perform one of two options. First, enter the options menu:keybinds at the bottom there will be a "reset to default" (or something to that effect) button. That button will reset everything to the factory default. You can also reset individual keys via /keybind <key>, nothing else. That will clear the <key>.
The keybind function that is provided with the game is only that, a way to bind powers to individual keys. There are no macros, timers or logic that can be added to a key with this system.
Hey guys am I able to set a keybind to target my targets target?
Ok that sounds odd lol
The reason is I run an Escort, I while not a healer but obvioulsy I have them and APDelta.
I want to be able to have them used on the ally my target is firing on. Thus I can Heal/Buff myself or an ally on the fly.
I will have to check to see if it has changed with Season 5, but this should be the default method. If you use a heal power with an enemy targeted, it will heal your ally. I do know that at the current time if you use a weapon power with an ally targeted, it will fire on the ally's enemy target.
If they are on your team, the Fx keys are already setup for you. F1 is yourself, F2 is the first teammate, F3 is the second, etc..
Or, you can get really fancy and use Tranceaddict's keybind files as an example of how to create specific mappings for an individual power and teammate.
I apologize if this has been covered, I'm just returning to the game and there are a lot of posts here to read through.
I was able to bind my xbox d-pad up and right to move the selector (default R and T keys) around the ground power tray in shooter mode but I dont know how to bind the X, Y, and B buttons to work as left, right and middle click so I can activate whatever three powers I have moved the selector to.
I tried usetrayslot0 0 but that will always use whatever is in slot one, not what is selected when you move the box around the hotbar.
I was wondering can I toggle an action like "walk" so where I can hit the button once and my toon will walk till I hit that button again to stop walking? BUT can I make the button I want to toggle be the 4th mouse button, if so how would I enter in this key bind? What would be the command line I would need to enter?
I apologize if you answered this question or addressed it, just so many pages of helpful questions and tips and didnt know if toggling the mouse button, or using the mouse button with a key bind that is set to toggle, would have been asked before or not.
Thank you, while I am at it, for ALL this helpful information, even if you cannot answer or help me with my question!
Thank You.
Edit: Would this be the command line?
/bind <mouse button 4><toggle><walk>
alt+F9 "guild_who$$Fleet Howdy LSF!!! Good to see all your bright and shiny faces$$chan LSF Ping me if you need a fleet invite"
The above is one of my tells. The first part lets me know who is currently online in my fleet. The second sends my greeting to just our fleet, and the third goes to our channel so that if anyone made a new toon and needs to join can easily contact me.
So, you would probably replace "Fleet" with "Team" or "Local" so that your communication can be seen by your fellow players.
Now, the hard part would be for you to premake the instructions and remember which key is which... but if you have done the STF enough times you probably already know what to say. I would suggest having a different keybind file for each STF. You don't even need to recreate all of your commands in each file, just the tells need to be in the each one. Then only those will get overwritten and your normal keybinds stay the same. I would suggest creating a keybind to load each keybind file, with a specific tell to yourself so that you know that "Infected" is loaded, etc...
alt+b "bind_load_file infected.txt$$Playersay Ready for Infected"
alt+F9 "guild_who$$Fleet Howdy LSF!!! Good to see all your bright and shiny faces$$chan LSF Ping me if you need a fleet invite"
The above is one of my tells. The first part lets me know who is currently online in my fleet. The second sends my greeting to just our fleet, and the third goes to our channel so that if anyone made a new toon and needs to join can easily contact me.
So, you would probably replace "Fleet" with "Team" or "Local" so that your communication can be seen by your fellow players.
Now, the hard part would be for you to premake the instructions and remember which key is which... but if you have done the STF enough times you probably already know what to say. I would suggest having a different keybind file for each STF. You don't even need to recreate all of your commands in each file, just the tells need to be in the each one. Then only those will get overwritten and your normal keybinds stay the same. I would suggest creating a keybind to load each keybind file, with a specific tell to yourself so that you know that "Infected" is loaded, etc...
alt+b "bind_load_file infected.txt$$Playersay Ready for Infected"
I thank you, kind sir. Most appreciated.
If I wanted to make this command autotype with alt+i, how would I code that exactly? I just want to do this one command and save it in my space bindfile.
"Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
If I wanted to make this command autotype with alt+i, how would I code that exactly? I just want to do this one command and save it in my space bindfile.
"Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
alt+i "Local Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
I have not tried that long a string... so worse case is you would have to break it up.
Edit: Just in case you don't have a keybind file, which if you are doing an STF, you should, but anyway....
/bind alt+i "Local Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
Is there a command to fire fore and aft weapons seperately via key bind?
I don't believe there is a specific command for fore or aft, just phasers, torps, or all. That being said, if you put them in one of your trays, you could always make a keybind that activates just the fore, just the aft, or all your weapons.
It jumps your camera to the next/previous Player on the current map. In sector space (I'm a nub at PvP so I don't know about ground maps) it's cross faction and I got to really look at some of the Tier 5 Klingon ships for the first time, I'd never noticed their Aegis set was red...
I didn't want to bind them to keys, but didn't want to type them out while playing, so I added sn and sp to my Star Trek Online\Live\LocalData\CommandAliases.txt File (if you don't use aliases they're really easy. Create a txt Document like the path above with that name. Then Edit it. the first 4 lines of mine are:
Alias camp "logout"
Alias exit "quit"
Alias sn "SpectatorNext"
Alias sp "SpectatorPrevious"
That way when my brain reverts to WoW mode from a few years back, It still does the logout when I type /camp.
/bind alt+f4 AllCommands_SetTo_1 *.tac $$ group "I win button!"
While your request is doable. I can't seem to find a previous request by you, which makes me wonder why your choice of words in your request seem so rude and demanding. Remember we can't see you and we don't know if you're being sarcastic or funny without emoticons. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you were trying to be funny.
if you bind all 10 commands into a single bind, you'll wear out your 'c' key as it will not string together commands that initiate the global cool-down, about a half second. (e.g. any Boff or captain ability); however, it will work as a single bind. You'd just have to hit your 'c' key over and over and over and over...
/bind c "+Trayexecbytray 9 0$$+Trayexecbytray 9 1$$+Trayexecbytray 9 2$$+Trayexecbytray 9 3$$+Trayexecbytray 9 4$$+Trayexecbytray 9 5$$+Trayexecbytray 9 6$$+Trayexecbytray 9 7$$+Trayexecbytray 9 8$$+Trayexecbytray 9 9"
Heres the bind I'm trying to set up
space +TrayExecByTray 9 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 9 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 9 0
alt+space "+TrayExecByTray 9 3"
what i have is 3 phasors in tray 10 spots 1-3 and a torp in tray 10 spot 4 (the 4 spots on the leftmost side of the tray)
after saving the file and loading it in STO
if i press the space key i get the msg
unknown command "?"
trayexecbytray requires 3 variables
syntax trayexecbytray <int><int><int>
hopefully someone can shed some light on what im doing wrong
Ok I've been reading through the other posts I think the flaw might be with wordpad or w/e the basic word editor is in win7 when I get home I'll open it in notepad an rewrite it
Btw will using the enter key to put binds on different lines cause any problems
The default keybind of Space is to fire all Phasers, so you didn't need to change the default:
Space GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers
The default keybind for Ctrl+Space is to fire all torpedoes, so you can use that instead of Alt+Space for firing your torps, as the default for Alt+Space is to fire all weapons.
Looking at your commands, I don't see anything with your syntax, as I just used it in my config without an issue.
Lastly, I always use Notepad to edit the keybinds, and I have a few dozen, so the Enter key never gives me a problem in that program.
in the event i want to target something that only needs one shot im not firing everything to take it out when a single shot will do
also i use ctrl for teamspeak push to talk so id rather not use that if i can avoid it
im still getting both errors i mentioned before even when using notepad
so now everythings working right? nope well kind of
i was hoping to have it set so that each press of the button would do 1 action so three phasors three presses however with this setup it will do the first two it can and then the third on the next press is there a way i can set it to do only one at a time?
also is there a way to reset the keybind?
for example if i have emergency power to weapons followed by my three weapons and i press the button several times and stoped so that the next press would be phasors could it reset so the next press would be emergency power to weapons?
i have also noticed that no matter which order i bind my high yield torp and fire torp the torp will always fire first is there a way i can delay firing for .5 of a second to allow high yield torp to become active first?
Unfortunately for you, I don't think you can get the granularity you want with the keybinds. Since they are designed to map one or more powers to a key stroke, but without giving the "I win" button, there is no way to allow delays.
I would suggest a number of hardware/software solutions out there that can provide what you want. Logitech provides numerous options as does Razor. I am sure there are many more.
In regards to your anti-spam phaser power, I would suggest you put one fore and one aft phaser power in a single keybind. This way you can press it once and it will take care of your small target.
shift+2 for player 2 etc..
Thank you
Maybe it is because I am tired, but I am not following exactly what you are asking. So, that being said, you will get the answer to my interpretation of your question. Have Shift+1 launch heals for teammate 1 from tray 5 slot 4. Shift+2 for heals to player 2 in tray 5 slot 5.
For command line interface:
/bind Shift+1 "target_self$$+trayexecbytray 4 3"
/bind Shift+1 "targetteammate 1$$+trayexecbytray 4 4"
For bind file:
Shift+1 "target_self$$+trayexecbytray 4 3"
Shift+1 "targetteammate 1$$+trayexecbytray 4 4"
If you want to add other heals/powers to each keybind, enter a "$$" following the last command, but prior to the quote symbol, followed by another +trayexecbytray command with the appropriate tray/slot combination. Remember that you need to subtract one from both the tray and slot numbers as STO starts numbering by zerio rather than one. So, tray 5 slot 4 is actually tray 4 slot 3.
Have fun.
When I change my in game key binds, I lose the ability to set rally points to my BOffs, when trying to use the mouse to click the icon near their name/pic and even if I give a key to be assigned to the actual key bind "Set Rally Point" in the menus.
I saved my key bind file using your guide here, which is awesome btw, and reset to default and then load the file back to see if it was just bugged.
Short of me copying all the keys I got assigned to Key Binds now; hitting reset to default; then changing each one back to how I have them set up now till I lose the ability to set a rally point, is there a way to get my set rally point ability back OR IF I have to copy all the key binds down and reset them, is there something or a certain key bind I should not touch or change to keep from loosing the ability to set way points?
Hope my question makes sense...
One more for you, is there a way I can assign "Beam to ship" action to a key bind so I can hit a button instead of clicking the little icon in the upper corner of the map?
Thanks in advance and you have very helpful thread here and very useful.
However, the second part is quite easy:
"genbuttonclick Minimap_Ripcord_Button"
Bind this to a key and you will easifly be able to leave ground or system areas.
But yeah it is not centered around the mouse, just the ability to set a way point using the mouse and clicking the icon to set a way point or making a key bind in the options menu to set a rally point.
Maybe if you want to you can do some trial and error and see for your self, and add it to the list of things, because if one person is having problems with it I am sure others will to or already have issues with them now.
But if not thanks again for the info on beam out.
Androshaforc, part 1, short answer: no. The delay you are experiencing has to do with activation time. However, in combat, that delay and the second press to activate #3 are negligible. You will notice the delay only when verifying the actions; they will not have any discernible negative affect.
part 2, to reset the keybinds you can do perform one of two options. First, enter the options menu:keybinds at the bottom there will be a "reset to default" (or something to that effect) button. That button will reset everything to the factory default. You can also reset individual keys via /keybind <key>, nothing else. That will clear the <key>.
The keybind function that is provided with the game is only that, a way to bind powers to individual keys. There are no macros, timers or logic that can be added to a key with this system.
Ok that sounds odd lol
The reason is I run an Escort, I while not a healer but obvioulsy I have them and APDelta.
I want to be able to have them used on the ally my target is firing on. Thus I can Heal/Buff myself or an ally on the fly.
If they are on your team, the Fx keys are already setup for you. F1 is yourself, F2 is the first teammate, F3 is the second, etc..
Or, you can get really fancy and use Tranceaddict's keybind files as an example of how to create specific mappings for an individual power and teammate.
Hope that helps.
I mostly wanted a set key I can setup for it but now that I remember that I think I can do something with it.
I was able to bind my xbox d-pad up and right to move the selector (default R and T keys) around the ground power tray in shooter mode but I dont know how to bind the X, Y, and B buttons to work as left, right and middle click so I can activate whatever three powers I have moved the selector to.
I tried usetrayslot0 0 but that will always use whatever is in slot one, not what is selected when you move the box around the hotbar.
I apologize if you answered this question or addressed it, just so many pages of helpful questions and tips and didnt know if toggling the mouse button, or using the mouse button with a key bind that is set to toggle, would have been asked before or not.
Thank you, while I am at it, for ALL this helpful information, even if you cannot answer or help me with my question!
Thank You.
Edit: Would this be the command line?
/bind <mouse button 4><toggle><walk>
Edit #2:
Figured it out...
/bind button4 ++walk
Thanks for the thread!
Can anyone help with this?
alt+F9 "guild_who$$Fleet Howdy LSF!!! Good to see all your bright and shiny faces$$chan LSF Ping me if you need a fleet invite"
The above is one of my tells. The first part lets me know who is currently online in my fleet. The second sends my greeting to just our fleet, and the third goes to our channel so that if anyone made a new toon and needs to join can easily contact me.
So, you would probably replace "Fleet" with "Team" or "Local" so that your communication can be seen by your fellow players.
Now, the hard part would be for you to premake the instructions and remember which key is which... but if you have done the STF enough times you probably already know what to say. I would suggest having a different keybind file for each STF. You don't even need to recreate all of your commands in each file, just the tells need to be in the each one. Then only those will get overwritten and your normal keybinds stay the same. I would suggest creating a keybind to load each keybind file, with a specific tell to yourself so that you know that "Infected" is loaded, etc...
alt+b "bind_load_file infected.txt$$Playersay Ready for Infected"
I thank you, kind sir. Most appreciated.
If I wanted to make this command autotype with alt+i, how would I code that exactly? I just want to do this one command and save it in my space bindfile.
"Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
alt+i "Local Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
I have not tried that long a string... so worse case is you would have to break it up.
Edit: Just in case you don't have a keybind file, which if you are doing an STF, you should, but anyway....
/bind alt+i "Local Kill the cube first. After the cube is destroyed we will target the generators and prep to about 10% health each. Then, we will destroy all generators at the same time. Once the generators are destroyed we focus fire on the transformer."
I don't believe there is a specific command for fore or aft, just phasers, torps, or all. That being said, if you put them in one of your trays, you could always make a keybind that activates just the fore, just the aft, or all your weapons.