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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short term:

    Display weapons on costume option, though you'd have to work around kit clipping issues somehow.

    Klingon Empire emblem instead of Federation emblem on screen while zoning a KDF character. And if the last character played was KDF it would be good to have a KDF login screen instead of the Federation one. The KDF players will appreciate it.

    Ability to export all game settings as a file then re-import on new characters.
    Reason why is the amount of settings which seem so clearly set for game testers as opposed to less experienced newbies is quite striking, and I have to spend ages setting them right when trying new character builds. Auto-attacking without a target? That is the bane of group tactics and makes for many bad pulls. Stopping movement during contact dialogs? That's a jarring experience, enabled by default, and I can tell you from a skilled video editor's point of view, jarring experiences are like poison to the subconscious mind - you WILL turn people away from the game with this option enabled by default. Trust me. I've spent many a late night setting up a scheme of options which I believe to be most user-friendly. Since they seem to be stored serverside I'm giving you permission to download these settings from my account and spread them to everybody. It seriously makes me wonder at your common sense levels (not you personally, Mr Hard-working dev) when looking at the weird options you've got set up as the defaults, because they ARE NOT user friendly, they DO cause bad pulls and they DO jar the subconscious mind. But hey, if that's what you were going for then don't let me stop you. I'm just trying to help here.

    EDIT: And a f******* mute button for Zachary Quinto!!! :eek:

    Mid Term:

    Extra armour slots for wrists (like cool watches that improve your stealth sight for example) and gloves & helmets (for spacesuity goodness).

    Make all Federation sector space look a bit more like the Deferi sector.. sleeker, darker.

    Places on Risa to spend latinum on tourist stuff (horgon statues, extra uniform pieces (t-shirts that read I heart Risa / I went to Risa and all I got was this lousy T-shirt), flowers, jewelry and other social-type trinkets).

    Hiring of holosuites in Quark's bar using latinum. Load up a program from a list of maps for a few bars of the gold-pressed stuff. 1 bar=10 minutes on a timer before you're zoned out or something like that.

    Long term:

    Shore leave missions in persistent planetside ground zones where you have to solve mysteries for artefacts/trophies.

    As much emphasis on deep story-telling as repeatable grinding-type missions. This includes diplomacy for all factions.

    Re-work the Federation tutorial so it starts on Earth at Starfleet Academy.

    Make Starfleet Academy a persistent ground zone/trade and mission hub.

    I could offer suggestions all day but that's enough for this post. :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    and the city burned, after the mission, it was back to how it was like nothing happened. There is no permanency anywhere in STO

    This is an inherent problem with all MMORPGs, it's not just Star Trek.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Originally Posted by Chang67 View Post
    and the city burned, after the mission, it was back to how it was like nothing happened. There is no permanency anywhere in STO
    Varlo wrote:
    This is an inherent problem with all MMORPGs, it's not just Star Trek.

    Most MMOs. Guild Wars had persistent effects. There was a mission "Fires of the North" that once the mission was complete the smoke north of the city disappeared permanently and if you went by the location the fires had been extinguished, although the monsters would respawn.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    As I'm sure that alot of suggestions and thoughts have already been mentioned, I do hope that the devs to take note and hopefully implemen tone key idea as a short term idea....

    - Allow sorting of missions in the Mission UI window... at the moment all I am aware of is that it only shows random missions that you have in your mission log... what would be cool is if you could sort them only for say, a certain level or level range... or the sector of space that you were currently in.

    As for the mid/long term ideas, 2 things:

    - I think the tutorial mission needs to be reviewed... Either coming up with a variation idea between the Borg wanting to kill everyone or something like Klingons invading or a rouge cell of Andorians who have a grudge or something like that... either way, this could be a good time to finally fit 2 birds with one stone and make the 'starter' ship, to being something like the NX class or TOS Constitution... I'm sure that it would shut alot of people up to have the NX in the game.

    - Have the ability to refit/retrofit ships yourself... eg: want more speed, add a 2nd engine (lower level of course)... want more weapons, add another weapons slot etc... the only thing with this is that there would be a hefty price to pay in order to do this... not sure how the devs would want to try and do this.

    Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth. I'll leave it to the devs to read and do what ever with it.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Long term (again)

    I still want to shoot player characters in sector space when I feel like it. (like in Morrowind)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term: Making more crafted weapons available for higher levels, currently the highest is like a level VIII weapon I think.

    Mid Term: Make the inside of the starships more personally touched. I would enjoy getting to setup my cabin and quarters to my own liking.

    Long Term: Find a way to introduce the Khazon into the storyline. I am personally a big fan of Star Trek Voyager and realize this is mostly likely a wishful thought on my part, but going toe-to-toe with a mothership would be fun.

    Really big wish: Please for the love of god and all that is holy, introduce the NX Enterprise or Daedalus as playable ships. Both hold a special place in a trekkie's heart. Daedalus, for those who do not know is a "primitive" version of the Olympic class, looking like a Kirk-era with a circle saucer section.

    Thank you for reading and taking my banter into account. Have a great day.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Thylbanus wrote:
    Originally Posted by Chang67 View Post
    and the city burned, after the mission, it was back to how it was like nothing happened. There is no permanency anywhere in STO

    Most MMOs. Guild Wars had persistent effects. There was a mission "Fires of the North" that once the mission was complete the smoke north of the city disappeared permanently and if you went by the location the fires had been extinguished, although the monsters would respawn.

    Aye, that's true, and I count Guild Wars original campaign as one of the better MMOs I've played =)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    A88mph wrote: »
    Long term (again)

    I still want to shoot player characters in sector space when I feel like it. (like in Morrowind)

    Like in Morrowind???? :confused:

    What happens if you bump an enemy player in sector space? Does it not start an encounter? I've never came across the situation myself, but I would hope that's the way it works.

    Bare in mind also that the only weapons you can fire in sector space (which is warp speed) would be torpedos since energy weapons can't travel faster than the light particles they're made of. Best you could hope for is taking pot shots with torpedos and not many of them are going to hit a ship moving at warp speed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    kyardraan wrote: »
    As I'm sure that alot of suggestions and thoughts have already been mentioned, I do hope that the devs to take note and hopefully implemen tone key idea as a short term idea....

    - Allow sorting of missions in the Mission UI window... at the moment all I am aware of is that it only shows random missions that you have in your mission log... what would be cool is if you could sort them only for say, a certain level or level range... or the sector of space that you were currently in.

    As for the mid/long term ideas, 2 things:

    - I think the tutorial mission needs to be reviewed... Either coming up with a variation idea between the Borg wanting to kill everyone or something like Klingons invading or a rouge cell of Andorians who have a grudge or something like that... either way, this could be a good time to finally fit 2 birds with one stone and make the 'starter' ship, to being something like the NX class or TOS Constitution... I'm sure that it would shut alot of people up to have the NX in the game.

    - Have the ability to refit/retrofit ships yourself... eg: want more speed, add a 2nd engine (lower level of course)... want more weapons, add another weapons slot etc... the only thing with this is that there would be a hefty price to pay in order to do this... not sure how the devs would want to try and do this.

    Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth. I'll leave it to the devs to read and do what ever with it.

    If you take the time to read this thread you'll see that the hard-working Devs are using it as one of their prime sources of inspiration and ideas.

    On mission sorting:
    You know you can set any mission as a Primary from your misson log and have it appear at the top of the mission tracker list on the UI? It's not perfect but it's something at least, to save you having to scroll all over the place.

    On NX ships:
    The NX Enterprise was an experimental ship from 50 years PRIOR to the original series. In real terms it's a hunk of junk from a by-gone age with a maximum speed of Warp 4 or 5 IIRC. On top of that you will find that the vast majority of Trek fans don't even rate Enterprise as a Star Trek series. If you don't believe me, try starting a debate about it in zone chat at Earth Space Dock. For these reasons I'm going to vote against forcing new players into an NX hull enterprise in the tutorial, but by all means have it as an optional ship somewhere in the game.

    On retro-fitting ships at massive cost to the player:
    I don't think catering to the uber-rich elite is what Star Trek is about. Have you ever played Eve? It's almost impossible to compete with players who've been subscribed for more than 6 months, creating a serious class division and making newbies prime targets for griefers with more in-game money than manners. So I have to vote no on this too. You're in a ship given to you by Starfleet. If you want to butcher a ship for fun, it should be a third party ship (speedy shuttle/runabout etc.) but certainly not Starfleet property.

    That said, I think ships warp engines should be upgradable to a maximum of warp 9.999, with starter/lower-tier warp engines being limited to slower warp speeds. If you want more speed, work harder for your faction and get a faster ship as a reward.

    I'm sorry but my humble opinion is that your mid and long-term ideas would damage rather than improve a game which is already skating on thin ice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I was giving thought at work about how to show permanent effects in the game. We already have instances, why not different instances for different players at different stages in the game. So you could, for example, have a mission where you have to save or destroy a compound and depending on success or failure the mission the compound could remain destroyed. That way when you go to that area the server just determines whether the compound is destroyed in your universe or not and sends you to the appropriate instance. Should you be grouped with someone who is not in the same situation, whoever the leader is determines which instance to go to. You could later even have a mission to rebuild said compound and go back to the original instance or even upgrade the compound and have a third instance.
    It would work on so many different situations, whole planets could be remade in this way. You could destroy DS-9 only to rebuild it again or alter whole sectors of space, simulate invasions and drastic galaxy spanning events without having to interrupt the flow of other gamers who may not have attained the appropriate level, proficiency, or even PvP preference. You could set your preference in your options menu and then all those people who have the desire to have live fire instances, where you could attack any one, any time, would be satisfied.
    People are already complaining that there are too many instances, this way they could go to some different and effective uses. Instances could be played out in many ways for a possible solution for so many preferences. Open PvP, PvE only, role players, power players, casual players, different timelines, mirror universe, etc. The possibilities are almost endless.
    Anyway, that's my stream of thought for the day. Hope the devs can use it. It would theoretically be possible. Good luck Devs.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    More positive idea's from KDF Alliance High Council sponsored by Black Legion Knights
    (A) (MOG) = Idea: Can we warp into a neutral warefare PVP example: like engaging between a Klingon player and Federation player in a enemy signal contact in territory space.

    (B) (IRONMIKE) = Idea: Can we swap battle pod from the Kar'Fi Battle Carrier to the Vo'Que Battle Carrier vice versa.

    (C) (JD ) = Requesting a lot more PVE episodes and more content in the underworld.
    (D) (Khalan) = Requesting more customizing ships option and the Neutral Zone open for PVP

    (E) (Korax) = Idea: Can we have our Fleet Emblem to become a tattoo and can we team-up for special task force mission.

    (F) (Derath) = Idea: Can we use the Deferi map mission "Out in the Cold" for PVP.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    1. More exploration bandages. for visiting points of interest ( Respects paid: for Visiting Wolf-359, ext ext ext)

    2. 29th Century Uniform pack for the C-Store.

    3. Planet Side, option to visit earth. when approaching the Sol system, have the option to go to either Earth Space Dock or Approach Earth. and be able to beam down.


    1. Ground weapon buff devices. re-modulate energy weapons for pre-alotted amount of time, better chance of bypassing enemy shields completely

    2. Make it so that we're able to log off and back in later in the same location we left from, ( geared to bridge view mostly) I'd much rather log in my ready room than say earth space dock or sector space.

    3. get rid of the fifteen min auto log out. it's a pain, once the servers are able to handle the load of everyone being on at once


    1. Star Fleet Academy training ground, with in-faction PvP capture the flag or mini-games for XP and Loot

    2. C-Store system and Plot tickets, for Fleet Bases or homesteaders looking to forge a life of they're own out side starfleet or KDF, be able to build a home and grind away crafting items and selling them on the market.

    3. Formal Uniform's Displaying awards and badges of honor.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Mid term-
    The off duty uniforms should be made available to purchased uniform slots. Including the ability to mix and match off and on duty clothing. The dress slacks look better than the standard pants and the seam can be colored.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    • Ground Movment is clunky at best, I have tried it on all manner of screen resultions and it looks like the characters moves as if he has polio. Space is smooth as silk, just wish ground move ment and response was.
    • Sticky wallk key, would be great to have a sticky walk key and run while shift. Would be great for game emersion I think.
    • A bridge view while in combat rather in then in tactical view from the outside. That option I think would be cool like in Startrek Bridge Command.
    Just my two cents.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term:

    "Infected" Complexion available for Bridge Officers of all races, for Lifers with Liberated Borg captains, so we can assimilate our crew :)
    Swimsuits as Off-Duty Choices!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short term

    1) Solving Crystaline Entity difficulty based on the reality of the game now in days.. Or making it more appealing at any level.

    2) Fixing the bugs remaining or lowering the difficulty in most of tleet actions in general i think fleet actions are over estimated.

    3) I liked the suggestion of lowering the cost of renaming and esteticall changes.

    Mid term

    Giving Dan Stahl some award for his work on STO :)

    Long term

    Better space traveling
    more pvp scenarios
    More Fleet action and more adapted in order to develop a true meaning to a player comunity.
    More feature episode stories (brilliant idea i love it)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Merphy wrote:
    • Ground Movement is clunky at best, I have tried it on all manner of screen resolutions and it looks like the characters moves as if he has polio. Space is smooth as silk, just wish ground movement and response was.
    • Sticky walk key, would be great to have a sticky walk key and run while shift. Would be great for game immersion I think.

    Clunky movement may be caused by your frame rate. I've had problems in the past that seemed like a software or communication issue that just turned out to be a frame rate issue. I've had no problems with ground based movement, but on occasions that I do I've noticed a spike for my frame rate. Go through your options and mess with your frame rate both for your game and system.
    My rig specs - i5 3.2, 4 g RAM, GeForce 9800 GT. I set my frame rate to 70. Rarely have a problem.
    And for "sticky walk key". Not sure what you mean by that. I assume you mean auto run/move forward or a walk/run toggle. Both options are in your key map to set that up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    1. more armor options. would like to see the loot system drop more npc styled loot, I find it odd that the borg or Breen just happen to holding a large stash of fed/kdf items. I think a suit of breen armor on a fed would look cool. and would lend it's self to a buff of sorts against being attacked by breen as long as you have the full armor set on. same goes for borg, Just think of the shows when an away team would pop off to sickbay and get a quick once over by the doc to look like a native group of peoples. uniforms and armor would just add to the illusion.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short-term requests

    Fix minor interface annoyances:

    1) When summoning R&D read-only screen, exchange, mail or replicator screen closes then summoned R&D screen closes and must be re-summoned.

    2) Give a seperate keypress for "story dialog" boxes and pickups (so when i'm hammering F to pickup some item in space and it just so happens its the same time a story element kicks in I don't miss the dialogs and need to go back to the communication log to figure out what just happened).

    3) Significantly improve emote interface screen to make it easier to give personality to your character. Provide ability to combine emotes (for example, have a "smile" emote which can be combines with dance sit ect). Have sime emotes set as "sticky", so for example, when you "sit down" you can "wriggle" into position without standing up and then re-sitting down (also some "interactive" emotes requiring two players "concent".. e.g "Kissing")

    4) Solution for either "smart detection of false UI interaction" or "changes to chat to minimise risk of text intended for chat response being used as UI command kjeys". Example: Your being social with the chat window, your about to say "thats cool, go for it" in response, you don't press enter key or are in the wrong context for it to initiate chat. Your typed sentence results in a miriad of UI dialogs appearing and possibly closing. Have a "feature" (toggleable by preference) to pre-scan UI input (regarding of course keys to summon menus) to see if string can be read as words. I can see the issue here is there might be a time when the sequence you WANT to activate corresponds to a word. However, I would imagine there would be a delay between each summoning which could be used as a guide.

    5) Improved search in exchange: Add the ability to use wildcards. e.g. "* torpedo* Mk X*".

    6) Search & Filter for Accolades

    7) Fix "Warp To" button so you can immidiately warp to EXACTLY the same instance and game as any friend/team-mate (cheating can be avoided by rewards always being disallowed for players entering by this option unless first objective is still to be achieved).

    8) More costume part options (off duty shoes selection for example).

    9) Adding more "recipies" to Memory Alpha (increasing from 500 pt to 1000pt max).

    10) Ability to add "extra" rank levels to Fleet.

    *) Don't have the interface "intterupt" me with a story element when i'm in the middle of scanning an anomoly! This is really irritating! Wait until i've picked up the anomolies first >.<

    Mid-term requests

    10) Extending Captains Database and similar website features:

    Fleet List,
    Fleet "Supplemental" entries,
    Item "Trophy Cabinate" (be able to "tick" items to be / viewable in Captains Database),
    Captain and BO's Stats viewable (e.g. Health, Armor etc)

    11) Vaience in weapon stats. For example, a [CrtH] [CrtD] might have between x and y varience and is "rolled" on creation (so people can have better and worse versions of same weapon).

    12) More "sundry" StarTrek content (along the lines of the Dabo initiative). Examples include: Sports seen to be played by Jean Luc Pickard in the TNG episodes

    13) Holodeck onboard ships. Holodeck allows PVP and "buyable" content using GPL..Examples include: Murder Mystery Episode (featuring Data as Sherlock Holmes). Also, Holodeck wearable atire available in costume shop.

    14) More control over character movement. Subitlties of movement, such as being able to "create" gestures.

    Long-term requests

    More branching missions, more "secrets" within missions (hidden areas, sub-missions, actions not listed on mission objectives).

    Storylines merging, bigger story arcs, EvA space battles (e.g. Ground combat in space).

    Seam reduction and elimination. Reaching point where maps feel "unlimited" (e.g. currently you see something interesting on horrizon and head for it only to be "disapointed" when you hit the edge of the map. Prehaps another way to put this is whole planets randomly generated to extent that one could go on forever (or until lapping the planet) or having borders as natural obsticles (Vulcan was done very well in this repect)

    Gadgets which can be used around Sol etc. Example, rocket boots, removable helmet etc.

    Player named planets. When the B'Tran cluster is explorer. As player explores a planet, afterwards player gets to name that planet and it appears on the map permenantly there after visitable by other player. In this way players explore the galaxy and expand the know universe (leading to genuine deep space exploration missions).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term

    Open world / Zone PVP

    Mid Term

    Open World / Zone PvP

    Long Term

    Open World / Zone PvP

    Some should have capturable territories and objectives.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    1)Short term: More ground combat please.It would be nice to for those of us who prefer pve ground combat to have a place to go and do it.

    3)Long Term-More classes and skills.Or perhaps another faction.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short: General bug fixing. The game's been getting a lot better with this but I'm still noticing stuff like ships being named the wrong class in Klingon PvE missions and my personal least favorite thing in game, the bugs in the Hunting the Hunted episode that keep your bridge officers from following you through the transporters and make the mission nearly impossible to complete. A little bit of polish will make things much better, especially for the Klingon side.

    Medium: I rarely play my Klingon toon but let's go ahead and give them some more content. The decision to flesh out the KDF with PvE content is recent and some of the Klingon players have been a little less than reasonable in the way they've been clamoring for attention, but the fact is, if the KDF is going to be a full faction, it needs some work. Right now it's unpolished and a bit empty. Bug fixes, typo corrections, more customization options and a few more ships and well written missions would go a long way toward keeping the existing KDF players content and would make it worthwhile for the curious to try a KDF character.

    Long: Just more! This game has the potential to expand off into the Universe in so many ways. Customization options like assigning specific positions to bridge officers, such as First Officer and Chief Engineer, maybe even the ability to assign officers to specific stations on the bridge, I could even see in the long run something like customizable bridges where you start with a basic template and can then choose your own bridge stations & chairs. I'd like to see the uniform template idea that's been discussed so unnamed NPC crew members wear your own uniforms. I expect to see more well written episodes in the vein of the new weeklies and some of the Cardassian space missions that stand out to me as some of the better written ones. Star Trek has so many possibilities beyond just combat and I feel like there is an effort being made to make things more thought-provoking and interesting and would love to see where this goes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short term -
    Make the Mirror Universe skins available for ships. I like purple and the purple warp nacelles rather than blue would be nice. Darker hulls and Imperial Seal rather than the UFP or Fleet symbol would be nice too.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term:

    I would like the BO helm and OPS seating bug on intrepid bridge fixed.

    Medium Term:

    More polish on ship models.

    Material selection for uniforms. (I.E. Leather, Cloth, ect...)

    Full selection of colors for special uniforms. (Let us remove the gold from the veteran's uniform and added customization options for diplomatic uniforms.)

    Long Term:

    Lots more diplomatic oppourtunities.

    Hand weapons need something done with. (I.E. make hand phasers more useful)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    What's the use of being a Vice Admiral when the emblems price to get any gear is so high?

    1) Please lower the price we pay for emblems to get some VA gear from stardock

    2) Create more missions for VA since it feels there's not much to do afterwards

    3) Create more ways to get XI gear for a VA. Can't get these dropped off as loot for VA as it was for corresponding lower levels.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Have the Canon lawyers forbid the Neural Parasites from the "Conspiracy" story line from being expanded on? I know that they never expanded on it due to the massive negative feedback from Trek fans, so is this in effect for STO? It would be a nice story arc for an invasion. Could be fun.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    - Focus more on the Klingons and less on the Federation

    The Federation already has enough stuff to play with right now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Short Term,

    Getting rid of some of the sillier spelling mistakes, and graphical mistakes.. (for example when my toon beams back to the ship, the part of her collar where the rank insignia turns black for no reason, it's also noticeable on the NPC's at the same time).

    Medium Term,

    Being able to see what the 'episodes' (read quests), will award you from the episode list. Nothing worse than getting a quest for a nice piece of tech, and then mis-remembering which quest it was that'll award it, because the write-ups in the Episode List don't show the rewards for that episode, likewise for quests that award Diplomacy XP..

    Long Term,

    Adding more traders that sell tech for energy credits (I don't mind if it's in the Captain's Table)... I was miffed that you can't buy anything over Mk2 with energy credits.

    Secondary, More NON-C Store female uniform/clothing options would be nice.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Release the art department from their cages in the Cryptic basement and let them run wild.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Long Term,

    Adding more traders that sell tech for energy credits (I don't mind if it's in the Captain's Table)... I was miffed that you can't buy anything over Mk2 with energy credits.

    There are on K-7, 39- Sierra, Memory Alpha, and DS9

    Also anyone out there know if there is a way to turn off getting mail every time you sell something on the Exchange?
This discussion has been closed.