I understand why you're saying what you are. However, the bonus items were just that, bonuses, or incentives, and they were exclusive for a time. What you paid for when you bought the Champions Online Lifetime Sub, and the Star Trek Online Lifetime Sub were the ability to play those games for the life of the game, and never have to pay for those games again.
You'll be able to play both of those games for years to come, and to me, that's where the value of the Lifetime Sub lies. It's not in the Mirror Universe Uniform perk, the Liberated Borg Species, or any other special perk.
Meanwhile, lots of other players were wanting some of those items, and missed out on the opportunity to get them. We feel that allowing those players the opportunity to get them is a good thing.
Bill and I have both posted over on the Champions boards to respond to questions raised by microtransactions. I'll just reiterate what's already been copied and pasted from Bill's State of the Game address on Champions:
The vast majority are aesthetic items, such as costume pieces, action figures, emblems, etc.
A very few are account-level management tools, such as being able to rename a character
Micro-transactions should never limit your ability to enjoy the game or reach the level cap
Any micro-transaction that has a game effect can also be earned in the game through play
I'm pretty sure they don't consider it a change from that policy. As far as they're concerned, so long as you can get an equivalent or better item in game, they've satisfied that stipulation.
I'm pretty sure they don't consider it a change from that policy. As far as they're concerned, so long as you can get an equivalent or better item in game, they've satisfied that stipulation.
That is not what is says. It says, if it has an in-game effect, it will can be earned in-game. Not, an equivalent or better, IT can be earned in-game. There is a difference.
That is not what is says. It says, if it has an in-game effect, it will can be earned in-game. Not, an equivalent or better, IT can be earned in-game. There is a difference.
And yet, that is not how they have since described the policy, which they insist has not changed.
Regardless of whether or not you or I think it has actually changed, if they do not think they've changed policy, then I would not base your hopes upon it as an example.
And yet, that is not how they have since described the policy, which they insist has not changed.
Regardless of whether or not you or I think it has actually changed, if they do not think they've changed policy, then I would not base your hopes upon it as an example.
Where, exactly, did they "insist" their policy hasn't changed?
What we promised is that any item which does have an in-game effect will also have something of equal power available for free, in-game. We have not broken those promises yet, the refits of the Galaxy, Intrepid and Defiant, will be of equal power to the Galaxy X, which is the only item currently on the c-store which offers a major advantage.
As I said, whether or not you think their policy changed, obviously they do not.
That is debatable, the fact that one moderator made a comment, that he didn't fully explain, doesn't count as Cryptic's attitude toward a subject. It counts as the moderator's unexplained comment.
Heck, Jack Emmert, at the 2008 Game Developer's Conference called Microtransactions "The Biggest bunch of nonsense" then in an interview this year praised them.
Lastly, maybe he didn't even know about that quote. He could be referring to another quote. Until they actually say something, this is all conjecture.
That is debatable, the fact that one moderator made a comment, that he didn't fully explain, doesn't count as Cryptic's attitude toward a subject. It counts as the moderator's unexplained comment.
Heck, Jack Emmert, at the 2008 Game Developer's Conference called Microtransactions "The Biggest bunch of nonsense" then in an interview this year praised them.
Lastly, maybe he didn't even know about that quote. He could be referring to another quote. Until they actually say something, this is all conjecture.
They did actually say something, and he explained it quite well. StormShade is not the only one to make this kind of statement. Dshtal who is now in charge has explained their policy on that the same way.
But hey, if you want to continue to hope they're going to do a complete 180 and give a whole bunch of people free stuff for no reason, you're welcome to that. It's a free country.
They did actually say something, and he explained it quite well. StormShade is not the only one to make this kind of statement. Dshtal who is now in charge has explained their policy on that the same way.
But hey, if you want to continue to hope they're going to do a complete 180 and give a whole bunch of people free stuff for no reason, you're welcome to that. It's a free country.
Applying the same concept too two groups of people with almost the same problem is just so unreasonable.
By the way, where is Mr. Stahl's explanation of their contradictory policy?
While I understand WHY you would feel like this there is nothing Cryptic have done wrong here. It's all just plain old business and this is how the corporate wheel goes.
I have 3 boxes of STO, and I was a LTS pre-order customer and im quite happy to say it doesn't bother me in the slightest that someone may have got a 'better' deal a few weeks/months after I made my initial purchases.
The fact is this, Cryptic had offers and deals for a product they deemed worthy of that price at the time. As time goes by products tend to lose 'quality' over a space of time (general marketing trend) and as such things become cheaper. It was my decision whether I deemed the goods worthy or not at the time to pay for them.
Besides, other than the boxes that I bought for exclusives why would I pay £150 or whatever it was for a Liberated Borg? I paid that cash for the lifetime subscription, the borg was a bonus (which I havnt even used).
Im sorry you dislike the way this has gone but thats just business and im afraid it wont be the only time in you're life you will experience this.
Back then I made a point that the Galaxy X is a type of ship that we would be making more of as part of Season 2. There will be other T5 ships available in game (not for cryptic points) that you'll be able to pick up and they will offer unique advantages/disadvantages just like the Galaxy X.
The reasoning behing the C-Store team putting the Galaxy X up for CP is the same reason that the pre-order items are available - people have asked for an easier way to get them (because getting 5 friends to subscribe to any game is pretty difficult I have to agree).
My expectation would be that those picking up the ship this weekend would be doing so because they really like the idea of flying around in one not because it is OP or game breaking. I think the other T5 ships coming in Season 2 will be just as viable, and in some cases better than the Galaxy X.
You're right. Let's take the money away from the Galaxy X people.
As to their contradictory policy, it has come up a number of times. A quick search netted this post:
That doesn't answer the question of how their policy has changed. They have never addressed the issue, they ignore it. An absense of an actual response does not always indicate an answer.
It does however indicate how they view "equal"
All 3 Ships have 1 unique power (Ablative Hull, Cloak, Saucer Sep)
That doesn't answer the question of how their policy has changed. They have never addressed the issue, they ignore it. An absense of an actual response does not always indicate an answer.
It does however indicate how they view "equal"
All 3 Ships have 1 unique power (Ablative Hull, Cloak, Saucer Sep)
The C-Store Gal-X has 2 (Cloak AND Phaser Lance)
I gave you two Dev responses, one of which directly addresses the issue. Their answers are, essentially, "our policy has not changed" and "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you."
It seems like you are unwilling to accept anything other than a direct answer to you specifically because they've made it abundantly clear what their position is through conversations with other people who raised these issues long before you made this thread.
how about this, the "Exclusive" is that you got your bonuses for free with the game purchase, everyone who didn't had to pay extra to buy them in the C-Store. So stop whining and be glad you didn't have to pay extra for that stuff. I bought the DDE and the CE so I could get all that cool bonus stuff from the start, I knew full well that it might end up as microtransaction stuff later, and I didn't care, all that matters is I got that stuff way before the other people did.
I have tried to do this through contact with Cryptic, but unfortunately, they have no customer support and do not respond to any of my messages. And according to one of the Devs, this is where I should put it.
I suggest you stop wasting your time with the forums, PM's to Dev's, Marketing and GM's and do a Consumerist model and go directly to executive management with a letter and a phone call requesting a meeting to discuss your issue.
I gave you two Dev responses, one of which directly addresses the issue. Their answers are, essentially, "our policy has not changed" and "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you."
It seems like you are unwilling to accept anything other than a direct answer to you specifically because they've made it abundantly clear what their position is through conversations with other people who raised these issues long before you made this thread.
No, all it means is that they have changed their policy. You are making an unjustified inference. When a company makes a policy, and then a year later no longer follows that policy, they have changed their policy. Just because they talk about their new policy doesn't mean they don't think they have changed it. If they think "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you.", then they never should have compensated RAFers, yet they did.
how about this, the "Exclusive" is that you got your bonuses for free with the game purchase, everyone who didn't had to pay extra to buy them in the C-Store. So stop whining and be glad you didn't have to pay extra for that stuff. I bought the DDE and the CE so I could get all that cool bonus stuff from the start, I knew full well that it might end up as microtransaction stuff later, and I didn't care, all that matters is I got that stuff way before the other people did.
I did pay extra. I HAD to Preorder and buy the game without any type of Demo or Review or anything. And I had to pay full price. Had I not preordered, I could have gotten it at a significantly reduced price AND paid a little extra for the exclusives, It wasn't free.
I suggest you stop wasting your time with the forums, PM's to Dev's, Marketing and GM's and do a Consumerist model and go directly to executive management with a letter and a phone call requesting a meeting to discuss your issue.
I would love to do that if their phone system didn't tell me they no longer have phone support and they never answered two messages I left them. Believe me, that was my first route, certainly not through the Devs or these forums.
How many times does someone have to give you the answer. If it was hard to understand what they meant let me sum it up for you NO, ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. If you dont like it theirs the door. Move on with your life and get over yourself. The reason I betting the cryptic does not respond to you is youre the little boy who cried wolf. And I have a question for you do honestly think if you go-around the forums posting cryptic didnt do this or cryptic shouldnt do that or cryptic owes me this or that. Do you think theyre going to give in and compensate you or do you think there just going to get fed up with you and just banned you?
Hey, if you don't like it, you don't have to post on this thread. Nobody is making you come read this, you don't like my idea, you can leave and go post in some other forums.
Btw, what can they ban me for? Putting forth an idea? Trying to give Cryptic away to earn more money?
Honestly, if you don't like this thread, leave! Move on from the fact that you and others have a different opinion. There is the door, nobody is making you stay in this thread. Trolling will not change anything.
Exactly what about this is "the boy who cried wolf", a story about how excessive lying leads to death?
Hey, if you don't like it, you don't have to post on this thread. Nobody is making you come read this, you don't like my idea, you can leave and go post in some other forums.
Btw, what can they ban me for? Putting forth an idea? Trying to give Cryptic away to earn more money?
Honestly, if you don't like this thread, leave! There is the door, nobody is making you stay in this thread.
I will leave this post because you are right about that and I do apologies for losing my temper (once again its Saturday and Im stuck at work and not playing the game I like) but by that same accord you need to stop posting in other threads about the c-store or any of its polices when that thread has nothing to do with it. I really enjoy playing this game but you seem to want nothing more to get people to stop playing. A new person comes in last week and asked how the game is and basically you tell him it mediocre at best then go in to one of your little rants about the c-store. Let people come to their own conclusion on the game and STO. You need to stop going around telling every your opinion like its facts its not its your opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion but let them make up their own minds. if everyone started doing what you are doing then we would all be SOL on STO because no new players would come (here I am ranting on about your ranting on god I hate working on Saturday)
No, all it means is that they have changed their policy. You are making an unjustified inference. When a company makes a policy, and then a year later no longer follows that policy, they have changed their policy. Just because they talk about their new policy doesn't mean they don't think they have changed it. If they think "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you.", then they never should have compensated RAFers, yet they did.
I am not inferring anything. They have repeatedly stated what they think their policy is. Just because you disagree that their clarification of that policy isn't a change in that policy, does not alter the fact that they do not see a conflict or a change having occurred. Why are they going to address something they do not think happened other than to repeat, again, "we have not changed our policy"?
Galaxy X was a different situation, so you really need to get over that.
I will leave this post because you are right about that and I do apologies for losing my temper (once again its Saturday and Im stuck at work and not playing the game I like) but by that same accord you need to stop posting in other threads about the c-store or any of its polices when that thread has nothing to do with it. I really enjoy playing this game but you seem to want nothing more to get people to stop playing. A new person comes in last week and asked how the game is and basically you tell him it mediocre at best then go in to one of your little rants about the c-store. Let people come to their own conclusion on the game and STO. You need to stop going around telling every your opinion like its facts its not its your opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion but let them make up their own minds. if everyone started doing what you are doing then we would all be SOL on STO because no new players would come (here I am ranting on about your ranting on god I hate working on Saturday)
The OP asked if there was anything he should know about the game. I told him my honest to god impression of the game and Cryptic's policies. He asked, I answered.
I am not inferring anything. They have repeatedly stated what they think their policy is. Just because you disagree that their clarification of that policy isn't a change in that policy, does not alter the fact that they do not see a conflict or a change having occurred. Why are they going to address something they do not think happened other than to repeat, again, "we have not changed our policy"?
Galaxy X was a different situation, so you really need to get over that.
You are inferring that just because they mention their policy and have never SAID it has been changed, they automatically think it hasn't changed. That is an inference. How do you know internally, it has changed and Stormshade was pointing out the person's "misquote" because it clashed with their new policy? You are inferring they don't think it has changed, when they very well could have. Point out exactly where they have said "We have not changed our policy". You are INFERRING from their statements they are trying to say that.
Their is a slight difference between Gal-X and this, you need to get over that.
I suspect the non-answer is your answer
Or they just haven't seen it. Faith is important.
Cryptic has shown that they like to change their mind about stuff. Go see the C-Store.
You asked for the Dev response. That was the response to everyone who wanted compensation for those items.
This was the response to a question about the C-Store:
They changed that, I hope they change this.
I'm pretty sure they don't consider it a change from that policy. As far as they're concerned, so long as you can get an equivalent or better item in game, they've satisfied that stipulation.
That is not what is says. It says, if it has an in-game effect, it will can be earned in-game. Not, an equivalent or better, IT can be earned in-game. There is a difference.
And yet, that is not how they have since described the policy, which they insist has not changed.
Regardless of whether or not you or I think it has actually changed, if they do not think they've changed policy, then I would not base your hopes upon it as an example.
Where, exactly, did they "insist" their policy hasn't changed?
Oh I dunno...maybe when Storm Shade closed that thread that you made a big deal about the misquote in?
He claimed a "misquote", which it most certainly was not.
As for the second statement, that is directly contradicted by their own quote. That means they changed their policy.
As I said, whether or not you think their policy changed, obviously they do not.
That is debatable, the fact that one moderator made a comment, that he didn't fully explain, doesn't count as Cryptic's attitude toward a subject. It counts as the moderator's unexplained comment.
Heck, Jack Emmert, at the 2008 Game Developer's Conference called Microtransactions "The Biggest bunch of nonsense" then in an interview this year praised them.
Lastly, maybe he didn't even know about that quote. He could be referring to another quote. Until they actually say something, this is all conjecture.
They did actually say something, and he explained it quite well. StormShade is not the only one to make this kind of statement. Dshtal who is now in charge has explained their policy on that the same way.
But hey, if you want to continue to hope they're going to do a complete 180 and give a whole bunch of people free stuff for no reason, you're welcome to that. It's a free country.
Applying the same concept too two groups of people with almost the same problem is just so unreasonable.
By the way, where is Mr. Stahl's explanation of their contradictory policy?
I have 3 boxes of STO, and I was a LTS pre-order customer and im quite happy to say it doesn't bother me in the slightest that someone may have got a 'better' deal a few weeks/months after I made my initial purchases.
The fact is this, Cryptic had offers and deals for a product they deemed worthy of that price at the time. As time goes by products tend to lose 'quality' over a space of time (general marketing trend) and as such things become cheaper. It was my decision whether I deemed the goods worthy or not at the time to pay for them.
Besides, other than the boxes that I bought for exclusives why would I pay £150 or whatever it was for a Liberated Borg? I paid that cash for the lifetime subscription, the borg was a bonus (which I havnt even used).
Im sorry you dislike the way this has gone but thats just business and im afraid it wont be the only time in you're life you will experience this.
You're right. Let's take the money away from the Galaxy X people.
As to their contradictory policy, it has come up a number of times. A quick search netted this post:
That doesn't answer the question of how their policy has changed. They have never addressed the issue, they ignore it. An absense of an actual response does not always indicate an answer.
It does however indicate how they view "equal"
All 3 Ships have 1 unique power (Ablative Hull, Cloak, Saucer Sep)
The C-Store Gal-X has 2 (Cloak AND Phaser Lance)
I gave you two Dev responses, one of which directly addresses the issue. Their answers are, essentially, "our policy has not changed" and "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you."
It seems like you are unwilling to accept anything other than a direct answer to you specifically because they've made it abundantly clear what their position is through conversations with other people who raised these issues long before you made this thread.
I suggest you stop wasting your time with the forums, PM's to Dev's, Marketing and GM's and do a Consumerist model and go directly to executive management with a letter and a phone call requesting a meeting to discuss your issue.
Hindol Datta, Chief Financial Officer - Link: Executive Team Page on Cryptic.com - Main Cryptic Telephone +! 408-399-1969
No, all it means is that they have changed their policy. You are making an unjustified inference. When a company makes a policy, and then a year later no longer follows that policy, they have changed their policy. Just because they talk about their new policy doesn't mean they don't think they have changed it. If they think "exclusive did not mean forever, so we will not be compensating you.", then they never should have compensated RAFers, yet they did.
I did pay extra. I HAD to Preorder and buy the game without any type of Demo or Review or anything. And I had to pay full price. Had I not preordered, I could have gotten it at a significantly reduced price AND paid a little extra for the exclusives, It wasn't free.
I would love to do that if their phone system didn't tell me they no longer have phone support and they never answered two messages I left them. Believe me, that was my first route, certainly not through the Devs or these forums.
Hey, if you don't like it, you don't have to post on this thread. Nobody is making you come read this, you don't like my idea, you can leave and go post in some other forums.
Btw, what can they ban me for? Putting forth an idea? Trying to give Cryptic away to earn more money?
Honestly, if you don't like this thread, leave! Move on from the fact that you and others have a different opinion. There is the door, nobody is making you stay in this thread. Trolling will not change anything.
Exactly what about this is "the boy who cried wolf", a story about how excessive lying leads to death?
I will leave this post because you are right about that and I do apologies for losing my temper (once again its Saturday and Im stuck at work and not playing the game I like) but by that same accord you need to stop posting in other threads about the c-store or any of its polices when that thread has nothing to do with it. I really enjoy playing this game but you seem to want nothing more to get people to stop playing. A new person comes in last week and asked how the game is and basically you tell him it mediocre at best then go in to one of your little rants about the c-store. Let people come to their own conclusion on the game and STO. You need to stop going around telling every your opinion like its facts its not its your opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinion but let them make up their own minds. if everyone started doing what you are doing then we would all be SOL on STO because no new players would come (here I am ranting on about your ranting on god I hate working on Saturday)
I am not inferring anything. They have repeatedly stated what they think their policy is. Just because you disagree that their clarification of that policy isn't a change in that policy, does not alter the fact that they do not see a conflict or a change having occurred. Why are they going to address something they do not think happened other than to repeat, again, "we have not changed our policy"?
Galaxy X was a different situation, so you really need to get over that.
The OP asked if there was anything he should know about the game. I told him my honest to god impression of the game and Cryptic's policies. He asked, I answered.
You are inferring that just because they mention their policy and have never SAID it has been changed, they automatically think it hasn't changed. That is an inference. How do you know internally, it has changed and Stormshade was pointing out the person's "misquote" because it clashed with their new policy? You are inferring they don't think it has changed, when they very well could have. Point out exactly where they have said "We have not changed our policy". You are INFERRING from their statements they are trying to say that.
Their is a slight difference between Gal-X and this, you need to get over that.