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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    What? No they didn't.

    Yeah, they did. I can go back and find the episode where they change if you want but it'll take me a while. I want to say though they changed their uniforms to match Star Fleet current the beginning of the season after they made contact with Star Fleet. When Voyager got lost Star Fleet was wearing the DS9 generation of uniforms. By the end of Voyager both the Voyager crew and Star Fleet are wearing the new color configuration with the gray shirt underneath and color on the shoulders with a black body and pants. They changed to match what Star Fleet was wearing when they got in contact with them.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anybody else picture a bunch of CBS executives, who probably haven't played an MMORPG in their lives, making decisions they have no business making? I would never want to be in those meetings.

    Well, when they own the license it's their business to dictate whatever they want about it, and not to dictate if they choose that path instead.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Voyager had the same DS9 uniform throughout the entire run.
    The only show where there was a permanent uniform change was DS9.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    DS9 changed uniforms to reflect the movie version.

    Voyagers crew never changed from the original DS9 design.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I recall such a scene in "The Best of Both Worlds, part one", Shelby tells Data to remodulate the phasers faster than the Borg can adapt, we briefly see the phaser beams turning green and blue.


    There is a GREEN Borg tractor beam around the phaser. That is ALL.

    What happens later in the episode when they again "modulate" the frequencies? What color is it then? How does it look within the GREEN tractor beam, and how does it look OUTSIDE the beam?

    Nice try.
    (ps. why only one (inaccurate) example?)

    Talamakara wrote: »
    And again at 38 minutes and 30 seconds when data is firing a hand phaser at a distribution node. There is very little orange almost all white.

    That would technically mean that if you pushed the phasers into a high frequency range they would go white, you pushed them low they would go dark.

    There's your canon people.


    It is the exact same color!!! And BTW, I like how you reference hand phasers! :rolleyes: Nice.

    (ps. why only one (inaccurate) example?)
    By the way, in TOS, phasers were blue.
    In the TOS movies, phasers were red.

    Canon proof that phasers can be different colours than puke orange.

    And that's not even getting into how in the original TOS effects, phasers could be blue, white, red, orange AND YES, PINKISH. Though you can put that down to inconsistent/poor effects. Still, it did happen.

    HA, already addressed! (many times!)

    TOS era Fed phasers were BLUE. (hence the recent Trek homage w/ the Kelvin having blue phasers, intentionally letting the audience know we're talking old-school w/ that ship)

    And when the MOVIES start...? REDDISH phasers, like we've seen for OVER A CENTURY of in-universe Trek history.

    (ps. why only one (inaccurate) example?)

    You guys are now propagandists. Maybe liars. You were either wrong, or lying. Which is it?

    Oh, and for the record:
    1. Stop using 1 mistake to justify other mistakes; this is weak, lazy, even childish "logic." If there's another mistake, address it accordingly. How the hell does that excuse anything else?
    2. Besides, most/all the uniforms I've seen in STO have been in Trek at one time or another -- but so what if they're not -- this is about weapon color!
    3. Stop lying and/or trying to make it about something else, since you can't argue this on it's own merits, admit this is just your own selfish vendetta. Trek fans want Trek. You want you. Which should win?

    Or maybe we should all just wait 4 months til these people are gone. They'll be on to the next thing then anyhow. Leave this to the people that actually got Trek this far.

    Cryptic/Atari probably realized... Trek fans alone will make this a money-maker. They don't gotta feed the lowest-common denominator.

    Stop lying.


    ps. do either of you two even play the game?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArykGrev wrote: »

    There is a GREEN Borg tractor beam around the phaser. That is ALL.

    What happens later in the episode when they again "modulate" the frequencies? What color is it then? How does it look within the GREEN tractor beam, and how does it look OUTSIDE the beam?

    Nice try.

    Earlier in that same scene the phasers are fired through the same tractor beam and the colour remains orange, only with the rapid modulation do the colours change.
    Later on that same type of on the fly rapid remoduation isn't used so your point is moot.

    TOS era Fed phasers were BLUE. (hence the recent Trek homage w/ the Kelvin having blue phasers, intentionally letting the audience know we're talking old-school w/ that ship)

    And when the MOVIES start...? REDDISH phasers, like we've seen for OVER A CENTURY of in-universe Trek history.

    Erhm.. isn't that what I said?
    You guys are now propagandists. Maybe liars. You were either wrong, or lying. Which is it?

    No idea since you evidentally can't read.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    dstahl wrote: »
    The real issue is that game mechanics rely on players being able to discern types of energy damage based on the visual fx of the attack. It greatly impacts PVP as players need to quickly identify threats based on the type of damage or attacks they are using. From a design stand point, allowing color customization is the same problem as allowing a Borg cube to change costume into a Danube Shuttlecraft but deal the same amount of damage.

    The second issue is, during numerous CBS approvals, we've reviewed details down to the types of labels on turbolift doors. I don't think purple or pink phasers are going to fly with them when we've been asked to update things far less noticeable than that.

    It was a fun bug, but I really don't see this coming back. Sorry.
    Thanks for the post, then it really is a dead issue. I would have liked color coding by player groups in PvE and teams in Fleet Actions. oh, well, it would have been useful.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Where do you have the data to suggest this idea is entirely unacceptable?

    You want something that the developers have decided against.

    You said:
    Of the people here, like me, who want it. I think the kind of thing I and others have suggested is perfectly reasonable and desired by enough players.

    Emphasis is my own.

    You are making the claim that there are enough players who want this change to warrant it. You have made a positive assertion. It falls on you to prove this point. Nowhere did I say that this is not what the majority wants. In fact, the only positive assertion I've made is the one I can back up. Do you remember what it was? In case you forgot, I stated that the developers do not want this feature. I can prove this by citing Cryptic reps.

    You, as I've just quoted, believe that changing this policy is "desired by enough players." Prove it. It does not fall on me to prove or support the current party line. It does, however, fall on you to prove your point.

    edit to add:

    And I'm still wondering what constitutes "enough players" and how you believe you've hit that point. You read the post in which I asked, now either answer the question or admit that you have no idea and were making baseless statements.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Earlier in that same scene the phasers are fired through the same tractor beam and the colour remains orange, only with the rapid modulation do the colours change.
    Later on that same type of on the fly rapid remoduation isn't used so your point is moot.

    Yes it is; at Earth, they say to 'remodulate the phasers.' Same visual effect; green in tractor beam, reddish outside tractor beam.

    What - color - is - the - phaser - outside - the - tractor - beam?

    Answer: it's orangish/red.

    Like always.

    Erhm.. isn't that what I said?

    You seem to imply that just cause a certain era of Trek Fed history had ships that used blue phasers, that ALL Trek Fed should be able to use ALL colored phasers.

    No idea since you evidentally can't read.

    You're nailed. Finally, you and that other dude tried to pretend there was canon backing to this b.s. Finally. And you got nailed. You're WRONG. (I'll put up screen-grabs if you both agree to drop this unTruthful nonsense and never post on this issue ever again on this forum!) :D

    I've got the the damned DVDs. The phaser color OUTSIDE the tractor beam does not change color.
    Data's hand phaser is the same color as it is in countless other episodes.
    And why only ONE reference?
    And do you guys even play the game?!? Seriously? Do you even play???

    ps. I don't care if you get your change, so long as only you see it!

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't believe people still care enough about this for this post to be over 400 posts long and still on the front page. Especially after a Dev replied and said "No."
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ArykGrev wrote: »
    Yes it is; at Earth, they say to 'remodulate the phasers.' Same visual effect; green in tractor beam, reddish outside tractor beam.

    What - color - is - the - phaser - outside - the - tractor - beam?

    Answer: it's orangish/red.

    Like always.

    Not in the same rapid, on the fly manner as before.

    [quote[You seem to imply that just cause a certain era of Trek Fed history had ships that used blue phasers, that ALL Trek Fed should be able to use ALL colored phasers.

    I provided proof that phasers do not have to be and have not been a set colour.

    You're nailed. Finally, you and that other dude tried to pretend there was canon backing to this b.s. Finally. And you got nailed. You're WRONG. (I'll put up screen-grabs if you both agree to drop this unTruthful nonsense and never post on this issue ever again on this forum!) :D

    Are you that paranoid?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    LOL To be honest this isn't freaking out, not even close. My credibility goes with my point not my verbal conjecture.

    Second the game involves a great deal of customization, that should relate back the the modification of your ship as well. And brutally honest I don't care a bit about intellectual property.

    It certainly is freaking out. You can't have credibility or expect to be respected when you come across as abrasive and angry. It sounds like you might be better off in a different game - seriously, you don't care about the atmosphere/intellectual prop. of star trek...well then why even play? Where do you draw the line? This isn't star wars, where there is no order or rhyme or reason to anything...Trek exists in a somewhat contained world with some 'rules' about how things are.

    I agree that there is a gross imbalance between being able to customize ridiculously minute details and then not having reasonable control over other would be options.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I provided proof that phasers do not have to be and have not been a set colour.

    No, you reminded us that old-school Trek had blue phasers.

    Every other time, before and after, they had red/orange. (ie, red/orange is the norm)

    How do you get "personal customization" out of that?

    Are you that paranoid?

    No, just tired of you guys not owning what this is really about. Your personal wants and desires, and nothing more. (actually, I've had the thought tonight that this is a joke or social experiment or something by you guys, and you literally have no personal care about this whatsoever, and the whole thing is a game of sorts and you're intentionally messing with us Trek nerds and recording the results

    Either way, I'm hitting the sack. I've asked several times if you guys actually play the game. ... ;) ?

    I'm "Sarnak" piloting the USS Musashi in-game if you'll want some target practice! :D

    And will be there most of tomorrow!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    dstahl wrote: »
    The real issue is that game mechanics rely on players being able to discern types of energy damage based on the visual fx of the attack. It greatly impacts PVP as players need to quickly identify threats based on the type of damage or attacks they are using. From a design stand point, allowing color customization is the same problem as allowing a Borg cube to change costume into a Danube Shuttlecraft but deal the same amount of damage.

    The second issue is, during numerous CBS approvals, we've reviewed details down to the types of labels on turbolift doors. I don't think purple or pink phasers are going to fly with them when we've been asked to update things far less noticeable than that.

    It was a fun bug, but I really don't see this coming back. Sorry.

    Thank you for a reply about this and actually putting to rest some of the question. Though, granted, not what I'd have liked to hear... at least keep it in mind and pass along that there are people that would like the ability to do this. Even if only viewable client side (if that's the only way it will be there though I've stated many reasons it is more useful to just have the option to see all default colors be client side). Argue that they've made other compromises on "canon" to provide custom options for players and game enjoyment and that custom colors would just further add to some peoples enjoyment of the game.
    Thanks again.
    PS Have to add, pvp wouldn't be an issue if (what I've been asking for all along) the option to see only default colors were in game. In fact none of the complaints would be an issue as they wouldn't even know it was there ; )
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this thread..is...HILARIOUS.

    argue all you losers want (by losers I mean loser by them not bringing it back)

    it was a bug.

    it wasn't intentional.

    don't believe the reason they give? tough...it's still not gonna change.

    keep up these threads after being told no and eventually they're simply gonna be locked on creation with possible bans handed out....

    afterall at this point..this is becoming spam.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nor should it. Not because of the "CBS" excuse, though. If that were true, then we wouldnt be able to customize our uniforms the way we do. The real reason it shouldnt come back is because for every person saying bring it back, there are 5 saying dont. Even if the forums only reflect a minority of the playerbase, that still shows there are more people that dont want it than do.

    going by your logic most of the players Are Klingons...and somehow I don't think so.

    However I agree CBS is the big hurdle in custom powers, personally I would love to upgrade my weapons to achieve colors. ...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    See, the funny thing about pink phasers is that they're one of the few colors tha is canon (see WoK). So people's canon and/or doesn't-fit-in arguments kind of fall apart there, since pink is the main gripe and all. :rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    sintar07 wrote: »
    See, the funny thing about pink phasers is that they're one of the few colors tha is canon (see WoK). So people's canon and/or doesn't-fit-in arguments kind of fall apart there, since pink is the main gripe and all. :rolleyes:

    TMP era phasers were red, not pink. I can imagine the aging of the film could make them seem that way, though!

    I also find it funny that the thought that a massive corporation like CBS being arbitrary and capricious hasn't even popped into the phaser rave people's heads. Its entirely possible that CBS OK'd the uniforms, but didn't OK the phasers. There is no set logic they have to follow, nor rhyme nor reason. They can be as arbitrary as they want. Someone apparently didn't mind the uniform circus, but did mind the phaser rave.

    Logical? No. But they don't have to be, they own the IP.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tain wrote: »
    Logical? No. But they don't have to be, they own the IP.

    Ironic, given the IP. But 100% true.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Tain wrote: »
    Logical? No. But they don't have to be, they own the IP.

    I don't believe they'd actually really care. I don't believe they were actually involved in any of it when it comes to the game play, and if they didn't care about unifors whats the real chance they gave a damn about the phasers?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I don't believe they'd actually really care. I don't believe they were actually involved in any of it when it comes to the game play, and if they didn't care about unifors whats the real chance they gave a damn about the phasers?

    You've been told, directly by a Dev, perhaps its time to let this thread die gracefully?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Originally Posted by dstahl View Post
    The real issue is that game mechanics rely on players being able to discern types of energy damage based on the visual fx of the attack. It greatly impacts PVP as players need to quickly identify threats based on the type of damage or attacks they are using. From a design stand point, allowing color customization is the same problem as allowing a Borg cube to change costume into a Danube Shuttlecraft but deal the same amount of damage.

    The second issue is, during numerous CBS approvals, we've reviewed details down to the types of labels on turbolift doors. I don't think purple or pink phasers are going to fly with them when we've been asked to update things far less noticeable than that.

    It was a fun bug, but I really don't see this coming back. Sorry.

    I honestly don't believe it, because i don't think it's more than a canned answer. Like i said i was able to trace out a phone number for cryptic so i'll be contacting them soon.
    Thanks for the post, then it really is a dead issue. I would have liked color coding by player groups in PvE and teams in Fleet Actions. oh, well, it would have been useful.

    Yes it would have been.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We Won We Won!!! No TRIBBLE TRIBBLE Pink Phasers Horaaay!!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    We Won We Won!!! No TRIBBLE TRIBBLE Pink Phasers Horaaay!!!!

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »

    Definitly :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RedSunBird wrote: »
    I can't believe people still care enough about this for this post to be over 400 posts long and still on the front page. Especially after a Dev replied and said "No."

    Welcome to entitlement generation....
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