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slipstream ninjaing



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You can also bypass traffic jams

    I do that by avoiding major streets. :P Toronto traffic jams are a daily occurence every 5 minutes. :P
    Presbytier wrote: »
    P.S. If I put money into the ground will I reap a money tree?:D

    Isn't that what the Germans did during the depression? XD
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    A decent temporary fix, but in the end I'd rather they come up with a more interesting way to do clusters period.
    Preferably cooler looking too......

    The problem with that type of fix is that it would require new coding and new coding potentially means new bugs. The system they have in place is not broken it does not need fixed, however season 2 is buggy and those bugs have spread to just about everything else in the game. As soon as Cryptic gets a hold on those bugs we wont have the problems in B'Tran any more( Crosses my fingers and knocks on wood).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    While I'm thinking SSD on my car would be awesome-flavor ice cream covered in awesomesauce with an awesome cherry on top, the problem is that everyone on the road would have it too, and the entire ten-lane highway would be filled with Hondas and Hyundais and Toyotas all sheathed in weird green tubular glows and we're going Warp 20 in a 65 mph zone. Ponch and John are gonna be *torqued*.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    People's sense of entitlement is disturbing. What gives you any more right to an anomaly than someone else? That is rhetorical, you don't have any more right to it than they do.

    B'tran is overcrowded, absolutely, but there is nothing you can do about it. So until that gets fixed just get over it and find another anomaly if someone beats you to the first.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Foxrocks wrote:
    People's sense of entitlement is disturbing. What gives you any more right to an anomaly than someone else? That is rhetorical, you don't have any more right to it than they do.

    B'tran is overcrowded, absolutely, but there is nothing you can do about it. So until that gets fixed just get over it and find another anomaly if someone beats you to the first.

    Exactly. Like I said earlier, first come, first served.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Since getting to vice admiral I am now noticing an increase in ninjaing activities in the btran cluster vice admiral. people have been using their slip stream to steal scan anamlies right in front of me or to jump into an enemy system before I can get there or just as I get there they use slip stream to jump right in front of me. Has anyone else been encountering this? discuss.

    I see it occasionally but since the anomalies are an infinite resource it doesn't matter to me. I think calling it stealing is overstating it, I'd go with uncivil but this is the internet - users tend to leave their manners at the door. It is honestly small stuff, players will do far worse things to each other in an mmo than get to a resource node faster than you. Sit in Space Dock for ten minutes and read zone chat and you'll see what I mean.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    My suggestion, get over it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I've had this happen to me.

    And frankly I don't care. I do it too, seeing how its not a big deal to fly around for an extra 45 seconds to find another anomaly.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I cannot believe this thread is still going when the topic is so childish.

    'Waaaah waaaah guy is stealing my anoms waaaaaah'

    Q: What gives you 'right' to claim them ?

    A: Nothing, it is first come first serve.

    As the great and might EVE Online devs put it:

    If you had made a complaint about the fact there arent enough anoms to go around... then this might have been a worthwhile discussion however the solution has been given.

    A) Lower the cap on the exploration clusters - ALL OF THEM

    B) Increase the respawn timer on the anoms - ALL OF THEM

    It is more pronounced in B'Tran due to the large amount of folks at endgame but the diplomatic missions take folks out to the other clusters as well. We also have leveling toons which can make the other clusters get hit with over-population.

    I would rather see them all get fixed NOW rather than have this situation keep getting revisited as other areas become infested.

    Incidentally, the way Cryptic has done this I would have simply made the VA B'tran also complete the RA Missions fixed with the lower cap and increased spawn timer. That way every Vice Admiral can do their RA Daily, VA Daily, RA Explore, VA Explore in one straight go.
    It keeps the VAs out of the RA zone which should be restricted to VA only thus your VAs with slipstream cant be outrunning poor RAs that have slower warp etc.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have been doing this:D Makes it more exciting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Here's my two cents on why it is even happening in the first place...

    The first time I went into the VA Btran cluster I noticed two things: 1) There were probably 10 people in there as compared to the 5 I see in the RA Btran cluster and 2) the spawn rate on the systems/anomolies seemed to be at least the same rate as the RA or even lower.

    Bottom line - more people competing for less resources. Solution? Either increase the spawn rate for the above items or decrease the amount of players in the cluster at any given time.

    Will this eliminate slipstream ninjaing? No. Will it reduce it? I think so.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm not sure if these people are really even "Ninja"ing your nodes.

    Sometimes I use Slipstream in B'Tran to just cross the distance as quick as possible. I guess I can see where people would think others and I are trying to gobble up all the anomalies or whatever.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    J-Sheridan wrote:
    I cannot believe this thread is still going when the topic is so childish.

    'Waaaah waaaah guy is stealing my anoms waaaaaah'

    Q: What gives you 'right' to claim them ?

    A: Nothing, it is first come first serve.

    As the great and might EVE Online devs put it:

    If you had made a complaint about the fact there arent enough anoms to go around... then this might have been a worthwhile discussion however the solution has been given.

    A) Lower the cap on the exploration clusters - ALL OF THEM

    B) Increase the respawn timer on the anoms - ALL OF THEM

    It is more pronounced in B'Tran due to the large amount of folks at endgame but the diplomatic missions take folks out to the other clusters as well. We also have leveling toons which can make the other clusters get hit with over-population.

    I would rather see them all get fixed NOW rather than have this situation keep getting revisited as other areas become infested.

    Incidentally, the way Cryptic has done this I would have simply made the VA B'tran also complete the RA Missions fixed with the lower cap and increased spawn timer. That way every Vice Admiral can do their RA Daily, VA Daily, RA Explore, VA Explore in one straight go.
    It keeps the VAs out of the RA zone which should be restricted to VA only thus your VAs with slipstream cant be outrunning poor RAs that have slower warp etc.

    I'd like to add that people leveling their captains can't stay to just mission content because it just doesn't exist - to many gaps in the content. So we have all this overlap in one little "box" of an area.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Should I be in here?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    J-Sheridan wrote:
    I cannot believe this thread is still going when the topic is so childish.

    'Waaaah waaaah guy is stealing my anoms waaaaaah'

    Q: What gives you 'right' to claim them ?

    A: Nothing, it is first come first serve.

    As the great and might EVE Online devs put it:

    If you had made a complaint about the fact there arent enough anoms to go around... then this might have been a worthwhile discussion however the solution has been given.

    A) Lower the cap on the exploration clusters - ALL OF THEM

    B) Increase the respawn timer on the anoms - ALL OF THEM

    It is more pronounced in B'Tran due to the large amount of folks at endgame but the diplomatic missions take folks out to the other clusters as well. We also have leveling toons which can make the other clusters get hit with over-population.

    I would rather see them all get fixed NOW rather than have this situation keep getting revisited as other areas become infested.

    Incidentally, the way Cryptic has done this I would have simply made the VA B'tran also complete the RA Missions fixed with the lower cap and increased spawn timer. That way every Vice Admiral can do their RA Daily, VA Daily, RA Explore, VA Explore in one straight go.
    It keeps the VAs out of the RA zone which should be restricted to VA only thus your VAs with slipstream cant be outrunning poor RAs that have slower warp etc.

    Should I be in here?

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Stormshade
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This thread seems to have gone off the deep end fast.

    Personally, I think "first come, first serve" is reasonable. Anyone is free to use their own slipstream to try to get a shot an anomaly.

    Contrary to popular thought, most game developers I've seen talk about the subject like to foster competition and rivalry outside of the standard PvP venue and that is one reason why we have mini-games, an auction house, etc. Combat is one form of PvP and one that I DO think is best left restricted or optional but I think it's also essential for people to interact in non-cooperative ways as much as possible, as many different ways as possible, so long as it doesn't drastically disrupt the game, irreparably damaging hours of play.

    If someone causes you a couple of minutes of frustration, it's a good thing that you were forced to acknowledge them and you should try to learn from it and compete back if the opportunity arises. Otherwise, it might as well be a single player game or an online co-op.

    Competing for resources and momentary inconveniences caused by competitive players are a good thing, something to relish.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Should I be in here?

    I haven't posted in a long awhile mainly because the level of nastyiness and thugness from you guys which is typical of wow players which i'm starting to now see on star trek online (which probably means you guys were banned from wow because of your jerk behavior) was just too much and you began to bore me but I thought I'd come back and just check it out and rather it was worth it for a good laugh. You guys were busy mouthing off thinking I was still posting which I wasn't until now. But feel free to continue to run off at the mouth and flaunt your epeen and i'll be back to post in a couple of days to read your wow style e-thug comments and get a good laugh. have a good night. By the way i'm quoting two people. One person's quote and the other person's rant.

    You really are worth a good laugh. I am amazed at how you have somehow convinced yourself that you are some victim of thuggery. You have been nothing but rude and hostile to several people on this forum. But oh well it is the internet and we have no idea who the other person is.The funny thing is we could be neighbors, or siblings, or any other combination of people.

    I just hope you realize that your cry for civility was nothing more than a charlatans plea. It is obvious you never had any intention on having a serious discussion about the topic you started. You only wanted people to agree with your rant, and when it become obvious that people disagreed with you; like a cornered viper you showed your fangs.

    The internet is a funny place. It is faceless, so we feel that we are invincible; nobody can touch us. But the funny thing is words are much more powerful than any fist. We can never escape the power of words.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Presbytier wrote: »
    You really are worth a good laugh. I am amazed at how you have somehow convinced yourself that you are some victim of thuggery. You have been nothing but rude and hostile to several people on this forum. But oh well it is the internet and we have no idea who the other person is.The funny thing is we could be neighbors, or siblings, or any other combination of people.

    I just hope you realize that your cry for civility was nothing more than a charlatans plea. It is obvious you never had any intention on having a serious discussion about the topic you started. You only wanted people to agree with your rant, and when it become obvious that people disagreed with you; like a cornered viper you showed your fangs.

    The internet is a funny place. It is faceless, so we feel that we are invincible; nobody can touch us. But the funny thing is words are much more powerful than any fist. We can never escape the power of words.

    I think you are confusing me with yourself presbytier. And everytime I've told you off you've tried to tell me that wasn't the case and tried to make an arguement saying that wasn't the case. your the one thats worth the laugh. I left wow because it is filled with jerks like you and slowly but surely this game is getting filled with people like you. The only person I was out right rude to was you and anyone in this thread like you. I have nothing but contempt for players like you in games like this who try to push me around. Your kind thrives on picking on people in these types of games especially in world of warcraft and now your type is trying to completely take over this game.

    But just to let you know a secret presbytier, I have the right to play this game too whether you like it or not and there's not a damn thing you or the other jerks in this game can do about it.

    And in regards to what you said earlier to me; yes you do have a problem with me; your type doesn't think I deserve to play the game; your type doesn't think I deserve anything and your type enjoys picking on people and you thrive on it. It feeds you for some reason. as I said a moment ago but I feel I need to repeat it again; I dealt with your type in world of warcraft and I'm saddened that Star trek online is slowly being destroyed by players like you. Is that the drama you wanted to see unfold in this thread presbytier? Does this make you happy? I mean this is the kind of stuff you thrive on right? In your online and real life right? Its what keeps you going right?

    Good night!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    that's odd that you say that because when i was on my soverign the other day the option was not available

    Check your powers menu. You have it, it obviously just wasn't on your quick bars.
    Jasos wrote:
    Honestly though, this entire situation is completely ridiculous to begin with.

    Cramming 1/2 the server into a B'Tran zone was a wonderful idea, I mean seriously, there are more players than anomalies!

    This is the problem, not QSD. Too many people per instance, not enough anomalies. It's even worse in on the Klingon side where you have no scanning and instead of scan-anomalies you have dummies that do absolutely nothing but waste your time.

    I actually have to ask what the point of having Explorable spots disappear then re-spawn is exactly. It just creates some inane, pointless and monotonous version of "competition" in a place where none belongs. This isn't PvP, nor is there some ultimate limit on the amount of these explorable systems a player can find. All this "competition" does is waste people's time for no logical reason. I can absolutely see the scan-able anomalies doing this, to stop players from stocking up, but the explorable areas respawn at a rate where, on average, you can go in, finish the mission, and come out and have it ready for you again (assuming no one scooped the respawn up while you were completing the mission).

    So... why have them "consumable?" It serves no real purpose other than to annoy players.

    Long story short: The problem isn't with QSD, the problem is with the pointless consume/respawn mechanic applied to the Exploration Missions.
    Presbytier wrote: »
    Doesn't EA own the studio that makes Ultima now.

    EA has owned Origin Systems, the creators of the Ultima license, since '92. They closed it's doors in 2004 and moved production of UO to Mythic. Obviously they still own the Ultima License, and have since Ultima VII. The last non-EA published Ultima game was VI: The False Prophet, which was self-published by Origin.

    God I miss the pre-EA single player Ultima days. Exodus to The False Prophet were awesome (everything before and after that stint... not so much). Actually, for those interested Spoony, of The Spoony Experiment, is doing an Ultima series retrospective.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I think you are confusing me with yourself presbytier. And everytime I've told you off you've tried to tell me that wasn't the case and tried to make an arguement saying that wasn't the case. your the one thats worth the laugh. I left wow because it is filled with jerks like you and slowly but surely this game is getting filled with people like you. The only person I was out right rude to was you and anyone in this thread like you. I have nothing but contempt for players like you in games like this who try to push me around. Your kind thrives on picking on people in these types of games especially in world of warcraft and now your type is trying to completely take over this game.

    But just to let you know a secret presbytier, I have the right to play this game too whether you like it or not and there's not a damn thing you or the other jerks in this game can do about it.

    And in regards to what you said earlier to me; yes you do have a problem with me; your type doesn't think I deserve to play the game; your type doesn't think I deserve anything and your type enjoys picking on people and you thrive on it. It feeds you for some reason. as I said a moment ago but I feel I need to repeat it again; I dealt with your type in world of warcraft and I'm saddened that Star trek online is slowly being destroyed by players like you.

    Good night!

    I have no problem with you playing this game. For some reason you took my disagreement with your position as a personal attack on you. No one is trying to bully you. I really do not understand you. You come on here acting like you have been victimized when it is you who are calling people names and threating to report anybody who disagreed with your position. I just asked you a question. Why should Cryptic limit a player from using a new power that they gave him just because it gives them a slight advantage over you? You still have not answered that. Instead you seem to have embarked on some ludicrous self-righteous campaign to prove that you are the better person.

    So what will it be; will we ever have a civil conversation as you have claimed to desire or will we continue this pointless back and forth banter ad-nauseam?:confused:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Presbytier wrote: »
    I have no problem with you playing this game. For some reason you took my disagreement with your position as a personal attack on you. No one is trying to bully you. I really do not understand you. You come on here acting like you have been victimized when it is you who are calling people names and threating to report anybody who disagreed with your position. I just asked you a question. Why should Cryptic limit a player from using a new power that they gave him just because it gives them a slight advantage over you? You still have not answered that. Instead you seem to have embarked on some ludicrous self-righteous campaign to prove that you are the better person.

    So what will it be; will we ever have a civil conversation as you have claimed to desire or will we continue this pointless back and forth banter ad-nauseam?:confused:

    I answered your question over 10 pages ago but yet you refuse to acknowledge it and yet you continue to have a problem with me and wage a personal vendetta against me. Your a broken record. I never said I was victimized. I never called anyone names. I never threated to report anyone except for one person. You and I stopped being civil to one another when you got nasty with me first. No one is on a self righteous campaign but yourself to prove your going to try and continue to bully me over this game and try and force me to get mad enough to quit the game. Or what's the other one that you guys from wow like to do? Oh wait I know you'd like me to kill myself am I right? Why don't you tell me to kill myself? Isn't that what you guys usually come back with? When you guys have gotten tired of mouthing off? You resort to telling people to off themselves? I cut you off before you could make fun of my mother so i guess you don't have anything left but that one.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Presbytier wrote: »
    I have no problem with you playing this game. For some reason you took my disagreement with your position as a personal attack on you. No one is trying to bully you. I really do not understand you. You come on here acting like you have been victimized when it is you who are calling people names and threating to report anybody who disagreed with your position. I just asked you a question. Why should Cryptic limit a player from using a new power that they gave him just because it gives them a slight advantage over you? You still have not answered that. Instead you seem to have embarked on some ludicrous self-righteous campaign to prove that you are the better person.

    So what will it be; will we ever have a civil conversation as you have claimed to desire or will we continue this pointless back and forth banter ad-nauseam?:confused:

    Where the OP is concerned, I believe the phrase "Whine for peace, snivel for justice." comes to mind. He has no intention of having a civil debate on the subject. He is simply looking for attention and for people to agree with him and only him in some self-indulgent attempt to appease his own over-inflated ego and delusional sense of entitlement. He clearly can't handle the fact that people disagree with his flawed, infantile arguements

    I believe he could benefit greatly from a healthy dose of reality and/or perhaps a swift kick in the behind. ;) :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I answered your question over 10 pages ago but yet you refuse to acknowledge it and yet you continue to have a problem with me and wage a personal vendetta against me. Your a broken record. I never said I was victimized. I never called anyone names. I never threated to report anyone except for one person. You and I stopped being civil to one another when you got nasty with me first. No one is on a self righteous campaign but yourself to prove your going to try and continue to bully me over this game and try and force me to get mad enough to quit the game. Or what's the other one that you guys from wow like to do? Oh wait I know you'd like me to kill myself am I right? Why don't you tell me to kill myself? Isn't that what you guys usually come back with? When you guys have gotten tired of mouthing off? You resort to telling people to off themselves? I cut you off before you could make fun of my mother so i guess you don't have anything left but that one.

    First and foremost I have never bullied anyone on these forums second I would never recommend someone to commit suicide; frankly I think you must be sick. I do not make fun of peoples mothers I am an adult for goodness sake. I will admit that I keep responding to you only for curiosities sake. People like you amaze me. You have to live in some type of self-delusional world; you have completely convinced yourself you have done no wrong here.

    Also I have never gotten nasty towards you; if I did then prove it. You never did answer the question even though you have claimed to. Finally I never played WoW longer than the 14 day trial.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sovereign wrote: »
    Where the OP is concerned, I believe the phrase "Whine for peace, snivel for justice." comes to mind. He has no intention of having a civil debate on the subject. He is simply looking for people to agree with him and only him in some self-indulgent attempt to appease his own over-inflated ego and delusional sense of entitlement. He clearly can't handle the fact that people disagree with his flawed, infantile arguements

    I believe he could benefit greatly from a healthy dose of reality and/or perhaps a swift kick in the behind. ;) :rolleyes:

    Good we got some good wow elitists here who like to argue and thrive on conflict let's keep it up bullies and jerks keep it up I love your pitiful attempts to try and run me down. keep it up. your making me laugh.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Good we got some good wow elitists here who like to argue and thrive on conflict let's keep it up bullies and jerks keep it up I love your pitiful attempts to try and run me down. keep it up. your making me laugh.

    Oh, silly child, I've never played WoW. I don't slum it with neanderthals. ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Presbytier wrote: »
    First and foremost I have never bullied anyone on these forums second I would never recommend someone to commit suicide; frankly I think you must be sick. I do not make fun of peoples mothers I am an adult for goodness sake. I will admit that I keep responding to you only for curiosities sake. People like you amaze me. You have to live in some type of self-delusional world; you have completely convinced yourself you have done no wrong here.

    Also I have never gotten nasty towards you; if I did then prove it. You never did answer the question even though you have claimed to. Finally I never played WoW longer than the 14 day trial.

    Please keep on responding and deluding your self bro. your the one who is sick. your just like my neigjhbor. she thrives on conflict and yeah you probably would reccommend someone kill themselves. I know your type all too well. You and soverign both. Just from the way you two fools type. I have done no wrong here. I posted an original article you came into MY THREAD got rude and didn't expect me to respond kept nagging at me until I did and then you were surprised when I finally did. so please stop acting like you were just slapped for continuing to nag at me. I did answer the question. but I'll answer it again. In the clusters it should be turned off because thats not really like normal sector space. Happy pres or would you like to argue and fight some more and would you and soverign like to run me down some more? Or if you give me a few minutes or so i'm sure I could think of some violent thoughts I could put into your head for you to say to me.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The thread was TL;DR but slipstream should be disabled in cluster space and only usable in true sector space. Something about unstable phenomena in the uncharted region or something like that. Should be a simple fix, really.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    sovereign wrote: »
    Oh, silly child, I've never played WoW. I don't slum it with neanderthals. ;)

    Oh silly girly boy if you didn't want to fight you shouldn't have started mouthing off :) but like I told pres that's what your type thrives on. If you don't have no one to argue with your not happy. You guys kept posting rude comments until I finally gave in and came back and started posting again but hey its what your type likes to keep people fighting with you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I sympathised with you at first, man.

    But if this is the way your arguing, why DID you make this thread anyway? It seems to me it would have been better off with your 1st post, then locked. Because for some reason others cant pose other opinions. Granted some are pretty snide, but not all are.

    Labeling us elitists isnt going to help you either. Because they way your acting, its elitist. You're trying to cram out anyone in this thread who doesnt agree with you. Isnt that elitist?

    Chillax man.

    Or i'll park my nomad on you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Please keep on responding and deluding your self bro. your the one who is sick. your just like my neigjhbor. she thrives on conflict and yeah you probably would reccommend someone kill themselves. I know your type all too well. You and soverign both. Just from the way you two fools type. I have done no wrong here. I posted an original article you came into MY THREAD got rude and didn't expect me to respond kept nagging at me until I did and then you were surprised when I finally did. so please stop acting like you were just slapped for continuing to nag at me. I did answer the question. but I'll answer it again. In the clusters it should be turned off because thats not really like normal sector space. Happy pres or would you like to argue and fight some more and would you and soverign like to run me down some more? Or if you give me a few minutes or so i'm sure I could think of some violent thoughts I could put into your head for you to say to me.

    If you were so concerned about our negative response to your nonsensical post(s), why didn't you just put us on ignore? Seems to me you're just fanning your own flames and pouring gasoline on it for good measure. Just a thought. ;)
This discussion has been closed.