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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Don't know if it would classify as a short or mid term, but the ability to set the uniforms for our general crew. Both crew general appearance, plus colors per division.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thylbanus wrote:
    There are on K-7, 39- Sierra, Memory Alpha, and DS9

    Also anyone out there know if there is a way to turn off getting mail every time you sell something on the Exchange?

    Mark it as spam?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mark it as spam?

    Nice. Could work.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short-term requests

    1. I'm sure others have said this but expandable banking much like the fleet bank, but for solo players who need/want the extra storage space or those that don't want to have to deal with being locked out of withdrawing limits and such.

    2. The TR-116 as either a c-store item or as a Memory Alpha item.

    3. expand the Alien option in the character creator to include the full gambit of options, including but not limited to borg implants, all race traits, and features (tails, lobes, ext ext ext)

    Mid-term requests

    1. Reconnaissance Missions: simply put, get in, collect data and get out with out being seen. avoiding combat at all costs as it would sound alarms and make it just that much harder for you to finish the mission.
    as of right now, most base ground events have a huge load of NPC's sitting on the objective's vital points and makes for a vary staged feeling. more roving hostile NPC's and stealth needed to finish the mission the better.

    2. Research Missions: as the above would be more tactical in nature, the Research Missions would be more geared to Science, still with a matter stealth to them. this would be kind of a prelude to first contact missions. as we've seen in the expiration missions where you have to go planet side and deactivate a bunch of devices with out the local pre-warp inhabitants knowing, you'd met up with a pre-built base and learn about a culture by a cloaking kit that you'd get to keep after completing the full mission. lets say Cloaking Kit which gives a stealth buff for say fifteen mins. you need to complete the objective with in that time or get out of sight and recharge your kit.

    3. Borg sphere Ship Holo Emitter. as with any other of the already out other-faction ship holo emitters that you can get from playing Dabo, it would be cool to have a device out that would let us make our ships look as if they were a borg sphere or cube.

    Not to be confused with the Borg sphere
    (aka Borg long-range tactical vessel) Affiliation: Borg Collective
    Type: Long-range tactical vessel, auxiliary craft
    Active: 24th century
    Diameter: up to 600 m
    Crew complement: up to 11,000
    Speed: Transwarp capable, time travel capable
    Armament: Tractor beams, plasma beams, phaser weaponry, torpedoes.
    Defenses: High-power subspace field, auto-regenerative hull, ablative hull armor

    that would be a must have if ever the BORG are open up as a playable faction.

    Long-term requests

    1. I've reversed the polarity of the Neutron flow: More Mirror Universe story lines and missions.

    1.1. Mirror Universe Loot. a different engine system that when equipped to your ship turns your warp nacelle

    2. *this one goes back to the banking issue* the exchange needs a little clean up. as of right now I'm seeing huge amounts of even the lowest level common items on the exchange at mind blowing prices. I'd say lets fix this and make the economy a better place for us all. if you sell something on the exchange the system should take a 2% fee from the sale. and only be able to post items on the exchange for a matter of fourteen days. two weeks a fair enough about of time. if your item dose not sell in that time, it goes back into your inventory or if you have no room there or in your bank, then it will be mailed to you. and as for items you buy off the exchange should come to you in the form of a mail attachment.

    3. Delta Quadrant - would make for a fun and exciting expansion pack. Trans-warp to Caretaker’s Array Outpost. a Trans-warp station built in orbit of the Talaxian colony where we last saw Neelix and commanded by his and Dexa's grown son who is applying to Starfleet thanks to the Trans-warp corridor making it simpler to get back and forth between Alpha and Delta Quadrants. Giving Starfleet a foothold. *if such a storyline would be excepted by canon nuts*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term

    1) continue to fix major bugs and glitches.....and work on improving visibility of GMs and in game customer service

    2) continue with story lines and chapters (ie Deferi type stuff) but expand them out more and branch them out to include more Star Trek type stories/encounters

    3) finish off story lines that were used to get people leveled ( personally i feel like a lot of them just went on and then all of the sudden ended and that was it....left me hanging kinda feeling)

    Mid Term

    1) more klingon content

    2) develope better PVP system...would love to see sectors change sides through in game battles of players

    3) more ships/ more in game species to encounter and fight....where are the ferengi?( this goes to previous point of more development of stories with reman/romulan factions....whats going to happen with the remainders of the alpha quadrant dominion...the true way issues...the borg.....)

    Long Term
    1) more playable factions....its been a month or two(?) since that poll was taken and if memory serves me correctly Romulans were #1 in the final tallies??

    2) would love to see a federation Vice Admiral lvl ship that allows for more then one commander BO slot...If i remember correctly by the end of Star Trek TNG......all the bridge officers were LT commanders or commanders...with a few Lts...

    3) continue to fix bugs and improve customer service and GM in game visibility....its not a good thing when the GMs are referred to by most of the players as a "MYTH"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    2. *this one goes back to the banking issue* the exchange needs a little clean up. as of right now I'm seeing huge amounts of even the lowest level common items on the exchange at mind blowing prices. I'd say lets fix this and make the economy a better place for us all. if you sell something on the exchange the system should take a 2% fee from the sale. and only be able to post items on the exchange for a matter of fourteen days. two weeks a fair enough about of time. if your item dose not sell in that time, it goes back into your inventory or if you have no room there or in your bank, then it will be mailed to you. and as for items you buy off the exchange should come to you in the form of a mail attachment.

    I'm with you on this, but I think you are being too generous. I was just on and noticed that a 6,000 ec item was on the exchange for 25 million. I might suggest scaled posting. For example have the choice to place on the exchange for one, three, or five days, one or two weeks, with scaled costs at 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 25% respectively. If it takes 2 weeks to sell, then it's not wanted. I agree with it being mailed back. Sometimes I forget what I've posted for and a notice saying, "[X] item did not sell for [Y] ec" would be nice. Also an option to sell for more than just ec, latinum would be obvious, not sure about merit though.
    Since we are on the subject, also scaling the amount of things we can post would be nice. Start at 10 items to start and go up 5 every rank, possibly 10 (I think that might be a bit much, but I'm sure there are those out there that would want to be able to post 60 items at VA.)
    Filter options would be great as well. I would like to be able to narrow down certain items, at least for specials, like [Reg] or [Turn] buttons for Uncommon and above. Perhaps a double click, for example: the button would be gray or black normally, but you click on it, it turns blue, and it includes all instances where that occurs. Click again and it turns red and pulls up only those items with that specific item occurs. So that way I can chose to pull up, say all Engines with [Turn] and [Spd]. That way I get all Engines with Turn and, if there are any, those with Speed as well. I hope I'm being clear. That way we don't have to make a complete search engine in game as well, it will just function on certain parameters.
    When selling an item, it would be nice, when you start to post it, to show what the price history has been. I don't mind the hunting around, but for others it probably would be convenient. Plus if you institute the above suggestion about charging, it would serve as a guide for the less than familiar. That way you can help reduce the complainers that didn't know that posting it for a million credits would cost them so much and they didn't sell it. I say reduce and not eliminate, as they will still complain, you just get to hit them over the head with, "Didn't you read the price history?"
    I've read a few posts about being able to access the exchange from your ship. If that is done, I might suggest as a reward for achieving a certain rank, Commander or Captain, for example. Also I might suggest that you still have to go pick it up at an established base. That way we eliminate the possible cheats that could occur. Like buying a Phaser resistant shield when you are in the midst of a fight against an opponent with phasers.

    And for the math people the scale is intended to make 3 days the optimal cost ratio and to dissuade 1 and 2 week posts.

    Finally, thank you all on the support staff. I'm not a code monkey myself, but I have several friends who are and I know some of what you go through and I appreciate all that you have done. I am patient, to a point, and I know that you can't fix everything at once. Thank you for what you have, good luck on what you haven't, and just remember to look upon complaints as a gift. Many would just cancel their account and leave rather than say anything. And remember to look at things inversely as well. For each person who does not complain and continues to play, is an unsaid "Thank you. Good Job."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    3. expand the Alien option in the character creator to include the full gambit of options, including but not limited to borg implants, all race traits, and features (tails, lobes, ext ext ext)

    Borg stuff only for Lifers, though, cause most of us spent that $300 just for those Borg implants.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I noticed that when the dialogue box comes up say when ops speaks to you or the star base says your clear to leave, the picture in the side box quickly flashes through different characters before it gets to the person speaking. Not a major thing at all but it is a little bit annoying.

    On some off the missions where half the mission is in one system then you warp to another system I have noticed you have picked up the anomalies in one system even when you scan it will still say there are 2 or 3 anomies (these belonging to the next system) and the blue line points into space.


    Fix scaling so the inside of the ships/star bases are more accurate (some doors and turbo lifts are like 4 people high!)

    An invasion mission where a whole heap of borg / klingon / Romulans start attacking or even successfully take over a star base an you possible have to take it back.

    The ability to trade would be good. So some stuff is cheaper on some star bases than at others. Or the ability to buy say equipment or foods specific at one system and sell to another to make Energy,

    Ability to beam down to star base headquarters on earth! Get some missions there.

    Improve the movement in space so it seems more realistic, as well as tweaking the distances and perspectives.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short term- there should be more content when getting a new ship. In all the series the captain went by shuttle craft to space dock to join his new ship. A shuttle bay should be added to Earth Space Dock and when you enter it goes to a cut scene showing your new ship waiting for you. Nothing fancy just a flyby would do.

    There should be ground missions where you would have to pilot a shuttle craft to get to the planet surface, Some planets in the series were not accessible by transport. Have the ability to dodge gas clouds or phaser fire.

    Rescue away teams that are apart of your crew.

    Mid term- Have more than one mission to a planet during the course of a career. Why is it when you are finished with the missions in Sirius sector as a LT. that is all you get.

    Have a mission that brings you to those planets that currently have none, i.s. Risa, Bajor, Vulcan (beyond the diplomacy).

    Long term- Romulan playable faction- introduce it as the Klingon was supposed to be when the game was rolled out

    Season 3? - Time travel to the 20th or 21st century?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    A couple things occured to me that may qualify as short mid and long term ideas.

    Planets - Planets seem empty in view that you never see any kind of life other than plants or enemy NPCs, maybe add some critters running around here and there once in a while to bring a world to life.

    Ship Lounge, pot on the stove and no one cooking? Tru, there are NPCs walking around, but ya got soup burning on the stove and no one (npcs) actually setting at the poker tables/counters, the NPCs walk in, see the stove on fire and leave, least they could put the fire out (LOL). Maybe as Captain i could go to my ship lounge and buy a drink, or lunch. It shouldt be a replacement for the vendors in the common areas, but maybe a limited menu of some kind? (add edit - or visitors to the ship to get rare items that are earned in the game??)

    Long term - The one thing that is most notibly missing on the starship is the Holodeck, not really sure how this might work, but it seems that a functiong holodeck might be interesting, (simulated battles,,,,interactive pacman??) just a thought any way.

    **just thought of one more thing - Ship board invasion, or to put it another way, your happily heading back to SOL sector, sipping a min juliep in the lounge and suddenly red alert is sounded, your ship as just been boarderd by (insert bad guy here) and now your crew has to repel the boarders. Similar to being suced into a deep space encounter. This could be a totally random event of course, but it might spice things up. OK, i know you only wanted three items, but i couldnt resist adding this one to my post.

    Anyway, thats my thoughts
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Borg stuff only for Lifers, though, cause most of us spent that $300 just for those Borg implants.

    I spent it because I thought in a world where World of Warcraft and the like has been running rampant for years, they can't possibly bring out a rubbish Star Trek Online game engine, can they? Oh wait, they didn't even brother bringing ONE out, it's just recycled from superheroes online or whatever.

    Note to self: Make sure real Star Trek creative staff are on board a project before you go diving in unawares. :eek:

    Bye all, live long and prosper. I'm gonna disappear into Splinter Cell 4 and 5 for a while. I'll be back to see if ST:O can dig itself out of the quagmire in 6 months or so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    When I bought new playable race in C-Store it should unlock new customization options of Alien characters. Example: If I bought a Caitian, I should be able to make an Alien with a tail.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    * I would like the web sight to give us the options to send development teams thank you cards for content we love. would help build the community effect a little i think. and there is some nice stuff in the game i want to express my thanks for.
    *More space for longer Bio, and a button to look over public type captains logs for those that wish to.
    *few more ship paint and texture options
    *Emotes more more more
    *Emotion Emotes Happy sad ext..
    *Balance out Carer's
    *Alternate ending options for the Weekly missions. i want a more personal story line.
    * Talent respec options
    * Fleet strongholds or Fleet created star bases.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    someone wanted more carer choices. there is always the command track where you could buff your BOs skills with your kit or other players with you. Expand a AE effect or increase team damage or healing from your kit in pvp. At higher levels this choice might be able to have an BO on hand at all times even teamed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    To be able to right click something I want to sell in my inventory to copy the name of it, and be able to paste it in the Exchange search bar to check what the item is selling for. Be a lot easier than typing everything out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    starfrox wrote:
    Planets - Planets seem empty in view that you never see any kind of life other than plants or enemy NPCs, maybe add some critters running around here and there once in a while to bring a world to life.

    This is from the Engineering Reports. Check these out for updates as to what the dev team is working on and where it is in development.
    maximus92 wrote: »
    To be able to right click something I want to sell in my inventory to copy the name of it, and be able to paste it in the Exchange search bar to check what the item is selling for. Be a lot easier than typing everything out.

    Just drag the item you have to the entry area on the buy tab and the whole name will appear and just hit search.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thylbanus wrote:
    Just drag the item you have to the entry area on the buy tab and the whole name will appear and just hit search.

    Tried it and it doesn't work.

    Just tried it again and still doesn't work.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    maximus92 wrote: »
    To be able to right click something I want to sell in my inventory to copy the name of it, and be able to paste it in the Exchange search bar to check what the item is selling for. Be a lot easier than typing everything out.

    You can drag the item to the left to sell instead of typing the name of the item. No need to type when you can drag the item over. Only part you need to type is the amount you want for the item. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    maximus92 wrote: »
    Tried it and it doesn't work.

    Just tried it again and still doesn't work.

    It took a second for me. The cursor doesn't need to line up, the top of the item does. Just move it around until the entry box lights up a light blue and then let go. It may take a few tries to get it right.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    My thoughts on the game, is that I have 4 federation characters, one Klingon...and I am bored of STO.

    I am very glad for all the effort the STO developers have put into the game, and I am really stoked about these new weekly missions they are putting out. However, even with the weekly episodes I"m really bored. I look forward to all the new updates coming down the pipe line, but for now is still seems very much like an arcade game, shoot everything in site.

    What I would really like to see is the following:

    Short-term Goals:
    Ability to aim in combat - as well as to magnify with weapons. Certain shoots on various areas would create different results for the other player. For example, a head shot would take out health quickly, or maybe even have the player loss sight of the screen for 1 second. Shooting a limb might make running more difficult. Those sort of things.

    Ability to dialogue - Simply having 3-4 choices on what to say, which can alter the scenario, rather then the current say the one chosen statement,...or leave, having to then postpone the statement to a latter date.

    Bring on another Faction - Yes I agree that the Klingon faction lacks content compared the the Federation. Yes, I would like to seem more content. But, I have heard rumours that it will take up toward a year and half to get the Klingon side up to standard with the federation. Even looking at where we are, over half a year later since launch.
    Personally, I would suggest brining on other factions so that they simply exist as a PvP faction. Yes, each faction would be lame, federation excluded...but at least each faction could be played, and those who are hard-core fans of a certain race could take the time to upgrade to in pvp to admiral ranking, while the rest of us play occasionally. I guess the point is, there are several people I have talked to who want a certain race to have their character in for RP (Role Play) purposes, and have either not gotten an STO subscription because of this, or will be quitting until one comes out.

    Further, I would suggest that each race being brought into existence only start with two uniform option to keep design developers schedules free to keep the factions coming. One classic as seen in the Star Trek Series, and one new uniform for 2409. As for ships, same thing. One classic science, cruiser or escort which gets bigger and stronger every rank up. As time goes on, more ships and costumes can be added, but that would get most fans through.

    The list is endless, but here is a quick list...

    Full ship interior - customizable interior following federation generic standards, totally customizable captain quarters. All control panels and stations are able to be activated when your player stands in front of them. Ship has shuttle bay, that caries shuttle craft that can be flown from ship.

    Shuttles - hailing option. You are first able to leave your ship in a system or sector of space, fly away and come back to the ship where you left it. You can also hail your ship, and ask them to come to you.

    More ships, races, weapons, clothes, etc, etc for each faction.

    DIALOGUE - make this into a choose your own adventure game, in which the way you play has an affect on abilities, relationships, skills on the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Here are a few things I'd like to see in the future (grouped into the categories of short-term, mid-term, and long-term):


    More Melee Weapons and Abilities:
    We need more diversity in this particular area of the game. I'd suggest adding at least two additional weapons for each faction. Feds would gain the folding Katana from the latest movie and a simple survival knife, while the Klingons would gain a Mek'leth and a D'k'tagh. All weapons should also have more options in the melee combat aspect--melee weapons, in particular, should have at least three or four basic attacks, an Expose Attack, and an Exploit Attack capable of one-shotting any exposed enemy. THE SOONER THIS GETS IMPLEMENTED, THE BETTER!!!!!

    T2, T3, and T4 Klingon Carriers: Carriers should not be an endgame ship for the Klingons. They need to be available at lower tiers. T2s could be called Light Carriers, T3s would be Medium Carriers, T4s would be Heavy Carriers, and the existing T5 (Vo'quv) Carriers would be called Super Carriers. Light Carriers would have a single limited hangar slot, capable of housing Toq'Duj fighters, and 5 weapon slots (3 fore, 2 aft). Medium Carriers would have a single hangar slot, but be able to hold larger ships than a Light Carrier (such as a Bird of Prey). They'd also have 3 fore and 3 aft weapon slots. Heavy Carriers would have two hangar slots, each capable of holding the same stuff as a Medium Carrier's Hangar, and they'd have 4 fore and 3 aft weapon slots. The Vo'quv Super Carrier will need to be overhauled from its current stats, getting four hangar slots capable of holding anything that can fit in them, as well as four fore and four aft weapon slots. This should be implemented pretty soon, but isn't as important as the melee combat issue.


    New Klingon Ship Skins:
    T2-T4 Klingon Ships need more customization options. Even if it's just one additional configuration, the ability to alter the external appearance of Klingon Ships is a must. However, the devs can take their time on this.


    New Player Factions:
    getting at least one more player faction would be a big boon for the game. This would allow people a completely different playstyle if they wanted it. Any new faction should be able to play to its canon strengths--for example, the Romulans would be heavily stealth-oriented, with each of their ships having fewer weapons than their Fed or Klingon counterparts, but with much more powerful Cloaking Devices than the Klingons.

    And that's my list of requests. :)

    So, what do you all think? :D:cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I wanna see more ship interiors and functionality!

    * Choosing what type of room each is, ie the Bridge Selection ; Galaxy, Defiant, Intrepid Class engineering, rec deck, science labs, and sick bay.

    * Choosing hallway design, square, or angled; similar to class design with different color options

    *Shuttlebays, someone else touched on this in the forum before, similar options with respect to class design

    * Selection of station design, and locations on bridge for your officers. You pick where and what they sit or stand in. Color and design options as well.

    *Ready rooms, you may see where I am going with this, In the shows we have seen all of these. Choosing of these and the furniture in them is a must!

    *Choosing of what kind of warp core. Say I want to use an Intrepid engineering room, with a defiant warp core. And ability to choose what type of table your engineering room has.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I want to see a 4 min global cool down on RSP, more Klingon content and some better PvP maps.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So far I have been pretty impressed with how the game has progressed. There is one thing I would like to see changed though.. I think there should be more user interface options. namely I think you should be able to have more than two rows of trays available when you have your BO visible. At low ranks that is not a big issue, but once you get up in the Admiral range you start to have alot of abilities to use. I think you should be able to have more trays open or available to you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So far I have been pretty impressed with how the game has progressed. There is one thing I would like to see changed though.. I think there should be more user interface options. namely I think you should be able to have more than two rows of trays available when you have your BO visible. At low ranks that is not a big issue, but once you get up in the Admiral range you start to have alot of abilities to use. I think you should be able to have more trays open or available to you.

    30 buttons is plenty. With 12 or 13 BO powers half a dozen of your own and four batteries you still have enough room for all the transwarp buttons too. Unless you are doing something different. You might try hotkeying some other of your basic ones and just remember or write down what powers you have in your basic 1-10 and then just page up on your open tray to trays two, three and four. That would technically give you 40 buttons. Other than that, I'm not sure how to help.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    One thing I would really like to see is the ability save setting for each of our ships so that we do not have to spend a lot of time creating a new configuration and assigning a new bridge crew everytime we switch ships. The quick key button assignments and bridge crew are a pain to re-do everytime we switch ships. Personally, I like to swtich things up and use different ships at different times or even for different types of game play. But the amount of work you have to go through to reconfigure the ship makes it a lot less appealing to go about and try different ships.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Make the bridge....DO something. Like maybe on occasion piloting your ship from there. Non-combat. I'd like to see Sector Space re-worked to have you pilot from the bridge. When you enter a space combat area, then it can go back to the regular view. It would make you feel a bit more like you command a starship.....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    (Korax) = Idea: Can we create an Audio notification. For PVP to let you know the queue is up.

    (Oplu/Kalara) = Idea: Can we create a Voice Team Chat for PVP, Fleet Action and Team missions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    mmendel46 wrote: »
    Make the bridge....DO something. Like maybe on occasion piloting your ship from there. Non-combat. I'd like to see Sector Space re-worked to have you pilot from the bridge. When you enter a space combat area, then it can go back to the regular view. It would make you feel a bit more like you command a starship.....

    I'd like that sometimes, but the ability to toggle back and forth would be ideal.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Sacol wrote: »
    I want to see a 4 min global cool down on RSP, more Klingon content and some better PvP maps.

    Fine for PvP, but leave the cooldown the same in PvE maps.
This discussion has been closed.