Is the C-Store a means to compensate for lifetime subscriptions at some future date? I wouldn't even begin to know how to calculate Cyrptics bottom line as far as that goes and if offering lifetime subs would negatively impact them at all at some point. Just curious is all.
Whether or not any Lifetime sub is a losing proposition for Cryptic depends at its most basic on whether or not the lifetime subscriber in question would still be subscribed and paying monthly otherwise. I think it's clear that Cryptic will 'win' that bet for most Lifetimers, assuming it hasn't already.
It gets further complicated, though, by the benefits lifetime subs can provide if the money and players are managed properly. Financially, it's an up-front cash infusion instead of borrowing on an uncertain future of subscription numbers, decreasing the debt load and the corresponding drag on resources from interest payments.
The lifetime subscribers themselves form a core group of people who, minimally, can return to check up on the game at zero cost and spread the word more if it improves. This also creates a population who are literally invested in the game's success, as the value of the LT is directly related to how long the game lasts as an actively developed title. On the other hand, bitter lifetimers who've completely written off their investment can also be among the harshest and most vocal critics when they feel the wrong choices have been made.
Whether or not any Lifetime sub is a losing proposition for Cryptic depends at its most basic on whether or not the lifetime subscriber in question would still be subscribed and paying monthly otherwise. I think it's clear that Cryptic will 'win' that bet for most Lifetimers, assuming it hasn't already.
It gets further complicated, though, by the benefits lifetime subs can provide if the money and players are managed properly. Financially, it's an up-front cash infusion instead of borrowing on an uncertain future of subscription numbers, decreasing the debt load and the corresponding drag on resources from interest payments.
The lifetime subscribers themselves form a core group of people who, minimally, can return to check up on the game at zero cost and spread the word more if it improves. This also creates a population who are literally invested in the game's success, as the value of the LT is directly related to how long the game lasts as an actively developed title. On the other hand, bitter lifetimers who've completely written off their investment can also be among the harshest and most vocal critics when they feel the wrong choices have been made.